#mentioned kay faraday
sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Fifteen - Still Unsolved
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December 16th, 2027
Smoke rose over the ruins of Courtroom Number Four. The entire building was cleared while the police waited for the bomb squad to inspect for more explosives.
Phoenix had been in a meeting with Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth, and was unable to attend the trial in person. However, when one of Edgeworth’s personal detectives barged into their meeting, furiously scribbling on an e-notebook, and alerted to a bombing in the courthouse, his body felt fifteen years younger and he charged for the door. 
One of Edgeworth’s subordinates, a twenty-four year old prosecutor named Naia Graves, accompanied them to the scene. She was processing the charges for the Space Center bombings, and Edgeworth planned to put her in charge of investigating this bombing. 
Without knowing anything of the other trials, Phoenix knew the bomb had gone off in the Space Center trial. 
When they arrived, Graves and the bomb squad ran inside. Edgeworth met with Blackquill and Fulbright, while Phoenix scoured the area for Apollo and Athena. Being unsuccessful in finding them, Phoenix approached one of the ambulance crews arriving on scene and told them the defense attorneys in the courtroom where the bomb went off were missing. Amidst the chaos, Juniper stumbled out of the courthouse with an officer’s help. 
After securing Blackquill, Edgeworth went to comfort Phoenix. Graves’ voice blasted over his walkie-talkie. “We’ve found bodies! At least one of ‘em’s got a pulse. First responders are bringing her out while we recover the other.”
Almost immediately after she said so, paramedics rushed out of the building with a limp body in their arms. 
Phoenix’s heart plummeted through the ground when he caught a glimpse of orange hair and a yellow jacket through their arms. “Athena!!”
“Do what you need to, Wright.” Shortly after one crew got Athena on a gurney and loaded her up, another crew brought out another figure, bleeding greatly, and one heavily burned figure. The burned figure was also loaded into an ambulance, but the bloodied figure was just laid on the ground and covered by a tarp. 
“Incident report, Chief! Three bodies recovered, two female, one male. Identified as both members of the defense, and Detective Candice Arme. Arme was found dead.”   
“Thank you, Graves. I’ll have the information sent to your partner to prepare charges.” Edgeworth lowered the walkie-talkie. “I’ll drop you off at the hospital, Wright. I hope to see your subordinates alive and well.”   
December 16th, 2017
Wright Anything Agency
Wright was sitting in his office, in the dark, when his phone rang. “Ah, Edgeworth. How are things going at the prosecutor’s office?”
“We’ve got a suspect. Trial for the courtroom bombing begins tomorrow at nine a.m.. The suspect is being charged with terrorism, one count of murder for Detective Arme and two counts of attempted murder for your two subordinates.”
“Is there an attorney on the case yet?”
“Not yet, we’ve just finished indicting the charges. The hospital took their sweet time letting us know Doctor Cykes survived the bombing, so we had to wait to see if we were charging two murders or just one.” 
“Who’s the suspect?”
“A ‘Juniper Woods’. She’s in questioning as we speak regarding her charges.”
His jaw tightened. “I want the case, Edgeworth.”
“Wright. This woman is accused of trying to kill your subordinates. Why in the world do you want to defend her?”
“I’ve gotten to know Miss Woods pretty well recently. I truly believe she didn’t set off the bomb, or plan to kill Arme, Apollo, or Athena.” 
“You astound me. However, I will grant you the case. If you would come by my office tomorrow morning and fill the paperwork out, I’ll send it to the courthouse.” 
“Thank you, Edgeworth.”
“Tell me, Wright, how are they faring?”
“Athena was out cold the whole time we were there, not surprising considering she’d been in surgery for about seven hours. Apollo was definitely worse for the wear, but he was at least conscious. He seemed better once she came out of surgery. He wouldn’t talk to us at noon, but was fairly chatty about 5:30.”
“Gavin said he was severely burned. Would you say that’s accurate?”
“If you want my opinion, I’d say he was nearly burnt to a crisp. Poor guy looked like a lot. He had Trucy set an alarm to go off as soon as he could get more morphine in him. Neither of them are good by any means, but Apollo is definitely better off… He’s conscious, required no surgery… and, well, Athena is suspected to be deaf. ”
“Ah, I see. That definitely messes with the plan. However, don’t worry too much about her, Wright. Even without her hearing, she is still our greatest weapon. The power to end this flows within her veins, not her ears. Why do you think I was willing to let her out of my sight?”
