#ashes remain amnt
sunset-peril · 2 years
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Thirteen - More Than Face Value
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December 15th, 2027
Detention Center - Visiting Chamber #4
Apollo Justice was trying his very best not to storm through the Detention Center. Apollo Justice was trying his very best not to tremble as he awaited the inmate he was visiting. Apollo Justice was trying his very best not to blurt everything out as said inmate came strolling into the opposite side of the chamber.
Apollo Justice was trying his very best to be fine, because he suspected his girlfriend of murdering his best friend.
“Ah, Mr. Justice. I was not expecting you to come by.” He felt his old mentor scan him over and suddenly became a little more aware of the small mark Athena had left on his neck earlier. Sure, she was most definitely unconscious when it happened, but she also wasn’t kind enough to make it more accident-like and less… suggestive. He should probably stop thinking about it before he starts drawing more attention. “What happened? Your eye, and isn’t that Mr. Terran’s work jacket?” 
“It’s just a sty. Nothing much, just hurts.” He needn’t be dramatic now, because Kristoph didn’t need theatrics for the story to sell. In all honesty, Apollo felt badly for initiating the ruse so dramatically. However, he needed Athena to be fooled; he couldn’t let her know he suspected her. He kept his eye covered, wouldn’t let her look, as he enthused her about why he’d been hiding it thus far from her; that he believed it appeared due to his stress of losing her the night before. He was pretty sure she wasn’t going to fall for it, but then her face fell softly with concern, and she wrapped him up herself and muttered of techniques she’d heard in graduate school of treating such ailments. Her hands were so gentle on his head, even though calluses new and old scratched his skin. The kiss she blessed the bandages with as she secured them in back instantly made him feel guilty, but not enough to confess. 
If he was to confess his guilt to that one incident, it would come at a later date. He wanted to beg and plead, that he’d be blessed with the demand to confess he’d been wrong in suspecting her, that she was a spotless angel who just was a bit down on her luck. 
But the hammering feeling he could be completely wrong struck through him. “Something terrible’s happened… and I suspect someone important to me is to blame.”
“Oh? And why does this bother you so? You were willing to turn on me so easily.”
“I know, it’s just… this person is… very important to me. One of the most important people to me. I want to believe in them… but I know they’re lying… if what I suspect actually happened…”
“What is it you really seek, Justice? Are you looking to absolve this ‘special someone’ of yours? Are you looking for some sort of vengeance? Validation? Or are you looking for truth, no matter the cost? Each one of us has our own ulterior motive. You must choose yours. In order to find any answers, you must decide. The answers will come to you in time, and if you want truth, you must be unrelenting in pursuit. Remember what I taught you? Evidence-”
“...Is everything… I remember. How could I forget?” He clenched his teeth to bite back the tears. “I trusted you… I trusted you, and you betrayed me!”
“None of it was about you, Justice… I never meant for you to get involved.” 
He quivered and before long a healthy stream of tears came leaking through both eye and bandage. “W-why did you… why did he… why did she…?” His voice became curled up into a miniscule fraction of himself as he scraped his one good eye dry. “Why can’t I…?”
“You are a much better person than I, Justice. I’m sure you’ll find whatever you decide to search for.”
December 15th, 2027
Wright Anything Agency
“Thena! You’re safe!” Within seconds of her arrival, Trucy had latched herself to Athena’s leg. Her bad leg. How do children always know which leg is the bad one?
“Trucy, that leg hurts. Could you let go?”
She pouted before she let go. “Are you not happy to see me?”
“Of course I am, but I needed you off my leg.”
“Hurt yourself already, Athena?” Her boss tapped papers on his desk. She could hear the screeching of his filing cabinet beneath. He needed to oil it.
“I probably just fell on it weird last night. I don’t remember much.”  
“Where’s Polly? Did he not come back with you?”
“Said he had an errand, that he’d be back before the hour was up.”
“He just found you. Wouldn’t he want you with him?”
“He’s a bit out of it right now, Trucy. He seems… in denial. I guess that’s fair, with how sudden and nightmarish this day has been. Probably is begging ‘it’s all a dream’, that he’ll wake up and Clay will still be on this earth.”
“Aw, Polly…” Trucy’s pout turned somber as she began a begging of her own. “You’ll take care of him, right, Athena?”
She slid herself over to the couch, putting up her bad leg. “Of course, Trucy! I’ve got Pollo covered! Although it’s healthy for him to grieve, I’ll help make sure he doesn’t drown.” She nearly drowned. It was a year ago come January. It was a year ago come February. It was the one thing she’d yet to leave behind. Maybe it was the one thing that he needed, even if it threatened to destroy her. 
Athena rested her still aching body, likely exhausted despite her young mind’s energy, until Apollo arrived. Though she did not have the strength to race to the door, she greeted him and offered him the place beside her. 
He’d been crying. She didn’t question it, but curled him against her shoulder. His sadness echoed through her like the bass on that young punk’s corvette from her and Apollo’s apartment complex. If she was a street urchin, that punk would’ve already gotten his.
Nope, nope. Bad Athena. No revenge plotting on aggravating seventeen-year-olds. Apollo was more important. His heart felt chilly, and her first instinct was to cuddle him closer. No words were appropriate for this moment, just silent reassurance that these feelings were valid. 
He didn’t curl back into her, but just laid stiff across her chest. She understood. 
She understood, but could not say. The last thing he needed was for everything to come back to her.
Of course, it always came back to her. It could save him, but she also questioned whether she loved him enough to die. 
Athena doubted she loved Apollo enough to offer her life for his comfort. She doubted that she even loved herself that much. Did she love Simon that much? Maybe? She had her reasons; reasons to be so withholding with love and life. What was true commitment in this country anyway? A piece of paper? A new life? The slashed throat of one’s partner’s enemy laid at their feet like an offering? She’d seen all of these. The world has so many ulterior motives, screaming at her from every which way. Was it so dastardly that she had her own? She had so much weakness, weakness she’d shown and weakness she couldn’t seal away. 
It was simple for the boss to fire a snide remark, such remarks flowed through Apollo’s veins. She had a talent for finding these people. Of course, those who run back and forth to the line of life and death lose their innocent vigor. Simple knowledge for someone who walked that line.
That line was lonely. Even the most vicious of tongues realize it and use such loneliness to their advantage. Such was the reason she never left herself alone. She definitely was prone to distraction and to wander, when her mind betrayed her more often than not, but her motivation was usually security and nothing more. Her greatest fear wasn’t death, she’d already had time to grapple with the fact her life was short. No, she feared the violence, the blood more. When she leaves this earth, it will be because her body failed her. 
Athena Cykes is no one's martyr. 
Yet her freedom is tied to the man stiff in her arms. She loves him. She loves him dearly. 
Apollo is worthy of more than she can give, and such is why her mouth remains sealed. 
She has the rowboat she needs, but it's questionable whether two people will compromise the vessel’s seaworthiness. She’s too afraid of risking the water to pull him to safety. She’ll hold his hand through the water, but she can’t risk what it takes to save him. 
But, of course, it always comes back to her. 
And, of course, even silence wasn’t enough to stop this grand turnabout that rattled through her soul. 
“I want to talk to you about something, Athena.” His voice was broken, like his heart, and she couldn’t resist the instinct to pull him into a perma-hug as she answered. “Of course, Pollo. What is it?”
“I want to talk to you about last night, and this morning.” He was frank, like always, but the usual gentleness was all but there. Under the shattered pieces of his voice, she heard his heart. Overwhelmed by sadness, fear and anger. These three hardened his heart and staled his voice.
“I’ll answer what I can. I really don’t remember much.”
“Let’s start with what you remember then.”
“Well, I remember leaving Pavillion, I remember that clearly. The nurse that was with me yesterday dosed me with that anti-flashback like usual, just in a higher dose due to how often the flashbacks have been happening these last few weeks. She warned me against driving, even though my papers say I’m not allowed to drive, and asked me to go home within thirty minutes just in case it caused me to forget where I was. She wanted to make sure I’d be back with you in case something happened. I started towards home and decided to grab you something, but I don’t remember what… I’m sorry, but I don’t have any memories of what happened between them and when I heard you screaming my name out in those bushes.” 
His expression didn’t lighten, but tightened further. Eventually, he turned away from her and began to laugh. “You really want me to believe that? You really do?” Why did he sound so amused, so- so- unlike the man she fell in love with? “I’m supposed to believe you, aren’t I? Because love is blind? You just happened to be drugged more than normal and happened to have wandered on your way home only to end up at GYAXA after a double bombing. It’s quite convenient, don’t you think?” 
“Pollo, please, why would I lie?” Something was wrong, she could hear his heart screeching in agony, just above her own. His voice didn’t flow like Apollo’s did, it had some sinister rhythm, something not his. His voice was so flat under his heart’s screaming, she could see all four walls behind such a fake façade. 
“Then where’s your evidence?!” 
She startled to the other end of the couch.
“Polly! What’s gotten into you?! You love Athena!” The young magician charged up between them. 
“Trucy. This is between me and Athena. Please.” 
Athena could see the tears he was biting back. This was stabbing him from the inside, some other force must be playing on him. “Pollo, I was half-conscious out in the middle of nowhere… Why would I do that to myself?”
“That’s not good enough, Athena. I’m sorry. You can’t use emotions as evidence here.”
“Apollo,” she tried a little more firmly. “I don’t remember anything but what I told you.”
He pounded the desk with one of the most furious slams she'd ever heard. “I need more than that! You think I have any idea what goes on in that stupid mind of yours?!”
Her jaw dropped to the floor, as the tears she’d held back for so long. That final remark of Apollo’s, and Trucy’s instant scolding, startled the boss from his paper with the late realization that his subordinates were arguing. But he didn’t respond in time, Apollo stormed out of the office before he could rise from his chair. “Athena…”
She was used to painful words. She experienced them enough just by being a surprisingly young lawyer. But those words from someone she trusted, had considered opening the darkest parts of her heart and soul up to, and for them to be overflowing with such vicious malice… she found herself collapsed in tears in front of her boss and his daughter. 
