#as a normal oak kin i can see why you might HOWEVER- actually no these tags are gonna get too long if i start ranting in sparrows defense
risetherivermoon · 3 months
sometimes i remember that people actually hate sparrow full heartedly and it baffles me
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necromancyistight · 6 years
You’re Always Welcome
Loki x OC (Jules) 
Jules led her warriors to assist in a battle that got a little too close to her borders. Victory comes at a price, however, and Jules now has to deal with her worst fear: Politics. Some context: This takes place a little before Thor.
Also, don’t be afraid to comment or critique. I’m going to need it if I want to get back into writing. ---
The sound of steel meeting steel was deafening. All around her, Asgardians and Wolves alike were falling. She struck down another marauder, yanking her curved swords from its chest. It gurgled and spat its blood in her face before falling dead before her.
“Fall back!”
She sheathed her swords as she watched the marauders retreat, spitting on the ground as she turned to leave. They weren’t important right now. She picked out the surviving warriors of her kin, assessing their wounds and sending off the ones who were strong enough to make it home for healing.
“My Queen,” A voice called from behind her. “My Queen, the prince has requested an audience.” The warrior bowed as she turned to face him. He was one of her own, and he seemed to know how she really felt about this request.
She sighed and nodded, gritting her teeth.
“I suppose he could have one. Lead me to him.”
She followed the young warrior as he led her to a muscular, blonde Asgardian who was speaking to an armored Asgardian female. The male was handsome, but something didn’t quite sit right with her about him. Upon noticing them, the blonde looked at her and smiled. She nodded back at him, unsmiling.
“Uh,” The young warrior’s tail twitched and cleared his throat, “The lady Jules, High Queen of the Wolves.”
She tapped the warrior’s shoulder, smiling slightly.
“Thank you, my dear, but I’ve got it from here. Assist the wounded.”
He bowed, saluted the prince, and left.
“You wanted words, my lord?” She said as she turned to the prince.
“Yes. I wanted to thank you for your aid. Lady Jules, is it?” He said as he beamed at her, “Asgard thanks you for getting those cretins under control in my absence.”
She bowed slightly.
“You are most welcome, but please, think nothing of it. If you’ll excuse me I must attend my wounded.”
“You are a fierce warrior and The All-Father would request your presence. He would wish to thank you in person.
She sighed quietly, knowing that this would be good for her people. They weren’t welcome in most realms, but if Odin himself declared them as not a threat…
“If I may, sir, I’d ask to be dressed more appropriately for such… a high honor.”
“Alright. When should we expect you?”
She whistled, and her wolf, Myst ran to her side.
“Give me two hours. Expect me and my lieutenant.”
She mounted the giant white wolf and ran off into the trees.
“A meeting with the All-Father?” Yang asked, laughter glittering in his eyes. He was sitting on her desk, looking at her as she put on her cloak and strapped up.
“Living the dream, aren’t we?”
She pushed her second-in-command slightly as she rolled her eyes.
“Oh, shut up. This is good. Bad for me, but good for the people. I can bear a short meeting.”
“I'm sure.” He quipped.
“Asshole,” She flicked his arm and laughed softly, “Hurry up, will you? I might not want to do this but I still don't want to be late.”
He laughed and got off his desk perch, following her out of the room.
They arrived on Asgard shortly after meeting up with the prince. Thor, his name was. God of Thunder. Odin’s eldest. He had a sort of cocky air about him, like the realms revolved around him. Nice enough, she supposed, if people genuinely liked or revered him. She decided to reserve judgment for a later time if this meeting went well.
“Father. Allow me to present the warrior that assisted us. Lady Jules.” Thor announced.
“Queen,” Yang interjected, “Queen Jules of the Wolves.”
Jules bowed and smacked Yang’s leg with her tail.
“Forgive my lieutenant. It is an honor, All-Father.”
“The honor is mine, Queen Jules.” Odin’s voice reverberated across the room. He sat on a gold throne that shone brightly and unnaturally, causing Jules to scoff softly. She could hardly make out the old man past it all.
“Kings,” She thought.
On his left stood who she assumed to be Frigga, Odin’s wife. She was beautiful without the eye strain. Jules liked her more already.
“Asgard and Vanaheim are both in your debt for your actions, and we apologize for the people’s past conduct toward your kind.”
