#mentioned aa europe
sunset-peril · 2 years
Ashes Remain - Chapter Fifteen - Still Unsolved
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December 16th, 2027
Smoke rose over the ruins of Courtroom Number Four. The entire building was cleared while the police waited for the bomb squad to inspect for more explosives.
Phoenix had been in a meeting with Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth, and was unable to attend the trial in person. However, when one of Edgeworth’s personal detectives barged into their meeting, furiously scribbling on an e-notebook, and alerted to a bombing in the courthouse, his body felt fifteen years younger and he charged for the door. 
One of Edgeworth’s subordinates, a twenty-four year old prosecutor named Naia Graves, accompanied them to the scene. She was processing the charges for the Space Center bombings, and Edgeworth planned to put her in charge of investigating this bombing. 
Without knowing anything of the other trials, Phoenix knew the bomb had gone off in the Space Center trial. 
When they arrived, Graves and the bomb squad ran inside. Edgeworth met with Blackquill and Fulbright, while Phoenix scoured the area for Apollo and Athena. Being unsuccessful in finding them, Phoenix approached one of the ambulance crews arriving on scene and told them the defense attorneys in the courtroom where the bomb went off were missing. Amidst the chaos, Juniper stumbled out of the courthouse with an officer’s help. 
After securing Blackquill, Edgeworth went to comfort Phoenix. Graves’ voice blasted over his walkie-talkie. “We’ve found bodies! At least one of ‘em’s got a pulse. First responders are bringing her out while we recover the other.”
Almost immediately after she said so, paramedics rushed out of the building with a limp body in their arms. 
Phoenix’s heart plummeted through the ground when he caught a glimpse of orange hair and a yellow jacket through their arms. “Athena!!”
“Do what you need to, Wright.” Shortly after one crew got Athena on a gurney and loaded her up, another crew brought out another figure, bleeding greatly, and one heavily burned figure. The burned figure was also loaded into an ambulance, but the bloodied figure was just laid on the ground and covered by a tarp. 
“Incident report, Chief! Three bodies recovered, two female, one male. Identified as both members of the defense, and Detective Candice Arme. Arme was found dead.”   
“Thank you, Graves. I’ll have the information sent to your partner to prepare charges.” Edgeworth lowered the walkie-talkie. “I’ll drop you off at the hospital, Wright. I hope to see your subordinates alive and well.”   
December 16th, 2017
Wright Anything Agency
Wright was sitting in his office, in the dark, when his phone rang. “Ah, Edgeworth. How are things going at the prosecutor’s office?”
“We’ve got a suspect. Trial for the courtroom bombing begins tomorrow at nine a.m.. The suspect is being charged with terrorism, one count of murder for Detective Arme and two counts of attempted murder for your two subordinates.”
“Is there an attorney on the case yet?”
“Not yet, we’ve just finished indicting the charges. The hospital took their sweet time letting us know Doctor Cykes survived the bombing, so we had to wait to see if we were charging two murders or just one.” 
“Who’s the suspect?”
“A ‘Juniper Woods’. She’s in questioning as we speak regarding her charges.”
His jaw tightened. “I want the case, Edgeworth.”
“Wright. This woman is accused of trying to kill your subordinates. Why in the world do you want to defend her?”
“I’ve gotten to know Miss Woods pretty well recently. I truly believe she didn’t set off the bomb, or plan to kill Arme, Apollo, or Athena.” 
“You astound me. However, I will grant you the case. If you would come by my office tomorrow morning and fill the paperwork out, I’ll send it to the courthouse.” 
“Thank you, Edgeworth.”
“Tell me, Wright, how are they faring?”
“Athena was out cold the whole time we were there, not surprising considering she’d been in surgery for about seven hours. Apollo was definitely worse for the wear, but he was at least conscious. He seemed better once she came out of surgery. He wouldn’t talk to us at noon, but was fairly chatty about 5:30.”
“Gavin said he was severely burned. Would you say that’s accurate?”
“If you want my opinion, I’d say he was nearly burnt to a crisp. Poor guy looked like a lot. He had Trucy set an alarm to go off as soon as he could get more morphine in him. Neither of them are good by any means, but Apollo is definitely better off… He’s conscious, required no surgery… and, well, Athena is suspected to be deaf. ”
“Ah, I see. That definitely messes with the plan. However, don’t worry too much about her, Wright. Even without her hearing, she is still our greatest weapon. The power to end this flows within her veins, not her ears. Why do you think I was willing to let her out of my sight?”
“I thought it had something to do with Kay and Sebastian. I remember you telling me something back when we first talked about me bringing her onboard, something about how her circumstances were ‘quite severe.’ Figured it had something to do with their penchant for trouble.”
“Oh no, they love her. Kay especially was disappointed when I received a notice recently stating she’s ineligible for adoption.”
“Y-You were in line to adopt her?”
“She reminds me of my younger days, bearing the strength I wish I had following that dreaded day. It pleases me how someone’s taken her into their heart.” 
“That would be Apollo, actually. She’s been under his guardianship since November. Pavilion Crisis tried to seize her custody, but he wouldn’t let her go.”
“Shield’s always been a stickler like that. He’s got the whole staff wrapped around his little finger too. If our legal system wasn’t in the state it’s in, I would send my personal detectives after him and that asylum. Franziska's been chasing some horrid allegations concerning European asylums, and they make me more than a little wary of our own.”
“I heard about that on the news, something about how European asylums are allowed to execute patients with the lethal injection without going through the courts?”
“Yes. That very reason is why I could not give you many details about Doctor Cykes until she was in my custody. We could have lost her at any moment. It took many nights of sleep away from me and my team. There is much more to the story, but I am not permitted to speak of it unless absolutely necessary.” “
“Is Athena allowed to speak?”
“I’m not allowed to disclose that information. I will say, however, this all goes much deeper than a bomb on a rocket.” 
“Sounds like it. This really is the Dark Age, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is, Wright. And if we lose this foothold we have, the courts could go under completely. With Blackquill in my hand, and Cykes in yours, we should hope it is enough. If the truth behind GYAXA’s HAT incidents eludes us once more, I would say for certain that we’ve lost our last chance.”  
Phoenix finally rose from his chair. “Yeah, it’s for this very reason I returned.” He walked to his couch, glancing down at the jacket laying there, and contemplated of all he’d fought for, and of everyone that had been lost in the fight. “Time to bring it to an end.”
