#as we all know i am of the headcanon that eddie munson is very good at bowling
rose-n-gunses · 6 months
If y'all didn't know about the Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund now you do and if you didn't know that every year they host a celebrity bowling tournament called Bowl For Ronnie now you do and now that you know that I need you to imagine rockstar!eddie (and corroded coffin in general) attending that event
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Good morning Hawkins in my daily struggle to power through Flight of Icarus despite my problems with it, I present to you:
Eddie Munson x Reader Headcanons - Hellfire Club Edition
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Author’s Note: Y’all I am fucking STOKED! I’m finally meeting up with some old buddies this Saturday to play D&D again for the first time in four years! Me and my friends have been trying to find someone to DM for us for a while (my lover doesn’t want to which is totally fair). And I fell in love with Eddie helping Gareth make his new character in Flight of Icarus, and I feel like we have a significant lack of Reader in Hellfire Club headcanons. So, from one D&D nerd to the community, please enjoy these headcanons which is basically just me gushing for five hours about D&D.
For context: Let’s say Hellfire Club meets Fridays in the Drama Room after school hours.
Okay, first and foremost, Eddie plays Advanced Dungeons and Dragons in 1986 like its 2024 fifth edition in Hellfire Club.
Flight of Icarus got one thing right: Eddie doesn’t give a shit about rules half the time. While it’s a great guideline to start off from, I feel like Eddie would be big on homebrewing.
There may be some homebrew campaigns and a good majority of the storyline in the main campaign is improv, but that doesn’t stop him from respecting if there are players who want to follow the game rules.
He will tease the shit out of a rules lawyer though.
I can see Mike Wheeler as the rules lawyer at first, only to be thoroughly humbled by the first homebrew one shot Eddie put him in.
Eddie will either help you make a character in private or with the boys in case you need more brains to help explain things to you.
If you’re really new, he has his own private session 0 with you to roll for stats. He will meticulously go through all of your character’s details with you and help explain things no matter how many times you ask. He’s very patient, and he loves when you ask him questions.
It makes him feel happy you care so much about his hobbies!
Another big one: Eddie allows multi classing. You wanna be a Cleric who was torn from their order and forced into a life of crime as a Rogue?
“Bitchin’. We love a sassy holy member of the clergy that’s reverted to a life of crime. Let’s decide together how many levels you want in each class.”
You want to go for a specific subclass that cancels out your main class? *cough DRUID cough*
“Fuck it babe. I’ll allow you to keep your armor proficiencies, your spells, AND I’ll lift the requirements for castle worship only. Your Druid can pray for cleric spells in the woods.”
Hellfire Club is literally so relaxing even though there are insults thrown every five minutes and you might find yourself making enemies for the few hours Hellfire Club meets. But it’s not serious. It’s all in good fun and everyone makes up after.
Eddie often uses the Rule of Cool: If you make it sound cool, he’ll allow it in a campaign.
Eddie Munson is your sweetheart, your love of your life, your one, but he is a fucking BASTARD of a DM sometimes.
If you get a high roll, he will throw all manner of shit at you in a campaign.
You have a tanky build? Try soloing five groups in a row with no healer bitch.
Spellcaster with a high level arsenal of spells? Your long rests to regain spell slots will never know peace.
Cleric with high level healing spells? Woe, Silence be upon thee.
This mother fucker will not go easy on you if you’re a first timer, but thankfully he will explain to you in detail what he’s doing, what he’s rolling for, etc.
But that’s only for your first game and only because you’re his baby.
If you have a solid idea of how to play, good luck bro. You’re gonna need it.
You, Jeff and Frank collectively (jokingly) plan to one day jump Eddie after school if he continues his traditions of thinking of sadistic ways to kill your first character for a new class.
You tried to warn the freshmen about Eddie’s bullshit but they didn’t believe you. Especially Dustin, who defended Eddie to the death and chastised you for calling Eddie a “shit licking whore” of a DM because hey, that’s your boyfriend! Be nice to him!
… Dustin now only refers to the DM’s commentaries as “And now a word from our Shit Licking Whore…”
I can see Eddie becoming one of those DMs whose goal is to fucking win at all costs even though it’s really not the point but… you know. He seems like he’d have a competitive streak.
Based on Experience: You make eight in Hellfire Club. For a normal campaign that’s way too many goddamn people and turns can take fucking forever. Eddie often gets impatient and hates when the campaigns get mind numbing.
