#as always had so much fun with all the details ;P like. the beanie baby cat.. iykyk......
privartidahos · 7 months
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shithole apartment
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gravelyhumerus · 3 years
Criminal Minds College AU - Chapter Seventeen
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily
Exams, pizza, board games... what more could a girl ask for?
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months.
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty
 “That was a lot of chess,” Emily complained, nearly chugging her latte as she and Spencer left the coffee shop. 
She pulled her beanie onto her head and braced herself for the snow as the taller boy held the door open for her. Emily almost slipped on the slushy tile floor on her way out but managed to keep her balance. 
“Fifteen of the multiple-choice questions to be precise,” Spencer replied. The salted sidewalk crunched under their feet as they made their way across campus. 
“I’m so glad it’s finally over,” she admitted. “I think I’ve had enough philosophy to last me a lifetime.” 
“I’m enrolled in ‘Minds and Machines’ next semester,” he said. “I think I might try and get a double minor this time around.”
“What’s the goal? Three PhDs by the time you’re 24?” Emily quipped. 
He was well on his way, having completed his engineering degree before she managed to graduate high school. He was 17, only two years younger than her, but somehow seemed like a kid. A kid with more education crammed into his brain than she could ever master in her life.
“Something like that,” he replied with a smile. His hair was getting long and he had tied it back during the exam. With last names starting with P and R, they were seated near each other in the large exam hall, and she glanced over at him as he fussed with his hair. 
They stopped at the red light, watching as the cars and busses wooshed past them, sending the slush flying into the snowbanks. It had been a fairly sunny day, but bitterly cold. Now, the sun was setting and the campus was bathed in a warm golden glow. The snow had fallen the night before, leaving fluffy white snow covering their campus. 
Emily had spent most of the day holed up in the library with Spencer, with him quizzing her on fallacies and philosophers. With his eidetic memory, he only really needed to read the material once. Earlier in the semester, she did feel useful when it came to editing each other’s essays. He always got bogged down with detail, word vomiting everything he knew, and she helped him with his structure and argumentation. 
More studying awaited her back in her room. She rubbed at the back of her neck as she thought about the upcoming evening spent hunched over her desk studying criminal justice, a subject that left her questioning her degree half the time as she was forced to learn about the muddled ethics of justice. 
That week, she had survived on minimal sleep, eating mostly bagels and coffee to sustain her. Her body was protesting with each step, and she had suffered from a constant tension headache for as long as she remembered. At least her college had that golden retriever walk around at the library yesterday, she thought to herself, sarcastically. Animal therapy definitely relieved all her stress. As if petting a dog for five minutes would fix the anxiety of finals season. 
Two more exams, she reminded herself. You’ll make it. 
Despite this mantra, Emily was conflicted. While finals were killing her, the end of the semester also meant winter break. Emily would be forced to go “home” for the holidays. For most college students, that meant going back to their respective towns and being surrounded by their loved ones. Emily, on the other hand, didn’t have anywhere she called home. Last winter break, her mom had at least been in DC, and Emily was able to catch up with some of her international school friends who were in the city. This time, her mom was stationed in London, and Emily knew she’d be roped back into her old life. She didn’t know anyone there and knew most of her break would be spent alone. 
The last place she had called home was Rome, and now that was tarnished by her complicated past with that city. 
Emily was good at being alone. Being an only child of a workaholic single mom meant she learned to keep her own company. She read a lot. She got good at running away, escaping her nannies, and skirting security in order to roam free. She’d be fine. 
The problem was that Emily had gotten used to this. She rarely spent a moment alone these days. Whether it was walking to class with Spencer, or Hotch, or Derek, getting lunch with the team, surprise coffee dates with Penelope and spending almost every evening with her girlfriend, she hadn’t been left alone in ages. She didn’t miss it. 
Their residence building had a warm yellow light shining out of the windows and a soft red brick facade. In the summer, ivy grew up the south facing side but in the winter, the ledges were covered in snow and the stone steps were slippery. She trudged forward, excited for the warm embrace of the dorm. 
Spencer had other plans. He reached into the garish yellow plastic newspaper box that was stationed next to their doorway and retrieved this week’s newspaper. 
“Come on Reid,” Emily said. “Just subscribe to the newsletter or something like the rest of us.”
He held up the cover to her in surprise. Usually it reported the news of a recent sports victory, or a change of policy announced by the administrators, or even a fun event held on campus. Sometimes there was even a dramatic protest or an important speaker coming to campus. But this week, the headline surprised her. In large font printed across the page read: “Multiple student politicians fired amid financial scandal.” 
“That sounds bad,” Emily said. It did seem way more dramatic on newsprint than on a website, so maybe Spencer was onto something with his affinity for the printed word. 
Grabbing a copy for herself, she then walked inside to escape the cold. Warm air greeted them as they entered their residence hall, and both students kicked the snow off their boots before trudging up the stairs. They read as they walked, but the route to their rooms was already muscle memory, so neither worried about stumbling on their way. 
Normally, Emily wouldn’t willingly touch this sort of student politics with a ten foot pole. Sure, she was involved with the Criminology council, but there was a difference between the kind of person interested in petitioning for better accessibility to faculty events or running a bake sale, and the kind of students to embezzle thousands of student dollars like what the current student government executive seemed to be accused of doing. 
She quickly ran her eyes down the page, the contents jogging a memory from Halloween, of Hotch and JJ discussing the early stirrings of said scandal. 
“You know,” Spencer said, “I’m surprised they got a lot of this information, it’s notoriously difficult to file FOIAs for student governments, as they’re technically private corporations. So the fact that they got these files means that this is a much bigger scandal than one might assume.”
Corruption, bribery, embezzlement, nepotism. All words that jogged memories of hiding in the corner of political fundraisers, overhearing the worst of politics from too-drunk elites sipping on their wine and munching on charcuterie. 
“I hate politics,” Emily said, stuffing her copy of the paper into her bag. 
“I find it interesting. It’s basically a microcosm of our current political climate. In fact, I have subscribed to the print edition of fifteen student papers in the region,” Spencer said, “I like to keep informed on the coverage of student issues, and compare them to our own.”
“Why?!” Emily said with a laugh. “You know you can just look them up online.”
Spencer gave her a withering look, and she should have known better than asking about his aversion to tech. He loathed having to use his computer, as the LCD screens apparently gave him a headache. Penelope even gave him a pair of blue light glasses to attempt to alleviate the issue.
Then, he began to speak, at length, about the dying printed news industry and why print copies were better for understanding than screens et cetera. She made sure to nod and hum at appropriate points, but her mind kept wandering. 
She wondered if her girlfriend was in her room. Emily missed her any time they were apart and she yearned to hold her in her arms once again. But she shouldn’t. She needed to work. She had too much to do. Her grades had slipped, slightly, this semester. Everyone warned her about how college would be harder than high school, but no one ever warned her how much the expectations were raised in second year. 
Two more exams. She clutched her coffee tighter. She’d rather do anything else besides study at this point. Her body was exhausted, her mind frazzled. She wondered if she could even manage to get through a chapter of revision before conking out on her desk. 
As she said goodbye to Spencer and struggled with her keys that were tangled up in their corresponding university-branded lanyard, JJ’s door opened.  
