harutto · 4 years
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#treasure editorial volume 8 icons!! 
please like or reblog if you save 
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Special requests: s/o + playing in a playground + teasing
Haikyuu x reader
You're the mature one in your group of friends, you're rather calm and collected most of the time, doesn't meant you don't have fun, or like certain things, it's just part of your personality. One day you're walking near a playground, looking around you notice how empty it is, deciding for a quick break you start to play by yourself, or at least was what you thought
You heard a light hearted chuckle, turning around you see your boyfriend smiling softly at you, his eyes reflecting nothing but fondness while he walks towards you taking sit in one of the swings near by "aren't you a bit tall for the slide?"
Iwaizumi, Daichi, Ennoshita, Yamaguchi, Semi, Yaku, Yamamoto, Aran
He chuckles out loud making you snap your head to the source of the noise, he keeps chuckling walking towards you with his hands on his pockets, he leans over to kiss your forehead and keeps chuckling "come on sweetheart, let me see you slide again"
Oikawa, Hanamaki, Tanaka, Goshiki, Osamu, Atsumu
You heard a gasp and the sound of footsteps quickly going in your direction making you stand up quickly slightly embarrassed, soon you hear a familiar voice, it's your bf, after a quick peck on your lips you can see his happy grin "can i play with you?"
Nishinoya, Hinata, Lev, INUOKA, Bokuto, Koganegawa
You heard the sound of the snap of a camera, turning around you see your bf holding his phone looking at the screen with a half smirk, when he notices you looking at him he takes another pic "come on kitten, smile for me~ you look adorable"
Matsukawa, Sugawara, Tsukishima, Satori, Kuroo, Suna, Futakuchi
Soon as he sees you decides to not disturb what it seems an intimate moment for you, but somehow he couldn't keep walking, so he watched you play for a bit before walking to his home, he thinks he should ask you to go on a date to the amusement park soon
Kyotani, Asahi, Kageyama, Ushijima, Kenma, Akaashi, Kita, Aone, Sakusa
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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tadashiluvr · 3 years
what karasuno would post with you
pairing: sawamura daichi x reader, sugawara koushi x reader, azumane asahi x reader, nishinoya yuu x reader, tanaka ryuunosuke x reader, kageyama tobio x reader, hinata shoyo x reader, tsukishima kei x reader, yamaguchi tadashi x reader (it's a lot, i know)
genre: fluff
warnings: the images mostly show women but no pronouns or gender of reader are mentioned, implied timeskip spoilers (asahi), fire (tanaka)
a/n: again, i'm horrible at mood boards so i apologize if you find them ugly
aoba johsai version
nekoma version
shiratorizawa version
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doesn't really have a theme but likes to have warm toned pictures
most pictures are taken by you, asahi, or suga since he isn't the best at taking them
doesn't really have cute captions but they're not bad captions either, they'll usually be your @ then a heart
plans cute dates knowing that you'll take pictures that he can post (he obviously does it because he loves you but the pics are a bonus)
sometimes will post randoms candids of you but not too often because, as previously stated, he's not good at taking pictures
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he doesn't edit pictures unless they're too dark/bright but he takes them very well
he always gets the right lighting and angles, even in simple mirror selfies
has short and sweet captions, for example, "my love ♡"
likes to have you as the focus of the pics more than himself even when he's in them
doesn't like to take pictures on dates because he wants to spend time with you but he will if you ask or if he thinks you want him to
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he loves taking simple photos and making them look unique with his editing
he would take pictures of you every second of everyday if you allowed him to
always has a perfect theme, even if you don't have a similar aesthetic to him it'll look great
doesn't want to post either of your faces too much for privacy, since he knows basically a million pro volleyball players, so he usually takes pictures somewhat far away or with one or both of you turned away
almost always has short love poems as his captions, sometimes written by him and sometimes quoted
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doesn't take pictures well so most pictures are taken by you, or tanaka when he's 3rd wheeling
has no theme and has never once even looked at a photo editing app
posts every picture with or of you even if its the most blurry, unrecognizable photo to ever exist
won't post any pictures of you that you don't want posted even though his "aesthetic" is random pictures
all his posts are either doing crazy stuff or just laying in bed doing nothing, there's barely anything in between
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doesn't really have a theme but he does have an aesthetic, if that makes sense
he prefers cool toned, highly saturated pictures
likes to do fun stuff with you and take pictures of it for memories
he has a list of symbols in his notes app and his goal is to have a caption with each of them (ex: ☆, ✧, ☺︎︎, ☾, etc.)
he loves a grunge aesthetic for his pictures but will change it to fit your aesthetic better if you have a different aesthetic
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doesn't have an aesthetic, probably doesn't even know what "aesthetic" means
he doesn't take pictures often so they're usually taken by you or by someone on the team to tease him
he also doesn't edit his pictures but sometimes you'll edit them for him if the lighting is that bad
doesn't write captions because he forgets everytime but when he does remember it's just your @
every post is you or volleyball
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he usually posts warm toned pictures but he doesn't edit them, he just accidentally has good pictures
most pictures are taken by you, sometimes tsukshima to try to tease hinata and sometimes sugawara since he finds you two adorable
he doesn't have a theme at all but most of the pictures, somehow, work together
not all of his posts are of/with you, a bunch are volleyball related and random sunset pictures, but a majority are with you
puts emojis as his captions (ex: 🥰🥰💓❤️❣️)
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always has a perfect theme with pictures he spends way too long editing
doesn't like to post your face much but wants everyone to know he's in a relationship so most pictures are of your silhouettes
takes most of the pictures himself, probably has a tripod for his phone to take cute pictures
loves to go on dates till after sunset so he can take pictures right before the sky turns black
his captions are little jokes and phrases that have a lot of meaning to you two but mean nothing to others
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he prefers you to be the center of attention in most pictures
doesn't have a theme, or even an actual aesthetic, but he prefers cool toned pictures
most pictures are taken by you or him but some are snuck by tsukishima
takes pictures of everything you and him do together
his captions are usually random emoji combinations that fit the theme and/or colors of the pictures
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sunatooru · 3 years
hi hi there so recently all of my friends and a lot of people around me keep losing weight while i just seem to gaining/staying the same and any time i see family they always tell me i looked better when i was thinner a couple of years ago but that was when i was struggling with and eating disorder (i still struggle with eating even now) and im sorry if this doesn't make any sense but could you do an emergency request where haikyuu aces comfort their gf about their weight idk how to explain it well just :(((
Hii, it makes sense don’t worry! I hope this helps x
Also check out my other emergencies I’ve written on this :))
Warning: Characters include: Asahi, Iwaizumi, Bokuto and Aran x gn! Reader, mentions of body/weight insecurity, mentions of jealously of friends
* He finds you lost in thought with a frown on your face
* He chews his lips before approaching you, worried about you
* “Hi honey, everything okay?” He rubs your shoulders and listens to you
* “I see. It can be hard comparing to other people…I know. But I think you look beautiful, now and always. People are always going to make comments but don’t let that put you down. Your appearance may change, but your heart will remain wonderful.”
* He grabs your hand and kiss you knuckles, smiling softly at you before squeezing you hand tighter
* “I love you no matter how you look.”
* He wraps his arm around you, kissing the top of your head, whispering all the things he loves about you
* he loves you no matter your size
* Absolutely adores you
* So when he sees that you aren’t smiling like usual, he makes it his mission to find out why
* “My babie, I love you so much. So so much. Please tell me what’s wrong?” He wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his head into your neck
* There’s a few seconds before you murmur your insecurity
* He pouts, bringing his face towards yours so your nose are almost touching
* He holds a soft gaze, cupping your cheek and caressing it
* “You don’t need to look like everyone else…you look amazing already. Your weight doesn’t make me love you less. You’re beautiful, and I’ll remind you everyday.” He gives you a peck, rubbing his nose against yours and then kissing it
* “I know it’ll take time to feel like it but…” he smiles widely
* “…I’ll make sure you do.”
* Catches you scrolling through your friends pics
* Your finger looming over them before liking them
* He hears you sigh and immediately knows something’s up
* “You good babe?”
* You chew the inside of your mouth before shaking your head
* “Can you tell me why not?” He places an hand on your leg and rubs your thighs
* He brings your legs onto his lap and massages them
* “I see. It’s always hard when everyone around you seems to be doing better… You look great to me though. So beautiful and pretty, no matter what size. Don’t forget that.”
* He leans forward and kisses you, hand holding your nape to bring you closer
* He then pull you onto his lap, letting you wrap yourself around him and cuddle
* “I love you.”
* he always knows when you’re feeling down
* So he sets things up
* Will have food ready, the sofa decorated with blankets and your favourite movie/show ready to be played
* “You don’t need to tell me, but I’m always going to be here.” He covers you both under the blanket
* He rubs your arms and kisses your temple, a leg wrapped around you
* You slowly tell him about your feelings and he hums as he listens
* “I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. It’s never fun when you feel like everyone is doing better than you, but please know that your weight doesn’t define you. You are gorgeous, inside and out. Your body is amazing…fits so well with mine.” He kisses under your ear
* “You’re perfect to me.”
* He gently turns your face and kisses you, smiling against your lips
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jinkicake · 4 years
Looking Respectfully
Asahi, Iwaizumi, Ushijima with a s/o with an appreciation for their arms/back. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Azumane Asahi x Reader
Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
For @sweet-sweet-strawberry ,, here you go!!! I will def sit here and looking at their beautiful muscles with you. I think my favorites on each of these sweethearts would be Asahi’s back, Iwaizumi’s arms, and Ushijima’s thighs, respectfully. Anyway,, sorry this took so long I was really busy today!!!
WC- 1,976
Azumane Asahi 
I was conducting my research for this…. Asahi speech. I was looking at pics of him and rechecking his sign and now my big brain is connecting the dots,,,, he is a Capricorn.... like his personality totally makes sense now knowing that,,, right? 
Anyway,,,, I am currently looking respectfully at this tall gorgeous hottie!! He 6’0? He passed the I’ll be his housewife check
He is so big like his back and shoulders are so broad like lemme take a little swing daddy,,, sorry
Asahi is so polite and bashful that he would get really blush when he catches you staring at him,,, like running your eyes all over his body
I feel like he would thank you a lot whenever you compliment him, he would say thank you like fifty times…. Why is he so cute?