So Eddie’s devised this solution: One Shots have to be rolled for with a d20 to determine who gets to be one of four players, winners need the highest scores of the group. Hellfire Club’s main campaign though is anything goes, Eddie alone DMs, and all Hellfire Club members can play. Because the main is anything goes, it’s also the hardest. And once your character is dead, there’s no revives. The main campaign is not the most newbie friendly. You can opt out of it if you don’t feel comfortable with the main campaign.
The one shots are mainly official campaigns from the sourcebooks, but there are some homebrew ones allowed as long as Eddie checks them over first. These ones are the easier games to get into.
Eddie will allow anyone who wants to DM a chance to DM these one shots, because he honestly gets sick of being the forever DM and actually wants to play sometimes.
You prefer Eddie as a player because he will strategize beforehand with everyone while he rolls up a character. He will base his decision on everyone else’s, fulfilling any role you need. He also will help explain to you about certain encounters or walk you through picking spells or such as you level up.
If you need help while Eddie DMs, the best people to sit with are Gareth, Jeff, and Mike. Gareth and Jeff have the most knowledge about how spells work and helping you to walk through what would benefit the party. Mike is an invaluable tool to have being a former DM, and while he may get annoyed if you ask too many questions, he can tell you just about anything regarding abilities, monsters, or what effects certain spells have. He’ll also help you pick a weapon proficiency that matches your character’s needs.
If you need cheering up, sit next to Dustin or Frank. Franks got the depression snacks in clutch and Dustin will try to cheer you up if your character dies in a famous Eddie Munson death scene.
Dice Jail for Bad And Naughty Traitor Dice get thrown in a mason jar by Eddie’s DM screen. He shakes the jar full of the shitty dice and you all have to scream “SHUN THE TRAITORS”.
Eddie keeps his dice in a Crown Royal drawstring bag. I said what I said.
He even buys a bottle of Crown Royal for you so you have a matching bag for your dice too.
You best believe anything you need to start off the campaign, Eddie is going to buy it for you.
I will only say this once: Session 0 is the best day ever in Hellfire Club. Eddie goes all out: Pizza, drinks, snacks, candy, music, a little bit of the devil’s lettuce, he goes all fucking out.
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choccyhearts · 2 years
NSFW Eddie Headcanons (18+)
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Apologies that this may be all I upload today, I tried really hard to write more but I am very burnt out at the moment and am dealing with a lot right now </3 buuut, I hope you all have an amazing day!!!
CW: 18+!! G/N! reader, talk of oral sex, genitals not mentioned, little talk of insecurites, smutty obvs but not too graphic, lowkey fluffy/romantic, aftercare
Eddie "they let me hit cause i'm goofy" Munson:
Has stopped you while you're going down on him to release random thoughts from his brain:
"Why is it called a "building" if it's already "built?"" "Would a watermelon actually grow in my stomach if I ate a seed wrapped in a wet paper towel?" "If they really built this city on rock and roll...would it not just collapse immediately? Wouldn't they need some...heavy metal for support??"
Has gotten so deep into roleplaying before that he forgot it was supposed to lead up to sex:
"Wait...how is a blow job supposed to fix my headache? Like, logically?"
Will try to say the dumbest things when he cums:
"Ah! I've sprung a leak!"
Sometimes during sex, weird noises happen, and it's completely natural...but Eddie will giggle:
"Was that squeak you or me?" "Babe, all of your bones just cracked, are you alright?" "I swear to Christ that was the bed frame, not me! I didn't eat any beans today!"
He has tried to see if he can multi-task during sex, just to see if he can:
"Okay, you just stay down there, I'll hold on to my other sweetheart and move my hips. Let's see if I can play while we do this" "Okay, so that is a firm no. I cannot eat cereal and make love to you...I'm really sorry baby"
After proposing the idea of shower sex...
"So...do we get clean first and then get dirty...or like just get dirty?" "Babe, what if I go down on you while you wash your hair...oh yeah, I guess soap suds do travel down..." "It...is...so...slippery........more than usual..."
During movie night:
(In the background are a character's screaming) "Okay, please don't misinterpret this, but I am really horny right now, but I swear nothing on the screen has made me like this"    "I bet I could cum faster than Jason Voorhees can get a kill...let's see"
Shuffles over to you after turning on some music:
"Alright, let's get groovin'!"