“Hey girlfriend,” JJ greeted her, sounding way too much like a straight girl greeting her platonic friend for Emily’s taste. She gave her a pass because it sounded cute in her voice. 
“JJ!” Emily said, somehow surprised to see her despite the fact that she lived right across the hall. Her girlfriend was dressed in sweatpants and an oversized sweater, with her straight hair tucked behind her ears and her face bare of make up. Her face was lit up with a smile, and Emily rushed towards her, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
“Hi JJ,” Spencer said as Emily and JJ kissed. 
When they pulled apart, JJ gave Spencer a smile as a greeting and asked them how their exam went. 
Spencer babbled about their Logic exams for a minute or two, as Emily basked in JJ’s presence. She grabbed onto her hand and found that it was so much hotter than her own and wasn’t sure if she held on tight because she was cold, or if she had missed her girlfriend. 
“I’m just glad it’s over,” Emily said. “I never want to hear about fallacies again.”
Spencer seemed to want to say something, but fell silent at Emily’s tired expression. 
“Wanna come in for a bit?” JJ whispered in Emily’s ear. Apparently she said so a touch too loud because Spencer replied instead. 
“Sure!” he said, and then walked into JJ and Penelope’s room. 
“I should really study,” Emily tried to argue, but a single glance into JJ’s deep, blue eyes had Emily melting. 
JJ’s room was much messier than Emily had last seen it. Both desks showed clear markers of the ongoing exams, with papers and books piled high. In addition to this was an assortment of pillows strewn all over the floor.
“You guys are back early!” JJ said, after checking her watch, “I thought it was a two hour exam?”
“I finished in an hour,” Spencer said, “and Emily only needed an extra half hour on top of my time.”
Damn straight, Emily thought, feeling somewhat competitive with the boy-genius despite herself. 
She really should study, but the prospect of seeing her girlfriend outweighed the desire to sit hunched over a textbook for another evening. 
Emily and Spencer kicked off their boots, placing them neatly on the mat by the door before peeling their jackets off and hanging them on the back of her door. Emily wasn’t sure if she liked winter. Whenever her mother was stationed in the Middle East she yearned for snow, but now that she was experiencing the Nor’easter for the first time, the desert sounded like a good time. 
“Well there goes my plan,” JJ said, blowing her hair out of her face with a puff of air.
Spencer flopped onto Penelope’s neatly-made bed, collapsing into the assortment of pink pillows while carefully keeping his take-away cup upright. Emily sat down next to JJ on her bed.
“Your plan?” Emily asked. 
“Yeah,” JJ said, sounding a bit shy. “I had this whole plan to make up a blanket fort here for you, and I would surprise you with it when you walked in.’”
JJ gestured with her hands at the mess. Blankets and pillows were strewn about, and a bundle of fairy lights were laying in the middle of the floor. 
“Then you came back early,” JJ concluded. “Spence, I thought you’d keep her occupied longer!”
“You didn’t tell me that,” he replied. Spencer looked quizzically at her, shrugged, then took another sip of his coffee.
“I just wanted us to have a cute date night,” JJ admitted. “I know you’re so stressed, and you deserve a break.” 
Emily grabbed her girlfriend’s moving hands and held them in her own. She felt overwhelmed. JJ was so… thoughtful. Caring. Attentive. So many things that were absolutely foreign to Emily. No one had ever tried to impress her like this. 
“It’s okay,” Emily said. “We don’t need anything special to have a cute date night. You’re cute enough.”
JJ gave Emily a goofy smile in response. 
“Okay,” JJ said. “If you say so.”
“You’re building a blanket fort?” Spencer asked. “I actually have some experience with blanket fort architecture.”
“You do?” JJ asked, raising her eyebrows skeptically.
“Of course,” he replied, seeming almost offended that she questioned him. “It sparked my interest in engineering. I wanted to overcome the problem of chair-tippage when it came to building the structure, so I devised a system of counter-weights that I found increased the structural integrity by 53%. My mom always told me that I could be an architect, but I thought the sciences better suited my intellect.”
“Oh?” Emily asked, genuinely interested. How would someone measure the structural integrity of a blanket fort? 
“Actually, I have some blueprints. Let me grab them,” he said, standing up and making a move for the door. 
“Of course you have blueprints,” JJ laughed. 
“I should probably go feed Gideon, anyway. I’ll be right back!” Spencer  said. Before closing the door behind him.
“Gideon?” Emily asked. 
“His fish,” JJ said, “the one he won at the fair. It’s named after his professor, I think.”
She shrugged. The kid was weird, they tended to just accept that. 
“I guess Spencer’s joining us on date night,” JJ said. “Sorry. I know you’re stressed and probably want to be studying, but I thought we’d order pizza and just have one night off. Just us. And Spencer.”
JJ planted a firm kiss on Emily’s lips, leaving her dazed and blushing. 
“Relaxing sounds perfect,” Emily said, pulling her girlfriend closer to her. “I can’t believe it’s already exams. This semester has flown by. Soon it’ll be winter break, and I won’t get to see you.”
“I can’t imagine you not being right across the hall,” JJ said. “Who will give me kisses when I want them?”
JJ kissed Emily, sucking on Emily’s bottom lip slightly before pulling apart to look at her. 
“I know you’re joking, but I hope you’re not kissing anybody else, no matter the circumstances.”
With that established, Emily pounced on her girlfriend, pushing her onto her bed and kissing her deeply. She intertwined her fingers in the blonde locks that were splayed out in a golden halo and breathed in deep, taking in the warm scent of the lilac candle that burnt on her night side table. 
All her worries melted away at JJ’s touch. Emily’s brain was filled with the feeling of JJ’s lips on hers, with her lithe form beneath her. Exams, student politics and thoughts of home were wiped away, and her stress faded into background noise. 
JJ’s pliant form writhed under Emily’s, her hands sneaking below Emily’s sweater and dancing over her back. They deepened the kiss until they were making out like teenagers in JJ’s dorm with the door still open a crack. 
This was how Spencer, accompanied by Derek, found them when they pushed open the door with blanket fort blueprints and bags of potato chips in hand. 
Spencer made a surprised noise, which made Emily aware of his return. She jumped up and pulled apart from JJ with a dark red blush gracing her cheeks. 
“Woah there ladies,” Derek said with a laugh. “Keep it in your pants!”
“Guys! I was gone for five minutes!” Spencer whined. 
Emily stood up awkwardly, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she watched JJ sit up and pat her hair down in a huff.
“Sorry,” Emily grumbled, not really meaning it. She would never be sorry for kissing JJ, but she was sorry for the awkwardness
“Pretty boy dragged me down the hall,” Derek said in explanation. He had Spencer’s rolled-up fort plans in his hand, and lightly smacked Emily’s head with it, making a comedic thwap noise as it made contact. “Hope you weren’t in the middle of something?”
“Only JJ’s legs,” Emily quipped to everyone’s surprise, even her own. JJ hit her jokingly and blushed. 
“Hey!” Derek laughed, “Let’s keep this PG!”
“You called?” The voice of Penelope Garcia—PG if you will—rang out from the hallway, and within seconds JJ’s room was filled with just about all their friends standing around in a slightly awkward silence: JJ, Emily, Spencer and Derek were joined by Penelope with Hotch in tow. 
