#asel kha
kannedia · 11 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Day 10 - Stable
Asel was all of six years old when she saw a Carbuncle for the first time.
"Mom! Dad! What is that?"
The sun was high and the sky was clear that day. It was a wonderful day, though if one were to ask the young Au Ra all days when her parents brought her into the city were wonderful.
Her mother, Maral, chuckled as she looked down at her daughter Asel. She had one tiny hand in hers and the other was pointed at the summoned creature.
Her father, Kiran, stopped and leaned down to speak to her face-to-face. He was smiling softly. "That's a Carbuncle, dearling."
"They're creatures composed of both ambient and their Summoner's aether," Maral explained as she noticed the confused look on Asel's face. "They help in the Summoner's day-to-day tasks."
"Incredible! It's so pretty! Do you think I could do that?" Asel was looking at both of them eyes wide with awe.
Maral and Kiran exchanged a glance. They knew their daughter. It was entirely possible that she would.
A small orb of aether formed in Asel's palm before flickered into and out of existence for a few odd seconds then guttered out. She grumbled bitterly before turning her attention back to her notes.
She was ten. Had been ten for the past month. And had spent the last month near feverishly looking over the beginner's tome her parents had bought her.
The math had not been as difficult as she thought it would be. It was the control that was causing her trouble. The conceptualization as her studies phrased it.
Her mother said she was being hasty in her expectations. Asel on the other hand, had the feeling if she didn't keep to her studies she wouldn't summon her first Carbuncle until she was an adult too.
Asel was actually fourteen when she summoned her Carbuncle for the first time. It was a wispy thing. A barely stable form on light and aether that she could only get to last for half a minute at most.
Still, it was a start and it was beautiful.
She would have to thank her father again when he finished work. He had been giving her lesson on aether manipulation, on her asking, since she was twelve.
It had still surprised him when he saw it for the first time. Her mother just grinned and gave her a hearty pat on the back.
"Ariel! Get. Off. My. Desk."
Asel's Carbuncle stared back at her like a curious kitten. It had its left paws on her textbook and the right ones on her homework. If not for her frustration, she would just be grateful that it wasn't smudging the ink.
Her first corporeal and stable summoning of the impish creature was when she was sixteen. Her mother and father were happy for her and they had paella for dinner.
It had only lasted five minutes at the time. With practice and a year of careful study, it made the trip to school with her every morning. Asel could only wonder how much further she could go.
"If I'm going to become a capable adventurer then we're going to have to work on our teamwork," Asel stated with a sigh as she shooed Ariel off her desk. It scampered off to her bed and rested on her pillow. "I wonder if all Carbuncles are like this."
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hazelkjt · 5 months
Good day. Asel for the character impression please.
"So, what ya readin' there?"
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Hazel would be ecstatic to meet another Kha away from the Tribe, and would get even more so to learn about how Asel was raised away from the Steppe. She'd try to keep herself restrained from asking too many questions but if Hazel catches sight of her reading anything, all bets are off. Hazel would go full Book Nerd Mode and go off asking about Asel's favorite genres, what her favorite book is, and beginning a tangent about her mother Janis's collection and asking if Asel had read any of the books she did growing up.
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inviouswriting · 3 years
Good afternoon,
Submitting my character if this is still open. If not, I hope you at least find the read entertaining. Sorry if this is a bit of a mess, this is my first time putting the character on metaphorical paper, and I overthink about it as much as she does. Feel free to let me know if I messed anything up.
Name: Asel Kha Age: 28 Gender: Female [She/Her] Height: 5'2" Orientation: Disaster Biromantic Asexual, leaning towards women. [open to queerplatonic pairings.] Personality: Tends to struggle with reading others and the mood of the room, leading to her holding her tongue a lot when in conversations with strangers. She gets better with practice and exposure to different people but will still have moments. Has some temper issues that she's working to keep in check. As well as a small pessimistic streak. Both lead to sarcasm and gentle teasing of others. Protective, of the twins in particular. This increases after the bloody banquet and the vault. idolizes Y'stola and Cid. Sees the Scions as family. Overthinks and at times overprepare. Hobbies: Crafting, Alchemy in particular. She likes to make her own weapons. Giving in to her wanderlust and just going for walks. While not the most fun, she spends a lot of spare time working on keeping her arcane geometry knowledge sharp so she doesn't fail her spells. She has a notebook for it and everything. Likes: Learning new things and seeing new lands; her lackluster navigation skills be damned. She became an adventurer for a reason. Being helpful to those around her. Using acquired knowledge to help others learn. Puns, though she'll never admit it. She finds the sounds of the ocean to be calming. Spoiling those close to her with small presents she finds on her travels. She does get some small enjoyment from sparring but this is another detail she tries to hide. Dislikes: Being the center of attention, crowds, and being the center of attention of a large crowd. Bullies [I.E. Blanstyr pre-character development] Praise flusters and embarrasses her. Excessive self-deprecation. Willful ignorance. Allagan architecture and its tendency to throw her like a ragdoll. Letting people down, whether she truly has or perceives herself to have. Random head pats from strangers. Being called "old girl" Race in game: Xaela Aura Class/job in game: Scholar; does have ninja training
Thank you for your time, Alyssa
This is a one time answer, they were really respectful about asking so here we are. I won't have match-ups open for a long long while. They take too much time, and overrun the inbox.