He grabbed his jacket and locket before heading out the door. The battle which decided the war was starting, and he needed to revisit everything he knew before walking into court. 
Two trials were now connected, and he wouldn’t be surprised if it all went full circle back to the promise he made Edgeworth prior to being reinstated. He had the dreadful feeling Edgeworth was vastly understating when he determined all these happenings were much deeper than just a simple sabotage. 
No, the world had gotten significantly worse when the original call from Edgeworth arrived, from a European phone number, asking if he’d like a young lady to join his resurrecting firm.
There was something dark and unholy lurking beneath it all, and a horrifying possibility where Athena was the thread bringing years of crime to a head just in time for this battle was beginning to become clear. He’d fought off his wrongful conviction the year before, if they could just undo the sentence of the prosecutor who sealed the Dark Age into being, perhaps the corruption could finally start to unravel.
His phone buzzed again, but with an unsaved number. “Hello?” 
Phoenix looked up at the dusky sky, watching stars peek one by one into view as the golden sun faded beneath the skyline, before an ever-familiar voice met him on the device’s other end. “...Apollo?”
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Anon,
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No, and the mods aren’t telling me anything.
- Dick Gumshoe
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(I don't know how to add rose emojis on computer and my phone is dead, but this is me sending you a rose emoji lmao)
Thank youuuuuu (I’ve been hoarding these for future usage). From thought i wanted love ('til you showed me what it was) the fic where Jamie comes home to find his father waiting for him post-rehab and Jamie offers to let James stay with him "for a few days".
Four days later, James still hadn’t left.  After that first sleepless night, Jamie came up with a plan—one that allowed him to forgive his father, one Ted would be proud of him for. Jamie offered his house, and as long as James continued to attend AA meetings, he could stay. A change of scenery had helped Jamie; why wouldn’t it help James? His father ensconced himself in Jamie’s spare room, and it was fine.  It would be fine. 
He would take it day by day, just like his father said they did in AA. 
Jamie spent his second sleepless night debating whether he should tell anyone about his Dad. He definitely couldn’t tell Mummy. Maybe he could tell some of the team, though? Sam wouldn’t judge him, but he wasn’t sure he could handle their pitying faces. But he didn’t have to decide now, did he? He could always tell them later. Maybe his Dad would leave after a few days, and there wouldn’t even be anything to share. He just wouldn’t mention it. They had enough other things to talk about, and keeping his father a secret was easier than he thought it would be. The Greyhounds had scattered to different areas of Europe and beyond. Seeing family, playing for their own national teams, taking well-earned vacations.  Roy was a little bit harder.
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Description of the genes under the break
Beware the long post!
Genetics guide
Dilute modifier (): This unidentified gene further lightens the color of a diluted cat, the coloration becomes more brownish.
dominant allele: Dm - (variant)
recessive allele: dm - (wild type)
blue, lilac, fawn -> caramel
cream -> apricot
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I put here a cat in all three diluted colors to compare them with the caramel tabby. It's hard to spot the differences, isn't it?
Since this is a dilute modifier, the D allele covers it, and we can only see its effect on cats with dd genotype.
It can be found only in a few breeds: orientals (including related breeds) and burmese. To our current knowledge, of course.
Extension (melanocortin 1 receptor, MC1R): This gene replaces eumelanin with pheomelanin resulting in a yellowish or reddish furred cat. The change often happens gradually during the first years of the cat's life.
dominant allele: E - eumelanin remains, black adjacent cat (wild type)
recessive alleles: e, er, ec - pheomelanin takes over, yellow/red adjacent cat: amber, russet or serdolik (variant)
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All three recessive variants are new mutations found recently in different breeds: the color amber in the 1990s in norwegian forest cats, the color russet in 2007 in burmese, and the color carnelian or serdolik in 2018 in kurilian bobtails (at least that's the first mention). We don't know anything about their interactions, or their effects on cats outside of their respective breeds.
The gene only effects eumelanin, so the O allele is epistatic over the it. However, because of the properties of the overpowering pheomelanin, every e allele is epistatic over agouti, so the tabby patterns will show up on aa cats as well.
Wide band (serine peptidase, CORIN): This hypothetic gene makes the yellow bands on the agouti hairs wider, resulting in a lighter, yellowish pelt.
dominant allele: Wb - eumelanin on normal sized area, darker cat (wild type)
recessive alleles: wbSIB, wbeSIB, wbBRI - eumelanin on reduced area, lighter cat (variant)
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Ohhh, citizens of tumblr, we're really in it now. So. In the moment, we have, I believe, three mutations found on this gene: the sunshine (wbSIB) and extreme sunshine (wbeSIB) in the siberian breed, and the copper (wbBRI) in british cats. (I only show the sunshine and the copper here.) The novelty of these mutations means that the breeders still often call them simply golden instead of the new names, so it's difficult to find reliable data. Further complicating the situation, most likely both breeds have more wide band gene(s) beyond CORIN, and especially the copper cat above is the result of the combination of several wb genes.
Karpati (?): This unidentified gene makes the extremeties (face, ears, legs, tail) white kinda like a reverse colorpoint cat, and causes a roaning effect: scatters white hairs everywhere on the body.
dominant allele: K - whited extremities, karpati cat (variant)
recessive alleles: k - normal pigmant production, full colored cat (wild type)
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Karpati seems to show intermediate inheritance with significantly more white on a homozygous then a heterozygote cat. This gene is studied for a very short time, and mostly on heterozygotes since they are much more common. The cats appearence changes during their life and also with the seasons: they born very similar to a fever coated kitten but with white ears, then to the end of their first year they almost completely lose all white (at least the heterozygous cats - the homozygotes become darker but still keep strange white patterns like the cat in the header, who the same cat but older as the above depicted KK one), then slowly gain it back as they age.
The karpati mutation is present in the stray cat population in middle-east Europe (including Hungary where I live, wahoo! and indeed, I can regularly see one or two karpaties in facebook adoptions groups and such). It's also introduced to some established breeds (LaPerm, Sphynx) and the creation of its own breed also began under the Transylvanian name.
