#i stressed my poor mum out a LOT during the first few years of my life
stil-lindigo · 2 years
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tiger mum.
wrote a poem for my mum for the last day of the lunar new year. 2022 was her year since she was born in the year of the tiger :)
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thelinesofmylife · 11 months
Can someone tell me if they've also seen this behaviour?
So two of the dominant mares have lost their positions in their respective herds of late, and both for very similar reasons.
Both of them are mothers who had their foals on the farm, both have kept their offspring at heel and both have had trauma associated with their offspring.
Now the mother/daughter couple are two of the acolytes of Epona. Now though her daughter was around 7 or 8 years old, mum was still letting her udder feed. Mum had weened her daughter off once before, but severe stress brought the behaviour on again. We just let it happen as it seemed to serve as a means of coping with stress (of which, a fair bit had been happening at the time). Mum was content, daughter was content, we weren't going to interfere because of rule 1 (never get between an active parent and their offspring).
Of late however, the two of them have stopped with udder feeding and they're interacting with others in different sub-herds. However, while Mum had been feeding her youngest she was high up in the herd's pecking order, holding a spot at maybe third or forth position (depends on how you count the rogue element in the herd, the pony mare I have come to call Rambo). But now that she isn't nursing her youngest, she (and her daughter, but you get the feeling that alot of her bravado may have come from "stop it or my mum will beat you up") has gone down a lot in rank and isn't fighting quite as much with the others, choosing instead to opt out of fighting rather than hold her ground.
The second mare in our case study is the mother of our current patient, who is recovering from colic surgery.
Now the patient was a bit of a surprise foal. Mum was skin and bones when she was rescued from the abattoir yard and for most of the winter she was rugged and watched over by a third party who wasn't paying a lot of attention to the horses in their care. So it was a surprise to find out that mum was pregnant with the little troublemaker to be. Later on down the line, mother and son were sold off together, but were rather forcefully separated and this wasn't good for them. They were returned to the care of the farm and since that day, mother and son had been inseparable; if you saw one without the other, something was wrong.
So several years later, he's recovered from an infected pedal bone, she's recovered from an torn ligament and cutting part of her eyelid open (and I learnt that sewing buttons can be used as flesh washers) and they're still hanging out together in a very small herd with his adoptive aunt (whose backstory involves losing her foal at the abattoir). The three of them pretty much go everywhere together. Mum and Aunt basically fight over who is in charge, with the poor boy caught in the middle.
Then comes the severe impaction colic. We have to take him to a hospital a couple of hours away for major surgery and our first concern is, of course, Mum. However, during the 5 days he was away, she wasn't overly stressed. (Aunt seemed to take it worse and was the happiest to see him upon his return.) Mum has lost her desire to be top mare, even letting the two newcomers to their small herd push her around. Aunt is now firmly in charge. He is currently on a restricted diet in a stall that she and the others have access to for visits, but during an incident when he got out, it was him who kicked everyone but mum off so they could graze on the round together.
She does seem happy to see her son, but doesn't seem as protective as she once did.
I know mares get protective of their young and we have a few other mother/child pairings in the mega-herd, but none are this driven to be at the top.
Has anyone else noticed such domineering behaviour in mares who are looking after foals at hoof, only for them to return to their docile selves when their child grows up?
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
Chaos Horizon
Part 6 of the ‘Successors of the Future’ is out! Man, next week is already the new year... what a year this has been! Anyway, I don’t have a lot of things to say today so let’s get right to it! Oh, and have a happy holiday everyone!! 
Let us never forget that this whole series begin because of the amazing @tri3tri and her equally amazing fics and galaxy brain. If you haven’t check out her blog yet, then please do! I’m such a sucker for family drama and yandere characters and her blog continues to feed me whenever work stresses me out. 
A year has passed in Twisted Wonderland. More importantly, for the students in Night Raven College. 
Renata has learned quite a few important things just this one, short year. Yes, she needed allies for the time when her father finally discover her presence here in Night Raven College, but she never expected to honestly care and dare she admits it, love Hoyle and Rex. 
They were nothing like the friends she made in her old school back at the other world. She noticed their true personalities underneath the surface with each passing days. Underneath his sarcasm, gung-ho attitude and sly tongue, Hoyle Trappola is someone who cares deeply for those who managed to see through him; see past his defences. Renata felt blessed to be his close friend after a night the three of them shared in her bedroom, just playing games and watching movies on his laptop. In a rare window of honestly after Renata explains about her family life and circumstances, Hoyle repaid her honesty by admitting that he wish that he could be a better son to his Dad. Being a single father is tough and despite doing his best to shield him from the hardships and struggles, Hoyle overheard one night when his Dad is talking to his grandparents on the phone. How they urged him to consider marrying a woman so he could have someone to support him and Hoyle in the house. 
This was when he was still a child.
Renata didn’t offer sweet, comforting words. She knows that all Hoyle wanted was to vent, so he let him talk while tucking her head on his shoulder and pressed close to his side. She listens because that was Hoyle needed. 
Rex is the total opposite of Hoyle, yet just as bright and amazing in his own way. Underneath his serious demeanours, resting bitch face and volatile impulses, Rex Spade is actually an insightful and gentle-hearted boy who looks out for Renata and Hoyle even when it’s unwarranted. Though it’s quite easy for them to persuade him to join in their shenanigans with a few teasing words and in Hoyle’s case, a challenge. 
Never had Renata enjoyed her school life with friends like these! 
The other important thing - or realisation - that Renata discovered is that her Mama’s friends always kept her in their thoughts. 
Though Hoyle’s Dad gobsmacked expression when he brought her to his home for Winter’s Break was, uh, an experience. To put it very mildly. 
Renata originally planned to return home via the same spell that Headmaster Crowley used all those years ago to send Mama and her siblings back to her world during Winter’s Break. But while Hoyle, Rex and her were hanging out and playing cards in Heartslabyul’s main lounge, Hoyle brought up in mid conversation that his Dad offered their home to stay if she had no way to go during the holiday. 
“You’ve been talking about me to your Dad?” Renata had asked, folding her cards on the table. It sucks to learned that she’s terrible at poker and she pouts whenever Hoyle snickered at another bad hand on her. “Or have you been complaining about me?” 
Beside him, Rex stares down at the cards in his hands, hard. As if they hold the answers to the universe. Around them, the other Heartslabyul students gave their table a wide berth, though there were a few brave souls that greeted Renata when they came over to tease Hoyle. 
Renata happily introduces herself to them as a show of appreciation. 
“A bit of both. Mostly complaining when we had to clean the Hall of Mirrors.” Hoyle easily admits without a shame. He gathered all their cards into a deck and shuffled them. “Anyway, you down? My Dad seems to know your Mum so he offered our place to stay if you don’t have any plans.” 
Ace trappola, one of Mama’s best friend that she mentioned before. Renata would like to see just what kind of man he is. 
With a nod, Renata reply, “If it’s no trouble then, yeah. I’d like to hang out at your place for Winter’s Break. I’ve never been to the Rose Kingdom before.” 
And we’re now back to the present - where Renata and Ace are hanging out at his home; both waiting for Rex to show up with his Dad. 
It’s the last day before they had to returned to Night Raven College. 
“Have you met Rex’s Dad before, Hoyle?.” Renata asked, her eyes glued to the TV as she munches her bowl of cereals. They could hear his Dad walking about upstairs. 
“Have I met him before? Dude, he’s my godfather.” Hoyle scoffed, scarfing down the last bits of his own cereal before placing the empty bowl on the coffee table in front of them. A simple breakfast while watching the morning cartoons are the best. “Rex got his stick-up-the-ass attitude from his Dad.” 
“Ah. So he’s super strict?” Renata guessed. 
“More like serious, but he’s actually silly.” Hoyle amended. “He and my old man love to argue literally about anything and everything. They’re weird like that.” 
Renata just hums. She’ll get to meet him soon enough. Upstairs, his dad hollered at him to clean up so they could go out as soon as the Spade arrives. While the Trappola are getting ready, Renata gathered the dirty dishes from their breakfast and went to the kitchen to wash them. 
Mama always told her to be on her best behaviour if she’s under someone else’s house. 
Just as she puts the last bowl away, she heard heavy footsteps - heavier than Hoyle’s - coming from behind. 
“You really didn’t have to clean the dishes, you know. Usually Hoyle does it before we go out every Sunday.” Said Ace, leaning against the wall. 
“It’s not trouble at all, Mr. Trappola.” Renata assured him. She dry her arms by blowing hot air onto them before turning around to face her Mama’s best friend. “It’s nice that you finally look at me, instead of my horns.” 
“A-Ah, you noticed that?” Ace stammers, abashed that he wasn’t as subtle as he thought. 
“It’s cool, Mr. Trappola. I get that a lot at school too.” Renata admits easily. She’s gotten annoyed at him tip-toeing around ever since Hoyle introduces her. It was obvious that he has questions; it just that he doesn’t know how to ask them. 
Scrambling to salvage the situations, Ace took a moment to exhale harshly before he decides to be his honest self. “It was rude of me, yeah? We all didn’t know what to think when your mother just... disappeared one day and then suddenly, my kid brought back her own kid who just so happen to look like the King of the Valley of Thorns...” He trailed off and then he regards Renata with a severe expression. “What happened your mother, Renata-chan?” 
“It’s a long story, Mr. Trappola.” Renata said instead, smiling ruefully. “And I don’t want to ruin our day. Can I tell you and everyone what happened to Mama and us later tonight?” 
“Sure, kiddo... Is it alright for me to called you that?” 
“Mm-hmm! So what are we doing today, Me. Trappola?” 
It was nice to see the ice chip away from Ace little by little, now that the man sees past her appearance. While waiting for the Spade to arrive, Renata had a lot of fun chatting and laughing with Hoyle and his Dad, now that there’s no awkwardness lingering between them. Ace didn’t waste any time telling the teenagers all the trouble her Mama and him got into at Night Raven College and hearing the life that Mama had before Father kidnapped her was a blessing to hear. 
Judging from Ace’s story, it sounded like her Mama had a lot of people who truly loves her. It’s good to hear it. 
The buzzing of the doorbell interrupted Ace mid ranting how it was Deuce who often got them all in trouble - not him! - and MC never seem to realised that and no one back him up. His reminiscent were put on hold when Hoyle went up to usher the Spades in. 
Deuce Spade immediately blanked out, mouth slack-jawed the moment Renata waves hello to him. He looks as if he just saw a ghost. 
“Yeah, I know how it looks like.” Ace interjects when Deuce couldn’t stop spluttering and stammering, his eyes kept switching to Ace and then at Renata...and then back to his best friend. Ace just clap his shoulders in a comforting manner. Meanwhile, Rex ducked underneath the two men to scurried over where Hoyle and Ace are seated. He squeezes himself in between them to show them the new café that just open up in the Rose Kingdom through his phone. 
Once Ace managed to stressed out to Deuce that Renata will explain hers and MC’s story later in the evening, they all head out to town. 
“You said that you’ve never been to the Rose Kingdom before, Renata?” Rex asked out loud for the others’ benefit. The town nearby to the Trappola house is bustling with life today. “Then there’s so many things you gotta check out! Do you like desserts? What kind of desserts do you like? Have you ever tried ice-cream cake before?” 
“Easy there, Rex. You’re going to overwhelm the poor girl.” Deuce lightly scolded his son. His eyes linger a little too long at Renata before he caught himself and jerk away. “A-Anyway, how about we all walk around first and see what catches Renata-chan’s attention.” 
“Sounds like a plan, Mr. Spade!” Renata internally wondered if all of Mama’s friends would react this way when she introduces herself to them. 
That entire day, the Spade and Trappola played the perfect hosts to her. As they brought her to one shops after the other, chill out at the park after lunch and regale how the Queen of Hearts used to govern her kingdom, Renata found herself comparing the Country of Thorns to the Rose Kingdoms with every little things that she saw. Everything is so bright and... open here. The sun is shining down on them and everywhere they go, humans occupied the land but Renata did notice a few beastmen going about with their lives. It was nice to truly witness the world outside of Night Raven College and the Valley of Thorns. 
Hoyle and Rex made sure they kept close to Renata, shielding her with their bodies when strangers stare at her a little too long for their liking and would usher her into a shop or café to distract her from their curious stares. They weren’t subtle about it, but she is touched that they care about her that much. 
Renata is beginning to understand why Mama always talk so fondly about their Dads. 
After dinner, everyone returned to the Trappola’s house so Renata could finally explain herself. The living room is packed full and it reminded Renata of her siblings and Mama crowding in front of the TV to watch a movie. 
“Did Mama ever told you guys that while she was at Night Raven College, she met Father at night?” 
“Father... so your... Dad... really is...” Ace began, but unsure how to even continue but Renata save him the trouble with a nod. 
“Malleus Draconia. Mama said he’s a pretty big deal during his time at the school, being one of the top 5 strongest Magician in this world and all...” 
Hoyle scoffed. “Understatement, Renata. He’s the strongest Magician in all of Twisted Wonderland now. The number 1.” He explains. 
Well. Renata wonders how her little sister would react to this when she tells her later. 
Renata then continue on with the story. “Mama explained that they were friends and that in the beginning, everything was fine. But in the end, their story completely went off the train tracks.” 
And so, for the rest of the evening, Renata did her best to explain what had happened to Mama as honest as possible. They love Mama and so they deserve the truth. 
She told them everything that Mama had told her and her siblings. Of Mama’s friendship with Malleus Draconia and how what looked like a happy ending turned horribly wrong when her Father was consumed with the horror that one day he would outlive his wife and one and only dear friend. His intense love, possessiveness and obsession with her and their children blinded him to everything else - to the point that he kept their Mama and them in a gilded cage. 
Renata kept her dislike over Bellatrix to herself when she explains how they managed to escape from the castle on the eve of her Father’s second wedding. In the end, it was thanks to Headmaster Crowley that they could live freely in the other world. 
Until the Ebony Carriage came to pick her up and now, here they are.
Renata watches her audience did their best absorb the information overload.
“I never thought...” Ace muttered, distressed. His bit his lower lip, thinking hard. “I never thought that Malleus Draconia had MC all along... what a fucked up situation!” 
Deuce is troubled as well. “Poor Prefect... to think the Malleus Draconia fell in love with her... No wonder we couldn’t find her!” 
Beside him, Rex nods furiously while Hoyle is already growing bored of this conversation. “It sucks, but it sounds like your Mum is pretty badass for a magicless human. I mean, being able to escape from the most powerful Magician ever in Twisted Wonderland? The King of all dark Fae? Kudos to her.” Hoyle interjects. “So, what’s gonna happen now? You said that your Dad is crazy possessive over you guys, so I very much doubt it if he’s not looking for you guys. Even until now.” 
Finally! They’re getting to the good parts. 
And so with a curious smile, Renata asks, “Funny that you mentioned that. Do you guy know what Sebek Zigvolt is up to these days?” 
Night Raven College’s Entrance Ceremony is always a big event on this island every year. 
He was one of the main characters last year - of the many that was addressed by the Mirror of Darkness - but as a Second Year student, he’s standing among the rest of the older Savanaclaw students now. Scenting the newly sorted First Year cubs and waiting for the whole thing to wrap up already. 
At the centre of the chamber, the headmaster continues to called out names to step forward and face the Mirror of Darkness. 
Amber Leech, Aeacus Shroud, Felix Felmier... the ceremony goes on. 
“Psst! Bakari!” A voice suddenly whisper. 
Bakari turn his head to the side and there’s Renata with her ceremony robes’ hood up, beaming at him. She’s standing away from her Diasomnia mates, a good space between her and the crowd at the back that no one seems to pay her any attention. 
Bakari slips away from the rest of the Savanaclaw students in favour of walking towards her. 
“How’s the fresh meats?” Was the first thing that Renata asked him.
“Some of them look promising.” Bakari admits. “More predators than preys so far.” 
“Oooh, Savanaclaw’s hierarchy is so harsh.” Renata reply a bit absentmindedly. Bakari notices that her green eyes are scanning the room and the crowds around them. Looking for someone. Something unpleasant churns in his stomach but he resolutely ignores it. “Are you gunning for the Dorm Leader’s position?” She wondered.  
Bakari scoffed, his tail flicking irritably just at the mere thought. Unlike his Dad, he has no lofty ambitions to secure a powerful position for himself. “Savanaclaw is governed by the laws of the strong eating the weak. You have to be the strongest in order to be the Dorm Leader and I have better things to do than watching over my dorm members.” 
Like figuring out how to appease his Dad after he told him to stay away from the lizard bastard’s whelp during Winter’s Break. Regardless of her surname. 
As if he’s going to do that though. He wants to fully unravel the mysteries of Renata MC/S. For the time being, she’s the most interesting creature in Night Raven College. 
“Sounds tough.” Renata murmurs. “Well, it’s a good thing that you don’t want to be a Dorm Leader! Otherwise your workload would take you away from me.” 
Bakari just hums. Already gotten used to her offhanded flirting. 
The two of them watch in the background as the group of First Year students gradually thinned out. The headmaster’s loud voice carried to the back of the chamber. 
“... Sherrie MC/S, please step forward!” 
Murmurs erupted when said student pulled down her hood, a pair of black horns is clear for all to see. 
Bakari glance to his side to see Renata beaming. “You were looking for your sister?” 
“Something like that! It’s so nice when everything is coming together, don’t you think?” Renata chuckles, pleased with herself for some odd reason. It just made Bakari more and more intrigue. 
And the uncomfortable feeling within him vanish just like that. 
The murmurs now turn into confused whispers and fingers are pointing as they all watch Renata’s little sister melded into the crowd of new Octavinelle students. Some of the students nearby even glance behind to stare at Renata and when she cocked an eyebrow at them, they quickly turn away. 
“Octavinelle? Did the Mirror made a mistake?”
“I thought only merfolks are sorted into Octavinelle.” 
“Those horns looks just like her’s. There’s no way she’s a merfolk!”
“Maybe her magic is not as strong to be sorted to Diasomnia?”
The students of Night Raven College sure love to gossip, Renata couldn’t help but internally mused. Even worse than those back in her old school. 
“Guess you’re planning to catch up with her after the ceremony?” Bakari assumed, casting a sideway glance to gauge her expressions. 
“I’ll meet up with her tomorrow, after she settles in for the night.” Renata answered. “There’s no need to rush. We have lots of time to prepare for the future.” 
Ok! I think I did ok with this oneshot. Editing, was as usual, a bit tedious but the power of Miku’s songs prevail and I manage to push this through! Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday. 
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whenihaveyouromione · 3 years
When I Have You - Chapter 39
Read on Fanfiction.net and ao3!
Also, I now have a Discord server set up for people who enjoy books and like talking about books. It’s new, but eventually we will have Secret Santas, reading challenges and group read-alongs. Please join if you are interested! The more the merrier!
For my oneshots and other Romione stuff, please follow @firethecanonsfanfiction
Chapter 39
Ron landed with Hermione in her parents’ garden, hidden by the large hedges that fronted their house. Hermione was gripping his arm tightly and didn’t let go once they had Apparated. Ron had to pry her off.
“Are you worried they won’t approve?” Ron asked, teasing as he gave her hand a squeeze.
“Of course not,” Hermione said, though he could tell her mind was a little distracted. “Still, it’s nerve-wracking trying to find a way to tell them.”
