#as yet unsent — jodybeth canon
harrowharksoup · 9 months
It’s not Bury Your Gays if a bunch of them die tragically but everyone’s gay 😭💀
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mayasaura · 2 years
I think the greatest thing As Yet Unsent did was solidify Coronabeth's characterization for me as being way less 'scheming socialite' and way more 'fanon Enjolras from 2015'
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camplease · 11 months
meaning, at some point during gideon the ninth, harrow the ninth, nona the ninth, or one of the in-universe short stories, a character on page either alluded to or explicitly mentioned/feared/joked about the possibility, either present or future, of this pairing
ianthe + augustine: harrow, htn (smh harrow. allow a girlboss to try to manipulate a myriad-old lyctor with her feminine wiles in peace, please)
harrow + palamedes: gideon, htn (on one hand i hate it, on the other hand harrow would also hate it and would have a very funny reaction to hearing gideon say it so)
camilla + coronabeth: judith, as yet unsent; nona, ntn (i have questions if you voted for this but ok)
ianthe + silas: gideon, gtn (gideon was so funny for this)
pyrrha + juno: palamedes, ntn (if you voted for this i don't agree, but i understand)
g1deon + cytherea's corpse: harrow, htn (i mean, sure, maybe that was actually the case in practice, but it wasn't the Intention, so i think it counts)
palamedes + cytherea: gideon, ntn (lmao)
judith + camilla: coronabeth, as yet unsent (great work, jodybeth! masterful deflection on both sides)
ianthe + a bunch of skeletons in hell: babs - second hand, according to ianthe, htn (honestly she might enjoy this. it'd remind her of harrow at the very least)
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
Ship or don't ship: Jodybeth
I ship it!!
What made you ship it?
As Yet Unsent. on reread i absolutely catch it in gtn and the cohort files but As Yet Unset really turned Judith around for me as a character!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Judith's repression, Crown only being able to fall in love with people who won't give her the time of day. only being able to invite one person to your birthday party and choosing every single year to invite Judith "calender gift" Deuteros. "we had an argument". when they played mary kill reanimate but Corona always chose reanimate bc "what would be the difference", Crown being seeminly the only person who actually cares that Judith is just having a terrible time
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
idk if this is unpopular or not but I generally don't go looking for them in fic, especially in AUs that take them out of the canon universe. i just really like whatever the hell they have going on on-page.
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ryttu3k · 3 years
Character meme: JODY
*muffled screaming*
How I feel about this character
Gonna be honest, I didn't think much of her at all. I still mixed up her and Marta. They were just The Military Ladies. They were just kind of... there. Was pretty sure she died, but whoops, no, she's still alive and loyal to the Emperor, wonder how she's going.
Obviously, As Yet Unsent OHKOed me. We still don't know much but there is so much tasty lore and POV and now I just want to know more and am absolutely fascinated at how her role in the rest of the series will play out!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Was Marta until I realised their ages. Have now been smacked over the head with the heavy object that is Jodybeth. Content, please *pleading emoji*
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Now it's Marta. Or, uh, was ;_;
My unpopular opinion about this character
I literally didn't have an opinion on her until, like, two days ago. Maybe 'bootlicker'. Now I am Very Concerned for her wellbeing and also want her and Coronabeth to hold hands.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
A happy ending? ...Not dying? I mean, necromancy, she can fix that. But a happy ending in general would be great!
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harrowharksoup · 3 years
I just want to take a moment to celebrate the existence of the beautiful parallels that are the ship names Griddlehark, Harryanthe, and Jodybeth
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