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estbela · 5 months
pleaseeee elaborate on your robul marriage post bc i've been thinking about this concept all day....!!! i need a full length post 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'll try my best but I am terrible at explaining myself sometimes but I will for you anon!!! (and also because RoBul has been consuming my thoughts lately)
(Also this post is a mess and I probably got some info wrong i'm sorry)
First of all, before actually talking about RoBul I do need to mention the history behind the proposals!! So during the Middle Ages, you probably know that Bulgaria was an empire, twice! And At times, Wallachia & romanians(who were called vlachs at the time alongside probably othee ppl who were also called vlachs, which yes, makes it confusing to research.) were part of it. The guys who founded the second bulgarian empire (Asen & Peter) were also probably vlachs, so there was cooperation between the bulgarians & vlachs in the empire.
This was one of the reasonings for the union essentially, that bcs they worked together well in the past, they would also work well tovether now, and together be pretty strong. Bulgaria especially would have had a lot to gain through the union(it wasn't independent and had only recently gained some autonomy from the Ottoman Empire), which was the reason proposals mostly came from the bulgarian side.
Anyway yada yada yada all the proposals for the union were fruitless, because of a lot of factors, which could be basically summarised like this: Neighbouring countries didn't want this to happen, and both Bulgaria and Romania had different goals and plans, sometimes that contradicted eachoter.
But if somehow they had succeeded to unite, well, that's certainly an interesting scenario. And now I will mention the union of Moldavia & Wallachia, which would form Romania. You see, those two principalities weren't allowed to truly unite by the powers of Europe, but they had not said that the danubian principalities could not elect the same leader to form a personal union, which led to Romania.
During the reign of king Carol I, he had considered doing this, aka being elected by Bulgaria too, to form a union of this king, but this was strongly opposed by Russia & Austro-Hungary, so yeah. But if he had somehow done this & Austro-Hungary & Russia didn't like...attack...uhmm...Romano-Bulgaria (I GUESS???) immediately, I guess Robul would officially be married!! Let's say they unite in like the 1880s.
Which comes with a lot of questions, obviously, that I will gloss over and just focus on RoBul. Thing is, I think Ro & Bul have somewhat different opinions on marriage. I mean, I see Bul as being way more keen on the concept of marriage than Ro is, so like Ro isn't very into marriage I guess? I see him aa someone who really values his freedom and independence, and isn't very willing to tie himself down, thought he'll do it for someone he loves. And that someone is Bul in this scenario.
Honestly...I think at first it is alright. I think Ro would have more control thought, similar to Austro-Hungary in a way, since from what I read, it would have been a similar kind of union to this one. I think Bul would be fine with this tho, especially at the start. He trusts Ioan(my human name for Ro) and his judgement, and Ro would also seek his opinion on things. Ro is happy about having control on some stuff.
But they do clash, quite a lot. Their personalities and view on things and their friends are different. Serbia is Ro's friend...while him and Bulgaria often don't see eye to eye. Russia and Bulgaria as well...yeah. Ro does not like Ivan very much, and Tsvetan also has conflicted thoughts on him, but veers towards liking him.
And also!!! Unless Bulgaria somehow achieved independence, Romania qould go back to being a vassal. Which well, I doubt Ioan would be fond of that. Honestly, I cannot say if being an union would help Bul achieve independence sooner, but it is not that important I suppose.
Also the capital of such a state would probably be Bucharest, like how the capital of Austro-Hungary was Vienna.
And to continue, as time goes on, I do think all these factors, including the political and cultural differences do put on a strain on their relationship. I cannot say if they would even enter the Balkan Wars, but this would also be a reason for fighting between them. Romania tends towards being neutral and really thinking things through while Bulgaria does tend to act based on instict and feelings, so I can see them participating in the first balkan war, and when Bul does not get what was promised for him, I can see him wanting to start the second balkan war, while Ro is trying to stop him from doing so, because it would be pointless in his opinion (as he was less focused on Bul's goal to unite with Macedonia and more focused on Transylvania and Moldova, which was definitely something they argued about!)
But I think they do have good times, really. I mean, being together like when they were children (in the middle ages) is wonderful for both of them. I think they can be very sweet together, and being marriage would def appeal to them because of being almost always together.
And now I am gonna stop talking about alternate reality and focus on their relationship more(because I suck at alternate history). The thing is, as I already said, where Ioan thinks, Tsvetan feels. And I think they do appreciate eachoter for these qualities, but in the end when you have different opinions about a lpt of things it's very hard to be in a marriage, especially if this marriage holds the fate of a country. I think they'd try to pretend those problems aren' there, thought, until they eventually have to face them with no way to run away from them. Alrhough I see Tsve as more willing to talk about things, while Ioan wants to pretend nothing is wrong and is non-comfrontational unless he believes talking will help him.
So at the end, things are...bad. towards the first world war, their relationship is already standing on it's last leg, but WW1 in this reality is what kills it truly. They each become their own country, like Austro-Hungary, and just, not talk to eachoter for a long time.
Althought...there is another scenario, in which they unite in the communist era. So like, everything happens the way it did in actual history until the communist period, where somehow those 2 manage to unite. I guess they'd fight for different reasons then, as again Bul kinda likes Russia & Ro Does Not. They probably separate in the 90s.
Also in these scenarios RoBul 100% has a way more complicated weird relationship going on and they do make it other people's problem.
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andiatas · 24 days
Astrid Meland: A pressed Crown Prince
At the same time as the world's eyes are on Norway, the facade around the heir to the throne is crumbling.
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The Royal Family in 2015. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
The royals cannot stop, even if they are in crisis.
At the oil fair in Stavanger - now called the energy fair - the Crown Prince [showed up] at work on Monday, as [already planned].
At the same time, international guests started arriving for the sister's wedding.
The questions the Crown Prince received from the press were not about oil but about the wedding and his bonus son.
The Crown Prince answered in more detail and took longer than the last time he commented on the matter.
He seemed nervous and uncomfortable. But it was probably still worth it.
It seems wise that the Crown Prince is more open and does not hide away.
It is also trust-inducing that he does it himself and not via staff.
That it is difficult for him is, at the same time, very understandable.
The Palace could perhaps have answered some of the questions earlier. Nothing has calmed down since Marius made his written admission on 14 August.
The Royal Family has been attacked for what they may have known.
The Crown Prince finally commented on this now.
He replied that the couple is close to Marius. They have known a good deal about his problems, at least what he himself has told them.
By opening up, the Crown Prince may be able to end some of the most damaging speculations.
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Crown Prince Haakon & Marius at the Crown Prince wedding in 2001. Photo: Erlend Aas / NTB
Especially Crown Princess Mette-Marit has had to go through [Note from Saga: go through being the focus/target of many speculations].