Jules winced slightly at Odin’s words. The apology sounded insincere, but she would have to roll with it.
“I am gladdened by your kindness, All-Father. My people and I would hate to let innocent people die.”
Odin smiled.
“My family would be honored if you and your lieutenant attended this evenings feast, Queen Jules.”
Jules stiffened up.
“Ah, fuck,” She thought.
“We would be delighted,” Yang answered for her. Jules could hear the smirk in his voice.
“We would indeed,” Jules bowed, happy she decided to wear her formal black dress, but dreading feasting with many other… unfamiliar people. They were led to a room on Odin’s request, and there she let out the groans and cries of frustration.
“Dinner? Really? Why?” She whined, laying back on the extremely comfortable bed, “I just want to go home and not think about any of this.”
“Oh, I’m aware. Free food, though.” Yang shrugged, smirking at her.
“That’s the only good thing coming out of this and you know it.” She laughed, “Ugh, I hate this.”
“Relax. Like you said, this is good for the people. You’ll benefit from this dinner.” Yang stated.
“That doesn’t make it that much better. The food had better be exquisite.” She took off her cloak and set it aside.
“Oh, I’m sure it will be,” Yang assured her. “We’re dining with Asgardian royalty. The best chefs in all the realms will be cooking our food.”
Jules smiled and laughed softly.
“If that’s true, we’re packing some to-go.”
The dinner was a disaster.
Not because of her, of course, she knows how to conduct herself at the feast table. It was the famed Warriors Three and his highness Thor that seemed to enjoy tossing food and breaking cups. It took everything Jules and Yang had to dodge most of it. What made it worse was knowing they’d have to stay the night. The dinner ran later than they had liked and they resolved to ask to stay. After complaining a great deal to Yang back in her room, Jules bade him good night and lay down frustrated in the bed. She didn’t rest long before there was a knock at the door. She looked at the door and sighed heavily. Maybe if she didn’t answer, they’d leave…
“My lady, a word, please? I promise it will be quick.”
The voice was unfamiliar, but whoever it was sounded much nicer than everyone else she had met so far. She decided she’d give them a chance.
“I’ll be right there,” She said as she got up to adjust her dress.
Upon opening the door, she was greeted by a tall, dark-haired man dressed in green and gold. He was fairly handsome with slicked-back hair and striking blue eyes. She remembered him from the dinner.
“Prince Loki,” She bowed, “What brings you to my room at this hour?”
He bowed back to her and smiled. She tried to not let it infect her.
“Forgive me, my lady, I felt compelled to check on you. You didn’t look too pleased at dinner. Was the food adequate?”
“Oh, yes, the food was delicious. Ah… excuse me, if my manners offended you, feasts in my kingdom are quite different.” She replied as she gave into smiling.
He laughed softly, nodding his head in understanding.
“Yes, my brother and his friends can be crude, but they are Asgard’s best.”
She laughed along, casting her eyes to the floor.
“This is refreshing,” She thought.
“I take it’s a normal dinner then?” She said as she leaned on the door frame, “I don’t know how you survive.”
He smiled and looked at her.
“Neither do I, I’m afraid. Still, they are family.”
She nodded in understanding, looking into his baby blues. She supposed she could see her people being the same way if permitted. Though she wasn’t keen on having to clean up a mess that big, considering she had no servants and feasts included the whole kingdom rather than just the royal family.
They stood in silence for a short while before he spoke again.
“Would you… like to take a walk with me?”
She was surprised at the request but accepted. He seemed to enjoy her response greatly.
He took her on a tour of the gardens, which were lit ever so softly by lights along the pathway. It was beautiful and every tree and flower caught her eye, but Loki seemed keen on learning about her and her people. He asked about her culture and how they survived when they only hunted on occasion.
“So, your people are able to shapeshift into wolves any time? Just wolves and nothing else?”
“Yes. Well, some of us can be any animal we’ve seen, but they’re quite rare. I actually happen to be one of them.”
Loki nodded, seemingly impressed with her answer. He guided her to a bench, where they sat and continued to talk and laugh, thoroughly engaged with each other. He told her about watching the sunsets and the crisp morning spring air and how the light would bounce off the pillars and cast everything in gold. He told her of watching the rainbow bridge light up the sky from the edge of their world. In turn, she told him about the rivers and tree-homes and cave-homes and how everything was always so warm and inviting. How simple yet elegant her grand oak was and how she enjoyed basking in the sunlight at the top after a long winter.
