#as a kid i had really debilitating asthma and eczema so i was always in and out of the hospital
stil-lindigo · 2 years
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tiger mum.
wrote a poem for my mum for the last day of the lunar new year. 2022 was her year since she was born in the year of the tiger :)
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professorpalmarosa · 7 years
Silent But Deadly (Shriek - Batman Beyond)
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NOTE: Since no colorant was used on this bath bomb (the slightly blue hue comes from the Blue Tansy Essential Oil), it ended up being more fragile than the others and fell apart. Aside from sample sizes, this bomb is currently unavailable.
It also only occurred to me later that I could have used an olive oil carrier and mixed it with garlic, oregano, and thyme essential oils to make a bath bomb that smells like pizza...but who the hell would actually bathe in that?
Yes, I know the connotation for this is a fart, but the bath bomb couldn’t possibly smell any further from the truth!
That said, poor Walter Shreeve was the butt of so many jokes in Terry McGinnis’s rogues gallery and got off to a rough start from his first episode onward. Here’s what we know about him:
He was a very talented, very creative sound engineer with a bright future once.
His ideas seemed so interesting and helpful that he was able to start his own company (Shreeve Sound). This probably means he took out a business loan.
Shreeve Sound was great at designing things, but not so great at selling them. In the end, the company folded and was bought out by Wayne-Powers.
All this, of course, led up to the events of his first episode. In the end, his equipment is used for evil rather than good, his first altercation with Batman results in the loss of his most beloved sense (sound), and he dives deeper into his anger and depression from that point onward.
Walter’s one of my favorite Batman Beyond rogues, since you can watch his descent into villainy bit by bit. With each presence, he gets a little bit worse...but he isn’t as bad of a person as the others.
He treats his assistant Ollie very well and never appears to abandon him. And Ollie apparently thinks highly enough of Walter that he comes back to stick around with him in Where’s Terry.
In prison, Walter continues to invent things that could be used not only for himself, but other people suffering from debilitating hearing disorders. There’s still a large part of him that wants to give back with his talents, not just use them for personal gain.
In a tie-in children’s book, we even see him invent a device to restore a little boy’s hearing after the kid got in the way of a fight between Batman and himself.
All babbling about Walter aside, let’s get into what’s in his bath bomb blend!
Blue Tansy Essential Oil
Ah…one of my favorite Essential Oils!
Blue Tansy comes from (believe it or not) a yellow flower. It gets its name because its oil is a dark navy blue: and even blue enough to color this bath bomb without any additional colorants!
It’s a seasonal plant and one of my more expensive oils (about $60 USD for a 10ml bottle), but definitely one I plan to replenish once I run out.
The smell is reminiscent of German Chamomile, but so much stronger. I call it “Chamomile on Steroids” and is a very useful, versatile oil. It’s a cousin to the daisy flower.
Treat fungal infections on your scalp, hair, nail, and skin! Blue Tansy has an antimicrobial and antifungal property. While you can apply it to bruised skin (safely diluted with a carrier oil), it’s never a good idea to put an essential oil neat on a cut, scrape, or wound. Still, if you’re prone to fungal infections, Blue Tansy may be your new best friend!
Treat seasonal allergies (without the grogginess)! Blue Tansy can be diffused to reduce seasonal or other allergies, as it is an asthma-safe oil. It has natural antihistamine properties, but isn’t a sedative. It’s cleared me right up and I’ve had wonderful results with this oil.
Fight aches and pains! Blue Tansy can be massaged into the muscles with a carrier oil to fight tired muscles after a strenuous workout or even the effects of rheumatism or gout. This oil has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties and can dramatically reduce swelling. I’ve even been able to kill a headache with this super-oil before.
Calm your jittery nerves! While Blue Tansy isn’t a sedative oil (like Roman Chamomile), it does have several calming properties. It promotes peace of mind, relaxation, and a more easygoing atmosphere.
Alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort! When applied (with a carrier oil) to the abdomen, Blue Tansy can help you with stomachaches, constipation, abdominal gas, and even menstrual cramps.
Get the perfect skin you always wanted! So long as it’s diluted first, Blue Tansy can be applied to the skin to moisturize the skin as well as kill many of the bacteria and fungi responsible for acne outbreaks.
If you plan to purchase this oil, buying Blue Tansy Essential Oil, as opposed to Tansy Essential Oil. Tansy (not Blue Tansy) has a high concentration of the chemical thujone in it. Thujone is a dangerous neurotoxin and will really, really, really mess you up.
Due to Blue Tansy Essential Oil’s high camphor content, people with Parkinson’s or epilepsy should avoid this oil. This also means it is absolutely NOT safe to diffuse around a cat or dog.
There are a whole slew of fake Blue Tansy Essential Oils on the market, so be sure you buy this one from a reputable source. I recommend Plant Therapy.