“Thena… I’m sure Polly didn’t mean it…” 
Trucy didn’t hear him the way she did. Trucy didn’t hear the soul-shattering rage bellowing out of the height-challenged attorney into her bare skin. Whether it was only at that moment or much longer, it didn’t matter.
Apollo meant it. He meant it with every fiber he had.
And he showed no effort to return home that night.
It was nearing seven in the evening, and the number of hours Phoenix had been on the phone with her dared to defeat the time of day. She was trembling, anxious, and in no state to care for herself. But the phone wouldn’t suffice for much longer. She couldn’t live alone. It was the number one rule in the agreement that released her from Pavilion originally. After Apollo didn’t answer his phone, Phoenix took matters into his own hands, and took her to his home till the morning.
Athena was immensely grateful for the Wright family’s generosity, to open their home up to her after her guardian failed to return. She was even more grateful they understood her stress, that she didn’t have to enthuse about such gratefulness before straight-lining to the furthest restroom for a shower. The near burning sensation of the water she brought upon her skin was a welcome distraction from raging thoughts, thoughts that burned up in the heat she forced onto herself. She still remained silent, with thoughts and truths sealed away even to the ones who had yet to turn their backs. She wanted to remain in the boat, she needed to stay in the boat. Even if Apollo had to stay in the water, even though he had drowned, she had to be in that boat. 
But, of course, everything always comes back to her. And as she gazed upon herself newborn bare in the Wright family mirror in the Wright family bathroom, she slashed at the beast mark engraved on her breast and dug desperate fingers through slivers of silver peeking out from under the orange, snarling as the marks on her stomach strengthened old memories rushing back, and she realized she’d long fallen into those deep, cold waters. “What the hell are you doing here, Venus?”
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Athena: Apollo, how dare you be so careless with yourself?! I refuse to let you be so self-destructive!
Also Athena: *proceeds to do something 3x more self-destructive*
Apollo: 😐
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Finally found a Turnabout Reclaimed cutscene at a high enough resolution to finish the reference without it looking obnoxiously odd.
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Athena's collar scar and beast mark are visible.
The beast mark will be used as evidence in the Clay Terran trial.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
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sunset-peril · 2 years
I finished writing Ashes Remain!
I'll either post the final chapter within the next few hours or after I wake up tomorrow. Depends on when I finish proofreading.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
It's 4am and I have officially stayed up way way too late.
But I wrote a chapter, an entire chapter, in less than 24 hours. I haven't done that since I finished Lullay, Space Princess (the Ashes Remain prequel, which I wrote in a week)
Now if y'all excuse my madness, I'm going to bed 😂
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Twelve - The Cykesquills
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Clay… was gone.
He was gone, and Athena was missing. 
He was able to hold himself together until they arrived at the Cosmos Space Center, but fell apart just outside of Boarding Lounge One.
He just couldn’t do it yet. He needed Clay to find Athena, and Athena to accept Clay’s fate. 
Mr. Wright had gone in a while back to take preliminary pictures for the police as a bargaining chip for an initial investigation. Any non-police involved in the case would be allowed to investigate that afternoon, but everything was marked off in yellow tape now. 
While he was sitting there, begging himself to be fine just long enough to say goodbye to his best friend, Detective Dunn returned to report none of the people evacuated to the shelter were Athena. 
He couldn’t start over again. He couldn’t be alone again. Just when he’d finally realized his dream of being a defense attorney, of being like the great Phoenix Wright; just when he’d begun to settle into adulthood from all the turmoil his younger years brought, life had to take his two most loved ones away. 
“Apollo? The police have to take him now, so uh, if there’s anything you’d like to say…”
“Thank you, Mr. Wright. Just let me get up…”
December 15th, 2027
GYAXA Front Gate
Everything was in shambles. The detectives, the Wright Anything Agency, the Cosmos Space Center… They were all piles of ash now. To hear a suspect had already been arrested, and that statements were already being taken was shocking despite such timeliness being common for the police. Apollo wanted to meet the suspect, but was thankful they were still in questioning. No more until he’d processed everything else. He’d decided to walk around just outside the police tape, and that’s when he heard what sounded like a crash in the bushes. “Detective? I think there’s something in the brush over here. Mind if I take a look?” 
“Sure. Let me know if you find anything. Need to stay behind the tape here. Fulbright’s in charge of the inside, I’m expected to keep things secure out here.” 
Whatever was in there, it couldn’t make the day any worse. Unless it was Athena’s dead body. But he’d just heard the crash. If it was her, she couldn’t be dead yet, right?
“Okay… Here comes Justice.” 
He took a few steps into the bushes, then heard more rustling noises up ahead. Once he pinpointed which bushes they were coming from, he hopped over and pulled them back. “Athena!” 
Her eyelids fluttered open, but stopped halfway up her eyes. Her head was thrown back by something, and her lower body seemed limp. He saw the unfocus in her eyes, yet still expected a response from her. “Athena! Can you hear me?!” In one leap, he hopped the bushes and began to check her over. Once she was in his arms, he felt her pull into his figure with a dropping grip and a shuddering body. “It’s okay, Thena, I’ve got you.” Aside from the limpness in her back, nothing seemed abnormal. Her shaking was called for, considering the events of the past day. Then, he began to shake as well, and in her presence, everything came rushing through. “Clay’s dead, Athena, they just found his body in the boarding lounge. And where were you? We’ve been so worried! Oh, I couldn’t keep from worrying you were gone too!” He buried his face into her shoulder to stop his words. 
After enough time passed to soothe himself, a voice was heard from outside the brush. “Mr. Justice? You didn’t get eaten did you?”
“Detective Dunn! Over here! I’ve found her!” 
“Oh!” She was right by his side. “Oh, goodness! Doctor Cykes, can you hear us?” 
They received a weak nod before her eyes rolled back and her head dipped into Apollo’s chest. 
“Poor thing, I wonder how long she’s been out here? She’s probably dehydrated.” Dunn rubbed Athena’s shoulder. “You’re going home.” 
"Something’s wrong with her… her back is so limp. I wonder if she took a blow." 
"Okay… let's get her inside. We'll give her a drink and have a doctor check her over." 
Apollo carefully stood up and Dunn helped him get Athena settled in his arms. Initially, she just curled up and snuggled on his shoulder, but when Wright called out in relief, she raised her head and began leaning out towards their boss. 
"Careful. I don't want you falling." Apollo pressed her back towards his shoulder. 
"There's a sofa just outside the Space Museum we can lay her on. Follow me, Mr. Justice." While they walked, Detective Dunn phoned for the GYAXA medical staff and had her partner bring a bottle of water from a nearby vending machine. 
"Ah, there she is. I'm glad to know she's safe and will be going home. Softens the blow of this tragedy here, just a little." 
"Mr. Justice, this is my partner, Detective Chiva. Amy, this is Mr. Justice."
"Thank you for everything… with Athena… and Clay…"
"I'm deeply sorry for your loss." 
"Thank you…"
Athena nudged him with a now empty bottle. "More please." Her voice was still a raspy whisper. 
"You sucked that dry, Cykes." He kissed her head. "I'll get you another in a second. You have to have your emergency dose first."
"Okay…" She gingerly stretched her closest arm out while Apollo set the small backpack he'd been carrying around down and carefully dug through the contents. 
"Ah, it's a medical bag. I had been wondering why you brought such a bag all the way out here."
"Yeah." He took out a sealed alcoholic swab and a sealed pre-filled syringe. "Sorry your 'welcome home' is me sticking your arm, tiger." 
"You do what you have to." 
Without much more grandeur, the dose was administered. "There." He kissed her temple. "Three more, Thena."
"I think you're at a higher risk of needing one than I am."
He chuckled. "I don't get one, even if I could use it." He pulled a small biohazard box out and put the used needle inside. 
"Thank you, Pollo."
"Of course." 
"I'll grab another water for her, Mr. Justice."
"Thank you, Detective Chiva." 
"Detective Dunn? What do you need me for?" 
"This young lady was the missing woman we've been searching for over here. I wanted to know if you'd look her over before I sent her home. 
"Of course. I'm glad you're found-" The doctor looked more closely at Athena. "P-Princess? …Is that really you, Athena?" 
Apollo held her closer, as if she softened some kind of sting that the doctor brought. “Yes, it’s her.” 
“You’ve been gone so long… yet you still look the same.”
“She’s actually been in the country for a while. They found her in Europe a year ago, I think.”
“Oh really? That’s quite a ways off…” Her voice rolled into a mumble. “no wonder it took so long to find her…” 
“She seems just fine… except her back’s really limp… I just want to make sure she doesn’t have some sort of spinal injury. Not… paralyzed or anything.”
“Of course, let me see her.”
Apollo tried to stand and move from the doctor’s way, but Athena gripped his leg and seemed quite willing to be dragged across the Space Center. “Noo, Apollooo.” 
“Hey, lemme go, Athena. I’m just getting out of the way.”
“Hey, what gives? You’re usually not this clingy.” He scrubbed her forehead, then bent down beside. “It’s okay. She’s not going to hurt you. I won’t let her. But you’ve gotta let her look. If something’s wrong…”  As he placed a quick kiss on her forehead, hot tears began to leak from his eyes. “You’ve still got so much life left… I can’t let it be taken from you too.” 
With big blue eyes, she looked from him to the older woman. It wasn’t her that was frightening, but an ever-sinking feeling that continued to grow inside her. Ever since she could remember, pinpointing feelings had always come naturally. She knew where Apollo’s feelings were coming from, she could pinpoint the emotions of the two detectives standing beside, waiting almost impatiently to wrap up her case and move to other matters… just like every other time. 
She’d failed them, failed to do the tasks she’d been assigned… but she couldn’t go back. She couldn’t let them take her.
