#as well as stella after the rain & like half of hear me! hopeful show
lovely-showtimes · 11 months
i'm in a very vicious cycle of wanting to write more characters than just tsukasa/wxs all the time -> not feeling confident in my ability to write them in character -> not having enough motivation to go and read other events that arent just wxs ones
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“Hey Arnold!” and “Miraculous!” parallels
Ever have an idea for a post that you take forever to get around to because 2020 is 
to kill you?!
 Welp, that’s me. I mean, uh, this is that post.
Long post is long and I don’t like cuts cuz I’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” I use it for walls of text like these.
So there’s this show from my childhood called Hey Arnold! 
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Having been on air before I had cable (I and my unsupervised brothers and sisters spent our childhood watching Jerry Springer and Maury because there was literally nothing else on our cheap little TV. How hilarious is that?) I didn’t really have much of an experience with Hey Arnold! aside from brief little glances at it when i visited a friends home or the rare occasion where they showed cartoons at school. By the time I got satellite, the show was no longer on the air save for some late night reruns and the Christmas special which aired in December along with other Nickelodeon Christmas episodes (THE best Christmas episode EVER btw).
Really I couldn’t remember much about it until hearing about the Jungle Movie finally getting a release date (a total flop but at least its no cliff hanger) and decided to re-watch the entire series in preparation for said movie.
By which point I had discovered another show—Miraculous. 
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At first glance the two shows have absolutely nothing in common. Miraculous being a French-born mahou shoujo-esque CGI superhero TV series about a couple of middle schoolers who regularly battle a walking peppermint-frappucino-looking psychopath. Hey Arnold! being a more realistic children’s sitcom about a young football-headed boy who deals out humanitarian aid in the form of advice and simple good deeds to his neighbors, classmates and friends. 
In terms of setting, logic, and animation the two series are as different as night and day.
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So imagine my pleasant surprise to discover a whole post’s worth of parallels shared between the two shows???
And here they are in no particular order:
1)Arnold’s Parents/Adrien’s mom
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Prior to the start of Miraculous, Emilie Agreste disappeared under mysterious circumstances leaving her family behind. Later on it was revealed that she was in fact sleeping (dead?) in a glass coffin beneath the Agreste mansion--unbeknownst to Adrien, or anyone else in Paris save for Gabriel and Nathalie.
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In a similar fashion, Arnold’s parents, Miles and Stella, also disappeared prior to the start of Hey Arnold! and like Emilie were always referred to as “missing” rather than “dead.” 
The Jungle Movie later revealed Miles and Stella weren’t dead, but like Emilie appears to be doing in her coffin, they were sleeping. Having caught a bout of sleeping sickness (apparently they do not need to be hooked up to IVs or other medical devices while in a comatose state cuz fuck logic) they simply needed their orphaned son to come and cure them with the help of the magical golden heart Helga provided him with.
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Perhaps Mari holds the key to waking Emilie? That would be nice to see. 
Not the miraculous of course--but some other key.
Although personally I’m hoping for a hardcore, devastating ending like Emilie dying, Gabriel going to prison where he belongs, and Adrien leaving the country for a bit until the second Hawk Moth shows up because I just like devastating cliffhangers and angst and being in utter turmoil over fictional people. But that’s just me.
2) Their best friends are dating
Smol parallel here: Arnold’s best friend Gerald and Helga’s Best friend Phoebe wind up together in The Jungle Movie after being imprisoned together by Lasombra. Similar to how Nino and Alya ended up together after being imprisoned by Ladybug (for their protection, of course).
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3) The Bag of Money Episode/ The Ladybug episode
OOh boy both of these episodes make me rage. 
Some context about the Bag of Money episode: Arnold and his friends Gerald and Sid find a random bag of money containing almost $4000. Sid is ecstatic and wants to split the money evenly between the three boys, but Arnold worries it could just be lost and convinces them to let him, Arnold, take the money to the police station. On the way he accidentally switches the bag with another one that is identical and contains a bunch of useless junk, and when he tries to explain what happened to his friends they don’t believe him because their bag of money was accidentally taken by an “old lady with pink hair and a peg leg.”
 Arnold’s a good boy and he’s telling the truth--but the truth sounds crazy, even to my ears. Sid accuses Arnold of stealing the money and spreads lies to their classmates, whom Arnold has spent the ENTIRE SERIES helping in some form or fashion. Despite everything he’s done for them though, the vast majority of the class come to believe Arnold is a thief. Even Gerald, Arnold’s closest friend, nearly believes Sid over Arnold but eventually comes to Arnold’s defense. The other kids (save for Helga who doesn’t really make an appearance this episode) gang up on Arnold, but thankfully the old lady with pink hair and a peg leg shows up with an officer and together they explain the bag of money is now at the lost and found where it will remain and if gone unclaimed will be returned to Arnold, Gerald and Sid. 
Pretty much everything is resolved and things return to normal between the kids. 
But I hate this episode. I hate this episode so, so much. Arnold has spent the entire series helping these people out in some form or fashion. Literally thats the entire show. And after everything he’s done for them they’re so. Quick. To. Turn. On. Him. 
Sound familiar???
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4) Hidden Personality                   vs.          Surface Personality
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 I do not refer to the cruddy “true selves” thing half the Miraculous fandom believes in. Depending on one’s individual circumstances, environment and how comfortable they are, said person’s behavior can fluctuate or even do a complete 180. This can be kinda frustrating when dealing on one’s own--”Who am I anyway? Is that me or is this me???”
It’s all you, fam.
Arnold and Helga are themselves too, no matter what metaphorical/actual mask they put on. There’s the side that everyone sees and then there’s the side almost no one sees. The hidden personality isn’t hidden due to a lack of trust, necessarily, but rather it is the result of retreating to their respective “shells”--ones which both Arnold and Helga were kinda punched, kicked, and shoved into. 
Helga’s surface personality: Class bully, puts up a tough front, constantly torments Arnold because she can’t stand him and his niceness
Helga’s hidden personality: Poetic, abused and isolated, is in love with Arnold to the point of being obsessed with him and bullies him via surface personality in order to hide that fact
Of course Adrien is no bully--his reasons for not being the “cunning, funny, ultra-charming Chat Noir” 24/7 DOES have a lot to do with his toxic household, his dad, and the overwhelming expectations which are constantly smothering him as Adrien. 
Adrien is a bug under a magnifying glass (or so he feels)
Chat Noir is a chance for a freedom.
 Adrien’s surface personality was molded by his dad.
 Helga’s is the result of her entire family. Her father is brash and loud, her mother is a confirmed alcoholic, her sister is a gifted prodigy, well-rounded and spends most of the series at university or elsewhere. Although her sister, Olga, has been shown to genuinely care for Helga, Olga is kinda the reason their parents neglect Helga. With their first daughter being the genius and prodigy she is, Helga’s parents poured all of their pride and affection and parental devotion onto her. Meanwhile Helga had to walk to pre-school alone. At four years old. In the rain. Not for the last time. 
Which leads me to the next parallel.
5) Umbrella in the Rain
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squeals in delight over this parallel<3<3<3
If you’ve never seen Hey Arnold! do yourselves a favor and watch this short little clip over how Helga and Arnold first met. If you have seen it, watch it anyway because it is the most adorable clip in the entire show.
Dr. Bliss: “So nobody’s ever noticed you?”
Helga: “...There was someone.”
The soft way Helga confesses that--you can actually hear how grateful she is to have such a tender memory from such a painful time. 
 In a similar manner, Adrien offered his umbrella to Marinette. Of course Adrien did it because Mari had to walk home in the rain and Arnold did it as a simple gesture of kindness (seeing as they were already at the school)--one of the many kind acts he displays throughout the series. 
 But just like Adrien needed unconditional love coming from somewhere, so did Helga. They were both denied this one common necessity which everyone else around them had. It’s not a lot to ask for, and they should’ve already had it coming from their families--but they didn’t.
 And then, one rainy day, there it was--the unconditional love they needed.
6) Clinginess
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What happens when you take someone, specifically a love-starved abused child from an unstable home environment--deprived of the one thing most crucial to their mental well-being--and miraculously provide them with that very necessity? 
I can’t really think of the correct word to describe this. “Clinginess” is pretty close to what I’m trying to describe, if not on point, so let’s go with that. 
 What I mean is Helga and Adrien both need Arnold and Ladybug respectively. That’s not a bad thing--it’s okay to need somebody else. What’s bad is hinging your entire being on this one connection. For if either kiddo were to be left behind they wouldn’t handle it very well.
 It can’t really be helped with either Helga or Adrien. They didn’t really have the option to learn certain things and went deprived of unconditional love for such a long time. They’re kids--nine and fourteen/fifteen respectively. They’re not perfect and they’re traumatized for life. Being denied love from your family--the very people designed to love you--would do that to a person. Naturally they would cling to the first people to show up and provide them with the love they needed. 
 The Hey Arnold! wiki says this about Helga and Arnold’s relationship
Due to her unstable family upbringing where both her mother and father constantly neglect [Helga] and shower all of their attention onto Olga, leaving her deprived of the love and attention she needed growing up. On her way to preschool, Arnold helped her by keeping the rain off her with an umbrella and even complimented her on her hairbow. He even later gave her crackers during their snack time. Arnold's kindness and being the first person to notice her quickly caused Helga to transfer all of her love and attention to Arnold.
Of course Adrien’s tunnel vision isn’t quite as bad as Helga’s.
 He treats his friends better.
 He does love his father--
Even though his father is THE. 
--because he’s Adrien and he’s just too precious a cinnamon roll and that’s still his dad even if the man does belong behind bars.
7) Unhealthy Obsession
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Ugh. I am not going to delve too far into this. You’re just going to have to take my word for it. Helga’s creepy stalker behavior is a thousand times worse than Marinette’s. That pic up there of Helga hiding out in Arnold’s room watching him is pretty decent evidence to back up my argument, but it’s hardly the only example or even the worst incident.
 Honestly I’m amazed at what Nicktoons were able to get away with in the late nineties/early 2000s. 
But yes, Helga’s obsession with Arnold is rather unhealthy in the most extreme moments leading her to display behavior which is more often than not disturbing and concerning. 
The Hey Arnold! wiki has this to say about Helga’s obsession with Arnold
Helga is possessive of her love for Arnold and thinks non-stop about him to the point of obsession. This is evidenced throughout the series by the many shrines and poems she makes of Arnold and of her frequent dramatic soliloquies about her love for Arnold.
Again--Mari isn’t as bad as all that. She’s a sweet girl with many healthy relationships in her life. She has ambition, creativity, and drive. But yeah she can be rather possessive of Adrien too, and that needs to stop. Like right now. Adrien doesn’t need another girl being possessive of him and thinking he’s perfect--he needs someone who acknowledges him as a flawed person and loves him despite that. 
As for Helga and Arnold--show creator Craig Bartlett confirmed they are “made for each other” and wind up married with three kids, so I’m guessing Helga grew out of some of these bad habits? Or at least I hope so...
