#asdfghjkl akira plz
tricksheart · 1 year
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Send ( ◕‿◕✿) to crown my muse with a flower crown.
( accepting )
@sparklymuses said: ( ◕‿◕✿) - from peko!
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Akira recognized the flowers that Peko had put onto of his head. These were ones that could be seen in the Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire games, original and remake included. And to think that the other hated her nickname that the boy had given her so long ago. Was she accepting the truth now? That Peko was in fact Peeko? Probably not but this little circle of various flowers were nice after all.
Akira has had a hibiscus on his head before so he has no problem in wearing them as an accessory. Only real concern is that there wasn't a way for him to point out that Peko herself made this. Shouldn't the person who made such a nice gift get credit? It's only fair in his eyes. What? Akira saw an opportunity and had to take it. Part of his nature and personality.
"So I was thinking, maybe we should put a little tag on the back to say who made this for me. On the lines of, 'From the 'lass', Peeko'. Has a nice ring for it, right? Oh, the sailor always called the Wingull that little name when in the game so I thought to add it here. Trust me, no one but us will really know what this means. Hey stop glaring at me. It was a joke I swear!!".
Mission failed.
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kingspuppet · 1 year
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@tricksheart || Sentence Starters (Original Quotes)
‘ i didn’t like you when we first met ’ asdfghjkl akira plz
He had always considered himself to be quite good at reading people. It was a skill he had studied and honed long before he donned the disgustingly sweet visage that the public foolishly ate up. Every response he gave was always carefully calculated in order to keep the audience right in the palm of his hand. Being anything less than absolute perfection in the act he played was unacceptable. Which is why his inability to parse Kurusu's true responses by body language alone was just another tick to the long list of reasons to hate the other.
But it didn't take some genius introspection to identify dislike towards himself. After all, Kurusu wasn't the first and he certainly wasn't going to be the last. Hatred from others accompanied Goro like an old, stubborn friend as it appeared in the eyes of everyone that looked at him.
"Is that so? I never would have guessed." It comes out flat as he takes a sip of his still too-hot coffee. The burn it gave his tongue was oddly comforting in the midst of this most unsurprising revelation. Well, at least the frizzy-haired idiot was honest.
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"It's good to know that the feeling was mutual. You would've made for a boring debate partner if it wasn't."
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maskueradc-a-blog · 7 years
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“My battle strategy for today? Operation ‘get help’. Any Akechi(s) want to volunteer? It will be fun. You get to be thrown across the room, hurting the shadows and I get a good laugh out of it. It’s a classic!”. Akira equips THOR as his current persona for this event.
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survivaltrickcd · 5 years
((via @the-phantom-crow)) [SMASH Spirit!AU] You took a long time getting to me. It's like you can't handle reversed controls. [[honestly getting the Goro spirit was a nightmare until I got the necessary spirit to counteract the hazard]]
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“It’s as though I knew the controls were going to….betray me. Too soon?”. Good to know that his dark humor has moved over to Smash world. Who would he be without it.
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tricksheart · 1 year
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@tacitusauxilium said: “ i know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but you need to know something. ”
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"Relax. I don't even trust myself so you are good. Is there a problem?". She reminds him so much of Futaba but not as hermit-y as the young hacker. Still was quite timid though but did make a decent dish at random intervals. Man, now Akira wishes there was a cooking club at his own school. Not like they were going to let him join. With him being the problem child and all. Reputations sucked. Like a Black Ooze persona on a hot day.
"Because I can fix it. Whether it be shadows or your maybe failed recipe. I'm the best food preparing in my group of persona users. Trust me". Not the best thing to say when Akira in the beginning said that he himself didn't really believe in what he said half of the time. Hopefully, no one was paying attention but he doesn't consider himself that lucky. Not by a long shot.
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survivaltrickcd · 6 years
shiho presses a small black box into akira's hand with a nervous smile, before putting her hands back into the pockets of her hoodie. contained within the box were a mix of different handmade chocolates. " happy valentine's day, akira. "
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They were dating but still to be given a gift on Valentine’s Day was quite a surprise to him. Year after year, he’d either turn down chocolates because of his distaste for the candy or that his rep left him without even platonic chocolate. Either way, there was times that he didn’t receive any type of present. This was nice.
And there was an assortment of ones to pick from so he didn’t have to outright say that he didn’t want them. After all, these were from SHIHO, not anyone else. So this was important to him as much as it was to her. Well, probably since his girlfriend was being a little shy here.
“Thanks. I really didn’t see this coming. Do you want to share some with me? I don’t think I can eat all of this by myself to be honest. What good is food if you don’t share with someone, right? Haha”.
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