“They’ll be fine,” Ron assured her calmly. “They like me well enough, don’t they?”
“They love you,” Hermione said. “It’s still a little scary.”
“They were fine after you told them about their memories, so they’ll be fine with this.” Ron kissed her forehead as the front door opened. 
“Is there a reason the two of you are standing out the front?” It was Robert, and he was watching them both with that look he often wore — the look that said he was confused, yet amused at the same time. 
Hermione flushed and pulled away from Ron, turning to head into the house. 
“You know,” Robert said as they entered. He closed the door after them and followed them into the living room, “if you wanted some time alone, you could have come five minutes later rather than standing in our front garden. Honestly, we wouldn’t have minded if you were a little late.”
“We were just talking,” Hermione said, giving her mother a hug. Ron noticed that she quickly pulled away, tucking her left hand in her pocket. 
“It’s good to see you both,” Jane said, now hugging Ron. She barely seemed to notice Hermione’s odd behaviour. 
“You too, Mum.” Hermione smiled. 
“Do either of you care for a drink?” 
“Just some water. Thanks, Mum.” Hermione sat down on the two seater sofa in her parents’ living room, Ron beside her.
“Ron?” Jane asked. 
“I guess the same, thanks,” Ron said. The Grangers were keen on their wine for lunches and dinners, but they and Ron seemed to share different tastes and opinions about what was good. He was safest with water here. 
Jane went into the kitchen to get their drinks, while Robert flicked through the TV channels until he found one that was suitable for background noise. He joined Ron and Hermione by sitting in his favourite armchair. 
Ron glanced at the television with curiosity. Robert had settled on something Hermione had referred to as a sitcom in the past. Whatever that meant.  
“How’s your week been?” he asked, looking at them. “Work treating you well?”
“It’s fine,” Hermione said, resting her back against the sofa. “Busy, of course, but fine.”
Ron looked at her questioningly, for he’d given them the perfect opportunity to announce their engagement, but she gave a small shake of her head that went unnoticed by her father. He also noticed her hand seemingly tucked nonchalantly between her legs. 
“Ron’s been preparing for his final tests, so he’s been locked away in the study a little. There’s a lot of theory involved, along with all the aptitude tests he has to do as well. It’s going to be a busy next few weeks.” She smiled brightly. “But, it will all be worth it in the end. He’ll be fully qualified soon.”
“Wonderful!” Robert said with a genuine smile. It always amazed Ron just how pleasant her parents were toward him. How involved they were in Hermione’s (and now his) life, and how much they seemed to want to know about what was going on in a world they couldn’t be a part of. “I know how hard you’ve been working for it, Ron. Three years is a long time to persevere with training, regardless of what job it is.”
“Would be similar to university, I think,” Hermione said. “University can be longer, even.”
“What’s university?” Ron asked curiously. She’d never mentioned that before. 
“It’s... like another school,” Hermione began. “For adults. People our age. It’s what you study to get a job in the Muggle world. Like dentists.” Hermione indicated her dad. “You need to go to university for that.”
“So what’s the point in going to school all those other years, then?” Ron wanted to know. “You said you started at six or something, but all of that is worthless?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s worthless, Ron,” Robert said. “Just… different.”
Ron wasn’t sure he agreed, but said no more on the matter. He didn’t want to offend her parents, of all days. 
“How about you, Hermione?” Robert continued after a brief silence when Jane returned with two tall glasses of ice-cold water. “You still enjoying what you do?”
“Yes,” Hermione said. “It’s great.”
“You said you’re starting Saturdays soon?”
“Unfortunately. It’s not forever, though. We just need to get a law written. My hours should go back to normal after about a month. Which…” she looked to Ron, “will be when his hours will change. Training is pretty standard, but Auror work is shift work. Not sure how often we’ll see each other to begin with.”
“You’ll work around it, I’m sure,” Robert said. “Maybe you’ll both end up with a Wednesday off together instead of a Sunday.”
Hermione looked at Ron and smiled. He smiled back and took a sip of the water Jane had just handed him.
“And what about you?” Hermione asked her parents. “How’s your week been?”
“Same as every other week, Hermione,” Jane said. “Nothing new. Life is pretty dull in London these days. Especially since we closed the practice.”
“I thought you were enjoying your retirement,” Hermione said. “You two should definitely take a holiday somewhere. See the world. You’d have the best time, I think.”
Both Robert and Jane laughed. 
“Oh, we’ve thought about it, I assure you,” Jane said. “We’ve discussed it, and we’re thinking maybe next summer we might hire a caravan and travel through Europe. It’s still in the works, though. It would be for the whole three months of summer.”
“Croatia was nice,” Ron said. “When we were there last year. It’ll probably be even nicer in summer.”
“Oh, yes, we’ve been there,” Jane said. “Absolutely stunning. Greece, too. We’re going to put Lithuania and Estonia at the top of our lists. Would love to go there. And maybe even travel up north to Scotland, across to Wales… Ireland as well.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” Hermione set her own glass of water on the side table next to her. “Harry and Ginny have decided they’re going to move across to Wales. At least while Ginny is with her team. It’s easier for them to manage it that way, and Harry hates where he lives at the moment, so it was an easy decision for them.”
"And they're enjoying their engagement?" Jane asked. “It’s all so exciting when it’s new, and then comes all the planning.”
"Oh, yes," Hermione said. Again, Ron watched as she refused to move her own hand where she wore the engagement ring. Her desire to hide it was beginning to make him a little uncomfortable. She wasn’t embarrassed, was she? "They're so happy. I don't think I've seen Harry so happy since… since he won his first Quidditch match.”
"He's grinning like an idiot," Ron added. "Almost making training unbearable with his happiness. And they’re not really the type to get stressed over the planning side, I don’t think. Given their — um — popularity in our world, they’ll want to keep things pretty quiet and private."
"I'm so happy for him!" Jane said. "If anyone deserves to have something so mundane and normal happen to them, I would think it's Harry. The poor man, and I probably wouldn't even know the half of it."
"You wouldn't want to, Mum," Hermione said. “I don’t think Harry has even told us what’s going through his head half the time.”
"You two want another drink?" Robert then asked, noticing the two had already finished their water. 
"Thanks, Dad," Hermione said, holding out her glass for him to take. "Maybe some wine this time."
Robert accepted the glass from his daughter, and then paused. Hermione tried to wrench her hand back — she'd forgotten momentarily to hide her left one. 
Robert caught her hand in his and then looked at Hermione with a slight smirk. "Seems like you two had a more eventful week than you shared with us," he said.
Hermione flushed and returned her hand to her lap. 
"We were going to tell you," she said. "Over lunch. It was going to be a surprise."
"Tell us what?" Jane, whose view had been blocked during the short exchange, came over to stand beside her husband.
Robert looked down at Hermione with a smile on his lips. Hermione stood up, Ron also doing the same.
"Well…" Hermione looked at her mother. "Ron and I are… also getting married."
"What?" Jane said. "Since when?" She looked between them, her mouth slightly open.
"Since Friday," Hermione said. "Two days ago. Ron asked me."
There was a short pause in the Granger's living room, and then Jane wrapped her arms around her daughter in a warm hug.
"That's such wonderful news!" She turned to Ron and hugged him as well. "I’m so happy for the both of you.”
Hermione beamed at her parents. "Thanks!" she said. "It was all really sweet, was really unexpected…" She clutched Ron's arm excitedly. "We really wanted you to be the first to know."
Robert came forward to hug Hermione and shake Ron’s hand.
“Congratulations,” he said. 
“This just makes lunch so much more special,” Jane continued. “We’ll break out the best champagne we have.”
“Mum, you don’t have to —”
“This will be the only time we get to celebrate an engagement for our daughter,” Jane said. “There’s no better time.”
Hermione smiled, looking up at Ron. He placed an arm across her shoulders. 
“But before we do that, while you’re here, come upstairs with me. I’ll give you a few things that might help you start planning.”
“Mum, it’s a bit early —”
“It’s nothing wedding-y,” Jane assured her. “Just some planners I was given a while back that you might find useful. There’s a bit, though. Might need a bit of your… magic to help transport them.”
Ron dropped his arm from around Hermione. “Have fun,” he said, kissing her temple. 
Hermione followed her mum into the hall, their voices trailing up the stairs. 
That left Ron alone with Robert, which in this moment, unnerved him. His relationship with Hermione’s father over the years had been… interesting. While the man seemed to like Ron well enough, his sense of humour didn’t always gel with Ron’s, often leaving Ron wondering if he was being serious or joking. 
It had never occurred to Ron before just how Robert would react to finding out his only daughter was getting married, and learning about it in such a surprising way. If Ron was in his position, if Ron had a daughter, he’d probably be a bit… well, he didn’t actually know how he’d feel. It was hard to imagine him being in Robert Granger’s position one day.
He looked uncomfortably over at her dad. The man smiled. But was it just Ron, or did his smile not quite meet his eyes? No, that was how he usually smiled. 
Though, the impulse in Ron to prove himself as a good match for the Grangers’ only child had him stupidly saying, “I really do love her.”
“I’ve never had any doubt about that, Ron,” Robert said. “And if you said that because you feel I’m suddenly going to turn against you because you asked my daughter to marry you, you can relax.”
Ron shifted where he stood. He wondered if he could sit down, but decided against it. “Right.”
“I’ve been there before,” Robert continued. “Proposing. Anyway, it’s not my opinion that matters, even if I didn’t approve — which is not the case. Hermione’s an adult, she’s more than capable of making her own decisions, and I like to think she makes rather smart ones. She always has, so I can’t see why this would be any different. She knows what she’s doing.” He smiled wryly.
At this, Ron smiled. He relaxed slightly. 
“I’m happy for you, I really am,” Robert continued. I’ve not seen her happier since she’s been with you. You make her happy, and after what you’ve all been through, I think some happiness is well-earned.” He smiled at Ron in a very fatherly way. “The pair of you have a very strong relationship — that is obvious. You make each other happy, you love each other deeply. And I think that’s wonderful.” He held out a hand, offering it to Ron. “Welcome to the family, Ron. Officially.”
Ron accepted Robert’s hand and smiled. “Thanks,” he said. 
“You know,” Robert then said, his hand dropping to his side, “Jane and I do like our wine, but I think this might call for something… different.” He looked at Ron with a wry smile. “How do you feel about beer, Ron?”
“I’ve not had it before,” Ron said. “Unless you mean Butterbeer.”
“Is that one of your weird drinks?”
“Yes,” Ron said. “It’s not very potent, though.”
“Well, I don’t know if it’s in any way similar, but —” He indicated for Ron to follow him into the kitchen and combined dining area. 
Ron obliged, not wanting to disappoint. 
Robert went to the refrigerator and took out two identical bottles. He passed one to Ron. Ron watched him twist the lid and open it, and instantly felt very stupid when he couldn’t do the same. He flushed as Robert had to do it for him. 
“I suppose if you’re not used to this, it might be tricky,” Robert said drily. 
Ron turned an even deeper red, certain he was making a horrible impression and that Hermione’s dad was reconsidering his congratulations. “Actually, it’s just… we use… magic.”
“Ah,” Robert said. “Well, don’t let me stop you.”
Once opened, Ron brought the bottle to his lips and tasted the drink. He almost gagged at the bitter flavour, but managed to keep a straight face.
Robert chuckled. “I can see it’s not really your thing.”
“It’s just different,” Ron said, taking another sip. It was slightly better this time. 
There was silence for a moment. Then Robert spoke. “You strike me as the romantic type, Ron. How did you ask Hermione to marry you?”
Ron drank from the bottle again before answering. “Er, well… not as I had planned it. I was going to take her to this lake we visit often. I’d asked my brother to organise fireworks and everything, but… you know what she’s like. She kind of figured it out before I got the chance.”
“That’s Hermione,” Robert said with a nod. “Very intuitive.”
“Yeah, well, she also was ready to kick me out because she learnt that I had taken a lot of money out of our account. So, I had to tell her the reason before she got the chance. I used the money for her engagement ring, by the way,” he said at Robert’s quizzical look. 
“It’s a nice one,” Robert replied.
“Yeah, it is.” Ron smiled slightly at the image still in his mind, as clear as day. “I kind of asked her on the floor of our bedroom. But she said yes after deciding not to murder me for spending so much on her. I’ve been wanting to do it for a year, almost. I just… couldn’t afford to straight away.”
Robert smiled. “Well, I really am happy for you, Ron. She loves you very much. You’ll have a very happy life together, I’m sure.”
“I hope so,” Ron said. “She makes me —” He wanted to say a lot of things, but didn’t think some of them appropriate to say in front of Hermione’s dad. “She makes me happy,” was what he settled on. 
Robert nodded. “I know.”
Hermione and her mother came back after that, Hermione clutching a few folders and looking pleased. “These will be perfect, Mum. Thanks.”
“What are they?” Ron asked, taking one from her hands and flipping through it. It was a book with blank pages. 
“Mum said we can use them to plan our wedding. She’s been meaning to get rid of them for ages.”
“I find writing things down and making lists is very beneficial,” Jane said. 
Ron smiled at Hermione, and she smiled back. If they weren’t in her parents’ kitchen, he’d kiss her where she stood. She was in her element with all those empty folders, and Merlin did he love her when she was in her element. 
“So, does your family know, Ron?” Jane asked, breaking Ron’s gaze from Hermione. 
He startled. “Not yet. We’ll let them continue celebrating with Harry and Ginny. We haven’t even told Harry or Ginny yet, either, actually. We probably won’t. They think it’s happening next week.”
Hermione placed the folders on the bench. “Ron’s family has a lot to celebrate often,” she said. “So we told you first.”
At that, Jane beamed. “Well, I think we should get lunch sorted, don’t you? I think we should even maybe head out somewhere nice for this occasion.”
“I was just thinking the same thing,” Robert said. 
Hermione looked at Ron, and he took her hand. “Sounds good to me,” he said, beaming, and she kissed him quickly. 
Everyone smiled and Ron squeezed her hand tightly. 
He loved her so very much and now that he’d asked her to marry him, he couldn’t wait for their wedding day. 
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years
how about an alex first christmas home with his wife or gf? if your uncomfortable writing this prompt i completely understand
Hello, hi!
Welcome to Blogmas 2020. A couple of days later than I promised, and I apologise for that, but here we are. 
Hopefully, the idea of how Blogmas 2020 is planned out will become a little clearer than how my very poor explanations explained it, haha.
Many more blurbs, many more chats and a lot more festivities to come; my inbox will be open all through December this year for blurb prompts for Blogmas so don’t feel afraid to pop in a prompt to get written for tis year; all I can say is that if you’re asking for a lengthy prompt, I’m not the right person right now, haha. 
I’m welcoming absolutely anything for this year; any AU, any characters, any ideas.
Reblog, like, comment and share your thoughts with me. Please let me know what you think because feedback is always appreciated on here; much more appreciated now given that I’ve not written a lot in a long while. Please let me know what you think.
A song to listen to throughout the second scene; Bing Crosby, I’ll Be Home For Christmas
“Look at the size of those toms,” Alex gushed in awe, rushing from his place at the kitchen cabinet, where the kettle was whistling on the stove, to grab the woven basket full of fresh garden vegetables from his wife’s arms, saving a couple of apples and pears from becoming bruised by the floor. “They’re massive.”
“There’s something in the soil, I think,” YN teased, wiping her soil-covered fingertips on the pink and white polka-dot apron tied around her waist. Traces of wet mud and dry soil clinging to the material, tiny specks falling to the floor but nothing bad enough that couldn’t be sweeped with the brush and pan. “You should see some of the runners growing in the corner. Nice and long, they are. Perfect for dinner tomorrow eve.”
“How are the potatoes coming along?”
“They’re good, I was going to dig them and the carrots up tonight before the nighttimes cold comes in,” she said softly, standing beside her husband as he unpacked the fruit and placed them in the empty fruit bowl. The kettle coming to a gentle boil, soon being warm enough for them to make a warm cup of tea to drink by the fire to warm themselves up.
The vegetables left in the basket - varying from cabbage and cauliflower to Brussels sprouts and onions - needed a good brush down and a wash under water but looked good enough to enjoy as part of their meal the next day. A meal that would be enjoyed by her parents, Alex’s parents and a couple of good friends who hadn’t had time to make it back home for Christmas, missing the last train out of London for a few days and unable to find a kind-hearted soul to take them two hours up north. It was also a meal that YN had been panicking over for almost the entire month of December… her first time cooking a Christmas dinner and she wanted it to be as perfect as possible to end a year that needed some cheer.
With the war coming to an end, for a second time, she felt safe and happy. Much safer and much happier than the last time a war was declared to have finished.
Maybe it was the fact that the four-year long terror of air raid sirens and bombings and unexpected blackouts had come to its end; maybe it was the fact that Britain had won the war and there was no more fear to live by; maybe it was the fact that her husband had been one of the lucky ones to come home safe and sound, able to celebrate Christmas as normal without worry that he was going to be called back to fight in the trenches and on the frontline; maybe it was the fact that everything was slowly going back to how it had been and life was on track to getting better.
“Dad’s always saying they taste and cook the best after a night in the cold,” Alex shrugged, taking a bite of an apple and feeling the juice trickle down his chin, something that YN’s thumb caught and wiped away, “I’ll go and dig them up tomorrow morning.”
“I wanted to start peeling and cutting them now,” she frowned, looking at him with furrowed brows, “go dig them up for now, please, darling?”
He mirrored her expression and folded his arms, half-bitten apple still in his hand, a smile toying his lips.
“Do I have to? It’s getting cold out there, I’ve got no jumper on and I’ve just put the kettle on,” he playfully whined, pouting his lips.
Her own eyebrows furrowed deeper on her browline, a silent plea for him to do what she said because she was stressing enough and didn’t want to be panicking so early tomorrow morning. All along he was going to do what she asked him to do, no word of a lie, but he found pure enjoyment in giving her the idea he had no intentions of helping. He placed his half-eaten apple on the kitchen counter and took a step towards her.
“Alright, as long as you do me the best cup of tea possible.”
“Of course, aren’t all my cups of tea the best?” To which he nodded and she grinned, squeezing his cheek and leaving a blush pink behind on his cheekbone, “I love you.”
“I love you the most,” he hummed, pressing a kiss to her cold forehead, reaching around her to grab the basket and tuck it under his arm, “I’ll have a look at these nice, long runners you’ve been speaking so highly about, too.”
“Mum called earlier. She’s grown some strawberries and rhubarb and said she was making a pie for our dessert tomorrow. I told her that with how hard you’ve been working with the garden, on all the veggies, we won’t need a pudding to eat because we’ll be so full of Christmas dinner,” Alex chuckled, peering over the newspaper in his hands to catch a glimpse of a smile on her lips, eyes still trained to the book she was reading in the gentle, almost, silence.
The radio crackled quietly in the background of the living room, playing a Christmas song that had a frequent place on the station they had programmed to work properly. Adding a sense of merriment to the room they were sat in; tinsel hanging on a scarce Christmas tree, with ornaments made from paper and cardboard, and Christmas cards on the windowsill from family and friends. There wasn’t much they could do but it was enough for them.
“Your mum makes a good pie though,” YN admitted, placing her finger between the pages she’d gotten to, “she didn’t have to do that though. She’s already done a lot for me this year and the last four so tomorrow is, kind of, all about giving back to her and your dad and my parents, too.”