Eddie "a giant teddy bear on the inside" Munson:
Holds your hand and gives it kisses
Delivers forehead kisses regularly
When you're starting to slow down from exhaustion:
"You're doing so good, such a good job" "Getting tired? Lemme take care of you, baby. Hold on to me, I'll move you"
Will softly cradle your face and let his finger run along your jaw
Will trace your stretch marks and kiss along them
Holds on to your love handles and massages them
If you're feeling a bit insecure about stretch marks or love handles:
"I don't know why you hate these so much, they're so useful in a time like this" "Christ, you're so amazing, every mark, everything, it's all beautiful"
Attends to your every need:
"Are you cramping? Here, let's switch it up a bit" "Do you need any water? Your mouth is a little dry...don't be embarrassed, baby. It's okay, this is technically physical activity" "Do you need more kisses? Where?"
Loves holding you close to him, feeling connected as one:
"Come here, let me hold you...wanna feel you right against me...keep you safe" "I don't care about the sweat, let me love you" "I'm all yours, all of me"
Eddie "aftercare is top priority" Munson:
Tries to read your body language to guess what you need, but will ask just to be sure:
"Here, sugar, drink up. Need you hydrated" "Do you need me to carry you to the bathroom?" "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go start the shower"
If you need to be held he's right there:
"Lemme snuggle you...you did such a good job, sweetheart" "Breathe for me, just focus on breathing. For me..." "You fit against my body so well, I just wanna be here forever"
Wil hum songs while you both calm down -- he does take requests!
Laces your fingers together and rubs his thumb against yours
Kisses galore! Anywhere and everywhere, an endless supply!
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stranger things fic recommendations!
Wattpad, Ao3 and Tumblr
Most of these are Original Fem Characters actually, except for the Tumblr ones.
Haven't really found any cool Male or Non-Binary Original Characters ones that aren't one-shots or just headcanons, and actually, it would be really cool to get some recs for those!!
I am an NB in crisis!!
(btw I mentioned this before, but I like a little realism when it comes to representation, so I'm not talking about ones where every single character uses the right they/them pronouns after meeting the oc or the reader once, 80s small town charm usually means ignorance or discrimination when it comes to this)
When He Sees Me, Steve Harrington - austrxlians
Steve Harrington x Fem Original Character - S3/S4 - Ongoing
I'm not the usually the biggest fan of this type of main character personality-wise because I can't really... relate, I guess? when reading fanfics, but this is really well-written and enjoyable :)
LITTLE DARK AGE - natureskiss
Steve Harrington x Fem Original Character - S2/S3 - Ongoing
Multiple cool OCs, good portrayal (in my opinion) of canon dynamics and ofc I really like S2 fics so...
Eddie Munson x Latine Fem Original Character - S3/? - Ongoing
Just started reading this cause it's been recommended to me, I'm on chapter 6, but it's really cool so far! Excited for the witchy stuff to come in :)
Not much of an Eddie stan but he's a likeable character that I enjoy reading when he's portrayed right
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AO3 :
Nancy's Sister - phoenixoffire
Eddie Munson x Original Fem Character - S2/? - Ongoing (?) author hasn't updated in a while
This is base on To All The Boys I've Loved Before, so technically there's also Steve x the same Original Fem Character and we don't know who's endgame....but I chose my team. I usually prefer Steve over Eddie but author has written Eddie so WELL that I hear his voice
Also when I read it there's a totally normal not-sad scene that i teared up at for some reason?? I have no idea why????? Author didnt do anything wrong I think I just short-circuited but if you read this because I recommended it....and you tear up too at the same moment...
The Season of The Witch - lobstronamous
Steve Harrington x Fem Original Character - Platonic Jonathan x Fem Original Character - S1/? - Ongoing (?) author hasn't uploaded in a while
As you can tell by the title, it's witchaayy
I've read until chapter 7 (out of 9 currently), it's really interesting so far :) i feel like it's rare to see Jonathan as a friend in fanfiction, he's a very underrated character
Radio Static, Eddie Munson - Emilylily23
Eddie Munson x Fem Original Character - S4 - Completed
Strangers to Lovers! This was not my thing personally but I enjoyed it, cute and well-written - my friend who's obsessed with Eddie said she loved it :)
Strange Places - Pen_Powell
BEAR WITH ME HERE OKAY !!! - Billy Hargrove x Fem Original Character - Completed
Dacre Montgomery is really beautiful, and this fic's portrayal of Billy is not the canon one. I am in no way a Billy apologist!!!
