#as usual multis pls specify!!!
amoriscustos · 1 year
spotify starter call. i really wanna write, so hopefully this helps wake mina up :') u know what it is, hit the <3 for a thing!
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ruingod · 7 months
like this for some prompts !!
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dcive · 10 months
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posting a small starter call! it will probably be a couple of lines max, but i'm looking to get back onto reiner more full time too!
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alderheir · 1 year
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is it late and thus the worst time to post this? absolutely. am i still working on padmé's? yePPPP.
but like this for a starter anyway!
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braveburned · 1 year
and if this were a one - liner starter call for post security breach / ruin .... what then
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whitesuited · 1 year
random thursday night inbox call while i work on things
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survivoirs · 2 years
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lil smol Anton starter call. I’ll do them as long as I have motivation. ASDFGHJKl (while im cleaning my room) It might be set in New Zealand. 
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mvndrvke · 3 months
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specifically for my asoiaf or mythology muses and edwina bc that's just where my brain's at rn. i'm gonna get on my usual stuff soon, i'm just head empty because of the new season(s). multis especially pls specify.
muses : shireen, rickon, harwin, theldry, marin, menelaus, orpheus, neoptolemus, poseidon, hades, penelope, edwina.
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studiesof-fandom · 11 months
hey! this is a method question more than anything, but i wondered whether you would have any advice re tackling how a researcher should approach ‘selecting’ sources (specifically fanfiction) in an instance where there are too many texts for a researcher to realistically read. i appreciate it depends on what you are looking for, but if you have any theories or research that discusses how to manage volume and gauge significance - and even just advice on how best to track and log notes on whats been read - I’d really appreciate it!! thanks so much
This is a very difficult question, because I didn’t quite understand if you’re asking me about how to select fic (as in the story) for you to analyze and study or to find theoretical texts about fanfiction that fits your research. I’ll answer both because I have enough knowledge to do that.
If it’s about selecting fics - you need to choose the ones that fit your research. Personal advice: stick to the ones you really like because you’re going to deal with them for a long period of time. For example, let’s say I have to write a research paper about omegaverse (pls keep in mind I study literature) and I want to explore the diversity that omegaverse can be presented by ficwriters. I’ll pick 5 different fics that I really like - it can be different from fandoms and feature different couples because you’re working with the theme omegaverse and not a ship itself, for example. Then, I’ll show how in which one of them the omegaverse works - the differences, the similarities, etc. The biggest mistake you can make, in my opinion, is to choose the fic first and then choose what you want to research. Sometimes our connection with a story is very deep, but it doesn’t mean that the fic has enough material for you to analyze depending on your topic of research. Seriously, choosing a fic is all about what you read and enjoy and if you can pick the things you can get to do your research. As I have no idea what you’re researching, I can’t help much, sorry! 
Ok, I just realized you didn’t specify if you were researching specific fics or like a whole genre/theme of fics. If it’s the first, then what I say applies, but if it’s the second, disregard that. I don’t have any experience researching a large amount of data aka quantitative research. I can suggest two books for you to read about it that I believe it’s trustworthy: Quantitative Methodologies using Multi-Methods and Analyzing Media Messages.
It seems to me, from what you’re asking, is that you’re lost dealing with doing research itself. My advice is to read about academic research. Those are books from trustworthy publishing houses that might help you:
Doing Academic Research (Routledge)
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (This one is really popular)
Evaluating Research in Academic Journals
Doing Academic Research (Cambridge)
I found this Research and Publications Planner: The Graduate Student's Guide to Publishing Academic Research - reading the reviews it seems to be a notebook that helps you organize your research and keep track of things. 
About the organization of your research: it’s very personal. The way I keep track of mine is like this. I have a folder for my research  in my Google Drive and I created a few separated folders within it. I’ll give you an example: how I deal with the references I use in my research and the theoretical foundation. First, I separated by topic, in my case is autoethnography (the methodology of my research), fanfiction (the academics texts I use to talk about fic that aligns with my perception) and creative writing (it’s a topic I might touch in my research but I’m not sure yet). Then, I pick the articles and books - for you to do this you’ll need to start with the forefathers and foremothers of the field. Any research on google will tell you who are the leading researchers in whatever field you’re working on. Usually when I’m reading the academic texts, I create a doc and copy and paste the bits I find relevant for me, taking notes of the page and chapter so I can put it in my references later. 
