#ashton on the drums is unreal
hemmohaze · 6 months
whats the best CALM song and why is it lonely heart?
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ghost-of-you · 11 months
I just stopped and truly heard the drums in the Permanent Vacation bridge and had to stop to just sit there for a moment
Permanent vacation goes so HARD. And youre so right the drums on the bridge are something else. Mr Irwin the drummer you are.
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bartxnhood · 1 year
teardrops on my guitar | l.h
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luke hemmings x songwriter!fem!reader
summary: your feelings for your friend go unnoticed, but one night you finally told the world how you felt through your music.
warnings: unrequited love :’(, luke is one oblivious mf !, crying, angst.
a/n: 5sos stans and luke people this one is for you !!! everyone say thank you to the slaysos gc for this beautiful idea. AND YES THIS IS INSPIRED BY TAYLORS SONG. i hope i executed it to your desires. enjoy all my loves !! lyrics will be italicized. feedback is appreciated.
a/n pt2 ALSO this is in no way to hate on sierra, i just couldn’t think of anyone else SO PLS DONT THINK I HATE HER I LOVE HER SM.
read part two here !!
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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(this feels kinda rushed but i still hope u guys like it.)
you and luke had been close since grade school, always attached at the hip. wherever he went, you were right there with him. so, when he introduced you to the members of his new band they were forming you made it your mission to be friends with all of them.
whoever luke is friends with, you had to be friends with. it was your law of nature. and by luck, you had to find out you were one hell of a songwriter so of course luke kept you close even as the band took off. often you’d help them with songs. and you grew even closer with the boys, especially calum, creating a very close bond with the boy. only to realize, you had some feelings growing up for your blond best friend.
you don’t know what made you realize that you were indeed falling in love with luke hemmings. maybe it was when he’d lean in too closely and your breath would hitch, taking in all of his beauty, or, it was all of the times he made you laugh without effort.
whatever it was, you were slowly falling for him.
and as you did, 5 seconds of summer took off and were now on tour. it was unreal to you how they gained success but you couldn’t be more proud of the people they were becoming.
while they were out chasing their dreams, you decided to dip your toes into the industry and started to write the songs for your debut album. most of the songs were ways to express your feelings, and once released you did pretty well. a couple of your songs even charged for a few weeks.
time was flying by, you were growing to success following behind your friends.
soon, it was time for their tour and they approached you with the idea that you could open for them. when you first heard of the idea, you declined it. but, calum eventually talked some sense into you
your friendship with calum was a bit unexpected, luke said you’d probably get along with ashton the best, but he was wrong. calum became your right-hand man (behind luke of course). so, after you declined the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity calum talked to you.
“you should reconsider” he started, and you just shook your head. “calum” “no, listen to me” he pointed at you, “you’re good at what you do, you’re talented so please just consider opening for us. they guys want you on your, i want you on tour, y/n.” you stood with your hands on your hips. “okay. fine, i’ll do it. but just for you.” calum grinned.
tour started. it was magical, you were going to places you had never imagined you’d be. it was wonderful, and you continued to thank calum for talking to you and reconsidering. you were able to spend months with your best friends and the boy you were head over heels with.
during soundcheck, the boys would always come to mess around while you sang, oftentimes acting out your songs or ashton would casually drum.
it was memories you’d never forget, from interviews across the world to sleeping in hotels you’d sworn you wouldn’t stay in again. but most importantly, it was fun. you and luke had been closer than ever, thick as thieves. and then, it was coming to an end.
the last stop of the tour, you prepared for your set. your outfit was extravagant compared to previous stops, you wanted to change it up and make it more special. you were about to go on, but luke stopped you. “y/n?” you turned around, and he smiled “you look beautiful. knock ‘em dead, gorgeous.” you felt your cheeks warm up, “thanks, lu. i’ll see you after”
after the show, you met with him and he grabbed you into his arms so quickly. “you did amazing! that was the best show i’ve ever seen!” he spun you around, and you laughed. “thank you so much! that was amazing. that crowd is wonderful. you guys will have an amazing show.”
then a week away become a month, a month into a few, and eventually it had been well over a year since all of you actually had time to be together.
it was hard, because not only did you miss you friends but you missed your best friend, the one you loved most.
later, all of you found yourselves living in los angeles and so naturally you all became close again. hanging out every other weekend, and going back to your regular antics. everything was going well for 5 seconds of summer and yourself. you had made a name for yourself in the industry, especially after opening for their tour. you always thanked calum for talking some sense into your thick skull.
but, the more you were around luke, the harder it was to hide your feelings for him.