Where was this feeling coming from? She couldn’t place it, it overwhelmed her. It came from all sides, and all she could do was bear its brunt; let it rush over her and hope she came back up. Apollo was sinking, and she was too. She had to stay afloat, because it’s ever clear he couldn’t. This was just another boat that only she could stop from sinking, but she was just… so tired… 
“Here, I think you’re overwhelmed, and this will help with all the colors.” That doctor draped a fabric cloth over her face, she couldn’t sense anything else until pressure came running through her lower back. “Did you see her move her foot just now? She’s got enough sensation for a reflex. Maybe she just tripped and her back gave out. Let me get a clos-..." 
“W-what? What is it?” 
"O-oh… Mr. Justice, sir, detectives… you may want to see this…"
It knocked the air out of his lungs. Her spine… It was silver. 
Athena has a silver spine?! 
The detectives gasped as well, and Detective Chiva began scribbling something on her notepad like her life depended on it. 
“These scars." That was the first thing the doctor was able to say. "There’s so many. Most of them look like she got in a bad fight or two, but these here, they seem surgical. All these little ones surround this larger scar just on the left of the spine… and it obviously wasn't your typical spinal surgery. Seems like she had a removal surgery, maybe a cyst or a foreign body, before her spine itself was completely replaced. These little ones… I’d almost say she had a bad cyst. Looks like someone was trying to drain it by creating small punctures. Mr. Justice, are you aware of which part of Europe she was found in?”
“Exactly where? No, but I do know she stayed with a shelter in Spain while they waited for her visa.”
“Ah, yes. Spain is a much poorer part of the Union, especially as far as non-profits are concerned, and these scars seem indicative of your typical lower-income emergency surgery. She was probably on the waiting list for an operation, and the smaller cuts were done to keep an infection under control. But this…” She slid her hand down Athena’s startling secret. "This is experimental. A lower-income region wouldn't have the material for it, much less the surgeons… Berlin, Germany, is the only place I know of where the procedure is even legal, and even there it is under great backlash."
“Athena?” He picked up the fabric, and she took more than a few blinks to focus on him. “Could you tell us about the scars on your back? A-about your surgery?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” She pulled the fabric back down. 
“I see. Well, Mr. Justice, detectives, that’s really all I could tell you without her willing to share. I believe her back just slipped. There’s no bruising, no swelling around the artificial areas of the spine, and she still has feeling in her back and legs. She should be able to get back up after some rest.” 
“Thank you… I’ll keep an eye on her. Detective Dunn, thank you for helping us find her.”
December 15, 2027
Boarding Lounge Number 1 - Cosmos Space Center - Third Floor
“You’re sure you can handle this, Pollo?”
“I have to. I need to make sure whoever did this to him…” 
He didn’t resist when she cupped his cheek for a calming kiss, but she didn’t remove the deepening pit in his stomach. Everything felt so wrong, so dark. 
He steeled his resolve there. Whoever killed Clay, whoever did it, was going down. He would not let them get away, no matter how he’d felt about them before. They were a killer, and they took his best friend away. 
“Apollo! Restez concentré!” 
“Huh? Hey, how come you get to snip at me when I zone out, but I don’t get to snip at you?”
She pointed back at herself, tossing her huge ponytail for emphasis. “Disabled,” then pointed at him “not disabled.” 
“I’m kidding, Apollo. You know how I feel about people who do that. You just had a bit of a spiral-y vibe going on there. When I spiral, I like to be snapped out of it. Figured you would too.” 
“Ah. Yeah, that did help.” 
“See! Psychology!”
“Okay, okay, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Scratching his arm, he glanced over the case outline in his hand. “Where should we get started?”
“I always like to start with the body’s location, then spread out from there! But, uh, I’m open to starting somewhere else. I know this is kind of a sour watermelon for you.”
“A what?”
“A sour watermelon.” 
“A sour watermelon?”
“Yeah, sour- oh, did I mess the idiom up again?” 
He found himself laughing. “Yeah, just a little bit. It’s ‘a sore spot,’ Athena, not ‘sour-’ oh my gosh.”
“Heheh, oops. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You haven’t even been in the country a year yet. I’m proud of you for trying, and thanks for the laugh. I needed that.” 
“You’re welcome! Now let’s get investigating!” 
Athena was lying.
She was lying about the investigation.
But why would she need to lie?
What was the fear in her eyes for, when he asked that question? 
Why did his bracelet assault his wrist as all her tells fired in succession?
What caused her to abandon logic as she lied to his face?
Why did she lie about the knife that took Clay’s life?
What did she know?
Why did she know?
And how could he move forward with her right at his side? 
She’d wandered off for the time being, as Athena typically does. After her disappearing act the night before, the detectives were stunned that he let her just walk off. However, with what occurred between them over the outline of Clay’s body, he hated to say it, but he needed more distance from her. 
Of course, he had every intention of going and finding her sooner rather than later. But perhaps he should've waited just a bit longer, perhaps if he had, he would've been blind to the conversation in the ever-foreboding robotics lab.
“Your status as princess does not exempt you.” It was an older woman’s voice, rasped with anger. “Neither does your little disappearing act.” 
He’d been in this situation before, where he or Mr. Wright stumble upon suspects arguing about matters. The best thing to do was try and at least stay out of sight; gather the information. If things started getting too out of hand, he’d leave. But these types of encounters have been critical information more often than not. 
“Disappearing act?” A-Athena? “You insult me.” She sneered her remark back at the older woman, he hadn’t heard such malice since he fought Kristoph that one last time.
“I thought many things when I was told you’d become a doctor. But that’s just an arbitrary title, isn’t it? You don’t care.”
“No. You don’t care.”
“I amend my statement. You don’t care of anyone but yourself. A selfish little princess, feeding from the efforts of her white knights, taking the little such peasants have.
Aura? Athena’s mother-not-mother-aunt-not-aunt-relative-not-relative?  
“Ha! You think your words scare me? I’m a government employee. Words don’t scare. But for an emotional twit like yourself? They’re a critical blow.” 
“You have no idea what I’ve seen! What I’ve done; what's been forced upon me, because of this!”
An objection-worthy desk slam startled Apollo’s brain to produce thoughts. They raced through, threatening to derail second after second. What had Athena seen? What did she do? An emergency message rang throughout him. No… no, no, no!
“Oh really, princess? What are these things you’ve seen and done and been victim to, these things somehow verifying that you really and truly do care about anyone but yourself. Something that exempts you from the ropes you so stupidly forgot to cut from your ankles, the blood on your hands you forgot to wash away! Confess! Confess here and now! What is it, princess?! What makes your life more important than Starbuck’s?!”
He didn’t like where this was going. He-
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to watch someone die?! To die like that?! To be silent with it all, because you know exactly what they’ll do to you if anyone ever tells?! Are you taking someone else’s blood to your grave?! Are you, Aura Blackquill?!”
He heard shoving, then a large mass collided with something steel and heavy. They both screamed, slinging profanities towards the other as quickly as possible. If he went in, they probably wouldn’t notice, but he wanted out. He couldn’t be laid low just before Clay’s trial, he just couldn’t.
Especially because he knew Athena couldn’t take his place. 
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Eleven - Apollo Falls Silent
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He didn't realize there might be a problem until the alarm went off on his phone. It was eight-thirty now, time to help Athena with her medicine. 
He wandered around the apartment. No Athena. 
Where was she? She was always back before dark. She told him she'd be making a visit after her appointment, and he assumed it was a visit to her incarcerated uncle. It was long after the prison's visiting hours, but no Athena.
He'd called her, twice. Two voicemails. 
Panic was rising. His throat closed over. He needed to find her, or find a good reason to submit a missing persons report. 
Juniper. Nope, nothing. The future judge seemed just as concerned. She agreed to try and find her, leaving Apollo free to continue his contacts. 
Prosecutor Blackquill was going to have his head if dawn came and Athena was still unaccounted for.
He called Pavilion next. They confirmed Athena left around 2:30 that afternoon and was in a stable mental state. The receptionist took his information: that he was Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes' guardian, and that she seemed to be missing. Because of Athena's conditions, if she couldn't be found in an hour, Pavilion would report her as such.
He called Wright. Initially, his boss was a little annoyed at the late night call. The tune instantly changed once Apollo started talking. 
"I can't find her, Mr. Wright."
"Athena? What do you mean you can't find her?"
"She never came home, she won't answer her phone. I called the asylum and they said she left this afternoon. They'll file a missing person report in an hour if I haven't called back." 
"I'm coming, Apollo." Mr. Wright was at his door ten minutes later, a sleeping Trucy tossed over his shoulder. 
He called her once more while Mr. Wright settled Trucy on the couch. A third voicemail. He scoured his texts, Athena's journals, anything that might explain where she went. 
His heart hit the floor when his, Wright's and Trucy's phones all blared in unison.
Missing Endangered Person :
Athena Cykes, 18, Female
Orange-red hair in ponytail down to waist 
Last seen near Pavilion Crisis Care wearing black tank top and grey leggings. Contact law enforcement with information on her location. More details on your local news station.
The above person has a documented disability and is believed to be in grave or immediate danger.
Clay called not even five minutes later. He apologized for not being able to visit Athena in the hospital, and gushed sympathy after sympathy towards Apollo for her sudden disappearance. "Dude! I got the alert! Anything yet?" 
"No, nothing… Oh, Clay… tomorrow's your big day, you should be getting some sleep."
"Sleep?! My best bud's girl just flashed on everyone's emergency portal! Isn't that right, Mister Starbuck?" 
"Course, Clay! She's our princess!"
"Princess? Clay, are we talking about the same Athena?"
"Aye, Polly-wog! Your girl's Miss Aura's daughter! Everyone who's close to Miss Aura calls Athena that!" 
“Yes. I… know I don’t look it but… I’m a Blackquill. His niece.”
Ah, this Miss Aura must be Prosecutor Blackquill's sister. 
