superiorkenshi · 1 year
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"I tell you what a women loves most, It's a men who can slap but can also stroke"
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helyiios · 3 years
Coucou! Ça fait un bail mais c'est toujours un plaisir de te voir sur mon dash. Je suis pas sûre que ça soit très utile de te demander si ça va, alors je me contenterai de dire que j'ai toujours les notifs activées pour ton blog et que je suis contente te revoir poster :)
(sinon j'ai eu Ascanor pour le uquiz mais comme, honte à moi, j'ai pas lu tes fics, je vois pas vraiment qui c'est. Je partage au cas où ça dit quelque chose sur moi haha)
- ☂️
PARAPLUIE ANON ! ! J’allais justement faire un post en te passant le bonjour (si si)
J’espère que tu vas bien !!! Trop content de te revoir sur mon dash, tu embellis mon dimanche :) Je vais poster un peu moins (?) sur ce blog mais j’en ai un second où je post mes comics et autres conneries, mais je ne quitte pas celui-là complètement !
(T’en fais pas haha, c’est ultra spécifique mais c’est un OC d’un roi breton, all in all il est : calme, très intelligent et marrant, et aussi, homosexuel)
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ticktrefoil · 4 years
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an older moment from book 3 of our campaign, but one that still sticks with me. 
olha, a peasant who literally could not even imagine having the chance (herself!) to get an education-- who is, instead, trying to make sure her daughters will have the ability to attend-- was in for some shellshock at ascanor lodge when her dinner partner casually mentioned attending not just one, but TWO universities
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Jo Lestaren
Say hello to Jo! Jo is a Dwarf Slayer and will be filling the role of both Ranger and Rogue for our party. Jo is an original character designed by and played by Molly. I fell like I’m saying Jo a lot. Jo Jo Jo.
Welcome Jo to the world of Golarion and get to know her before we venture into Ustalav!
Jo and her husband, Joseph, have been married for fifty three years. Originally from the county of Barstoi, they fled after seeing the harsh rule of Count Neska reach its peak. Jo’s friend Inga had a young child who was deathly ill. They were unable to afford a potion that might save her, and Inga stole it. She was put to death for her crime, prompting Jo and Joseph to seek a new home.
The Lestaren‘s built a small house in the Hungry Mountains, just outside of Barstoi. With a strong desire to remove themselves from the society that they could no longer trust, they decided to live off of the land and rely on nobody. They fought off the horrors that came across their house and became fighters as well as farmers.
Jo was acquainted with Professor Lorrimor from his many travels. He passed through their lands on his way to Barstoi one day, stopping for a quick chat and a rest. The Lestaren’s didn’t trust him, but as he left their lands he also left their thoughts. That is, until Jo began to feel and act strange. She quickly fell victim to possession, and Joseph didn’t know what to do. He searched for and sent word to Professor Lorrimor.
Lorrimor came to the Lestaren household with a cleric that could perform the exorcism. With the spirit banished, Jo and Joseph had no way to pay. Lorrimor told them not to worry. One day he would surely need a favor, and he would call on them to help him.  They agreed, knowing that it would be a grim day when they would have to repay their favor. Surely any favor that this man would need would involve dark forces.
About a year later, a rock slide occurred that wiped out the couple’s household and buried their small farm.  They would need to earn money and find a new location in order to rebuild their lives. They made their way to Ascanor Lodge in the Shudderwood Forest to hunt and earn a new living. Soon after their arrival, Jo received a letter. It was time to repay her favor… with a heavy heart she left her husband, promising that they would write often until they could reunite and make a new home together.
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superiorkenshi · 2 years
psssst ascanor en b2
ET DE 1!
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Look at him!! Le plus beau <333
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superiorkenshi · 2 years
E10 Asca avec,,,,4F Jehan……………?
Et on finis la soirée avec les bebou!!
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Mon affection envers eux >>>
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