Alex’s family had been a huge constant in her life during the wartime.
His mother had been non-stop on the phone with her about new gardening tips that her friends had told her about and seeds to share amongst themselves to grow a healthy batch of fruits to bake with - because they baked, a lot, and his mother had sent her back home with a brain full of new treats to bake and recipes to try out - and they took care of a flower patch in the front garden of Alex’s home, which seemed to pass the time. His father had been just as helpful to her, whenever he wasn’t in factories or working in machinery, coming by to put shelves up for her or to fix a hole in the roof that had begun to leak. Always popping by with a loaf of bread from the bakery and a tin of meat, that YN would put together as a sandwich and they’d eat until he knew his wife would be questioning his whereabouts. They allowed her to stay when she was feeling lonely, always looked out for her during the raids and insisted she stayed with them to wait it out, always insisting that she stayed with them until Alex was home so she wasn’t suffering with loneliness or panicking when blackouts occurred.
It had always been his mother cooking a Christmas dinner, promising she didn’t have to do anything but sit at the dining table and enjoy a healthy meal with family, with no worrying or getting upset that her own husband wasn’t there to enjoy the family festivities.
So it felt surreal when YN saw Alex dressed in his uniform, on the train station platform with a bag swung over his shoulder, in and amongst crowds of reunited families, knowing that they were about to have their life back on track. A Christmas together.
“My dad’s made a good sherry for us to have. Mum said he’s been working on it for almost a year now. Growing currants in the front garden and chasing kids away when he saw them picking at his bushes as they passed,” Yn giggled softly, because the image of her father chasing active youths down a street was rather amusing to her, reaching for her bookmark to keep her place in the book resting on her lap, “she says she’s barely seen him because he spends his time at the allotments, with his friends.”
Alex snuffled a laugh and folded his paper up, setting it on the floor beside the crackling fireplace.
“We should get an allotment. Could build a shed there to hide in when it rains, have you come and sit and watch me dig the veggies up, let you grow some flowers there. We’d be the best there,” he grinned, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, “what do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea, baby.”
“Christmases only get better from here,” he stood to his feet and wiggled his fingers in her direction, “let’s have a dance.”
She smiled shyly and stood to her feet, toes all toasty and warm from the fire, reaching for his hands as he twirled her under his arm and let her dress, all dark green and red (which she insisted was her most Christmas-y dress in her wardrobe) billow out at the knees. With the occasional step on his bare toes, and a trip over his own feet, they managed to move themselves around the room with such an elegant sway to their hips as the gentle voice of Bing Crosby filled the room, with the ever so delightful song that YN imagined must have felt so personal to so many around Britain. And she couldn’t help but think of how many others were dancing, singing and crying as the tune filled merry homes, both happy and sad.
And she didn’t want to let her mind wander to the agonising pain of not having a loved one, let alone a husband, arrive home safe for Christmas… but it was planted there and she never ever wanted an experience so heartbreaking.
“You’ve gone quiet,” he hummed and it was in that moment that he felt a dribble of tears against his neck, his feet coming to a stop as the music carried on behind them, “hey now. No crying, we said. This is a happy end to the year, eh? A happy one.”
“I know but,” she choked on a tear and pulled away to look at him, “I’m so lucky you came home to me. To us. But, some women, they never got to say goodbye to their husbands, their brothers, their fathers and grandfathers. They never got to see them for Christmas this year, last year and the years before that. They never knew what was coming,” she whispered with a hushed voice that felt like if she spoke too loud, she’d have the entire country hearing her, as if the music was bad enough to bring out the emotions.
“I promised you, didn’t I, baby?”
She nodded softly and his thumbs wiped away her tears, collecting moisture on the tips of his pads, their eyes locking for a brief second.
“I promised you I’d make it back to you and I did, safe and sound,” he held her face in his hands and brushed the tip of his nose to hers, his warm breath flushing over her face as she sniffled and sobbed, “I’m never leaving you again. Never ever. I promise, no selfish bastard is going to keep us apart, not even for Christmas.”
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Hi everyone! I’m not really sure why I’m posting this here, I suppose because I’m not ready for people I know ‘irl’ to see this, and this is the only account I have anywhere where none of my irl friends follow it. As to why I’m posting this at all, I’m not so sure either. I suppose largely for myself, in the hope that it will exorcise some demons, and partly for other people, because eating disorders just are not discussed enough and perhaps by posting this I can show someone else that they’re not alone. 
There may be mistakes in this and it may not all be 100% coherent, I found it hard to write and I didn’t wish to read it back over.
WARNING: The following post contains discussions of eating disorders and mental health issues. Please do not read if this is a trigger for you, and please not not read if you’re only here to pass judgement 
Looking back now, it’s so easy to realise why I felt the way I did, and to see my descent into mental illness. At the time, it was confusing as hell. I wasn’t diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder and clinical depression until I was 17, although I had been suffering from both for six years already, I just didn’t realise it, because I just didn’t know they existed. I didn’t know there were medical conditions to describe how I felt, perhaps if I did I wouldn’t have felt so alone and so alienated. It wasn’t until last year that I realised I’d suffered from an eating disorder. Before that, I didn’t know that binge eating was an eating disorder. 
The words ‘eating disorder’ to me conjured up images of skeletal bodies, of people making themselves sick. I wish that preteen and teen me knew that I was suffering from an actual condition, that other people suffered from too. 
I don’t recall specifically the first time I binged on food, but over autumn (fall) of 2011 it became a regular occurrence, a habit. It was my way of coping with the changes in my life - starting a new school, my mum being diagnosed with a clinical illness and an increasingly fractured relationship with my dad - and my feelings of loneliness. I was also self conscious about my body, I was in a more advanced stage of puberty than most of my peers and I was aware of the fact that I was a little overweight. Bingeing became an outlet for feelings that I couldn’t understand, and therefore that I couldn’t process. 
It was a process that I repeated regularly for six years. It was like a paradox, the more I looked at myself in the mirror and hated what I saw, the more I binged, the very thing that made me carry on putting on weight. I was overweight, I still am today, but I wish that I could have seen myself the way others saw me - slightly chubby but not the ugly monster I thought myself at the time. I ate my feelings away, it was the only coping mechanism I knew. Even when in some ways my life improved - when I was 14 I finally fell in with a group of friends who were kind and who made me feel accepted - my mental state continued to decline and I continued to eat to cope. I was also feeling confused about my sexuality, something that increased my sense of alienation and otherness. It was often the only thing that got me through the day, the only thing that made life bearable to me. 
I never confided the way I felt or my problem with food to anyone during this period. My mum knew that I had issues with food, twice she found hidden stashes in my bedroom. She has been a good parent to me, but I so wish she’d handled it differently. She made me feel ashamed, something that made me more determined to hide my problem and therefore to not confront it. I think perhaps that she would’ve been a lot more understanding had she known the feelings behind the problem, but I didn’t know how to go about telling her. 
I can’t remember how old I was exactly when I shoplifted food for the first time, I think around 14. The £10 a week pocket money was no longer enough to fund my problem, even though I always chose the cheapest food so that I could buy as much as possible. I shoplifted semi regularly from the local supermarkets for around 18 months, I still don’t know how I was never caught. 
In September 2016, I started sixth form college. It was a fresh start that I so badly needed, my five years at secondary school having been so unhappy. It was hard to begin with, only my oldest friend went to the same college as me and old feelings of loneliness resurfaced. A part of me had hoped that the change of school would allow me to leave my bingeing habit behind, but it wasn’t to be. Even when I settled in and began making friends, I continued bingeing. 
New friends at college told me of their mental health issues, and I finally felt understood - there were other people who felt the way I did, other people who wanted to die. These feelings may not be normal, but I’m not alone anymore. Despite feeling accepted properly for the first time in my life, I continued to eat. Perhaps it was the stress of A levels (my fellow Brits know how fucking hard these are), or my mum’s decline in health, or my increasingly worsening relationship with my dad. 
In May/June time of 2017, my oldest friend, Imogen, who was one of a few friends now aware of my poor mental state, told me that I should go to the doctor. After a little persuading, I agreed. She came with me, but the appointment achieved nothing. I tried a few more GPs at my local surgery and eventually found one who made me feel listened to, and who was kind and sympathetic. I don’t recall the exact time I was diagnosed (to be honest this period in my life is a bit of a blur), but after some months I was finally diagnosed with GAD and clinical depression. I still continued to stay silent about my problem with food. 
Ironically, it was actually the further decline of my mental state that allowed me to break my old habit. My mental health had declined fairly slowly over the past few years, but the decline accelerated over autumn and winter of 2017. I don’t know if there was a trigger behind that, I guess mental health doesn’t need a reason. I didn’t know how to deal with the way I felt, I lashed out and fell out with Imogen, which hit me hard. We didn’t talk at all for three months. Before this period, I had often thought that things would be so much easier if I was dead, but my thoughts had never progressed beyond that. Now, it became more active. I actually wanted to die. I stopped looking when I crossed the road, I stopped looking after my physical health at all. Fears about hurting my mum were the only thing stopping me from taking it further. But, I finally stopped binge eating, so disinterested in life that even the that no longer made me feel better. 
My mental state didn’t take a turn for the better, but I grew used to these new feelings and started to process them properly. I got better at pushing them out, but I did eventually decide to tell my parents about my diagnoses. My mum was very supportive, she still is, my dad not so (although I probably should’ve expected that). I made up with Imogen, my behaviour started to normalise. I felt so free from my old bingeing habit, it had only been a few months but it felt like a lifetime ago. 
In February 2018, my mum told me that she’d be moving to Yorkshire. She’d been forced by her job to take early retirement due to ill health, she was only 50 at the time, and wanted to live somewhere cheaper so she could save on living costs and pay off her mortgage. I was scared, and considered for a time moving in with my grandparents so that I could stay in a place where I knew people, but eventually decided that I’d move with my mum. Still, despite the biggest change ever to happen in my life, I managed to avoid a return to my binge eating habit. I’m still not sure how. Perhaps now that the habit was broken it no longer had the hold over me that it once did. 
And then, around March 2018, my dad gave me £500. To this day I still have no idea why, I guess guilt. But it was so much more money than I’d ever had. The temptation not to spend any of it on food was too great. I decided to treat myself, I’d spend £100 on food and put the rest in my savings. 
By the time I finished college at the beginning of June, the entire £500 was gone, at least £450 of it spent on food. I still remember the binge I had the day after me and mum moved out of our old home and in with my grandparents, who we lived with for seven weeks before going to Yorkshire. My mental state declined still further, and I wasted most of those weeks in bed, not having the energy to do anything. I kicked myself later for not using it to spend time with the friends I was leaving behind. 
After we moved to Yorkshire in August, I spent two of the worst months of my life. My old feelings of loneliness resurfaced, not helped by the fact that one of my closest friends just stopped talking to me. I seemed to alternate between binge eating, my binges even bigger than they ever had been, and hardly eating at all. 
But, eventually, I managed to settle in. I got a job, I made new friends. I didn’t make a conscious decision to stop binge eating again, it just happened. I wasn’t lonely anymore, but my mental state didn’t seem to get any better. But, I had healthier ways of coping and I didn’t need to binge as an outlet for my feelings anymore. In September 2019, I started uni, and I finally felt like my life had a purpose. 
Now, I have more and better friends than I ever had. I’m glad I made the move to Yorkshire, where I live now is much nicer where I grew up and if I hadn’t made the move there are so many amazing people I wouldn’t have met. Most of my friends are aware of my mental health issues, although I rarely discuss them in detail. 
However, only one of my friends is aware of my eating disorder. I didn’t realise until last year that binge eating was classified as an eating disorder. I’m not quite sure why, but this discovery prompted me to finally confide in my oldest friend, Imogen. She was very supportive and understanding, and I know my other friends would be, but it’s still something where I look back and I’m like ‘woah that actually happened’. Putting it out of my mind as much as possible has been my way of coping with the fact that it did happen. I have been slightly more open online that I have irl about the fact that I had an eating disorder, but this is the first time I have discussed it this in depth with anyone. 
I’m going to say now what I wish preteen and teen me had known: you are not alone. Whether you’re suffering from an eating disorder, from mental health issues, or from something else, you are not alone. I can’t say truthfully that I have never regretted confiding in someone, but the majority of the time it has helped me, even in a small way. Please talk to someone if you have an eating disorder, be it a friend, a family member, a GP, a teacher, even me. It is nothing to be ashamed of. 
I stopped binge eating as a regular habit at the start of winter 2018. Although I relapsed a couple times last year, it’s been twelve months and counting since my last binge. 
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gotham--fc · 3 years
Yeah! I feel like I’m friends with most people on the team like I feel like I could chat to them or rely on them for everything and there’s a few I chat to more and we just banter each other (and I have some stupid nicknames for some of them)
I got you on the refs bit, I think I’m my leauge we get the same lot of refs but they’re all like not old (like 20/30/40 odd?)but because hockey isn’t that big here lost of people have trained to be refs or coaches or whatever so we have enough to cover all games .
I feel you lol cause Yeah oh my god hockey is making me poor I’ve had to buy jerseys for my teams recently, pay for ice time and pay leauge fees and it’s like ouch 😬
It’s actually pretty interesting tbf cause it’s like the EU is the mum in Europe and the countries are kids breaking rules and snitching on each other so it’s pretty funny. And I always end up in a debate in that class so I have to be prepared 😂. Old English sucks it’s too hard it’s like just do normal English plz mate.
Oh yeah I forgot they’re playing the US again that’ll be a fun game to go and watch for sure! Also that’s a big hockey Canada mood finding out accidentally😂
I know but when they’re in Canada it’s like at midnight or later and it’s pain, can Canada come play GB that’ll be on a good time for me (and I’ll watch them In the arena where you have to jump down a foot to get to the ice). Or can Canada just go on a tour of Europe playing all the teams.😂
And with the Montreal jerseys I don’t mind them they’re alright I’m just really annoyed that they switched sponsors, with a rival city and the sponsor didn’t change thier jersey so now I look like a Boston PWHPA fan 😭☹️. But Harvey’s is like really Canadian/ montrealy right?
OH also they’re playing Finland again at 7:30 ET 👍 so a fun early game for you (and for me tbf a 12:30 game 🤨?). I hope the same hosts are on Sami jo small is so cool and she was just getting bodied by the other host cause she’s a goalie ( pretty sure they used to be teammates so it’s like fun to see like hosts interact as friends)
And omg that’s so cute, I knew they did it for hockey cause a hockey coach YouTuber talks about his kids being in Timbits hockey but they do it for other sports too 🥺🥺. The advert with Crosby and the kids on like a radio talk show came up and 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.
🏒 .
Yeah it’s like one big family 🥺 I miss being on a team but my roommates are letting me vicariously through them with the swim team (I also get all the ☕️)
There’s just a huge gap in our refs from people who are old and have reffed for 10+ years and kids who just got their first reffing license, so we have to figure it out
It was like $110 to play on my school team (which would be like 75 euros for context) and that was like crazy because we didn’t even keep the uniforms like my school owned a bunch and we just borrowed them and then gave them back, the school owned the field we played on, we had to buy our own cleats and shin pads and socks and stuff, the school already owned the supplies, like what are we paying for?? We rarely got bussed to games like we carpooled
I just find law boring but some people find it interesting, I think in theory the EU is interesting like you said but I just don’t really find it too interesting in reality 😂 old English and scots English are my least favourite languages like hands down the worst to read 😂
I’ll tell you all about the game (I’m sitting third row in the Canada end) but I’m probably going to be stressed af until the very end because I know it’s gonna be a close game (but I’ll be so close I’ll probably make eye contact with mpp and immediately pass out)
Yeah I guess games in Europe aren’t too bad even if it is 7am because at least I have time to sleep before and after the games, during the Olympics when everything was at 4am that was hell because I got off work at 11pm and didn’t get home until 11:30 and at that point there’s no point in going to bed so I just stayed up it sucked
Yeah Harvey’s is Canadian, it’s a burger place where you get to pick your burger like you tell them what burger you wan like angus beef, chicken, vegan, double patty, cheeseburger, whatever, and then you get to pick exactly what toppings you want it’s like subway but for burgers, but yeah moving teams and not getting a new jersey that’s a bad move Bauer
Yeah they sponsor a lot of sports, but not baseball I know that for sure at least not church league baseball but that’s what everyone played, I don’t know who sponsored baseball because our teams were named after churches and I didn’t think churches had money to spare 👀 but yeah the kids commercial was cute I love children
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In all of these interviews, I’m obviously going to have to make things up about other people’s characters! Don’t take it too seriously if you feel like it’s not accurate, just how I picture things being :) 
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what is your current career now? “I’m currently a teacher at a dance school. I mainly teach ballet at the moment, but I’ve started moving in to more commercial and contemporary styles. Eventually, I’m hoping to open my own school, but life is hectic and always throwing new things our way, so we’ll see!”
are you enjoying it? “I love being a teacher, especially when I get to teacher the mini-classes. They’re about four and it’s been such a long time since I’ve had children that age around; I miss it!” 
where do you currently live? “We currently live in the Springs, it was just convenient because that’s where the three of them went to school but we do make an effort to visit Italy a lot. That’s where Dom’s family are from, firstly, and it’s just always had significance.” 
are you married? “Since I was 18! Younger than Daisy!”
what is one thing that’s stayed the same with you since st judes? “My connection with my family. I’m still really close to them all, especially Disney, Florence and Park.” 
what’s the biggest change you’ve experienced? “I think I’ve become smarter. I hope? Helping with impossible maths homework for years changes a person. I now know all seven continents. Proud of me yet?” 
now that you’re older and have had a successful career, what’s your biggest goal in life? “To make sure I’m present for my family, especially my children. I never want them to look back on their lives and think; well, where was my mother? It’s the reason I gave up work once Carter was born, too. I’ve never missed a sports game, a school show, a birthday, a parent’s evening...It’s not how everybody chooses to live, but it’s important to me that my children know that they can fall back on to me if they need to.”
would you still consider yourself famous? “Only by association, and that’s fine by me.” 
what was the first thing you did after your graduation? “I went on tour, would you believe! I choreographed for Ruby’s tour, who was signed to my Dad’s label at the time.” 
do you have any regrets about your time in st judes? “Not speaking my mind more often. I feel like there was an awful pressure on girl’s too be sweet and not come across as a bitch, which meant people could say what they liked and you’d have to grin and bear it if you wanted to be seen a certain way. I wish I stuck up for Dom more, and myself.”
who are your children? list them in age order. “Carter, Peter and Daisy. My babies.” 
if you gave birth, who was the easiest pregnancy? if you didn’t, which pregnancy did you feel most anxious about. “Carter was the easiest pregnancy. It was the first, so I didn’t know what to expect and probably took it for granted at the time, but I had no morning sickness. I got up every morning and went to this mother-to-be yoga class and had a ton of energy. I feel like I had the glow everyone speaks of? Being pregnant with Peter wasn’t the worse. I think it was more that I was pregnant and still had Carter to care for, so I was tired. Daisy’s birth definitely had the most complications and she was early. We knew from early on that things weren’t ‘normal’, so I guess that was the one with the most anxiety.” 
did you have any baby showers or gender reveals? if yes, what did you do? “I can’t remember if I did gender reveals! I don’t think I did, honestly. I did have baby showers, though. It wasn’t anything major. Just gatherings with close friends and family. It was cute when Peter and Daisy were born because Carter was more involved in the pictures and stuff, and then of course Peter too during Daisy’s one.”