As it seems you’re studying fanfiction here are the authors you have to know for doing an incredible work for fanfiction: Henry Jenkins, Sara Gwenllian Jones, Kristina Busse, Karen Hellekson, Abigail Derecho, Francesca Coppa, Louisa Ellen Stein, Judith Fathallah, Anne Jamison and Ika Willis.
Recs about theoretical texts related to fic as a genre:
A Fan Studies Primer
In Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet you can find those two texts: Archontic Literature and Writing Bodies in Space
Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World 
Introduction of The Fanfiction Reader
Framing Fan Fiction 
The Fan Fiction Studies Reader
If you want to talk to me, send me an email to [email protected]. I hope I helped a bit!
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alicornae · 1 year
also slides out a small starter call here too bc i miss my pony princesses ,, my usual terms apply tho: specify who u want, but im gonna more more whatever abt it if u dont. but if you're a multi, specify for your end pls!
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ahttech · 6 months
Development of E-Commerce Websites: All the Information You Need   
E-commerce website development is the process of creating the technical features of your online store, such as how it works, takes payments, reacts to user input, and looks.
Recognize the advantages of several developers.
While some developers thrive at backend customization and technical implementation, others are fantastic at using a gorgeous front end to bring your brand to life.
Make sure you are aware of the developers' strong points while assessing them for your online store. Even though some engineers are proficient in both frontend and backend programming, they usually choose to concentrate on one of them. Verify that the developer you select has the abilities you require. 
Make a decision based on your needs.
Before selecting a developer or development firm, make sure you have a clear understanding of the features and functionalities you require from your e-commerce storefront.
A backend developer, for instance, can be more crucial than a designer for your e-commerce solution if it makes use of an open-source framework (though you'll probably need both).
Features to Take Into Account When Creating an E-Commerce Website
Your e-commerce site's features and functionality will differ according to your business model and specific requirements.
Make a list of the characteristics your e-commerce website development services must have based on the objectives you have specified. These ought to be in perfect harmony with the lifespan of your customers.
For instance, a small or startup company might not require multi-currency capability, but a cross-border shop might find this to be an essential feature.  
Working from general to specialized will help you quickly identify the functionality you require for your shopping cart.
Enumerate every standard requirement, including the recommended payment gateways and marketplace interfaces.
Include features that are necessary for your company, such as an automated shipping rate and sales tax calculation.
Sort all the nice-to-have features into a list of priorities of 1 to 5, where 1 is an essential feature that will drive revenue and 5 is a convenient add-on that might improve the efficiency of your daily operations. 
Responsive design
According to Statista, sales of mobile commerce will account for more than 10% of all retail sales in the United States by 2025. This is an increase of 7% from 2018.
You'll need a website that supports responsive, mobile-friendly web design as more and more customers shop online using mobile devices. Alternatively, you may ask your web developer to make a mobile application.
The objective is to ensure that your website offers a consistent purchasing experience regardless of the device being used to access it—a desktop or a mobile one.
Fortunately, fully responsive themes are available for free and premium on the BigCommerce theme store. Our Stencil theme platform is used to create expertly designed and developed themes that are tailored for various industries and product catalogs. 
SEO-friendly qualities.
SEO is a crucial component of website design and a fantastic content distribution strategy.
A high Google search engine ranking for pertinent keywords will assist attract interested web searchers to your website. SEO traffic can be more cost-effective because it can naturally bring you high-intent, likely-to-convert potential customers. 
Not a single e-commerce website development company will have every feature you could ever need built-in. Make sure your platform has plugins and integrations with the solutions you need so you may personalize your website.
How would you like the back office to function? Make sure the platform you select has the integration you require because many companies place a high priority on integrating their e-commerce solution with pre-existing ERP, OMS, PIM, or CRM systems.
Which types of digital marketing are you using? Utilizing a client data platform could be beneficial if you want to provide a customized experience. Examine your data's possibilities so you can determine the capabilities of each e-commerce program. 
Is it possible to combine your email marketing system and data? Additionally, you might want to think about SMS marketing or on-site chat, as well as whether you need to interface with social media platforms or online retailers like Amazon.
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kiwidraft · 2 years
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                                                   like for a thoma - specifc starter ! <3
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gloriousxdarkness · 3 years
like for a starter doing fancy person things with Elektra?🥂
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whitesuited-arch · 4 years
while i continue to chip away at my inbox, this is a call for me to invade yours !!
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whitesuited · 2 years
pulling off the plastic film on the first inbox call of 2k23 !!
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veiliisms · 4 years
hey like this for a starter from nao, fahy or vera
probably be pre-est. bc im lazy and first-meetings are hard ;-;
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