She has received criticism for having contact with the woman Marius Borg Høiby admitted to having beaten.
Only this past weekend did VG learn that this was a text message from the Crown Princess, which was then answered with a phone call from the woman.
There are, of course, many considerations to be taken here. But couldn't the Palace have commented on a text message?
When such simple information is kept secret, the truth appears more harmful than it actually could be.
When the Crown Prince confirmed this contact on Monday, it was the first the Royal House has said [anything] on the matter.
But he had to comment more. At the weekend, Marius was mentioned in Se og Hør because he has a diplomatic passport.
During the weekend, no one wanted to answer whether that was true. The Crown Prince was the first to confirm that Marius has had a diplomatic passport since childhood.
That in itself need not be objectionable. However, it can become a problem for the authorities if the passport is misused or by someone who should not have it.
The most startling and difficult thing now is probably that several unfortunate Marius photos have been published in Bild, Europe's largest publication.
Several of the photos, which are presumably taken by acquaintances or obtained from social media, show Marius with what is allegedly a toy gun.
According to his own statement, the Crown Prince has not seen these. But now, in hindsight, the Crown Prince has probably seen them. He almost has to.
The images are bad for the Royal House's reputation, also abroad.
So, in reality, there are several sides [to the story] here. We know little about the context. One photo was presumably taken at a James Bond party.
So, it can be quite innocent. Marius is allowed to participate in gangster parties.
But given the environment around him and all the issues related to him, he [needs to give an explanation], party or not.
The whole thing is reinforced by things like the fact that he has a diplomatic passport and has given his address as the Royal Palace both when selling at Finn and when he was caught using cocaine at a festival.
The pictures are fuel to the fire.
It is probably just to prepare for more to come [to light] in the days ahead in publications that pay sources fat for information.
Those images are difficult to counter, even as wrong as the impression they can give.
In addition, Crown Prince Haakon has other image problems, namely those his sister has created. Because she seems to have broken the deal and sold out her wedding using [her] Princess title.
Haakon also commented on this, which signals a tightening here. He said that they should talk about this after the wedding.
Finally, something the Crown Prince can take control of.
The Marius case is worse. The main problem here is that the bonus son has been violent on cocaine. It doesn't go away.
But answering the public's questions as openly as possible is probably good for the declining trust in the Royal House.
And many will probably find some sympathy with the slightly stuttering heir to the throne, who, at the same time, seems to be the strongest card in the house.
Note: This is an opinion piece. The piece expresses the writer's position.
Translation and slight editing for clarity by me of an opinion piece written by Astrid Meland for Verdens Gang (VG). The piece was published on Aug. 26, 2024, at 19:28 and updated the same day at 22:25.
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
Gush about your OC
Rules: — Post 5 Facts about your OC. — Open the latest section of #cyberpunk 2077 tag and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags. — Tag 5 People to spread the game.
got tagged by: @wraithsoutlaws, @imaginarycyberpunk2023 and @morganlefaye79. Thank you so much! <3
Guess I can do all my three oc's now thanks to you, ha! Too lazy to make three seperate posts so this is going to be an all-in-one long post with no cut:
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Vijay is not a friend of going into a gym to stay healthy. But you can find him swimming laps in a public swimming pool. He works out at least 3x a week and does usual exercises at home to stay fit. He also showers every day, otherwise he won’t feel awake neither ready for the day/night.
His main car is a Mizutani Shion MZ2, he got through Regina Jones, so it’s the vanilla car and rides like a pure dream. He doesn’t care if it's a Tyger‘s favorite. His second car is a 1980s treasure: a DMC DeLorean. Since he was a child he dreamed of owning this car one day — now that he’s got the money after years of saving, he was able to fulfill that dream. He also still has his racing car toy version of it (alongside with another one: Trans Am K.I.T.T from Knight Rider) he got when he was 5 years old.
Vijay is of Austrian origin but can't speak any German/Austrian. His kin traveled from Europe to the US during the 1920s and his family history got pretty much forgotten since he never got told anything about it. Ryder casually mentioned that V pronounces his last name constantly wrong (because he knows it better as a German :P) and told V that 'Steyr' is actually a City in Austria (Ryder's family used to go on vacation when he was a young boy).
Vijay does only use cyberware that is totally necessary for him aas a netrunner so it its mostly addons and mods for his Cyberdeck and the power weapons he uses together with the balistic coprocessor. This means he's refraining to use cyberware for: arms, legs, his skeleton and also integumentary, nervous and immune systems. No fashionable stuff either (the one on his throat is there because of an accident in his past).
Vijay can feel like a great friend on your side – until you consider how much you actually know about him. He’s cagey and never about to fully reveal himself until he fully trusts someone. Not even close friends get to know his true self. Almost no one will ever get a chance to even try to get through and make him talk about his scars from the past.
Wanna know more about my ginger boy? try these tags:
///core:_vijay_steyr.file\\\ ⇢ about.file \_/ aesthetics.files.file
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Ryder was a very fidgety child and somehow this stayed with him. He's got a better control of it now, but he just can't sit still for too long. He also has a habit to align objects neatly side by side, he doesn't like chaos on a table.
He can fly a plane — means any real plane but also any shorter flying vehicle as well. He also knows where their weak spots sit and he can override autopilot systems.
He collects gemstones such as amethysts, onyx and quartz. He believes in their ability to clear negative energies from his aura, so they help him to absorb his constant anger a little. Once he thinks the negative energy gets stronger again, he cleanses the gems and loads them up again in the sun. So if you stop by his apartment you'll find them placed everywhere.
Ryder loves to go shopping. Mostly together with Vijay because he always needs someone to approve the stuff he picks looks cool on him. Sometimes the two make a challenge out of it, which means that Ryder looks after clothes for Vijay to wear and vice versa. At times this ended up in funny combinations. And with Arki he's got a true fashionista on his side as well for sure. :)
Ryder's got a mod installed that allows only Vijay to reset his system if he falls into berserk mode unable to get out of it (people might think he'd turn cyberpsycho, but it's just the killing spree he is likely to fall in and can't stop). It doesn't harm him, but he needs a few minutes to get back to his consciousness and mostly feels like some sort of paralyzes.