what kind of parent would your children describe you as, do you think? “God, I don’t think I want to know! I think if we’re being honest, they’d say I’m almost overbearing and they’d be right. I wouldn’t be offended. I just like knowing they’re okay...” 
which stage was hardest: baby, toddler, child, teenager or young adult? “For Daisy, toddler-slash-child. She wasn’t very well and that was hard on all of us. I think Peter was the trickiest teenager...and for Carter, probably young adult, honestly! He’s coming into his own and it’s harder to get him to open up to me because, you know, he’s an adult! They’re all amazing though, so don’t think for a second any of that means they’ve caused me massive stress in any way.”
what has been your favourite memory with each child? “There are so many! One of my favourites that involves them all was the first year we went skiing with their cousins. Seeing the boys help Daisy out with the skiis...and then also ambush her with snowballs until she got stroppy and ran to Dom, was fun. Seeing them all get along like that never gets old and makes it all worth it.”
be honest, do you think you’ve had any failings as a parent? “Definitely. I constantly blame myself for Daisy being sick when she was little. I’ll forever wonder if I could’ve done anything differently while pregnant or if I did anything to contribute. For both of the boys, I sometimes worry that I didn’t sit with them enough when they were younger and help them talk things through. They’re both such ‘get on with it’ types of people and it’s admirable but I just wish I gave them more opportunities to vocalise their feelings. It gets harder the older they get.” 
what do you think you do well as a parent? “I hope it’s being present! Again, that’s something that’s really important to me. If they all know that there’s no such thing as a mistake too big or a problem too bad to bring to me, then I’ve done my job. I don’t want any of them to ever think they have to suffer in silence about things in fear of being told off or yelled at.”
how much involvement do your own parents have in your child’s life? “Quite a bit! My parents used to take them on holiday a lot over the summer along with their cousins.” 
as a parent, what is something you’re still learning? “That they grow up and they’re entitled to have thoughts and feelings they don’t share. I think I always have the urge to fix everything for them when in reality, they’re at the age where they’re figuring things out alone which is just as important.” 
what’s the funniest memory from parenthood so far? “Carter takes this one. We were on a plane going to, somewhere. Daisy must have been tiny. Anyway, Peter was sat with Dom and Carter sat with me - Daisy on my lap with the baby seatbelt on...and suddenly, he just became overly excited. I’ve never seen him so happy. When I finally got his attention, he was like “Mummy, Santa’s on the plane!” and wouldn’t stop. Well, we looked down the aisle to see a person in a dress...A woman, mind you...And she had long white hair, which to be fair to a little child could have been seen as a beard. Anyway, after the embarrassment and a journey of death glares from her, it’s definitely one of my favourite things he’s done.” 
when do you feel like you were needed the most? “Now! Life gets harder as you get older. But, I need to learn when they need me to back off too...I’ll get there.”
JUST FOR FUN, WHICH CHILD… if you have just one child, you can just say if they’d do the stuff or not.
which child is the most sensible? “Carter and Peter are two different types of sensible and they’re both important qualities, so I’m going to say those two. Sorry, Dais.” 
which child is the most independent? “Peter. He always has been, too.” 
which child did you always have suspicions about being famous one day? “They’re all so talented, typical Mum comment! Maybe Daisy, though. She’d stand in front of the boys while they were playing their video games and belt out Frozen. If that’s not star quality...and bravery, then I don’t know.” 
which child was the hardest work as a child? “Daisy, only because of the complications with her health.” 
which child have you cried/stressed over the most? “Daisy or Peter. It’s too close to call.” 
which child has the tidiest room? “Carter. That’s the easiest one so far.” 
which child do you think likes you the most? “I hope they all like me! I feel like Carter’s the one who’ll still pity me and laugh at my jokes or has the patience to show me how to set up crap on the computer too. So, we’ll say him. I know the other two love me too, but I tend to get a few more eye rolls!” 
which child is most likely to forget your birthday? “Daisy! She’s been spoilt. The boys have always been nice enough to put her name on cards and organise it for her. Perks of being the youngest? I remember my siblings doing it for me too.” 
which child is/was the most academic? “Carter, I think.” 
which child is/was the most athletic? “Peter.” 
which child tends to be the most annoying? “They all give it a good go, believe me. I think Daisy’s the most unintentionally annoying and again, it’s because we all spoil her. She went through a stage where she would not leave Peter alone and if the poor kid tried to do something by himself, she’d have a full blown tantrum. It got to the point where I had to start giving her time outs! If we’re talking about being intentionally annoying, then the whole family will agree on Peter. If he’s in that mood, he knows exactly how to wind you up...which is funny unless you’re the target!” 
which child asks for money the most? “Daisy, but from Dom. That’s his problem to deal with!” 
which child is most likely to move in back home? “Deep down, I don’t think any of them will and as much as it pains me, it also makes me really proud. I feel like it means we’ve given them everything they need for the next chapter.” 
which child helps out around the house the most? “Either of the boys. Are you noticing a pattern?” 
which child enjoyed disney the most growing up? “That’d be Daisy.”
did you have a say in the academy(s) your child(ren) picked? “I didn’t! They all made their own decisions and I deliberately didn’t comment because I wanted them to have that.” 
how did you feel when your child decided they wanted to go to an academy? “I felt hopeful! I know it can be intense but they all have what it takes and I’m so proud every single day.” 
do any of your children study the same as what you did? are they less, equally or more successful than what you were? “Daisy studies dance and she’s miles ahead of where I was at her age. She’s a star.” 
when your child(ren) were younger, what did you THINK they’d end up working as? “That’s a good question! I always thought Carter would maybe do something like, helpful? He’s quite social and so caring. I always saw him as maybe a firefighter or teacher, y’know? With Peter, it was obvious from when he was tiny that he wouldn’t be sat behind a desk or doing anything office-like. I did always have a feeling it’d be sports related, or something that lets him travel...Maybe with my brother out in the canary islands. I don’t know! Daisy was in dance from when she was tiny, so I always had the feeling she’d do dance...”
have you met any of your child’s friends or partners? “I’ve met Callie once, I think? And Aurora a few times, yes. Beautiful girls. I won’t say too much or I’ll get texts from my boys saying I’ve embarrassed them.” 
what’s your biggest worry about your children being in an academy? “Their mental health. I don’t think anything can prepare you for people suddenly being so interested in your life and wanting a piece of you all of the time.” 
what’s the one piece of advice you’d give your child as they start this journey that you wished you had? “That it’s okay to slip off of the radar, you’re allowed to decline that invite to the exclusive party everybody is buzzing about and if you decide it isn’t for you, you’re allowed to leave. If it’s not your thing, there’s a whole world out there and your thing is in it. I just hope they always see the big picture and don’t feel like they’re stuck if they’re unhappy.” 
what tv programmes/films were on repeat as your children were growing up? “Paw Patrol when the boys were younger...Power Rangers was a thing at one stage. Daisy had a frightening obsession with Dora the Explorer. We’ve done it all!” 
have you ever lost your child/had something happen that’s made you panic? “Holy shhh. Yes. I used to take all of the kids out a lot during holiday’s and stuff because like, Brody and Disney both worked. Park worked. Imogen worked. Even though they have their own businesses, it’s still work. I was unemployed from when Carter was born right up until when Daisy graduated, so I liked to get them all out and away from their parents for a bit. Anyway! I took them swimming one summer - all of them! - Jay, Daisy, Dixie, Fleur, Pippa, Peter, Carter, Emmett...I turned my back for one second to let one of the younger ones - maybe Pippa - into the pool, when I turned back Peter and Dixie had gone. We searched the changing rooms, the toilets, the sauna. I was on the brink of tears. Anyway, they were hiding under the slide in the main pool which we never went in because it was too deep for any of them at that point. Needless to say, we never went swimming again. It was play dates in our garden pool instead.” 
what was the first holiday you went on as a whole family? “Italy, I believe!”  
can you remember a time you’ve ever been called to the principals office? “I don’t remember the first time but, let’s just say the principal and I were on a first name basis.”
say one thing about your child that you think they’d like to hear, but wouldn’t expect you to say. “...Let’s see. For Daisy, I think it’d be that she’s so much more than pretty. She’s been complimented on her looks since she was little - including by me, I’m guilty! And it’s because she’s beautiful! But, I hope she knows we all see how smart and generous she is too. And funny, there’s so much more to her and we value it. For Peter, definitely that we’re proud of him. Out of the three of them, he’s hardest on himself and holds himself to a painfully high standard but he’s constantly surpassing any expectations I’ve ever have. He amazes me everytime I hear from him and I just want him to remember to be kind to himself. He’s so much more than he gives himself credit for. And, with Carter, it’s similar but not quite. It’s more that he’s perfect just as he is. I think he grew up as the sensible, and possibly softer sibling. Daisy and Peter are louder by nature and from my experience, I know it’s hard to not feel like you’re forgettable or have faded into the background if you’re not as bold with your personality. But, I can put my hand on my heart and say I couldn’t imagine a better older brother - he’s kind, thoughtful, intelligent...He’s been a great example to them and so selfless. He’s had to endure and put up with so much growing up and not once has he complained, or felt sorry for himself. He’s a blessing and I just hope he knows that he doesn’t need to be more like anyone else to make me proud of him. I love them all!” 
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accioromione · 4 years
How Ron and Hermione would be during COVID-19 if their kids had to come back from Hogwarts
So because it is 2020 and the epilogue happens in 2017...That would mean that Rose is in her third year and Hugo was 2 years younger so he’d be in his first year., (poor guy). 
Ron would be forced to be home because Wheezes would probably be forced to shut down and Hermione would have to work from home. And both would have to deal with Rose and Hugo trying to study from home.
Here’s a written piece of what would probably happen 
“Dad do you know anything about arthimancy?” Rose asked  
“Rose, the fact that you even chose arthimancy came from your mums brain not mine.” Ron responded 
“Ugh...mums busy though and I don’t want to bother her!” 
“Okay okay let me take a look” Ron said, getting the piece of paper from her hand “yeah....Okay....so.....Yeah I have no idea.” He said handing it back 
“But you were an auror!” Rose responded, desperate.
“Yeah, you don't need arthimancy for that, defence against the dark arts help maybe...Runes...Arthimancy...That’s your mum.”
“ugh okay fine I’ll ask her after dinner if I dont figure it out myself...It’s hard to teach yourself I thought I was smarter than this.” Rose sighed in frustration. 
“Rosie you’re really smart, not having a class with a professor teaching you these things would be challenging for the smartest people.” Ron responded reassuringly 
Rose smiled, “Thanks dad this whole situation’s mad” 
“I know sweetheart, trust me no one hates this more than me....I don't know why your mum doesn’t just invent a cure...Don’t tell her I said that because knowing your mum she’d try to make one just because I said that” 
Rose laughed, “I won’t, okay thanks dad I’ll try again....” Rose said going back to his room.
Ron sighed, this situation was not ideal. Especially it being Hugo’s first year...He loved his kids but having a home with just Hermione and him after 13 years was exciting. 
And although they were financially stable...Ron was responsible for a successful business... which many employees depended on  ... He also wanted Rose and Hugo to have a proper Hogwarts experience...He had no idea that this would come into the muggle and the wizarding world...And poor Hermione...They were giving her twice the amount of work and in addition to that with the kids at home...It was all a lot...He tried to help in anyway he could, like right now, he was making dinner. Usually Hermione did cook, and she had become quite a good cook at that. However, upon marriage he’d learn how to make a few staple dishes from him mum.... and could master about 4 of them..which came in handy most of the time” 
Upon the smell of the cooking the Hugo came downstairs 
“Mmm are you making roasted potatoes dad?” Hugo asked, taking a whiff
“yep, along with the roast chicken and sprouts.” Ron said “It’s nearly done..can you go ask your sister to come downstairs”  
“Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hugo yelled “Come downstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dinner!!!!” 
“Brilliant,” Ron said sarcastically “Definitely couldn't have done that myself Hugh” Rose went downstairs looking defeated.
“Arthimancy?” Ron asked
“I got it actually...It’s ancient runes now...This is too much....” Rose said, grabbing plates, helping to set the table. 
“You can do it...the both of you..How’s school with you Hugh?” Ron asked 
“Not too bad yet... I think they’re pitying us cause we’re first years and we had to be sent home first year and all of that....Which they should because this sucks” Hugo said, taking a seat at the table. 
“Yeah- well there’s still six more years for you..so hopefully everyones healthy and well and you can enjoy those.” Ron said....
“I’m going to go get your mum” Ron said before leaving the kitchen..upon leaving the kitchen he went upstairs to go to Hermione’s office...He knocked the door and opened it..to see a Hermione rapidly writing on a piece of parchment in focus 
“Love?” he asked gently 
Hermione looked up and stopped writing 
“Is everything okay??” She asked, her hair was in a messy bun and she looked exhausted 
“Yeah no - everything’s fine...it’s just 8:30 you haven't eaten all day...I made dinner ..” Ron said 
“Oh is it 8:30 already!? Blimey...Oh Ron I’m horrible I’m sorry that’s like the third night you’ve made dinner” 
“It’s fine Hermione I have more spare time....Everything alright? You look stressed.” 
“I dont deserve you,” Hermione said putting down her parchment and getting off her seat to hug Ron, “and everything’s fine, it’s just having to be in contact with the ministry and the muggle politicians as well over this whole ordeal is a lot.” 
“Nonsense, of course you do, and yeah I know-” Ron said squeezing her “come eat...get some more energy” 
Hermione kissed him and they went downstairs.
Hugo was already shoving food in his mouth and Hermione smiled “just like your father Hugh- oh Ron this looks delicious!” 
“Mum do you remember anything about ancient runes?” Rose asked as Ron and Hermione took their seats 
“Ummm I think a bit- why?” Hermione asked 
“It’s just they’re making us do readings and I did better having the explanations and then doing the readings so I found it hard to translate some things do you think you could help for like 5 minutes after dinner?” Rose asked 
“Yeah of course sweetie why didn't you just ask?” Hermione responded. 
“I didn’t want to bother you- with all your ministry stuff” Rose said 
“Oh Rose I’m sorry- I know this isnt easy for the both of you...but if I can help of course I will!” Hermione added 
“Thanks mum I love you- ugh, I just feel like I’m going to fail everything!” Rose said before forking a potato 
“Funny, your mum said that before her OWLs and what you get again?” Ron added looking at Hermione “Ten O’s and one E?” 
Rose looked worried, “An E in what!?!” 
Ron laughed...
“Yep just like your mother...Defence against the Dark arts...she got the same as me..” Ron teased 
Hermione rolled her eyes and Hugo laughed...
After dinner was finished Hermione helped Rose with Ancient Runes and came downstairs to see Ron doing the dishes...
“Oh Ron stop I’ll do them you’ve done so much” Hermione said swatting his hands away 
“It’s fine really” Ron said 
“No stop..go sit” 
“Hermione it’s” 
Ron obliged, he knew better than to argue with Hermione 
“Rose figured out Runes?” Ron asked watching Hermione 
“Oh yes, she only needed like 30 seconds from me and then she got it...barely helped her” 
“Yeah she’s brilliant...figured she was being harsh on herself ...like someone I know” Ron added with a smirk. 
“Ho ho” Hermione said, putting away the last of the dishes...
“Oh I really hope they can go back soon...but based on my meetings it will be a while...May go into next year..we’re in the works in opening up things in stages..business’ are obviously the priority because so many people depend on them...”  Hermione sighed lying on the couch next to Ron 
“Yeah I’m aware-” Ron said, being a business owner himself...
“Looking at reopening shops with proper equipment so I think you'll be back quite soon....schools however it’s tougher...poor Hugh..in his first year. But you know... health first” Hermione said as Ron wrapped her in his arms 
“yeah well I mean we also missed one year of Hogwarts...guess it goes in generations...We lit the candle with a war...now a pandemic...maybe our grandkids will experience an alien invasion or something” Ron joked, trying to make light in a bad situation 
“I certainly hope not” Hermione cheeked back “But you are right..we didn’t really have a normal Hogwarts experience either did we? And we turned out okay” 
“I mean.....I don't know if okay is the world....you are slightly mad..but yeah exactly” Ron joked and Hermione hit his arm 
“Abusive woman” Ron joked 
“I’ll let that slide because you cooked dinner-all  jokes aside, you have been lovely Ron, I know you’re busy too with all the business meetings but you’ve been doing all this house stuff- I love you” Hermione said before kissing him, and Ron kissed her back and held the back of her head pushing her closer to him. Even after all these years he had never lost attraction for her and only felt himself falling more and more in love with her...her and the kids meant the world to him and he felt grateful everyday..even in the midst of a pandemic..having this home ...with Hermione ...and his kids...made him realize just how far he’d come in his life. 
“Mum have you seen my- oh God my eyes...” Hugo said as he was running downstairs 
Ron and Hermione pulled apart, Hermione pink in the face
“God....can’t unsee....” Hugo said, looking disgusted. 
“Seen what?” Hermione asked, still pink 
“That black Jumper of mine-” Hugo asked and then added “god ...gross...I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts” he mumbled 
“I put it in the wash” Hermione responded 
“But it was clean!” 
“Then don’t put it on the floor if it’s clean” Hermione responded, “if it’s on the floor it goes in the wash” 
“ugh....can you give it to me when its done mum” Hugo added 
“Why do you want it so bad anyways? Have somewhere to go?” Ron joked 
“I was going to play quidditch outside...I usually wear...” 
“Okay so you’ll get it when it’s clean...besides its too late for quidditch...” Hermione added and Hugo looked at his dad for approval...
“Let the boy play quidditch...” Ron reasoned with Hermione and she gave him a deathly stare 
“You’re playing quidditch by yourself in the dark?” Hermione asked...
“Yeah I’m making the bewitching the balls and saving them myself...It’s rubbish but better than nothing” Hugo said ...Ron was reminded of when he did the exact same thing while he was trying out for the quidditch team during fifth year 
“They only allowed you to use magic outside of Hogwarts  for school work in the circumstance Hugo..not to play quidditch” Hermione reminded him 
“How is that fair? It’s not my fault I’m not at Hogwarts....Dad....” Hugo said looking for his father to be the voice of reason 
“Hermione let the boy have fun” and Hermione gave him a death stare. 
“Fine go off! But do not go far....if I even find out you’re....” and Hugo ran off going up to his room to get his broom and ran outside
“You never let me discipline” Hermione scolded, 
“Let him be a kid Hermione....we never got that...besides would you rather him outside or walking in on us every two minutes?” Ron asked 
“Walking in?” Hermione asked 
“Mhmmm come....” Ron said dragging her upstairs
“Is in her room studying...and now Hugo’s outside...we have time...silencing charm for like fifteen minutes should be enough” 
“Ron I...” 
“Come on..relieve some stress...” Ron said and kissed her on the neck..he knew once he did that it was over...And unsurprisingly, Hermione, now mush in his hands, was obliging and following him...making the best of an unfortunate situation 
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elamae56 · 4 years
How'bout 3 asks of your own choosing for 'The End of the Year'?? 😘😘
Oooh Alona ... the choice ... *rubs hands* 
I’m putting this behind a cut because apparently, giving me a choice of which ones to answer resulted in an absolute tidal wave of information and sharing! 