I see Yugiri as a match.
Both of you are quiet and reserved types. With massive obligations that you carry out gracefully. She can teach you ways of shinobi and ways to try and master stealth while also making it fun between you both. You would spend time looking around Azys Lla together, to study different allagan technology, while also adventuring around Azim Steppes for the same and looking at the different ways of the nomad traditions. Alot to uncover still out there and it provides a lovely place next to Yanxia's moon gate where you can spend time in talking away from the trials presenting itself as wol and advisor to Hien.
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dionysusandromeda · 7 years
Aselia Amblin Pokatong
Hi kamu! Yup, kamu, sahabat seperjuanganku @ambiguousmeh! Semoga waktumu tidak terbuang sia-sia karena tulisanku ini, my dear native bff!
Semua berawal di pertengahan tahun 2010, kalau seingatku. Aku melihatnya pertama kali saat kami berada di sebuah angkutan umum menuju ke sekolah. Aku sadar, kami memakai seragam yang sama. Aku memberanikan diri memperkenalkan diriku padanya. Ternyata, persahabatan kami, bermula dari situ.
Mendengar ceritanya yang baru saja pindah dari Manado bersama keluarganya, membuatku senang. Karena aku bisa mempunyai sahabat dengan keturunan yang sama. Kami sama-sama punya darah Manado. Hanya saja, gadis dengan panggilan akrab Asel ini, lebih terlihat Manadonya dibandingkan aku yang lebih terlihat Jawa.
Kami sering pulang dan pergi ke sekolah bersama. Selain karena sama-sama naik angkutan umum, rumah kami searah. Jadi, kami banyak menghabiskan waktu bersama diluar sekolah.
Seingatku, Asel dari dulu jarang sekali bisa keluar sampai malam. Anak bungsu perempuan dari 3 bersaudara dengan 2 kakak laki-laki ini adalah ‘cutie pie’ milik Ayah-Ibunya.
Pribadi yang ramah, sopan, cukup kalem dan dewasa membuat Asel mudah menjalin pertemanan. Walaupun terlihat pemalu awalnya, Asel bisa menempatkan dirinya dengan baik di lingkungannya. Rajin ke Gereja, ikut dalam organisasi Gereja, di sekolah juga aktif. Pintar berbicara didepan banyak orang, dan juga pintar dalam segi akademis.
Aku ingat saat ia berpartisipasi untuk menjadi pembicara saat perpisahan SMP kami. Caranya berbicara itu sangat khas. Pembawaannya sangat baik. Terlihat, kalau dia memang tumbuh di keluarga yang sangat baik.
Asel, Oline, dan aku adalah 3 perempuan berisik yang susah dipisahkan saat SMP. Tapi, kami pernah hampir membenci satu sama lain. Bukan hanya sekali jika kalian mau tahu.
Pertama kali, saat SMP. Ketika 1 angkatan membenciku, mereka juga ikut menjauhiku. Aku jadi menganggap mereka bukan sahabat baik seperti apa yang selama ini aku yakini.
Kedua, saat ada masalah dengan Oline saja, itu memalukan jika harus diingat lagi.
Ketiga, saat SMA. Ketika akhirnya ia berpacaran dengan seseorang yang sempat memiliki masa lalu yang sebenarnya kelam denganku. Intinya, aku merasa kalau Asel itu seperti menusukku dari belakang. Ternyata, ada yang memang membuat kami saling bermusuhan dan aku juga yang salah bukannya mengalah dan bersyukur atas apa yang kupunya, malah tetap ingin yang orang lain punya.
Ya, kami menyesali keadaan itu. Karena, kami berdua akhirnya sadar, kalau kedua laki-laki yang dulu kami pikir yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, adalah lelaki brengsek yang membuat kami berdua nampak bodoh dihadapan mereka.
Sekarang, Asel sedang dalam masa pembelajarannya untuk menjadi dokter hebat di salah satu universitas terkenal. Aku sebagai sahabatnya sangat amat banhga punya Asel yang selalu ada untukku.