His self-confidence would go through the roof when he finds out how attracted you are to his arms/back,,, he would try to tease you about it but you could always tease him back really well so his methods doesn’t work like he wants it to
Telling him how much you like his muscles will probably fuel his ego, it would make him feel so good and internally he would get so cocky,,,, he would never let the power go to his head though…. 
It does come in handy, your appreciation for his arms because Asahi has the opportunity to make you so weak
Literally one flex of his biceps or even a glance of his bare back would have you on your knees in front of him, pulling your hair back
Asahi is one of the softest sweetest mf and he definitely knows how to treat you,, he knows what he is doing. Also I want to add that Asahi is the blueprints for what all men should strive to be like, quiet. 
“A-Asahi!” You hiccup, tears pooling in your eyes as you dig your nails into his back. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Asahi stares down at you, his face etched with concern as he looks at your pained expression. “Are you okay?” 
You can’t answer and simply nod your head, hoping he gets the hint. He feels so thick inside of you, you feel so full. 
“Keep going,” You push through grit teeth and Asahi wants to slow his movements, but judging from the way your nails keep piercing his back, he knows he shouldn’t. “it feels so good.”
Asahi blinks as he connects the dots all together in his head, the way you’re mewling and the way you’re holding onto his back so tightly, it should’ve made sense earlier. Asahi spreads your legs further apart, making an obvious point as he thrusts deeper inside of you. He takes advantage of how easy it is to bottom out, letting you grind against him as he stills against that one spot along your walls. 
“Yes,” You lean up to kiss his neck, running your tongue along the front of his throat, nipping at any spot you can reach. “right there.” Asahi moans softly as you suck a deep bruise in the crook of his neck, the vibrations from your muffled moan go straight down to his aching cock. 
He doesn’t want to be gentle anymore.
Suddenly his hips begin to move again, snapping into yours at a pace you can barely keep up with. The motion makes you fall back against the bed, unwrapping your hands from his shoulders to drag down his front instead. You watch with needy eyes as his abs ripple under your touch and you take pride in the light red scratches going down his chest. 
“Babe,” Asahi warns and you pretend not to notice, he lowers onto his forearms and brings his face real close to yours and utters a single warning. “Play nice or you’re really going to get it.”
Iwaizumi Hajime
Now… now my baby boy,,,, ugh my gorgeous Hajime~~ Arms. ARMS.
Iwaizumi Hajime has them biceps, triceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis, bicep brachii, tricep brachii, thank you. Now, I know what you’re thinking ‘bitch everyone has those muscles’ and you would be right but they aren’t Iwaizumi Hajime
You guys know that photo of him with the sash that says ‘champion’ on it? Yeah,,, that’s what I AM thinking about. Please he is so damn fine, my arm wrestling KING. Next
Iwaizumi is such a shy sweet little baby BUT at the same time he is an attention-seeking gemini, therefore…. Very early on I think he would be shy whenever you compliment his looks but then later in the relationship he’d be like ‘oh you like what you see bbyg?’ 
He’d get really red and flustered under your stare like if you are just looking respectfully then he will seriously get soooooooo shy,,, Hanamaki will make fun of him for ages because of it LOL
When he gets more comfortable and confident with you then Iwaizumi would most definitely do things on purpose to rile you up
He’d carry heavy boxes or just stretch in front of you so that his biceps POP and you just have to sit there like…. :) thank you for the view, Hajime
Let’s sidebar for a second and IMAGINE how amazing his hugs would be,,, even though my short kind isn’t the tallest his arms would make you feel so safe and warm
Can I also add that Iwaizumi’s resting bitch face is so hot? Like he looks so unapproachable and like such an ass but he is the sweetest person EVER,,, gawd I love himmmmm m>>>>>>
Damn I really,,, what else do I add… I am just sitting here staring at photos of Iwaizumi and I am genuinely rendered speechless… he is a very handsome person 
Your pitiful whimpers slip out of your mouth one after another. You try to muffle the noises by burying your face into the crook of Iwaizumi’s neck but it doesn’t work, not when he is thrusting into you like this. 
“Relax, babe.” Iwaizumi drags his lips against your ear, his voice lowering uncharacteristically deep and it makes your head spin. His strong arms are wrapped around your waist as he cradles you into his chest as you rest in his lap. Your thighs are starting to grow tired from lifting yourself up and down to meet his thrusts, but the stretch is too delicious to quit. One of Iwaizumi’s hands rubs along your back soothingly, gently caressing your skin. 
“Does that feel good?” He asks and slows down his thrusts, making sure you feel everything. The teasing pace, as much as you’d rather him pound into you, feels so good. Iwaizumi always makes it a point to fuck you slow and sensual, when he isn’t fucking all his frustrations out. 
You love the feeling of him against you like this, holding you so close as if you’ll slip away from him. It nearly drives you crazy, he keeps thrusting into your soaked core and his groans make it harder and harder to focus on anything. 
The noises that Iwaizumi Hajime produces are not to be taken lightly, his grunts and groans are so deep. So full of need that it almost sounds animalistic, yet he also makes breathy little whines. Noises that make you wonder just how he would react if he wasn’t in control. His whimpers are your favorite, the sounds he makes when he gets close, it is almost like he is begging for more. 
“Hajime,” You need to hear him, you grind down against him, successfully ripping a hiss from his teeth.
“What, baby?” He asks, his strong hands grip your backside to control the movement of your bodies. Iwaizumi always makes it so obvious who is in control. From his angle, he can see everything, the way his hard cock disappears into your warm entrance, the way your face tenses up whenever it feels too good. When he gets no response, he has to ask again. “What is it?” 
“I need to hear you.”
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
MOTHERFCKING USHIJIMA WAKATOSHIIIII...iiiiiiii...iiii.....i. his stupid beautiful gorgeous stoic face and his thick muscular back that would tense under your touch or his abdomen that would flex every time he breathes or his biceps that would strain every time he moves it,,,, yeah I know how muscles work I took anatomy 
Let’s start off with saying that Ushijima would not notice your staring, I think it would take him a while to figure out how much you appreciate his back and arms
He’d just be like ‘why do you keep staring at me?’ And be really confused
Even if you told him that you love the way his muscles flex whenever he simply moves, Ushijima would still be like ‘. . . and?’
He probably wouldn’t get the reasoning and wouldn’t think him moving is anything special... it is special Wakatoshi, you are special,
I don’t think he would purposely do stuff to turn you on,,,, he hasn’t unleashed that power yet even if he KNOWS he has it 
However that doesn’t mean he won’t hold back,, he is still going to play volleyball like he always has and exercise like Ushijima always does without a care in his mind
Let’s simply take a moment to think about how gorgeous he looks in that stupid ass shiratorizawa uniform, ugh with his large ass biceps that are literally bigger than my big ass head or how tight the uniform looks on his BACK,,, something about me thirsting over him like this doesn’t feel right. I apologize Ushijima, I am looking respectfully
Probably after the first two times you jump his bones solely because of his gorgeous arms then Ushijima will finally get it,,, the light bulb would click in his head
I think Ushijima would be a really cute tease like the way he would taunt you would be so adorable,,,, he’d subtly move his arms in front of you so you can stare happily and let your mouth water in peace and act like he doesn’t know what he is doing when he damn well knows
“(Y/N), are you even listening?” Ushijima slightly tilts his head, his olive eyes are hard as he stares at you. You don’t meet his eyes, you simply nod while continuing to stare at his forearms. They are crossed over his chest and you can’t help but follow the veins that wrap around his arms. “What did I say?” Ushijima waits silently for your answer, noticing how you barely even blink and instead run your eyes all over his body and up to his strong shoulders.
“Mmm, something about volleyball?” You hum and Ushijima continues to stare at you. He heaves a sigh and stands up from his seat, placing his palms flat on the table in front of you. You can’t help the appreciate smile that comes onto your face at the sight of his arms flexing so close to you, the stupid love-sick expression on your face doesn’t go away even as you slowly bring your eyes up to his. “Is that not what you said?"
You sound so innocent that it makes Ushijima bite back a groan, instead he wraps one of his hands around your wrist and drags you toward his bedroom. As soon as you close his door behind you, you turn back around to catch the large shirt that was once on his body now on the floor. With an excited squeal you instantly place your palms on his back, running your hands all around to feel the hardness beneath his warm skin. 
“Am I getting a special treat~” You ask suggestively, knowing damn well Ushijima can never say no. He doesn’t give you an answer and instead turns around to face you. One of his hands grabs your chin while the other cups the back of your neck so he can instantly press his lips to yours.
His lips mold and fit with your own, eagerly prying them apart so he can swipe his tongue against your own. It’s always a ploy to get your tongue into his own mouth, from there Ushijima can gently suck on the muscle and hear that sweet whine escape from your lips. 
When he finally pulls away, only letting a few centimeters of space rest between your lips, does he answer your question. 
“Yes. Only for my good girl.”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee
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leejeongz · 4 years
treasure as your boyfriend- hyung line (hyunsuk-jaehyuk)
asahi - junghwan ver.
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🔅a vvv cute anon requested a “hyunsuk as ur boyf” imagine but i decided to do them all hehe. maknae line on the way!🔅
hyunsuk: the “we do everything together” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- cocktail bar/restaurant
♡ he likes showing his sophisticated side while still being goofy in front of you. showing you off in public while you’re both dressed to the nines ugh he loves it HE LOVES IT.
♡ skinship- vvv big on this, even in public. he loves playing footsie with you under the table or wrapping his arm over your shoulders (if he can reach lol). he also loves resting his head on your shoulder and looking up at you when you’re focused because he thinks you’re cute but he’s so DISTRACTING. he l o v e s getting his hair played with and falls asleep when you do that which is… a blessing and a curse.
♡ his love language- physical touch. he never thinks of any skinship with you being annoying. this is how he tells you he loves you, and this is how he knows you love him back, even if it’s not your love language (it even shows you’re doing it for him, not for yourself, which he thinks is even cuter)
♡ kisses- bites his lip before leaning in because he knows that sends you crazy. he mostly initiated kisses cos he’s confident that you won’t reject him but thinks it’s cute when you do and it takes him by surprise. has probably had a few awkward moments while kissing you (like bumping heads or his arm giving way) but you pair just laugh about it and he loves that you can do that with him
♡ loves calling you his babe or his babygirl/boy in front of other people to show them who your boyfriend is. everything that people say about you, he takes it to heart and is prepared to fight ANYONE.