Read at your own risk! 
15. What’s a bad habit you picked this year?
Lol. I think that I probably picked up a few this year. I’m quite bad at succumbing to poor habits but I think the worst one this year is my diet. Not all of it as to a certain degree a big part of my diet has actually improved. I cook a varied number of meals, including vegetables, fruit and salad due to doing shopping in a much altered way.
However, I’ve always had a sweet tooth and very low will power to sweets and chocolate and when I first went out shopping at the start of our lockdown I justified buying chocolate and treats as well, a treat to myself. A comfort during what was a pretty stressful first few weeks not knowing what was going to happen or how things would pan out. I had quite a bit of stress coming from my parents where my Mum was trying to cope with a lot and basically I ended up treating myself a bit *too* much 😬 I live on my own so there is no one to guilt you or judge you and I got into the habit of having chocolate bars or blocks or toffees etc as a daily treat rather than an every so often treat. *winces*
Amazingly I didn’t put on too much weight over the first few months but I was managing to get out for walks at the start of lockdown which of course fizzled out by mid summer. But coming into the winter months and with dark nights, no opportunity for walks as I was working back in the office more for our office move I basically have turned into a potato. 
I kid you not. I measured myself when Mum and I were ordering some new jeans for her and I have gone up two sizes. Conversely my Mum has dropped two sizes due to the stress thus showing you two different coping mechanisms/reactions. 
20. What’s something you learned this year?
I feel this question is probably relating to a learned skill. I know a lot of people used the lockdown time this year to learn something new, or at least tried to. I didn’t. I planned to use whatever extra time I had to read, write fic and catch up on some dvd watching (this was before TOG and Netflix). I even *gasp* had thoughts about using the time to clear out stuff in my flat which I did do to a certain degree. I cleaned and cleared out my bathroom and my pantry, although mostly it was cleaning and reordering stuff. Which leads me onto what I learned, and that was something about myself.
I’ve always considered myself to be someone who had issues with getting rid of stuff. I get easily, sentimentally attached to things, particularly stuff from my childhood or University years. Things that remind me of good times. I also don’t like to chuck out anything that I feel I can use/wear again. I have clothes that are ancient and which are the wrong size (even before this years weight gain) but I don’t like to get rid because they are perfectly good and will be when I get back down to the size I should be *pauses* *side eyes herself*
So, although I’ve always thought I was probably edging towards being a hoarder it was only this year, whilst I’ve had to spent much more time in my flat than before that I’ve been faced with the realisation that I am indeed very much on the hoarding spectrum and possibly worse than I had originally thought. 
Having to work from home really brought it to, well home, that trying to find a space to work from was very difficult, not just finding an appropriate seat and table but making room to have that work space. Shifting the boxes and bags and crap became a mammoth task and was really draining. Having to work with the mess around me was uncomfortable (particularly as my table area was physically uncomfortable) and made me realise just how much I have that other normal people just do not. I watched some of the eps of the US series Hoarders in the autumn and it made me realise some of the thought processes that I have are not actually normal.
I have to just say that I don’t live in dirt or mess! Just in case anyone is picturing those extreme cases from Hoarders! I vacuum and clean and do the washing up and nothing that I use daily lives on the floor like clothes, food etc. I just have a lot of stuff which means that things live in boxes and stacked up on the floor more than they should be. I have a lot of crap!
For someone with OCD and issues with exhaustion it doesn’t make for a good combination. 
21. What’s something new about your place of residence now vs the start of the year?
Definitely my work desk. I started off working from home on my tiny old PC table which I had to remove the top shelf from and balance sideways as I have a Surface Pro as my work machine and it wouldn’t fit on the keyboard shelf and the top shelf which would have been for the monitor was much too high for me to work from (my office chair which luckily I had didn’t go high enough). IIt also meant I couldn’t attach a mouse very easily or have anyway to put notebooks/papers etc. I managed with that for about 4 months or so before I managed to get a cheap £16 table from Ikea (this was after the more expensive one I ordered first arrived damaged). A much better work space and I have somewhere where I can sit with comfort and use my separate monitor (my personal one) and keyboard and mouse. It means that I can concentrate on my work better and is much better for posture and eyes. 
It has rather taken over my small lounge and with the boxes and crap I have it did force things out further into spaces they shouldn’t be. However, I wouldn’t change it at all as it has made working from home much much better.
Thank you for the ask and the choice! 😘
And apologies for the slightly over enthusiastic response 😂 
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sincognito · 4 years
Chicken updates (*)>
A long update on the current status of my chickens (particuarly my roosters) since some of y’all know I’ve been overrun with them since our latest batch of chicks from late last year consisted of 4 roosters and only one hen - y’all I swear they were lying when they said the sex was generally split 50:50 lmao - we’ve had so, so many roosters :’D
But anyway, if you want to catch up on current chicken shenanigans then feel free to read further. I’ll probs reblog later on my phone and add some of the newest pics of the lads. 
So finally I’ve managed to reduce the rooster horde to only three roos rather than the six I had. They’ve all (excluding Hardcase for obvious reasons) been rehomed and we occasionally get pictures or videos of them to show that they’re settling in alright in their new homes. So Harley and Jessie both have their own flocks and we kept Frosty (Kix) from our batch. 
Yes I did name the boys Hardcase, Jessie and Kix lmao. 
Obviously we still have the one (1) hen that we got from the hatch (because the gender ratios are never in my favour v-v), but she seems to think for the most part that she’s a rooster since she only grew up with brothers. I can, however, confirm that she’s finally laid her first egg! And has also decided to immediately go broody and try to hatch it, going as far as to hide all her eggs under the house in a small nest. 
Unfortunately, the poor girl is just gonna have to wait until winter is over since it’s too cold right now for us to be incubating any little babs... our heat lamp is broken so we usually wait until summer to hatch out chicks since the house stays warm enough for them not to need one. 
So! We still have Jelly, Frosty Kix and Flash. 
Jelly is being quite the little bastard of late, he’s started getting aggressive towards me again, just when I thought I’d managed to get through to him - he had been happily accepting pets and being held a few weeks ago, but he’s regressed again and is attacking me whenever I get close - I may have to rehome him since I don’t have the time to work with him with uni picking up again next week. 
Frosty is proving to be quite a good roo, he’s friendly towards the hens, alerts for danger and likes to follow me around the yard, occasionally doing his little happy dances for me. He eagerly accepts pets and is easily held without problem. In the mornings he demands at least two rounds of petting before he’s content to walk down the stairs into the chicken run (completely blocking his poor sister from getting out of bed until he’s had his fill of affection). 
Flash continues to be the best rooster, he’s so gentle and friendly and always so attentive to his ladies, always waiting until they consent to his approach and keeping them safe at all times. Our coop is currently under construction and with his disability he can’t get up into the coop to sleep at night, so every night I have to go out there, gently pick him up and put him inside. At first, he didn’t like being picked up - he’s always gotten very stressed by being off the ground, it’s just how he is - but because we’ve been doing it on the regular he’s getting a lot more comfortable with it. All he needs are a few strokes to assure him that he’s alright, and he’s happy to be picked up. 
The sweet lad needs to have his spurs clipped since they’re starting to curl in on themselves and the last thing he needs is his legs getting scratched up or bruised when they’re already so problematic for him. The cold weather recently has been getting to him and making his bad joints stiff and potentially painful, so hopefully we’ll be able to bring him in and give him a warm salt bath to massage his aching joints. 
Since we’re currently renovating the chicken coop, we’ve had to get a digger in to flatten some ground, and Flash is having the time of his life playing in the pre-loosened top soil since it’s soft enough for him to easily dig through without hurting his legs. I hope to buy some more DE since he likes to roll around in that and it’s good for him since he can’t always cover himself in dirt during a dust bath because of his disabled legs. 
In other news, Amber has found a small hole in the fence that leads into my neighbour’s yard. Unfortunately. she keeps forgetting where the hold is from the other side, so she can never get back through to our side again and then starts panicking because she thinks she’s trapped on the wrong side. Our fence is too high for my to just reach over and pick her up since she’s only a small bantam, so I had to spend the better part of 15 minutes trying to coax her into climbing the large pile of wood sat beside the fence so she could hopefully jump across. 
Amber, however, had other ideas, and didn’t want to just jump the fence since she couldn’t see the ground on the other side. But she was anxious to get back, and so looked to me with an expression that clearly said “you’ll catch me right?” and completely ignored my panicked, “no, wait!” and launched herself over the fence and into my chest like some sort of sentient football. After gathering herself and climbing up onto my shoulder she glanced back at me, with a face saying “damn, you’ll never guess where I’ve just been mum.” before hopping down the join the rest of the flock. 
On one hand, it’s good that my birds all trust me to be there when they need me, on the other, it’s not great when they decide to just yeet themselves off high ledges going “CATCH MEEEE!” and just expecting me to drop everything, rush over to them and catch them safely in my arms. Their logic of “I can let myself fall because mother will surely catch me” has caused me many a heart attack. 
Frost has also figured out that he can just about make the 3ish meter jump from the ground straight up and onto the top railing of part of our verandah. He was most pleased with his accomplishment and decided to crow right in my face to tell me as much. My dog had a small aneurysm upon seeing a chicken so rudely encoraching on the one last sacred place she has safe from them. She gets upset enough when the chickens come into the kitchen and hang around in the living room, coming up onto the verandah is a step over the line and she was not impressed. 
Frost was promptly escorted from the premises. 
My mother has stated that I could probably write a whole book with all of the strange behaviours and interactions I’ve had with my chickens, because honestly they’re the funniest little creatures I’ve ever had the honour of knowing. 
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gothfoxx · 5 years
Could you do a oneshot where aizawa finds izuku being bullied, and it leads him tk find out how teachers treated him in middle school? (Cue protective dadzawa) I have a similar idea involving jirou and present mic if your interested.
Eeee! Thank you sweet anon! Ima do the Dadzawa now and I’ll do your dadmic suggestion too, throw it at me!
Takes place after dorms are implemented but during a break. *Implied child abuse, implied child neglect, Innuendos, suggested underage/noncon*
“Oooh look it’s Deku, which loser school did you have to beg to get into?” The voice of a teenager cut through Aizawa’s thinking as he was comparing the qualities of coffee brands. It wasn’t a voice he recognized but he did know that cruel nickname. When the tired man looked up sure enough he saw a familiar head of green curls. He could see Midoriya was about to answer the rude question when the unfamiliar boy went on,”bet you had to do a lot of getting on your knees.” The kid insinuates. And this just wont do.
Aizawa puts down the coffee beans he was looking at and makes his way over to the kids, he might not be a known hero but he was still intimidating and could settle this before it got more out of hand. Making sure to make eye contact with the other boy Aizawa put a gentle hand on Midoriya’s shoulder. “Midoriya, it’s almost time to go. Say goodbye and come along.” He said, still staring down the instigator. Midoriya unfortunately flinched at the contact and the other kid snorted. “Have fun with your sponsor Deku, hope it’s worth it!” The kid laughs as he walks way, not seeming to be effected by Aizawa’s darkened demeanor.
When Midoriya turned to speak Aizawa was expecting anger or embarrassment, heck he expected tears from the kid but what he saw made his blood freeze. Kind, determined, rebellious Izuku with passion in his eyes was replaced by an apathetic mask and empty eyes, “Sorry Sensei, Kaoru was just teasing. He used to say that whenever I get better scores than he did.” Aizawa had to keep a shiver from wracking his body, Izuku’s bright tone sounded closer to that of Todoroki. That boy had not just been making a friendly jest, ‘Kaoru’ was tormenting Izuku and it sounded like he had been for some time. But a grocery store wasn’t the place to discuss such things, so Shouta nods and tosses in the cheaper coffee in his basket. “You ready?” He asks seeing the list in his student’s hand. “Yes Sensei.” With that they both go through check out.
The walk out from the story is awkward and Aizawa is dreading what he has to ask, he doesn’t think he can handle if the answer is yes. He breaks the silence between them at an empty crosswalk, “Did anyone at your old school ask you for..favors in exchange for a better grade?” It was best to not sound judgmental and just curious, a scared victim is usually a silent one. Poor Midoriya looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up, he waved his arms in a dismissive manner making his bags sway. “No sir! That’s cheating and a hero should never stoop so low as to cheat!” the boy sounded hurt at the very idea of doing so.
Aizawa filed that away with the knowledge that Midoriya likes to bend the rules. “Did anyone else at your old school say things like that? That kind of...teasing?” Again Aizawa feared the answer but it might set some light on why his student had some troubling habits. This time Midoriya doesn’t answer right away and that empty look returns to his eyes, it’s almost a full block before the kid answered, “it felt like everyone said things like that. I wasn’t popular in middle school since my quirk didn’t come in until right before exams. It’s easy to tease the quirkless kid when no one cares.” The kid mutters, it’s soft but fast, like the words would burn his mouth if they linger there too long. Aizawa stopped mid-stride. “Repeat that last part?” He politely demands.
Midoriya shakes a bit, taking Aizawa’s anger as being aimed at him. “I-it’s easy to t-t-tease the quirkless kid?” He stutters out looking ready to bolt. Aizawa realizes that he had accidentally activated his quirk in anger. “You said no one cared. Why did you think no one cared? What about your teachers!?” And kami he knows he’s probably scaring his kid but this explains a lot of things the kid does, why he doesn’t expect help from others, why he’s so easily moved to tears. “Oh well no, I’m th-the teachers had b-better things to do. Plus I m-made things hu-hard for them with all the distractions and mum-mumbl-mumbling.” Midoriya tried to excuse but it sounded hollow and rehearsed, like it was something he was told so often that he might believe it.
Aizawa let it go after that, the kid was starting to look stressed and scared and would probably clam up soon anyway. He didn’t mean to follow the kid home but something in his gut was telling him it wasn’t safe to leave yet. His gut was proved right when a group of kids around Midoriya’s age and they had not trouble lashing out at Deku as they sneered the hero name. Aizawa didn’t like what this was spelling out about his problem child, it left a sickly taste in his mouth and a constricting in his chest. It took all his will power not to arrest them for harassment and quirk discrimination on the spot. That or pick up Midoriya and just head home, the cats wouldn’t mind extra attention.
After a call to the authorities and the kids being escorted home by officers Aizawa wasn’t sure he could take another disruption in their journey to the Midoriya household. When they finally arrived Ms Midoriya ushered them in and had been so moved by Aizawa’s commitment to keep her boy safe that she hugged the grundg styled man. It was a nice hug but the happy tears were a bit much for him and he noticed the impish glee in Izuku’s eyes. It was a well welcomed look after the unnatural empty look in them earlier, Aizawa hated that dead look to his core. Never again.
Once he had gotten out of Ms Midoriya’s stronghold and made it back home Aizawa made a few phone calls. He wanted to look into what he saw today and see some justice be had. Nezu had agreed almost before Aizawa could voice his suspicions about his student’s history, his agency had agreed to him adding the case to his workload bloodhound had been more than happy to speak with Izuku about his troubles from middle school. Lastly he called in a favor he had with an associate who worked in quirk registry, he wanted to know when Izuku got his quirk since the kid mentioned exams and being thought quirkless. If he thought what had happened happened he was going to see that action was taken.
The middle school Midoriya and Bakugou attended was blander than most, it showed its age through the neglected moss growth on its concrete outer walls. The school also didn’t have cameras or any type of security measurements like anti-quirk rooms or hero alart system. It’s was apparent the school didn’t get a lot of funding and the kids didn’t seem to respect the school, staff, or other students. when Aizawa has questioned the teachers about bullying and Midoriya they all seemed exasperated and spoke about how much of a distraction and trouble maker the boy had been, how he would push the buttons of other kids so he could play victim. None of which sounded anything like his kind, loving student that would rather break himself than let someone get hurt. Sure he and Bakugou could get loud but so did the rest of the class and Izuku apologized most of the time, the kid attracted trouble, and could play villains into losing their upper hand but he never just caused drama or was mean to anyone. These teachers were full of it. If they couldn’t help him maybe he could find something in the school files.
A woman with eyes like amethysts was very helpful, when he mentioned Midoriya’s name her smile faultered and she looked frightened, “Is he okay? I know things have happened at U.A. and he always seemed to draw in the worst types of people.” He worry was appreciated after all the dismissals and repetitive excuses. “He’s as fine as we could hope after everything that’s happened this year. I’m actually here because he had a run in with some ex classmates and his reaction was...atypical.” He told her in a low quiet voice. She didn’t look surprised to hear that. “I’m guessing the teachers weren’t much help?” She asked as she sat and opened a drawer of her desk. He made a affirmative grunt. “Then I hope this can help. I wasn’t sure if it would ever come up but I couldn’t ignore it like everyone else did. My mom is quirkless and she went through back in her day too.” She sighs, handing over a binder that was at the bottom of the drawer. “Thank you for not ignoring him.” Damn that made his chest constrict again, “Thank you for doing it first, Miss?” “Hōseki Kōkana” “Thank you Ms Hōseki”
The binder had a list of dates and injuries, details about how Izuku would come into school fine but leave with bruises or with torn clothes. Ms Hōseki added pictures or documents about doctors visits and missed classes. There was a computation of who she had seen do what but given she was usually at the front desk it wasn’t a complete list, it was still a long list. Aizawa was impressed by her dedication to a child who as far as he knew had no relation with her. Nezu had said he would be employing her as a record keeper for one of his organizations, a high honor bestowed on few by the principal. With this they could investigate into the school’s history of discrimination and bullying. Aizawa would wait to tell Midoriya the news, first they had to get him to a place where knowing the place was bing closed wouldn’t cause the kid to blame himself. Vengeance was nice but his kid came first.
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wizardrywilting · 4 years
my favorite quotes from give me silence
ch. 1:  Let her rephrase, a very pretty Muggle girl named Eloise Mary Howard. --- It should be noted that Lydia was mentally compiling her will. --- Arthur Weasley was running towards her, dressed in some combination of a pantsuit and clown costume. --- Immediately, they covered the pranking product they’d been working on with a quilt, this catching it on fire. --- The twins snapped their gazes to each other, then jumped up and grasped hands. They jumped, the wooden floor thudding beneath them. By the time they had finished cheering and jumping, Mrs. Weasley had hollered at them twice, Percy yelled four times, and Lydia was blushing. --- Fred set his chin in his hand. “Tell us everything .” --- “Ginny! You don’t knock on strangers’ doors!” --- (Yes, Colin did get a photo of Neville licking a napkin, stress written on his face. It was hilarious.) --- “You’re the oldest of us, which means you’re the responsible ones.” The twins looked horrified at the idea, and Lydia laughed herself silly. --- Even though it was so cute and honestly, the fur would be cheaper to knit than yarn was - that is to say, on the way back home Chio had already shed enough for them each to have a handful of fur. --- Neville had glitter on his eyebrows, and he was attempting to blink it away from his eyes, face contorting in funny ways. Chio’s fur was doused in blue and purple glitter. Lydia herself had glitter in a smattering of multicolored freckles across her nose and cheeks.  ---
ch. 2:  “If you need me to pick the liquor cabinet’s lock I know how.” --- Mrs. Weasley sighed. “Did they break a window?”  “Uh...We fixed it?”
Where Lydia came from, albeit not a traditional family, you learned knife tricks and pressure points to incapacitate someone.