The latter two of them had grown closer recently and walked into the room with white shopping bags with the walrus logo printed on the side, looking like they had just returned from out in the cold. Penelope and Hotch going thrifting together, that’s new! Emily thought to herself and decided to file the observation for later. The image of Hotch watching Penelope’s customary fashion show was enough to make her laugh under her breath. 
“We’re building a blanket fort,” Spencer announced, changing the subject to the task at hand. “Are you guys helping?”
“Oh you know I will, boy genius,” Penelope said with an excited smile. 
Emily looked over to her girlfriend. So much for date night.
Without much questioning about why they were building a blanket fort, the team got to work. In college, sometimes things just happened. Impromptu blanket forts were par the course. In their defense, any excuse to not spend the evening burying their heads in textbooks was a welcome reprieve. 
It started with just a few blankets draped in the space between JJ and Penelope’s beds, but with Spencer’s instruction, a verifiable architectural marvel began to take shape. 
While Emily knew that Penelope would be all gung ho for this sort of project, it was certainly amusing to see Hotch in his khakis and dress shirt crawling around on the floor like a child with the rest of them, tying off blankets and very seriously maneuvering the different parts of the structure. 
Sheets were draped here and there, tied together to form ceilings and walls. Two chairs stolen from the common room, loaded with backpacks on the seat for support acted as the entrance to the fort. 
While it was crawling space only, Emily had to note that there was a sense of awe when you emerged into the open space of the main fort-area. It was surprisingly big, fitting all six of them with ease. The key to the whole design was a curtain rod Hotch had stolen from the boys shower that lifted the roof up. 
The design was strangely reminiscent of Baroque architecture, which she was sure was due to Spencer’s designs. This was a fact that Emily kept to herself. She always tried to rein in the ‘I lived abroad’ conversation points so her childhood could remain under minimal scrutiny.
Emily’s exhaustion transformed into excitement as she relished the time hanging out with her friends. Music played from Penelope’s computer as they worked, they began to work as a cohesive group, each member doing their share. It was nice to do something besides sit at her desk and obsess over memorizing facts and statistics, or figuring out the proper argumentation for an essay on a subject. Making sure that a bunch of blankets didn’t crash onto them was treated with the utmost seriousness, and the whole group was focused with intense concentration at their own tasks. 
Spencer did, in fact, have literal sketches of blanket forts in his notebooks, but the details of which were fairly incomprehensible to her. While she believed that he did the math, his chicken scratch was just about indecipherable, and his drawing was little more than a few shapes on a page. Despite this, it was laid out on the centre of the dorm-room floor for them to reference. 
At one point, as Emily stood on JJ’s wheely chair, she feared that the fort had all come crashing down as she lost her balance and grabbed at the blankets to stop her fall before tumbling onto Derek with a yelp. 
“Sorry,” she muttered as she climbed back onto her feet and fought off the blanket that had wrapped her in a shroud. 
She flinched as she realized she had ruined it all, a pit forming in her stomach. She looked at her friends in concern, but instead of yelling at her for her mistake, or shunning her for ruining it for the rest of them, they smiled at her and helped her up.
“It’s okay!” Spencer said cheerfully. “I know exactly how to reinforce that wall.”
“You okay, Emily?” Hotch asked, righting the wheely chair as JJ fretted over her. 
“I’m good,” she answered, still confused as to why they weren’t mad at her. 
Instead of making a big deal over the set back, they went back to work. Soon, the fort filled out and it returned to its former glory. Arguably, better than it was because they had draped fairy lights throughout the inside, making the space glow with a warm orange light. 
Inside was filled with pillows and big enough for all of them to sit comfortably so it was a comfy lounge space. It was cozy and warm, the antithesis of the bitterly cold night air outside. 
“You know what?” Hotch said. “This is a damned good fort, Reid.” 
The group muttered in consensus. They all had piled into the space, and as the excitement wore off, Emily was wondering what happened next. What does one do in a blanket fort? She had vague memories of building one in her room, but she had just sat inside and read a book. 
“I hear the RA’s storage room has a ton of board games,” Penelope said. “They pull them out for socials and stuff.”
“That’s all well and good, but we’re not asking Strauss to let us in,” Derek argued. “I still think she thinks we were responsible for that fire alarm last week. She’s been giving me the evil eye ever since.”
“Who said we had to tell her?” Emily said. “We could just… borrow… them…”
“I mean, they are for us to use, anyway.” JJ’s eyes had a mischievous look in them as she looked at Emily.
“That is true,” Hotch said, the scowl that was usually a fixture on his face turning to a smirk. 
“That’s stealing, guys,” Spencer warned, as if they didn’t already know that. 
“We’ll give them back,” Emily said with a shrug. “Come on!”
Penelope led the way to a dark wooden door on the main floor, it was labelled simply “Storage,” but the computer science student assured them that it was where the RA’s stored all of their supplies.
“It’s locked,” Penelope huffed.
“Do you have a bobby pin?” Emily asked her in a hushed voice. She wouldn’t have gotten this far if she hadn’t learned how to pick simple door locks. She had trouble with deadbolts but a simple latch she could probably do within a couple of minutes.
The blonde pulled a hot pink bobby pin out of her perfectly curled hair. Emily snapped it into two, bending one end into a longer L-shape. Sticking that into the bottom of the lock and holding it in place, she used the other side to feel for the pins that held the lock in place. 
Emily could feel all eyes on her as she confidently knelt in front of the doorknob, the group keeping watch for her as she worked. No one questioned how or why Emily knew how to do this. She had her reasons. 
This definitely broke all sorts of residence rules and if they got caught, they knew they’d get into shit, but no one seemed to care that much. They just wouldn’t get caught. 
After a couple minutes, Emily’s hands began to sweat. What if she couldn’t do this anymore? She tried to centre herself. She had made it through infinitely more stressful situations in the past. It was the eyes of her friends on her that made her nervous. She was finally accepted by a group, and she desperately didn’t want to let them down. 
Then, it clicked, and she was able to turn the brass knob easily. Emily made a noise of excitement, got to her feet and yanked the door open. 
Instead of an empty storage closet, on the other side of the door was Erin Strauss, their RA, in a passionate embrace with David Rossi. Her shirt was unbuttoned and he was in the middle of sucking on her neck. 
“Dave?!” Hotch called out, startling the couple. 
Both groups stood stock-still, neither knowing what to say. While Emily had hid the bobby pins, she wasn’t sure who was in more trouble, them for breaking into the room or their RA for using the space for unofficial purposes. 
The room was small and cramped, with a pile of poster board mostly obscuring the one small window that lit the space. Strauss had been hoisted onto the desk, her legs straddling the other student. Emily could see a shelf filled with the board games stacked on the left side of the room, but they seemed unimportant at the moment. While Emily had known about their illicit love affair, she had never expected to see it in action. 
“Hey guys,” Rossi said after a moment, his unwavering confidence carrying on to this moment as he pulled apart from Strauss, who was furiously buttoning up her shirt and trying to sort herself out. 
“What are you all doing in here?” she demanded, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. “This room’s meant for RA’s only.”
“Well,” Emily said, startled by her own audacity, “Dave isn’t an RA so…”
“We just came for some board games,” JJ said in her most diplomatic voice, despite clearly wanting to laugh at the situation, “then we’ll be off.”