♡ sometimes he’s faced with serious dilemmas and predicaments, when he is, you’re his first port of call for advice and a distraction from what may be going on.
♡ has tonnes of key rings and pin badges with a monogram that you pair created. his outfits don’t feel complete without one
♡ he LOVES when you talk about your passions and encourages you to talk about them more while he just listens and lowkey stares in adoration. he loves when you listen to him talking too and you ask questions because he doesn’t want everything to just be one sided ofc
♡ would do anything to find out more about you. even if it’s just the tiniest fact, knowing something new about you would make him feel satisfied.
jihoon: the “you’re mine” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- coffee shop
♡ he loves spending that innocent time with you and can take cute pics to save and admire and remember the good times you share together when you’re not with him. he likes trying new flavours together and just sitting and talking casually, not feeling the pressure of a fancy meal or anything like that
♡ skinship- he likes to hold your hand in public but that’s it, maybe a casual hand on your knee if no ones looking. in private, he turns into some kind of tickle fiend and cannot take his hands off you. also a HUGE fan of giving you unexpected back hugs. his favourite thing to do is put his hand in the back pocket of your trousers because he’s cheeky like that.
♡ his love language- acts of service. okay but he really appreciates you doing things for him, especially when he didn’t ask. he’s kind of honoured like,,, you thought about him,,, and his struggles? that’s so sweet :(. he really wants to pay you back somehow as a thank you so expect lots of cuddles and kisses mwah mwah
♡ kisses- honestly kinda rare 😳 you quite often find yourself pouting or leaning into jihoon who is teasingly not giving you anything back. pecks are more common than kisses that lead to nothing. he likes leaving pecks on your cheeks when he’s in a cute mood.
♡ cooks for you. no matter what meal, if you’re together at that time, he’s doing the cooking
♡ a huge show off in front of you. he’d do anything to impress you and will find ANYTHING to flex about
♡ he helps you out a lot with staying healthy and happy. whether that’s going to the gym together (if u wanna go to the gym ofc) or just having regular conversations about how you're feeling, it makes you feel better and that’s his happiness. he can sense when something is off instantly and knows exactly how to make it right.
♡ spontaneous trips are his speciality and always end up being the some of the best experiences of your life. you’re so lucky to share them with each other and you both let the other know that for the whole trip
♡ very jealous, very possessive but he can’t help it hehe (lowkey hot if ur into that oops)
♡ honestly, there’s a lot of petty arguments since you’re both so stubborn but neither of you ever apologise… you just start being nice to each other after somehow?
yoshi: the “hopelessly in love” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- painting together
♡ whether it’s at home or some night class or something like that ahhh he loves it. teaching you paint and appreciating your work um yes he’d do it everyday if he could. also likes to display it when it’s completed and dry and likes to tell people you did it.
♡ skinship- not THAT big in pda but will let you link arms and when you’re in private, he really wants you to initiate it because he doesn’t want to be annoying. he’s a “let me rest my head on your shoulder” type of guy and is in his element when you agree.
♡ his love language- words of affirmation. he’s always grateful when you tell him anything. constructive criticism, honestly feedback, compliments, all things he wants to hear to show that you really care about him. it gives him a way to learn from you and change into a better person for himself.
♡ kisses- usually last for a really long time and are quite a common thing. he’s definitely one to start giggling and act a little giddy jokingly after you have an intense kiss but it’s cute and diffuses the situation if it wasn’t the right time. sometimes his kisses are kinda hungry tho 👀 and he’s not stopping for anyone.
♡ calls you “my prince/princess” and gets all happy and giggly when you call him your prince.
♡ you both take care of each other, you both help each other, if you do something for him however small that may be, he always feels he has to return the favour
♡ he helps you with drawing and gets your creative juices flowing more than any high school art teacher ever could which is surprisingly nice once you start
♡ buys candles for you all the time because the scent “reminded him of you”
♡ he’s literally gonna do anything for you, even if it means he’d get into trouble. like he would risk it all for you
♡ okay so you know when you watch kdramas and you’re like “well that guy doesn’t exist” he does and his name is yoshi and you’re his everything :)
junkyu: the “annoyingly cute” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- karaoke
♡ being loud together and having fun is his favourite way to spend time anyway, how better to do that than by singing your hearts out together to your favourite songs! even if you don’t wanna sing, he’ll still make you watch him with a pile of snacks which of course you don’t mind
♡ skinship- absentmindedly plays with your fingers and then gets all shy and giggly when you question him about it. he quite enjoys pda but he’ll keep it on the down low just for you. when you two are in private, he likes to have you sitting on his lap or resting your head on his lap. also a big fan of resting his head against your shoulder and pouting when you aren’t giving him enough attention.
♡ his love language- receiving gifts. (remember when he got that scarf on ygtb omg cri). receiving gifts and small meaningful gestures from you shows him that you understand him in a way that others don’t. it makes him appreciate how lucky he is to have someone like you.
♡ kisses- short and sweet most of the time. his lips are always soft and have a familiar taste, you can’t get enough sometimes and end up taking innocent little kisses to long, dragged out, hot make out sessions, not that he minds of course.
♡ does a little bit of spontaneous cleaning once in a while which is a nice surprise for you
♡ begs and pesters you about things until you tell him what he wants to hear then he smiles really cutely at you and suddenly it all becomes worth it
♡ he likes to do things for you, like cook for you or write you songs, just so that you compliment him and give him the confidence boost he deserves (even if the food he made makes you sick you better still compliment him 💩)
♡ he gets a little jealous and pouty sometimes when you talk to other guys when they’re flirting with you and such but it doesn’t take much to get him back to his usual cheerful self
mashiho: the “my parents love you” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- botanical garden
♡ he loves going on a nice stroll through a garden surrounded by pretty flowers, the prettiest one standing next to him (he makes that joke every time) with your arm linked through his. it’s such a sensory experience and something that he’d never forget, so of course he wants to share it with you every time.
♡ skinship- HE LOVES IT ALL. he loves teasing you and making you laugh, his no 1 move to tease you is taking his finger under your chin and making you look at him, only to then start tickling you because you don’t expect it. he also likes the good old “yawning” trick in the movies but he does it everywhere (ironically not seriously this mans skills should not be underestimated like that)
♡ his love language- quality time. spending time with you is something that he looks forward to, something that he doesn’t shut up about, something that only he knows how special it is. when he’s with you he’s not thinking about anything else other than you.
♡ kisses- they don’t happen too often, only when they feel natural and right. he usually lets you initiate the kiss, especially if you initiated your first kiss together. he’s the guy to ask before he kisses you when he does initiate it, and then stares at you for some time before going in.
♡ he lets you dress him up in funny outfits and put make up on him, paint his nails etc because it’s FUN and FUCK TOXIC MASCULINITY
♡ low-key the sneak attack king. he surprises you with things ranging from presents to skinship to even just himself (he just ?? pops out ?? from nowhere ??) when you least expect it
♡ buys you pair matching pjs! and then takes lots of selfies of you two in them together. he sleeps in them when he’s away from you because he misses you :(( but he never tells you that
♡ to him, you’re someone that cannot be replaced. time with you is not the same as time with anyone else so he must use it wisely.
jaehyuk: the “cuddle bug” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- movies
♡ at home or at the cinema, still talking because bro he cannot shut up, arm around your shoulder, he just loves the atmosphere. he can’t watch films without you because he feels like he’s cheating. he also loves the snacks but of course he has to tell you every time that he’s the biggest snack in the house (where’s the lie really)
♡ skinship- if he’s not touching you, he’s dying (like tinkerbell but more physical attention lmao). he likes any and all skinship when you’re at home but he’s a bit more reserved in public and usually initiates it just to sort of set a barrier (?).
♡ his love language- acts of service. helping him directly/actively encourages him to do better. you’re literally his other half and he couldn’t do things as well as when you do them together.
♡ kisses- if his lips aren’t on you, there’s something wrong. he prefers little pecks to actually kissing, but make out sessions are still regular. he likes kissing your hand and your cheek when he’s feeling innocent. (when he’s… not feeling so innocent… protect ur neck bby)
♡ did i mention that he’s ALWAYS gotta be touching you. his touch is always gentle but it’s reassuring and something he knows you appreciate even if you don’t say it
♡ he would do anything to boost your confidence or make you happy! he’s always complimenting you and making you smile even at the most random times
♡ sends you “i love you” texts at the most random times because he wants you to think about him all the time hehe
♡ he was kind of shy at first. you had to give him a lot of hints before he finally confessed, which he did through a text message. but he soon becomes that jaehyuk we all know and is the flirtiest boyf on the planet (watch out doyoung)
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
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pic not mine
pairings: aone x reader x ushijima x asahi
content: soft hours
♡ you met aone while traveling through train; the car was packed except for the seat next to his. you noticed no one approached him— even though he looked intimidating, you were too tired to care and sat next to him. now, you’re always by his side.
♡ you like to bring aone flowers whenever you can; it’s just way of showing appreciation for being with you
♡ y’all do so much cute shit it’s actually annoying. i headcanon that aone is a good cook so he makes these really adorable bentos and shares them with you like please sir, my heart is gonna burst
♡ aone is your bodyguard. anyone that looks suspicious won’t get within ten meters of you because aone will glare at them. especially on the train, where men get creepy.
♡ you’re the one who plans dates, inviting him to places you think he’ll enjoy.
♡ ushijima considers you his №1 supporter; you’re always attending his practices and matches. most of the time you’ll just do your work to pass the time. just being near him is enough for you
♡ for this, ushi cherishes you so much. he likes that you’re understanding, since others who were interested in him always got upset that volleyball was his priority
♡ somehow you two make it work—walking home together and hanging out on weekdays after he’s done practicing. since you’ve been so good to him, ushijima will find the time to be with you
♡ study sessions together are the best lol. ushijima is very attentive of your needs and knows your body language the best
♡ you’ve earned the title of asahi’s №1 protector. literally his fucking simp—fan girl/boy mode activated when he does anything. you don’t go over the top but you do shower him with love
♡ anyone that disrespects or talks ill of him is given murder eyes by you. although he looks scary, you know he’s a big teddy bear with a heart of glass and you’ll do anything for him
♡ likewise. asahi is not one for violence but if he catches people being mean or creepy to you, he will use his physical appearance to scare them off. if that doesn’t work, he’ll spike their head like a volleyball
♡ you like to knit and often invite him to come with you to a club filled with old ladies. he likes it because they always gush about him.