"Yeah, she told me she was related to Simon Blackquill." 
"Yeah, Aura really isn't taking it well." Starbuck was heard on the other end. "I heard her scream something through the walls of the robotic lab." 
"Well, looks like I'm off to keep Miss Aura from destroying the entire lab in despair. If I see Athena around, I'll call you back. Keep me posted bro!"
That was the most enjoyable of his calls. He answered call after call as people who knew him checked to see if there was anything they could do. The Kitakis were the most surprising. The former mafia had seen Athena on the court proceedings channel and wanted to know if the same lady who was missing was Apollo's co-council from the academy case. He also suspected they'd dabbled in some rumors that certainly had to have emerged outside the legal realm, and wanted to know if they needed to pull a favor. 
He thanked them for their concern, then told them he'd let them know if he needed their help. 
The night ran long and sleepless. Mr. Wright tried to get him to sleep sometime long after midnight, saying that he’d shake him awake if any news came, but to no avail.
The sun rose, but Athena was missing and Apollo, sleepless. Worn beyond emotion, it took the rest of him to deal with a horrified and grieving Trucy. Although it stung to do so, he found himself incredibly frustrated with her reaction to Athena’s disappearance. How could she even think to grieve in his presence when she had slept peacefully the whole night, completely unaware of the situation until a few moments ago? How could she think to compete with his worry, when he was the only legal method keeping his beloved from a life in mental prison? Tear ducts run dry hours before continued their attempts to weep in tune with the pacing still digging its way into the rented carpet. He’d vowed before the eyes of the law and his beloved to protect her, to keep her from harm’s way, and he’d failed. 
Dealing with Trucy took so much from his already exhausted body that, despite racing anxiety, rest came to claim him after she left. In fact, it held onto him so strongly that Mr. Wright’s shaking him barely rose his head.
“A Detective Briella Dunn called you. She said they’ve got some leads on Athena’s location. They got a call saying someone had seen her heading in the direction of GYAXA, and they’ll scour the whole area once the rocket launches.”
“Wha-” He pulled himself from the couch. “What would she be doing there?”
“You know she’s got those terrible intrusive thoughts… Maybe one of them had something to do with the Space Center and she wandered.”
“Yeah… Yeah, and she didn’t take her medicine last night… Ugh, if her head got control of her, who knows what condition she’ll be in once we find her?”
“Why don’t you go clean yourself up, Apollo? We’ll start heading that way. The area owned by GYAXA is off limits until after the launch, but there’s still some places we can check. I’ll call Detective Dunn back and see if she’ll meet us somewhere.”
December 15th, 2027
Breakthrough in Bread Pastry Shoppe
“Mr. Wright, Mr. Justice. I appreciate your urgency on these matters, but I’m not sure there’s much we can do at this juncture.” 
“Are there any areas around GYAXA that aren’t shut down for the launch?”
“Mostly a whole bunch of nowhere. All of the clearings and areas between the main building and the launch are government property and off-limits until the Center reopens to the public. There’s really no reason she should be out in that area, if not for the Space Center specifically.”
Apollo continued mutilating the small bagel he’d purchased. “Have any of your leads suggested she was specifically headed for GYAXA?”
“Only a few civilian reports say she headed in this direction, but the timing was a little sketchy, so we took it more seriously than most leads.”
“Sketchy? How so?”
“Coincidentally, the missing Doctor Cykes was reported missing as a child, and the alert was only cleared this past winter when she was found in Europe. The HAT-1 launch occurred shortly before she went missing, and now she’s gone again for the HAT-2. Should there be any future HAT missions, you better keep a tight hand on her. You say she may have wandered due to intrusive thoughts? Odd, considering the very definition of such thoughts.”
“Well, the only family she’s told me about works there, and she’s been diagnosed with PTSD. It’s a stretch, but it's really the only theory we’ve come up with.” 
“What such family?”
“A… mother, I think.”
An eyebrow raised from the detective before she stood from the table. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” The detective took a step just outside and talked over her earpiece intercom.
“Well, that was strange… as soon as you mentioned Athena’s mother, that detective got all out of it.” 
“I know…”
“I’m sorry for that, but I had to inform my partner. As the missing party’s closest companion, your words make up a lot of our initial suspicions.” 
“I-Is there anything odd about Athena going to see her mother?”
“Normally? No. However, if what you say is true, she’s gone in search of a dead woman, and she’s out of our reality.” 
“Her mother is dead? She said her mother disowned her!”
“When did she say this, Mister Justice? Yesterday morning?”
“B-Back in October. Just before Halloween I think.” 
“Oh, goodness.” Dunn buried her brow in her hand.
“She acknowledged her aunt works at GYAXA back in April. Could she have mom and aunt confused?” Wright tapped his glass’ rim.
“I’m sorry, did you say aunt? ” 
“One Aura Blackquill.”
“A-Aura Blackquill, you said, Mr. Wright? I was under the impression Aura was her mother!” 
“Aura Blackquill, the robotics engineer at GYAXA, is of no relation to the Cykes family. She was her mother’s coworker just before HAT-1. It seems Doctor Cykes has been dissociating for quite a long time.” 
“Wait, no relation? Hang on, I heard this from the astronauts!” Apollo fumbled out his phone and replayed the recording of his conversation with Clay. 
“-Isn't that right, Mister Starbuck?" 
"Course, Clay! She's our princess!"
"Princess? Clay, are we talking about the same Athena?"
"Aye, Polly-wog! Your girl's Miss Aura's daughter! Everyone who's close to Miss Aura calls Athena that!" 
"Yeah, she told me she was related to Simon Blackquill." 
“How odd… I can verify those are both the HAT-2 astronauts. But I can also verify no blood relation exists between those two families.”
“The Chief Prosecutor himself told me Simon Blackquill was a relative of Athena’s. However, she told me Aura was her aunt , but obviously Apollo and the astronauts were told she’s her mother. Yet, no blood relationship exists?”
“I… personally ran the blood reports on the Blackquill trial. It was the first thing the prosecution wanted on record. I found no blood or legal bindings between the families. Perhaps there are some unconventional, friends-of-the-family ties that could grant aunt and uncle titles, but Doctor Cykes can’t be trusted on the matter. The likelihood she’s dissociating is just too high.” 
“So what do we do?” 
“Still nothing we can do until the launch. We need Aura Blackquill now to discover if Doctor Cykes really was on a search for her departed mother, or if she just wanted to visit Ms. Blackquill and got confused. But all this talk wasn’t for nothing. We’ve all learned a little more about what might have gone on inside her mind when she went missing. I’ll call my partner and tell her we’ve extreme suspicion Doctor Cykes is somewhere on Space-" The green light on her headpiece began flashing. "Oh! Who’s calling me at such a time? Hello?” Once again she stood from the table. “What? There’s been an explosion? Two? You’re evacuating to the shelter? No, I’m not on site, Amy, I’m with the Cykes party. I was just about to tell you to search the grounds. Yes, I can see that won’t be happening. Let me know what Arme reports when she returns. Yes, I’ll be on site in about an hour, we still need to search the grounds for the woman. Amy, the sky could be falling for all I care, I have reason to believe she’s dissociated. Yes, I’ll send you a picture of what she looks like so you can search the shelter. I’ll touch base with you in five minutes, I need to inform my party here. I’ll call you back.”
“Where are there explosions?” Dread consumed Apollo. ‘It’s not at the Space Center is it?” 
“I can’t disclose that information right now, I’m sorry. I’ll search for your loved one, but the Center will not be reopening. I’ll call you if I have any new information.” With that, the detective was gone. 
“Mr. Wright! Did you hear that?!”
“I did. But unfortunately, she’s correct. Until we’re assigned a crime scene, or have some valid reason to go charge that way, we technically can’t go check it out. The whole place must be swarmed with cops right now. I think the best thing we can do is go back to your place and wait it out. ” 
“We’re fine, right, Mr. Wright? Everything’s just fine!”
“We’re fine, Apollo. Finish up at your own pace, then we’ll go home.”
Unfortunately, he didn’t get the chance to make that decision for himself; his phone went off moments later. “Yes, this is Apollo Justice…” 
Moments froze as his eyes widened and lip quivered. “Yes… thank you… I’ll… be there…” 
One beep from his phone as the call ended, and Apollo was in shambles all over again.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Original Characters in A Man Named Terran
This link *should* take y'all directly to where I am keeping OCs for the A Man Named Terran series. Two (I think?) will appear in chapter 10 of Ashes Remain, the others probably won't come around until book 3.
Somewhere on this page may also be my Hyrule's Final Stand OCs, but I really can't remember if I privated the folders or not.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Six - Something About Athena
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“You realize the procedure, right?” 
"Yes, Boss. 'The defendant has the right to know any special circumstances regarding their defense, including but not limited to: relationship to the Prosecution or Judge, any personal involvement in the case or similar cases that may produce bias…'"
"'Or legal designations passed onto the defense that display functioning not present in the normal population.' You're insane, Athena. The defendant has the right to know, and the court is requiring your declaration. I know you'd rather not talk about it, but insanity is serious." 
"Does Apollo have to be there? I… know an attorney went insane last year during a trial he was assigned to. It's selfish but-"
"You think he'll instantly believe you're the same." 
"Yes, I'm afraid." Her voice became silent, with trembling lips she muttered "I… can't start over… not again."
Athena and Mr. Wright had been in a slew of private meetings since her arrival. When Apollo arrived at 7am the morning of the trial, they were already in another meeting. It was none of his business, he tried to ignore it. 
"Ah, Apollo! Would you mind dropping Trucy off at school? I need to take Athena to the courthouse to finish a few papers. This was the only time the notary could meet."
He saw Athena cringe. His bracelet didn't need to tighten in order for him to figure these were no standard papers. "Yeah, sure, Mr. Wright. You want me to come as soon as she's there, or?" 
"Why don't you come thirty minutes before it starts? That should give us enough time, and let you have a last quiet moment to look the evidence over." 
