#ascaris lumbricoides
taxonomytournament · 3 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Nematodes
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C. elegans. This nematode species is commonly used as a model organism, being the first multi-cellular organism to have its genome sequenced and neural connections mapped
Ascaris lumbricoides. This nematode is the most common parasitic worm of humans. It's estimated 1 in 6 humans have been infected with it at some point
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pixelrhys · 8 months
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Forgot I redrew my wormsona.
He's an ascaris! A parasitic intestinal worm!
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drpedi07 · 9 months
Ascaris Lumbricoides Infection (Round Worms)
Round worm is the commonest worm infection in man. It is commonly found in developing countries due to poor sanitary conditions.
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Hi lovely people this is a reminder to take your worm medicine 🙂
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great-and-small · 1 year
Hi! I was scrolling through your posts just now and saw your note about liking parasitology - i do, too! It was always one of my favourite parts of studying biology. What would you say if your 'favourite' parasite then? (i must admit I am impossibly fascinated by every aspect of Ascaris lumbricoides' whole deal - the lifecycle, how widespread it is, how resistant the eggs are... Also, they're just so beautiful inside, a cross-section of make makes for a very appealing image? Almost perfect of a being!)
I completely agree that going down the roundworm rabbit hole is shockingly fascinating. I literally love reading about historic research about ascaris in humans because so many early scientists ate worm eggs just to be like “see now there are these worms in my poop how crazy is that” lol. I got to present research on equine roundworms at a conference a few years ago and while they’re not as flashy as some other roundworms they’re still absolutely remarkable in the efficiency of their lifecycle. I got in trouble when I was working as an equine vet tech because I kept gushing to owners about how cool various horse parasites are, and obviously most horse owners do not agree with that stance.
It’s so hard to pick just one parasite as a favorite! I love all pentastomids, the tiny-but-mighty screwworm fascinates me, and and I find myself thinking about toxoplasmosis gondii all the time. I went as a lone star tick for Halloween year before last and I’m fond of the Guinea worm too for the historical relevance. Someday I will do superlatives for all my faves and hand out titles for most interesting, scariest, funniest, most nostalgic, etc. There will probably be a LOT of honorable mentions
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official-saul-goodman · 7 months
Ascaris lumbricoides is a beautiful name for a baby worm
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greenfrog04 · 9 months
First molecular data on the human roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides species complex from the Bronze and Iron Age in Hallstatt, Austria
Published 25th July 2023
Study on Human feces conserved in salt, dating back to 1158-1063 BCE and 750-662 BCE, found in Hallstatt (a prehistoric salt mine) located in the Austrian. Microscopy and molecular methods are used to locate intestinal parasites and recovery of ancient DNA is performed, revealing first appearance of the roundworm Acaris Lumbricoides from the bronze and iron age.
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Human Coprolites embedded in soil
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Ascaris egg from a sample from the Bronze Age, and Trichuris egg from a sample from the Iron Age with damage on the egg shell.
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Acaris and Trichuris eggs
A morphological only analysis indicates that the eggs belong to Trichuris trichiura or Trichuris suis, and Ascaris lumbricoides or Ascaris suum.
DNA analysis revealed the Ascaris eggs belonged to Ascaris lumbricoides and the Trichuris eggs were not identifiable due to DNA degradation.
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Ascaris lumbricoides, from
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Trichuris trichiura, from (sorry for low quality image)
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Trichuris suis, from
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Submitted by @hapalopus:
Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), Large Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), and Sea Mouse (Aphrodita aculeata). From "Krebsdyr og snegle samt andre lavere dyr" [Crustaceans and snails, as well as other lower animals]. Written by Hans Hvass. Illustrated by Wilhelm Eigener. 1977.
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eosinofilopana · 1 year
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Huevo de Ascaris lumbricoides
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drabeerelsaid · 1 year
Ascaris lumbricoides
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justanotherharmacist · 10 hours
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Danger wurm (ascaris lumbricoides)
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maklonvcoherbal · 5 months
Waspadai Gejala Cacingan pada Anak: Penyebab, Gejala, dan Penanganan
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Cacingan adalah masalah kesehatan yang kerap dialami oleh anak-anak, terutama di daerah dengan sanitasi dan kebersihan yang kurang memadai. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh infeksi cacing parasit yang hidup di dalam usus manusia.
Penyebab Cacingan pada Anak
Telur cacing dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh anak melalui berbagai cara, di antaranya:
Mengonsumsi makanan atau minuman yang terkontaminasi telur cacing.
Menelan tanah yang terkontaminasi telur cacing, terutama saat bermain di tanah.
Kontak tangan dengan anus yang terinfeksi cacing, kemudian menyentuh mulut tanpa mencuci tangan dengan bersih.