♡ you’re like a literal crow; always finding cute little trinkets and giving them to asahi. he treasures all of them :)
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Spending the Night Together for the First Time HCs
Asahi x gn!Reader | Aone x gn!Reader | Ushijima x gn!Reader
[ Headcanons ]
Request: Can I pls req some headcanons for our sweet giants Asahi, Aone, and Ushijima for the first time their s/o comes over to spend the night at their place? Ty!! —anonymous
a/n: aaaaa i hope this is what you're looking for ;~; i really loved writing this i hope y'all enjoy it as much as i did!!
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❀ nervy baby pls i love him so much
❀ the first time you asked if you could spend the night alone with him he just (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
❀ probably almost rejected the idea but when he saw your disappointed face he just had to give in
❀ you brought self-care essentials to help ease his nerves
❀ im talking about hair masks, sheet masks, nail polish, all that jazz
❀ you would wash his hair and condition it to absolute perfection
❀ lots of pics with the two of you in funny sheet masks
❀ mani-pedi sessions too
❀ lets you paint his nails all the pretty colors bec he loves seeing you get excited about it
❀ also u call him pretty a lot and he loves hearing that from you ~3~
❀ by the end of it he's forgotten what he was so nervous about
❀ loves self-care sleepovers with you so it'll be like a regular weekend thing :']
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❀ i said it once and i'll say it again BIG BOI BIG HANDS WOULD LOVE THOSE ON MY CHEEKS
❀ he is one cuddly boy im telling you
❀ you two would spend the evening in matching onesies, just walking around the house in your Matching Onesies
❀ he's a clingy cuddlebug and he would NOT leave you alone
❀ you would be in the kitchen making pancakes and eggs and bacon bec breakfast for dinner is the bomb
❀ and he would just be looming silently behind you, his chin on top of your head and hands around your waist
❀ you'd reach up to him with a piece of bacon and he would just Chomp and give you the Aone Grunt of Approval
❀ the rest of the evening is spent with you sat between his legs, eating dinner and watching disney movies
❀ he'd nuzzle his face on your neck without a word and just place kisses on your hair bec he adores you so much
❀ you'll most probably fall asleep in his arms bec boi is warm
❀ he'll be adjusting your position so you could sleep comfortably
❀ ends up sleeping on the couch with you ontop of him bec he didn't want to move you and wake you up :']
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❀ HE invited YOU to spend the summer break with him back at his house
❀ said it was bec he missed you in between all the games and training and wanted to spend as much free time as he can with you
❀ wbk that ushi is straightforward as heck but THIS 😳
❀ i feel like ushi is a very intimate guy, esp behind closed doors
❀ loves to be in such close proximity to you so would 100% ask you to soak in the tub with him
❀ would just sit there with you between his legs, chatting the night away as the two of you soaked in bubbles
❀ if you looked at him you'd find his eyes are closed as his head rested on the edge of the tub
❀ you'd trace your fingers over his eyebrows, down to his nose, then his cheeks and finally he'd give you a small smile as you peck at his lips
❀ after your bath, you two would lay on the bed and just talk
❀ he revels in the way your voice filled the room and just soothes the tiredness away from his body
❀ now it's his turn to trace over your face with a finger and just kiss at your eyelids as he pulls you close to his chest
❀ you'd both fall asleep like that, just wallowing in each others presence and showing how much you two adore and appreciate the other :']
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moon-nymphet · 4 years
hi love!! can i request hcs for the krsno third years (and noya) with a crush? have a wonderful day/night 🧡🧡
hi hunnn ♡ of course ^^ i love karasuno third years smmm
☆ Sugawara 
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it’s pretty noticeable that he has a thing for you 
he’d always catch himself staring at you enraptured 
a soft smile on his lips when he realizes what you do to him 
Suga is a total sweetheart with you fr 
you can see his cheeks tint slightly when he talks to you and you think that’s absolutely adorable
often offering himself to help you with school as he’s a third year and you are a second
seeks phsical contact either by squishing your cheeks or hugging you softly
makes you blush a lot by complimenting you 
always waits for you at the end of the school day and walks you home 
and if you are wondering if he ever confessed to you, the answer is yes
one of the numberless days you have walked home together you noticed him quieter than usual so you just decided to ask 
“Suga-senpai? Is everything okay?”
Koushi blushes to death when you call him senpai
he thinks about things he shouldn’t be thinking about (u dirty old man)
“Look, Y/n, I have to tell you something, but please, be honest, whatever you answer will be okay for me” he stops in his tracks and faces you as he holds your hands 
“I know what you are about to say, and I feel the same as you Suga” you carry one of your hands to his face (as in the pic uwu) and softly caress him
Suga pulls your arm and hugs you, only breaking the hug to look at your eyes for a second and kiss you sweetly, leaving you a complete blushing mess
☆ Daichi 
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karasuno’s captain acts pretty chill around you
but deep inside he’s dying 
everyone knows he has a crush on you
he even gave you his Karasuno jacket 
how tf don’t you notice this man is deep in love with you 
invites you often to hang out with the team and you honestly have the best times with them
probably Yui Michimiya will have beef w u and you won’t even know why
protective af with you (in case you are a first year he sees you as an indefense baby)
forehead kisses maybe ??? (if you are really good friends)
Daichi won’t stop talking about you to Suga and Asahi 
“haven’t you thought of telling her, maybe...?” Suga says
“telling what to who?” you say as you appear in the gym to watch the training
poker faces and staring at each other for a while until you ask again
“Aashi, I think Noya needs us” Sugawara says dragging Asahi from his arm and leaving you and Daichi alone
you have never seen such a weird expression on Daichi’s face
“Well... Y/n, I’m gonna be quick and concise” you could notice his stuttering and his cheeks blushing and you could predict what he was going to say
“What it is Daichi-senpai?”
“I like you a lot Y/n-chan, I hope that’s okay and I hope you won’t act different with me now that you know” he said looking to the floor 
you tilted his head up with your hand and just pecked his lips softly, looking at him with a smile after it, Daichi’s eyes were shining like two starts
“I hope it’s okay if I act a little bit different now that I know”
☆ Asahi 
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obviously a complete blushing mess when you are around 
what else could you expect coming from him 
becomes all nervous when you approach him or talk to him 
you think that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
if you are a touchy person and hold his hands while you talk to him or simply touch him he’ll literally combust
when you approach from the back while he’s sitting during a break and play with his hair or put your hands on his shoulders his nose will probably bleed 
call 911 please this boy is passing out
it’s the most obvious out of them so you had probably already noticed 
being the good person you are, you decide to confess first to save him the bad time of telling you 
with tissues in your pocket (just in case he bleeds again) and confidence you stopped him as he was entering the school gym to train
“how tf is this man so hot in his sporty clothes” you thought
“Hey, Asahi-senpai!” you awkwardly waved at him
“H-hey Y/n” 
“can we talk for a minute please?” his face darkened as if he thought you were going to give him a bad new and you couldn’t help to giggle a bit 
“w-what happened? Is everything okay?”
“Calm down please, I just came to tell you that I like you” 
oh boy, he did everything but calming down 
Asahi’s eyes widened as he could just stare at you
“I’m sorry if this was a bit sudden, now go to your training, they are waiting for you” 
you pecked his lips and caressed his face while he was still in shock, but with a smile on his lips 
☆ Noya
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an actual baby 
tries to show off and play the best he can if you are watching 
practically praises you everytime you pass him by 
would knock out any boy that flirted with you 
Tanaka would support him and help him (the crackhead squad yk)
he’s sooooo obvious too
I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you? 
if you are in the same class expect him to be all over you 24/7
during the breaks Noya would visit you and ask you how your day is going
or would simply do any of his goofy things to liven up your day and make you laugh
Noya asking you to help him studying as an excuse to spend more time with you 
but when the time comes, he can’t shut up and you end up talking and laughing instead of studying 
he often invites you to the matches and you love when he does 
you attend every single one of them 
one of the times Karasuno played against Aoba Johsai you were there watching it all but he didn’t know about it
after the match ended and they won, Noya noticed you standing there and smiling 
he was a little whirldwind like everytime they win 
Noya just came running to you and lifted you up with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on his lips
when he put you down without breaking the hug, you two stared at each other’s eyes for a second, hesitating a bit
but finally he leaned on and deposited a sweet kiss on your lips 
you were freaking out that it was finally happening, so you just cupped his face with your hands and deepened the kiss as all the team was looking at you with their jaws on the floor
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nari-nim · 4 years
forever anticipating
“hi i don't know if your requests are open but if they are can you write an scenario in which hyunsuk sets jihoon and y/n on a blind date? fluffy? btw do you think he would kiss on the first date?”
aww anonie this is the cutest request! time for some SOFT JIHOON HOURS!  To answer your question, I think Jihoon is highly intuitive and can read body language well so he will use that to inform his decision whether or not to go for the kiss! If his date is down, he will not hesitate. I hope you enjoy the direction I took :) lmk what you think!! 💓
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This is how Jihoon secretly looks at you when you aren’t looking during your date. gif credit goes to @khaly-no​
Treasure Jihoon x Y/N
warnings: none, this FLUFFY
word count: 1.8k
— the dorms —
Video game night was in full swing and it has never been louder in the dorms. Jeongwoo screeched over the sound of six other members’ simultaneous bickering. Meanwhile, Asahi decided now was the perfect time hit whoever blinked with a couch pillow. Normally, Hyunsuk wouldn’t have tolerated this level of rowdiness under his roof. But he was busy. He sat quietly on the far end of the sofa tapping furiously into his phone, a sly smile plastered across his features.
“Hey, Jihoon—oh my god,” Hyunsuk said, his smile melting as soon as he looked up. The chaos activated his leader (mother) mode. “Jihoon-Jeongwoo get down. Jeongwoo, please. Haruto, wait--Junkyu-Junkyu- ASAHI”
Asahi stopped. The rest followed suit.
The room turned to normal levels of volume, and Hyunsuk was able to try again. 
“Jihoon, come here.” Jihoon perked up from his Mashiho impersonation, and got up to join Hyunsuk.