“I thought it had something to do with Kay and Sebastian. I remember you telling me something back when we first talked about me bringing her onboard, something about how her circumstances were ‘quite severe.’ Figured it had something to do with their penchant for trouble.”
“Oh no, they love her. Kay especially was disappointed when I received a notice recently stating she’s ineligible for adoption.”
“Y-You were in line to adopt her?”
“She reminds me of my younger days, bearing the strength I wish I had following that dreaded day. It pleases me how someone’s taken her into their heart.” 
“That would be Apollo, actually. She’s been under his guardianship since November. Pavilion Crisis tried to seize her custody, but he wouldn’t let her go.”
“Shield’s always been a stickler like that. He’s got the whole staff wrapped around his little finger too. If our legal system wasn’t in the state it’s in, I would send my personal detectives after him and that asylum. Franziska's been chasing some horrid allegations concerning European asylums, and they make me more than a little wary of our own.”
“I heard about that on the news, something about how European asylums are allowed to execute patients with the lethal injection without going through the courts?”
“Yes. That very reason is why I could not give you many details about Doctor Cykes until she was in my custody. We could have lost her at any moment. It took many nights of sleep away from me and my team. There is much more to the story, but I am not permitted to speak of it unless absolutely necessary.” “
“Is Athena allowed to speak?”
“I’m not allowed to disclose that information. I will say, however, this all goes much deeper than a bomb on a rocket.” 
“Sounds like it. This really is the Dark Age, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is, Wright. And if we lose this foothold we have, the courts could go under completely. With Blackquill in my hand, and Cykes in yours, we should hope it is enough. If the truth behind GYAXA’s HAT incidents eludes us once more, I would say for certain that we’ve lost our last chance.”  
Phoenix finally rose from his chair. “Yeah, it’s for this very reason I returned.” He walked to his couch, glancing down at the jacket laying there, and contemplated of all he’d fought for, and of everyone that had been lost in the fight. “Time to bring it to an end.”
He grabbed his jacket and locket before heading out the door. The battle which decided the war was starting, and he needed to revisit everything he knew before walking into court. 
Two trials were now connected, and he wouldn’t be surprised if it all went full circle back to the promise he made Edgeworth prior to being reinstated. He had the dreadful feeling Edgeworth was vastly understating when he determined all these happenings were much deeper than just a simple sabotage. 
No, the world had gotten significantly worse when the original call from Edgeworth arrived, from a European phone number, asking if he’d like a young lady to join his resurrecting firm.
There was something dark and unholy lurking beneath it all, and a horrifying possibility where Athena was the thread bringing years of crime to a head just in time for this battle was beginning to become clear. He’d fought off his wrongful conviction the year before, if they could just undo the sentence of the prosecutor who sealed the Dark Age into being, perhaps the corruption could finally start to unravel.
His phone buzzed again, but with an unsaved number. “Hello?” 
Phoenix looked up at the dusky sky, watching stars peek one by one into view as the golden sun faded beneath the skyline, before an ever-familiar voice met him on the device’s other end. “...Apollo?”
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perrigoaway · 5 months
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A comic I made quickly cause I’ve had this idea in my drafts for a long time and today is MY dad’s birthday! I thought it was fun and fitting :D this is mostly just for me, so yea
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(I thought the Swiss roll was cute cause.. idk, that's the kinda cake she wanted to share with Byrne? Something something metaphor for fatherly love and affection)
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unepersonnelouche · 5 months
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Doodles that started in class, and ended up way prettier than I had planned
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tacobellabeanburrito · 5 months
Things That Irk Me In Ace Attorney Fanfics:
When Larry is a pervert, bad friend and seen as the butt of every joke.
When Klavier is depicted as a pervert and pushy in his romantic endeavors.
When Phoenix hates Klavier and avoids him.
When people don’t acknowledge that Pearls is as much of a daughter to Phoenix as Trucy.
When people don’t add Sebastian into the Miles family and only see Kay as Miles’ adopted daughter.