"Okay! Apollo Justice is out! Trucy! You ready?!" 
"All ready, Polly! See you after school today, Daddy! Good luck with your first trial, Athena!" 
"Thank you, Trucy! You do your best in school today."
"Of course! C'mon, Polly! I need to catch you up!" 
Phoenix waited until their footsteps were long out the door. "I… really don't know what you're about to go through. So, whenever you're ready. I'll let you lead." 
April 18, 2027
District Courtroom Number One - Private Judicial Chambers 
Two officers stood on both sides of Prosecutor Blackquill, and two stood behind Athena. After Nine Tails Vale's incident, the guards standing on Athena's flanks were instructed not to grab her from the back unless absolutely necessary.
The judge sat front and center, straight across from her, with Phoenix on the right and Blackquill on the left. A Detective Gumshoe sat near her boss and the chief prosecutor by her uncle. Outside of the heavy oak doors, two armed guards stood just in case. A convict and a psycho were dangerous on their own, and unpredictable together. 
"Protector Blackquill was intended to join us by closed circuit broadcast." Mr. Miles Edgeworth cleared his throat and tapped his packet against the cold wood. "However, while reviewing this case, a complication appeared requiring his presence. Are you aware of this complication, Doctor Athena Cykes?" 
"Yes, sir. I must revoke custody from my guardian before any more matters can be settled." 
"Someone still has custody of her? She's an adult."
"Quiet, Wright. Doctor Cykes, you disappeared off the face of the earth a little over six years ago. Whoever you lived with during this time is missing from the records and cannot be confirmed. Due to this, we've gone down your custody list. Mother is dead, yes?"
"Yes, Prosecutor Edgeworth."
"No idea, sir. Mom never spoke of him."
"Are you aware your aunt refused your custody?"
"...yes. I was informed she'd been offered, but might refuse."
"Normally, this would defer your case to the orphanage that was supposed to transfer your custody the day you disappeared. A process like that would suspend your court entrance for several weeks."
Fingers scratched through her hair, fiddling with her ribbon. "Ah… I see." 
"However, we found one final relative. There's already a special case granted, so we were willing to append custody to this relative for the sole purpose of revoking it. Formalities and such." 
"Hence why I stand before you, the murderer himself." 
"The convict, Simon Blackquill, was found to be related to the interested party, Athena Cykes. Since this case will not require the interested party to live with the convict, we were able to keep the papers out of the foster system's queue. Both parties are required to be physically present; which is why Prosecutor Blackquill is not on broadcast." 
"Doctor Cykes, these are from the precinct." Detective Gumshoe passed a few forms in her direction. "The first is that you acknowledge you have been administered a psych exam and are here of your own free will without threat on your safety. The second is a choice: the results of your psych exam are stapled to the back. You and Prosecutor Blackquill will discuss the results. If you feel you are suitable for adult society, you will declare yourself an adult and Prosecutor Blackquill will sign to acknowledge your rights. If you feel claiming adulthood would endanger yourself in any fashion, or would cause negative legal repercussions, you reserve the right to rescind your adult rights. Because Blackquill is on death row, should you rescind, you will be transferred back to your orphanage of origin and they will transfer you to a special facility. You must then be adopted by a legal adult the same way a minor would. The third form is only if you acknowledge your rights. It essentially has the same purpose as declaring an emancipated minor. It's for the loose ends so we can send something to the orphanage. It states that you now take full responsibility for your actions moving forward." He directed her to go ahead and fill out the form declaring her free will. 
"Thank you, Detective." She signed the page and handed it to him. 
"Alright, then. Mr. Wright, Mr. Edgeworth, Your Honor, let's give them and their cops a minute to discuss." 
"You know what you must do, Athena?" 
"Yes… it's just, frightening to hear all at once."
"Indeed. I believe they intended to intimidate you into declaring yourself a permanent minor."
"Hush, Blackquill. No conspiracies from you."
"Is it conspiracy if I've seen it occur?" 
"The provision… it frightens me, Simon." 
"Provision? What provision, Athena?" 
"You'll find out soon enough." She flipped through the pages of her results, even Simon was kept from seeing what lay on the pages.
Her damage was advancing. A precaution was being put in place to rectify any worries that her state may worsen substantially between exams. 
Her life was in the hands of her own AI. 
"Officer, I've made my decision."
"You've prepared your declaration for the court?"
"I will bring them back in." 
Everyone was brought back in, but stares drilled into Athena from every which way. They likely knew which she'd chosen. 
They'd wanted to keep her mouth shut for years, now they were losing grip. Perhaps they should have truly killed her off when they had the chance. 
The chief prosecutor had the deadliest stare. "Doctor Cykes, you were in discussion for… a rather short amount of time." 
"It was a clear-cut decision with the results. There was not a ton of discussion to be had." One look straight into Simon's eyes told the complete opposite. 
The Judge finally cleared his throat. "Your decision then, Doctor Cykes."
The faster this is over, the faster she could stop being called 'Doctor Cykes.' 
"I… Doctor Athena Cykes, hereby accept my rights as a legal adult." She checked the correct boxes, then signed the paper, passing it to Simon. 
"I, Mister Simon Blackquill, hereby rescind my custody of Doctor Athena Cykes." He checked his boxes, then signed his name before handing it to the judge.
"Very well, I hereby declare Doctor Athena Cykes as an adult in our society." The Judge signed and stamped the paper before handing it back to Gumshoe. 
"We've told you before, but we must make the statement public now: your precaution to protect the public," The chief prosecutor looked down at his notes, fiddling with his glasses. "That AI around your neck… it publicizes your emotions?"
"Widget? Yes, sir." 
I talk too, you know!
"Widget… stop, please." 
“As the AI has so helpfully demonstrated, it keeps a real-time analysis of Doctor Cykes’ inner emotions. It also, which we cannot demonstrate without being unethical, announces, how shall I put it… psychological shutdowns…”
“No…” Simon growled. “How dare you…”
“If the AI displays a shutdown after a violent analysis, or a shutdown while she is behaving erratically, Doctor Cykes, you acknowledge armed forces are allowed to hold this as a significant danger to public safety… and open fire on you.”
Simon’s officers instantly restrained him. 
“Objection!” Widget flickered due to the sudden desk slam, registering in Athena’s mind as a gunshot meant for her. “You’re endorsing the police shooting a young woman for a panic attack?! Of all the things Edgeworth, I never thought you , the child witness of DL-6, would stoop so low!” 
“I was opposed, Wright! I am fully aware of the potential for misinterpretation!” Edgeworth sighed and leaned back, failing to notice the seething Blackquill next to him. “Athena’s mother was a high-profile government employee. This case is much higher than our precinct’s jurisdiction. The entire case has been handled by the federal government’s justice department since it happened. They will manage Doctor Cykes for as long as she lives. The order comes from them.” 
“The blood of UR-1 is on your hands!” Simon broke from his officers and lunged for Edgeworth, only to cry out and drop to the ground.
“Now, now, Blackquill, mutilating prosecutors is no way to get justice, is it?”
“Curse you…”
“D-Detective… Fulbright?”
“That’s right, little missy! I was called to come down while you chatted privately. They were worried he’d get out of hand, and they were right! Good thing I brought his taser, huh?”
“Y-you… tased him?”
“Simple, but effective!” 
“Simon! Are you alright?”
“Ugnh… curse you, Foolbright…” 
“Didn’t know you had such a provision, Ms. Cykes! Otherwise I would have fitted a taser when you and that red attorney came by yesterday, ha ha!”
“You’d tase me ?” 
“Better than gunning you down, isn’t it? You’re quite the unassuming soul, I’d never have guessed you were a psycho! How’d you end up getting that badge? Didn’t know they’d give those to just anyone who fini-”
“Silence!” Simon pulled himself back onto the table. “Don’t you dare imply that she is not deserving of her badge. This whole debacle is an almost decade-old misunderstanding, one that does not seem like it will clear up anytime soon. You’d do best to keep that sword sheathed, Foolbright.” 
“Prosecution, Defense, Detective.” The Judge tapped a finger on the table. “The trial starts in less than an hour. Maybe we could save this for then?”
“Yes, Your Honor.” Athena pulled her bangs in front of her face.
Simon bit his tongue. “Certainly, Your Honor…”   
“Prosecutor Edgeworth, are you alright?”
Phoenix had nearly forgotten about Edgeworth in all the excitement. 
He merely adjusted his cravat. “Certainly, Your Honor.” 
“Am I done here? You just needed me to sign that paper.”
“Of course. Officers, please escort Prosecutor Blackquill to a holding chamber until it's time for the trial.” 
“Goodbye, Cykes-Dono. I shall see you in due time.”  
“Has the co-council’s disability been disclosed to the defendant, Wright?”
“Yes, he still accepts Athena at the stand. Said it reminded him of his daughter.” 
“How quaint. I look forward to seeing just what you’ve gotten yourself into this time.”
“What do you mean ‘what I’ve gotten myself into this time?!’ Athena is an amazing young lawyer, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“You mean to tell us you felt no fear upon learning about her state? You must’ve hit your head harder when you fell off that burning bridge than I thought.” 
He felt Athena’s fearful eyes. 
Of course his blood ran cold when he found out he’d hired someone who was legally insane! It’s why he called her at 3am! 
But… he couldn’t just say he didn’t trust her in the middle of her lowest point. The cops had just dragged her through the mud and humiliated her. He became a lawyer to protect those with no one, and he wasn’t going to leave her for dead.
“I knew anything could come up with hiring an international whom I’d only known for a few hours. But I still wouldn’t have hired anyone else. Athena is a fit for our agency, I just know it.” 
“What about your other employee? You said your intention was to create a legal team? Does he know about her disability?”
“You’re intolerable, Wright. He’s in his twenties and has already been attacked by a psychopath once in the past year. He’s in danger and you aren’t even letting him know. Have they at least met? ”
“Yes, I met Apollo yesterday at the crime scene. He seems nice.”   