“Take them and go,” the RA said in a strangled voice, her face beet-red and as she avoided eye contact like it was the plague. 
Clearly not as embarrassed as Strauss, Rossi simply smirked, collected a few board games into his arms off of the shelf, then deposited them into Emily’s arms. 
Realizing that given the circumstances, they couldn’t be picky with their choices, the stunned group thanked him then scurried away, back upstairs with their loot. The silence remained until they made it back to their floor, where they all burst into laughter.
“What on earth was that?!” Derek exclaimed. 
“Rossi and Strauss,” Spencer muttered. 
Emily and JJ made eye contact, remembering all those weeks ago when they had caught their friend emerging from the RA’s room down the hall in the middle of the night. They had known that Rossi and Strauss had hooked up that night, but had no idea that it was a whole relationship.
“I see it,” Hotch commented. “I mean, I don’t know your RA too well, but Rossi likes a woman with authority.”
Derek and Emily fake-gagged in an exaggerated manner at the comment. 
“I think I need to bleach my eyeballs after that display,” Emily muttered. 
“Ooo-kay!” JJ said, pointedly changing the subject. “It seems like we have most of the pieces to Clue… I think we could manage a game of that. We also have Scrabble, Yahtzee and Snakes and Ladders. Uh… also a pack of cards.”
“At least it’s not chess,” Emily said, thinking about her seemingly endless exam that afternoon. 
“Agreed,” Spencer said. 
“We do not have chess, no,” JJ said with a quizzical laugh. 
After ordering a couple of pizzas to the dorm, they all settled in to play a board game. After a few minutes of debate, they decided to play Clue (or Cluedo as Emily continuously referred to it as). The board was laid out: it was vintage, with a teal and yellow colour scheme and some scuffs and rips showing its age. In their blanket fort, they were seated in a circle, all secretly looking at their Clue cards.
“Can I be Professor Plum?” Spencer asked before they had even gotten the pieces out of the box. 
“Of course pretty boy,” Derek said, “I’ll take Mr. Green.”
“My sculpted god of thunder looks excellent in green,” Penelope flirted, choosing the white piece for herself. 
“Did you know that in the original version of Clue, Mr Green was a Reverend, but they changed his name for American audience because they believed that the American public would object to a parson as a murder suspect?”
“Good thing you’re on our trivia team, Reid,” Hotch replied.  
Emily was Miss Scarlet, of course, and was seated right next to JJ, who had chosen to portray Mrs. Peacock. Hotch claimed the remaining piece: Colonel Mustard.
Emily loved board games. Her nanny in France, who was a kindly elderly woman that Emily only knew as “Madame,” would play with her each Sunday after church. She has hazy memories from that time, but the warm glow of sunlight streaming into their Parisian apartment as she learned how to play Cluedo. Emily would always try to cheat, but knew better than to try to do so with her immensely observant girlfriend seated to her left, JJ’s hand resting casually on Emily’s thigh.
She looked at her cards and grinned. She had been dealt her own character, she noted, as Miss Scarlet’s name was printed in bold on the top of her first card. It felt weirdly validating to know that she herself was innocent. Also in her hands were the cards for the candlestick and pistol, as well as the observatory. She marked these off of her card and tried to gauge her opponents' reactions. 
JJ was checking her phone with her cards face down, tracking the pizza’s arrival. Spencer was sprawled back, his long legs taking up way more room than was necessary, jotting down notes on some scrap paper. Presumably some statistics and probability for the possibilities of the cards that were sealed in the envelope in the centre of the board. Penelope smiled over at Derek and flirtatiously tried to sneak a peek at his hand. 
After the initial rounds being dedicated to moving around the board, Emily finally made it into her first room: the lounge. There, she decided on her first suggestion.
“I suggest,” Emily said, in her most dramatic, formal voice, which was particularly suited to the role of Miss Scarlet, “that Mrs. Peacock committed this heinous crime in the Lounge with-” she hurriedly grabbed the candlestick, “the candlestick!”
She knew that it wasn’t the correct weapon, but using it would narrow it down to someone ruling out either JJ’s character or the lounge as the scene of the crime. 
“Moi?!” JJ said, sounding almost offended at the accusation. “Your own girlfriend?!”
Emily grinned evilly at her, but internally she felt giddy. It was the first time she heard JJ use that word in front of their friends. JJ moved her piece into the Lounge. The others chuckled lightly at their antics.
“You have no alibi for the crime, Mrs. Peacock,” Emily said, “and I am merely making a suggestion.”
JJ glared at her, but said nothing. Emily turned to Derek, who was seated at her left. 
“What do I do?” Derek asked, looking around the room, slightly confused. 
“Do you have any of those cards?” Hotch asked. 
“Yeah-” Derek said, moving to show his hand. 
“No!” Penelope stopped him. “Just show one of your cards to Emily if you can prove her suggestion was wrong.”
He made an “o” with his mouth and sneakily showed Emily the Lounge card. Emily noted that, and that it was Derek’s card. Mrs. Peacock had yet to be proven innocent, and Emily gave JJ a suspicious glance. 
She loved this game. 
As the game progressed, Emily noted a few things about her opponents. A part of Emily was profiling her friends subconsciously, reading each of their strategies like a book. 
Penelope always seemed to luck out on her dice rolls, covering a lot of terrain and gathering information like it was a cup of tea. But, she seemed to take it personally when someone accused Mrs. White of having killed Mr. Boddy and gasped every time someone made that suggestion. 
Hotch seemed to take the game very seriously, and was at it like he was an actual police officer solving crime. But, it didn’t seem that he completely understood all of the rules, and definitely hadn’t played before, so he spent most of his turn grumbling as he skimmed the rule pamphlet. 
Spencer, on the other hand, had memorized the rules, common strategies and probabilities of the different outcomes, so Hotch often looked over to him nervously as the boy wrote longhand equations in the notebook that he pulled out of his bag for the very occasion. 
Derek also had never played before, and regularly made ‘accusations’ rather than ‘suggestions’ when he entered a room, frustrating Spencer to no end. But, Derek was smart and seemed to be picking it up as he went along. That was until he made the same suggestion twice in a row, both times making Hotch show him the exact same card. He asked Reid endless questions about specific rules, and more than once he made the boy double check in the rule book when Derek tried to make a rather unorthodox move. 
JJ seemed to be the only one genuinely trying to have fun. She munched on the Cheetos that she stored in the bottom drawer of her night stand, and made conversation. Her strategy seemed to be exclusively focused on playing the game like it was the 1985 feature film Clue, playing the role of Mrs. Peacock with a fake accent and treating it like an actual murder-filled dinner party.
After a solid twenty minutes of gameplay, the pizza arrived. With minimal grumbling from Hotch, who was apparently on a roll, they took a break to eat. 
“Did you see this?” Spencer said with his mouth full, lifting up the copy of the newspaper that he had grabbed earlier.
“Don’t get me started,” JJ grumbled and took a sip of her pop. 
“What happened?” Hotch asked, the conversation piquing his interest. 