When people don’t add Kay to the Phoenix, Miles and Trucy family.
When people don’t add Sebastian or Apollo to the Trucy, Kay, Miles and Phoenix family.
When Franziska and Phoenix hate each other and only tolerate each other for the sake of Miles and Trucy.
When Klavier and Ema aren’t see as worsties.
When Miles is seen as not seeing Ema as a daughter either.
When people think that Phoenix doesn’t care as much about Ema as he does to all of his adopted weird girl assistants.
When people see Athena and Simon as lovers instead of siblings/family.
When people don’t think that Phoenix sees Apollo and Athena as part of his family and then they get left out of the loop.
When people don’t make the prosecutor’s office a family.
When Phoenix, Gumshoe and Maya aren’t seen as besties.
When Miles doesn’t care about Gumshoe.
When Miles doesn’t see all the others in his life as family/friends except for Franziska, Trucy and Phoenix.
When Phoenix and Miles are seen as hating Larry and not wanting to hang out with him.
Will probably add more. Also, not saying that people are wrong for viewing the characters like this, it’s just sometimes when they do this it really irks me because I interpret their relationships and characters differently.
Also feel free to add in the comments and stuff! But don’t be mean, please.
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doctorsiren · 6 months
This one is more focused on recently disbarred Phoenix and young Trucy, but it has other stuff in it too :3
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lawyest · 1 year
back on my bs because Ace Attorney Investigations will never not be insane to me. They took the most popular #angsty antagonist of the main game and made him his own spinoff, flashing back to his bimbo past, having him basically canonically adopt at least one weird teenager AND somehow made him even more queer-coded and autistic than he already was in the OG trilogy. AND his baby sister too. also, the sprite redraws are incomparably better. this really feels like a post from a better timeline
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gumdefense · 1 year
They truly got the aai trio dynamics down to a point
Edit: this post is months old but I can’t believe I forgot, here’s a direct link to the plays (with subtitles provided by Rayne :D, edgeworthlez, Grace rivalsforlife, and PinkPurpleBlus)
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You know, I think what really bugs me about the "Dadworth" dynamic applied to Kay and Edgeworth's relationship is that it usually makes Kay out to be this hyperactive, slight problem child (in the 'stealing and pranking' sense rather than the 'moody and abrasive' sense), occasionally with deep-rooted daddy issues like Edgeworth has, when that's... the opposite of her character.
(This post got away from me, so TL;DR: Kay is a quick-witted and independent young woman who has worked very hard to be both emotionally and practically intelligent enough to be seen as a legitimate successor to her father's legacy. Making her out to be the traits mentioned above, so she functions as Edgeworth's daughter rather than his investigative partner and equal, undermines her character and semi-conflates her with Maya [the deep-rooted issues bit]. Also I don't like it wksgskaj)
The thing about Kay is that she's not actually in the series as much as it feels like she is, which makes it easy for her character to be altered to suit the needs of the story (which I think happens in The Forgotten Turnabout, but I won't talk about that here). She turns up in two cases as herself in AAI (as in, teenager Kay whom we're most familiar with) and shares her role with Gumshoe, Ema and Franziska when she does, lessening her appearances even further. Nevertheless, there are still concrete elements to her personality that we're made aware of right from the beginning, and the first major one which I feel gets overlooked in favour of her hyperactive characterisation is this:
Kay is very, very sharp.
In terms of mainline assistants, I'd consider her the sharpest of all (maybe after Trucy? But I don't remember enough of AJ to comment on that). Yes, she's shown to be reckless and impulsive, but, when it comes to actual investigating and reasoning, she is solid. With Nick and Maya, you sometimes get the impression that they're both fumbling along until Phoenix catches on (most of the time with Maya's usually a little accidental help, and he still has to explain things to her near every time [not Maya's fault. Following Phoenix's reasoning is like being on a rollercoaster in a minecart]), but Kay is very rarely like that with Edgeworth. Within minutes of meeting him, she can predict what he's going to say (or 'steal his lines', as the game puts it), and there are several moments after he uses Logic and is about to explain what he's connected where Kay interrupts with the correct conclusion herself:
Edgeworth: A second Blue Badger that shouldn't exist... Clearly, the true identity of the person underneath is...