8) Helper/Humanitarian tendencies
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As mentioned before, the plot of Hey Arnold! is more or less about Arnold helping people. As stated by Gerald in The Jungle Movie, “He’s a humanitarian! Like his parents!” Of course not every episode is about Arnold helping people. There are episodes devoted to supporting characters and they’re just as enjoyable and satisfying. 
 But as he is the titular character he spends a lot of time in the spotlight. 
Remember that “best christmas special EVER” episode I mentioned before?
 The reason it’s the best special, in my less than humble opinion, is due to a few things.
 The special is not about Santa Claws. In fact, I don’t think he’s even mentioned, let alone shown and treated like an actual living character.
The focus on the entire episode is again on Arnold helping someone, but he doesn’t succeed. Not really.
The one who succeeded in helping someone was Helga, who accomplished the goal Arnold had set out to do. 
The episode deals with some rather dark subject matter and is actually quite heartwarming as the “perfect present” Arnold was trying to provide someone with wasn’t something you can buy in the store
It’s also one of the episodes where Helga’s love for Arnold leaves her to do good and as her love for him is a secret, she expects nothing in return. She’s just happy to help him.
 Kinda similar to Mari who is, as Adrien puts it in Mayura, “Our every day Ladybug.” Her kindness and devotion to helping others is what drives her as Ladybug and Marinette. It’s what brought Ivan and Mylene together. Is the reason Nathaniel and Mark now have a comic book together. And at the end of the day, that’s the reason for her strange behavior around Adrien--she wants to help him. Even if it’s just as a “good friend.” 
9) There are two main characters
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Although Hey Arnold! is technically a show about Arnold, one could argue it is just as much Helga’s story. 
Similarly, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir is named thusly in order to convey the fact that Adrien is just as much a main character as Marinette is. 
Although I must say Hey Arnold! did a much better job of giving it’s co-character their dues. GIVE. ME. MORE. CHAT NOIR. FOCUSED. EPISODES. DAMMIT.
But, yes, in terms of screen time, Helga gets about as much as Arnold does. Her story and struggles were given just as much importance as Arnold’s and many people have even come to believe that the show is really about Helga. I’d say its about both of them.
10) Constantly bumping into each other
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Granted this happens between Arnold and Helga more often than it does to the love square dorks. 
 But yes the two people meant to be together keep knocking into each other in their respective universes. 
 I forget who, but I remember reading that someone a while back theorized that this was the universe’s way of trying to push Arnold and Helga together. Kinda like the “Now kiss!” meme
Perhaps it’s the same for Adrien and Marinette? 
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Chapter 15. Homecoming
'Souls tend to go back to who feels like home.' N.R. Hart
Once I had stared at my truth it was impossible to turn a blind eye to it anymore; I hadn’t even been aware that that’s what I was doing, but somewhere between Clara’s brother making the entire reception room laugh and Harry holding my hand, it was like I was pulled out from under water. It was like when your ears pop after flying, like I wasn’t working at full speed, and now I had no other speed.
It felt… exhausting. Like I was stuck to a chair, eyes firmly taped open, as a cinema screen in front displayed the past few months in bright colors for the first time. Had I really been there? Had I really existed then? I could barely remember most of it, like coming out of autopilot.
Through this existential panic attack, I had somehow held on to Harry’s hand tighter than before, wrapping it in both of mine. Suddenly overcome by embarrassment and guilt, I slowly let it go, feeling my cheeks warm.
“Sorry.” I said, staring firmly at the carpet in front.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asked, after a couple of seconds.
I nodded, forcing out a chuckle. “I’m sorry I’ve been so dramatic.”
“Don’t apologize.” He said, serious. “You shouldn’t feel bad for pain.”
I tried to think of an appropriate answer, but I had none.
Then he leaned in, and I caught my breath in a small gasp I hoped had been silent. He leaned in slowly enough that I wondered if time had slowed down or I was just feeling dizzy. I told myself I was surely mistaken in his intention, and tried to remind myself of the girl Stella was telling me about earlier whose name I now couldn’t remember. He leaned in close enough that I felt guilty for not leaning back. Close enough that I felt chills down my spine. Close enough that I couldn’t remember why we hadn’t done it before.
Looking decidedly at my lips, his hand cupped my face – except, no. He touched my upper lip with his thumb, and delicately pinched something in my skin with the help of his pointing finger. He leaned back, and I took in a deep breath, feeling my hands and neck slightly sweaty.
He showed me the tip of his finger, where sat a lonely, loose eyelash.
“Make a wish.” He offered.
Smiling, embarrassed and guilty over where my mind had gone only half a second before, I touched the tip of my own pointing finger to his. His smile was small, but genuine. It made his entire expression light up softly. It made my heart happy somehow.
“Wait!” I shook my head, “I don’t know what to wish for.”
His smile grew. “Go on, think of something good. The only rules about wishes are no asking for more wishes, no asking for someone to love you, no asking for someone back from the dead.”
“Ah.” I sighed, forcefully, in mock disappointment. “There goes all of my ideas.” He let out a laugh so genuine I felt my own heart jump fasted in my chest.
Though it had been a joke, there was really nothing I wanted to wish for more than Louis back. As for love, well.
“Well, at least you don’t have to worry about love,” Harry interrupted, as if listening to my inner thoughts, “Christopher seems… Invested.”
I bit my lower lip; it was a weird choice of words. All at once I remembered how Harry had sneered when I told him Chris’ profession in Buckingham Palace when he thought we were together. I remembered his relief when he found we weren’t. I remembered telling him about the breakup in the balcony, at night, and it made me remember how it hurt. I remembered every time Louis tried to reassure me I could do better. ‘Chris didn’t deserve you,’ he’d said, ‘but Harry might’.
“He is.” I told Harry, contrary. “And besides, I’m not supposed to tell you what my wish is. Or else it won’t come true… now hush and let me think.”
He grinned at me.
It was unfair. Christopher had been there for me when Louis died. He’d been in my life for over a decade. Loved me for most of that time. Took care of me in America where we both had no one but each other. He was probably inside the reception room at this moment, worried I had left so suddenly, with an obviously look of one who’s about to cry on my face. Of course there were issues to figure out, which couple didn’t? We were human, and that’s what made the relationship work. Christopher was normal. He didn’t treat me like a princess, didn’t mind my title making both our lives a mess. We could make it work. But it felt unfair to wish for him to be better instead of just talking to him about it, like an adult. Something I probably should have done a long time ago, if I had had a clearer mind.
I decided not to waste a wish that could be a mature, adult conversation. ‘I want to make Louis proud’, I decided.
“Okay.” I told Harry. “Ready?”
“One, two…” He counted. “Three.”
When we pulled our hands apart, my eyelash was on his finger. He smiled at me, proudly.
“Congratulations.” I said, giggling slightly at his expression.
“Thank you.” He pulled his handkerchief from his morning coat’s jacket’s pocket, unfolded, and delicately pressed the eyelash inside. “I’ll keep it safe until my wish is realized.” He told me, with reverence, making me laugh.
“I don’t think that affects the wish.”
“What are you, the wish police?” He asked, making me laugh again.
Finally, I sighed, feeling calm wash over me like rain. When I looked back, he was smiling at me, content, handkerchief back in his front pocket. He looked at me long enough that I felt guilty again, remembering Christopher downstairs, probably wondering where I’d gone.
“We should go back.” I said.
Harry gulped, looking at his hands now. “Yes. After you.”
He held my hand to help me down the stairs, even though we both seemed to be aware that I wasn’t wearing heels. My hand felt warm for the rest of the night.
“I’m going to get a drink.” I told him, at the doors. I didn’t want to arrive back at our table with him after having left so suddenly, and looking like I’d been crying.
“I’ll go with you.” He replied.
We waited until our drinks were done before walking back, together. Turns out I had no reason to worry, Chris was now so enthralled by the Best Man speech he didn’t even notice when I came back.
Stella, however, looked at me from her seat, inquisitively. I gave her an assuring smile in response, and looked ahead to the man in the microphone, not really hearing anything he was saying, but merely smiling when the sound of laughter roared around the room.
My mind was aflame with questions. Why was Lourdes giving up ice skating? Why was I meeting with mom’s patronages for her instead of doing my own work? Why wasn’t I consulted when Cadie was reassigned? Why did I have to change my security?
I looked to my right just as the room erupted in applause, smiling so Chris wouldn’t question my swollen eyes or reddened nose.
“Did you get me a new drink?” He asked, looking at the new glass I’d just brought.
“Uhm– I didn’t– I didn’t know you needed one.”
He sighed, looking back ahead.
I didn’t mean to, but my eyes found Harry almost on instinct. He was looking at Chris from the corners of his eyes, brows furrowed, almost aggressively. His eyes softened when they met mine, but we looked away at the same time.
They served dinner shortly after this, and Stella reclaimed her seat next to me. She asked if I was feeling okay, and I told her about Clara’s brother reminding me of Louis. She leaned in, rested her head on my shoulder for a few seconds, and straightened up again – it was enough to make me feel seen. It was more than Christopher, anyway. When I told her he didn’t seem to notice anything had happened, she sighed, amused.
“Men…” She exclaimed, resigned. “They notice nothing.”
‘Not Harry‘, I thought.
I took in a deep breath, and started on my list of reminders again. Eight: Christopher and his brother always went home on mother’s day to make their mother breakfast in bed. Nine: Christopher never pushed me to have sex with him before I was ready, and he made my first time gentle, patient, and not even a little as traumatic as most of friends' first experience was. Ten: he always had his arm around me, no matter how harassing the paparazzi got.
After dessert, Christopher got up to talk to his friends at another table. A tall brunette came by to say hello to Harry, and he got to his feet to kiss both her cheeks and they chatted for a long time as I strained my ears to overhear, neglecting Stella and Gabrielle making conversation by my side.
“I need a drink.” I told the girls.
“Isn’t this your wine? It’s half full.” Gabrielle told me.
“I need a rum and coke.” I shrugged, walking off pretending I couldn’t feel Harry’s worried eyes on me.
I went to the bar, taking as long as possible, only being stopped once on the way back by another acquaintance who seemed to think it was appropriate to ask about my ‘’new life as Crown Princess’’.
When I came back, Harry was back in his seat, and Gabrielle had taken mine. She moved to get up, but I rested my hand on her shoulder to stop her.
“It’s okay,” I said, grabbing my purse quickly, “Stay.”
I took her seat, which was next to Harry, avoiding his eyes. I thought he may be smiling at me, but I stared around the room as I downed my drink, feeling a sinking weight on my stomach again, which was stupid. I was just letting Gabi have my seat so she could continue to talk to Stella. I was doing something nice. There was nothing to feel guilty about.
A pea hit the table, falling almost beside my glass. Harry was looking at it, cheeks blushing, fork as a catapult in hand, Stella and Gabrielle looking at him, my confused eyes mirrored in theirs.