“The most beautiful thing, to me, is how the orbs dance in the trees at night.” She said, beaming at the thought, “The way they’ll float up ever so gently and hang like stars under the canopy. Don’t get me wrong, Asgard is gorgeous, but the orbs… they’re like a dream.”
“Orbs?” He asked, his head tilted in curiosity.
She pulled out a tiny bead from a small pocket in her dress.
“This tiny thing?” He looked at it, confused.
She smiled and handed it to him, pulling out another one for herself.
“You hold it in your hands and tell it something. A secret, a wish, your thoughts, your fears, your hopes, dreams, anything at all, and…” She brought it to her lips and whispered. She eyed Loki, watching his expression change as the tiny bead began to grow and expand, glowing stronger and stronger in her hands before she released it and it began to float. The light was soft and warm, like candlelight, and it filled Jules with the familiar sense of hope and calm as it always had. By his expression, it had the same effect on Loki. He marveled at it, smiling softly.
“You try,” She smiled at his enthusiasm. She watched as he thought for a minute and whispered his own words into the tiny bead, smiling at it as it grew slowly in his hands.
“It's beautiful…” He whispered as he looked it over. “Simply amazing, my lady-”
“Please, my lord, call me Jules.” She put her hand over his orb, lowering it until it shrunk back into a bead, doing the same to her own. He smiled at her.
“Jules,” he nodded, “You must teach me how to make one.”
“I’m afraid these are native to our portion of the forests and no one has successfully made a bush grow.”
Loki’s face fell in disappointment. Jules picked another bead out of her pocket and handed it and the one from her hand to him, closing his hand around them.
“But please, accept these as a gift. A token of my gratitude.”
“Oh, I haven’t done anything to deserve this-”
“I insist. You’ve been especially kind to me.” She stood and bowed to him, “Kindness never goes unrecognized in my kingdom.”
He smiled and stood, bowing back at her.
“Then I accept your gift, Jules of the Wolves.”
She leaned in and whispered, “You are also more than welcome to visit my kingdom anytime. I’d love for you to tour the square.” She winked, “No offense to your family, but this privilege is for you alone. My people are wary of newcomers, and I feel most comfortable vouching for you.”
He nodded and winked back.
“It’ll be our little secret, then.” They both laughed and continued to speak about their respective cultures as he escorted her back to her room.
“I bid you safe passage, Lady Jules,” Loki smiled softly at her as she walked into her room. “Until we meet again.”
“I hope it’s soon, my lord.”
“Loki. Please.”
She smiled.
“I hope it’s soon, Loki.”
“Prince Loki, my Queen.”
Jules looked up from her desk and smiled at the Prince that entered her chambers.
“Welcome back, Loki. I’m glad you decided to visit.”
He bowed to her and smiled.
“I can barely stay away.”
“Are you staying for the feast tonight? You still haven’t seen the market at night, you know.” She looked at him, hoping he’d finally say yes.
“I can not stay for dinner, my lady, but I may be able to sneak away this evening if that pleases you.” He beamed as her smile grew wide.
“I will await your coming then. I do hope you can come back. If you can’t though,” She turned to her desk, picking up the papers she had been working on and tore out a page, “Take this. You’ll be able to write to me from Asgard.”
He examined the paper, looking it over.
“You can make it a page in any notebook. In fact, here…” She took the paper, taking a quill to mark it, “Now you’ll know what page. You’ll also only need the one.” She said as she handed it back.
“Thank you, Jules. I’ll be sure to use this.” He smiled softly at her. She noted that he looked almost touched. And excited? She leaned back on her desk and smiled softly.
“Don’t stop visiting though. I enjoy seeing you three times a week. Just don’t be a stranger now that you can write to me.”
He looked at her with joy in his eyes and tucked it away.
“I’m glad to know I’m welcome here.” His voice came out in somewhat of a whisper.
Jules smiled.
“You’re always welcome in my kingdom, Loki. I may not be able to meddle much in Asgardian affairs, but We’re always here for you.”
“Thank you.”
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