“Bro, you should join us. Junghwan is killing it, you don’t want to miss his true maknae on top moment.” (He’s actually not, the beloved super king cow king baby is getting crushed by Haruto every round). Jihoon slid next to Hyunsuk, glancing at his phone screen. “What are you...”
Hyunsuk flashed him a cheeky smile and hid what he was working on for the past half hour.
“You’re going on a blind date tomorrow.”
“No way, this feels somewhat illegal. Tell me more.”
“Her name is y/n and I met her through a mutual friend. They go to uni together and we met at that hangout I went to last weekend. Park Jun, she is exactly your type. You gotta trust me on this one.”
Jihoon blinked at him, for once without a witty remark. Jihoon squinted at Hyunsuk, and chuckled in disbelief. Reality was hitting him and logic does not like that shit eating grin on Hyunsuk’s face.
“Hyunsuk, you’re setting me up? You, really? This is actually happening? Right before our flight to Japan?”
“Yeah. Tomorrow early morning at the Han River. You’ll have a few hours before we head over to Incheon.” 
Jihoon ruffled his hair and sat back into the couch. He sucked in a breath. Hyunsuk frowned, “you don’t want to? Sorry man, I really thought your vibes would’ve matched and-“
“Oh no no, hyung, I’m just...worried since we’re going to promote in Japan for the next two weeks and our schedules are so busy. It might end up hurting us both,” Jihoon confessed. “And it’s been forever since I last been on a date.”
“Nah I think you’re worrying way too much in advance. The policy is chill now and, hey, who can say no to waiting a few weeks for those abs,” Hyunsuk reassured. 
“Oh right, I’m going to flash my abs the fifth minute in,” Jihoon said sarcastically. He did make a mental note, though, because if you really are that cute? He’ll need that Plan G.
“Here, I’ll text you the address now. You better not flake and make me look bad.”
“HEY! What are you guys WHISPERING about!” Jeongwoo said, looking at them suspiciously. Simultaneously, the nonactive players of the game whipped their heads to stare at the pair.
“Nothing, the grownups are talking” Jihoon joked, dramatically nodding and shooting thumbs up at Hyunsuk. Jihoon left the resulting hysterics and sound of Hyunsuk cackling behind for the comforts of his room where he checked his buzzing phone. Turns out, Hyunsuk had attached the pictures of you, figuring he would give Jihoon that peace of mind (and a way to find you tomorrow) under the instructions.
Holy shit. 
Jihoon eyes widened. You are exactly his type. Jihoon couldn’t stop staring at your smiling features. The soft smile that colored his features never left his face for the rest of the night.
He couldn’t wait.
— Han River —
Wow ok, this is slightly worse than evaluation days, Jihoon decided, nervously kicking a small pebble around on the dusty road.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
Jihoon froze for a millisecond and turned around to face you.
You looked ethereal in the early morning sun. The light reflected off your lovely features, illuminating the kind glow of your smile. Jihoon made another mental note to treat Hyunsuk to dinner once they land in Japan.
“The one and only. Y/n?”
“Yes,” you nodded shyly. “It’s nice to meet you, Jihoon.”
Jihoon loved hearing his name coming from your lips. Which were so pretty and pink and—
Jihoon cleared his throat. “Likewise.” After a small pause, “Is there anything you would like to do in particular while we get to know each other?”
You laughed, the sound music to Jihoon’s ears. He wants to hear that all the time now, he decided.
“I actually really like taking pictures of random beautiful things that pique my interest! Maybe we can just go for a walk and explore what we find beautiful about the Han River?”
“Perfect,” Jihoon smiled widely, which somehow grew when he noticed the blush in your cheeks.
And that’s how you two somehow went from exchanging detailed introductions to sharing hobbies to discussing life goals and values, all while snapping amazing scenery pics. This developed into a made up game of taking the best picture, judged entire on a subjective and nondemocratic point system. The winner gets uncontested glory and a copy of all the photos of the loser’s captured moments. 
“HAHA, y/n I just got the spiciest photo of these golden bell flowers over this ledge!”
“What, how??” You whipped around from trying to make some daisies look aesthetic. The competitive side of you was taking over.
“I guess it’s one of the perks of being taller,” Jihoon said, hopping down the said six foot tall ledge he spent the last few minutes scaling. He dusted his pants off carefully and flashed you his eye smile. In a singsong voice, he said, “and one of those perks is winning this game~”
Yeah you were not about to risk a broken arm for that picture. “Okay, fine, but show it to me?”
“Nuh uh.” He flashed you the picture in one second bursts, having the best time teasing you.
Jihoon paused. He got so comfortable with you in the last hour that he just teased you like he does with the other Treasure members. His worries were interrupted at the adorable sight of you giggling. He internally sighed of relief.
“NuH uH,” you mimicked backed at him, reaching for his phone. 
Jihoon quickly yanked his phone above his head, dramatically leaned his body so it was out of your reach. Surprised, you tried to change course. But in the spur of the moment, the momentum carried you just a tad too far. You bump slightly into his chest. Jihoon instinctively grabbed at you to prevent you from losing your balance further, his hands falling on your waist. His large hands felt so warm through the fabric, his breath brushing as the top of your forehead. You were so close.
His eyes widened, heat rushing to his cheeks. For a second, your eyes meet. You wonder if he can hear the thundering in your chest.
Jihoon quickly let go and took a step back, slightly bowing at you. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to grab you like that!”
You could tell your face was absolutely flushed at this point, but you made a show of brushing off your outfit and stuck your nose in the air, “as long as you don’t have cooties.”
“Ooh,” Jihoon winced. “I definitely do. Exclusive, premium, limited edition cooties.”
You laughed, thankful he didn’t press you on the obvious blush. Although it’s not like his face was any better.
“Hey, y/n,” Jihoon said, pulling you out of your internal monologue. “This might be about it for the date. My phone has actually been blowing up with reminders to get back.”
Oh, You tried to hide the sadness in your face. The few hours you spent together seemed to fly by so fast, and you definitely longed for more. Within the span of the date, he showed just how incredible he is—unyielding dedication to his dreams, selfless outlooks on life, and a kind, hilarious and loving personality that felt like sunshine on a rainy day.
Jihoon noticed the quiet pause, and softly asked, “May I walk you home?”
You let out an airy laugh. “Not unless you want to walk 45 minutes in one direction and an hour in the other, Park Jihoon. It’s okay, I’ll take the subway!”
“Right, right,” Jihoon chuckled. You guys reached an intersection leading pedestrians away from the river sidewalk. The signs pointed to your destinations in opposite directions, which felt too meta for your taste.
Jihoon turned to face you.
“You know, golden bell flowers means anticipation in flower language.” He looked the most serious he has ever been all morning.
You mustered yourself to look into his eyes.
“That’s suitable, Jihoon, because I anticipate for you to call me as soon as you safely land and are available.”
Numbers and addresses (for postcards, he claims) were exchanged.
“Jihoon, I had an amazing time today.” You said, suddenly feeling shy again. A part of you wished you could walk him back, but that would attract unwanted attention.
“Me too, y/n. Thanks for waking up so early to spend all this time with me.” Jihoon said, the tone of his voice so soft and genuine.
He shifted a little closer, eyes flickering to your lips. 
Your eyes widened. 
He leaned in and gently rested his hand against the back of your head. His eyes searched yours, asking.
Oh my god, yes please. You drew even closer in answer, eyes fluttering shut. 
Jihoon closed the distance. His lips gently pressed into yours, completing a perfect puzzle. The kiss was was warm, sweet and heartfelt. Your lips gently moved against each other, before you pulled slightly away for air. As your foreheads rested against each together, a warm wave unfurled in your chest.
Just a little more, you thought. Jihoon seemed to agree as you both lean in again, this time the kiss far less hesitant. Your hands rest against his chest while he cups your face with his. Jihoon pulled back, pushing a strand of hair behind your ears. His phone was aggressively ringing, you realize.
“I’ll see you, y/n.”
“I’ll anticipate you, Jihoon.”
He watched your retreating figure for a bit before he headed back to the dorm, giddy with joy.
— your home —
A few days later, a package arrived. It was from Jihoon. Your heart raced. 
He never mentioned anything about this in his calls, you excitedly thought. 
You slowly pulled out the contents, marveling at each one. A picture of the Han River reflecting the morning light. A dozen of printed photos he somehow took of you that day (you laughing at something you took, looking off into the river, and crouching over vegetation). A polaroid of him in the hotel room, “you better be missing me so damn hard” it captioned. You chuckled, touched by his gift. 
You were about to close the envelope until you realized there’s still one item left. You reached in. And you gasped.
A golden bell flower, pressed by hand. 
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Their best sexual characteristic | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
Part 4/?