Like hitting play on an old home video, I was suddenly hit by the memory of sitting next to him on the State Dinner as he dared me to throw a pea on Catherine’s glass.
“Really?” I asked, laughing. He shrugged, covering his grin with his hand as he rested his chin on his palm.
I shook my head to the girls, rolling my eyes, amused.
“So,” Harry started, resting his elbows on the table, linking his hands to support his chin, casually as can be. He leaned to me, and whispered, “Truth or dare?”
Feeling my skin burn, I looked down at the table. I was afraid everyone could look at us and see everything that had happened in England by the look on my face alone. That, I felt, was the effect of those words.
“So? Marie?”
The sound of my name in his accent was still a powerful reminder things could never be what they were again.
“Truth”, I sighed, looking up at him.
“What did you wish for, earlier? You didn’t win, so there’s no danger in telling me.”
I smiled. “I guess that’s true… I wished–” I looked around, and leaned closer to whisper, “to make him proud.” He didn’t seem to ask me who.
“You don’t have to wish that.” He assured me. “You already did when he was alive. He’d be the first to tell you that.”
“He was always the first to tell me what I was doing wrong.” I explained, not unamused.
“Well,” he laughed, “then at least you have a thorough list of what you can do to make him proud, right?”
He had a point. I looked down at my green dress. It was one of the ones I bought thinking of not giving mom something to criticize. Louis would have hated it. My hat was simple, small. Louis would have hated it. My makeup was simple, conservative. My nails weren’t even done. Louis would have hated it.
I had spent the last few months doing… barely anything, including taking care of myself. In our last conversation, Louis had told me to stop wasting my time with mediocre men… Would he have understood Chris had changed? Would he have believed him? Be disappointed we were, according to almost everyone, practically engaged? Would he have tried to talk me out of it? Or, if my brother was still here, would Chris have changed at all? Would we still have gotten back together?
This was… unfair. Louis wasn’t here. It was… unfair to hold Christopher to some high standard he could never reach since my brother was dead. Right? Chris had changed. Who’s to say it was Louis dying that made us get back together? Who’s to say it wouldn’t have happened regardless? Everyone seemed to think it would. No one was even surprised we got back together. Christopher was good. He made me happy. And Louis wanted me to be happy, so he would understand.
He might have pouted, and questioned if Chris actually made me happy, or I was just too afraid to break up such a long relationship and be forced to redefine my life after myself and my wants instead of a guy, but he would have eventually understood.
I felt a weight on my heart as the question refused to be ignored. Was I afraid? What would I have answered if he was here, asking it?
“Hey.” Harry called, shaking me out of my haze. “It’s your turn.”
I smiled. “Of course… truth or dare?”
“Hm. Truth.”
“Okay…” I considered this. “I don’t really know what to ask.” I lied.
“Come on, that’s not fun. Think of something. No rules!”
I giggled. “Alright…” Making a show of looking around for inspiration, I sighed. “What were you talking about just now…? With that girl who was just here?”
He looked back. “Oh, Natasha? Hm…” He sighed. “She… She was asking about my love life, as everyone in my life seems to these days.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No, don’t worry–” he smiled. “Not you. You… you can ask whatever you want.”
I gulped, trying to swallow the guilt again.
“Anyway,” Harry went on, “she wanted to know why I broke up my last relationship.”
Slowly, I nodded, schooling my features into being as calm and unaffected as possible. “Oh.” I said, stupidly. “And… uhm. Was that–? You mean, before Cressida?”
He shook his head, a mischievous grin in his lips. “No, no, no follow up questions, remember?” 
I sighed, controlling the urge to roll my eyes as a smile crept in, unannounced.
“Can you believe Cassie and Bronn are engaged?” Christopher asked, arriving back at our table, resting his hand in my shoulder.
I tried to mask my jump as just adjusting myself in my seat, and not the unimaginable guilt I was trying to ignore.
“Wow,” I said, grinning, “really? I didn’t think I’d live to see it.”
He scoffed. “I know, right? He’s punching way above his belt.” He looked at me, then at Harry, and around at the table, “Were we sitting here?”
“No, Gabi is on my seat while she’s talking to Stella.”
“Oh.” He tapped the guy sitting next to me on the shoulder and asked if he’d mind moving one seat over so he could sit with me.
Sighing, I moved my chair next to him, and smiled as I held his hand in mine.
“So, what are we talking about?” He asked, looking between me and Harry again.
We exchanged a look, but the ginger didn’t seem to be about to answer.
“The– Uhm,” I stuttered, “Adrien.”
“Oh.” Chris nodded. “You know A-hole?!”
Harry grinned, amused, as we exchanged a look. He seemed to be struggling to contain his laughter.
“Yes,” he told Christopher, serious, “A-hole and I go way back.”
I bit my lower lip to contain my own amusement at his tone.
“I was sad to hear about the engagement.” He continued, sounding actually serious now. “Despite what I may have indicated in the past, I know he was really invested in it.”
I smiled. “I know… but it was for the best.”
“Was it?” Christopher whispered, leaning closer to me.
“He’s been focusing on work.” I told Harry. “And future projects. He’ll bounce back, I’m sure of it.”
“Hi, everyone!”
Behind us, Clara and her new husband, John, had arrived to greet us. We got to our feet as they went around the table hugging each of us and thanking us for coming. John introduced Harry as ‘one of the lads’, and Clara then told him about growing up with me, Christopher, Gabrielle and Stella, so they got to their feet to come talk to us by our seats.
“Those were the days.” Stella joked, sighing.
“Hey, where’s Ricky?” Clara asked.
Stella’s smile disappeared. “Not here.”
“Oh.” Clara sighed. “I’m sorry to hear.”
“Trouble?” John asked, amused.
“No more than usual.” Stella rolled her eyes, masking her heartbreak.
“The ceremony was beautiful!” I interjected, attempting a subject change. The others agreed.
“I’m so glad! It was touch and go for a moment, there. But all’s well that ends well… And!” She grinned, excitedly and pointedly eyeing Christopher and me, “I suppose you two are next now!”
I looked at Christopher, slightly panicked, but he merely laughed, shyly, passing his arm around my waist and holding me close. I felt a painful knot on my stomach.
“Right?!” Gabrielle agreed, excitedly, “Can you imagine how beautiful she’ll look as a bride?”
Stella touched my hair, dreamily.
“I can.” Christopher agreed, confidently.
Nervously, I looked away, accidentally locking eyes with Harry. He had that thing in his eyes again, that… yearning I had seen in England. Why? Why did it make me want to throw up?
“Okay–” I laughed, nervously, “I think you guys need to calm down… It’s a little too soon for that.”
Clara laughed. “Says the girl who’s been dating the same guy for, like, a decade.”
“Okay, I’m going to go get a refill, and maybe also get my girlfriend some water, she’s looking a little flustered.” Christopher said, kissing my cheek, “And let you gals gab.”
The girls laughed as he made his way out, and I attempted to mimic as I lost feeling in my hands.
“We should go, a lot of people to talk to.” John said, standing next to Harry. Clara held his hand, and they made their way to the next table, as if they hadn’t just released a grenade in my head.
We sat down again. I took a slow breath in and another out, looking away from my friends - and Harry.
“Hm… I can’t!”
“Stella, no!” Gabrielle was telling her.
“What’s going on?”
Stella gave a very excited look, biting her lower lip.
“Okay, I–”
“Stella–” Gabrielle laughed, exasperated. “You’ll ruin the surprise! Also there’s people that could hear you!”
“Oh, as if the whole world doesn’t know already!” Stella told her, before looking back at me.
“Would you guys like to sit next to each other?” Harry offered, awkwardly, stuck between myself and the girls.
“It’s not necessary–” I tried to tell him, but Stella drowned out my voice.
“That would be fantastic, thank you!” She got to her feet, so Gabrielle had no other choice than to follow.
I took Harry’s seat, and the girls sat each by one of my sides, with Harry taking the seat right after Stella, where Gabi had been – still in earshot, particularly with how carrying Stella’s whispered voice was.
“Okay, so, you didn’t hear it from me!” She started.
“Literally, who else would she have heard it from?” Gabrielle interrupted, to which Stella merely whispered a rushed ‘shush!’.
“So… I have it on good authority…” Stella went on, almost bursting from excitement, practically jumping in her seat, “that someone may or may not have, uhm… purchased something very sparkly… for… you!”
She smiled at me with all her teeth, all joy and anticipation. I caught Harry’s glance, but he looked down, quickly. I looked at Gabrielle, who smiled.
“I don’t get it.” I said; Stella sighed, impatient.
“Christopher got a ring!” She whispered, “For you!”
“A ring?”
“An engagement ring, silly!” She giggled. “It’s a family ring, apparently! Been with them for generations! Huge and valuable! Very appropriate!”
“…Oh.” I said, struggling with my thoughts.
“Come on, I know it’s not something from the royal vault, but it’s exciting!”
“Stella, that’s not– I don’t–” I sighed, feeling overwhelmingly warm, “Why–? When–? How did you–? Uhm. God.”
“Have a drink.” Gabrielle said, handing me my glass.
“How do you know this?!” I asked her.
She shrugged. “It’s a… talking point.”
“What does that mean?!”
She sighed. “You know my mother knows everyone! She heard it from someone that Chris’ mother had the ring professionally cleaned and resized. It hasn’t been worn in years.”
“Okay, well, that doesn’t mean–”
She interrupted. “Then Chris got in touch to ask me what was your ring size!”
“What?!” I asked, gasping slightly.
“I know, right?!” She smiled again, giddy. “He told me it was for a Christmas gift, but he can’t trick me–”
“Christmas?! No–” I interrupted. “He gave me earrings–”
“Well, yes, apparently he asked your father for your hand last year and he wanted to propose on Christmas, but your father asked him to wait at least one year after… you know, the whole funeral thing. So it didn’t appear too rushed after you became Crown Princess.”
I wanted to say something, truly, I did. But I was at a complete loss for words. I felt my heart beating faster, louder and, was it hotter suddenly? I couldn’t tell.
“So my father knows.” I repeated. “He’s known since last year.”
“I know, I was so upset when I heard. A Christmas proposal would have been so magical!” There was a few seconds of silence. “Maggie?”
I gasped, looking up at her. “Yes? Yeah, I know. Christmas is great.”
“Are you okay?” Gabrielle asked, passing an arm around my shoulders. “Are you overwhelmed?!”
“Aw, babe.” Stella hugged me, too, over Gabi’s half-hug. “It’s exciting, isn’t it?! Are you speechless?! I know we’ve been waiting for so many years for this!”
“Yes, it’s…” I said, just because I felt it was my turn to say something. “It’s finally happening.”
“I know, we thought it may not ever happen! But I’m so happy you guys fixed all the issues there last year!”
I looked at her, so sincerely happy for me, but my eyes quickly found the guy next to her against my will.