“She just arrived yesterday. I hadn’t had a chance to talk with him yet. The murder delayed those plans. He hasn’t approached me with any concerns about her, so I hadn’t rushed to it yet.”
“His lack of concern is a reason for concern. Thinking a psychopath is normal will get him killed.”
“I won’t kill Apollo!” Widget was red, aggressive, and she pounded the table. “I don’t want to kill Apollo. He’s a nice guy, a gentle soul.” She pulled her hair over her ear, twirled her moon earring, bit her lip. “I was really nervous about being in this country again, in this city. I was almost immediately arrested as well. I’d heard he struggled with trusting people, but was surprised when he took me rather well. I’d never want to hurt him.” 
That… Phoenix didn’t expect that. 
“Your desires are broken, Doctor Cykes. Don’t let your psychology degree get ahead of that. However, I can see the logistics being thrown off due to the murder. I will let you get by as long as you expose the truth, as you are so fond of doing, to your employee sooner rather than later. One’s privacy is only a priority until the lives of others are in danger. That is why investigations exist.”
“Of course, Edgeworth. We’d always planned to tell him.”
“I’ll be in the gallery for this trial, so I’ll take the papers down to the precinct with Gumshoe and get some copies made for my office. I shall see you soon, Wright.”
“Are you okay, Athena?”
“Huh? Yeah… I’m just glad it's over…”  
“I had no idea they were going to do that to you… otherwise I would have objected earlier.” 
“They’re afraid. I could hear it. The media also doesn’t have an accurate depiction of a more well-functioning psycho… just the Jack the Ripper kind. I can’t blame them. Especially because they are right, the rules of my case are run by a federal investigation agency, not the district court. It’s all out of their hands, they’re all pawns. Once I’ve been in court for a while, they’ll get to know me. They won’t fear me so much. Although, I must apologize to you, Boss.”
“To me? Why?”
“Because lawyers have a very long lived career. Apollo will likely be with you for decades. I on the other hand… my days are rather numbered…”
“Athena… I- you’re dying?”
“Slowly. I… have a traumatic brain injury. It led to some death, which is why I was declared insane. It’s been advancing suddenly, much faster over the past year.” She fished a little paper out of her pocket, opening it up and sighing. “If I make it to my fortieth birthday, it will be a miracle. By thirty, I may be too far gone. They aren’t sure. I only have five years guaranteed. By the time I’m Apollo’s age, I’ll probably be forced into retirement.” Her lip trembled, Widget turned the deepest blue, but no tears fell from her eyes. 
“I- wow… uh…”
“Heh… it’s alright. Plus,” She flashed him a peace sign. “It’s not over yet! This is no time to be crying! Now come, rápido, rápido! Apollo should be here any minute!" She was already out the door. 
He couldn’t follow yet, everything was still so much. He definitely didn’t expect any of what had happened already when he hired Athena. And now she was dying… wow… 
His fortieth birthday was only in a few years. He was likely already older than she’d ever be. His story started with Mia, who died at twenty-seven. That same story currently ended with Athena, who was slated to die in her thirties. He’d seen many premature deaths in his time as a homicide-specialized attorney, but the passings of these two women pained him most; because they were his story.
However, they were both right: the only time a lawyer could cry was when it was all over.
Athena was still alive, eighteen and full of energy, and the trial of Damien Tenma still lay before them. Apollo was on his way, and she’d meet him at the front door like nothing had ever happened. 
A great many shadows were cast over her life, but she still bounced around like a ray of sunshine. She was a living embodiment of the motto Mia left behind, one Phoenix needed to model today.
The Wright Anything Agency’s newest trial was starting, and Athena was front and center for it all.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Eighteen - The Fall of Apollo Justice
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April 3rd, 2027
“Thank you, Wright, for being able to meet on such short notice.”
“Of course, Miles. What’s the occasion?”
“I have someone I’d like you to meet. Kay?”
Edgeworth’s twenty-six year old daughter stepped out from behind the corner, a ginger peeked out from behind her. She was only about an inch shorter than Kay, but seemed worlds smaller. 
“This is Doctor Cykes.”
“I didn’t realize she was already in the country.”
“Her visa arrived a little earlier than expected. Her caretaker and I decided it might be best to get her into the country early and let her settle. She’s quite gun-shy.” He turned towards the two young women. “Athena? Would you like to meet your new boss?”
Athena stepped closer. The first thing Phoenix noticed on her was the strange, frightened looking necklace. Once she was close, her head threw up and gaze hardened. That’s when he noticed the strange scar circling her throat like a collar. 
“She’s one of Franziska’s rescues, and the missing witness from the Blackquill case. A seasoned fighter both in and out of court.”
“Really? I didn’t know Von Karma was involved.” 
“Ever since the crackdown on illegal entertainment began, they’ve had a flood of people, mainly children, come into Interpol custody. Of course, because she was seized by Interpol, I’ve had some trouble finding a residence for her. Typically, I would have offered her the spare bedroom but, she’s… afraid of Pess.”
“Afraid of your dog? He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“She’s afraid of dogs, large ones especially.”
“She’s got a pit history!” Kay blurted, clasping a hand over her mouth.
“As you can see, it’s detrimental to her health for her to live with us, considering her history. Pess is currently boarded for his own safety, but it would be in his best interest to relocate Doctor Cykes as quickly as possible.”
“There’s the back room of the office. It wouldn’t be ideal permanently, but it would let you bring Pess home, and it’d give her plenty of space.”
“What do you think, Athena? Would you like to go with Mr. Wright in a few weeks?”
She wouldn’t look up at him, but bowed her head even more. “Of course, sir.”
Phoenix knelt down to her hidden height. “Well, I’m excited to work with you, Athena. My daughter, Trucy, is so excited to meet you.” 
Her head sunk even further into her shoulders, if that was even possible, and spoke in a hushed, rushed voice. “I won’t let you down. I’ll make you see my worth, sir.” Finally, she looked up at him. “You won’t regret me.”
“Oh… Athena, why would I regret you? You’re a promising young lawyer.”
Edgeworth’s face crinkled as Athena took a few steps back. “When Franziska found her…” He gestured for Athena to step behind him. “She came from human trafficking, Wright.”
“I’ll do anything you say, Boss, anything at all, in fact, I’ll-” 
“Cease your rambling, Athena. You’re worth more than that.”“Yes, sir, yes, sir, I’m sorry, sir.” Athena’s voice was growing louder, but her words were becoming faster.
“Kay? I… think Athena has had enough for one day. Help her get somewhere quiet, would you?”
“Of course!” Kay held out one arm towards Athena, and the young lady had instantly darted into her arms before they exited the room.
“Her abusers were mostly male, so it’s been a pain getting her to open back up.”
“How… how long-?”
 “Since the incident, it seems. Our investigation into how she got there is ongoing. But Athena, and her special power, will be ready for you in time. She’s recovered vastly in the past week or so, and Kay thinks that one experience will cause the dominos to fall and for her to show her true self. She has an astounding temperament, Wright. I’ve no doubt that she’ll be a force to be reckoned with once she comes out of this state of extreme self-preservation.” 
December 19th, 2027
Wright Anything Agency
She was sitting there, watching the world go by below. Apollo hadn’t wanted to talk to her, and the Boss had essentially just let her be.
This time, Apollo hadn’t apologized. It was their first day after being discharged (excluding their little escapade the first morning of Juniper’s trial,) and she already knew he wasn’t going home with her.
The lease was in his name, so it was only a matter of time before she was in the shelter. Edgeworth would try to take her in again, but she couldn’t do that to him. Not again.
Not to poor Pess.
She’d been so stupid. 
Stupid to believe someone would truly love her.
Stupid to believe everyone would trust her. 
In this Dark Age, of course everyone was looking out for themselves. No one was willing to just go along, not without a price. 
She tasted the blood already. The blood would never fall upon her hands or lips, but that didn’t stop the taste from rushing through. And honestly? She was overcome by the nostalgia of it. She looked forward to it, as much as one could without absolute psychopathy.
She ripped off her jacket and discarded it to the floor. The cuffs, warm from body heat and the space heater running nearby, glistened with a threat newly realized. The mark was well concealed, less she go feral.
Perhaps she should take the risk, health-wise and social-wise, and look for ways to get blood back in her diet.
What can she do? Old habits die hard. She was already legally insane, so she could freely blame that little tidbit. Of course, at the rate things were deteriorating, she may not have a chance to blame.
She’d nearly finished it off many times, stopped only by the coexistence of hope and fear. The hope was quickly dying, and the fear was rapidly consuming it. And she cared too much for the fear than to discard it to be trod on like the jacket.
Vivid as some parts were, recollection was denied. As much as fear and sorrow strangled her, the reasons why were lost. The reasons why she knew things that weren’t hers to know, the reason for the silver streaking through the lower layers of her hair when she had the burning feeling it wasn’t always so… 
And those fuzzy memories mess with her temper. 
“Daddy! Thena! We’re home!” A young magician burst through the door, ending her haunting. 
Athena gathered the jacket from the floor, before one of the security guards passed by and called Fulbright on her for noncompliance… again. “Afternoon, Trucy! How was school?”
“School. I like being home with you, Daddy and Polly more. I can practice my magic here!” Trucy shrugged. “You warm, Thena? You can take your jacket off, there’s no one here but us.” She flashed a grin and bounced on her toes. “And I’m not going to call the cops on you!”
“Thank you, Trucy. But I’m good, I was just… thinking. How was the weather, Apollo?” 
“Not bad, gonna investigate more later. Got a few interesting leads, a few people willing to talk. Things better done covert and solo.” 
“I see. That’s good at least. I shouldn’t expect you for dinner?” She unconsciously dipped her head away from him at the mention of dinner. He hadn’t even come home to sleep since Clay passed. Why would he bother to have a meal in her presence?