Wanna know more about my German dude? Try these tags:
///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\ ⇢ about.file \_/ aesthetics.file
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Hizumi's mask is a keepsake from their little brother who's been too dumb (sadly) by joining the Tyger Claws and got murdered when he decided it was wrong and wanted to leave.
They have trained with a sword ever since Hizumi was 4 years old because their father used to be a skilled sword master and smith. Hizumi comes from a historic city named Kamakura — a city that used to be the de facto capital of Japan from 1185 to 1333 and the seat of the Kamakura shogunate. Many warriors found their rest in and around Kamakura.
Hizumi likes to roam the realm of the supernatural and believes the spirits are talking to them. Chigasaki got interested in it very early when they were diving into the world of Japanese folklore full of gods and creatures such as oni and yokai. They believe to have had an encounter with the Kami Inari at their home shrine in Kamakura that lies deep in the woods behind the hidden village.
Hizumi is a lazy bitch. Only talks when necessary or needed, doesn't interfere much either. It's likely that Vijay or Ryder have to give them an exact order to do something — it's like when you enter a taxi in Tokyo and can't tell the driver the exact location, he won't start driving. You'll spot Hizumi mostly sitting or lying around being lazy but still observing.
They also like to be up on high buildings. It's where they feel safest and inapproachable in the city. Down in the streets there is only danger around you all the time called daily life. Up high on a skyscraper, they've got peace. So, Hizumi likes to travel mostly over rooftops and is a huge fan of chilling on fire escape stairs, likely to observe enemies from above and also enter jobs this way if it's not in open space.
Wanna know more about my samurai kitsune? Try these tags:
///core:_hizumi_chigasaki.file\\\ ⇢ about.file \_/ aesthetics.file
Tagging (dunno if you already got tagged bc I'm always so late to the game): @nervouswizardcycle, @jessxmetal, @genocidalfetus, @f001onthehill and @gloryride (no pressure tho and even if you've done this already maybe there might be another character waiting to be told more about? :))
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deadboyfriendd · 9 months
I've seen you mention that you're studying graphic design and for some reason I had it in my head that you studied English or followed a writing course. I think it's because your writing and your style always makes me feel like I'm reading a published novel. Hardcover honey. It's so well put together and I've really enjoyed reading all the recent anon asks about your wips and past works. The level of thought and detail you discussed in those alone blew me away. Are you self taught?
Hi anon!
First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reading and all of the love. I literally can't think about people reading and liking my work too much or else I will start crying. It means SO much to me.
Yes! I am currently getting my BS in Graphic Design, but I do have an AA in Liberal Studies and a second AA in discretional honors from when I thought I wanted to be a nurse, got into the honors program at my community college, and got all the way through nursing school before I decided I wanted to be an artist!
I am self-taught! Writing has always just kind of been something that comes naturally, but that isn't to say that I haven't had a ton of practice working on this website. When I read back through some of my stuff from my Wattpad days and read back through some of my stuff even from a year ago on here, I am so surprised to see how much and how quickly I was able to grow as a writer when I didn't see that kind of growth on any other platform I've ever written for. A big part of this can be credited to @dr-aculaaa in our little writer's room. Her work pushed me to be the greatest writer I can be and Drac is always my go-to!
I think the first time I ever got recognition for my writing was in the 7th grade, and I just didn't stop! I was a weird kid and really insecure with myself so when I was good at something like writing or art, I tried to capitalize on it and milk it for all it was worth because I thought it would make people like me, but, as an adult, I write largely for myself now. My great granddad was a published author and he wrote westerns! I didn't know this until after I wrote Cochise!
I also had a couple of really great teachers and some really great college courses that I think helped me out quite a bit. My middle school english teacher (who I still talk to!) really encouraged me to continue working with writing and art. I was also his TA for four years so he was able to fuel my flame for reading, writing, art, and music! He is also part of the reason why I became a teacher and I can only dream of being half the teacher he is.
In college, I took a couple of really cool electives, Theatre History, Witchcraft and Heresy in Europe, Art History, and The Politics of Punk to name a few. It really helped me expand my worldview and fueled my love of writing because writing is also largely a reading and researching process for me!
As far as my actual writing process, I write about the things that make me happy and largely, I write about myself and my own experiences. In reality, my cochise universe is a culmination for my love of Tombstone, my love for my desert home, my passion for westerns, and the fact that I was watching a LOT of yellowstone at that time. Just like Stone Gothic came out right after that class on Witchcraft and when Drac was talking to me about monsterfucking lol! I write about the things I've seen and the things I've stored in my brain. I think the reason it takes me so long to get anything out is because, when I feel like getting really descriptive and getting in the zone, I pretend I'm standing there with a macrolense and think about what I'm seeing or feeling, how someone else can be feeling that, and how I've felt when something similar happens. I also think about how I've read about how other characters feel in similar events!
My love for writing also ultimately comes from my love of reading, if you scroll down a little on my page I have a couple of lists of books that have really inspired me! When I see prose I like I try to write like that, and its always going to come out in my own way- which I have learned to be okay with.
Ultimately, my entire relationship with writing is this weird pieced-together mosiac of learning how to deal with myself and my life experiences, catharsis, my desperate need to be creating something, my love for reading and learning, and also my constant craving for validation and praise.
I'd be happy to talk about this all you want, anon! Thanks for reading and letting me spew these thoughts all over the dash!
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ultraviolet-ink · 2 years
For the ask game: Seishirou Jigoku, Genshin Asogi, and Yujin Mikotoba?
I think about the original exchange students a normal amount lol! I'm also putting this under a cut to save the scrolling because I am never concise XD Prompts here!
Seishirou Jigoku
Sexuality Headcanon: I bounce back and forth with him haha. I really like playing around with gay Jigoku who really tries to lean into hypermasculinity because of the setting/time period (the same goes with AroAce as well, he just really tries to lean into the roles he's "supposed" to play as a man) Can you tell I've taken a sociology course or two this semester? XD
Gender Headcanon: Cis Man, I didn't really think of much variation here, he's just what he is on the tin haha
A ship I have with said character: So I kinda went down a rabbit hole for MikoJigo haha! (Also, shameless self promo for @aaholidayrare which I am helping run! Less than a month WHOOP!) I also enjoy Jigotex/JigoHart, because I am here for messy bitches who are extremely toxic for each other and will be the other's source of destruction. I find it so interesting because I think that they both kind of hate the other, but dammit they're spicy! :D
A BROTP I have with said character: Yujin and Genshin! I really do love the tragedy of their friendships, and I am determined to write more of them!