Harry looked.. pensive. Serious. Lost in thought. His lips were pressed together in a thin, pale line. I watched as he sighed, gulped, looked around the room, mindlessly, and finally stood up.
“I should be going.” He said, to the table. “It was lovely meeting all of you.”
“Already?!” I asked, “They haven’t cut the cake yet.”
He smiled, looking down at my glass instead of at me. “I know, but it’s okay. I’m kind of tired.”
“Well, it was lovely meeting you.” Stella said, smiling, letting me go from the hug. “Send Cressida my best.”
He smiled at her, a little empty. Or was I just being biased?
“Will do. Have a good night, everyone.”
He left rather quickly, without looking my way again.
“So?” Stella smiled at me again. “Should we talk dresses?!”
Gabrielle smiled, too. “Oh, my God, you have to wear a big train! It’s so regal!”
“So, he asked my father last year.” I confirmed. Stella nodded. “In December?”
“Well, no, he thought he would ask on Christmas, so he had to have enough time to get the ring ready… I think he asked your father in November.”
“Early November.” Stella answered. “Your father asked for a couple of weeks to think and talk it over with his advisors–”
“Well, don’t ask me, you’re the expert.” She chuckled, shrugging. “Apparently he needed to talk to his staff about it, and I assume your mother, too. Then in mid or late November he gave his blessing, but asked Christopher to wait.”
I nodded, trying my best to breathe normally, but feeling my throat extremely dry.
“So, less than two months after my brother died.”
Stella and Gabrielle exchanged a look. “Well,” Stella said, “Which is why it’s good then, right? That your father asked him to wait.”
“It feels… fast.” I said. “We were broken up for most of last year. We barely talked about getting back together. One day I was being told to move on, then Louis died, then he was just… there again.”
“Oh, honey.” Stella held my hand, affectionate. “I know… Love is weird. Sometimes you gotta lose something to realize how much it matters to you.”
“Oh, oh, sh!” Gabrielle whispered, desperately, looking behind us. Two seconds later, Chris arrived back at our table with our glasses.
“There you go, baby.” He laid my water in front of me, and I downed it all almost immediately. “Shall we dance?” He asked, smiling charmingly, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
It was impossible not to smile in response. So I got up, and joined him on the dance floor.
With his arms around me, the song lulled us as we danced. I closed my eyes, letting him guide me, letting the music take over, trying to remind myself of all the times I prayed to be his wife one day. All the times I tried to talk to him about our future, only to have him return something uncertain. All the times I had imagined myself in a white dress, walking towards his green eyes and brown hair in a big cathedral.
He was the love of my life. So why did I feel a knot on my stomach at the thought of what was supposed to be our iminent happy-ever-after?
— ---- —
On our rented car, Christopher went straight to the airport after the reception. He had a business trip to Toronto, so he was flying out of London that very night. Stella and I had decided to get a hotel room nearby and fly out the following morning. After Chris left, though, there was very little of me that wanted to follow the plan. So I told her to stay, enjoy herself, and that I wasn’t feeling well, so I would take the last train back home to Savoy.
She would have likely been more worried if I didn’t have my protection detail with me, but since I was well cared for, she hugged my tightly – as did Gabrielle – and told me to call her when I got home.
So after grabbing my things from the hotel, and changing into more comfortable clothes, security drove me to the train station. It was already night when they returned the car to the rental company and we bought the tickets. Waited the appropriate time, and then got into our seats in first class.
The train departed from Northern England at the right time, under the moonlight. The lights dimmed. Most passangers fell into an easy sleep. I sat in the isle seat, watching the other people around me peacefully browse their phones, or read their e-books, completely unaware of the turmoil inside of me.
In London, the train made it’s usual stop for more passangers heading to Savoy. I looked to the window, and to the seat to my other side, realizing my protection officers were asleep. Understandable. It was a long journey.
I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom, which was occupied. Waiting at the door, I realized the exit to the station was just to the other side, two steps ahead. I pulled my hoodie down, trying to stay as anonymous as possible, but it was unnecessary. Most of the train was asleep.
“Ma’am?” A girl called. “Are you on the line for the loo?”
I shook my head, and she went right in as the previous occupant left.
I looked back, in the direction of my seat. The two men accompanying me were still asleep, unaware I had gotten to my feet, bag in hand, coat around my shoulders. I could just… step off the train and they wouldn’t even know.
So I did.
I walked off, first steadily, but slightly shaky. Then, as I left the platform, I put adjusted the bag strap to my shoulder, found my phone in my pocket, and looked back. No one chasing after me. No one screaming. No alarms going off.
I felt breathless, but incapable of stopping my feet from moving. I had never been to this station, but it was night. It was dark. I followed the signs and arrived at a sidewalk. The line for taxis was easy to spot. I still have some pounds in my walled we’d exchanged in the airport.
While I waited, I googled the adress I was after. What would be the usual entrance for visitors? What would they ask of me? I couldn’t just knock on the door. Surely it would be harder.
When I jump into the taxi, I offer him the adress that seems closer to what I want, without being too obvious. I don’t some random driver to go tweeting. He confirmed the numbers I read off google maps and we were on our way.
I considered for a minute or two, but eventually the anxiety wins, so I opened a text message. Scrolling down to my old conversations, I found the one I was looking for feeling a tug to my stomach.
‘Hey,’ I type, feeling extremely innapropriate, ‘are you home?’
It feels… wrong. Too casual. Maybe he changed his number. If sure had been long enough that it would be plausible. The previous message to this one was still the ones he’d sent after Louis died, the ones I never answered, like a glowing, neon sign reminding me of my ghosting transgretion.
‘I am, hi. Are you ok? What do you need?’
I smiled, feeling some kind of piece fall into place in my mind. He was so… kind. Like coming to check on me when he didn’t have to. Like holding my hand when I’d acted so terribly last time we’d seen each other. Like not even questioning my reaching out. Just… concern for my wellbeing. I wanted to cry. Was that normal?
‘I’m nearby. Is it ok if I drop by?’, I replied, feeling, again, anxiously innapropriate. I started typing another message: ‘Totally understand if youre busy! Nbd’, but before I could press send, he’d replied: ‘Sure, where are you arriving?’.
I told him the adress I had given the taxi driver, and he instructed me to walk ‘confidently through the black gates in white walls down the street.’ He’d meet me there, he said. I felt incredibly more at peace for the rest of the drive.
I paid the driver, refused the change, and pulled the hoodie off to walk head-held-high through the imponent gates guarded by police officers. They didn’t stop me, so I kept walking.
I looked at nothing as I walked. I still felt a mixture of sick and wild. I still half expected my protections officers to show up, running and screaming after me, but no one did.
As soon as I spotted the tall figure walking in my direction down the street, I turned off my phone, smoothed my hair, and tried to stop my hands from shaking, putting in them in the pockets of my large overcoat.
His hair was wet. He was wearing a long sleeved Henley. There was a man walking slower behind him that could only have been his security.
We slowed down our pace almost at the same time when we reached one another.
“Hi.” I smiled, tentatively.
“Hi.” Harry smiled back.
There was a couple of seconds of silence.
“I missed my train.” I told him, not entirely lying.
“Oh.” He nodded, understanding. “That sucks. Do you need a place to stay?”
I nodded. “Yes. Is that okay?”
“Of course!” He smiled a little more, now looking behind me. “Where’s your security?”
“Oh.” I looked back at the street I had just walked. “It’s just… me, actually.”
“Oh. Okay.” He seemed unsure, but didn’t question. “Are you– Are you okay?”
I allowed myself to chuckle at the question. I looked up, at the sky, and around, at the big houses. When I looked back at him, at the blue eyes that inexplicably felt like coming home, there was no desire or need in me to lie.
“I don’t know.” I confessed.
Harry nodded, slowly. “Alright.”
I bit my lower lip, trying to scratch my palms in my pockets. “Is it?”
His lips curved up slightly. “Yes. It is.” He took two steps towards me, and grabbed the bag from my shoulder. “Come on, let’s go home.”
--- ---- ---
[A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH -- i think this is seriously my favorite part of the story so far. What do you think should happen now that Marie basically ran away to be with Harry?? What should they talk about? Or, ya know, do? LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS AND THANK SO SO SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!]
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
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five part ii: dear patience
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“Hey, can you show your face? Can you see that I'm anxious? Can you hear what I'm saying, saying? Hey, 'cause I fall too fast and I go down blazing. Can you hear what I'm saying?”
Niall was giving Ginger thirty minutes to come to her senses. 
Was it the kiss that forced her to retreat to her bedroom or even being around him? Was Niall not good enough? Niall shook his thoughts away as he cleaned the kitchen up from the little mess he had made. He forced himself to eat alone although he preferred the company of the red-haired girl hiding in his guest bedroom. He had given her exactly forty-five minutes, fifteen longer than his original plan, for her to come out and explain what’s going on. He gave her the extra few minutes to brave himself walking into unknown territory because to Niall, it was being behind enemy lines when he faced the truth about his feelings towards Ginger.
Niall knocked lightly on the guest bedroom door. The cold metal handle burned against his palm- the same one that Ginger only touched moments ago. He heard nothing from the other side of the barrier and hoped Ginger hadn’t somehow left. He pushed the door open quietly and in the curtain of light that flooded the room, Niall noticed Ginger sitting with her knees pulled to her chest as she stared at the edge of the bed. She was dissociating again.
It was a small piece of lint on the corner of the blanket that lined the bottom of the bed that Ginger focused on when her thoughts consumed her. She feels like she hasn’t blinked in a while, and her vision starts to blur at the horizon of her eyes. What was she doing? She had taken it way too far. How could she do this to her cousin?
It was Niall sitting on the bed and cupping her arm to pull it away from her body that shook Ginger back to the reality that she had created.
“What’s up with you?” Niall asked, clearly frustrated- his brow furrowed and lips sank in. Ginger shakes her head and looks away as she feels the tears fall down her face. Guilt blankets her like frost on a cool morning; she couldn’t shake it.
“Why me?” Ginger finally asked. “Why me? Why not Stella or Hailee or any other girl? Why fucking me?” Ginger’s voice shook and her body trembled as Niall’s eyes made contact with hers. That was something she liked about him- he made eye contact with her, but in this moment it made her soul set on fire.
“I dunno honestly,” Niall’s voice fills the room as he sighs. He isn't going to apologize for any of this. “I tried to not like ya, Gin, but you walked into my life like a breath of fresh air and I was drowning. I fought it for a long time, but you...were this light,” Niall shrugged his shoulders, “in a room full of darkness. I don’t know, but I fell for ya, and I won’t take it back.” Ginger shook her head and pulled her arm out of Niall’s gentle grip and scooted her body up to the head of the mattress.
“Who cares about Stella? God, I wish her no ill will, but Jesus Gin, I’m over her. Have been. I want ya. Only you.” Niall sighed as he felt anger boil in him. This was a fight he knew he had to face, but Ginger was forcing him to use weapons of mass destruction. “Just because I’m not like some fuck boy back home doesn’t mean I can’t feel for you.”