Read this a while ago and really loved it, actually planning to reread it soon
Victorian House, out of style clothes and cool extra Hawkins building
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And lastly, Tumblr! I don't read any long fanfictions on here but LOTS of one-shots and little scenes, even short series! Here are the ones I enjoyed like 2 days ago
Promises - @we-out-here-simping
strarstruck - @pariahsparadise
afterglow - @sparklingsin
jawline kisses - @lucasnclair
Homecoming - @whiskeybeforesunset
Pretty sure they're all Steve...
Give me your thoughts if you end up checking any of these out! :)
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whataboutthefish · 2 years
Hello Aussie! (I think that your name, right?) I just want to say that I love what you wrote Alpha Eddie Munson and Omega Steve Harrington. So much love. So I have questions and I noticed that you don’t have masterlist or talk about yourself. Now… questions;
How long you been writing?
What you don’t feel comfortable to writes?
Will there be more Alpha Eddie? Maybe with omega Steve too? I adore Steddie but it’s your writing, your choice.
Is your requests open?
Last one: please I’m begging you, if you can tag me whenever you wrote about Eddie?
Thanks! I hope you’ll have great day!
Hello there!
Sorry it took a while to get back to you but I wanted to thank you for this message, I finally got around to compiling my works and pinning a post!
You are so sweet, Aussie is actually short for Australian, we are a race that likes to shorted any and all words! I go by Fish and Fishie online!
Oh my gosh how good are Alpha Eddie and Omega Steve, I have found myself falling in love with them and all the ways I can make them come together!
I will link my masterlist and about me at the end of the message for you to look over, I have quite a few different omegaverse headcanons with Alpha Eddie!
How long have you been writing? - I used to write a lot as a child and teenager but stopped for a long time, I think my first Ao3 fic was in 2015 so roughly 8 years. I had an 18 month hiatus recently and just came back in July last year.
What you don’t feel comfortable to write? - I will write almost anything, the following are things I'm least comfortable writing, some I won't entertain and some only under certain perimeters . Incest, underage, bestiality, rape/non con, scat, dacryphilia
Will there be more Alpha Eddie? - YES!! So I am currently writing a High School au with Alpha Eddie and Omega Steve which is posting now which I have affectionately named the virginity fic.
Yeah, you made me feel - Steddie HS au, virginity fic
I'm writing two other fics with Alpha Eddie, one is Steddie and the other is Harringroveson, those will start posting in February.
Omegaverse Steddie is always on my mind so I will likely post more drabbles on tumblr and twitter.
And YES! I accept requests and prompts. They will likely be filled as short ficlets, or compiled points around the idea.
I will do my best to tag you although I am very unorganised, but I will keep updating my masterlist from now on so check in on that from time to time!
Thank you again for your amazing message, It made me so excited to think someone wanted to know all of this and was a pleasure to answer.
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witchyyflowers · 2 years
Eddie & s/o at Rocky Horror
Headcanons for Eddie and his s/o attending a Rocky Horror showing together!
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pairing. Eddie Munson x f!reader
tags. Henderson reader, established relationship, getting ready together, all the fluff, pretty much stupid young adults in love
an. Okay this is my first post literally ever on here but Eddie has given me so many ideas for writing that I had to actually put down some headcanons so apologies if this is a little rough but any feedback is so appreciated!
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . 
First thing’s first, Eddie Munson’s jaw literally hit the floor when he saw you through his window dressed up as Janet for halloween one year when you went to pick up Max for trick or treating.
This also definitely did not prompt him to fling open the door and yell across the road “I’ll be damned, Janet! Not quite what I expected to see you as this year” giving a small shrug and blocking out the golden evening sun with your hand you just say “Well the garters and corset would’ve had my mom’s head spinning so I went with what was left.”