Kay: Oh, I know! It's one of the kidnappers, right!?
There's even a point where she tells him off for overexplaining things to her:
Kay: Yeesh, I told you I got it! Do you feel the need to explain everything!?
And, near the end of their first case together, he acknowledges that's she's generally quite quick:
Kay: OK, what should I re-create first?
Edgeworth: ...You haven't figured it out yet?
Kay: Heh, maybe I have, and maybe I haven't.
Even if you don't take these points into consideration, the fact that she comes up with a new way to use Little Thief, and knows how to use it at all actually, shows you that she's a really intelligent girl! Continuing on a bit from the point I made earlier about her being brash, Kay may be reckless, but she isn't irresponsible. Whenever she rushes into situations, she doesn't expect other people to come save her; she's quite assured that she can and will get herself out of them on her own, and, if she needs help, she asks for it in advance. She treats Edgeworth less like her guardian and more like her investigative partner:
Kay: I didn't get permission to enter Allebahst... so we're going to go gather whatever info we can over on the Babahlese side, OK!?
Edgeworth: Alright, I'm counting on you two.
Kay: Right, and I'm counting on you and Ms. von Karma to sniff out clues in Allebahst!
Edgeworth: A number of pieces connect in a very complicated way in this case... It's almost enough to make one completely mentally exhausted.
Kay: Let's not over-complicate matters, OK, Mr. Edgeworth? We've been so focused, like a laser, on only what seems strange and out of place... it's no wonder nothing's clicked and we haven't unlocked anything yet. But, if we think things through calmly, the answer should come to us!
There's an independence to her proactiveness that kind of forces Edgeworth to meet her on equal grounds, and this too is an element that gets lost when the Dadworth dynamic comes in because it involves making Edgeworth responsible -- or feel responsible -- for her actions and general wellbeing when Kay has never expected nor wanted that. She does things on her own terms, and she walks the path she's chosen by herself:
Edgeworth: Preposterous! On what grounds do you suspect her of such a thing!?
Shih-na: The fact that she calls the Yatagarasu. That in itself is a more elegant proof.
Kay: Ms. Shih-na.
Shih-na: Yes?
Kay: I... have no intention of taking back any of what I've said.
Shih-na: ...?
Kay: I am the Great Thief Yatagarasu. And I refuse to allow some imposter to claim that name as their own! The path of justice that my father pointed me towards... I will walk it the best I can!
Her relationship with Edgeworth works as an inverse to that of Nick and Maya's in the way that, where Nick and Maya have deep respect for one another beneath layers upon layers of playful insults and messing about, Kay outwardly respects Edgeworth first (and expects that respect to be returned) and razes him second -- that, too, never to an extent she wouldn't with anyone else or that crosses a certain boundary. Her messing with Edgeworth is shown to be more an attempt to get him to lighten up or not take himself too seriously than an act of (platonic) intimacy as it is with Nick and Maya (which makes sense because Nick and Maya have spent years together, while she's known Edgeworth for all of two weeks) or genuine obliviousness/silliness (although it definitely sometimes is). This is pretty obvious simply from the fact that she always calls him 'Mr Edgeworth', though she's perfectly comfortable calling Gumshoe and Badd, people whom she is more familiar and comfortable with, 'Gummy' and 'Uncle Badd' respectively. Also Kay, in general, is quite polite? Edgeworth calls something she said rude at one point and she gets insulted, and, when you ask for her opinion, she doesn't go 'What?' or 'What is it?', she specifically says, 'Yes?' (this changes in AAI2, which I promise I'm not discussing here) Upon meeting Oldbag, she has this exchange with her, where Kay chooses a more formal mode of address than what is actually offered:
Oldbag: My name is Wendy Oldbag. But you can call me "Wendy", or "Granny", or whatever suits your fancy.
Kay: Nice to meet you, Ms. Oldbag! I'm Kay Faraday.
She's also had moments where she calls Edgeworth out for being 'tactless', and she's shown to feel very strongly about rudeness throughout the whole game. I'm not saying she isn't mischievous or playful, she very much is, but the point is that she's really quite respectful, and this extends to her relationship with him. Her characterisation in Turnabout Ablaze, where she's considerably more excitable/high-strung than in Kidnapped, seems largely due to them chasing down Calisto Yew. Edgeworth even comments on this:
Edgeworth: Kay, you need to look before you leap. You tend to lose your cool when it comes to anything related to that woman.