Spencer explained—with the assistance of JJ who apparently knew one of the people involved through soccer—the entire scandal. Apparently, last year there had been very little interest in the leadership roles, so the President of the student government had simply waltzed into his role. He then hired all of his friends, his girlfriend, his roommate, and together they embezzled thousands of dollars of student funds. 
“I can’t believe they’re getting away with this,” JJ muttered. “Is there no oversight?”
“It’s always the same,” Emily replied. “Who’s going to oversee them? The college? They’re corrupt too.”
“This sucks,” Derek said. “Wish someone good would run for government, for once.”
Emily shook her head in frustration. It all just reminded her of her childhood. Embezzlement, corruption and nepotism all were casual topics discussed over family dinner in her home. She had higher hopes for students her own age, would they not break the cycle? Or was it just a microcosm of the outside world? 
“You should run Mr. Lawyer Man,” Penelope teased Hotch. “You could take any of these clowns.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow at her and went back to his pizza, brushing her off. Emily smiled at him. Penelope was right, he might actually do a good job if he set his mind to it. 
The people that surrounded her now were nothing like her mother’s friends—or the kids she had been forced to hang out with when she was younger—they were genuinely kind, supportive, and seemed to like Emily for Emily. When she told them she was an ambassador’s daughter, they had been more concerned with the cool places that she had been able to travel to than whatever power she had. At college, Emily finally exhaled fully, slowly relaxing more and more into herself. 
But, the topic of politics always set her on edge, especially since the semester was ending soon. Her mother had already begun to leave her voicemails about the galas, fundraisers and events that she was required to attend over Christmas break. She pushed thoughts of the future aside and focused on the warmth that surrounded her. With some music playing softly (a song that JJ liked by Vampire Weekend), the softness of blankets under her, and JJ leaning on her slightly as she ate her dinner, Emily felt at peace. She knew she could handle winter break, because she knew that these friends would be here when she came back. 
After years of leaving a school midway through the year only to show up to some new boarding school or international school each time her mom was reassigned, Emily never had a chance to put down roots. But, with each bite of pizza, Emily felt herself becoming even more firmly rooted. Not to this place, but to these people as their lives became more entwined. 
Once dinner was over, the game continued, and thoughts of politics left their minds. By then, Emily narrowed it down to the weapon (the candlestick), two rooms (the kitchen and the billiard room) and she was pretty sure that it was Colonel Mustard that had committed the crime. 
She had a decision to make: walk all the way from the study to the billiard room, or risk being wrong by making an accusation. She was pretty sure both Hotch and Reid were on the right track, as the younger boy’s scribbling in his notebook had gotten even more intense and the older boy was beginning to look around suspiciously, as if the others were trying to read his notes. 
She had pretty much ruled out Penelope, JJ and Derek as competitors, as the trio spent most of the time talking, and genuinely trying to have fun. Emily, Reid and Hotch were all way too into it, but Emily was competitive and this was her game. She wasn’t going to lose to Hotch, no way. Reid winning she could blame on his boy-genius nature, but Emily decided that Hotch was going down. 
The two boys seemed to have come to the same conclusion, all eyeing each other across the board, the tension palatable between them as their competition became heated. 
She nervously tried to move to the billiards room, deciding to play it safe. Better safe than disqualified. But, as soon as she made that decision, she regretted it as Spencer straightened up on his turn and said: “I’d like to make my accusation.”
“Write it down,” JJ prompted, as per the rules. He jotted it down in his paper. 
Then, with bated breath, they watched as he grabbed the envelope out of the centre of the board, and read the cards. His face fell when he saw one of the cards, so he must have been wrong. He placed them back into their envelope and back onto the board. 
“No dice?” Emily asked. 
He shook his head. 
“Statistically speaking that should have been right,” he grumbled. “My math was wrong.”
“Boy genius isn’t a good detective, huh?” Penelope mused. 
A few turns went by, with Derek, Penelope, and JJ moving around the board or making suggestions. 
Emily rolled the dice, making one square from a room. She sighed. She’d make a suggestion next round. 
On Hotch’s next turn, he made an accusation, which he wrote down on a pink sticky note that Penelope had handed out when the game started. He checked the envelope. 
Emily held her breath. She was sure he had it and that the game was over. She should just call it quits now. She went to bite her nails out of stress, but stopped herself, they were starting to get long and she wanted them to look nice. 
A moment passed as Hotch compared his cards. After he saw the third card in the envelope, his expression revealed that was also wrong. 
Boys, Emily thought. Always so overconfident. 
She made a suggestion instead of risking it: “Miss Scarlet—er myself I guess— in the Billiards Room with the pistol.” 
It was a gamble. If she was right, and the people who knew she had her own card and the pistol caught on, they would also know that it was the Billiard Room, because no one would be able to disprove her theory. If she was wrong, someone would have the card for that room, and she would know that the crime occured in the Kitchen. 
The second seemed to be true, as Derek showed her his card with a small illustrated image of the Billiard Room on it. She was right. She knew what it was. But, she would have to wait until her next turn. She was going to win. 
But, it was she who was overconfident, because as she was too busy preemptively celebrating her win, Derek casually made his accusation. 
“Hey I’m right!” he exclaimed, holding up the cards and his own hot pink sticky note. 
In his semi-cursive scrawl read: “Colonel Mustard, Candlestick, Kitchen.” These guesses matched the cards hidden in the envelope, and Emily’s own deduction that she planned to make on her own turn. 
“You guys really thought I hadn’t played this game before?” Derek laughed. “I’ve got two sisters, board games were everything.”
“Were you hustling us, Morgan?” Spencer demanded. 
He smirked. 
“Should’ve put money on the outcome,” Derek said with a laugh. “I’d be rich.” 
Emily threw her cards onto the table in defeat. JJ shot her an empathetic look, and Emily tried to stuff her frustration down to pat her friend on the back for the surprising win. He deserved it.
After the game concluded and the pizza had been completely eaten, the group parted ways, heading to bed, or for more midnight snacks or to finish up some studying, leaving JJ and Emily alone and to start? a game of Scrabble. 
The board was ancient, and quite a few letters were missing, but with music droning on JJ’s laptop, and the soft fairy lights overhead, neither girl minded too much. 
Emily looked at her letters:  O, B, S, O, T, B, W and thought hard, rearranging the wooden pieces to try and formulate a word. After a long day of academia, and investing so heavily into the game of Clue, she probably had only one or two working brain cells and both were telling her to play the word ‘boobs.’  
Her eyes flicked to her girlfriend, who looked absolutely gorgeous in the warm light. Her blonde hair almost glowed, and she had an adorable expression on her face. Emily couldn’t help but glance lower, thinking about the real world examples of her Scrabble word.  
She played the word with a cheeky grin. 
“‘Boobs,’ Emily?” JJ scolded. “Really?”
She sounded angry, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at her cheeks and Emily could tell the girl found it funny. 
“I can’t help it,” Emily said. “I haven’t thought of much else since last weekend.”
She raised and lowered her eyebrows in an exaggerated manner, making JJ laugh and kick her lightly in protest. 
JJ then played the word ‘throw,’ using the ‘o’ from ‘boobs’ to form her word, earning her thirteen points. 
“I don’t think you can throw boobs, babe,” Emily said. “They’re usually attached.”
JJ rolled her eyes. 