I mean you didn’t know Eddie at the time but you knew of him because of school and of course if there’s anyone who would understand your costume it would be the one kid known for his weird interests so you appreciate him already for simply noticing and having the courage to compliment you when no one else will be able to
Max finally runs out to your car and sending a polite smile over your shoulder aimed at Eddie you slip back in the driver's seat
He just stands there for a second in complete shock that somebody who everybody at school generally knows, who has normal friends, is a good student, hell you’re in Hawkins High student government, could be found at a risqué midnight showing of Rocky Horror
However you two finally going to a showing together doesn’t happen until a decent bit into your relationship
Because let’s be honest, there isn’t a theater within a 20 mile radius of Hawkins that has showings or even knows what Rocky Horror is
“What do you think Eddie should we dress up? The past few times a lot of people ha-”
It was an unsaid fact that Eddie was going as Frank N Furter
After a few trips to the craft store and borrowing a pair of your mom’s pearls (plus a very thrilling trip to the adult store for corsets) the outfits are ready to be put together
Which cues getting ready together in Eddie’s slightly cramped bathroom oh my g o d
You finally feel comfortable enough to go in full Rose Tint My World glamor much to Eddie’s delight
You sit on the counter while Eddie stands between your legs while you do his eyeliner, your focused face makes an appearance which in turn makes Eddie’s heart flutter simply because you look so cute but he can also tell you really want to make him look fantastic
Also helping him put on the brightest shade of red lipstick you have seen in your life you can’t help but laugh a little while he stands there smiling at you
Eddie finally looking at himself in the mirror, “Now this is some metal shit, babe!”
You help each other make sure those corsets are on tight and not going anywhere which leaves you both flushed
Once you’re both ready you can finally see each other in full get up and both of you are just in utter awe of each other
Because screw social norms, screw the town of Hawkins, you two are dressed to perfection and the excited energy is palpable!
He can’t help but just grab your face and start peppering kisses all over
“Ed stop it! You’re gonna leave that lipstick all over me!” you laugh out
“I am so glad that we’re doing this together” with complete puppy eyes
Once you get to the theater the night just gets better. On your guys’ way in people stop you multiple times just to give you compliments, somebody walking around with a polaroid asks to take a photo of you two which you happily strike a stupid pose for. Kind enough to take an extra photo to hold on to Eddie takes it proudly stating it’ll go straight on the fridge
During the show rice is tossed, you and Eddie end up having to share a newspaper to cover your heads making you consistently steal glances at each other. Eddie also whips out his lighter that he has somehow magically secured in his corset so he can shine it during frankenstein’s palace
By the end of the night you two can barely speak from all the singing and cheering, drunk on pure happiness from being able to be as weird and crazy as you want without a side glare from your peers
Walking out with his arm around your shoulders and your arm around his waist, grins spread across your face while talking about which moments were your favorite
“Alright Munson if we get a flat tire promise me you won’t pull over or follow any motorcycles okay?”
“Mmm, no promises princess”
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coveredinsweetpea · 2 years
My headcanon for Eddie Munson is that he is 1) a virgin (no shame in that!!) or at least inexperienced since everyone considers him a freak and 2) that he would be shy and embarrassed about it but very eager to please his significant other😍 Im so in love with him it’s crazy 🔥
Ugh this is so adorable!!! BUT I THINK IM 50/50 ON THIS!!!
On one hand, I do think he has quite a bit of experience. We know he's older, he looks like that - and fits into the 80s metalhead vibe so he's not that different, and he's unhinged, the man isn't shy (we've all seen him sweep Chrissy off her feet. The man's got game. Not the best game, but he's got it). Maybe he had a girlfriend once, at the beginning of high-school, things didn't work out and ever since then he just had a couple of meaningless hookups, but probably not with girls from the same high-school.
On the other hand, he's super chill about himself, doesn't think twice before saying whatever is on his mind, doesn't give a shit about what other people might think about him and basically just goes with the flow so I wouldn't be surprised if it just hasn't happened for him. But once he gets in a relationship, he'll be the the definition of praise kink. He'll probably be too shy at first to suggest stuff or he might even hold back a bit because he's afraid of doing something wrong, making you uncomfortable or hurting you. But once things get going, he will go crazy. He'll be SO dedicated to making you feel good, always asking you, making sure, wanting to hear you say it. "Is that good? Am I doing that ok?" and whenever he'd be eating you out, except for when his eyes will be rolled back in pleasure because your pussy is the best thing he ever put his mouth on, he'll always have his eyes on you, trying to read your expression and waiting for any kind of feedback (you pulling his hair is one of his favorite ways). And I totally see him stopping right before you finish, because he's clueless like that, just to ask how you're feeling. And he'll beg you to guide him through it!!! Ugh. This man.
Don't even get me started on giving Eddie his first blow job 😩😩
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jo-harrington · 2 years
More Eddie Munson/Stranger Things Headcanons
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Because I am just consumed entirely, as we all are. Don’t know about anyone else but the little bit of healing of my inner-teenager as I overanalyze this character? It’s so nice.
