#asdglkj sorry that the post tagging u has batfam content momo but it also has NTT content and i want to see your fave drawings of the year
fancyfade · 2 years
Tagged by @nonbinaryhectorhall! Top 5 arts of the year
#5 - teenage Damian gets into those little zit covering star stickers :P
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(link to post)
#4 Kory, Donna, and Raven go dress shopping - link to tumblr post. This one also got a fic to accompany it :P
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#3 this is cheating b/c its two pics but i drew them at the same time so :P some fanarts inspired by babs's first appearances ( + oracle babs later in the same shirt) link
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#2 NTT in 2ks clothing if their story took place when my mental canon says it should :P (link)
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#1 a drawing of helena based off her 1989 solo appearance + late 90s costume (link)
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@ravens-wings and @raven-harlot
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