Asel, Oline, dan aku nampaknya akan paten sampai selamanya. Mengingat kami yang akhirnya berlabuh di sebuah akhir yang sama, dan kembali mendapatkan kesetiaan satu sama lain seperti dulu lagi.
My dear native speaker, Aselia,
Terima kasih atas semuanya. Terima kasih sudah kuat, selalu menjaga, selalu membantu, selalu mendengarkan, sudah menerimaku apa adanya,
selalu menarikku untuk kembali bangkit saat aku jatuh ke dasar jurang yang paling dalam,
selalu mengatakan hal jujur yang walaupun menyakitkan awalnya, tapi aku tahu apa gunanya itu sekarang.
Terima kasih atas semua dukungannya, dan atas pelukan erat tiap kali kita bertemu atau saat aku menangis dipundakmu, atas kebersamaan sampai saat ini, atas semua rasa sakit dan saling membenci, atas kemauan untuk tetap menjagaku sebagai salah satu sahabatmu,
atas lelucon konyolmu, atas girls talk, atas kebesaran dan kerendahan hatimu, atas kedewasaanmu, atas tawa kecilmu yang terdengar manis, atas inspirasi di tiap pendapatmu atas hasil karyaku, atas semua kritik dan saran, atas sabarmu.
Terima kasih sudah selalu mau menjawab pertanyaanku, yang selalu membuatmu seperti kamus Bahasa Inggris berjalanku.
Maaf belum banyak berubah menjadi yang lebih baik. Maaf belum bisa membuatmu bangga sebagai sahabatku. Maaf aku sering sekali egois dan kekanak-kanakan.
Aku harap, setelah 7 tahun persahabatan kita ini, selamanya adalah tujuan selanjutnya untuk perjalanan persahabatan kita. Tuhan memberkati!
Keep being beautiful, Aselia Amblin Pokatong.
Xoxo, B.
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kannedia · 2 months
Asel - OC Smash or Pass Love or Leave
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Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Quick Facts
Height: 5'2"
Age: 28
Gender: Female (Cis)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Sweet and thoughtful. Always willing to help.
She can be quite cuddly if her partner doesn't mind the horns
Protective. Her partner will be safe with her.
Cute and not too hard to fluster. Which some think is more adorable.
Inexperienced. She's never been in a relationship.
Tends to overthink things. Has slight anxiety problems.
Protective. It would probably be best for her partner to establish what they can and can't handle early on.
Struggles with reading people.
Loves crafting and is good at it. Would love it if her partner wore something she made
Loves learning new things and is eager to share what she's learned.
She is always up for travel and adventure, though she doesn't always verbalize it.
She will try to share Hannish tea and cuisine with her partner and would enjoy learning about their homeland in return.
Sexually: Not interested. Sorry.
Romantically: Completely inexperienced but if all involved are interested, she'll do her best. You'll need to be patient with her but she's worth it. Or so she hopes.
Tagged by: @iron-sparrow
Tagging: Any who want to try.
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kannedia · 8 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Day 13 - Butte
Asel spends a slow afternoon in Reunion. Or at least just outside of it.
It almost felt like home.
It was the middle of the day or thereabout, and the stalls in Reunion were as busy as the last time Asel had visited. The breeze was warm and carried a myriad of voices to her horns. As well as the scent of many different spices.
Asel took a bite of her buuz, her eyes scanning the market. Hien was right. The view from the butte was lovely.
It also allowed her to take in nearly the whole width and breadth of the area. Not that it was doing her much good, she noted to herself with a sigh. It appeared the Kha tribe still wasn't in the region. Or they were and she had missed them.
Her mother had told her stories about growing up in the area. Apparently, she had aunts, uncles, and cousins who still lived in the Azim Steppe.
Which was why she was so disappointed that no matter how many times she visited she couldn't find hide or hair of them. She would have to make another quick visit the next time she had free time.
And maybe she could check in with Cirina while she was in the area.
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kannedia · 3 months
25/6 - Looks of Endwalker
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kannedia · 3 months
21/6 - Looks of A Realm Reborn
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kannedia · 19 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Day 1 - Steer
"Hold it, Hero." Nero intercepted, reflexively ignoring Asel's glare. "That's not the metal you want for that."
She paused, her glare dropped as did her gaze. It fell to the half-built device she was working on and the metal plate she was about to attach.
"What?" She noted.
Nero merely tutted and reached into one of the boxes on the shelves above the desk. He searched for a moment before grabbing a different plate and placing it on the desk with a grin.
"This? Would it have the right level of aetheric sensitivity?" Asel wondered aloud.
"Would I ever steer you wrong, Kha?"
"Do you want that list in alphabetical or numerical order?" Cid questioned as he entered the workroom. "What are you making, Asel?"
"Hopefully an Aetherometer," Asel answered with a sigh.
"That's not quite the right metal for that."
