#as kids 😭 does your heart ever ache for the lives you could have lived bc 🥺🥺 mine does bro!
poptartmochi · 3 years
got to thinking about how my nephew is going into the fourth grade next school year + how that was so bizarre bc I Remember being in fourth grade, which led to me thinking about where all of my friends from there are now and 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ladies play me out to only in sleep by ēriks ešenvalds... i must go decompose 🥺😔
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saintobio · 3 years
as someone who joked abt y/n just running to toji, or toji endgame! are y'all happy now?/srs bc im kind of not☹️☹️ i thought y/n moving on and being a girlboss with toji was something i'd screaming 'hell yeah!', i just felt so sad in this chapter like😭😭 it's for the best tho but it doesn't mean I can't get sad over what happened to gojo (plus his immense regret)
@shoukuto said
and then you just..... you Gave it to us and we're crying for it 😭 really made us eat our own words. i'm reeling from how conflicted i am because most of the misfortune he got, he set up for himself 😭 (my blood still boils when i reread y/n's first time with him like was he ok) but i feel so sorry for him. their love story is just so sad because it's like the time when they were kids was the only time they could love each other without the other being guilty of some wrongdoing. they just can't seem to meet in the middle. toji's a good guy, and he's already said he'd treat y/n like a queen if she married him (someone check on naoya) so whoever she ends up with, i just want all three parties to be happy. (munchkin is so CUTE) every time i read your writing, i get absolutely blown away by your skill! thank you so much for your hard work on sn!! i hope you enjoy your well deserved break, and i can't wait to see what else you've got in store!
Anonymous said
my yn x toji heart but then my yn x gojo heart are all suffering right now. soooo many theories running through my brain after reading the last chapter. my heart aches for gojo. amnesia? oh boy. i cant help but think that having amnesia would help him though, is that wrong of me?
i hope yn ended up marrying toji, but i also hope she didnt go through with it, and that sn 2 focuses on them getting back together. but again, i dont want toji to get hurt, and i lowkey want gojo to fall in love with someone else as hard as he did for yn. sincerely not is really fucking w my brain lol. soooo many conflicts happening in my heart, idk what i want. look what u did to me saint! haha.
anyways, congrats on finishing sn. it feels like its been so long. this was such a beautiful and painful journey to experience, but i dont regret it at all! congrats saint, we all love u and sincerely not :3
Anonymous said
no bc saint gave us toji fuckers what we wanted in the beginning when we were all like "nOthing hoejo does will ever make us forgive him !!!)!$!" and now post-gojo redemption arc its just its just .. im sorry i ever said i wanted toji endgame 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️we should have known better than to doubt gojo x yn soulmates
Anonymous said
Crying and throwing up I’m not ready to read about yn and toji as a couple and I feel so bad bc they’re both so amazing and deserve each other and all the happiness but I can’t stop thinking about Gojo like his life is so miserable my god 😭
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honestly all the toji stans in the first few chapters were so passionate abt having toji x yn endgame, but now that it happened, everyone feels bad for gojo and the things he went through <//3
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weird-dere-fics · 3 years
Dere from after she finished writing this drabble here. Just wanted to say damn 💀. Why dafuq I had to make this shit so sad. And on his birthday no less I hate it here. Forgive me, but also suffer with me pls. Thinking about making a part 2 to this sometime in the future, but idk yet. Anyways, enjoy the pain below. I dunno if a lot of other people in the fandom think he’s like this cus despite how much I love him, I have not read a lot of content for him abdfkwejbfijbskrfvhekdbf.
But personally I feel Sero is/can be really insecure about his ability to be a hero. Like sure he knows he’s good at what he does and that he has a good heart, but is he really cut out for saving lives? Is his quirk good enough? Can he really call himself someone people look to in times of need? He doesn’t say it and he’s good at hiding it, but you know he thinks these things. And you’re always there to reassure him that he is cut out for this, and that him becoming a hero was meant to happen. You couldn’t imagine what Japan would be like without his help in protectilmaong it. You loved him with all your heart and he let you know  at times like that he appreciated you with all of his. You’re the only one who’s ever been able to pick up on these negative feelings of his. You never push him to tell you anything. You just establish that you’re there for him in some way. Thinking about what might happen if he one day gets hit with a quirk that reverts him back to a child. Maybe a bunch of other pro heroes (namely the bakusquad) also get turned into children. They don’t remember that they were ever adults and heroes. They just knew they were friends and that they were close to their partners. You, as well as the rest of the heroes’ significant others work together to take care of them for the time they remain small. They have play dates, sleepovers, and do all the things kiddies do. My little heart is just aching cus what if that insecurity manifests in such a pure way 😭 Like the kids are out at the park or smth playing heroes and villains. Sero is one of the smol ones playing hero. He saves mina (playing a civilian) from Denki (playing a villain). Maybe as they’re getting away he trips and falls, scrapes his knee. He gets up and acts like nothing happened at all. When the other kids asked if he was okay he smiled and laughed. “I’m fine! What matters is that she’s (Mina’s) okay!” It prompts the smol pink girl to giggle and jump up and down, “I’m okay!” When the kids get back into it Sero hears a little gremlin (smol Bakugou) murmur to babie kirishima about how a real hero wouldn’t have messed up. Sero pretends he doesn’t hear it.  The rest of the day at the park goes swell and Sero has a smile on his face the entire time. On the way home though, he’s eerily silent in the back seat of the car. You try to strike up some conversation with him, asking about how he enjoyed his day, if he was happy to see his friends, was the lunch good, etc. He only murmurs short responses as he looks up at the window.  You’re worried.  When you get him home you look him over and notice he scraped his little knee! When did this happen? Why didn’t he come tell you?  You patched him up, asking him those same questions, asking him if it hurt. He shook his head and smiled brightly at you. “I was having too much fun for it to hurt!” Even as a kid he was a good actor, but you knew something was off. Throughout the rest of the day you give him little nudges, trying to ask if he was sure about how he felt about todays play date. And he smiled and put up that carefree persona every time.  But when you couldn’t handle him holding it in any more you came and kneeled in front of him, giving him the sincerest look you could, your voice soft. You asked him slowly and clearly if he was really okay. He smiled again, chuckling and nodding. “Hanta...” “What? I’m okay!” You only looked at him, letting him know through your eyes that you knew he wasn’t uttering the truth to you. Slowly but surely his smile disappeared. Slowly but surely his raised brows furrowed. Slowly but surely tears bubbled in his eyes, his cheeks going rosy red. Slowly but surely a whine built up in his throat as his bottom lip trembled. “I-I...” His little hands balled into fists as he tried to get out words but didn’t know how. You were quickly pulling him into your chest as began to sob softly, clutching onto your chest. Those soft sobs eventually became wails as he released everything, shattering your heart. “M-My knee hurt a lot! H-He s-said I couldn’t be a hero!” You knew he had these battles with himself as an adult, but seeing him struggle with this as a child with big emotions he didn’t understand was extremely hard for you to handle. Tears were gathering in your eyes right along with him as you held him close to your heart, cradled him and rubbed his back. You spent the rest of the night keeping him very close to you, comforting him, letting him know that it’s okay not to be okay. Letting him know that people can’t always be strong or happy. Letting him know that he’s still such a wonderful boy no matter what oopsies he might make. Letting him know that you would always love him.  You would fall asleep cuddling him in your arms, and when you woke up the next morning you would find your once again fully grown husband asleep, nuzzled into your chest.
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