Emily made it her mission to find the funniest words possible, working extra hard (and missing out on some good points) in an effort to make JJ laugh. ‘Armpit,’ ‘meaty,’ ‘hoagie,’ ‘urine,’ ‘joint’ and her piece de resistance: ‘boner.’ All while JJ was playing incredibly normal, and often strategic words like ‘axis,’ ‘snow,’ ‘vain,’ ‘snag’ and ‘writings,’ hitting multiple double- and triple word scores on the way. 
“This is fun,” Emily said, sneaking a handful of JJ’s Cheetos out of the family-sized bag next to the blonde, while she was distracted by playing her turn. 
“I don’t understand how you’re winning,” JJ muttered. 
Emily shrugged, “Guess I’m just a genius.”
“Reid? Is that you?” JJ joked. “Why are you disguised as my girlfriend?” 
“Would Reid do this?” Emily said, leaning over toward her girlfriend and pressing kisses all over her face until she fell back. Then Emily straddled her, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace that left both girls panting. 
“I would hope not!” JJ exclaimed with a laugh, making a face at the thought. 
They laughed and went back to making out, with Emily careful not to disturb the game pieces. JJ sucked onto Emily’s bottom lip, making her weak in the knees and she struggled to support herself over JJ’s shorter frame at the motion. 
“We should-” Emily tried to say between kisses, “finish the game.”
JJ kept deepening the kiss, going so far as to grab onto Emily’s butt to hold her in place on top of her.
“You’re trying to distract me,” Emily chided, “because I’m winning! I see right through your plot.” 
She sat up and went back to her tiles before playing another funny word: ‘suck’ for twenty points. JJ grumbled,fiddling with her own tiles, as Emily collected a few out of the bag. 
Emily was preening as she rearranged her own tiles and didn’t notice as JJ put down her word. When she went to play her next word (‘zap’) and only then did she see what word JJ played. 
It was there. Clear as day. Written vertically and connected to the word ‘snow,’ it was unmistakable. Emily looked at it for a long moment, trying to figure out what it could possibly mean that her girlfriend very intentionally played such a loaded word. Was it the only word that fit? Did she only mean that she loved the snow? Was she also reading into it? 
Emily looked up, making eye contact with JJ. The blonde blushed and looked away, nervously fiddling with the necklace around her neck. Emily smiled faintly at the warmth that flooded through her, but alongside that, was the sharp pang of anxiety. Was she supposed to acknowledge that? Would that make it weird? 
‘Zap’ didn’t feel appropriate when her girlfriend may or may not have confessed her love for her. 
She played it anyway, deciding that making a big deal of it would just complicate matters. Besides, did she love JJ? She didn’t know. It was all so new. She liked JJ a lot. She definitely like-liked her in the traditional sense of the world. But Emily had never been in love before. She’d loved people before, Matthew for one, and her mother in a way, and she loved Derek like a brother. But being in love was a whole ‘nother ball game. 
JJ won the game after playing ‘equinox’ for twenty two points near the end, beating any lead Emily had gained from her silly words. JJ deserved it in the end, as the blonde would sit and stare at her letters until they formed the most complex words that Emily had never even heard of. Emily’s eyes drooped and she was barely able to create three letter words by the end, while JJ was still surprising her with her vocabulary. 
Emily shook JJ’s hand to congratulate her for the win. JJ grinned and kissed her. 
Then, they looked around and realized two things: it was past one in the morning and Penelope hadn’t come back to the room yet and that all of the blankets that JJ owned were currently being used in the blanket fort. 
“Can we sleep in my bed, tonight?” Emily asked. “I’ll help you clean up in the morning.” 
JJ nodded but was in the middle of texting Penelope, wondering where on earth her roommate had wandered off to. Within a minute she got back to JJ saying: with derek! will explain tmrw!! 😘 🧚‍♀️ 😳
JJ showed Emily the message and both girls giggled. Emily saw that coming, but didn’t realize it would be a game of Clue that finally sealed the deal.
Exhausted but happy and relaxed after the game night, Emily and JJ tumbled into Emily’s bed and cuddled up together. Between JJ and Emily, the word ‘love’ was left unsaid that night, but Emily fell asleep that night feeling a new warmth in her chest.
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Can I request a hcs where the dr2 boys pushes their s/o off an ocean cliff to protect them from enemies
(Did a writing one as they’ve been in my drafts for too long~ Also trying to make them longer/more detailed aha.Please tell me if they’re too long.)
Reminder that mod applications are open!
Ooo ,nice one! Had a lot of fun with this. Some enemies are monokumas and some are more vague. Swearing tw for Fuyuhiko’s naughty mouth.
Hajime Hinata
You could _see_Hajime flipping through solutions in his mind as the enemies drew nearer and nearer, his expression growing more desperate by the minute, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
He’s shaking a little, eyebrows furrowing, but he quickly takes a deep breath and turns around to you, still a little agitated but there’s a spark of determination in his olive eyes.
“I hope you trust me, y/n…” and you feel two hands grip your shoulders, squeezing a little.
The push comes as a blur. It’s a little forceful, as if he’s concerned that he may nudge too lightly and also because it’s a little impulsive. He tries not to let the worry take him over as he spins around to face the enemies.
He’d actually fight them quickly now, as he desperately wants to check up on you and is second-guessing himself at every moment as he gives it his all. He forgets to take care of not getting injuries, so he’ll meet you a little bloody. He’s embarrassed about it, about pushing you like that.
Hajime would hug you as soon as he saw you, not saying anything, just hugging tightly and placing his head on your shoulder. Some tears may fall.
He’d fuss over you afterwards. He won’t necessarily voice it more than once but he’s very guilty and constantly berating himself internally that he had to resort to such methods.
Also, this spiky hermit crap refuses to treat his wounds first. Your scraped knee is much more important than his pink(red?) stained shirt and expect a grumpy adorable Hajime if you suggest anything different.
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito is as composed as ever. His face smile sits like a mask on his face as the annoying, little, despair-ridden pests  approached menacingly, flashing those ridiculously long claws.
“So much despair, it’s distasteful.” he exhales, wrapping his arms around himself, which wasn’t really helping the “murder-bears-are-advancing” situation.
“Hope will be born with this, but I’ll have to intervene. However trashy and inutile my talent may be, I can always trust it.”
Before you can intervene and tell him to please stop the monologue and to unwrap his arms from around himself because _those claws are longer than my legs and how in the world can you defend yourself if you’re doing all that- _you find your heel scraping at thin air and pebbles ricocheting off the side of the cliff-face.
He has backed you up right on the edge, you have to lean right against him to keep from plummeting down.
You feel the ground disappear beneath your already unsteady feet as he shoves you backwards with an arm. His elbow is pointy and it hurts but he’s calm. Of course. Nothing could go wrong here. 
He’d seem almost uncaring later, as if he had just picked you up and put you in a safe little corner instead of launching you off a cliff.
But he’d suddenly become more protective over you, he trusted his luck but you being near him and on steady ground sounds like a better option.
Kazuichi Soda
Panic! He reeks of it! You know how they say dogs can smell fear? Well you must be a top-secret were-dog because you’re pretty sure you can smell it on the pinkhead.
“ughh..g–ghaa….” he has quite the collection of noises as the mechanical whirring of these demon robots grows louder and louder.