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kannedia · 2 months
end — for the single-word drive!
As promised, I remembered
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In which Asel deals with the worst 'audiobook'.
[A theoretical take on the Gem of Azem as written by someone slowly working through the Shadowbringers patches.]
Asel tightened her grip on the small orange gem, sighed, and flipped it in her hand again. Its sigil gleamed faintly in the light of the lamp on her desk.
It had happened again. Azem's memories had interfered with her dreams yet again.
It had started just after she had returned to the Source with the Scions. A gentle trickle at first, soft voices whispered in her mind as she slept. Distant bird song and laughter rang in her horns in places where neither would naturally exist. Her heart felt peculiar twinges of nostalgia for scents she had never encountered before and doubted she ever would in the waking world.
Then there was the morning she woke with the taste of what she believed to be grapes on her tongue. Asel wasn't exactly fond of grapes. She doubted she ever would be as that was when she began to understand the voices. And Emet-selch was among them.
"Despite my repeated protestations, you went ahead with nary a care or concern."
Which, Asel sighed, was just her luck. She couldn't help but wonder if G'raha was dealing with something similar. Just not narrated by an Ascian. Hopefully.
It wasn't just him though. There was a woman as well. Her voice was kind but her tone held a slight authority. Asel wanted to respect her even though if she were accurate in her guesswork, she had only seen a recording of her once in another world.
"Things went well in your travels, I trust. Come, share with me what you saw."
Visions joined the voices soon after this.
Emet-selch had not been inaccurate in his recreation of Amaurot. His memories of the city, of the cities of the ancients, were just more rose-colored than she had originally guessed.
Their people were just people. No different from those found on the Source or the First. A notion that felt obvious from the second she first thought it.
All of which she saw with eyes that were not her own and heard with ears equally foreign to her.
These were not her memories. She could barely see them as Azem's memories given the narrator's tendency for dramatics.
Asel flipped the memory gem in her hand again eyeing it with suspicion. She probably should have told her fellow Scions about what had happened a while ago. Though she doubted they could help her much, she imagined they would like to hear about it.
She also hoped she wouldn't need to worry about it. The dreams were likely over. The Conviction had begun planning ways to avert the Final Days. Azem was planning their departure in search of another solution.
With luck and time, the only thing she would be left with would be Emet-selch's final words.
"At duties end we will meet again, I'm certain of it."
Asel gritted her teeth and ran her hand through her hair in frustration.
'What makes you think I want to meet you again you smug self-righteous dastard?!'
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kannedia · 3 months
23/6 - Looks of Stormblood
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kannedia · 3 months
22/6 - Looks of Heavensward
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kannedia · 6 months
If you're amenable
At some point post Endwalker. Asel attempts to put words to her feelings.
Possible pre-relationship Y'shtola/Asel
"I-i think-"
Asel stoped. She blinked. Her reflection in the mirror blinked back at her. And for a moment she could not help but feel as though she had lost what was left of her mind.
But Thancred had suggested this, and for all his problems, he was better with people than her. She just had to ignore that one incident at the Rising Stones. She sighed, If nothing else she might feel better once it's off her chest. Very well, another shot then.
"I think I may-" Asel stopped again. Too indecisive. Y'shtola valued decisiveness in others, as far as Asel could tell. But she did not like arrogance. Asel had seen as such in her time in the Azim Steppe.
Again. Asel would start again. She would not get such a luxury in actual conversation. Here though, in the safety of the Rising Stone's guest room, she could practice as much as she needed.
"I think I have a crush on you, Y'shtola." That was good? That was good. That would have to be good. At the very least it felt nice to say it aloud for a change. She might have to thank Thancred later.
"We could spend more time together if you're amenable." Asel continued. She would not stop now that her words were actually working. She might never get a chance to organize her thoughts so well again. "It would be nice to have tea together, to talk and mayhaps see where this feeling leads. If we work well together…"
"I do believe I would be amenable."
Asel all but froze at the sound of Y'shtola's voice. Her head turned slowly to face the door. It was open. Y'shtola was in fact standing there. For a mercy, alone.
"Y-y'shtola… How much of that did you hear?" Asel questioned, forcing her voice to remain steady.
"Quite enough." There is a softness to Y'shtola's voice as she says it. Though there was also a hint of playfulness to her smile. Or, at least, Asel thought it was a smile. "It is true that we have not spent much time together of late."
Asel could not help but smile widely herself.
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kannedia · 4 months
Happy Maid Day!
I say of a holiday I forgot about until about thirty minutes ago.
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She has a long road ahead of her.
GIF below the cut.
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kannedia · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!
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I hope the month finds you hale and hearty!
The tutorial for lighting is found here.
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kannedia · 3 months
24/6 - Looks of Shadowbringers
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