A NOTP I have with said character: tbh Jigo////Aso, I can see why it's enjoyed, and I do love messy drama, but it's just not for me. Highkey gives me intrusive thoughts, but I can appreciate it from a distance lol
A random headcanon: brattiest bottom to ever bottom in the record of bottoming (shoutout to AA Anon WHOOP!)
General opinion over said Character: He's a really tragic character when you think about it! If he never listened to Stronghart, he could have been a modestly respected official in the judiciary without it all going wrong. His ambition and self-serving was his doom when he pulled that trigger, but really, he was doomed that night in general. I read an amazing fic where Jigoku shot someone ELSE that night, even if he decided to save Genshin, someone was always going to die and that crime will always return to haunt him. It's really the makings of a Greek Tragedy, and I'm determined to write more of him!! Genshin Asogi Sexuality Headcanon: I think its hilarious if he's the one oblivious het guy! he just has all these homoerotic moments but he's just oblivious omg XD
Gender Headcanon: Cis Man
A ship I have with said character: Honestly, him and his wife, I want to know more about Mama Asogi dammit!
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Klint! As well as him with Jigoku and Seishirou!
A NOTP I have with said character: I guess Gen////Klint. It's not that I think it's bad or anything, I'm just kind of ambivalent on it. Didn't really call out to me
A random headcanon: he cannot whistle. If you also know anything about Victorian era stereotypes on homosexuals, you'll also chuckle at this (Also, read Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Ninteenth Century by Gram Robb)
General opinion over said Character: He's got the potential to be really interesting, especially with how he's seen by others (especially by Kazuma and Barok), but he really is just some guy. I like the simplicity in that, but I would love to know more about him! (The Great Ace Attorney Investigations when Capcom??)
Yujin Mikotoba
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual icon, he gets all the "that one time in Europe" boyfriends, and the trip was his awakening haha!
Gender Headcanon: He's a Cis Man
A ship I have with said character: I'm HomuMiko trash because TGAA decided to make me the person I was at the age of 12, I already mentioned MikoJigo, and I also helped beta a fic that opened my eyes to MikoBaro! Also, last, but not least, Yujin and Ayame because they seem really sweet, like that first love kind of vibe! Also, maybe having a panic moment where Yujin thinks "shit these Sholmes men are kinda 😳" with Mycroft
A BROTP I have with said character: Like I mentioned with Jigoku, him and Genshin as well! To avoid repeating myself, I also enjoy the dynamic that he and Susato have!
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really have any NoTPs with him lol
A random headcanon: He's like a fine wine, gets better with age. Also, I don't care what the london model is lying about, mans deserves a dadbod
General opinion over said Character: I think about Mikotoba so much, he's really one of my favorite characters and I love his moral greyness. He lies by omission so much, but he is determined to find the truth as seen with his exploits with Sholmes! He is a good man, but he's also a flawed man!
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kira--romanova · 2 years
🫂 - Who is your top NINE favorite characters?
combining this and @atimebomb's question in one
highly specific let's see aa and it isn't in order because thats hard
1. Wanda Maximoff, but from the comics! no mcu Wanda here no ma'm. she's a serbian jew (same here) and rromani. and with the anti-semitic and even more anti-rromani hellhole that europe is right now, shes a really important character
2. rhaenyra targaryen. love that bitch
3. 616 Nat. (dont mention her mcu solo I'll scream)
4. Nadja from what we do in the shadows!
5. Sidney Prescott. I'll say this once and I'll say it again gay people were invented by the government to promote scream. scream 5 was my no way home
6. Kat Stratford. I am her. She is me
7. Villanelle. i will never recover from the finale. tho everyone knows i love me a morally gray russian (obviously)
8. Diane Nguyen from bojack! literally no one made me bawl my eyes out more than some of her scenes. I hate relating to characters 🗣️
9. Nadia Vulvokov from the russian doll!
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hotilhotil · 7 months
Escort girls, also known as
<a href="https://www.sexanak.com/%d7%a0%d7%a2%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%aa-%d7%9c%d7%99%d7%95%d7%95%d7%99/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">נערות ליווי</a> Escort girls, also known as call girls or prostitutes, have been a part of Israel's society for decades. While prostitution is technically illegal in the country, it is still very prevalent, with an estimated 12,000-15,000 sex workers operating in Israel. But what exactly is the role and reality of escort girls in Israel? In this article, we will delve into the world of escort girls in Israel and shed light on the industry and the women who work in it. First and foremost, it is important to note that the majority of escort girls in Israel are not Israeli citizens. Many come from Eastern Europe, specifically Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and are brought to Israel under false pretenses, often by human traffickers. These women are promised legitimate jobs but end up being forced into prostitution upon arrival. This exploitation of women is a concerning issue in Israel, and the government has been criticized for not taking enough action to combat it. However, there are also Israeli women who choose to work as escort girls, either out of financial need or personal choice. One of the main reasons for the high demand for escort girls in Israel is the country's large tourism industry. With millions of tourists visiting Israel each year, there is a constant demand for sexual services. Many of these tourists are looking for a discreet and easy way to fulfill their desires, and escort girls provide just that. It is worth mentioning that not all escort girls in Israel engage in sexual activities. Some offer services such as companionship for events and outings, massages, and even therapeutic talks. However, it is safe to say that the majority of clients seek their services for sexual purposes. The industry operates primarily through word-of-mouth and online advertisements. There are also designated areas, such as the "red light districts" in Tel Aviv and Haifa, where clients can find escort girls. In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of social media platforms, particularly Instagram, to promote and sell sexual services. In Israel, escort girls are not allowed to work on the streets, and there are strict laws against soliciting and pimping. However, these laws are not always enforced, and many sex workers continue to operate without fear of repercussions. Many argue that the existence of escort girls in Israel reflects a failure of the government to provide adequate economic opportunities for women. It also raises concerns about the safety and well-being of these women, as they often work in dangerous and exploitative situations. To combat this issue, several organizations have been established in Israel to support and protect sex workers. For example, the "Sex Workers' Hotline" provides legal, social, and medical assistance to sex workers, including escort girls. They also offer education and outreach programs to raise awareness and empower these women. In recent years, there have been discussions about legalizing and regulating prostitution in Israel. Supporters of this idea argue that it would provide more protection and rights for sex workers, while opponents believe it would only further perpetuate the exploitation and objectification of women. In conclusion, the presence of escort girls in Israel reflects a complex and controversial issue. For some, it is a means of survival, while for others, it perpetuates harm and exploitation. As society evolves, it is crucial to address the underlying factors that lead women to resort to such work and provide better alternatives for them. Additionally, it is essential to create a safe and regulated environment for sex workers to operate in, with proper laws and support systems in place. Only then can we truly address the issue of escort girls in Israel and work towards a more just and equitable society.