“Fuck you Horan.” Ginger snapped her anger at the mention of Daniel overpowered her and she wanted to let everything out. “I’m not some slut that you can parade around or am I some fling you date for a few months just to get a story. I’m your best friend. You’re like a brother to me. Do not cross that line.”
“It’s been crossed, honey.” Niall stood and began to pace the room. He wanted to prove her wrong because she was. Ginger was neither a fling or a slut. She was, in Niall’s eyes, the love he desperately wanted- the one where he dreamt of as long as he could remember. “Do you not trust me enough? All you have to do is jump and I’d catch you or is your daddy issues too much to bear?”He saw the clenched fists and tight lined lips. He saw her chest go red and her breathing accelerate.
“Get out you piece of shit. I want you out of the room. Out of my life. You do NOT throw things in my face when I told you those in confidence. Fuck you.” Ginger threw the pillow at Niall, missing his face by inches but her anger overwhelmed her and she wanted him to hurt. “You want this? You want my anger and resentment towards you. Well, here you fucking have it asshole.”
“God I’ve been so fucking patient with you for a year almost and this is how I get treated after I open up. This is how my patience is repaid. God you fucking frustrate me to no end, but I want you. All of you. Even your stubbornness. God,” Niall laughs to calm his anger, “I really fucking love you. Any other time I would have left. I’m trying to communicate and here it is: a fucking mess.” Niall walks to the door, his hands firmly grasping the knob. He jerks the door open and after waking through the doorway he looks at Ginger, whose tears have left her face stained and blotchy, become dissociative again and this time he wouldn’t pull her out of it.
Niall slamming the door causes Ginger to jump. She breathes hard as she tries to contain her anger- to pull it back in. She instantly regrets yelling at Niall, but his argument hurt her to her core. She had spoken of her dad’s infidelity to Niall in confidence, not to be used against her in a war on their relationship.When Ginger found out that her dad had cheated on her mom multiple times with the same woman, and yet Pennie stayed with Jack through every fling. It was what made Ginger admire her mother so much- to fight for what and who she loves.
Niall was right. He had been patient with her. Out of the stories he had told her about his past relationships, Niall knows he doesn't communicate well and loses his patience easily, but for the last year, Niall has been pursuing her more often than he should have been: the longing looks, the lingering touches, and the conversations that lead to wondering. He had been there, waiting for her to pick up the hints that it was her that he wanted. And that he stayed with Stella to be close with Ginger because she knew that once they broke up, Ginger would never see Niall again. And that made all the difference.
It was 3:24 in the morning when Ginger creaked the door open to Niall’s bedroom. His soft snores take up the darkened room and the sound pattering rain in the roof give Ginger the confidence she needs to make this right. She closed the door softly and tiptoed across the cold wood floor, trying only to wake Niall when she wrapped her arm around his naked torso after climbing into his bed. He jolts awake and he stretches his body before turning to face Ginger. “Ya okay, darling?”
“You’re bed’s much nicer than mine.” Ginger shifts into the crook of Niall’s shoulder as he lifts his arm up to let Ginger in. He begins to mindlessly run his fingers against Ginger’s skin making goosebumps appear. Her heart was in her throat and she felt like vomiting. The last time she admitted this she had gotten her heart shattered. She swallowed and Niall began to drift off to sleep before she spoke.
“I love you.” Niall’s body relaxed as if he was holding a breath he didn’t know he had. His heart pounded against his cavity-his mouth became dry and he wanted more than anything to take Ginger here and now, but she wasn’t ready.  She still had a long way to go before she was ready for such affection. But saying those three words took an invisible and unknown weight off her shoulders as if she knew along that she did love him, but she pushed her feelings aside for the sake of her own sanity and for Stella. 
Here and now, she was honest with herself and Niall...and it was nerve-wracking and she wanted nothing more than to cry because the last time she said those words to someone that meant so much to her was years ago and Daniel used Ginger’s feelings to get what he wanted. He kissed her forehead as her hand glided up his chest feeling the soft hair tickling her skin. 
“Thank you for being so patient. I don’t know why or how, but I’m willing to jump if you’re the one to catch me when I do.” She coaxed her head up and cupped her hand against Niall's jawline, the cool metal of her ring stinging his hot skin. Niall smiles, wholeheartedly. He wanted his happiness to implode the universe, for everyone should feel like this. He was on top of the world. He leaned his head down and felt the softness of Ginger’s lips and the sweet taste of fruit on her tongue. This kiss was more than just a reconcile, it was a year’s worth of feelings and admittance thrown together. It left her gasping for air as she felt like flying.
Ginger wanted to lay here in this moment for the rest of her life. She wanted to wilt away in Niall’s embrace and spend the rest of their own reality with only them. 
Until she couldn’t. 
The screaming match ensued as Ginger, sitting on her bed, listened for the muffled voices coming from the backyard. All of the pinned up anger, frustrations, and not seeing eye to eye that coursed through the year and a half that Stella and Niall have known each other was spewing out in vile words and tones. It was Stella that was mainly quiet so the only voice Ginger hung to was Niall’s. 
She felt empty inside as the two continued the fight. She thought of taking a shower to get her mind off the two downstairs but the thought of leaving the sanctuary of her room crippled her. This was all Ginger’s doing. She told Niall that she loved him and it was the truth, but she wasn’t expecting Niall to break up with Stella the day she got back from New York. 
He was, without a doubt, laying it on thick that he didn’t want to be with Stella anymore, and she sat silent as a ghost. Ginger pictured Stella sitting on the cement stair looking up at Niall with a lost look. She was holding in her feelings, not letting Niall see her vulnerable, whereas Niall wore his heart on his sleeve. Even in the running water, Ginger still heard Niall’s booming voice. Hopefully, the neighbors wouldn’t call the cops for a disturbance. 
Ginger sat on the edge of her bed with her pajama shorts and a t-shirt while her curly red hair dripped down her back. She wanted to know every word that was said. 
“You never appreciate the things I did for you. You used me for Instagram likes and sex. What the fuck, Stell.” Ginger’s heart hurt for both people. Niall had been hurt by Stella’s love language. Ginger knew that Stella was quality time and gifts, but when she tried loving Niall in his own love language, physical touch and words of affirmation, she came across cold and bitchy. Ginger remembered the incident on Valentine’s Day. Niall had brought both Stella and Ginger a bouquet of flowers. When Ginger thanked Niall for the roses, she had put them in a vase in her room, however, Stella stood there in the living room and watched Niall sit down on the couch and begin to hum a love song. 
“Why did you get her flowers?” Stella’s hand clenched around the stems of the red flowers. 
“Stell, she’s got no one but us today. Just thought it would be nice, ya know? C’mere, it means nothin’,” Stella held onto the flowers and walked over to Niall whose open-armed stance was overwhelming. She knew Ginger had been single for years, and she wanted Niall to show her what a good man was like, but not without distance. 
“I hope she doesn’t read too much into it. She hasn’t gotten laid in months,” Stella’s voice cut through Ginger who was standing at the top of the stairs. Her heart dropped when she read the handwritten note that Niall had snuck inside the dozen roses: “With all my heart, you make me want to be better.”
It was the slamming of the front door that pulled Ginger out of her memory. She swallowed hard as her phone began to ring. It was Niall.
“Do ya want to be with me? Yes or no?” Niall asks, his voice is hard and rugged. He was still angry. Ginger opened her mouth to answer, but she didn’t know what to say. Did she? “It’s a simple answer, Ginger. Yes or no?” Ginger knew Niall was losing his patience. He was angry and frustrated and now that he's let his feelings lose after being bottled up, they were running rampant. “Because if not, I’ll go back in there and fix it. I’ll do what I have to just so I can be in your life. I can’t fucking,” Niall begins to cry and his voice shakes as he tries to suppress his emotion. “I can’t fucking lose you. I just can’t.” There, in a moment, Ginger wanted everything to work out between her and him, but the fear of the unknown, of the uncertainty, of the possible heartbreak left her feeling numb. “Your silence is answer enough.” Niall cut the call and Ginger crawled into bed as she began to cry.
Stella opens Ginger’s bedroom door and crawls into Ginger’s bed. She wraps her arms around her cousin as her back faces her and begins to cry- this being the first time she’s shown emotion since the beginning of the fight. Stella sniffles as she feels her heart finally break. And it’s a realization that Ginger finally comes to that Niall has hurt both girls. 
“We’ll be okay,” Stella finally says, her voice trying to soothe Ginger. Ginger knows Stella doesn’t realize why her cousin is crying, the real reason being that she let a guy get in between them, but it only makes Ginger cry harder. “I’m sorry for putting you in the middle of this.” Ginger holds her breath. Stella didn’t do that- Ginger did. Ginger rolls over and gently pets Stella’s brown hair out of her tear-stained face. 
“I’m sorry too.” Ginger wipes her face and sits up as she clears her throat. “Do you want something to drink? Water? Wine?” Stella nods her head and Ginger leans down and kisses Stella on the temple. She makes her way down the stairs and hunts down the bottle of wine in the fridge and no glasses. It was when she walked into her room that she found Stella, on her knees, scrolling on her phone with a furrowed look on her face. Ginger’s heart begins to race and her mouth feels dry as Stella turns Ginger’s phone toward her and there are all the encrypting texts between her and Niall.
@oyesmendes​ @klairelavarias @thicksniall​ @dontgiveupthedayjob​ @kare38 @verorax​ @stayclose-holdsteady​ @halfpinthoran​ 
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k347 · 4 years
Evanstan ficlet
Prompt – "Your wish is my command"
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Word Count : 2.5 k
Warning: None. Maybe a bit of fluff
Summary: He was excited for the date. Very much so. But unexpected arrival of a girl at Chris' house changed their plans a little bit.
With his shoes shining extra bright, having fixed his tie & handkerchief in the coat pocket for probably the hundredth time, Sebastian comes out of the black Audi he parked in the corner spot. It's far enough from the mahogany door for hiding, but also close enough so that he can keep an eye on the place. There's still no movement though, so maybe he is still getting ready.
It’s his third date with Chris and Seb is bubbling with excitement and nerves. Yes, the previous two have gone great and he loved walking through the parks and exploring bookstores with the guy. But it still felt like two friends hanging out together rather than two potential boyfriends. So seb decided to take matters in his own hand and give tonight a more romantic cut. This is probably the first actual, proper ‘date’ they are going to have. They'll talk about each other all night and flirt from across the table, have eachother's complete an undivided attention. Reservation made at one of the finest and fanciest hotels in the city, where he plans to wine and dine Chris Evans and charm the fuck out of him. 