You’re injured, so he refuses to let you take any offensive action and though he’s not exactly a knight in shining armour, he can really do some damage with that wrench.
His knees were buckling and he cringed as he shoved the tool into the metallic skull of the monokuma, just for two more to take it’s place.
“This is bad…this is reeeaalllly bad…” 
It’s obvious that he wants to pull his beanie over his face like a tortoise retreating into its shell but he steels himself and suddenly hugs you.
“I’m sorry, y/n! But I have to protect you.”
He pushes you far back, but there’s hardly any force in it. It’s the same push you’d give a puppy who is being a little stubborn on walks.
He’d have followed you if he wasn’t worried about them tailing you two, a monokuma stalking you in the night sounds like an eldritch horror.
He escapes by running across rooftops and all that jazz, he’s an expert at it.
When he sees you again, he acts a little cocky, all thumbs up and spiky smiles but then he starts tearing up because not only is he deathly terrified of the machines but also what if he had lost you? What were you two going to do in a place like this? He just needs to be comforted for a while.
Gundham Tanaka
A warlock such as he can’t expect you to fight in his battles. No matter how powerful his dark monarch is, you must be kept safe.
He is quite adamant on this. He doesn’t betray any concern or stress on the situation, but you see him look around as the situation escalates.
He trains his eye on the cliff and you can see the gears turning in his head.
“It seems like we still haven’t been bested yet! Yes, sometimes dark forces such as I must use the call of mother nature to escape from what plagues us.”
You look at the sheer drop, does he mean to lure your enemies into the ocean?
But suddenly he holds his arm our and four fluff muffins bound across it onto your shoulders.
“The four dark devas shall protect you.I entrust you in their care. Now, brace yourself.”
Before you can even blink, Gundham pushes you down in one firm sweep. You can hear the derisive words he’s flinging at his enemies. ( Calling them ‘lily-livered imps’ and whatnot) as you fall down.
He won’t come for quite a bit as he makes sure that none of the attackers can find you or endanger you. He may even set traps, of both the magical and ‘real’ kind. 
The dark devas take care of you though. For being hamsters, they are very good caretakers.
They warn you of his approach and dance happily on your shoulders as Gundham walks into view.
You hug him and ask if he’s okay, he huff-chuckles and smiles faintly. “Why of course, you think a sorcerer such as me wouldn’t be experienced in the area of battle?”
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Enemies? Enemies attacking him and his s/o?Fuyuhiko is NOT having it.
You know it gets serious when he stops swearing at them and simply grits his teeth and just shoots and hits back with incredible power and resilience.
He tries to shield you with his body though he can be a little rough with it, he may physically shove you back or back into you. He may not realise, his mind is in over-drive right now.
“SHIT shit shit shit…“he’s muttering so fast that the words melt into each other in a mishmash of anger and pugnacity. He shoves some more bullets into his gun but his hands are shaking and he’s having a bit of trouble.
But it’s the first time he’s talked in a while so it must mean it’s getting better…right?
”Y/n, you’re gonna have to jump.“His voice cracked a little, you would have laughed at him if this was a normal circumstance.
You blink at him, the ocean looks cold.
He barrels into you like a baby goat and you fell backwards.
Honestly,never mind the fall, his head probably bruised you!
He quietly takes care of you later though.
Such as cleaning your wounds and fussing over your bruises in his own way. 
He meets up with you by throwing a blanket on you and telling you to dry up.
He’s concerned that the fall hurt you but would ask in a wayward way, as he’s afraid of the answer. He breathes a sigh of relief when he finds out that you’re alright, ruffling your hair.
Nekomaru Nidai
It would take an absolutely horrifying enemy to make Nekomaru consider such an option. Or at least very very many of them.
Usually his plan is to keep you as close as possible and using his size to his advantage. He can take a lot of damage.
But this time, he knows he must take desperate measures. He’s getting too injured, and if he’s debilitated, he won’t be able to protect you.
He would be very gentle, even when the situation is dire, the enemies can be running at the speed of light but he would take him time to tell you that you are safe and to trust him.
He is good at controlling his strength, so the shove is a lot more calculated than you would expect.
But it would be an extreme last resort so he would try and get out of the situation as fast as possible, even if it means getting a little risky with the violence.
He would come back in one piece, however, and praise you on following instructions and, especially, your strength.He’s proud of you!
“You may think that fighting head on would make you strong, but trusting others and taking a plunge like that takes a special kind of strength that only the trusest athletes have.”
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru may look a little unimpressive in terms of height and ‘ menace meter’ but the truth is, he’s fiesty and powerful, and you better cross your fingers and have a nerve of steel to be able to fend him off. He doesn’t want you to get dirty (”at least not like this~“) so he dominates the fighting.
His skill with kitchen knives is glorious, to say the least.Him throwing you into the ocean would be on impulse, usually he’d never dream of letting his beloved suffer even the slightest inconvenience.
The only warning you’re graced with is a quick “Forgive me, my sugar plum!"And you’d feel two hands on your back and air rushing past you, whipping againt your skin like papercuts.
He takes his time fighting as he trusts you’ll be fine, and if he became injured, it’ll be catastrophic. Though of course he’d love being nursed back to health by you~
He presents his rosy cheeked self happily when he finds you, acting cheery partly because he found you and partly to take your mind off the ordeal.
He always treats you like royalty but he really lays it on thick after that: drying your hair, cooking good food with what you can find and keeping your warm being just the tip of the iceberg.
Even if he is a little bit injured, he recovers fairly quicky.He doesn’t have many as he’s suprisingly agile and skilled at dodging.
Byakuya Twogami
Byakuya is very skilled at fighting, due to their SHSL leading them to master the identities of various, highly-skilled fighters.
However, you were too near the enemies for their liking, so they took a gamble and pushed you into the ocean without a word.
It’s quite an aggresssive shove, they wanted you out the way as quickly as possible to avoid any injuries, and they saw it as the lesser of two evils.
They continue fighting with tooth and nail, their sole purpose being to keep you safe. It may sound cliché but it’s what drives them to muster that extra strength and defeat the enemies.
They get pretty injured, however, as the adrenaline numbs the pain of their wounds. They don’t show it, of course.
Slightly hypocritally, they will insist that you rest and take care of yourself due to any scrapes you sustained after being pushed.
They would feel very guilty but wouldn’t show it- rather they let their caring actions and fussing do the talking.
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xjmparrish · 6 years
Christmas Gifts 2017
Everyone receiving something from J this year is listed below in alphabetical order by first name. Each gift bundle has a handwritten card attached detailing just what is being given and well-wishes for the upcoming New Year. 
@skarsgardb @xolively @candicepat @cmmurrray @quirkymisscb @krispinot @clrholt @deltslea @bviewgron @levittjoe @sharnamayxo @shay-bright @drizztroi @tylerjbburn @chmerkval @zendayam @zoeydevtch 
Happy Holidays❤️
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Best friend. Here is my returning the gift of our hot chocolate bar, for when our schedules suck at matching, and a scarf to help you keep warm. I also may or may not have taken the chance to do something we’ve planned for months, and if the passport case isn’t a hint.. yes that is a plane ticket. I’m dragging you home to your motherland!  Thank you for being the bestest friend I made this year, love you lots!!