Jenis-jenis Cacing yang Umum Menyebabkan Cacingan pada Anak
Terdapat beberapa jenis cacing yang umum menginfeksi anak-anak, yaitu:
Cacing Kremi (Enterobius vermicularis): Cacing kecil dan berwarna putih ini umumnya bersarang di usus halus dan sekitar anus. Gejala utamanya adalah gatal pada anus, terutama di malam hari.
Cacing Gelang (Ascaris lumbricoides): Cacing yang lebih besar dan berwarna merah muda ini hidup di usus halus dan dapat mencapai panjang hingga 35 cm. Gejala yang muncul antara lain sakit perut, mual, muntah, dan penurunan nafsu makan.
Cacing Tambang (Necator americanus dan Ancylostoma duodenale): Cacing kecil ini hidup dengan menempel pada dinding usus halus dan menghisap darah. Gejala yang timbul antara lain anemia, lemas, dan penurunan berat badan.
Gejala Cacingan pada Anak
Gejala cacingan pada anak dapat bervariasi tergantung jenis cacing yang menginfeksi. Namun, beberapa gejala umum yang sering muncul meliputi:
Gatal pada anus, terutama di malam hari.
Gangguan tidur akibat rasa gatal yang mengganggu.
Sakit perut dan diare.
Mual dan muntah.
Penurunan nafsu makan dan berat badan.
Lemas dan mudah lelah.
Penanganan Cacingan pada Anak
Jika anak Anda menunjukkan gejala-gejala cacingan, penting untuk segera memeriksakannya ke dokter. Dokter akan melakukan pemeriksaan untuk menentukan jenis cacing yang menginfeksi dan memberikan pengobatan yang tepat.
Pengobatan cacingan biasanya dilakukan dengan pemberian obat cacing yang diminum. Obat cacing yang umum digunakan untuk anak-anak adalah albendazole dan mebendazole. Obat ini aman dan efektif untuk mengatasi berbagai jenis cacing parasit.
Pencegahan Cacingan pada Anak
Untuk mencegah cacingan pada anak, penting untuk menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat, di antaranya:
Cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir sebelum makan, setelah menggunakan toilet, dan setelah bermain di tanah.
Potong kuku anak pendek dan bersih.
Hindari mengonsumsi makanan dan minuman yang terkontaminasi.
Ajarkan anak untuk tidak menggigit kuku atau memasukkan jari ke dalam mulut.
Gunakan alas kaki saat bermain di luar ruangan.
Bersihkan rumah secara teratur, terutama di area yang sering dilalui anak.
Dengan menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat, Anda dapat membantu melindungi anak Anda dari cacingan dan menjaga kesehatannya secara optimal.
Jika Anda tertarik untuk menciptakan produk obat cacing anak melalui layanan maklon, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di nomor 0812-1553-2000 atau kunjungi link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut: https://linktr.ee/herbafitalmanar
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munaeem · 6 months
Understanding the Human Roundworm: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
The human roundworm, also known as Ascaris lumbricoides, is a common intestinal parasite that affects millions of people worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for ascariasis. What is the Human Roundworm? The human roundworm is a type of parasitic worm that primarily resides in the small intestine. It is typically acquired by consuming food or…
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Ascaris Lumbricoides is a beautiful name for a parasitic worm
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nklbaohuynh179 · 7 months
Bão giáp: Sự nguy hiểm và cách điều trị
Bão giáp: Sự nguy hiểm và cách điều trị
Bão giáp, còn được gọi là giun tròn, là một loại nhiễm ký sinh trùng do giun tròn Ascaris lumbricoides gây ra. Bệnh này phổ biến ở nhiều khu vực trên thế giới, đặc biệt là ở những nơi có điều kiện vệ sinh kém. Dưới đây là thông tin về sự nguy hiểm và cách điều trị bão giáp:
Sự nguy hiểm của bão giáp:
Rối loạn tiêu hóa: Bão giáp có thể gây ra triệu chứng như buồn nôn, đau bên hông, đau bụng và tiêu chảy. Ở mức nặng, nó có thể dẫn đến tắc nghẽn ruột.
Suy dinh dưỡng: Ký sinh trùng này hút chất dinh dưỡng từ thức ăn trong dạ dày và ruột, có thể dẫn đến suy dinh dưỡng, mất cân nặng và suy yếu cơ thể, đặc biệt là ở trẻ em.
Biến chứng hiếm hoi: Trong trường hợp nhiễm độc, giun tròn có thể đi vào các cơ quan khác nhau như đường mật, pankreat hoặc đường thở, gây ra biến chứng nguy hiểm.
Cách điều trị bão giáp:
Thuốc trị ký sinh trùng: Điều trị bão giáp thường bắt đầu bằng việc sử dụng thuốc chống ký sinh trùng như albendazole hoặc mebendazole. Liều lượng và thời gian điều trị cụ thể sẽ do bác sĩ quyết định dựa trên tình trạng của bệnh nhân.