He really needs tonight to go just right. Exactly the way it is planned. Wants to make a good impression. Not that Chris doesn’t know him already. But Sebastian wants to come off as the good Boyfriend material instead of being the shy kid in a grown man's body who is still secretive and giggly around his crushes like he's some teenager. He was stuck in the friendzone spot for so long, it's sometimes still hard to believe he has escaped it. They have been working at the same firm for years now. But it was just last week when Seb gathered the courage to ask out the man of his dreams on a date. But more important (and still very shocking) is the fact that Chris indulged him and reciprocated the feelings instead of laughing them off. They’ve decided to take it slow and just see where it goes at the moment. ( Sebastian might have already dreamed of their wedding, pets and future babies though. He has been doing that for a couple of years. Not in a creepy way. He is just the hopeless romantic, thinks of himself as a rom-com lead sort of a person) But tonight he plans to be the best of the best. Create a whole James Bond vibe and make all that extra effort it takes to win over someone as special as Chris. He is dressed in his finest Italian suit and had his hair quaffed perfectly, wearing the best cologne and is present on the doorstep at sharp seven thirty, like he said he would be. Punctual. A good start to being a good date. He rings the doorbell and pulls out his most charming smile, for Chris. Only when the door opens, instead of the familiar handsome bearded face and stormy blue eyes, the visual of an empty drawing room greets him. He turns his head to both sides. Nope. No one. What kind of sorcery is this? Who opened the door, if he can’t see any human in front of him right now?
"Psst. Tsk tsk. Here."
A small, sweet voice reaches his ears. He looks down and finds the source behind that. It’s a little girl. Probably 4 or 5 years old. She has blonde hair and chubby cheeks, barely reaching up to his waist even though she is standing on a platform higher above him. Has a curious look on her face and is analyzing him from head to toe. He instantly smiles after looking at her. Tiny angel dressed in a onesie that has cartoons scribbled all over it. Two seconds in and she is already melting his heart. Damn you baby fever.
“And who might you be?”,He asks leaning down to reach closer to her height.
“I am Stella. Don't tell me who you are. I already know. You're the date guy. Where are your flowers?”, the little lady asks him, tone too judgemental for a five-year-old but adorable nonetheless.
“My flowers?”, He is a bit confused right now.
“Yeah. Flowers. When you go on a date, you are supposed to bring them”, she tells him impatiently and gives a disapproving look, like she’s the adult and he is the kid in this scenario.
“Yeah, Sebastian. Don’t you know simple date manners? Where are your flowers?”, Seb finally hears the voice his ears had been craving for. Chris just came to the door too. Wearing a crisp white button up and dress pants. Tie undone and hair a little messed up, indicating he had been running his hands through them frequently. The kind of thing people do when they are nervous. Chris doesn't show any other signs of distress though, has a playful tone and glint in his eyes, clearly stating that he’ going along with the joke and self imposing in the ongoing conversation.
“Sorry. The vendor was a mean guy. Didn’t give me any. And how many dates have you been on to know all this stuff?”, Seb asks the girl after shooting  Chris a full smile.
“Five”, Stella replies promptly.
“Five? Wow, sounds serious. Who’s the lucky guy?”, Sebastian can’t help but talk more to the little munchkin. She sems fearless and very confident. Unafraid of talking to strangers and making conversations, a quality Seb wishes he had in himself.
“His name is Ethan and he’s boy. Not a guy. But he does remember  to bring me flowers every time”, She tells him with her chin held high.
“Well, maybe we can have a double date next time”, he replies while giggling at the cuteness and she just shrugs like ‘it’s no big deal’.
“Stel, why don’t you go inside and keep and eye on dodger while I talk to Mr. Stan over here”, Chris pats her shoulders and Stella just nods and runs off back in the house.
“Mr. Stan? Really? I love it when you are formal Evans, but I’d prefer to be called Sebastian for the rest of the night. We are not in the office now, remember?”, he asks sheepishly.
“You gotta teach the kids good manners, right? Can’t have them all turning up as uncultured swans like you”, Chris was always that guy in the room who makes sweet jokes and tries to put every one a ease. Another reason why Sebastian loved the guy. Handsome, kind, compassionate, and witty. He truly is the whole package.
“Between the two of us right now, who is dressed more properly and has his tie done in a Windsor knot?Stop making excuses. She clearly has more sass than both of us combined. So if I were you, I’d stop worrying about teaching little grandma manners and start thinking about the wrinkles on that shirt”, Sebastian was never the one to shy away from fun banter either.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. That’s all you wanna say though? No further questions?”
“Oh, I was gonna ask if you forgot to tell me something but you clearly don’t let your guests speak without badgering them about having manners”.
Chris gives him an apologetic sort of smile and says, “I am so sorry Seb, I did try to call you but when you didn’t pick up I figured you were probably driving and on your way here anyway, so...”
“A good answer, but not one for the question I was gonna ask”
“Oh, you mean you were gonna ask me about our daughter?’, Sebastian gives him a dry chuckle. “See that’s funny because you and I never slept together”, Chris explains further, thinking he’s being hilarious right now and Seb has to prick that bubble.
“I don’t find it funny by the least, Chris. And by ‘it’, I mean the fact that we never slept together. Also please tell me you know that even if we did, it is biologically impossible for us to have a kid together”, Seb gives him an incredulous look and that makes Chris laugh out louder than before.
“Oh, pardon me. I am an investment banker, life sciences were never really my strongest subjects”, he apologizes, with a hand on his heart.
“It’s actually more of a common sense thing and honestly you are right now making me reconsider the decision of asking you out for this date.”
“That’s probably a good thing, because we are gonna have to reschedule the date anyway. Stella is my niece, Seb. My sister just dropped her off, couldn’t find a baby sitter at the last moment. So here I am. Stuck in between being the best brother and the most favored uncle at the moment. Ditching a hot guy and a fancy date to take care of a sassy 5 year old. Good Times”, Chris lets out a self depreciating laugh, still looks really apologetic and genuinely sorry which makes Seb’s heart sink even deeper than it already has after hearing the date he was so excited about is getting a rain check. He musters up a smile though.
“It is okay, Chris. Really. I understand”, he tries very hard to sound normal and not let any disappointment he is feeling pour into his voice.
“It’s not though. We decided this together and now I am just bailing on you at the last moment. Cancelling plans on such a short notice. Even though I know how much you planned for tonight and the reservation will probably get wasted. I’ll pay for it if yo-“,Chris starts with another round of apologies and Sebastian already knows the guy wouldn’t stop rambling unless he’s cut off.
“Chris. Chris, stop. It’s no big deal. The Plaza is way too overrated anyway. I guess we can have more fun by ordering a pizza and watching care-bears while waiting for it”, Sebastian suggests. Still a little hopeful that he’ll get to spend the evening with Chris anyway. Doesn’t matter if it’s at a fancy hotel or on a couch at his home. All he wants is to be close to this man.
“You..you wanna come in and spend time with us?”, Chris’ eyes are wide with surprise. He  was clearly not expecting the situation to take this turn. Sebastian instantly feels like an asshole for trying to decide everything on his own.
“I didn’t mean to sound so presumptious, but yeah...I’d like to do that. If you’ll have me?”, he asks for permissson and is half expecting for the door to slam in his face.
“Of course we’ll have you, Seb. It’s always pleasure. Come on in”, Chris moves back, inviting him inside the beautiful place and Sebastian happily accpets the offer.
“Good for you. Because if you had just refused, I was totally planning on setting a camp right in front of your door step to make you feel horribly guilty”, he says while taking off the coat and hanging it up on the rack. He is delighted to hear the sound of Chris’s laugh at his recycled, not-so-funny jab. The date might not have gone where he wanted it to, but it’s definitely going somewhere. And for now, that's good enough.
“Oh and Seb, Care bears is so 1985. Kids these days don’t really watch that y’know?”
“Well I thought CNBC and the stock market channels would be a bit much for her”
“Don’t worry. She knows exactly what she wants. A Disney fan.”
“So I see, she takes after her uncle. Please tell me it’s not Frozen though."
“No, tonight's reserved for Tangled.”
"Hmmm. A bit better. I can deal with that. She has a good choice."
“Takes after her uncle in that regard as well”, Chris winks at him before turning to go into the kitchen and Sebastian’s heart is doing backflips at that simple action.
They spend the rest of their night watching and singing along with the animated characters. Building pillow forts, telling Dodger to fetch the colourful balls and mimicking sesame street voices. It’s the best date Sebastian has ever had, even if it was hijacked by a kindergartener and a furball. At the dinner table, Stella tells Chris she wants to sit next to ‘Bastian’ and asks him to cut her pizza into little bites for her. Seb tries so hard to hide the tears that well up in his eyes, though he is sure, Chris caught a glimpse of them. Because right after feeling too emotional, he had gotten a squeeze at his thigh and Chris interwined  their fingers together, skin warm and cheeks flushed red. This looks and feels so much like the future Sebastian had been planning for them. He can’t tell if he manifested that by imagining it hard enough or is fate just being extra nice and kind to him since last week. Either way, he hopes this doesn’t change.
Finally it’s after 10:30 and Chris reminds Stella it’s way past her bedtime, she shouldn't take advantage of him just because he caves in everytime she pouts. He takes her to the upstairs bedroom while Sebastian stays in the kitchen to do the dishes, no matter how much Chris asks him not to do that.
“Please don’t. You’ll only make me feel like a shitty host”
“Please let me, if I don’t, I’ll be the one feeling like a shitty guest”.
Just when he’s done drying off the last plate, Seb hears footsteps coming down from the stairs. He walks out of the kitchen and stands at the very end of it, waiting for Chris to come down.
“She asleep yet?”, he asks when they’re just two steps away from each other.
“Actually no. Said she wants you to go up there and kiss her goodnight too”, Chris laughs but answers with a certain seriousness that tells Seb this is not entirely a joke. Stella actually did ask for him. That realisation warms his heart even more.
“Alright, I can do that”, he starts climbing up the stairs and crosses Chris. Is stopped by a large hand softly reaching out to hold onto his elbow. ‘”You know, you don’t have to, right? She’ll go to sleep on her own in a few minutes anyway. Don’t spoil her too much”, Chris wants to make sure Seb isn’t feeling obligated to do any of this just because of him.
“I know I don’t have to. I want to though. And cuties like you Evans people deserve a little more spoiling every now and then. Let me take care of that”, he smiles and frees his arm from Chris’s grasp. Walks a few stairs further but is stopped in his track again. This time, by Chris’ deep husky voice.
“Hey, Seb?”
“After you are done with putting the little madam to sleep, I want you to come downstairs and kiss me good night too. I’ll be waiting in my own room”, Chris is flustered, pale skin turned the loveliest shade of pink at the make but his voice still holds a demanding and authorative tone that manages to make Sebastian weak in the knees.
“Sure”, he says with his own voice trembling and can’t begin to believe his lucky stars.
'Whatever you say. Your wish is my command, Christopher', Sebastian thinks.
 Actually, he might’ve just said it out loud judging by the way Chris snorts then blushes a shade darker and smiles some more standing on the other end of that staircase.
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thefamily · 5 years
Chapter 5: 1824 October 11th
Liru’s P.O.V.