“I know. We just never see eye to eye.”
 “No one can meet your eye, you’re too tall.”
 “Have good, British dreams, Lydia.”
But we’re not...not that.”
 “Of course not, she’s only thirteen. But dear, perhaps you should acknowledge that you fancy her. Merlin knows we all noticed.”
It was, quite frankly, concerning. Was this a heart attack?
Fred was chuckling, the prat. “Just glad to see you, his brain cells have given up. Wait a minute.”
Was she seriously apologizing for a hug? What?
“Merlin, I miss you. It was so boring with all the boys. I think I lost some estrogen.”
 “Lydia, love, you look like a pixie.”
She had wanted to stay behind and ask a few questions, maybe pull out her pocket knife, the usual sort of thing, when she noticed Neville struggle to stand, shaking like a fucking tree branch during a tornado.
“Neville, I would make God bleed for you.”
Were they twice her size? Yes. Would she still rip them a new one? Absolutely.
What right did a little kid with blood in her teeth and something called an ele-friend have to her heart?
Madam Pomfrey was smiling at her. Lydia didn’t like it.
Sighing, Madam Pomfrey faced Lydia again. “As you were deflecting?”
It was a nice painting, surprisingly well done. Lydia’s face was in the foreground, getting smacked in the face by Natalie’s wand, while the girl herself was cheering in the background. The blood on her face was surprisingly realistic. Up in the top left corner, Natalie’s attackers were out cold, various painted injuries littering their bodies.
Lydia felt strangely warm.
Lydia beamed. “It’s more like insane. To be stupid you have to have brains. Luckily, I left mine in the dorm today.”
 “You called her Minnie.”
Lydia quickly realized her mistake.
 “N-No, I didn’t!”
 “You did,” they sang, “You called her Minnie! We’re rubbing off on you!”
Poppy smiled and thus began their weekly gossip. She did so love this child. If only she could tell her.
ch. 4:
As with every other Halloween, really the day must be cursed, things go to shit.
That does beg the question, why are magical people so determined to risk their lives? Is it a universal thing?
Was it petty? Absolutely. Had she gotten caught yet? Of course not, who did you take her for, Parkinson?
Harry shrieked like a mandrake, and Lydia quickly sent a spell to silence him.
“You. You’re a girl.”
She raised her eyebrow at the log-turned-Sirius-Black. “And you’re not a dog anymore. I’m glad we’ve established that.”
He paled a little at her smile, and stepped backwards. “I’ll uh, I got nothing. Oh, look, Sirius! Let’s shift focus to him.”
Something seemed to click. “So you’re the kid that sent me a letter with threats.”
“First of all, you’re terribly hard to kill, Harry,” Lydia sighed, shifting to sit more directly in front of the fire, “Secondly, think about this. There’s a couple hundred more students than normal, and everyone thinks the kids underage are safe, because why would Dumbledore’s magic ever be faulty? There’s a fourteen year old kid, he looks pretty defenseless, especially now that he’s been lulled into a false sense of security. He probably thinks he’s safe, with the age spell and loads more people that could protect him if Voldemort gets inside Hogwarts again. This would be the perfect time to strike - lots of people to blame, a tournament that could be found at fault, and an old man’s magic coincidentally not working. I’m just saying, if someone’s been after you for awhile and hasn’t succeeded...now’s the time.”
Sirius chuckled nervously. “You’re not a Slytherin are you?”
“Are they being mean again?”
 “Who’s they? I don’t know anyone named They. What a weird name, They-”
Aria sighed and flopped onto a space between the bridge’s arch where there was a bench. Colin grabbed her elbow so she didn’t do something stupid like fall through. That had to be a safety hazard, right? Was there no safety inspector for Hogwarts?
It seems like Ginny was going to get to try out that new boils curse she’d just learnt after all.
It was very hard being a Triwizard contestant. Well, that was kind of a lie, and Cedric didn’t lie. Unless it was to tell his dad he was excited for a Ministry job, that is.
There were downsides to being a Triwizard Champion too, of course.
-There’s barely any time for friends.
-No alone time.
-Mum cries whenever she sees you, you’re not sure if she’s proud or scared.
-There’s potential for trauma, but hey, it’s writing material.
-You could die or be seriously injured. You’re trying not to think about that.
-The other Hogwarts champion was entered without their own free will and now might be getting bullied and you feel overwhelmed with the guilt.
“Cut ‘im some slack, Lyn. He’s got so much to worry about. His adoring fans, for example.”
She slugged his arm. “Don’t get smart with me, your job is to be pretty. It’s Lydia’s job to be smart.”
George nodded at the three Hufflepuffs. “Pretty Boy, Pretty Boy’s friends.”
 “I stand by what I said, purple glitter jazzes up my comforter.”
 “Lydia, how are we gonna get down six floors?”
Lydia snorted. “Prayer, Colin. I’m personally praying to Yoshi.”
“You know you need the sleep, young lady. Now, fret until ten o’clock.”
As Madam Pomfrey left, covering the snoozing Colin with a blanket, she heard a mutter. “I don’t fret.”
ch. 5:
Heidi glared, picking up her cup full of ice cubes and popping one into her mouth with a loud crunch.
“Might as well break the rules for a good cause, right?”
Ginny gasped. “Oh no, am I gay? I feel gay.”
George is running away from the Durmstrang students, and I should go save him before he gets mauled. I told him not to charm their hair and skin orange, but he didn’t listen.
Oh, is that Hermione sounding disappointed? Surprising.
Glancing to where Alicia and Katie had been flirting all afternoon, she winked.
“I set the books to become inanimate again when he apologized to Hermione.”  “He, ah, refused to until blood started dripping into his socks.”
“he won’t let me go with Priscilla.”
Ginny leaned across the table. “You mean Lee’s tarantula?”
Lee nodded. “Match made in heaven, I say. But you know how it is, star crossed lovers and all.”
Ginny blinked very slowly for a moment and then left for the Ravenclaw table, shaking her head. 
 “Our little snake.”
 “Already sneaking around the rules at such a young age.”
 “I’m fifteen! ”
 “Our little-”
 “-tiny baby rebel. My, how they grow up.”
 “Just yesterday you were learning manipulation. And now, you’re sneaking into a dance.”
Finally, George said, “What’s the solution? I’m begging you Lydia, help me.”
She stared him in the face and said, “Aren’t beggars usually on their knees?”
 “New plan, because you’re as graceful as Hagrid’s skrewts.”
“This is your karma for that idiotic stunt with the dragon.”
 “Are you ever letting that go?”
 “I will when you stop flirting with Death.”
 “I don’t flirt, I tease. There’s a difference.”
“Hey Freddie, do you think your mum would be upset if I told her I want to drop out?”
 “Do you?”
 “Kind of. We could get a head start on that joke shop of yours.”
 “With what money?”
She shrugged, finally tearing her gaze back to his. “I guess how all poor people get money - struggling. It's just...I want to be with you and George, where nobody else matters.”
ch. 6:
She hoped Luna liked the earrings made from orange skins, it seemed her style and had made Lydia’s fingers sting when juice seeped into a few paper cuts.
Ginny barely gave her finger guns before she was sprinting.
“Is that allowed?”
 “Probably not,” Colin admitted, then shrugged. “But since when do we adhere to those silly things?”
 “Hi, you’re that scary snow white girl Colin’s always talking about, right?”
“Ready to piss off some purebloods?”
Ginny grinned like she had just hexed someone. “Oh Lydia. I was born to piss of purebloods.”
The night hasn’t gone devastatingly wrong as of yet, and Lydia supposes that’s all she could expect without sacrificing her soul or something.
Lydia briefly wonders if she’s just doomed Hogwarts to a fate of destruction. She figures it will be fine. Probably. Maybe.
A loud bell rings over the music, startling the band so badly a tambourine gets thrown and hits Professor Snape in his hooked nose.
Lydia cuffed his shoulder. “I know damn well your mum didn’t raise you to ignore a beautiful girl, Ron Weasley!”
They were all rushed to bed as soon as they got back to the Burrow, the car having malfunctioned and it already being near dawn by time Mr. Weasley learned they were accidentally in the Netherlands rather than England. (How that happened Lydia didn’t know. She’d fallen asleep against George’s shoulder after the fifth hour driving.)
She pauses in her unwrapping a little, and she mentally screams.
Look, she’s paranoid and mind reading is possible.
  ‘No way!’
 ‘Shut up.’
 ‘How come you fancy him and not me?’
 ‘Shut up!’
She began to mentally sing. ‘LA LA LA LA.’
ch. 7:
George had the big mouth, and often didn’t bother listening. It was as if he had one functioning ear, and he simply didn’t bother to use it.
The things he’d seen...it made him want to set something in fire, or smash something. Neither were an option though, as his mum really liked their curtains and dishes, so he stewed in the feeling.
This is how she should be - chasing him with giggles and hexes falling from her lips.
“ Ced got high and went swimming with his egg so the task is probably something to do with water. “
Sirius, honestly, is not having a good day. Or a good thirteen years, really. The things he looks forward to are rats, pets from nice villagers, and seeing his godson.
Ron snorted. “You reckon they think we’re all going in the cave to snog - OW, Hermione!”
“Your idiot godson - sorry, totally intelligent and not at all stupid godson -
Harry is pouting, and it’s the cutest goddamn thing Sirius has ever seen.
As Lydia runs to catch up with the other three, Sirius can hear Hermione demanding what the letter said, and Lydia saying, “If I told you I’d have to kill you. May I tell you?”
ch. 8:
She didn’t regret it, a little suspicion of authority figures was healthy.
“I’m surprised you weren’t born on a broomstick.”
George sighed with faux disapproval. “I wish I’d been.”
“No, you’re pretty...uh, good. You’re pretty good. You don’t have any...toothpaste.”
She laughed again, and George prayed for a sinkhole.
He fancied Lydia, and he was totally screwed.
Lydia was by his side every day of the year, basically.
She spent summers at the Burrow, save for those in the States, and they went to school together!
Oh Merlin. If his siblings (read: Ginny) found out they’d be insufferable! No. She couldn’t find out.
Katie grabbed her arm and pulled Lydia to her own chest, telling Alicia, “Love, time for Bear Protocol.”
Alicia, apparently doing what Bear Protocol meant, kicked Lee. “Bear Protocol. Now.”
Immediately, the debate cut off, and the twins slid close together, blocking anyone seeing Lydia from behind them. Lee did the same from her right side, and the three Chaser girls did so on her left.
 “Why aren’t you in class - oh goodness, what’s this?” Professor McGonagall, for her part, looked about as alarmed as one could make her.
Professor Flitwick simply levitated her and told Professor McGonagall, “Alert her professors she won’t be in lessons today, won’t you? I’m sure Poppy will want to keep her for quite a while.
Professor McGonagall sighed slightly but nodded, mumbling something that said an awful lot like, “Attached much?”
ch. 9:
Fred is pretty sure the detention was just for appearances sake, because when they got to Professor Flitwick’s classroom he had pretended to be disappointed, but when Lydia smiled at him he had smiled back.
They had practiced charms Fred is pretty sure weren’t supposed to be taught unless paid extra Galleons for, and he gave them all snacks.
“Madam Pomfrey is currently with someone else. She’ll be available tomorrow, or when she finds time.”
George obviously was strung out, because he snapped, “Get Pomfrey!”
 “Pomfrey will make an exception, Lydia isn’t a normal patient.”
 “I really doubt-”
Ginny sneered. “Doubt a little less, or you’re getting boils in places cream can’t reach!”
“ Mam .” She cried out, and Madam Pomfrey pulled Lydia forward so the girl could grab onto the woman.
And if later on Professor Flitwick found and joined them? Well, no one needed to know.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 12
77: Oct. 6
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 6,2019 1407 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!
Oh this is going to be fun!!😄😁😁😁
the Queen
This is a fun riddle, call it HMTQ Greatest Hits DVD 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 An assortment of HMTQ comments!
“ one can’t choose ones family “
The old saying you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family! In processing, strategizing, meetings etc etc, things have been on overload with madam, Harry, and BOJO, that whole political situation. There has got to be some angry frustrated emotions regarding PA, Harry having been caught up in this mess and how things have dragged on and out! All the hacking, invasion of privacy and just generally very poor choices in life by family members.
“ Philip loves me doing Melania”
I hear HMTQ has a wicked sense of humour and loves riddles and mimicry. I can only imagine her trying to do an impression of Melania Trump, her accent, everything. This is hilarious, PP Is reportedly also having that wicked British wry self deprecating or mimicking others too. Oh how l would LOVE to be a fly on the wall!!😁
“I rather liked Donald “
HMTQ gave President Trump and his huge family a real Royal welcome literally! The time spent the Formal dinner, the dinner apt the U.S. Embassy that PC and Camilla attended. It sounds like she got on well with DT, We know he takes such pride and joy in his Scottish heritage from his mum. We also know that he has great respect for HMTQ, so much so he brought his entire family with him. We also know he brought some intel/evidence with him. Thank you sir! HMTQ enjoyed him and the time they spent together!
“ l frightening Vlad
Vlad is not the vampire, it’s Vladimir Putin. I am a bit confused by this because it seems a word is missing, like l am frightening, or l like frightening, hmmm. I think l will go with, he concerns her greatly.
“ on our day together she never stopped yapping “
This is madam and their train overnight trip together. It was seen as such an honour because HMTQ is rare to invite others along on the train and/or an overnight trip. We know from the videos and photos, how hyper madam was, she cut in front of the Queen and entered the car first. During the performance she looked hypomanic, laughing non-stop yapping according to HMTQ’s words. Poor your Majesty, you were able to endure that trip!
“Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “
As a reassuring loving granny, she took his hand in hers and spoke with him. No one is perfect, yeah he screwed up a few times in life, who hasn’t? He was ensnared in a plot that had done years of planning, reconnaissance, and he had absolutely no idea what he was in, until it was too late. Kind of like quicksand, you slowly get sucked in, and the more you move and wrestle trying to get yourself out the quicker you sink and drown. God bless you, your Majesty!
“ the little one, she’s a fireball “
She is talking about Lottie, our beloved Princess Charlotte! She was trending worldwide with her hairflip her first day of school. She is a real ham for the camera, ham meaning like to have fun when her photo is taken. She has a fantastic personality and watching her grow up will be joyous. I also think Savannah Phillips, Princess Anne’s granddaughter, fits this for sure she and Prince George 🤣🤣🤣😂!
“Camilla says she’s illiterate “
We all know Camilla loathes madam, love the video where she repeatedly asks for help🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Sounds like her opinion of madam is in line with many others about madams skills in the writing, reading, and language usage and comprehension!
“ what sort of name was that!!!!!”
Arche🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I cannot believe to this day, that name, amw!! I know some think LG played a trick with this name being the same as the last Duke of Sussex eons ago!
” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “
Madam is assuming another Christmas with the family she never had. Also that she will still be free and easy, sounds like HMTQ suggesting if she’s still free at Christmas she will be lucky. Lordy please let the handcuffs come soon, let them have their ducks all in a row and clang clang slam, locked cell, orange jumpsuit!
“LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
This whole issue of BOJO manipulating HMTQ, now today’s paper saying he didn’t really apologize he just said regret. He is willing to squat in No. 10 if there is a non-confidence vote and he is ousted as Prime Minister. He said they will have to take him in handcuffs! They are trying to sort out who would be the new PM, Brexit deadline, and if an election it would need at least five weeks. So John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons could be interim PM. It’s all up in the air. The Queens speech to the House is to take place October 14,2019. This is her telling LG in no uncertain terms she is duty bound to do this and refuse to be dragged any further into swaying politics on either side. Her job in weekly meetings with PM , is to be informed what’s happening, offer advice but never ever tell what’s to be done!No one else will be giving her speech except her. In a previous riddle we had something about someone else delivering her speech due to health or stress issues, l can’t recall exactly.
October 6,2019 1445 hrs CST
This is great PG such fun for us all! Love it….and love your personality shining through!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 6th, 2019
78: oct. 7
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
October 7, 2019 1305 hrs CST
Well MM ANON , This riddle looks short but very unsweeten, the usual saying is short and sweet!
Calapornia Dreem-in
We had Calipornia in a riddle the other day. Today it’s Cala pornia .It seems that alleged tape has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes, online, but lots of disagreement on who the female is. I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION of exposing myself to that. Reminds me of my old Sunday school song, be careful little eyes what you see, ears what you hear, mouth what you say..does anyone else remember that song? Dreem -in, a play on the song California Dreaming by The Mamas and The Papas, it was redone by Wilson Phillips, daughter of Michelle Phillips, Carnie Wilson daughter of Brian Wilson, l cannot recall the third member. They were great, remember Hold On! Great music. Anyhow, l digressed, Dreem,from wiki , is a sleep device that monitors, analyzes, and claims to enhance quality of sleep. It’s a miniaturized and autonomous headband that monitors the quality of sleep and then uses sound to help fall asleep faster, get deeper sleep, and wake up at the optimal time through smart alarm. End wiki.
So we have Calapornia Dreem-in, note California is spelt Cala, either way, the sirens currently flashing loudly is this alleged sex tape online. As l speculated the meaning the other day, is she doing a runner to Cali or Cala?? There are definite spelling alterations to confuse, MM ANON🤨🧐🤔.
Is someone having great difficulty sleeping from hobbies, stress, being picked on by the big bad royal reporters? Might the sleep aid device Dreem being in use, hence the addition of in after the hyphen? To clarify a hyphen is the sign here. - It is used to connect words together so they combine their meanings.
Alternatively perhaps Harry is using this sleep aid to help him sleep. We know all the things we have noticed, weight loss, scruffy clothes/shoes, look very sleep deprived, l am sure he is suffering tremendously as he serves this tour of duty for HMTQ.
“ To be ‘ or Not to be…”
MM ANON is taking us back to Shakespeare, Hamlet’s soliloquy on suicide to deal with all that has happened in his life. Has there been suicidal ideation on part of madam or Harry? Madam l highly doubt, a narcissist never goes there except by accident. We have see a slow descent in our Harry over the last two years, Wright loss, hair loss, scruffy clothes, looks sleep deprived etc etc, adding to that, the pain he appeared to be in, stepping onto that stage in SA and her grinning like a Cheshire Cat, sorry Cheshire, at his agony. I have said numerous times now but l hope upon immediate return to London he was given medical assessment and care, as well as emotional assessment and care. I pray to God l am wrong on this, but l have been concerned. He has been under stress like l have never seen, for over two years!
“ I made a bit of a boob”
A boob, slang wise has had different meanings over the generations. A boob can be a dopey goofy person, it can be a blunder or a boo boo, meaning error or mistake, it can be a term for breast. So who made a bit of a boob? I see the usage here being an error or mistake. I would say the first boob was a bootycall and then underestimating who the attacker was.
I think this could also be a cheeky reference to an alleged video online.
“ the real Mc- COY darlings
The saying the Real McCoy, goes back, at least for me, in the old western movies, not sure if McCoy was a brand of saddle, shotgun, something anyhow. So when someone says, it’s the real McCoy it means it’s 100% real or accurate. Here MM ANON has hyphenated the word McCoy, and elevated the word COY. Coys definition is, according to google, especially with reference to a woman) making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring. Ok, interpretation, MM ANON is clearly telling us that any alleged sex/porn video is 109% accurate, correct and the actress in it, is her acting role, is acting very coyly. Yuck, l need a shower!🤮🤮🤮🤮
“ artistic lie- sense
To take artistic license is a common phrase meaning , again l will use google, as l want everyone to be able to understand who may not be familiar, “Artistic license (also known as poetic license, historical license, dramatic license, narrative license, or creative license) refers to deviation from fact or form for artistic purposes. It can include alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or the rewording of pre-existing text.”