Merry Christmas - J
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My Monica to my Rachel, my Cristina to my Mer.. I hope you like the diaper bag! I figured #momneeds. Before you kill me for making you think I got the girls better gifts between Ines’s shoes and Jame’s food truck, I have to say, even if the diaper bag was empty you’d still love me, right? This Christmas I thought I’d take it upon myself to spoil you some. So aside from the baby bag, every momma bear needs black sunnies for those rough mornings, comfy slippers for lazy afternoons, a fancy robe and pj shorts for those nights you wanna feel a little special. It also wouldn’t be spoiling you without some jewelry, so some cute earrings and a watch will come in handy next time we go on a girl’s date. I also threw in some essential oils for fun. Last but not least, I know you love chocolate. So chocolate covered almonds it was! (You should probably share some with your hubby cause that one’s half his.. if you want.) So happy holidays my wife, nieces, and I guess you too Ryan.. LOL! 😜 I love you all! 
Merry Christmas - Janellybean
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My soul sister of sorts (the offer to marry is still on the table) , I had to spoil you just a bit after you suffered rooming with me on the trip. So a bracelet and some earrings to add to your wardrobe and just a little something extra to keep your life stylish. I hope you love it as much as I love you! 
Merry Christmas - Janel
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My favorite human (and your mini me). Needless to say, I didn’t know what to get you. Hopefully, in time I’ll learn how to shop. Naturally, the first thing I picked up was a bottle of Jack for those late nights. Then I decided I couldn’t go wrong with clothes and accessories. Two sweaters and a jacket to keep warm, hopefully you like them. (If not, I’ll totally get you new ones.) I’ve also learned that you try to rep the Bills just about anywhere, so a new snapback seemed perfect. It’s a good look on you  😜 Then I got you some sunnies last (you’ll be twinning with Jlo), figuring everyone could always use another pair. And for Jackson, I’m still learning on the kid front, so a stuffed animal is always a safe bet. So he gets a dinosaur, because what kid doesn’t like dinosaurs?  I might also secretly be hoping he learns a thing or two from me because I got him a little keyboard (you can hate me, just be happy it’s not drums) and lastly a collection of play-doh. It’s a right of passage for a kid. I promise, I’ll get better at this gift giving thing in the future. Thanks for making this holiday season just a little more special. 
Merry Christmas - Janelly 
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For the bestest duet partner in the world, some boots, a red coat (I think I’m secretly turning you into A) and cute little ear muffs to keep you warm this winter! Thank you for making 2017 awesome, you deserve so much more. Love you pretty lady! 
Merry Christmas - Janel
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My favorite Chris (that’s still our secret), some items to keep you warm this season and a pair of sun glasses so that you stay looking cool everywhere you go. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and even better start off to the new year! 
Merry Christmas - Janel
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My favorite blondie from the land down under, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you but I thought now being in town together, I’d get you just a little something. So a scarf, beanie, and some sunnies seemed perfect. I couldn’t get over how cute the glasses were and had to get them, so I hope you get good use out of them. Love you!
Merry Christmas - Janel
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Pretty lady that I love so dearly, I hope you get good use of your gifts this coming year! A cute chunky sweater to keep warm, a little black cold shoulder lacy top for adding a little cute to layering, and some booties with a tie back. I hope you love them, and they’re just a little thank you for being one of the best people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet this year. Have a wonderful Christmas babes!
Merry Christmas - Janel 
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Di, I saw this bag and thought of you so I had to get it. It might just be my love of the color red on you. So what better thing to include than a new red lipstick? And along with the lip trend, gloss is all the rage right now so a fresh tube could never hurt. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas - that one random cheerleader from a decade ago (Janel)
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To the man who does it all and puts my workaholic nature to shame by a longshot, seeing as you’ll be heading off on travels for work I thought a backpack might come in handy to pack some stuff in. Maybe even instead of lugging around everything on your visits back to town, it could come in handy. And you’ve also got new shoes for the new year, which I really hope you like! Have a wonderful holiday! 
Merry Christmas - Janel 
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Disney, disney, disney. The little mermaid and her baby get themed gifts this year. So for you Shar, sweats and a cute little backpack because you could never have too many. And for baby El, a little Minnie Mouse dress. I couldn’t help myself when I saw the backpack and that’s how this came about. Hope you love! 
Merry Christmas - J
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Shannon, my sister from another mister (and part time lover?) Nothing says Merry Christmas to you like furry jackets, and because you’re 200 times more stylish than me.. feel free to donate to Sammy if you don’t like. A faux fur hoodie, yes a hoodie, the best of both worlds, I think very Shan appropriate. The second coat is Mimi inspired, so you can live out your dreams nightly lip syncing to the RENT soundtrack in your living room. Lastly, not one but two sriracha key chains because nothing says Shay like bringing your own hot sauce anywhere. Kleo wanted to give Foxy and Angel some stuffed animals to play with too, so enjoy! Kisses from us to you! 
Merry Christmas - Janel & Klee
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My caffeine addicted hippie rocker big sis, nothing screamed your name at me more than this Coffee & Friends sign when I saw it, I just had to get it. I’ll personally build you a coffee bar to hang it over if I need to. A new mug to add to the collection, too. A girl could use a hat from time to time, so here’s a new one that I hope you don’t have yet. And lastly, a poncho to stay just a little warmer this winter. With all of the love. 
Merry Christmas - J
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My TyTy. Auntie J and Kleebear got Dylan a couple of toys, I hope they last her longer than a few hours. Lol. And for you Ty, I raided AllSaints for you to show my love. A hat to add to the collection, and two shirts you probably already own but could use new ones of. And it couldn’t be Christmas without just a slight reminder that we probably belong on the naughty list, so a new lighter and flask for the new year baby! 😜 Much better than coal. Love you, loser. 
Merry Christmas - Janey & Klee
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V, I couldn’t help myself but get your something after reconnecting (also kind of makes up for that one Christmas but, you know..) so I hope you like everything. Between traveling and rehearsals, I figured you could use a new bag to carry your stuff in. Also, some new wireless headphones for those long nights on the tour bus or early mornings at the airport. A snapback repping the OG Brooklyn team, because nothing says you more than a backwards snapback (no kitty ear damage to this one necessary). And lastly, what is quite probably your true love in life.. nutella. Enjoy, babe!
Happy Holidays - that one Chinese-Irish Hawaiian chick 😜
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Z, let’s be honest I didn’t know what to get the most stylish person I know. But I figure, you can make just about anything work, so maybe I shouldn’t stress. So I got you some black knee high boots, cute high high socks (they don’t have to go together, I just thought they’d be cute) and a white bag to offset all of the black. All hopefully a great start for 2018. I hope you love everything! xoxo 
Merry Christmas - J
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To the little sister I never knew I needed until your mama making out with my boo on tv someone brought us close (it’s a weird family dynamic). It’s been a blast reconnecting, and I can’t wait for new adventures in 2018. In the meantime, I got you a pretty dress nobody else could rock, a shirt to remind you that what Mama Lea and do, you can too, and a beanie that just says what I think about you like 99.9% of the time. (The only time my mind changes is when you’re clumsier than me.) Also, the homemade food from Mama P just as promised, still warm so you better eat up! Love you!!
Merry Christmas - Janel
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