        Stella’s hooves make no sound as they hit the ground, her wings folding at her sides as we are now less then a kilometer out and I can hear the sound of the hell hounds barking, Riptide and Killer, their liters already surrounding the village, ready to tear it apart. I can see the village as Stella begins to slows we near the entrance of the village men out with torches almost extinguished by the rain and wind some with rifles others with bows and arrows the rest with some form of farming tool. Most popular decision tonight seems to be a pitch fork.
        Stella slows to a stop between Riptide, a hell-hound the size of a wolf with a skull stripped of any flesh with two large horns that went back diagonally and glowing yellow eyes, red fur even redder soaked in blood with it’s bone spikes ripping out the back it’s torso showing it’s ribs with any missing fur, and Killer, a large black hell-hound that went up to my shoulders, it’s fur creating a lion like main around it’s head, glowing yellow eyes shining through it’s sleek black fur. I watched with a smirk on my face as people scramble back screaming at the sight of me, screaming things like death and monsters. So nothing new. I smile, my mouth full of sharp teeth as Τριφύλλι and Σπαθί finally catching up coming to a stop behind Riptide and Killer, and as much as I enjoy reveling in there free after everything they did to Jack, I’m not here for revenge, I'm here for answers, and a bit of revenge.
        I bring up a finger to my lips and letting out a quiet “Shhhh.” and surprisingly the humans listen as it echoes through the village on the stormy night, no surprise that the hounds back off a little but still snarling and snapping at them. I smile to myself looking them all over through the bottom of my hood before an icy rage flowing through my veins at their healthy looks remembering just how skinny Jack is. I gently pat Stella’s neck signaling to let me off and I feel her huff slightly before getting on her front knee’s allowing me to hope off before she stands again intimidating the humans as she stares them down the flesh missing on one side of her jaw showing sharpened teeth, obviously unnatural for a horse.
        I look over them on last time, the only sound is the thunder rumbling around overhead and the snarling and snapping of Riptide and Killer’s liters. “Hello.” I say my voice falsely comforting as it echoes around the village. “I’ve come for some… information, I guess you could say.” I begin to stalk forward and one of the gun wielders point his rifle at me and I put my hand up stopping the sudden advances of the hounds, shadows and Stella.
        “N-now h-hold on,” A tall lanky-ish looking man says in an accent thinker than Jack’s. ‘Mr. Blanchfield’ a voice sounding like a terrified Jack. The icy rage turns to fire as I get flashes of his memories specifically the feeling of a metal belt buckle against his back. “w-we don’t w-want a-any trou-” He gets cut off by multiple loud booms of thunder with lightning striking all around the village eliciting more screams from many of them. “I said,” Poisoned honey dripping from every word. “I’ve come for information. Specifically about the Mcloughlin’s that were adopted.”
        The confusion that radiates from them is amusing, but also annoying. “Well?” I ask getting more annoyed by the second. “Does anyone have answers? Or do I need to tear this place apart to get my answers.” My voice is low, rumbling through each and everyone of their heads. “Either way I will get what I came for, blood or no blood.” I begin to stalk forward again my eyes trained on the man, Blanchfield, in-front of me rifle shaking in his hands as he stutters in what I assume to be a poor attempt to sound intimidating voice, “S-STOP!!!” I don’t I just keeping stalking forward staring him down and with a particularly loud boom of thunder overhead, he fires straight into my chest, ripping through the parts of my shirt that showed through my cloak, although I remained unharmed it did knock me back a step. Three things happen all at once. One, the force from the blast knocks me back a step. Second, both Stella and Σπαθί let out ground shaking roars while the hounds made a sound between a roar and a snarl and third, they all attacked the villagers at the same time.
        I grab the scythe from my back and cut off Mr. Blanchfield’s head in a single movement and I watch his body fall more annoyed then anything. I look around before shouting above the barking, screaming and gunshots that quickly died out as the hounds got to them, “Αφήστε τους αθώους και τα παιδιά, τους ενόχους, γιορτάστε αν επιθυμείτε!" I look around at the buildings trying to find the orphanage and begin to walk through the village, the hair raised on the back of my neck indicating that Τριφύλλι was right behind me.
        I held my scythe at my side as I walked through all the chaos that was happening, the rain washing the blood off until I come across a familiar building. I put the scythe back on my back as I look up at the orphanage a feeling in the back of my mind wants to rip it apart. I close my eyes focusing on the source of it, a little ball of green lightning shaking like a leaf.
        “Jack,” I breathe out in shock. I open my eyes again looking up at the building, the rage for this place bleeding from Jack was a bit suffocating as I think ‘It’s alright πυγολαμπίδα, you never have to deal with this place again. So just… relax my love.’ I can feel it begin to fade as he relaxes and I quickly walk inside, Τριφύλλι right behind me. I look around before finding the master bedroom and looks around the room until I find a box of adoption papers under the bed and quickly begin to shift through them trying to ignore the rising headache from the memories attached to them getting flashes of them being signed and for some reason Mrs. Blanchfield was burning some but… missing one?
        All of them had the name Mcloughlin but one is missing. Everything freezes as I come across the missed one.
        Jameson Jackson Mcloughlin
        I dropped the others as I stare at the name before quietly singing out,
“Look at this place, look at your faces
They’re shining like a thousand shining stars.”
        As I finish the lyrics my mind is filled with flashes of a little boy with a silver tongue, barely learning how to speak before realizing what happens to his family if he does, his eldest brother? Jack told me that he only had brothers, perhaps one was born in the wrong body, teaching him how to walk while hanging onto his dress like a life line as he watched his own feet. I watched as the little boy falls asleep on all of his brothers, throwing a tantrum as the oldest adopted out against his own will. Watched until he was ripped away at the age of three. But it didn’t stop there it stopped when those fucking monsters that took him from his family whip his back with the metal part of a belt at the age of s̭i̳͋x.
        I look down at the paper scanning for the name, ignoring the booming thunder over head and lighting striking outside and the half dead plants inside growing out of control. I find the name and growl out in a bone chilling growl “D͕aly̥” the rage I forcefully stamp down it already having physical effects, the golden red scales surrounding my eyes and I can only imagine how my eyes look.
        I quickly fold the paper and hide it in my cloak as I stand up walking out not noticing as Τριφύλλι seems to shiver before following me out. I go to leave but before I can something up stops me calling me upstairs. I take off the hood as I turn and walk to the stairs looking up, confused and even angrier as I stalk up the stairs the smell of blood flooding my sense of smell, Jacks to be precise, years and years of it. I walk through one of the rooms and climbing up to the attic and opening it and gets hit with a blast of cold air and I let out a low growl as I step up into the attic looking around seeing a small mattress made of old ratty pillows and blankets which splotches of dried blood and a few over grown bouquet of flowers that I gave him over the year, ‘I wonder how they lasted this long’.
        The entire area smells of him with a mix of mold and mildew from the rain ruined roof, walls and floor. There were holes in the ceiling which aloud for the wind and rain to hammer into attic space. His ‘bed’, if you could call it that, was tucked into a damp corner clearly the ‘driest’ of the entire room. I can only imagine what my eyes look like now as I ignore the rage burning through my veins.
        I went over to his sleep area a shifted through the billows and blankets before finding a small metal box that had Jack’s name carved into it and something carved out of it. It seemed to be made of some form of enchanted wood as I looked it over noticing little sigils lighting up when lightning flashes. I nearly drop it when I realize what it’s from, the cult of malplena, the Void, I take a deep shaky breathe as I whispers out “Detruu.” causing the sigils preserving it from time, break leaving no trace of it’s connection to the void behind.
        I pick it up as I look around the area on last time and I can here someone scramble into the building and up the stares to the second form and I can hear a hound following them. I stand up glaring at the entrance of attic as the person- no woman, Mrs. Blanchfield to be exact. She scrambles back on her single one hand as the hound, undoubtedly Riptide, the one who took her hand to begin with. She turns to gets up and freezes as she spots Τριφύλλι in the corner behind me as I glared down at her my horns beginning to form as I looked at the monster that dared called themselves a person.
        “No.” She whispers out as I begin to move towards her. I grin with no joy and all malice as I grabbed my scythe from my back. She begins to scream “DEMON!!! DEMON!!!”
        “Oh shut up.” In one movement I slice her from her shoulder and waist letting her fall back down to Riptide who proceeds to rip her apart as I grab the box before hopping down. I walk past Riptide giving him a pat on the back. “Mi revidos vin poste Riptide.” He lets out a small bark before going back to playing with his new chew toy and I put my hood up again my horns disappearing. I see Τριφύλλι grabbing Σπαθί by it’s wild hair as it tries to swipe at people running by and I walk out next to them drawing Σπαθί’s attention to me calming down as it sits like a dog, waiting. I let out a loud whistle calling for Stella and I can hear her roar one last time before seeming to appear in front of me getting down on her knee’s and letting me get on.
        When she gets up I look around the town one last time before patting her neck and she takes off like a light, the shadow creatures close behind. I can feel my rage leave me as I think about Jack back at home asleep, hopefully peacefully and I can feel my scales fade to skin hoping my eyes are back to normal as the field comes into view before fading away to the valley as Stella lets her wings out flying up then down to the island and before she even fully lands I hope off of her and take off running to the entrance of the castle shouting back to her.
        “Sorry Stella I need to check on Jack!” I hear her laugh in the back of my head causing me to blush a bit as I run up the stairs. “Don’t worry little one, go check on your lightning bug” I will forever deny the blush that over took my face._____________________________________________________________
Please Reblog I would like to know what you think of it
Liru’s eyes 
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Thank you to @antis-gauge for Translating for me from English to Greek
Club is Τριφύλλι
Spade is Σπαθί
"Spare the innocent and children, the guilty, feast on if you wish" is “Αφήστε τους αθώους και τα παιδιά, τους ενόχους, γιορτάστε αν επιθυμείτε!"
Destroy is Detruu
“I'll see you later Riptide” is “Mi revidos vin poste Riptide”
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Winx Alt Con Season 02 Recap:
Previously: season 01, Weeks 9.2, 10/11, 12, 13, 14
Week 15: Episodes 212, 213, (partial) 214, 215
With two out of four magical macguffins missing, The Winx convince a few of the older students to help them train after classes. One of the students wants them to focus on thinking outside the square, using what they know from a sideways perspective.
She takes them down to the Magical Reality Chamber and sends them in, telling them to trying finding new ways to combine their powers, every trick they have in their arsenal, is one step further away from defeat.
Plus it's a great way to learn things you didn't know about your abilities.
With the pixies watching from the control room, the older student boots up the MRC.
The Winx are faced with an unusual, and somewhat hostile world, their enemy though, is a single large beast. The girls begin by flinging magic at it, but the monster only grows in size.
They dodge its attacks while they strategize, coming up with an idea that might work. Remembering what they'd been told about magical and physical immunities rarely overlapping, the girls swap in and out, distracting the monster while the build a titan of their own to beat the monster in combat.