Generally, though, you can tell that she was obviously raised with an adherence to certain formalities. She's not looking for another parental figure (because she doesn't need one, which I'll go into after this), but, if she was, she'd make that clear.
Kay's a very straightforward person at heart; she doesn't hide any part of herself, even the part that should be hidden (i.e. the Yatagarasu). There are points where she suggests that Edgeworth reminds her of her father, but, in AAI, she specifically mentions that it's both Edgeworth and Gumshoe who remind her of her father and Detective Badd. It's not about her seeing Edgeworth as a father figure; it's about their and her own dedication to the truth. Even in AAI2, where her comments could be read as leaning more towards the former angle, she doesn't get cut up about him not picking up on that or really paying it much emphasis at all, because it doesn't matter. The fact that he reminds her of Byrne is just that: a fact.
Returning to the point about Kay not needing/wanting another parental figure, I think it's pretty self-explanatory, but to put it succinctly: Kay has the guidance she needs without him.
To put it less succinctly, Edgeworth's possibly the worst candidate to go for for emotional support and guidance in the first place, and by the time she meets him again, she's basically processed her father's passing and has a better handle on herself emotionally than Edgeworth does (not a brag; most characters have higher EQ than Edgeworth); what she wants isn't necessarily closure for Byrne's death in the emotional sense but in the I-want-answers-to-this-mystery-that-will-restore-my-family's-honour sense. You could make the argument that Kay becoming the second Yatagarasu and shaping her entire future around continuing her father's work prove that she isn't over his death, but I don't think that's true and more of a result of conflating her with Maya a bit.
With Maya, becoming the Master isn't something she chooses; it's given to her by Misty and Mia. With Kay, it's the opposite. Kay's decision to become the Yatagarasu and pursue the truth is wholly her own, and her approach to that goal reflects that. While Maya uses her cheery, upbeat attitude to conceal a lot of self-doubt and vulnerability (and Franziska does the same with her hostility), Kay does not. Her cheerfulness is precisely who she is; it's not a mask so much as it is a distraction. It keeps people from looking at her too closely and realising exactly how capable she is, and, while I don't think it's fully intentional (again, she believes in living her life in a straightforward and upfront manner), she does imply that it's sort of her (or the Yatagarasu's) MO:
Kay: Well! By the time everyone notices, it's already gone! That's the Yatagarasu way!
Interestingly enough, this unintentional tactic of using humour and cheeriness as a distraction from her abilities makes her a mirror to Calisto Yew, who also uses her seemingly always light-hearted nature as a disguise for what she's actually capable of (Calisto's joviality is her true self, too, or at least as 'true' as she can get). The difference between them is that Calisto delights in ironically mocking the world around her, whereas Kay finds joy in life itself, and she's stronger for it.
The only part where we see Kay attempt to mask her feelings is when she's a child, and even then she admits that she feels better after crying, which, I believe, led to her becoming more open with her emotions later in life (see how her older self has a teary sprite which makes pretty frequent appearances where her younger self does not). In any case, to me, this shows that she has people in her life already who are helping, and have helped, her confront and process her trauma. She's not looking to Edgeworth to help her make sense of her father's death and she definitely isn't looking for a replacement (again, literally dedicated to continuing her father's [and Badd's] legacy). Whenever Edgeworth even gets close to becoming parental with her, she dismisses it, unless she acknowledges that she is in the wrong:
Edgeworth: ...Kay, it's not good for you to stay up late, you know.
Kay: Yes, gramps!
Edgeworth: ...I appreciate your sense of justice, however... I would appreciate it if you wouldn't go running into the heart of any more raging fires.
Kay: Nngh... Yes, Mr. Edgeworth... I'll try...
Despite her buoyancy and bright attitude, Kay is quite firm that she be treated as an adult (she doesn't see her cheeriness as a mark of youth; it's joie de vivre, it's who she is, and that's that), and, throughout the game, she gets annoyed when people don't respect that (her arguments with Lang are largely over how he calls Little Thief a toy and her crow-girl). She holds her own and relies on herself while being unafraid of asking for help.