I have had a number of comments of appreciation from anons for being more elaborative as we have readers from all around the 🌎 🌍 world.
So example, a movie about Invention of the light bulb, let’s say, they add a romance to it, or drama , l hope l am explaining this clearly.
So here MM ANON says Artistic lie-sense, another hyphenated word. So madam as we well know has exaggerated EVERYTHING about herself, some may say lies. Her age, her number of marriages, not knowing anything about the BRF, fake pregnancy etc etc etc.
So , since this alleged sex video is the hot topic, l am thinking the acting would be very fake over dramatic moaning groaning etc etc, likely a person would, to cover past sins, would be inclined to lie about it, say it never happened or the great song by Shaggy, It Wasn’t Me!
“ not my best work”
Again another commonly used phrase especially, like me, l am so self-critical about how I type my interpretations of the riddles, typing, thinking of something after l have submitted it, or just having a bad day at it , l think l might have even wrote this here, this is not my best work.
Artists, musicians, creative people, common phrase!
So if there were an alleged tape, that proved real, one might use that phrase. A tv show might have been the pinnacle or the height of greatest work!
October 7,2019 1355 hrs CST
Fantastic, thank you so much PG! You make it seem so easy, yet we know there is nothing easy in doing these interpretations! Hats off to you! 😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you MM ANON 💜💜🙏🏻💜💜 This was quite challenging, l find it’s extremely important to me, as this blog of our dear 🐼, has a worldwide readership and l am trying very hard to explain phrases, words, slang etc, as l take this work very seriously, and l want everyone to be able to understand! Also l am, by character, a very verbally elaborative individual 🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Thank you dear 💜🐼💜 for posting this. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Source: skippyv20
12 notes
Oct 7th, 2019
79: Oct. 7
MM Anon
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Riddle Number Two on October 7, 2019 1735 CST
lets move on!!!!
Time to move on and restart life. Put this information out, let the chips fall where they may. I am certain, based on the FIRST riddle today, that Harry is done, he can take no more. Oh my , how will this be handled, l for one would NOT want to , after several years of being a horrible person, want to be on the receiving end of Fleet streets vengeance! How will details , hundreds of them be told or explained to the public, all the things that have been kept secret, the public will perceive being lied to and paying for that wedding, her clothes etc etc etc. Never mind that, the bigger picture of the plot, the backers!
fab unfore-tunate
Fab Four, the original was the Beatles. When madam came on the scene, and video of them, working on a Heads Together, the media, not sure which, dubbed them the Fab Four. As we know their offices have separated as well as their charities also.Rumours of dodgy money being missing from the charity. They are completely separate in every way now, at least publicly, this has caused an uproar because of madam spending and the varied rumours surrounding merching, and hobbies, and other things that have been on fire today! So much beloved was Harry , everyone wanted him to have the dream of family come true. His madam is loathed, that’s putting it mildly. There is so much public distress at seeing the boys, l will forever call them the boys, break up, fight and publicly sever ties.
pre tour panic
Have unexpected security issues arisen on the upcoming tour to Pakistan of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge scheduled for October 14-18/2019?
We know security is a major issue, as in the memo it stated this is their most complex Royal tour to date. I will keep them in prayer. This tour is essential in continuing relationships building.
a fleet-ing vengeance
Remember Fleet Street, how l explained that in a riddle the other day. MM ANON, l take this as the sh** is going to hit the fan imminently, l have felt an agitation inside for several days. Will they lay bare, pun intended, EVERYTHING they have in the dossier. OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PULL THE HANDLE LET IT ALL SPILL OUT!! It’s time! Harry is at the end of what he can take! SO ARE WE! How this will all be done and handled l have no clue but it’s going to be earth shattering across the U.K., the Commonwealth, the EU, whilstBrexit is so precarious, and the world too. I cannot fathom how HMTQ is feeling and how and when to proceed!
“ don’t take this personally”
So who is not to take this personally? This clue mystifies me. My head is so full, is this relating to BOJO non-apology, in that he regrets what happened with Parliament? That HMTQ being tricked, she shouldn’t take that personally because he was trying to get his own agenda through, the Courts over-ruled him. Of course she is going to take this personally! She needs to be able to trust the PM! BOJO , according to the paper, if there is a noncon vote and he is ousted as PM, he will refuse to leave No. 10 unless in handcuffs. So, yes, BOJO HMTQ is taking it bloody personally!
“ you have TWO choices”…
Two choices, go quietly or a fight will ensue. l remember professionally saying this many times. Cooperate or things will be enforced. In this case confess, plead guilty or not guilty. Is arrest imminent, are these two choices?? Oh please , make it so, to quote Captain Jean-Luc Picard! Are the choices, leave the U.K. of face charges. I can’t see that totally but then again a lot of money laundering trials have brought down mob bosses.That song should l stay or should l go now? Is blaring through my head!!
“ get your bloody head out the sand”
Whose got their head in the sand on this? This is definitely PP, might he be taking a stern tone with HMTQ? Action needs to be taken imminently, the press are on the precipice of unloading a ton of very very bad things. It would be easier, although none of this will be easier, but it would be easier if HMTQ gave a public video, like Christmas Day, and as she did with Diana. If they can publicly get ahead of the media, might soften the blow. Perhaps announce a separation, then the press can go hog wild. Either way it’s going to be Annus Horibilus on steroids!!!
“it’s crumbling around your feet”…
The love and loyalty towards Harry is doing exactly that, crumbling around him. If things continue and madam resumes appearances in the U.K. or joint appearances , PARDON THE PUN🤣🤣🤣😂 joint🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 sorry, l need a laugh, this is a tough riddle and the second one of the day!the reception will be vile, also possibly dangerous, such is the loathing at this point. This is having an effect on the entire BRF . The continuing question, why doesn’t HMTQ do something. Thank God for the Cambridges.
“ baby ‘ what baby?”
Oh are we going to play ignorant know?use those fabulous acting skills. I never had a baby, never was pregnant what are you talking about all innocent? Whose baby was that in SA? His or her photo will go down in history as being passed off as a royal baby.This could also be read, as to a lover, baby( name for lover), what baby? Many many people knew it was a fake pregnancy, surrogate used but whose egg and whose male DNA was used? Was it done in SA. Or was that a rent-a-baby? This is all so seedy makes my skin crawl with disgust!
“we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”
Again with the Jaws reference🤨. MM ANON DO I GET A TREAT FIR WORKING OVERTIME DIING TWO RIDDLES IN ONE DAY?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂This hacking lawsuit is going to cost tens of millions, however it may well possibly reveal the identities, the length of time, what they did with the information they gathered,and was it a bad actor or actors who did this. Now when l use the term bad actor, it has nothing to do with movies or tv. A bad actor has become the term used when talking about individuals who betray their country, spy, commit crimes etc, it cal also be a foreign national also. . Has that decision been rescinded, just to pay her off, she can leave go back to U.S. I don’t know, there are alleged crimes, the British people and Commonwealth who haven’t taken the time to look below for the facts still loathe her. How this will all play out without totally destroying the Monarchy l do not know.
As far as paying madam to go, there was a one time deal offered before the wedding, it was allegedly accepted but changed her mind and went ahead with the unhappy day. Is there a chance they have decided to offer again just to leave, the legal case she filed is her problem. Any potential legal problems, or illegal acts that may have been committed and money owed on taxes, all her problem. I can hardly think after all this they would cave in, I HOPE NOT!
… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
I have been singing since l saw this clue. This is from the musical Fiddler on The Roof! The entire song, sang and performed by a poor beggar man living on the slums but he had a fiddle AKA a violin. The whole entirety of the lyrics are him imagining being a man of fantastic wealth and the houses he would build, the life he would live, endless time to do whatever you want, buy whatever you want, just completely unencumbered. This is how many see the royals. Harry especially has taken unbelievable backlash for his spouses extravagant clothes spending, repeated use of private jet, the perception of being preached at regarding climate change . The last straw for the media was that blasting furiously letter , that accompanied the information that he had filed in court, directed at the media after what had by and part, in comparison with the other behaviour was a positively reported visit to various countries in Africa! The last snap though, was his perceived treatment of Rhiannon Mills of Sky News when he scolded her, as some saw things, watch the video, decide for yourself!
October 7,2019 1850 hrs
Great job PG! Wow! If I could, one scenario has been they let MM go, and she is taken care of back in the US….so that might be the reference to two choices…she will NOT walk…she will face justice..in UK or in US! Thank you for doing these riddles today! So appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
It could be any, l am exhausted after two riddles, the last one being extremely difficult in how to word things without opening oneself up to legal issues and to not offend etc etc etc. As for Fiddler on the Roof, l deliberately not bring up his ethnicity because sometimes people do not like that, l bend over backwards, metaphorically, TO NOT UPSET ANYONE or be perceived as judgemental etc. My brain 🧠 is tired, my words aren’t flowing right. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 I do my best, give my all, we all work together. 💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜 Thank you 🐼 for creating this wonderful place💜💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜🐼😊😊🐼👋🐼💜
Source: skippyv20
80: oct 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
October 9/2019 0105 hrs CST
SORRY l am so late, l had a rest day😊💜
fab two ‘ future Queen
Well who on earth could this possibly be referencing 🤣🤣🤣? Of course it is our beloved Cambridge’s, Their HRH Duke and Duchess! Who needs a Fab Four, when we have the FAB TWO? They are brilliant. The Royal tour to Pakistan (unless something happened whilst l slept the day away, haven’t read the news) will be a Master Class in how a Royal, representing HMTQ, conducts oneself. Catherine, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has fully come into her own, in this role and it’s been marvellous to watch her bloom. I think some of us kind of took her for granted until we saw the horrors of the other one. She will make a brilliant Queen Consort, once the time comes.
future king
This could be referencing Prince Charles, Prince William or Prince George. Are we not blessed to live in a time with three future kings? Amazing! Given the pending Royal tour representing HMTQ in Pakistan 🇵🇰, l believe this is referencing HRH Prince William. He too, has come into his own, fabulous, loving supportive wife, they have a beautiful healthy family. Their minds are sound and are raising well rounded children. We will se William, on this tour, conducting himself above reproach, and can envision him well in his penultimate role as His Majesty, when the time comes.
also rans
Let’s head to our favourite friend google for a few definitions, a loser in a race or other contest, especially by a large margin, OR, PAY ATTENTION KIDS😁an undistinguished or unsuccessful person or thing. Now let’s just skip past the first one and jump on the second definition. Undistinguished person, BOJO fits, only because he manipulated HMTQ, but we’re not political. I know without a lot of explaining or elaboration because you have all been passengers on the Skipoy🐼 train, you know of many undistinguished deeds that are public, just you wait Henry Higgins, just you wait, sorry l jumped into a My Fair Lady song 🤣🤣😂😂, can’t help myself!
three weddings and a refusal
Three wedding and a Funeral, the write of that film, Richard Curtis, is working with Catherine on a mental health campaign, l can’t recall what it’s called just now. Anyhow this is three weddings and a refusal. William and Catherine, Harry and her, Eugene’s and Jack, whose the refusal? Are we referencing CD? She goes way back, but …..but…..but…… l am saying no more!
Is this boss Prince Louis’ name for Archie or the other Cambridge children? We know twitter calls a baby bubs 🤮🤮Or is it LG? Not joking at all about a real child but at the persona created for this infamous fauxmegnancy, fauxmegbirth, fauxmegworld, etc etc etc etc.
a dog with no name
I know , my friend, rescued greyhounds from the racetracks in America where they were , can’t say it, but used and abused, and brought them to Canada. This is a well known animal/humanitarian organization that rescues a variety of animals. The title literally, it means they want no dog to not have a name. When an animal has a name, it gives them meaning, they’re smart they know what their name is and respond to it, maybe not always the way we want🤣🤣😂😂, but they do? So who is the dog with no name in the human form , is it the victims of JE? The ones that have come forth have a name. I know there has to be many more, unnamed to us at this time. Or worse will never be known. When you see and hear VRG speak and tell of her experience it adds the real humanity factor, it takes it from words on paper or hidden abstract to literal, in your face truth! I pray for all the victims of human trafficking known and unknown 🙏🏻.
silent screaming past
Does anyone recall the documentary The Silent Scream? I most certainly do, its about abortion. I wonder who this might be about? I have long suspected there might have been several of those in the past of someone.
🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼
But music and dancing, MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PAUR , THANK YOU MM ANON FOR THIS CLUE. Memories, Fred Estaire singing this, dancing with the unbelievablly gorgeous Ginger Rogers. Fred used to say, or was it Ginger, no, matter, he was talented, but she was amazing because she had to do everything backwards and in heels🤣🤣😂😂.Now interpretation, let’s face the music, it means face your reward but more often it’s face your punishment and own up to what you have done wrong. Here we have it, PA, it’s time for him to not dance but face the music. Sounding like an order from up top has been given, he must comply with authorities, be interviewed, be truthful! Face the music!
“ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “
This is an old saying, does anyone remember the spoof spy show Get Smart? Hilarious, l grew up watching that, about spy who goofed up, had a phone in the sole of his shoe?🤣🤣😂😂 Anyone, the saying is, if l tell you, I will have to kill you. My oh my oh my, what secrets are held, l certainly wouldn’t want to be in this position! But who is!
everyone is scarfing
William adjusting his scarf to avoid interacting with madam, has taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. We know, the entire BRF, to the public, is scarfing, the Harry, and her, l believe 100% behind the scenes, there is plenty of love and support for Harry to get through this horror!
(another private flight)
Have they taken another private flight? And to where? Necker Island?? Or points beyond? I think they any public appearance in the U.K. now would be disastrous especially for a narcissist. I wonder how Prince Harry’s appearances on the 10th for International Mental Health Day will go? I do so hope that he is well received 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Branson island
Sir Kenneth Branson owns his own island as well in the Caribbean, he calls it Necker Island. Do you recall the horrible fire that occurred there a few years back? Kate Winslett, the actress literally went in and rescued either his mum or grandmother. No matter, this island has been a getaway for many celebrities and royals for years. Is there a connection with JE and his island?
Mail on payday
Ha ha, when the storms blows in, they will get a massive payday, of that l am certain. In public opinion, the DM comments are full of loathing and anger, they sometimes have comments that things are not appearing ie comments or they vanish. When the story(or stories, truth) are published ad revenues and sales will skyrocket!!
“ please boo the buggers”
PP voicing his approval for this to happen when a certain couple or individual appears in an official capacity or not, just do as he said!!! Now that would be above Camilla’s video begging help! Help! 🙃🤣🤣🤣
Submitted October 9/2019 0204 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! This again looks interesting…oh what fun lies ahead! Thank you, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
81: Oct. 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 9/2019 1500 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
“ sorry, not today thank you “
Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader, has said today, that the Queen should appoint him as PM if BOJO loses a non-confidence vote. Firstly HMTQ does not appoint leaders, they are elected by the public. So sorry, Mr. Corbyn, not today, thank you.
never EVER explain
Since the Queen mum was Queen, it has been the motto of the way the Royal family has dealt with any rumours or gossip about themselves or their work. Never complain, never explain. This has an extra ever, all caps. So MM ANON is telling us , when this happen, as things unfold legally or with the marriage, there will be a considerable amount of things that will not ever EVER be explained to us. We must prepare for that. They have been playing this game a long time and are champions, the Crown never loses. So we ask ourselves how will things come out, what will happen to madam or Archie, lots of things will remain classified, this is a big thump warning us!
“what happens in house, stays in-house”.
The saying what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. In other words, confidentiality and discretion are key. So whatever may be observed or noted by staff they cannot talk about outside of the house they work in, be it KP, BP, Windsor Castle etc etc. I think LG is running a tight ship, we are nearing the destination of an endpoint in this masquerade and he wants no leaks out , no warning at all of their plans, lest their attackers use that information. Perhaps in reference to Richard Palmer?
a special briefing
Did the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge receive a special briefing regarding their upcoming Royal tour? It would be very important that they be aware of exactly everything that is planned, possible changes and security issues.
another cover-up?
What on earth could this be referencing? Is this related to PA and his connection with JE? There are some conflicting facts that l have read in different articles. The latest l read, was that New York visit, when he was at JE mansion, the purpose of that visit was to end his friendship due to JE arrests and crimes/pedophelia in Florida. Now one would think a simple phone call would suffice. At the time this first arose he denied having been intimate with VRG, the Palace statement reflected that, Met case closed. Many people feel that was washed away. Now it’s come back, he is still denying having been intimate, VRG is sticking firm with her story. And then there is that pesky photograph!!! Is there something else being cleverly hidden? I surely hope not and for HMTQ sake, l wish PA would do the right thing and cooperate. He will drag his feet l am sure, he’s done so thus far.
glowing anticipation
They say women who are pregnant have a special glow about them. Are we anticipating an announcement?? Who could it be? Princess Eugenie, to me, is the most likely candidate. That would be simply marvellous news!
special forces
Is this related to the Pakistan 🇵🇰 Royal tour? I very well think it might be, the security risk is high, we have high ranking royals, and ongoing assessment, along with tightly kept destinations and places they will visit. Safety first!
“unprecedented care”
Is this medical/emotional care for Harry after returning from Africa? Is that the type of care meant here? Or is there unprecedented care and concern expressed for HMTQ and PP through this incredibly stressful time, adding Her Speech to the House this Monday, October 14/2019. Or more concerning yet is this regarding HMTQ or PP health? I think ultimately this means, the Pakistan 🇵🇰 tour, they are undertaking their most complex tour, as per statement on the tour stated, and security and their staff are taking unprecedented care and implementing measures to ensure safety, security and a very successful Royal tour and relationship building.
a very tired PR
I am sure the Palace PR staff are beyond exhausted as madams numerous PR firms are at it, and being well paid. Tired can also mean blah, sedate, uninteresting, repetitive, and that’s what her PR is, the same fantastical stories, fabricated and dull.
public appearance nerves …
Harry will make his first official day of events tomorrow, to recognize October 10/2019 International Mental Health Day. I imagine he is a bundle of nerves given all that has happened on and since his last day in Africa. Not scheduled but l wonder if madam will gatecrash or attempt to.
“we’ll pay you handsomely”
Are they purchasing a video, l thought certain they already had it. Perhaps there is more information from past or lost years on offer, l am certain there would be no doubt if it was authentic and verifiable it would be purchased. Usually when the term pay you handsomely is used, it’s kind of like someone keeps your secret or in tv/film, it’s a private detective digging up dirt and gets rewarded handsomely for his work. MM ANON, l would love to know where some of these clues come from,,they can go many ways and some l can’t figure out!!
“she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
They need madam to do something or appear at some royal event, but she’s terrified of the crowd, if there is a crowd, of whomever is there, what their response will be. There is to be no discussion, she must do this! I just wish l had a clue what ‘this’ was!