Aisha crafts the body's base out of morphix, Flora gives it a skeletal system of wood and vines, adding in some hair just because it happened that way. Stella gives it eyes to see, Tecna and Bloom give it a brain and free will/intuition, and then Musa steps in.
The fairy of music gives the titan the ability to hear and speak, but Musa can also hear discord in their titan's being. She steps up and finds a way to harmonize the various magics, so the titan doesn't fall apart.
Once complete, the titan goes on the offensive and beats the monster soundly, ending the simulation.
The older student runs the simulation applauds them, then asks what they plan to do with their new friend, since the titan hasn't dissolved. Uncertain, the group calls down Faragonda, who takes several moments to be flabbergasted by what the girls have done, creating an artificial, magical life form. (not unheard of, but not typically first year magic, even by accident.)
The titan, being both sentient and sapient, is alive, and none of the fairies want to kill it/her, so Faragonda offers to let the titan stick around and figure out what she wants to do.
(The titan later takes up the name Titania, and can often be seen playing with Kiko and the pixies, or helping Knut maintain the grounds around Alfea.)
 Later in the week, Bloom finds Faragonda and talks to her about the break in at her mother's flower shop several weeks prior. Vanessa has gotten in contact with Bloom because a court date is coming up. Bloom is hoping to get the day off to be with her mother for it. Faragonda allows it, as long as Bloom doesn't go alone.
(Bloom mentions Earth's/California's truancy laws, and Faragonda writes up several 'day passes' for Bloom and the Winx.)
Musa and Tecna decline going, mentioning they've been talking with some people from Magix and the other schools, and have decided to help out with the concert the Magix council wants to host, to celebrate the last of the repairs in the city. (things go a lot faster with magical assistance.)
Aisha volunteers her assistance with the concert, and Bloom wishes them luck. Stella says she would help, but she wants to support Bloom, the girls agree Stella can step in later, and that supporting their friend is important too. Flora chooses to go with Bloom and Stella to Earth. The pixies all choose to stick with their respective fairies.
 On Earth, the trio of fairies spend the day with Vanessa, who is thrilled to meet Flora, a fellow plant lover. The girls are confused to realise Vanessa and Mike (who is also there to support his wife during the trial) can't see the pixies, until Stella gives them 'clarity of vision', an ability she learnt from her mother, who comes from a line of seers.
Random children they pass though, seem to have no trouble seeing the pixies, and the girls file that away to think about later.
 In Magix, the group of students and council members for Magix meet to discuss the concert. During the repairs, the governing body of Magix took the opportunity to upgrade some infrastructure, including an outdoor theatre, and they'd like to open it with a concert to commemorate the lost, and celebrate moving forward.
The group discus some things they'd like to do for the concert, and move their meeting to the new amphitheatre, to get a feel for the space.
Unbeknownst to the group, Stormy has grown bored waiting around for Darkar and Icy to come up with a new plan for finding the pixie village, (since he, apparently, has a plan already in play for Alfea) and has gone out by herself to wreak some havoc.
She stumble across the concert group in Magix, and decides to rain on their parade by summoning up a destructive storm.
At first, the group don't pay much attention to the sudden rain, beyond noting the oddly sudden change in the weather. It's not until it gets intense enough to start pulling signs from their foundations that someone realises the storm is very localised.
By this time, the wind is too much for any of them to fly through, and they can't find the source of the storm, so Musa suggests weather magic, reminding the other fairies of their first lecture with Avalon.
Musa summons a small hand drum, sets a beat and starts dancing, Aisha and Tecna falling into step, with the other Alfea students present joining in soon after. As the weather starts to lose intensity, the witches, heroes and even the council members begin to copy the fairies movements. Soon the storm begins to die down, then fall apart.
With the storm dissipated, Stormy appears before them, and in a fit of rage, hurls a bolt of lighting at the group, but Musa bring her drum up and strikes it, letting loose an unbelievable crash like thunder, causing the lightning to explode on itself midstrike, flinging the Trix back through the sky.
With a snarl she disappears, and everyone turns to Musa, who seems shocked at what she's just done. When asked how she did that, Musa can only shake her head and admit that she doesn't know, that she just felt 'very powerful in that moment.'
Riven, who was there to pilot the Red Fountain students, and had been the first of the heroes to join in, posits that as the fairy of music, maybe she'd been empowered by the 'anti-rain dance' and its accompanying song, since they'd all been acting in concert to the music Musa had provided on the drum. The group agree that's about as likely as any other explanation, and the very grateful council members get the group back on track for the concert, as soon as they put out an alert for Stormy with the local law enforcement.
 On Earth, after the trial wraps up, Mike and Vanessa take the trio of fairies and their pixies out for pizza, and ask the girls how school has been going. They are aware of the siege and Darkar, thanks to phone calls with Bloom, but hearing it in person makes it more real.
Bloom also, hesitantly and for the first time, tells her parents about Daphne and their shared parentage. She begins rambling as she tries to explain, and she just keeps talking trying to get it all out, and then a secret slips out amidst the verbal vomit.
Bloom is scared and confused and worried and lost. Her sense of identity has taken a hit, and between Bloom Peters, Earth girl, and Pyra, lost princess of Domino, she isn't sure who she is any more. Part of her wants to embrace her lost heritage, but part of her is afraid embracing it will mean loosing her Earth identity, her Earth family.
Her parents comfort her immediately, letting her know that no matter what, she will always be part of their family, and that Daphne, ghostly or otherwise, is welcome as well, they won't make her choose.
Flora tells Bloom, that she has a few truths about her: Bloom is a kind person, a great leader, and an artistic soul, but before anything else, she is their friend, she just needs to find something about herself that doesn't change, and start from there, no matter how long it takes, they'll be there while she figures herself out.
Stella agrees completely, pressing herself bodily and magically against Bloom in a hug that lets the fire fairy feel the love and support Stella had for her.
Surrounded by their love, Bloom finds peace within herself, a certainty of self she'd lost somewhere along the way.
Her magic surges and blossoms, and her Charmix materialises.
Which leads to a whole new round of celebration. (after a lengthy explanation of fairy levels and transformations and such, and why this was such a big deal.)
 That night, back at Alfea, the group catches up, and Bloom decides she'll begin writing and drawing a 'memoir' of sorts for her parents, so they can share in the adventures she's had.
In the meantime, the girls talk about the concert for Magix.
Given the reason for the concert, the heads of the schools allow the students to have half days in order to be ready for the weekend, since the Magix council want the concert to take place as soon as possible, to show the Magical Dimension they're back on their feet.
Riven makes an effort to help behind the scenes, as part of his 'I need to unlearn how to be an arsehole' self improvement project. He and Musa discover they get along pretty well, having quite a few things in common, like the fact they both have scholarships to their respective schools.
Musa, having heard the whole story of 'why Riven is the way he is', has helped come up with a few tricks (mostly specific hand signs) so that the group (the Winx and Specialists) can tell Riven he's being an arsehole, without actually being confrontational.
(The most used hand sign is 'run that by me again,' which is for moments when Riven says something super offensive or just outright annoying, and the group want to be sure he knows what he said wrong, and that he meant it. Most of the time it turns out he's just worded something badly and it's come out ruder than he intended. It goes a long way to helping group unity, and they find themselves using the signs for other team members, not just Riven.)
For the closing act, Musa and a few other students, and volunteers from Magix, write a song about the unity between the very different groups.
Stella helps organise the wardrobes, Tecna runs a team in charge of the electronics, and Aisha gets right into helping the dancers, one of whom is Mirta. (Musa has been unanimously voted In Charge of the project as their resident Fairy of Music, but also as the only person who has any experience in setting up a concert from scratch.) Bloom and Flora find places and people to help out amidst the preparations.
 The evening of the concert arrives, all the performers are nervous, they've done the best they could in the time they had, and they all plan to give it their all.
Musa has an additional reason to be nervous however, she's invited her father to come watch the performance. Musa is trying to show her father how much music means to her, not just because of her mother, but because music is who she is.
When the concert starts though, Musa and the other performers set their worries aside so they can give their best possible performances.
The show gets off to a great starts, all the acts go flawlessly, but as the evening progresses, dark clouds begin to gather over head, and thunder rumbles across the sky. When Musa steps on stage during the later half of the concert, a bolt of lightning strikes the stage, causing several of the lights and speakers to explode. Musa is flung across the stage, and in the crowd, her friends are scared, but the fairy of music gets back up quickly.
From the darkness overhead, Stormy descends, her Gloomix glowing an unusually bright, and menacing red.
Stormy calls Musa out for what happened a few days prior, saying that how ever Musa managed to fight her off, it won't happen again. Amongst the crowd, in strategic locations for just this scenario, fairies, witches and wizards bring up shields to protect the crowd. With the number of civilians in the area, there aren't a lot of people free to combat Stormy. Musa loudly declares that she beat Stormy before, and she can do it again.
Stormy proceeds to trounce her for several minutes before Riven manages to get close enough to Mirta to call out a plan to her. Mirta smirks and casts illusions all throughout the crowd, lyrics and the music for their concert's final song.
The Winx, and the members of the concert who were there for the last confrontation, realise what Riven is planning, and start singing, making music with hands and feet and instruments, and focusing on Musa. As the rest of the crowd looks at the music makers and the lyrics in confusion, Riven sprints through the masses, calling out for people to sing, that Musa if the Fairy of Music.
An older man vaults onto the stage and settles himself down in front of the piano, joining the song. At the back of the crown, a young woman with a long, pale blonde ponytail summons a small orchestra of instruments and helps out as well. (spoiler alert, it's Galatea.)
Musa feels the power swelling up inside her, and quickly turns the tide of battle.
Stormy is enraged as she is beaten back again, by the fairy, and attempts to summon a powerful lightning elemental.
On stage the man at the piano calls out in fear for Musa, who turns to him and asks for him to trust her, because this is who she is.
They share a moment as he agrees, and Musa feels like she's pushed through an obstacle she didn't even realise she was trying to overcome. A bright light flares on her chest and around her waist as her Charmix finally manifests, multiplying her powers even further.
She wraps Stormy in a bubble of percussive force, the elemental she was attempting to call falls to pieces, and the witch's ears start to bleed, her screams swallowed up by Musa's unrelenting display of power.
With no other recourse, Stormy teleports out.
The crowd cheers, and despite the near disaster, the show goes on, with even more energy than before.
(At Alfea, the students who stayed at the school and watched the concert on tv all break out into cheers as well. In the Headmistress's office, Faragonda and Griselda share a look and break out their celebratory alcohol for a single victory shot each... before writing up a pardon for Musa for classes since the girl will be recovering from her power boost for a few days. (The more a fairy boosts her powers above her normal level, the longer she has to sleep it off.))
Musa rides the high until the last song, which everyone sings along to now that they know the words. Musa has just enough time after the final curtain call to talk to her dad (the man at the piano) before she passes out.
Musa's dad sees his daughter and her friends back to Alfea, before he returns home to Melody.
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