Anyway, this post has gone on for long enough and I think I've addressed the points I wanted to. I should mention that I realise that a lot of how many people portray/interpret their relationship is validated by AAI2 but that's honestly a discussion for a separate post HAHA I feel like, when it comes to AAI, the father/daughter interpretation can maybe be argued with regards to the way Edgeworth treats her? Honestly, though, I think he'd treat any young lady who suddenly becomes part of his team/responsibility in pretty much the same way. And, like, he drops the ball almost every time he's supposed to give "fatherly" advice because he's just not that great with it/children!! It's actually hilarious HSKSDHSK
Either way, yeah! I just think Kay is actually given a lot less credit than she's due when the Dadworth card gets played and I just! Want better for her!!
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rockgodklav · 7 days
hi klavier! Been a while huh?
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“Ja! It’s a pleasure, Frau Faraday!”
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glamangel3766 · 8 months
Note: This is during the 7 yrs Phoenix is disbarred and Miles Edgeworth is disqualified for the following reasons
he's Trucy's co-parent and you don't babysit your own child
Miles was most likely in Europe during the 7yr gap and only spent time with the Wrights when he flew them out to get Nick's help on a case so both of Trucy's dads, the good ones who don't abandon her, would leave her with one of the mentioned babysitters to go flirt, I mean solve cases alone
if both Trucy and Miles are in one location then why would Nick want to be anywhere else unless he's forced to
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today: chapter one of my roller lawyers au is now published for anybody to read!!! enjoy some doodles inspired by the first chapter :)
full ao3 link and info under the cut:
Dancing With Myself - Klapollo Roller Rink AU (4556 words) by turnaboutontherink Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin/Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes/Morizumi Shinobu | Juniper Woods, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright Characters: Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Morizumi Shinobu | Juniper Woods, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Mayudzuki Daian | Daryan Crescend, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Houzuki Tomoe | Lana Skye, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey, Garyuu Kirihito | Kristoph Gavin, Mikeko (Gyakuten Saiban) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, specifically a roller rink, POV Third Person, neither limited nor omniscient, but a secret third thing, Apollo Justice Needs A Hug, Klavier Gavin is Not Okay, POV Apollo Justice, Slow Burn, Trans Apollo Justice, Minor Maya Fey/Franziska von Karma, Minor Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright, Ensemble Cast, Roller Derby, Artistic Roller Skating, Workplace, dang…why is simon blackquill the roller derby referee all of a sudden, Custody Battle, Athena Cykes Goes to Community College, Juniper Woods Works at JoAnn Fabrics, there's so much happening here, Mentioned Mia Fey, Apollo/Klavier Centric, Daryan As A Plot Device, roller lawyers Summary: Apollo Justice is tired. He spends his days working at the Wright Choice Roller Rink, but every day feels the same (despite his coworker Athena's best attempts to keep things interesting). But when a certain blond man walks into the rink for the first time, Apollo finds himself swept up in the bizarre world of competitive roller skating. Along the way, he uncovers secrets that lurk within his deceptively mundane workplace, and the people who frequent it. As he and Klavier grow closer, Apollo is left scrambling to figure out exactly what sort of game Klavier is playing with him. For the first time, Apollo Justice must ask himself: What do I want from all of this?
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howlidae · 1 year
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"Love, Lethality, and Other Trivial Things" Chapter 9: Eight of Clubs
“…Trucy…” “You don’t have to,” she whispered. “I’ll be fine.” “I don’t mind,” replied Miles. Though he couldn’t see her face, he could hear the embarrassment in her voice as she admitted, “I’m not very fun right now. I don’t, um… cry, so…” As she spoke, Miles ascended the stairs. His hand came to gently rest upon her shoulder. What could he even say here? What mattered most right now? There was one thing always precious to Miles: the truth. The truth he would tell.
Link to Fic Here; More Info Below Cut
47.0k words
9/? chapters
Canon-Divergence; AU
When Miles Edgeworth revisited Los Angeles, he never anticipated Phoenix Wright falling comatose from a near-lethal dosage of atroquinine. He also didn't anticipate his daughter, Trucy Wright, to fall under his care, or the loud and defensive Apollo Justice to jump on the case. After so many years of avoiding the man, Miles didn't anticipate how much it would hurt to imagine losing him.
Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Minimal Franmaya, Besties Clay & Apollo Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Garyuu Kirihito | Kristoph Gavin, Aoi Daichi | Clay Terran, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Ichiyanagi Yumihiko | Sebastian Debeste, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Mayudzuki Daian | Daryan Crescend Hurt/Comfort, but the comfort comes later sorry folks, Father Figures, Coma, Pining, Poisoning, Mention of Seizures, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Seven Year Gap (Gyakuten Saiban), Hospitals, Gaslighting, Krisnix (They Hate Each Other), Trans Apollo Justice, Dadworth, Trans Phoenix Wright (Brief), aa4 rewrite, Canon typical silliness, no beta we die like gregory edgeworth, Unrealistic Courtroom Practices
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cherry15329 · 4 months
Since we had a poll for Team Phoenix, now it's time for Team Miles! Which team member is you favorite?
1)Larry, Badd, John, Klavier, Athena and Armie are NOT team members, but they always tag along with the team.
2)The reason why Simon is part of Team Miles is that I have seen some fans want Capcom to make an 'Investigations' game for Simon. I would also love to see his interactions with the 'Investigations' characters. Not to mention I want to see Simon using psychological manipulation while confronting suspects, witnesses, culprits or other characters.
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weltato · 2 months
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Category: M/M
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Characters: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Additional Tags: NaruMitsu Week 2024, Growing Old Together, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Photographs, Pictures, Cute, Short, Short & Sweet, Mentioned Maya Fey, Mentioned Mia Fey, Mentioned Pearl Fey, Mentioned Larry Butz, Mentioned Apollo Justice, Mentioned Athena Cykes, Mentioned Trucy Wright, Mentioned Franziska von Karma, Mentioned Godot (Gyakuten Saiban), Mentioned Gregory Edgeworth, Mentioned Kay Faraday, Mentioned Raymond Shields, Mentioned Sebastian Debeste, Signal Samurai (Gyakuten Saiban), Blankets, i forgot gumshoe im so sorry, also there aren't mention tags for some people and that's just sad :((, so im gonna make them myself, Mentioned Lotta Hart, Mentioned Justine Courtney, Mentioned Pess (Gyakuten Saiban), btw im not using the new names bc ew have you seen ray's??, Mentioned Detective Badd
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 558
Series: Part 8 of 'NaruMitsu Week 2024'
The memories of the people in their life told through the pictures that clutter up their home.
Day 7 of NaruMitsu Week 2024! Originally written as part of a multi-chapter fic, now uploaded separately.
The seventh separate upload of the mini-fics I wrote for NMweek24!! That's your lot!! Maybe I'll do this again next year :D
Tell me which fic was your favourite <3
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fraeuleintaka · 2 months
Character Introduction (Investigations 1): Kay Faraday
This is the 30th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 51 days left until release!
Today's topic: Kay Faraday Character Introduction!
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Since Kay appears in Investigations 1 for the first time we don't get as many background details on her as on Miles since most of them would be spoilers for the game. They do say that she calls herself a Great Thief though which is also the way Kay introduces herself in the game. The connection to the Yatagarasu isn't revealed until further into the story so it's also not mentioned here that the reason Kay calls herself such is because she considers herself a successor to the Great Thief Yatagarasu. One could ask oneself why Miles of all people would cooperate with someone calling themselves a thief - which is wonderful irony often pointed out by the game - but her introduction provides the explanation: Kay's only interested in stealing the truth aka the greatest treasure of all so her and Miles actually have similar goals. The story reveals even more reasons later on for why Kay joins Miles on this investigation in particular but for an initial idea about the character this is enough to know.
We also get some idea about her personality with the description mentioning her penchant for quickly jumping into action (something I adore about her, especially in contrast to Miles' approach to things), her love for festivals (as she's introduced in the case that takes place at a theme park and very interested in the various attractions) and her tendency to go on lookout from above and jump from high places (also something she does in the very first scene she has).