If you are allergic to daisies, avoid this essential oil.
Blue Tansy Essential Oil should not be used neat (undiluted on the skin) or ingested. Never ingest essential oils without first contacting your physician.
While Blue Tansy Essential Oil is considered safe for use during pregnancy, consult your doctor beforehand just to be on the safe side.
Exercise caution if you are using certain medications (antibiotics, antihistamines, antipsychotics, and antidepressants), as Blue Tansy Essential Oil may interfere with these medications.
Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
There’s actually two true chamomile Essential Oils on the market: German and Roman. Roman is the more potent of the two, so I mixed it into this blend. It worked. I had a pleasant night’s sleep and felt wonderful.
It’s one of the safest Essential Oils to diffuse around your kitty! While no Essential Oil is truly safe for a cat and you should always leave the door open so your kitty can escape if you’re using Essential Oils, Roman and German Chamomile are two of the least harmful for your feline friend. Mine loves the smell, so I’m saving up to get it in Hydrosol form.
Fight off insomnia! If you’ve ever had a good calming cup of Chamomile or Sleepytime tea, then you are already familiar with the relaxing properties of Roman Chamomile. This Essential Oil (especially when mixed with other soothing scents like Lavender or Lily of the Valley) promotes a calm, peaceful atmosphere which makes it so much easier to sleep. It works for me, and I’m sure it’ll work for you!
Feeling nauseous due to stress? Fix it with Roman Chamomile! Roman Chamomile can be used for various stress-induced digestive disorders including indigestion, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and bloating from gas.
Chamomile can be a girl’s best friend! A lot of women use Roman Chamomile (especially in tea form) for morning sickness and really painful menstrual periods. It’s considered to be a “blood purifier” and general female tonic, reducing menstrual cramps and better regulating periods.
Relieve pain and swelling! Roman Chamomile is great for reducing pain and swelling of the mucus membranes, sinuses, and joints. It can also be mixed into lotion and applied to the skin for swollen, inflamed areas. It can also be used on wounds, burns, eczema, frostbite, bedsores, hemorrhoids, and diaper rash.
Diffuse it to help your sinuses! Roman Chamomile can be diffused and inhaled for sinus inflammation, hay fever, sore throat (something I’m battling right now), and ear inflammations.
Since Roman Chamomile can stimulate a period, pregnant women should avoid this oil to reduce their chances of a miscarriage.
Since Roman Chamomile’s effects on newborns has not been studied, it is best to consider it unsafe for nursing mothers to use.
Roman Chamomile Essential Oil has powerful sedative properties and should not be applied or diffused if you plan to drive, operate machinery, or perform a task that requires your full, complete concentration.
Although Roman Chamomile is good for relieving nausea, too much of it will actually make you more nauseous.
If you have an allergy to ragweed, marigolds, daisies, or similar plants, avoid Roman Chamomile and German Chamomile.
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Cedarwood is one of the oldest essential oils around. The ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians once used it for pigments and medicinal purposes. One whiff of it and it’s really easy to understand why! Cedar is one of the most fragrant woods out there and very calming to the airways.
Pros: Cedarwood is one of the oils considered safer for cats (though hydrosols are still your best bet). As for people, cedarwood can be used to tone the muscles, skin, kidneys, liver, and brain to keep everything in healthy, working shape. It can also be mixed in an astringent and used to remove unwanted microbes from your skin.
Cons: Cedarwood Essential Oil is generally considered to be universally safe.
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(1/2) What I don't understand about Scott is why he never embraced his wolf side. It's just so frustrating to watch (& maybe I'm projecting a bit) why he would resent being physically able 98% of the time? Cus I was like Scott when I was younger; my asthma was debilitating and dependent of the weather. No matter how fit I got, it was always there along with my eczema (since asthma and eczema was linked etc.) and all the money I could have saved from ER trips for asthma attacks and the medication
(2/2) There are so many activities I passed up due to my asthma and skin and it annoys that Scott doesn’t appreciate not having to worry about it anymore. Like I don’t mind it because I grew up with it and I’m managing it well now, but Scott pls just be grateful that u don’t have to deal with this stuff anymore for once.
As someone who used to get bronchial asthma as a kid, I always knew how damned lucky I was not to get attacks because the weather changed, or because of pollen, or because of something random that triggers it and you didn’t realise until too late… I only ever got asthma when I was coming down with something else first, like a cold. Which meant I had plenty of time to prepare, and was never taken by surprise. 
But yes, there’s nothing like that feeling of being unable to breathe, and being terrified that one more breath, however much you need it, will send you into a coughing fit and you’ll pass out. 
Scott should take a lot more joy in being asthma were, that’s for sure. In his case, the bite really is a gift! I wish they’d shown us more moments of Scott not being delighted because he helped win a lacrosse game, but delighted he could actually fucking breathe. 
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