Characters: female!reader, Kageyama Tobio, Nishinoya Yuu, Tendou Satori
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, headcanons, imagines
Attention: All characters in this series are aged up to be at least 18+
A/N: I've noticed that the more I do these, the longer they get, and now I feel bad that some of the others might have been neglected T^T
Oh, and I got a new phone, and now the emojis don't look the same... Please tell me if any of them look weird or don't fit the ~vibe~. Previous parts are linked at the bottom ♡ Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! Imo~
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Kageyama Tobio
» How vocal he is
Kageyama can't help it, but he moans, groans, and growls with every second of pleasure those deep thrusts have him singinggg 👅
It's such a desperate, stimulating sound that falls from his lips
It turns you on no end hnng
Gets your pussy dripping, which drives him insane
It didn't used to be like that, though
At first he used to stifle his sounds because he was embarrassed
He had heard somewhere stupid that it was 'unmanly' to moan during sex, and became self conscious about it my poor, sweet baby 😭
Like, who even thought if that?! Shame on you!! >:(
But it didn't take long for you to realise something was wrong he had to be so focused just to hold it in, so it was kind of obvious something was up
So one time, when he was buried inside you, clearly struggling to stifle the sounds in his throat, you pulled his head down to your lips and whispered in his ear how much you wanted to hear him moan for you
He was a little taken aback at first, wondering if it was really okay he looked so innocent right then
But you stroked his hair and reassured him that you wanted every part of him, and he didn't have to hold back or hide anything from you like, please. Guys' moans are so hot 💦
As he eased into it, getting used to allowing the sounds to flow, his thrusts got deeper and faster, the blush on his cheeks reddening with every inch further inside you so freaking adorable
He was pressed down on top of you with his hips flush with yours, his desperate sounds filling your ears, pushing you closer to the edge
It was mind-numbing how erotic it was to finally hear just how much he wanted you – how good it felt inside you
And when he came with a whimpering moan of relief, you toppled over the edge, spasming around him please, omg
You had a soft heart-to-heart about it after, curled up in bed together, making sure he felt comfortable with things and LOVED, DAMN IT
Lots of hand holding, hair stroking, and forehead and shoulder kisses by both of you 💋
Now he never hides it from you as it should be
It's brought you much closer as lovers, deepening the connection between you. You're both much happier now it's too cute, I fucking can't
Though the neighbours aren't so appreciative 🤭
I literally love Kageyama. Please cherish him with your entire soul
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Nishinoya Yuu
» His spontaneity
There's no such thing a dull sex routine with this hyperactive firecracker 💥
Or any kind of routine, for that matter lmao
Anything romantic or sexual always happens spur of the moment, keeping it fresh and interesting and damn hot *fans self*
Now, Noya isn't massive in the dick department, no third leg, I'm afraid, ladies
But he's actually really decently sized, and as it turns out, the perfect size and shape for quickies which you most definitely do a lot of
Noya definitely isn't afraid of sex in public places kinda turns him on, tbh
Places you've boned, given him a blowjob, dry humped, or he's fingered you include: the park (behind some trees), in the car, in the stall of a restaurant toilet, and at the beach never again, omg, the FREAKING SAND
All this spontaneity, however, means that you're sometimes caught without a condom which will either turn you on more or make you think again depending on the circumstances
Noya is all too happy to go in raw if you're cool with it, but he does try to remember to keep a fresh rubber in his pants or wallet
He buys the extra thin-feel condoms because the sensation inside you drives him literally feral
They sometimes fall out when he's getting something out of his pocket, and it's always at the absolute worst times
Like that time he got his phone out to show your parents a some cute vacay pics, and then BAM, there it was, on the floor between you all hahahaaa, omg. You wanted to die
But it's not just about getting it on in dangerous or compromising places, though
He's just as spontaneous at home, like on the couch while watching Netflix, on the counter top while you're in the middle of cooking don't worry, you turned the stove off first, in the middle of the night when neither of you can sleep, or when you're collapsed in a giggling heap together after a short and decisive pillow fight I'll let you decide who won
It's not about specifically when or where for Noya, but about when if feels right. When that connection is there mah heart
He also tries his absolute best to talk with you about what you do and don't like, what you'd be willing to try, etc. in your free time or in make out sessions, because he's aware his spontaneity can make it hard to talk about those things and that's not his intention at all
But one thing is for sure: it's never, ever boring with Noya
He'd be like this even if y'all got married 💍
Like, you don't have to worry about a dull, routinely or (God forbid) sexless marriage. That's not his style at ALL
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Tendou Satori
» His goofiness
This lanky bean can't get enough of your laugh, your smile, your giggles just you in general
He thinks it's when you're at your prettiest
So it follows that he does everything he can to see it, especially when he's trying to make the both of you cum
Smile like that when he's inside you and he'll probably shoot his loud prematurely, lmao
His naturally wacky personality really lends to it, sending you into laughing fits on a regular basis you literally get stitches in your sides
He does all sorts of things on a regular basis in order to see that beautiful smile of yours, like blowing raspberries on your neck and stomach,
~doing stupid impressions,
~having pillow fights,
~giving you piggybacks around the shopping mall at top speed like a madman,
~tickling you in that spot that only he knows about that always makes you giggle and squirm
so freaking adorable!!
He tones down the silliness a little when you're having sex because he knows it's important and not a joke, but sometimes he just can't help himself it's his natural state, after all
And honestly, it's a blessing to have a boyfriend who can make you laugh out of bed AND in it
Awkward moments, like queefs, accidentally breaking bed slats, or getting leg cramps, are always immediately dissipated by his easy going, fun loving attitude a Godsend, honestly
But he normally knows when not to turn things into a joke, making for a pretty healthy, balanced attitude
It makes for such a warm, comforting atmosphere where you feel completely at ease and at home
You feel like you can tell him anything – and you do
Sex is literally so fun with him, but it doesn't detract for the moment at all it's still hawt
He's all down to try new positions and keep it fresh, especially if the position looks fun wheelbarrow, anyone? Lmfao
Spooning!! It's so fun a squishy, and he's a but of a clingy boy
He loves nuzzling the nape of your neck, and sometimes it turns into ✨spooning sex✨
His cock's really long with a nice curve to it, so he can get a great angle like that, ayyee
It sometimes seems like sex is almost too fun for Tendou it's pretty much his favourite past time
But not in a creepy way. This goofy baby is absolutely adorable
please love this man
Part 1: Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo
Part 2: Ushijima, Suga, Bokuto
Part 3: Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Asahi
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! music idol au (karasuno ver.)
at long last here it is!! also most of this is based on my knowledge about kpop groups and the industry (as a kpop fan) but i made a lot of tweaks and i’m basically imagining this in a world where the kpop industry wasn’t so hard on its idols and churning out commodities. but yeah! this is going to be the first part of a series so stay tuned for more! also this is p long because i added hc’s for kiyoko and yachi >~<
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okay so in my head karasuno (or KRSN im sorry im bad at coming up with names) is like one of those really large groups that hav sub-groups kinda like NCT
they're from a fairly small entertainment company called umm KS Entertainment (im sorry im bad at names hnghn pt. 2)
its headed by ukai who's also like a really awesome choreographer and takeda who's like YG if YG had an exact opposite really kind twin who actually values their idols
(sorry im really salty)
takeda is honestly the sweetest, he's responsible for scouting and judging auditions
he'll basically let anyone who appears to put their all in pass the audition
he also likes to take care of all the trainees and make sure ukai hasn't made them dance to death
production crew are: ennoshita, kinoshita, and narita
kinoshita's like responsible for planning the concepts for every comeback
sometimes he thinks of really wild ones and ukai's jus like whoa there lets tone it down a bit
narita tag-teams with kinoshita by being karasuno's amazing stylist
his favorite person to style is suga but dont tell anyone that
and lastly we have ennoshita who singlehandedly produces every track on every album
he's also a really good vocal coach
and he's very tired because he's the producer and he also has to deal with tanaka and noya knocking on his door every five minutes
subgroup (night) KRSN-N
consists of: daichi, suga, asahi, noya, and tanaka
ok so karasuno has basically two main types of concepts: night (which is more like rugged and bad boy) and day (which is more boy-next-door and sweet)
the night subgroup has like a very strong rap line consisting of daichi, noya, and tanaka while for vocals we have suga and asahi
daichi is their leader ofc
he, suga, and asahi were in the same batch of trainees and had to (survive) live with each other for quite a while
his rap skills are really consistent and he has really good flow. also tends to start off their songs
his dancing skills are also impressive and basically just a great all-around guy
he's also really stressed from managing his group members esp because they're all children
asahi is one of their only two vocalists but he also has some good skills with music production and likes to work with ennoshita
he has a really deep but mellow voice
really shy when it comes to being onstage and meeting fans but he has the sweetest smile
tanaka is part of their dance line because boy can he bust out the moves
doesn't mind performing without a shirt. kinoshita has styled with him just wearing a jacket most of the time
his stage presence is just woah
the kind of performer who'd really get up close and personal with cameras and also people's phones
everything about him screams bad boy except for when he's really sweet in fansigns
noya is like their lightning-fast rapper who always comes in during the bridge
takeda heard him rap for barely a minute and quickly signed him in
more often than not enters the stage while piggybacking tanaka or asahi
also an amazing dancer who does all the gravity defying flips and jumps
he was invited more than once to collab with other artists
he and tanaka are trainee buddies and were inseparable ever since they ran into each other naked in the shower room
now for suga
he's like main visuals also main vocals also main dancer
was talented ever since he sprouted from the womb
he actually didn't audition his mom posted a video of him covering 'euphoria' by jungkook which takeda happened to come across
his voice is very high and he often harmonizes with asahi during the chorus
also tends to be really affectionate with daichi onstage and everywhere basically
so many 'daisuga being karasuno's parents for 15 mins' videos
subgroup (day) KRSN - D
okay so these guys have been together since their trainee years and basically had to live in the same room
which was like chaotic because they were always fighting and only yamaguchi knew how to do laundry so everyone was trying to be his friend
until daichi and takeda gave them a little pep talk so they don't hate each other so much now
n e weigh
first up we have yamaguchi who is basically jus very boy-next-door and also the unofficial leader of the group
he has an amazing voice and can hit the highest notes and he has a tendency to wink at the cameras
main vocalist and visuals
his fans love him because he's just so sweet
sometimes daichi comes in to check on how he's doing and treats him to a meal
he likes to check on other members during live shows
looks stunning in white suits also the fans made a petition for him to grow out his hair and now his hair is long
he and tsukishima have both dreamed of becoming idols and auditioned together
tsukishima's the main (only) rapper of the group
my brain: hnGhh rapper tsukki nskdkssm
he had to work on his stage presence but when he finally Got It he is such a master at it
also had to work on his dancing because he looked like a wiggling beanpole at first
most of his lines are actually written by him esp because he didn't want to say anything that felt embarassing for him and ukai was like 'why dont u write ur songs then?' and he's like 'mAYBE I WILL'
hinata's our other main vocalist, also main visuals and main dancer
his voice is p ordinary but whats great about him is that he's able to keep it consistent while busting out the hardest moves
personally learned a lot of his dancing from noya and tanaka
also he's always in the center because he's short and he looks adorable
he can nail the high notes too btw
he's the kind of idol who has the most random and funniest videos on twitter
kageyama's like their genius maknae
he had been training for such a long time and he actually wanted to be booked for another entertainment company but was rejected (hmm i wonder which company this was ??)