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I also like Kay's full character artwork, it has a similar wind-blowing effect to Miles' artwork which makes especially her Yatagarasu scarf (that the text even mentions) look epic! I probably would've chosen a slightly different pose for her left arm, something to express her desire for action and readiness to do whatever it takes more, as the position she has it in makes her look a bit cautious. Her chosen chibi sprite animation luckily provides the exact opposite! She's repeatedly punching the air with her fists looking excited and ready to fight someone. It's one of my most favourite animations of hers and I love seeing it in HD with her detailed facial expression! Go Kay!
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Gentleman Thief Bracket and Masterpost
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[Image description: a 32-member tournament bracket labeled Gentleman/Phantom Thief Showdown with confetti and sparkles edited into it. The characters eliminated in the first round are: Four Horsemen (Now You See Me), Phantom R, Cat’s Eye, Catherine AKA Nightsmoke, Diamond Queen, Chat Noir (Granblue), The Scarlet Pimpernel, Assane Diop (Lupin), Kaitou Jeanne, Jean Lupin, and Thief/Tia (Diamond Jack), Lupin Red, Kaitou Kiramekiman, Kay Faraday, Roquefort Cookie, and Saint Tail. The characters eliminated in the second round are: Kaitou Joker, Kaitou Spade, Thieves Peter and Jenny, Sly Cooper, Pierre Despereaux, Mask⭐️DeMasque, Star Scarlet, and Blue Cat (Precure). The characters eliminated in the third round are: Lupin III, A. J. Raffles, Arsène Lupin, and Parker (Leverage). The characters eliminated in the fourth round are Carmen Sandiego and Peter Nureyev. The loser of the final round is Joker (Persona) and the winner is Kaitou KID. /End description]
Phew! That’s a lot of contestants! As mentioned, the lineup is completely random, so apologies in advance to the more obscure characters that are paired against popular ones, your presence is still meaningful 💜
Round 1:
Four Horsemen (Now You See Me) vs Kaitou Joker
Lupin III vs Phantom R (Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure)
Cat’s Eye vs Joker (Persona 5)
Kaitou Spade vs Catherine/Nightsmoke (Granblue Fantasy)
Thieves Peter and Jenny (Vocaloid) vs Diamond Queen (Kaitou Joker)
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast) vs Chat Noir (Granblue)
The Scarlet Pimpernel/Sir Percy Blakeney vs. A.J. Raffles
Assane Diop (Lupin) vs Sly Cooper
Kaitou Jeanne (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) vs Carmen Sandiego
Jean Lupin (London Detective Mystery) vs Pierre Despereaux (Psych)
Arsène Lupin vs Thief/Tia (Diamond Jack)
Lupin Red (Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger) vs Mask DeMasque/Ron DeLite (Ace Attorney)
Star Scarlet (Stellar Witch LIPS) vs Kaitou Kiramekiman)
Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney) vs Kaitou KID/Kuroba Kaito (Magic Kaito)
Roguefort Cookie (Cookie Run) vs Parker (Leverage)
Saint Tail (Saint Tail) vs Blue Cat (Precure)
Round 2:
Kaitou Joker vs. Lupin III
Joker (Persona 5) vs. Kaitou Spade
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast) vs. Thieves Peter and Jenny (Vocaloid)
A. J. Raffles vs. Sly Cooper
Carmen Sandiego vs. Pierre Despereaux
Mask⭐️DeMasque (Ace Attorney) vs. Arsène Lupin
Star Scarlet (Stellar Witch LIPS) vs. Kaitou KID/Kuroba Kaito (Magic Kaito)
Parker (Leverage) vs. Blue Cat/Yuni (Precure)
Round 3:
Lupin III vs. Joker (Persona)
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast) vs. A. J. Raffles
Carmen Sandiego vs. Arsène Lupin
Kaitou KID/Kaito Kuroba (Magic Kaito) vs. Parker (Leverage)
Joker (Persona) vs. Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast)
Carmen Sandiego vs. Kaitou KID/Kaito Kuroba (Magic Kaito)
Third Place:
Carmen Sandiego vs. Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast)
Joker (Persona) vs. Kaitou KID/Kaito Kuroba (Magic Kaito)
We have a winner! Congrats Kaitou KID!
By the way, we welcome propaganda! Feel free to send or @ us in posts detailing why your fav should win!
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