He never outright said it, but the reason was not because of Clay, it was because she lived there too… for the time being.
“Can’t. Crematory.” 
“I… didn’t realize that was today. I’m sorry.” It hurt, hurt deep inside. She knew in her heart of hearts that he’d scheduled the appointment during the dinner hours for the sole purpose of ignoring her.  
“It’s alright.” She couldn’t tell if that was genuine. “We’ve both been busy.”
All she could do was nod and burst out her suspicions. Last thing she wanted was yet another fight with him. The last thing she wanted was his anger. 
He heard that she wouldn’t respond. There was no way she could edge herself back in, he was just too stubborn.
She could only watch as he approached their boss with one eye, almost no exposed skin and a body full of business. “Sorry. But I’ll be taking a leave of absence.”
“Wait! What do you mean by a ‘leave’?!” A-Apollo? No… please… please no… 
Her boss’ brow furrowed. “Can you at least give me a reason why?”
The expression in her beloved’s eyes didn’t change. He was still focused on something far beyond them. “I can only say… that this is something I must settle on my own.” 
Before she could process what he said, he had left and shut the door behind him. 
When it finally made sense to her brain, a full five seconds after he left, she bolted out the door behind him. “Apollo, wait!” 
Unlike his previous announcement, she realized she’d made a mistake instantly. And before she could talk sense into either her or him, she had been knocked backward from the force of his hand against her neck, and had slammed into a table nearby.
The shooting pain was just below her shoulder. The way Apollo looked at her before running off, with fear and uncertainty, she knew everything was already falling apart. She gathered herself back up, bit back her tears and re-entered the Agency. This death was ugly, and despite what she’d experienced, it was kindest to finish it off while the wound was fresh. “If we’re going to solve this…” She threw her head up in the air, once more flashing the odd, thin scar circling her neck as if it threatened to suffocate her. “Then there’s something I’m afraid I must tell you, Boss. A… confession, of sorts.” 
No turning back now, but the beast just needs to die.
Her boss, obviously immensely bothered by Apollo’s odd and quick departure, bit into his frown. “Of course, Athena. What’s on your mind?”
A heavy sigh escaped her. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but, well…” She threw herself around, back facing towards him, as Uncle Simon always did. If her uncle really was the only dependable entity, she may as well lean into his mannerisms. 
“I’m not Athena Cykes.”
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Sixteen - Attorneys Against the Odds
December 17th, 2027
General Hospital - Suite 247
He gathered his things as quickly as he could. He’d underestimated how long it would take him with his wounds, but at least he didn’t also have to worry about being quiet. Athena, artificially deaf following emergency brain surgery, wouldn’t wake even if he knocked his entire setup over. She’d received another dose of anesthetics at about one that morning. He hoped that with painkillers starting to build in her system, she’d been in anything less than agony today. 
He told her to go. She should be at the office, unharmed. But no, she refused to leave him, and very nearly met Clay. 
He was the one closer to the blast, but she’d been the one rushed into emergency surgery. He came back around in the ambulance, she had to be resuscitated in the OR. 
Something in him called against it, but he found himself wandering towards the curtain separating their beds and pulled it aside. 
Of course he’d been expecting her to be there, he just didn’t expect her crystal blue eyes to shimmer back up at him, or for his whole body to soften so suddenly on seeing her. He waved a small wave, then bent beside her. She was in great, obvious pain, but so was he. That would not deter him however, nor would it deter her. She snatched his hand up to lip read, and they were in a conversation.  
“How are you feeling, Pollo?”
“Could be a lot better, honestly,” No need adding another lie to the many he’d told her lately. “But at least I don’t have stitches running through the back of my head.”
“Good on you. Could you give a girl a hand up?”
“Thena, you had brain surgery! You’re supposed to be down!”
“This was a draining procedure. Last time was much worse. Besides, you’re going somewhere. I’m going with you.”
“No, Athena. You are going to stay here and rest. If you start bleeding again under those stitches, which the doctor said is definitely possible, we might lose you.”
Despite his words, she pushed herself up and out of bed, disconnecting the IV from her catheter. “If you’re going to be self-destructive, I’m coming with you.” 
Of course she knew how to remove an IV. Probably learned it while working on her doctorate, even though she was a Ph.D and not an MD. “Fine. But if something happens to you, you’re done. Remember, you’re deaf.”
“Same to you, Apollo, and I know.”
December 17th
District Court - Defendant Lobby Number Five 
Hmm… Nope! Not feeling nervous at all! She had to keep this internal monologue going. Everything around her was so still and quiet, it threatened to eat her alive if her voice didn’t echo inside her head. Normally, the monologue refused to shut up, but she feared just how quickly she'd fall apart should it finally run out of words. It’s amazing what a girl can get used to! Even a tense atmosphere like this is no biggie! 
There was not much that fazed her, after all she’d been through. The throbbing in her head was nearly enough to cripple her, and for that she was mildly grateful for the deafness. Had the noise of the courthouse been flowing into her once-sensitive ears, she would very likely have crumbled and required Mr. Edgeworth to see her back to her hospital bed. 
She couldn’t succumb. She hadn’t been here a year yet. She had to be worthy, she had to, she had to.
She felt a gentle hand rub her fingers before two familiar lips were felt on their tips. “You doing okay, Athena?”
“Oh, Apollo!” Apollo… he was bandaged up from neck to legs, his hands covered in soft bandages. His right eye was covered by rougher bandages, bandages she’d placed herself in their shared apartment.
The past few days had been rough on him to say the least. Three days ago, he’d had to file a missing person report on her after an appointment gone awry, two days ago he’d lost his closest and best friend, yesterday evidence related to the death was destroyed in a bombing that also had placed both of them swiftly in the ER. Despite being closer to the blast, he avoided emergency surgery, but still was massively injured. She’d been tossed by the blast into a pillar, causing a major concussion and bleeding on her brain. No one told her how long she’d been unconscious after she hit, but she remembered nothing. She’d been told only three things, the aforementioned description of injury, she’d had neurosurgery and that she was likely deaf. But she had to remain strong, for him if nothing else. “Y-Yeah, doing great!” She mouthed back, trying to enunciate more clearly due to his thick bandages. “Like, hum-a-little-tune great!”
She did not feel great. She felt like roadkill, to be bitterly honest. The concussion had stressed her body out enough that she struggled to fall asleep the night before, and the inflammation from the bleeding had yet to go down. She was regretting her stubbornness. For once, all she wanted was her bed.
“Oh, yeah?” She saw amusement sparkle in his one good eye before his chuckles even reached her fingers. “Well, that’s good to hear. Although…” A mischievous glint flashed in his eye and his head tilted smugly. “I could’ve sworn I felt your lip get real twitchy for a second there.”
Ugh. She’s so obvious. “Twitchy? N-No, I’m not twitchy! Not twitchy at all! Nerves of steel, I tell you! Maybe it’s just you who’s twitchy! You know, from the painkillers?”  
This time, she got a full-blown laugh, but the sound of his gentle voice was denied to her. She loved him, that much was clear. She’d been wishing the past few days were just some terrible nightmare, what with her disappearance and Clay’s death and their suddenly omnipresent fights and the courtroom bombing… She’d hoped she’d wake this morning snuggled in his arms, in their home, with their calico perched on his shoulder. The shooting pain in her head, however, denied all those wishes. 
Today, she was glad to be the co-council. Junie deserved the best defense possible. Her as team lead in this state would end the trial in a ‘Guilty’ verdict faster than Mikeko could gobble up chicken. 
She did her best to flash her own mischievous look. “Speaking of steel, how are you holding up? That explosion really did a number on you.”
“I’m just happy that you’re okay, Athena. If I had lost you…” She felt his own lip twitch and pulled him into a hug. “I can’t pretend I have no connection to this case,” he declared as he pulled away. “That’s why I’m gonna see to it that Juniper’s name is cleared! And I’m sure you feel much the same way.” 
His energy filled her aching body with enthusiasm, and she pounded her fists together. “You got that right! I won’t rest until Junie is completely cleared of all suspicion!”
He smiled brightly, before suddenly turning his head to the side, the bright smile fading into something a little more gentle.
Her childhood friend was there, dressed just like she remembered from all those years ago. Her features were crestfallen, and her mouth moved softly, but nothing came of it. ‘Junie!’ She tried to blurt out, but nothing came of her either. Juniper startled backwards a little in surprise, then burst into a coughing fit. 
She tried so hard, she wanted to ask her friend if she was okay, but nothing was happening. Eventually, Apollo seemed to realize no one had been told of her condition, and all she could do was watch him explain that she couldn’t hear, and she was having trouble speaking.  
Junie grabbed her hands, and the fear in her eyes was no longer for her. Just as suddenly, she whipped around to Apollo and grabbed his bracelet. Athena knew Junie was asking about her wellbeing, and Apollo was trying to soothe her. He tapped his fingers to his lips, she knew he was explaining how she could communicate her needs. 
The news kept proclaiming her friend as the “alleged bomber” who, on top of terrorism, willingly killed Detective Arme and attempted to kill her and Apollo. But that’s insane! She was so overwhelmed with concern for them, how could she have been the bomber? 
Juniper asked something of Apollo, he nodded and they turned back to her. “Juniper’s got a little something for you.” She felt on his lips. Junie pulled a ripe orange, void of any defect, and placed it gently in her free hand. “It’s from her garden.” 
“Hey, thanks!” She had to keep herself looking happy to prevent the tears from falling. “So, um, is this an orange or a tangerine?”
It was an orange. According to Junie’s grandmother, orange is the color of strength and endurance. According to Athena, orange is delicious. “‘Well, don’t you worry! We’ll be so powerful in there, they won’t know what hit ‘em!’  she says. ‘Right, Apollo-’ oh, wait, that's me. Yeah, that’s right. Come what may…” Apollo? “This is one trial… we just can’t lose…!” He began to sweat profusely, and collapsed before she could catch him. 