Submitted October 9/2019 1605 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! Things are sure getting interesting. Again…in awe of your riddle skills! So appreciated😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 9th, 2019
82: Oct. 10
It’s Thanksgiving weekend, we have a massive snowstorm that is supposed to go until Saturday 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019
1430 hrs CST
corespondents under the radar
Oh dear oh my, madam, and creepy eyes guy have kept in touch. I can only imagine the level of filth, schemings and depravity in those conversations, emails, snail mails, after all she is a calligrapher, roll eyes now. Well this is very interesting!
“MA to MM”
Hmmmm sound abbreviated, oh they’re so clever those kids, surely no one would recognize those initials and connect them back to those two!! I truly wonder what he has been up to, was he the last guest at Misha NoNoo wedding who arrived in big car, huge hat and coat, immediately surrounded by guards protecting him. Where has he been? Good gracious l have a zillion questions needing answered!!
🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼
Old song, l know the song, looked on google for the performer, never heard before but they are called the Box Tops. The lyrics are all about someone desperately longing to be with their baby again, because a letter was received. l think baby is lover, not a baby baby🤣🤣. I think she’s begging him to send her a ticket to leave London !! Anyway anyhow before next week!! To avoid that public appearance? Running scare are we Rachel?
“ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”
It’s lyrics from the same song as previous clue . Letters, plural, the plot thickens. I shall, out of respect for LG, assume that all of their contacts and interactions in every way shape or form, have been well monitored and documented. LG, were l wearing a 🎩 hat, l would take it off to you sir! You played her brilliantly!!
‘ thank you LG.”
Just what l was thinking and just typed. I am sure many have been thanking him, he has played the long game and has won. The timer isn’t out yet, but there is no way for her to win. I think this may be HMTQ speaking to LG. He has returned to serve HMTQ, serving her until the end!
“were in need of another f#@ing hole”
Oh dear, oh dear, how much more horrible trash about madam are they having to bury because it’s so extreme? I know there is so much that will need to be kept classified , buried if you like, for the BRF to recover. What on earth is all going on? There is so much unknown and the British people, all of us who care, are at the end.
Sheeran a common problem
Ed Sheehan, who has massive problems with his neighbors and his building things, that’s a whole other topic. Ed Sheehan , the musician, did a clever bit of humour, GINGERS UNITE🤣🤣😂😂. But in all seriousness, today is International Mental Health Day, Sheehan is a play on the word sharing a common problem. They both have experienced times of depression and feel the strong need to destigmatize it. Whilst here it’s a massive winter storm, as l type this, my power has been out for a good hour, good thing l saved the riddle and charged the iPad. BUT I AM FREEZING 🥶!
I just called the power, they said so many outages they have no idea when it will return😩😩😫😫😖😖I AM 🥶 COLD!!!
” drag her along ‘ your joking”
Prince Harry and madam are due to attend the Well Child benefit October 15/2019. I assume madam has zero or less than zero, great film by the way, l digress, interest in doing anything remotely public for fear of what could happen. Booing, throwing rotten tomatoes? This was referred to in yesterday’s riddle. Harry has been told to drag her along if she refuses to go. He is being given firm order on what he is to do. In no way, shape or form, will she be allowed to NOT attend!
not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!
There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard. With madam, who doesn’t posses a gram of maternal instinct, this is her delight, she can do whatever she wants, a doll can be ignored. However l truly believe this is how the British people and people around the Commonwealth and the world are elated not to see or hear her word salad speeches. Hence the all caps, exclamation marks GOOD!!!
Christmas 🧣 scarfs
I wonder if this is going to be a gag gift, l know it has taken a life of its own online! This truly, l believe means, if madam is still around at Christmas, she will be “scarfed” from any Royal family Christmas dinners etc. A general, familywide scarfing, the ultimate! 🧣
🎼Back in the USA”🎼
Old song, classic Chuck Berry, fabulous when no computers for instruments, guitars were needed. This song is entirely about someone returning home to America, describing the sites and sounds of various places. Madam is deeply homesick and wants to go home. Yet she wants a massive celebrity life and fame. She has become infamous, history will tell of this. I think l have said this before but she may just end up in a massive, massive very expensive fully staffed home. However, the home may have locks but she gets no key to it!
“friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”
Shakespeare again MM ANON , again to my favourite , Hamlet. I will share the entire piece.
“Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade.”
Loyal friends, keep them as close as you can. Hold onto them, deeply in your very soul. This can be healthy or a very sick relationship. This is mm and ma, they are interwoven in each other, evil purpose, money, lust, filth, disgust. The hoops of steel MM ANON has challenged us with this before. My, my, my , are these two, who have been bound by this sick relationship going to be bound by hoops of steel aka handcuffs at the end of the day?? Oh l hope so. I want all this filth gone!! Banished!
(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019 1700 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….so sorry about the power outage….the west suffer through these often…….Then again so does the east! The joys of Canada fall/winter. I’m just sorry you are so cold. We too have snow. This riddle is now tying the connection to MA and MM….as is our new Anon…Emails, sexting, and videos. So, we can expect more on the pair! Thank you dear PG, I know it’s been a battle for you today, so much appreciated!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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Disney’s Truth Booth.♥️
You can read this as OOC or an IC interview, I really don’t mind!
1. Please state your full name: “Disney Cosette Hamilton” 2. Does your name(s) have any kind of meaning? If so, what is it?: “My Mum never wanted Park and I to have the same name as any other children around at the time - there were a lot of Lauren’s and Rebecca’s and so on...My middle name is my Mum’s - and my own - favourite character from Les Miserables.”  3. Do you have any nicknames?: “None that are said to my face, ha.” 4. Where were you born? And in which country?: “I was born in auteuil, which is in Paris, France.”  5. What is your date of birth?: “The 15th December 1995.”  6. Of course, the following question; what is your Zodiac sign? “Sagittarius.”  7. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? “Yes, but I don’t want to hear what you have to say if you don’t know your Big Three. I know many, many, many Sagittarius people that I can’t relate to because our charts are so different.” 8. Where do you live? “Violet Springs, it isn’t permanent. I plan to move to New York after.” 9. What is your home situation like? (ex. do you live with your family? Your partner etc.?) “I live with Brody and my two daughters, Dixie and Fleur, as you guys all know.”  10. Do you have any siblings? “I have a twin brother and two younger sisters.” 11. Do you have any kind of allergies? “Nope.”  12. Do you own any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they? “We have a dog - a Pomeranian called Marilyn - and then two ragdoll cats; Eliza and Angelica.”  13. Why did you apply to St Jude’s? “It was really by chance. I was initially going to go to Cambridge, but I also wanted to keep going with my acting career and St Judes just felt like a better option.”  14. Did you had to go through a lot audition rounds? "No, I didn’t technically audition. I was accepted on my resume and my previous work I’d done before coming here.” 15. What is the current course you’re following? “Acting for screen and stage.” 16. If you can switch courses, which one would you switch to and why? “Probably producing and directing. I feel like that’s an area I want to look into at some point anyway, whether I switch courses or not.”   17. What is your proudest project you’ve done? “Gigi on Broadway...The last person to have the role before me was Audrey Hepburn. How do I top that?”  18. What is the proudest project that someone’s else has done? “I feel egotistical for saying so because I’m in it, but Mason’s Gossip Girl was really before it’s time. I personally haven’t starred in a project I’ve been as invested in as that.”  19. Do you like FanCons? “Not particularly.” 20. What do you like about FanCons? “Meeting genuine supporters who have something to say for themselves, rather than just screaming at you and shoving a camera in your face.” 21. What don’t you like about FanCons? “The screaming and excessive selfies.” 22. A fan memory that always stuck with you? Can be positive or negative. “I’ve really started to enjoy getting to know the fans who work at our store. It’s really good to see them grow as people and have their own dreams - rather than just chase around people who are already living theirs.” 23. Your favorite event so far? “Good question, I really love Springs Festival.”  24. What kind of event would you like to see in the future? “I’d like to see more international events; we’re based a lot in London and the USA.”  25. Would you recommend St Jude’s to friends, family. etc? “Yes, but I’d push for them to go to Liberty or Sulayman if they could.”
26. What are your positive traits? “Loyal, an overachiever and I’d say I have a good eye for aesthetics.”  27. What are you negative traits? “I don’t have any negative traits. Just ones people can’t deal with.”  28. What would other people describe you as? “Probably a perfectionist.”  29. What are your pet peeves? “People who put on a front because they want to be seen as a certain way. It’s so annoying that people would rather spend their lives pretending than actually working on themselves.”  30. What makes you happy? “My children.”  31. What makes you upset? “Things that have no place or excuse to exist nowadays; racism, homophobia, I could go on.”  32. What is something you love? “I love acting and fashion, also travel.”  33. What is something you dislike? “People who completely disregard veganism without really looking into it.”  34. What are you strengths? “Standing by my word and making things work in my favour.” 35. What are you weaknesses? “I might have a compulsive shopping problem. It’s completely possible.”   36. A misconception people often think of you? “I think a lot of people assume that I’m conservative or my family is conservative. They’re always surprised when we believe in the rich paying higher taxes, being pro-immigrant, being allies to the LGTBQ+ community. People seem to assume we’re all anti-that stuff.”  37. Do you have any fears? “Poor hygiene.”  38. What scares you the most? “Being satisfied. Imagine just, stopping? I couldn’t.”  39. What do you do to entertain yourself? “Work or shop.”  40. What is your MBTI? “I’m an ENTJ.”  41. How do you deal with stress? “I shop, or sometimes exercise if I’m feeling it.”  42. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person? “I am absolutely both.” 43. Do you consider yourself selfish? “Yes. It’s not a bad thing.”  44. Would you like to be different? “Absolutely not.” 45. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)? “I would say I’m more extroverted. Although, I don’t agree with those definitions. Being an extrovert is getting your energy from external places; time with friends, the world around you...Introverts tend to be drained by it and prefer solo activities.”
46. What is your sexual orientation? “Heterosexual.”  47. Current relationship status? “Married.” 48. When was your first kiss? “I was eleven and it was at our family’s Christmas party.” 49. Do you remember your first date? If so, with who was it? What did you do? “It was with Brody, we were thirteen and it was after filming High School Musical 1...It was something really lame, like the cinema, but at the time it was the best thing ever for both of us.”  50. Have you ever experienced heart-break? “Yes.” 51. Have you ever been in love? (If yes, skip to question 53) “Yes.” 52. If no, how so? 53. How do you know when you’re in love? “You just know, I think it’s different for everyone. The same way that you know if you’re sad, happy or excited. It’s nothing special compared to those other feelings - people just put for weight on it.”  54. What would be your ideal date? “I’ve had it and it’s something I’d rather keep private.” 55. What is your perspective on marriage? “If it’s for you, that’s good, but nobody should feel pressured. Its not something you have to do.” 56. (only for non-virgins) Are you a sub, dom or switch? “I’m not answering that.” 57. What do you think of relationships? “They aren’t necessary but again, if it is something you want then you should go for it.”  58. What do you think of one-night stands? “They’re fine.” 59. Are you still a virgin? “I’m not.” 60. Most attractive trait in a different person? “Confidence. I hate talking to people who don’t mind or have no real opinions. I’d rather be with somebody who’s my complete opposite but stands by what they say, than someone who just borrows the opinions of others.”  61. What matters most to you when it comes to a relationship? “Perseverance.”  62. Are you comfortable with PDA? Or would you be comfortable with PDA? “In moderation, it can come off tacky if you do it too much.”  63. Are you more of a type to be asked out or the type to ask the other out? “I don’t pursue people. I’m only ever pursued.”  64. How do you express love to the other? “If I’m allowing you to vent to me or generally be in my presence for longer than a few moments and have more than surface level conversations, I obviously love you.” 65. Who is your celebrity crush? “Prince Harry.”
66. Do you regret anything? “No, regret is the enemy of progress.”  67. Is there something you woule like to re-do? So, start all over again? “No.” 68. What is something you would never share with anyone? “Yes, a lot of my personal memories. Some things between my family and I are just that.”  69. When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? “It’s one of those never share things from the last question.” 70. Most memorable event that happened in your time in St Judes? This could be anything: “Can you remember when we all almost died in the Caribbean?”  71. One thing you wish you could do all over? “Nothing, didn’t I answer this?” 72. Someone you miss? “I miss my Grandmother a lot, we don’t see her half as much as I’d like. Especially now we have the girls.”   73. Something you wish you could forget? “Again, there isn’t anything.”  74. Who has the biggest impact on you? “Probably my Dad, there’s a lot that he’s taught me that I think has helped me with success up until now.”  75. What is your perspective on love? Is it beautiful? Does it scare you? “Neither. Love is something that you either choose to pursue or you do not. My perspective of love is that it’s been romanticised and turned into something where people go above and beyond to prove that they are more in love than someone else...I think love and romance get far too blurred. One is a lot better than the other.”   76. What has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? “I’d rather not say.” 77. What is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? “I’ve gained two daughters, I’ve lost too much sleep and I’ve let go of drinking. I was never a huge drinker anyway, but I drink even less now and it’s nicer than you’d think.”  78. Have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? “Yes and no. Anybody I lose, I lose for a good reason.”  79. Do you have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses?  “That’s a very personal question.” 80. If you could meet your 16 year old self, what would tell them? “Not to have so much self-doubt because you’re becoming exactly who you’re supposed to be. I think my 16 year old self was definitely more clued up than the average 16 year old. Also, you don’t have to dress like Cher from Clueless everyday.”
81. Summer or Winter? “Winter.” 82. Cats or dogs? “Cats, I love both but cats are more independent. If they were people, they’d be better.” 83. Beach or mountains? “The beach.” 84. Phone calls or texting? “Texting.” 85. Have you ever skipped class? “Yes.”
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You like theatre? You’re from England, right? Have you seen any productions live on stage? (I’m a theatre geek from America so I’m curious to know what stuff is over in the UK!)
Hello! And yes, I love theatre! I did a drama degree at university for three years, and whilst I took it because I’m an actor, there’s also a LOT of written assessment and theatre-based research/learning because it all helps you with being a better actor (supposedly). I also love that you’ve used the British spelling - I don’t know why, but it’s nice when I see British spellings of words online!
As for theatre shows, I haven’t been to see anything for a LONG time. For years my grandmother took me (then my sister, then my cousins too) to see pantomimes at Christmas, which was fun! Apart from that though, the first time I really went to the theatre was to see The Woman in Black, and that was for my 15th birthday (I think). I’d seen the film and read the book before, but oh my goodness the play was amazing! We were right at the very back (last minute tickets), which I thought would make me feel less scared, but in truth was petrified the whole time. What’s amazing about TWIB is that they have maybe two or three actors doing EVERYTHING; they have one person playing Arthur, and then one other man doing every other part, I think. They use set really efficiently too, like they would sit on boxes and then act like they were on a carriage - very minimalistic set, if I remember correctly!
It was about three weeks after this, I saw a musical called Blood Brothers - I did Drama GCSE at school, and we had that trip 5th February (I remember the date because I had just come back from a four day French GCSE immersion trip and also it was Darren Criss’ birthday - that was very important to 15 year old me for some reason). Honestly, Blood Brothers is one of the most incredible things I’ve seen, and it’s pretty much one of like...two musicals I’ve been lucky enough to see onstage live. It’s about these twins who were separated at birth, and one is raised by a rich family whilst the other is raised by their poor mother, and it’s honestly such a funny and heartbreaking play/production because you can see how money/economics effected both of them. Also, the songs are absolutely FANTASTIC, 11/10!
My nan (the one who used to take us to the pantomime) bought tickets for me and my sister one winter to see our local theatre’s production of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Honestly, I’m a sucker for all things Narnia, and I think she knew how desperately I wanted to go - this was before I managed to get a job, so I had no money of my own, and I think that’s why she offered. My nan was honestly such a wonderful grandmother, and I miss her a lot. As for the play, it was actually really great; they did a really cool fight sequence-dance-thing on-stage, and it was actually funny in a weird way because I realized halfway through that a boy in my drama class at sixth form was part of the ensemble.
When I was at sixth form (Year 12-13, 16-18 years old), I did a Drama and Theatre Studies A-Level and both years involved going to see 10 theatre productions with the class from September to December - we had to take notes during the performances for our exams (both practical and written) but it was still so amazing (and cheaper than normal because the college paid for most of it, though we did have to give a fee to them obviously). There were a few plays I saw twice because they were core texts and so the first year it was more “maybe take some notes for next year” and second year “you must take notes, you need them for the exam”.
I can’t remember all of them, I’m afraid, but here are the ones I do remember:
Our Country’s Good - this was core text for second years. The production in my first year was terrible and boring as hell - plus the acting was really not good (we were laughing during a death scene). The one in my second year was at the National Theatre and MUCH better; more professional, more interesting to watch, better acted. The only disappointment I had with that one was that there were more than 10 actors and no multi-roles - apparently the actors are supposed to multi-role as at least one prisoner and one officer, and there’s gender-swapping because of it.
Tartuffe - another second year core text. It’s actually a truly hilarious play, but the production we saw in my second year modernized it a bit too much and so we could only use certain ideas in our written exams. It was funny and entertaining though.
Rebecca - saw this in my second year, we had to take notes to help us with our self-written play we were performing. It was honestly really good, probably one of the best I’ve seen, and there was one actress especially who was incredible (Katy Owen) because the played this hilarious phone-obsessed teenage boy servant, and it’s based on Daphne du Maurier’s book. It was part of the tour in 2015, so I think you can actually find some videos if you search!
The 39 Steps - I saw this in my first year and it was absolutely hilarious. I wish I could remember more about it but it was honestly so well done and funny, and I loved it.
War Horse - Okay, this one was literally one of the best plays I’ve seen; it’s based on a book by Michael Mopurgo, and it was also turned into a film years ago. The puppetry was honestly fantastic, like at some point you literally forget that this is a puppet and not a real horse even though you can see the puppeteers in plain view and the horses are clearly not real, because it’s just so incredibly well done. I still can’t get over how absolutely incredible the puppeteers worked together to make the horses believable, like tiny little movements like the ears, or making the horses flex legs or whatever else, and the show would not have been half as incredible if not for them.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - this was INCREDIBLE. I honestly cannot stress enough how absolutely amazing this play was. It’s based on a book of the same name that I actually read at school, and it’s told from the perspective of a 15 year old boy called Christopher who has Aspergers. The performances were stellar, but the stage work was literally incredible - the way they managed to get you to see through his eyes by using stage lighting and other techniques (sound, for example) was absolutely brilliant.
Also, while I was at sixth form, my mum and her friends got tickets for Mamma Mia!, because the wife of one of the ladies she worked with at the time is in the entertainment business (behind the scenes), and I went with them (my sister was unfortunately too sick to go with us, so she stayed with my dad). It was honestly really fun and we had a great time - you can’t beat a bit of ABBA!
Other than this though, the only other stuff I’ve seen has been seeing drama students at university perform - both in class and at actual performances. I wrote a piece that was actually performed at Camden Fringe Festival in August 2018, and it was so amazing to see my piece being performed. Originally it was a 15 minute extract of a screenplay for a film but with some minor tweaks (which I won’t go into detail about because this post is long already) and double casting the roles (the past versions and the present versions), it was turned into a stage piece. It was the second of three pieces the university was putting on, and it was encouraging that my work was considered one of the best three out of a whole class of 15-30. I know that’s not technically counted as theatre because it’s amateur and not widely known (or known at all) but it was still a proud moment for me.
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