#ashlee matheson
shadowworldwanderers · 9 months
Blush - Emilie 'Emi' Mayson/Ashlee 'Ash' Matheson
A/N: Part 1/4 for some crossover prompts from the touch-starved prompts promptlist. Ash is @jmathesonandsiblings' girl and Emi is mine.
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“Are you okay, your face seems a little red…” The question is so soft that Ash barely hides her smile, shrugging and playing with Emi’s bracelet a little where she’d grabbed her wrist earlier. She was still learning to believe that Emi had always wanted her, that she wasn’t some consolation prize to the other woman. “I’m okay…. You’re just really hot when you get angry…” “Asshole should learn to back off when someone tells them to go away.” Emi mutters but smiles at Ash’s blush deepening. “You’re into protective?” “I’m into you… the protective is hot because it’s you.” Emi laughs then, letting her free hand cup Ash’s cheek, kissing her softly. “I’m glad you think so.”
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thewritehag · 7 years
10 questions tag game. I was tagged by @ashlee-j-eisanhower 
1. Weirdest place you’ve written/read.
I’m so boring. I think the closest was when I was reading What Dreams By Come (yep, a book first) by Richard Matheson and I was at the dentist. This dentist was...not great. He was the kind who’d pump you full of pain deadening medicine and leave you to sit for what felt like hours (probably just one hour, but that’s a long time to sit with your face numb and nothing to show for it. He’d always have to stick you again, too, because he was gone so long) and I was sitting, my face melting off and puffy, reading about a guy trying to find his family in the afterlife. 
2. Favourite childhood author.
Edgar Allan Poe. I was really young when “The Raven” was recited in a Simpsons episode and I was in love with it. I stole my dad’s book of American poetry and read it over and over. When I got older, I got my own book of just Poe stories and poems, and spent a lot of time reading them. The Tell-Tale Heart is still genuinely upsetting and it’s fair to say his vampires influenced my vampire characters, particularly Naldius. 
3. Favourite genre.
Urban fantasy, for the most part, but I think I can safely count Terry Pratchett as a genre, too.
4. Name a character you hate, but everyone else seems to love.
James Bond. Fuck that guy. Not the way he’d like.
5. Name a character you love, that everyone else seems to hate.
I’m gonna stretch it here, because I cannot think of any characters that I love that no one else likes, so I’m gonna go with a Doctor Who episode, which is “Love and Monsters.” It’s one of the least popular episodes, if not the least popular one, but I love it (except the ending. Like everyone else, that skeeved me). 
6. Favourite trope.
Ironic use of words that lead to comedic misunderstandings. Usually slapstick, but I dig it. 
7. Least favourite trope.
The characters not talking to each other about their situation, unless it’s a comedy. 
8. Name a book/TV show/movie that you’re currently obsessed with.
Rick and Morty and Castlevania (it’s so hilariously bad and I have no one to talk to about it).
9. How many people in real life know about your writing?
Under 10.
10. Today’s word count.
So far? 522. I hope to get some more before I decide to go to bed.
Alrighty. I’ve done this game before, but it’s fun and I like coming up with questions:
1: If you had the chance to offer an author criticism, no consequences, who would it be and why?
2: Best underrated book series?
3: What magical being do you want to be real?
4: When you want to start a new thing (book, tv show, etc.), how do you go about looking for it? 
5: Who’s your favorite villain or antagonist?
6: Conversely, who’s your favorite hero or protagonist?
7: You’re reading a book or watching a movie, and you don’t know who the “bad guy” is yet; what do you look for in a potential antagonist? 
8: What must every protagonist have (just one thing)?
9: Who’s your favorite witch?
10: What gif would you use to describe your current WIP?
Tagging: @motical, @kingbetamaxx, @roughwaterwriting, @kemeadows, @jessica-denise and anyone who wants to. 
And, now, for your viewing pleasure, “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe by The Simpsons:
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Tricks And Treats – Ash Matheson/Emi Mayson
A/N: Domestic fluff for @jmathesonandsiblings sweet Ash and my very own Emi. Another fic for Spooky Season In The Barrens.
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“I’ve never really seen the point of Trick or Treat…” Ash’s voice is low, somewhat embarrassed and Emi pauses, glancing across at her. “Going to do it or… answering the door?” “Either…” Emi’s smile is slightly softer now and she moves closer, leaning to kiss Ash softly. “Sweetheart, you’ve never done Trick or Treat Mayson Style…” The kids are arriving when Emi glances out the letterbox, smirking as she beckons Ash closer and indicating a button, her lips brushing Ash’s ear. “Press that…” The resulting groan from behind the children gets several squeals of shock, the kids grabbing their treats and running for safety, Emi laughing softly at Ash’s smirk. “See? It’s fun.” “Kinda mean isn’t it?” “Naw, does kids good to get a harmless scare every now and then.” The next few hours are spent sharing slow, lingering kisses and occasionally scaring a child or two who dared to Trick or Treat at Emi’s door. That night Emi would sleep curled around Ash and feel like, for once, she’s done well in life.
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Jess/Ash Moodboard
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Ash/Emi Moodboard
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Emilie Mayson
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Name: Emilie Mayson Nickname: Emi Love Interest: Ashlee ‘Ash’ Matheson Appearance: Curling blonde-brown hair, soft honey colored eyes. Emi tends towards jeans and t-shirts or simple pants and tanktops. Height: 5′9 History: Emilie has always been a natural at Math, so when she’s asked to take up a position at the same school as Ash, she takes her chance. Math tutoring after school has always made sense as a job, but she never really expected to find herself teaching children she knew were different.
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