Her and Junie both screeched his name, and she immediately bent down to check on him. He pulled himself up with her body as she checked him over. Blood was seeping through his bandages, and it was obvious his fear for her became his reality.
She caught the bailiff in the corner of her eye.
Oh no, no, not now! 
Apollo’s in no state to defend! Or to do much else! She caught a glimpse of herself in the reflective steel table, and knew what she had to do.
“I… I have to… defend Juniper!”
She shoved him into the couch, then turned to her reflection in the table, grabbed the tiny dials in her ears and turned them backwards. 
There was chatter, rustling of papers, Apollo huffing in pain. 
She heard them. “Apollo, give me all the evidence for the case. Right now!”
“Huh…? Athena, what?”
“Bailiff. The defense would like to submit a substitution of attorney petition.” 
Her head was in searing pain, she clutched Widget to her chest to hide his monitor. She couldn’t give in yet. She had two months to go. She couldn’t call Mama either, even though that’s what the boss wanted her to do. Mama didn’t care. The trial was over, Juniper’s sentence had been stayed for one more day.
She was going to get Apollo. She was going to get Apollo and they’d go somewhere quiet to heal. He would leave tomorrow to come help Mr. Wright, but he would come back and tell her Juniper had been acquitted. They would go to Clay’s funeral when it was held, and she’d help with the closure. She’d hit her year, then she’d be safe, she could tell him the things she couldn’t tell him now. 
He was in Courtroom Number Four, looking for anything among the ruins that would clear Juniper’s name. He wouldn’t rest while someone so important to her was slated to meet Clay. 
She rushed on ahead despite her agony, despite the fluids starting to seep through her stitches, with the anticipation of calling out for him and receiving a warm hug. She rushed ahead in anticipation of getting cuddled on the way back to the hospital. “Apollo! Trial’s over for today!” Nothing. Mr. Wright and Junie filed in behind her, but those were the only footsteps she heard. “Pollo?” 
She scanned the room. Her eyes landed upon a GYAXA jacket. A gasp escaped from Junie. Scenes flashed through her mind. A scream echoed from her mouth.
Apollo had been taken from her too.
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Chapters where over 50% of the content is copied straight from the transcript are definitely my least favorite to write, especially because deciding what content to include/exclude makes the actual writing process so slow.
Chapter Sixteen is currently the last one of these chapters.
Thank goodness ^^;
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Fifteen - Still Unsolved
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December 16th, 2027
Smoke rose over the ruins of Courtroom Number Four. The entire building was cleared while the police waited for the bomb squad to inspect for more explosives.
Phoenix had been in a meeting with Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth, and was unable to attend the trial in person. However, when one of Edgeworth’s personal detectives barged into their meeting, furiously scribbling on an e-notebook, and alerted to a bombing in the courthouse, his body felt fifteen years younger and he charged for the door. 
One of Edgeworth’s subordinates, a twenty-four year old prosecutor named Naia Graves, accompanied them to the scene. She was processing the charges for the Space Center bombings, and Edgeworth planned to put her in charge of investigating this bombing. 
Without knowing anything of the other trials, Phoenix knew the bomb had gone off in the Space Center trial. 
When they arrived, Graves and the bomb squad ran inside. Edgeworth met with Blackquill and Fulbright, while Phoenix scoured the area for Apollo and Athena. Being unsuccessful in finding them, Phoenix approached one of the ambulance crews arriving on scene and told them the defense attorneys in the courtroom where the bomb went off were missing. Amidst the chaos, Juniper stumbled out of the courthouse with an officer’s help. 
After securing Blackquill, Edgeworth went to comfort Phoenix. Graves’ voice blasted over his walkie-talkie. “We’ve found bodies! At least one of ‘em’s got a pulse. First responders are bringing her out while we recover the other.”
Almost immediately after she said so, paramedics rushed out of the building with a limp body in their arms. 
Phoenix’s heart plummeted through the ground when he caught a glimpse of orange hair and a yellow jacket through their arms. “Athena!!”
“Do what you need to, Wright.” Shortly after one crew got Athena on a gurney and loaded her up, another crew brought out another figure, bleeding greatly, and one heavily burned figure. The burned figure was also loaded into an ambulance, but the bloodied figure was just laid on the ground and covered by a tarp. 
“Incident report, Chief! Three bodies recovered, two female, one male. Identified as both members of the defense, and Detective Candice Arme. Arme was found dead.”   
“Thank you, Graves. I’ll have the information sent to your partner to prepare charges.” Edgeworth lowered the walkie-talkie. “I’ll drop you off at the hospital, Wright. I hope to see your subordinates alive and well.”   
December 16th, 2017
Wright Anything Agency
Wright was sitting in his office, in the dark, when his phone rang. “Ah, Edgeworth. How are things going at the prosecutor’s office?”
“We’ve got a suspect. Trial for the courtroom bombing begins tomorrow at nine a.m.. The suspect is being charged with terrorism, one count of murder for Detective Arme and two counts of attempted murder for your two subordinates.”
“Is there an attorney on the case yet?”
“Not yet, we’ve just finished indicting the charges. The hospital took their sweet time letting us know Doctor Cykes survived the bombing, so we had to wait to see if we were charging two murders or just one.” 
“Who’s the suspect?”
“A ‘Juniper Woods’. She’s in questioning as we speak regarding her charges.”
His jaw tightened. “I want the case, Edgeworth.”
“Wright. This woman is accused of trying to kill your subordinates. Why in the world do you want to defend her?”
“I’ve gotten to know Miss Woods pretty well recently. I truly believe she didn’t set off the bomb, or plan to kill Arme, Apollo, or Athena.” 
“You astound me. However, I will grant you the case. If you would come by my office tomorrow morning and fill the paperwork out, I’ll send it to the courthouse.” 
“Thank you, Edgeworth.”
“Tell me, Wright, how are they faring?”
“Athena was out cold the whole time we were there, not surprising considering she’d been in surgery for about seven hours. Apollo was definitely worse for the wear, but he was at least conscious. He seemed better once she came out of surgery. He wouldn’t talk to us at noon, but was fairly chatty about 5:30.”
“Gavin said he was severely burned. Would you say that’s accurate?”
“If you want my opinion, I’d say he was nearly burnt to a crisp. Poor guy looked like a lot. He had Trucy set an alarm to go off as soon as he could get more morphine in him. Neither of them are good by any means, but Apollo is definitely better off… He’s conscious, required no surgery… and, well, Athena is suspected to be deaf. ”
“Ah, I see. That definitely messes with the plan. However, don’t worry too much about her, Wright. Even without her hearing, she is still our greatest weapon. The power to end this flows within her veins, not her ears. Why do you think I was willing to let her out of my sight?”
“I thought it had something to do with Kay and Sebastian. I remember you telling me something back when we first talked about me bringing her onboard, something about how her circumstances were ‘quite severe.’ Figured it had something to do with their penchant for trouble.”
“Oh no, they love her. Kay especially was disappointed when I received a notice recently stating she’s ineligible for adoption.”
“Y-You were in line to adopt her?”
“She reminds me of my younger days, bearing the strength I wish I had following that dreaded day. It pleases me how someone’s taken her into their heart.” 
“That would be Apollo, actually. She’s been under his guardianship since November. Pavilion Crisis tried to seize her custody, but he wouldn’t let her go.”
“Shield’s always been a stickler like that. He’s got the whole staff wrapped around his little finger too. If our legal system wasn’t in the state it’s in, I would send my personal detectives after him and that asylum. Franziska's been chasing some horrid allegations concerning European asylums, and they make me more than a little wary of our own.”
“I heard about that on the news, something about how European asylums are allowed to execute patients with the lethal injection without going through the courts?”
“Yes. That very reason is why I could not give you many details about Doctor Cykes until she was in my custody. We could have lost her at any moment. It took many nights of sleep away from me and my team. There is much more to the story, but I am not permitted to speak of it unless absolutely necessary.” “
“Is Athena allowed to speak?”
“I’m not allowed to disclose that information. I will say, however, this all goes much deeper than a bomb on a rocket.” 
“Sounds like it. This really is the Dark Age, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is, Wright. And if we lose this foothold we have, the courts could go under completely. With Blackquill in my hand, and Cykes in yours, we should hope it is enough. If the truth behind GYAXA’s HAT incidents eludes us once more, I would say for certain that we’ve lost our last chance.”  
Phoenix finally rose from his chair. “Yeah, it’s for this very reason I returned.” He walked to his couch, glancing down at the jacket laying there, and contemplated of all he’d fought for, and of everyone that had been lost in the fight. “Time to bring it to an end.”
He grabbed his jacket and locket before heading out the door. The battle which decided the war was starting, and he needed to revisit everything he knew before walking into court. 
Two trials were now connected, and he wouldn’t be surprised if it all went full circle back to the promise he made Edgeworth prior to being reinstated. He had the dreadful feeling Edgeworth was vastly understating when he determined all these happenings were much deeper than just a simple sabotage. 
No, the world had gotten significantly worse when the original call from Edgeworth arrived, from a European phone number, asking if he’d like a young lady to join his resurrecting firm.
There was something dark and unholy lurking beneath it all, and a horrifying possibility where Athena was the thread bringing years of crime to a head just in time for this battle was beginning to become clear. He’d fought off his wrongful conviction the year before, if they could just undo the sentence of the prosecutor who sealed the Dark Age into being, perhaps the corruption could finally start to unravel.
His phone buzzed again, but with an unsaved number. “Hello?” 
Phoenix looked up at the dusky sky, watching stars peek one by one into view as the golden sun faded beneath the skyline, before an ever-familiar voice met him on the device’s other end. “...Apollo?”
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sunset-peril · 2 years
I love how I can go from taking over a month each to write "Apollo Falls Silent" and "The Cykesquills," and then I proceed to write "The Fall of Courtroom Number Four" and "Still Unsolved" (the chapter I'm about to publish) in approximately 24hrs including sleep.
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