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gslin · 9 months
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kylorens · 10 months
İlkay Gündoğan Interview with AA Spor
AA Spor interviewed İlkay and asked a lot of great questions and I decided to translate some I wanted to share into English. I would have added all of the videos but unfortunately Tumblr only allows for 1 video per post, so I'll instead put the Twitter link instead. If you want the rest, lmk and I can translate them later.
About the Germany - Turkiye friendly match on 18th
It will certainly be a special match for me. Playing against Türkiye for the first time will probably be a bit weird. After all, it's my home country, my family's home country. It's our country my grandma, my grandpa lives in. Of course, there's still a strong connection (between me and Türkiye). There always was, and will be, with Türkiye. I try to visit at least once a year. I like spending the holidays in Türkiye.
Me, as well as my family, we are very happy that Türkiye is qualified for the EURO championship. Especially since there are millions of Turks living in Germany, in Europe. I think it will be great for Türkiye, for the Turkish people. After all, except for my team (Germany), the only team I support is, of course, Türkiye.
I hope (Türkiye and Germany) won't draw the same group. (laughs) Of course, I'm not sure if that's a possibility but inşallah that won't happen. Maybe… I think a semi-final, or a final (against each other) could be nice actually.
Who do you have in mind in the finals?
Actually, I would want to say Germany and Türkiye but for me… I mean, this time it's just a friendly. But if it was a final match, one between my friends, that would have been an entirely different situation for me. It would have been a lot more difficult and more awkward, weirder. That's why, I'd be happy to see either Germany or Türkiye in the semi finals. I'd be happy to see them both at once too.
About Galatasaray's performance in UEFA Champions League
I've seen a Galatasaray better than Bayern München, better at finding more positions, at ball possession. It was very good football. I saw a Galatasaray that deserved 3 points at the very least. (But) Champions League is a completely different competition. That's why you have to seize every opportunity you get there, unfortunately Galatasaray couldn't make that happen in the first match. I think they deserved the 3 points (there). But I guess it wasn't meant to be. İnşallah they could at least rank 2nd or 3rd and continue in Europa. Their chances are almost the same right now, (only the) Copenhag and Man. Utd. matches at home are left. I see a Galatasaray team that can win them both. İnşallah they do and finish the group ranking 2nd.
Kerem is very good, I love watching Kerem. Icardi, of course, he's a player that have showed himself in Europe, either in PSG or Inter Milan. Wilfried Zaha - a footballer I know very well from Premier League. He's a football player that spent a great time in PL. Individual duels, shots, assists, goals… He's a footballer I really like.
Apart from them… Lucas Torreira - very hard-working in midfield, he controls the ball very, very well. Muslera - he's been the goalkeeper for so many years, he's a very experienced keeper. I think he's also very important for the team. I mean, there are so many players to mention actually… Hakim Ziyech, Sergio Oliviera at midfield… Sacha Boey at right back. There are actually a lot to mention but… I mean Galatasaray has a very good squad. Actually, (we talk) with the Bayern München players we have here (German NT); they really find the (Galatasaray) players quite well, they say they play really good football. I hope for the best*, inşallah they can qualify.
*He says "Hayırlısı bakalım" and there's not a direct translation in English. Literally, "Whatever that's the best will happen, we'll see".
About Arda Güler
Arda Güler went to Real Madrid. He's a really talented football player. Actually we talk with Antonio Rüdiger here sometimes, he too finds him well a lot. Of course, he's a bit behind physically. And with two injuries, he didn't have a great start for his Real Madrid career of course but I think he's very talented. Mesut Özil also said the same for him back then. If there's any Turkish player that's like him, the first one to name is Arda Güler. I think he's got a very bright future.
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reviewadvisers · 1 year
If you are thinking whether to buy winter tyres, read this!
The majority of British drivers are not ready for dangerous driving situations and are not aware that changing to winter Maxxis Tyres Chichester will increase driving safety.
In several regions of continental Europe, it is dangerous and unfathomable to drive without winter tyres between the months of November and April. In fact, they are required in Germany, Austria, Finland, and Sweden, and are advised in the majority of other Northern European countries.
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What do winter tyres actually do?
Winter tyres are made specifically to handle ice, rain, slush, and colder road surfaces. To provide improved braking and traction performance on snow, and ice, as well as on wet roads in cold temperatures, they use a modified rubber compound and tread pattern.
In the UK, few people are aware of winter tyres.
Despite being widely used on European roadways, winter tyres are surprisingly underutilized in the UK. According to research conducted by the German tyre maker Continental, around half (47%) of drivers in the UK are either ignorant that they are available or believe they can only be used when there is a lot of snow or ice on the road. Even the Highway Code makes no mention of them.
Reduced braking distances and winter tyres
Although winter tyres are adaptable to any situation, they perform best when the temperature is below seven degrees Celsius (about 45 Fahrenheit). This is due to the fact that they don't firm up at lower temperatures, resulting in much better traction on the road and shorter stopping distances. For example, a typical saloon can stop on a snowy road from a speed of 30 mph in 35 meters, compared to the 43 meters, or two car lengths, required by the same car with regular tyres.
What distinguishes winter tyres from summer tyres?
This is where things get a little technical: a winter tyre's rubber compound is quite different from that of a summer tyre. When the temperature lowers, a summer tyre's tyre composition becomes so cold that it loses a significant amount of its flexibility, making it dangerously sluggish in bad weather. 
On the other hand, winter tyres are constructed of rubber that has been particularly engineered to prevent them from hardening in the cold. This results in better grip, shorter stopping distances, less sliding, and higher safety. 
Can winter tyres stop me from skidding?
Although there is no assurance that they will stop a skid, anything that lessens the likelihood of one must be advantageous. Especially considering that winter months have a six-fold increased risk of accidents for driving. 
Can summertime tyres be used in the winter?
According to Continental Tyres, winter tyres are just as quiet, comfy, and wear at the same rate as summer tyres. 