Please note that I might reference one of my previous headcanons here. Also…minor domestic violence/child abuse trigger warning; it’s just a quick mention but still. Double also…Keeping it family friendly but minors please DNI.
His mom got him an electric guitar for his birthday but died before she could give it to him. It was a big, expensive gift but she got it used—chatting with the regulars at Benny’s, hearing one of them mention their kid who got bored of it and now they can’t stand the clutter so they just need it gone—and she knows he’s been through a lot and been a trooper through it all. She’s got it all hidden away in the boathouse with the rest of Rick’s clutter—mini headcanon is that Rick can’t keep a secret for the life of him, so she can’t even tell him. Then fast forward after she’s gone…that bittersweet moment when they’re moving things out of Rick’s house and they find it. Neither Rick or Wayne know how to give it to poor Eddie. Eddie absolutely cherishes it for the rest of his life; he takes such good care of it. It’s not the most metal looking, which is sort of why he gets the Warlock after the fact. But all of the shows before that? He’s playing that guitar and he stars off the show dedicating the performance to his mom.
The first song Eddie really obsessed over and taught himself was Eddie Van Halen’s Eruption. Eddie would have been…about 11 or 12 when Van Halen’s first album was released in 1978 (depending on when his birthday is). At this point he’s only really learned from his mom and just what he’s taught himself but he’s just astounded by the cacophony of sounds and the sheer speed. He’s trying to figure out the tapping, trying to get his fingers to strum faster, and the more he practices, the better he gets. And the better he gets, the more he improvises and all of the pain and grief he has after losing his mom just explodes.
Eddie is in choir in 8th grade. Ok don’t know about anyone else’s middle school experience but for me, once you hit middle school, you either played an instrument in band/orchestra or you were in choir. Eddie up in arms that he couldn’t join band with his guitar and also the fact that guitar wast considered a string instrument for orchestra. But he isn’t…too put off by choir. When the little old lady teacher is testing everyone’s vocal range and he belts out some rock verse and it’s crickets. (“Ahem…very good Mr. Munson.) His buddies in class clapping him on the back but the other kids who are shyly singing in front of others just a little mortified.
And that’s kind of the thing that intimidates other people about Eddie—even his friends sometimes—he’s unapologetically himself. Which we know but diving a little deeper? He is so sure about his likes and dislikes and he’s a good person to talk to if you only give him a chance. He’s got so many stories. He dislikes small talk but when it develops into a genuine conversation? He will talk with you for hours. He remembers everything about you that you’ll share with him because he knows that not everyone is so open, so if you share something with him, you must trust him. He learns that from his uncle, from his mom…fast forward to what he starts dealing…yeah there are his classmates having parties and whatever but then there’s also the regulars who need a little something extra when they’re having a long week. And it’s so unexpected for this kid to put his hand on their shoulder and ask if everything’s alright. (If it’s a neighbor, maybe mentioning something to Wayne…Wayne doing a wellness check a few days later, inviting them around for coffee or something.)
I think someone else touched on this headcanon but I have ways to tie it back in my brain…Eddie starts dealing so he can have some spending money but also to help Wayne out a little. He’s always been an observant kid—hell, if you said the wrong thing to dad, you’d end up with a sore arm or a split lip or worse—so he knows Wayne is doing his best to make ends meet. And his mom before that. I’m not from Indiana but a quick search mentioned that you could get a job at 14 with parental permission; he asks Wayne as soon as he turns 14. He’s already found the theater manager at the Hawk is looking for an extra usher on the weekends. (“I wanna help you with things around the house.” “ You don’t need to help, son; I’m your guardian, that’s my job. You can get a job when you’re 16. Just enjoy being a kid for now.”) Eddie then thinks about Rick…money wasn’t as big of an issue when he and his mom lived with Rick. Rick would always let him pick whatever junk food or snacks he wanted, no questions asked. Rick seemingly always had a job to go to at the most random hours. It was perfect. It takes a lot of convincing, and Rick is a hard man to convince. Because he sees Eddie as something of a son too, and he knows this is just asking for something wrong to happen. But again Eddie has a good head on his shoulders and he knows how to keep a secret. And...ugh why the hell not.