but he was a fan after seeing suga practicing when he toured the company and decided to join KRSN
he's in the vocal line as well and also main dancer
his voice is a lot lower so he harmonizes with yamaguchi and hinata
he and hinata were very competitive when it came to dancing during their trainee days
but they balance each other out pretty well and like to choreograph dance breaks together
super shy around fans and fansigns
most of the pics of him have kageyama doing the peace sign because he's awkward af
KRSN as a whole
takeda and ukai really encourage all of them bonding together and taking breaks in between all the stress of practicing and performing
they all live in one big house and its really chaotic
very few people know how to cook and do laundry
also there is an average of 2 accidents per week
but they do get along when it comes to practicing for the next comeback, especially when the subgroups have to collab
ennoshita's studio is a mess of sticky notes and crumpled up paper with probs asahi, daichi, tsukishima, and ennoshita napping on a couch
suga loves being able to train hinata and yamaguchi with vocals and they have a project of covering a new song every week for the fans
tanaka, noya, kageyama and hinata also spend a lot of time in the dance studio
whenever there's a new song they like to come up with movements to add to the choreography
after a really hard day of dancing they end up falling asleep in the studio and waking up to take-out courtesy of takeda
photoshoots and styling sessions take forever since there are so many of them but also its a good time for the members to get some sleep
but kinoshita and narita do not but in the end its all worth it when they see the photos and the reactions from the fans
their music and performances are very varied since they like to show that they're versatile as much as they can
they don't really prioritize being precise and flawless, more on channeling the emotion of their songs and power in their dances
no two performances of the same song are ever the same 
okay so takeda also had this genius idea of bringing out solo acts and after another round of auditions, kiyoko caught his eye
she's a bit older with idol training and recently left the group she was supposed to debut with because the company didn't treat them right
my girl kiyoko knows her rights
she's basically an all-around talent: good at singing, dancing, rapping, and visuals
takeda knew he would be dumb to overlook her and even though they've mostly been producing boy bands, maybe they'll have success with a solo female idol
kiyoko was very clear abt wanting to have more control over how she was going to be presented and also wanted the opportunity to write her own songs
and takeda and ukai were jus like well yeah duh, that's why we scouted you
kiyoko was like an immediate success
her style is def very sassy and sexy, especially with her dancing ability
kind of like Chungha or Hwasa
but her fans also like her more melancholic and deep songs that are accompanied by her piano playing
she's also super confident and loves to use her platform to empower women
sometimes she does get together with the KRSN members
she collabs pretty often with suga esp when it comes to dance covers and performances
the day she asked tanaka and noya to be back-up rappers for one of her songs was the happiest moment of their lives
kiyoko's a fucking queen
because i wrote hc's for kiyoko i have to make one for yachi too
she's quite interesting because yachi joined like one of those idol training shows and kiyoko happened to be a guest judge
watching yachi sing made her sense some sort of potential so kiyoko being the bad ass bitch she is convinced takeda and ukai to work with her
yachi almost died hearing that Queen Kiyoko thought she had potential
her first years training to be an idol were really tough on her, esp since she was aiming to be a solo act
but she spent a lot of time training with the KRSN - D group and they really helped boost her confidence
everyone in KRSN and kiyoko asked their fans on twitter to support her when yachi's first album dropped
yachi's music is super mellow and light and she has a very sweet, high voice
comeback stages and music video shootings are pretty scary for her but she really shines in live, studio sessions
also knows how to play guitar
writes her own songs !!!
during her first fan meeting she prepared a bunch of presents for her fans and was scared that no one would come but a whole bunch of people did and she was so happy she almost cried
haikyuu!! music idol au series: karasuno vers., seijoh and shiratorizawa vers., nekoma and fukurodani vers.
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sunatooru · 3 years
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I followed bc I really loved your emergency requests but I found that I ADORED your writing style and like hhhh-
I would very much like to celebrate with you :)
I am 17, 5’11, I’m a bigger girl.
I’m a huge theatre kid, mezzo soprano and an intermediate opera singer. I cantor for my church and also sing competitively. I’m also a photographer and the editor-in-chief of my school’s yearbook. I play marching snare for my school’s drumline.
I like video games, sixties music, anime and crafts. I collect figurines and seashells! I’m up to 19 funko pops and I have a banpresto of Yams on the way. I’m a mediocre writer and a huge English nerd. My favorite color is viridian green.
I dislike obsecure things like gum chewing or the squeaky sounds that wind instruments make.
I absolutely love the “only one bed” trope. But also slow burn best friends. It’s up to you!
Male character please :D
She/her pronouns please!
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That means so much thank you! <3 I LOVE THE PICS :))
Warnings: high school setting, one bed trope
I match you up with…SUGAWARA KOUSHI
It wasn’t unusual to have Koushi around yours. You thought he was really nice and decided to befriend him, even though he was older. You had slowly become close and when you struggled with classes, he would offer to help.
Today was one of those days. Your parents had gone out for dinner and Koushi was helping you with a tough assignment.
“Hmm, well the writer could be using a metaphor here but they also seem to be using lots of juxtapositions too.” He rubs his chin and you yawn, quickly covering your mouth.
“Nah it’s okay. It is pretty late.” He checks his phone and stands up.
“Oh are you going to leave? It is pretty late, maybe wait until my parents come back so they can drop you?” You offer and he looks back at his phone and outside.
“You’re right. It’s gotten dark too. I’ll just stay a bit long then.” He lets out a yawn and gets a little flustered.
You start to pack and stand in front of your bed.
You start to pack and stand in front of your bed.
“Oh… the sofa isn’t really comfortable, so my bed is the only one you can sleep on.” You bite your lip and he fidgets with his hands.
“I-ah I can just stay on the floor with a pillow.” He scrambles out and quickly stops you from using the floor when you suggest it.
“No no ah, you’re probably tired after practice and helping me, so use the bed. It’s big and I’ll leave as much space for you.” After a few minutes he agrees.
It’s quiet as you both lie in bed. The silence only breaking when he speaks.
“I’ve heard you singing. You’re really good. Almost didn’t believe your voice was that good haha. Even Asahi was like ‘she’s amazing’. ” He smiles at the ceiling and you feel your body warm up.
“Thank you. You’re really cool when you play. I think you’re great when you motivate the others. It’s inspiring.” You praise, smiling at the ceiling too.
“Thanks. I’m happy the team is going so far. We deserve it. Maybe we should have you sing a chant for us. We would probably be more hyped up with you in our corner…I know I would.” He whispers the last part, silence once again taking over until you hear deep breaths.
“I’ll always be in your corner.” You mumble before closing your eyes.
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risesonthecourt · 4 years
Asahi and Noya for ship meme!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Honestly I think these two can go one of two ways. Either they’re endgame, that one couple that people don’t quite understand how they never even fight but they work so well and it just keeps working no matter what. Or, they face a really big issue early on - like wanting to do very different things after graduation - and can’t get through it. If that happens though, they’d both regret not trying harder, and best case get back together later one.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I don’t think it takes long, it’s almost love at first sight, but it takes them both a while to realise it’s anything other than admiration, and even longer to confess.
How was their first kiss? - Kind of a mess! Noya was probably a bit too enthusiastic, and Asahi was probably too nervous, so it didn’t go very well. But they learned pretty quickly.
Who proposed? - Probably Asahi. I feel like Noya would have been so happy with them dating he kinda...forgot marriage was an option. Like, what they had was so good so he forgot there was another level they could go to. Not that it changes much between them anyway.
Who is the best man/men? - Well, this one’s easy. Noya would have Tanaka. Asahi would have Daichi and/or Suga.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -If they have one at all, it’s Kiyoko. But they might not have one.
Who did the most planning? - Again, probably Asahi. He would have wanted to make at least their suits, if not also the outfits for their groomsmen and possible bridesmaid ...groomsmaid? So he’d have had to make sure they worked with all the decor and everything. Plus, he’s kind of more organised than Noya - but Noya still got his say in pretty much everything.
Who stressed the most? -Asahi. Hands down.
How fancy was the ceremony? - They go elegant, but small. Family and close friends, nothing too crazy. Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -Well, they probably wouldn’t have invited many people, but it was less ‘we don’t want you here’ and more ‘we didn’t want more than x number of people and you didn’t make the cut’.
Who is on top? - In the most literal sense, Noya XD Asahi doesn’t want to crush him. In the actual sense, they probably switch, but Asahi’s definitely happier letting Noya take the reigns either way.
Who is the one to instigate things? - They both do, but Noya’s louder about it. Asahi’s got his little signs to let Noya know he’s in the mood, but Noya will just say it, or plop himself in Asahi’s lap for kisses and grinding.
How healthy is their sex life? - They probably do it most days if they aren’t too busy. Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? -That depends. They’ve both got tricks to bring the other off faster, and if they’re going slow they drag it out. Early on in their relationship though, neither one lasts very long at all, but they build up.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? -Absolutely, unless one of them is specifically spoiling the other.
How rough are they in bed? - It varies, but they’re both strong and have plenty of stamina sooo, Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - None.
How many children will they adopt? - Either none, or about 3. It’s all or nothing with these two and they’d definitely take siblings if they wanted to adopt.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Asahi, at least at first. He’s got lots of practice from helping his parents with his younger siblings. But they’re pretty good at taking turns.
Who is the stricter parent? - Hahahahaha neither one of them is strict. Asahi can’t be mean to his kids and Noya gets caught up in the excitement. They only tell the kids off if they did something wrong on purpose, but punishments don’t really happen often.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Asahi.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Asahi, but Noya probably made them.
Who is the more loved parent? - Noya overall, but the kids adore Asahi too.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - They both do!
Who cried the most at graduation? -Asahi.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -They both would.
Who does the most cooking? - It’s Noya or they get takeout, Asahi’s such a bad cook.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -Neither one is really picky, but Asahi’s not a huge fan of trying new things.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Whichever one has time, but they like going together.
How often do they bake desserts? - Not very often. They’ll try if it’s a special occasion.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -Is this even a question, we’ve seen Noya at a BBQ XD
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Noya, he likes to go for big surprises.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Noya.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? -Asahi.
Who cleans the room? - Asahi.
Who is really against chores? - Noya.
Who cleans up after the pets? - I don’t know if they’d get pets, but both of them - whoever has the time.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - They both do it sometimes, but it’s usually Noya.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Asahi.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Asahi. (he saves found money up to buy treats for Noya though)
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Asahi.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They like to go together, but if they can’t, Noya goes for a run with the dog.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Noya takes any excuse to put decorations anyway, so every holiday he goes wild - but the biggest decor goes up at Halloween and xmas.
What are their goals for the relationship? - They just want to be happy and look after each other. Also, if they get together while still at highschool, the main goal is to get through their own independant post-graduation goals without splitting up.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Definitely Asahi. Noya’s such an early riser and Asahi is not.