There is a tiny trade-off in stopping distances because winter tyres don't stop as fast in dry conditions as summer tyres, but overall, if changing tyres during the winter is impractical, experts advise using winter tyres all year round. This is due to the fact that summer tyres have a substantially longer stopping distance in the winter than winter tyres in the summer. Use winter tyres all year long if you don't like changing your tyres and don't have a place to keep your summer tyres when they're not in use.
What are the opinions of UK automotive organizations on winter tyres?
According to the AA, they make logical sense if you live somewhere where winter conditions are anticipated to be worse for longer, such as a country where it is less likely that country roads and lanes will be gritted or cleared of snow.
The expense (estimated at up to £500 per car) may be more difficult to justify in towns and cities, according to the AA, "though this must be a personal decision relying on the likelihood of hazardous weather, your driving confidence, and how much you have to travel when snow and ice are present." In general, it is acknowledged that winter Tyres Chichester offer significantly shorter stopping distances and substantially superior traction.
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Day Two – Saturday, March 25:
We arrived at Heathrow at our gate at 7:15 a.m. after a 9 hour flight and still had over 1 ½ hours to make our connection.  That was until the deboarding was delayed because the pilot and ground crew could not get the engines to turn off. That took another 20 minutes. 
Then, we had to bus from Terminal 3 to Terminal 5.  I knew it was a bad sign when I saw a bus, heading in the opposite direction, that had our flight number on the marque of the bus.  We arrived at Terminal 3 and were running to check in. They said the flight wouldn’t close the doors until 20 minutes before departure.  Despite that claim and arriving at security at 8:10 a.m., security said we didn’t have enough time to get through security and to our flight gate.  We were officially bumped from that flight.
There was a 1:30 p.m. flight leaving for Bologna, but there were no remaining seats on the flight.  That meant, we were booked on the 6:30 p.m. flight and we were going to have an over 10 hour layover at Heathrow.
Why was this important?  On Wednesday, March 23, I was able to secure a dinner reservation for Laura and I at Osteria Francescana in Modena.  This is a Michelin 3 star restaurant and, in the last 5 years, was rated the #1 restaurant in the world.  The chef is Massimo Bottura and he appeared on Season 1, Episode 1 of the acclaimed Chef’s Table series on Netflix.  That dream meal came crashing down because of American Airlines.  I called the restaurant and they were incredibly understanding and, thankfully, didn’t charge us a cancellation fee.  Most people have to make a reservation a year in advance.  We did make someone else’s dream night – 2 people on the waiting list at the restaurant.
Despite a 4 hour delay for AA (“American Airlines”) when we called their “customer service” number, Laura got on the AA website and got a response on their chat line.  The AA representative assured us that she was able to secure 2 seats on the 1:30 p.m. departure in business class and that we were confirmed.
This gave us a brief moment of sunshine.  We called the restaurant, but they had already booked a replacement.  So, that was out.
Regardless, we hope to get to Bologna around 4:30 p.m. and it was going  to cut 5 hours from our 10 hour layover.  Alas, AA lied again.
When we got to the gate, we were informed that, in fact, we didn’t have seats on this full flight.  The BA (“British Airways”) representative said AA frequently says one thing (AA even updated our boarding information to the 1:30 p.m. flight on our AA app) and fails to finish the booking in the BA system.  We went back to the BA executive lounge for another 5 hours.
Even if we would have gotten on the 1:30 p.m. flight, it was ultimately delayed for 2 hours, so we wouldn’t have made our dinner reservation regardless of the flight times.
We finally arrived at the Bologna airport at 9:45 p.m.  The BA flight crew could not have been more understanding. They even gave Laura and I a bottle of champagne as a consolation prize for our horrible travel day.  I was able to watch game 2 of the Ark vs. LSU baseball game on the Bologna flight and watch LSU completely destroy the Razorbacks. That was a small consolation.
After getting our rental car, we arrived at Hotel Internazionale Bologna at 11 p.m. Laura was hungry, so we walked down the street for a quick slice of pizza.  Did I mention that Europe Daylight Savings Time started on Sunday, March 26?  We were losing an hour of much needed sleep on the night of Saturday, March 25.
As I got in bed, I remembered that the LSU baseball game 3 was starting at 1 a.m. that Saturday night/Sunday morning.  For some reason, I couldn’t sleep and watched 1 inning before finally falling asleep.
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newcomerskeepcoming · 2 years
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Sharing the fact that I was an alcoholic was the hardest part of my recovery, but it was also the first step in it. To accept that my life and my drinking was out of control ought to have been easy - I was spending most of my time in bed, all I could think about when I wasn’t drinking was drinking, and slowly but very much surely I was losing my grip on everything I cared about. Yet to share the fact I was an alcoholic with myself, let alone anyone else, was always too difficult when the solution to it all lay in another drink. “Cunning, baffling, powerful” is how the AA preamble describes alcohol, and few words struck me to be more true in my first AA meeting. At that point, I had accepted I was an alcoholic, but this acceptance was hard-fought and scarring. Fighting to be able to share with my inner-self that I was indeed an alcoholic was as bruising as the direct blows that alcohol dealt to my physical, mental and emotional health.
I had been fortunate to be introduced to the concept of AA by someone with two years of sobriety five months before I ever actually joined a meeting. I had come to broadly accept, though not fully, that I was an alcoholic and likely needed help, but the thought of standing up (or sitting down in my case since I used Zoom) to ‘admit’ to being an alcoholic was unimaginable. It took another five months of degenerative drinking before I found myself in a Zoom waiting room for an AA meeting. Waiting to be admitted to that room, the thought of sharing those words with a group of strangers almost pushed me to leave. But in that first meeting I did share. Just about holding my nerve enough to talk, I managed to muster “hi, I’m Owen and I’m an alcoholic”. Relief, and lots of it. That simple but incredibly difficult line finally took the burden solely off my own shoulders, and it has transformed my life since. It opened the door for me to have the courage to share more about my alcoholism, some of it trauma I thought I could never mention out loud. But to receive only acceptance, understanding, and love in return has healed and grown me.
By sharing that I was an alcoholic, I came to understand was not ‘admitting’ to something as if I had committed a crime. I was a sharing a fact. I shared that I was suffering from an illness, a suffering I did not want to endure. I shared that I could take ownership of my life, a responsibility that I wanted. I shared how I was doing something about it, that I was recovering.
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