Eddie sneaking money to give to Wayne. Again, read someone else's iteration of this and I just love it. He tried to shove a handful of bills into Wayne's wallet once while he was sleeping...and he got caught so never again. (Wayne became a light sleeper as soon as Eddie came to live with him. What if the school called? What if Eddie was sick?) Eddie makes up some excuse about wanting to go out with friends and needing a few dollars and patiently sits through a lecture about stealing and just asking if he ever wanted/needed something. Then Wayne gives him a ten and a pat on the head before going back to sleep. The OPPOSITE of what Eddie wanted. Eddie then resorts to looking for any and all places Wayne could be hiding money in the house so he can just slip some extra cash in there. His mom kept a coffee can in the laundry room at Rick's, or in the kitchen when his dad was still around. He ends up finding it tucked into one of Wayne's mugs, tucked in the very corner, a little dusty...it was perfect. It becomes the norm for years. Wayne figured it out eventually but always uses the extra cash for Eddie.
Eddie is the kid who always runs out of room in his notebooks, runs out of loose leaf paper, wears down his pencils. He’s just writing stories or drawing DND doodles or lyrics for Corroded Coffin originals. (He always tries to write the next chart-topping metal song but tell me it doesn’t end up as a ballad like…90% of the time.) His mom always knew when he needed new…well whatever he needed. It takes Wayne a minute. Maybe the first note home from a teacher saying “Edward wasn’t prepared for class with a notebook.” And it’s only October. Where did all of those notebooks we just bought go to? He tries to play the tough guy act…nothing awful but if Eddie’s losing his school supplies…well he just needs to be more responsible. Cue Eddie bashfully showing Wayne the notebooks full of doodles and stories and whatever. (“I was going to ask for a new one this weekend …a-and I swear I’ll only use it for school things. I just had this idea…”) Maybe mentions something about his dad not wanting him to be so wasteful. And Eddie knows that Wayne isn’t like his dad…but they’re brothers,I’m sure the resemblance gets to the kid sometimes. Anyway, Wayne just melts. Check him making sure Eddie always has a couple extra notebooks or a sketchbook or whatever when they do the school supply shopping to keep on hand.
Eddie spending free periods in the library. Again this could just be my experience but I was the kid who wanted to hide in the library at lunch or during study hall, and you couldn’t just go. You needed a pass from a teacher and they were so stingy as signing passes unless you were actively working on an assignment. Because they didn’t want you in there chatting with friends. Eddie just wants a clear head to work on things for Hellfire. The school library...it's not the most private place or has the best selection of books he typically would reference to prep for a campaign but he can make due. Maybe it's here that he develops that satanic rumor/reputation as someone comes across him at one of the corner tables and he's working on a scroll or some prop and it has runes and a pentacle and of course rumors spread at Hawkins High.
Eddie make his Hellfire Dice Tower in shop class in junior year. There's a YouTube video breakdown about ST4 and there are brief clips of Eddie's hellfire props and one is this dice tower with Hellfire Club scratched on the side (found a post on Tumblr too and I think I reblogged it the other day). It's the whole situation with Jonathan and Argyle making the birdhouse in woodshop and Eddie is like "that's dumb I'm gonna make something I will actually use" and makes the dice tower instead and it's arguably a tougher project, but he doesn't care.
Also Eddie taking home ec at some point because Wayne has stressed the importance of being self sufficient and that includes cooking and fixing your car, and mending your clothes. Like all of those roughly stitched patches ok? It fits the aesthetic...until Mrs. whatever taught him how to neatly stitch the patch on. (The teacher also thinks he's a sweetheart and he gets an A in that class FOR SURE.)
And now further on that note, Eddie's not the best cook, but any of the recipes he learned in home ec? He's a pro at them. Pancakes? The best you'll ever have. Macaroni and Cheese? He crumbled salt and vinegar potato chips on top from his lunch...best in the class. It doesn't hurt that it's all comfort food and makes him think of his mom and that's kind of the motivator.
I have so many more thoughts. So many. I will absolutely write more, but if there's anything specific you want, so long as I feel comfortable writing it, I will noodle on it and put it out into the universe.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
Hey, could I please get a Stranger Things matchup? Eddie Munson has consumed my entire life and I need content lol
I'm 19 years old, bisexual and on the Autism spectrum with ADHD. I'm studying to become a TV and Cartoon writer but I'm applying to D&D stores in the meantime (very on brand). I'm really smart but can get nervous easily, but once I get comfortable I'm super excitable and open. I might seem shy at first but play Dungeons & Dragons or talk about shared interests with me and I totally come out of my shell and am super hyperactive. I try to be nice to everyone but I draw the line when I need to. I'm good at giving advice but have no self-preservation skills whatsoever - high wisdom, low intelligence stats. I compulsively research anything that interests me and am very good at making funny comments too.