Who plays the most pranks? - Noya.
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leejeongz · 4 years
treasure as your boyfriend - maknae line (asahi-junghwan)
hyunsuk-jaehyuk ver.
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asahi: the “chaotic neutral” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- the studio
♡ you can be as noisy or as quiet as you want. he works best when you’re with him, so he’s forever inviting you over. and he produces his best work when he’s around you and thinking about you. all the feelings he’s too shy to say to you come out in art form. you often get to hear and see everything before anyone else too.
♡ skinship- really not a fan of pda, but will allow himself to link arms with you in public if you want to. he would never force skinship for the sake of it but if your head naturally rested on his shoulder or if you snuggled up to him during a movie, i think he’d secretly like that. he really just likes casual hands brushing against each other, he gets butterflies whenever your hands come near him
♡ his love language- receiving gifts- he likes giving gifts too, but receiving them makes his heart flutter. you remembering little things about him makes him smile like a whole lot, especially when it’s something that he doesn’t even remember telling you or something of little importance.
♡ kisses- quite spontaneous but always very soft and meaningful. he’s so gentle with you, especially during kisses. his lips are super soft and so are his hands that rest on your hips. he was a little nervous for your first kiss so he kept his eyes open which spooked you a bit but now it’s a inside joke between you two.
♡ he does what he wants, you do what you want, he likes that and thinks it’s the best setup for the relationship because being clingy could make you hate each other
♡ he draws you. a lot. you might not know it, but you became his muse from day 1 and everything he draws has you in it
♡ when you've had a bad day, he sings for you and has lots of evident sympathy no matter what the issue is
♡ he’s VERY goofy around you. it takes him a while to become used to people so seeing that side of him makes you really soft. and if he knows you’re the same and you start acting a little more goofy, he starts to become even more comfortable around you.
yedam: the “your success is my happiness” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- ice skating
♡ or anything wintery because 1 he likes to keep you warm, 2 he thinks you look cute all wrapped up in puffy jackets and jumpers and 3 it's not too hot to hold hands the entire time hehe. oh and also expect some singing from him if you get any alone time.
♡ skinship- a huge cuddly boy. he wants to be touching you all the time but he respects your want for space and privacy so he doesn’t. he LOVES holding hands, he’d do it all day if he could. seeing your cheek squished against his shoulder makes his heart melt too, so he takes pictures of it so it lasts longer hehe. he sometimes does that really cute thing where he links pinkies with you too 🥺
♡ his love language- physical touch- the way he just wants to be touching you all the time and you don’t get mad makes him SO happy. when you sit close to him, his heart races, never mind when you finally give him a hug or hold his hand. a lot of your relationship is long distance, even if you lived in the same house, he’d barely ever be there, so getting to cuddle you or be held by you is something that he looks forward to.
♡ kisses- if he’s refusing a kiss there’s something seriously wrong. his lips would constantly be attached to you if you let them. he likes holding hands during kisses and rubbing his thumb on your finger just for extra feels. omg eskimo kisses are his FAVOURITE. especially when his nose is cold just to tease you a bit
♡ he loves to secretly take pics of you and set them as his background because he thinks you look so adorable. we know he has a photography insta out there somewhere (drop the @ bro) and you’d be in like all of the pictures
♡ he writes love letters to you. they’re a little cringe so he signs them off as anonymous but obviously you know who they’re from since… well he’s your boyfriend
♡ he helps you study and build your confidence. he lets you borrow his notes and present stuff to him all the time, always giving positive and constructive feedback.
♡ he celebrates even the tiniest of achievements with you and shows you that there’s more to life than winning all the time
♡ if he can’t already speak your native language, he’d learn a few sentences and phrases like “i love you” and surprise you with them sometimes
doyoung: the “romantic but childish” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- breakfast/brunch
♡ just making sure you get the most important meal of the day lol. it sets you both up for the rest of the day, especially if you can’t meet again until the day after. it also gives you chance to reflect on anything that may have happened that day before that you were maybe too sensitive to talk about previously.
♡ skinship- not the biggest lover of skinship but he isn’t opposed to it if you initiate it. he’s definitely one who prefers privacy so pda is off the table. he likes holding hands and staring into your eyes because they’re so pretty. ugh he’s so flirty and romantic 🤪
♡ his love language- acts of service- he’s a busy guy, he really appreciates when you do even the smallest of things for him like folding his clothes so they don’t get creased. your kindness is so attractive to him, it really confirms that he’s found the one.
♡ kisses- his kisses are a little messy but they’re always passionate. he just can’t contain his need for his mouth to be on yours, which actually happens quite frequently when you two are alone. he does that thing where he puts his hands on your waist, smiles at you flirtily, then pulls you in closer for the kiss which leaves you speechless every time.
♡ has your contact name in his phone set to just a heart and the picture is one that he secretly took of you on a date
♡ one of his favourite things to do is teaching you how to dance. whether you can already dance or not, he’s gonna teach you. just gives mr no skinship a chance to put his hands on you
♡ FLOWERS! he knows that not everyone is a fan of flowers but you will be while he’s around
♡ hands down the cheesiest person you know and usually you’d be cringing but because it’s him, it’s okay
♡ he’s always down to chat with you. at 1am, while he’s working or even when he’s with his family, he’ll drop anything to make you happy.
haruto: the “cool on the outside” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- watching youtube
♡ you can learn a lot about a person by watching things they like to watch and taking an interest in something they’re interested in. you pair can share youtubers you think the other would like and just have a laugh together while being all cozy in bed.
♡ skinship- any and all skinship is appreciated by this guy, not that he’d tell you that. he secretly wants to cuddle with you all the time and hold your hand everywhere you go, but he always makes out like you’re the one who wants it by saying stuff like “gosh your hands are always so cold, here i’ll warm them for you”. his favourite are hugs where he just melts into your arms after a long, tiring day practicing. sometimes they’re just want he needs
♡ his love language- quality time- he wants to spend every second of every day with you. he wants to talk to you more on a one to one basis and he wants that time to be focused. when he finally gets time alone with you, he doesn’t waste any of it and gets straight to making memories with you that he thinks about all the time.
♡ kisses- longer kisses are super rare because he’s still quite timid and shy but the small little pecks?? he cannot get enough of them. he prefers to give them to you at random, surprising times because he likes it when you melt after it, he calls you cute every time awwww. he secretly enjoys when you kiss him in front of the members too even if he acts disgusted.
♡ ends all his messages to you with a heart WITHOUT FAIL
♡ helps you shop for clothes and jewellery. he picks out clothes for you and always manages to hit the mark
♡ creates a playlist of songs that have a special meaning within your relationship and constantly updates it
♡ does that thing where he gets so happy that you’re his that he can’t stop smiling, so much so that he can’t sleep
♡ he’s a little bit forgetful, but you always forgive him because he’s just so cute and he always makes it up to you anyway
jeongwoo: the “best friend” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- skateboarding
♡ even if neither of you can skate, it’s fun and you can learn together. having fun when he’s with you is always the aim so anything like that is something he really enjoys
♡ skinship- skinship happens very naturally for you pair and it’s something neither of you have ever shied away from. he loves it when you hold hands and it makes him feel super proud that you can show him off like that. also loves when you let him rest his head in your lap and play with his hair.
♡ his love language- quality time- creating special moments with you is something that he will never forget and something that he’ll always bring up. he’s so grateful that you want to be with him and around him even at the most randomest times when you could be doing something else, but he loves it and he doesn’t ever want to see you leave.
♡ kisses- most are short and sweet but some, rare kisses can last for a while, where he smiles onto your smile because he just can’t believe what’s happening. he really likes those kisses but doesn’t initiate them all too often because he’s worried it’s the wrong moment. he actually asks the older boys for advice too 🥺
♡ tries to tease you and get the members involved but it always ends up backfiring and he ends up being the target
♡ a “remember when” type of guy, bringing up some of your most favourite and fondest memories
♡ is always up for absolutely anything you suggest. you’re the worst influences on each other (in the best way) but without those experiences, you wouldn’t have the amazing memories you have today
♡ wants to act like your protector and had you fooled for like a week until you realised he’s the one that needs protecting.
♡ when you compliment him, his actual self esteem sky rockets. there’s no more joking about how cool he is. your words mean the most to him (maybe his love language is words of affirmation too who knows hehe)
junghwan: the “first” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- gaming together
♡ he loves to teach you and compete with you (because you let him win) and he thinks it’s cute and funny when you make mistakes or you do something really impressive
♡ skinship- he’s shy about it at first but warms up to it later. he never initiates anything because he doesn’t wanna overwhelm you. he doesn’t really like pda but he’ll do it for you, he’ll put his arm around your waist while you walk because it feels the most comfortable for him. it’s not skinship but just staring into each other’s eyes is something that happens regularly
♡ his love language- words of affirmation- hearing you saying he can do it only makes him more determined and, even though he doesn’t realise it, it actually makes him more independent. you know when he’s having a bad day, or if he’s got something important going on, so you drop him a little text which makes him so happy and he wants to make you proud (which he does and you tell him that all the time)
♡ kisses- kisses are something he craves a lot since the feeling of the first kiss you shared has stayed with him, but is always too afraid to make the first move. afterwards, he’s always a real giggly mess. every kiss is awkward with him at first since you’re both quite inexperienced, but soon you both start to understand what the other likes.
♡ he gets shy around you for ages because he likes you so much
♡ introduces “tech free” dates where neither of you can use your phone. they actually work really well for you two and you get to know each other a lot better
♡ works out what your love language is randomly one day, does his research, then slowly starts to implement it into your relationship
♡ a big hand holder when he senses you need nervous or anxious. he holds your hand for his own comfort as well as yours
♡ you share a lot of your firsts together, as well as being each other’s first relationship. it’s a time for him to learn and change so he appreciates any honesty, even if he does get a little bit sensitive about it sometimes.
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Okay they all look amazing (I think Asahi had the biggest change) but can I draw to your attention
It's my dorky, hyped up, teasing, adorable team mum! He is already cheering in the promo pics! Are we getting more of his intense side? Are we? Will we see him messing with his kids more, like in the manga? Please say yes! I've been waiting for this so bad!
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He's the most energetic in a pic that includes Noya and Hinata. If I don't get my big, dorky, vice captain, I'm suing. I love him so much.
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