Quá trình điều trị: Thuốc thường được uống trong một thời gian ngắn, thường từ một đến ba ngày. Sau đó, bệnh nhân sẽ được theo dõi để đảm bảo rằng ký sinh trùng đã bị tiêu diệt hoàn toàn. Có thể cần thiết lặp lại liệu trình sau một thời gian để đảm bảo loại bỏ toàn bộ giun tròn.
Vệ sinh cá nhân và môi trường: Để ngăn tái nhiễm bão giáp, quan trọng phải duy trì vệ sinh cá nhân tốt, rửa tay thường xuyên và tránh tiếp xúc với chất thải chứa ký sinh trùng. Ngoài ra, nấu ăn thật kỹ và đảm bảo thực phẩm được nấu chín đủ là cách tốt để ngăn ngừa nhiễm bão giáp.
Giáo dục cộng đồng: Giáo dục cộng đồng về cách phòng ngừa và xử lý bão giáp là một phần quan trọng của việc kiểm soát bệnh này trong các khu vực có nguy cơ cao.
Nếu bạn nghi ngờ mắc bệnh bão giáp hoặc có triệu chứng liên quan, hãy tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ hoặc chuyên gia y tế địa phương để được tư vấn và điều trị chính xác. Điều trị sớm và hiệu quả có thể ngăn ngừa các biến chứng nguy hiểm của bão giáp.
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January 31, 2023 - Tuesday
Hello! Last day of January and last blog for the month of January! Actually, magbloblog ako last Sunday but I don't have energy to do it because I am so tired, and I am so pissed about certain happenings in my life. Ayoko ikwento here kasi iinit lang ulo ko pero baka magsabi lang ako ng slight.
SO, what happened to my second week of 2nd Sem? Mhie, second week palang pero yung pagod ko pang 3rd yr 1st sem na, chariz. HAHAHAHAHA. No, masaya naman ang 2nd week ko kasi may mga groupings na like sa CPH Lab may group activity kami last Wed and need ng handwritten yung output and isa ako sa mga fersons na nagsulat ng mga outputs namin. Ayoko talaga magsulat pero need ng tulong so ayon nagvolunteer ako since wala din ako masyadong naitulong sa ibang bagay. Research about sakit sya at ano yung impact ganorn ganorn, naghelp ako sa sagot sa isang question kasama friend ko then yung napuntang sakit sakin which is HIV/AIDS siya so madali lang.
Wednesday ang CPH Lab namin and ayon lang yung F2F class namin every Wed and the rest of our classes will be held online so that means uuwi ako ng bahay HAHAHAHA. Nakakapagod lang magbyahe talaga pero kakayanin para sa school at para makatapos at makapagwork. After non, Thursday full online kami magsisimula ng 1PM hanggang 8PM tapos sa Friday full F2F----so last week, group activity din siya and Histology Lab sya ibig sabihin may gagawin na!! First time namin makahawak ng microscope----for the first time in a while since nakahawak na ako microscope way back elementary hanggang senior high school. So amazed kami kasi nakita namin yung mga amazing fersons sa microscopes!! Ang napuntang slide sa amin ay cardiac muscle and ang amazing niya! We even used the new microscope of our department and mas lalo kaming na-amaze kasi mas malinaw at mas defined yung mga parts sa bagong microscope! Grabe tuwang tuwa kami T^T kasi kami yung unang mga students na nakahawak ng microscope.
Syempre mga nakasuot ng lab gown/coat and muka po akong naliligaw na bata na nakasuot ng lab coat sa school----jusq po. HAHAHAHAHA. Sabado, yes may class kami ng Saturday. May laboratory ulit and this time ang chineck namin ay mga parasites! Specifically, sina Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and Enterobius vermicularis! Ang astig talaga! Huhu! Sabi ng mga 3rd yr magsasawa daw kami sa microscope since ayan yung bestfriend namin HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
Ano pa ba? Hmmm so something happened and nainis ako kasi hindi siya nag-ask sa mga persons about certain things basta na lang siya nainis samin, worst sinungitan ako kasi 'akala' niya hindi namin ginawa yon. Doon ako nainis kasi bakit hindi siya nagtanong muna bago nagsungit? Beh you can ask someone naman before you assume na ganon ginawa namin. Akala ko ba be open tapos ikaw din pala yung nag-aassume sa mga bagay bagay. Tapos naging issue pa yung ig story ko, lol. Hindi ko kailangan iinsert sa mga pictures niyo para masabi na hindi ako 'left out' sa group. I can stand on my own and I don't need validation to someone para maassure ko na tama ba ginagawa ko. I just need validation sa sarili ko na ako lang makakapagvalidate. Nakakasawa din kasi maging mabait tapos nanggagago lang mga kasama mo.
Anyway, ayon langz. Next blog ulit ay Feb na!! And expect na may ibloblog talaga ako since Valentine's Day, may event din sa department namin plus prelim exams!! Wieeee!! <3
See you again! Leave a question if curious ka! <3
Song of the Day: I ≠ DOLL - HUH YUNJIN
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