I'm really short, like 4' 11" (149 cm) kinda short. I'd only come up to a regular person's shoulder at best. I have wild wavy brown hair, glasses, and am slender and actually pretty toned - you can see my abs really well. I'm currently wearing an AC/DC crop top (aka a tshirt that I cut into a crop top lmao)
From Stranger Things I Ship You With:
Chrissy Cunningham
Tumblr media
Ship dynamic:
She Was A Punk x She Did Ballet™
«Sweet mother I cannot weave, Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl.»
I have so many thoughts about this.
You definitely crushed on Chrissy at some point in middle school/freshman year. She's easy to crush on, but it was completely bearable.
When Chrissy crushes on you tho— DAMN is it hard for her lmao. And she doesn't even know she's crushing because by GOD she's as straight as an arrow in every sense. Right?
And you're not. You're messy and fun and cool, but not in the way Jason's cool— you're nerdy cool. That makes Chrissy feel... tingly.
She sees you sitting on the opposite side of her English class and wishes she could be a bit more like you. Or at least be closer to you.
Chrissy definitely does NOT approach you. She'll go under cardiac arrest for so many reasons. She doesn't particularly agree with the highschool hierarchy bullshit, but it's all she knows and she can't just lose that.
So she just observes you in the cafeteria, and wonders if your friends are aware of how lucky they are to have someone like you.
Now, let me draw the paired-up-in-class card for you two because I am so going with this trope.
She may be the Queen of Hawkins High, but Chrissy's not a straight A's girl by any means, so when you're matched together for a project, she feels super insecure because oh my god you're super smart and she doesn't want you to think she's stupid.
You're super nice to her and that throws her off at first because yeah, she knows you're the sweetest, but she wasn't expecting someone like YOU to be nice to someone like HER.
You're hella shy at first, but Chrissy's surprisingly easy to talk to, so when she looks at you with attentive blue eyes and an open smile, you just... Loosen up immediately.
And so a casual friendship blooms.
It takes her a hot second to get used to your antics because you're so random and she loves it.
You giving Chrissy dating advice before you get together while being completely oblivious at the fact that she wants to date you.
Chrissy dolling up whenever she knows you're going to see her.
Headcanonning Eddie Munson as your best friend because it's the natural course of action, like, we were going to end up here.
Okay so, you really like Chrissy Cunningham now. Shocker. She's not only fucking stunning, but also thoughtful, sweet and has a lovely laugh.
You're pretty sure she likes Eddie when she starts to make some... Interesting fashion choices.
Like wearing an AC/DC shirt to class. Ballsy.
Eddie smacks some sense into you because it's pretty fucking obvious that Chrissy gets giddy whenever you talk to her.
You helped her through her ED even before getting together. She just Trusts you enough to tell you, and you prove to her she did the right thing by sharing that information with you.
Headcanonning an unlikely yet close friendship between Robin and Chrissy AFTER SHE SURVIVES VECNA BECAUSE SHE'S NOT DYING.
Btw you so are the happy memory that keeps her safe from Vecna.
Chrissy isn't stupid, she Knows™ about Robin, so one night she confesses to our lesbian queen that she might like girls too. Well more like one girl.
Cue Robin and Eddie plotting to get you to date each other because it's painful to watch you two interact.
Chrissy kisses you first.
It's after her first D&D session because you talk about the game so excitedly that she finally agreed to play and so the geekification of Chrissy Cunningham started.
She's so awkward about it at first because she doesn't how to approach the situation (the situation being... your height) but she's a quick learner.
Chrissy braids your hair and puts flowers in it. I don't make the rules.
You're her comfort person. Cue Chrissy grasping onto your hans whenever she's about to break. Also she definitely asks you to make up stories to tell her when you two are about to go to sleep.
She's the self-preservation instinct you don't have.
The Head Cheerleader goes rogue while dating you, because you teach her she can be nice AND have boundaries and that's cathartic.
You take Chrissy into your house too many nights because rebelling against her mother doesn't always have a good outcome.
Chrissy's mother tried to get you out of the house with a crucifix at least once. Bonus points if you pretend to be possessed. I don't even know what reason to give you, I just know it happened.
Everyone in the gang is very supportive and protective of you two. Eddie gave you the nickname of the hobbit couple, and you hate him deeply for that, because now whenever y'all need codenames, that's automatically yours.
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