“y/n?” you jumped, eyes wandering up, and found luke who was standing over you. “guys want coffee, wanna go with me?” you closed your journal, nodding “sure” you smiled.
so, you sat in the car with him in the usual traffic of los angeles, on your phone with light music playing from the radio. “i’ve missed you” he said, you looked up, raising your eyebrow “you saw me last week, lu” “no, like in all the time we were away. i missed you, a lot. it wasn’t the same without you” you smiled, “i missed you too. but hey, we’re together now and i don’t plan on leaving anytime soon”
the car fell silent after, you returned to your phone and luke focused his attention back on the road for some time. “how’s writing going?” he asked, you turned off your phone and let it rest in your lap. “good, i have about half of my songs written. just kinda going through a phase, no inspiration, yknow?” he hummed, “oh, yeah i do” he laughed, looking at you. you smiled back.
there it was, that beautiful smile.
“you’ll get there, it’ll come one day and you’ll be writing for hours. i know how you are” you laughed, luke raised an eyebrow. “you’d know, i learned from the best” luke laughed, shaking his head. “you are something, y/n/n” he teased, “whatever, you love it” you retorted.
“oh, i do love it, and you” luke replied.
for the rest of the day, it was all you could think about. it was such a small thing but you just couldn’t help but get butterflies whenever you thought about it. but then you noticed all the times he was slowly coming around more and how close he would be towards you.
at first, it was subtle. maybe his state would linger just a bit too long, or he’d sit unusually close to you when there was the whole rest of the couch open. then, he began to see you on days you weren’t working together or hanging out with your typical friend group.
then, he’d start to hold your lower back if the two of you were in a public place. you had a little too much to drink that night? he was the first to take you home and stayed with you until you were okay on your own. luke was always glued to your hip, always holding your hand while rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, or his hand resting on your back. it was such a 180 from his usual behavior
everyone around you was talking about how good of a couple you two would be. saying, ‘oh, my god, you guys are like perfect for each other!’
could he possibly like you back?
youngblood was charting number one, so what does one do when one reaches such an achievement? party. ashton decided to hold a party at his place and everyone he knew was invited, including you. luke was your ‘date’ so, he was by your side most of the night like any other get-together. but this night changed things, for the worse.
ashton approached you, luke, and calum with someone following him. “guys!” the man yelled over the loud music. “this is sierra, a new friend of mine. wanted to introduce her” calum shook her hand, saying hello, then she got to you.
she shook your hand smiling, “hi! i’m such a fan, your music is amazing. you’re also so pretty in person!” you smiled, returning her kindness. “thank you so much!” but, when she got to luke you saw his eyes light up.
sierra was a nice girl, very welcoming and sincere. plus, she was probably the prettiest woman you had ever seen. so, who wouldn’t want to know her better?
since that night, luke and sierra hit it off. she was at every gathering with the boys, eventually taking your place in luke’s heart. at first, it didn’t bother you. luke would still hang out with you on his own, he’d still check on you if you got too drunk. but it all started to disappear. luke got distant. but maybe it was you who was pushing him away, knowing you were no match for sierra.
then, it happened.
luke announced that he and sierra had made it official, they were dating now. the guys cheered and all congratulated him, you just stood there in silence. “y/n?” you blinked, coming back to reality. you flashed a smile, “congrats luke!” the blond grinned and hugged you but you didn’t return it.
it was only a matter of time before it just got worse. anytime you’d hang out with them luke was always bringing up sierra. “oh sierra this!” or “oh sierra does that too!” in the beginning, it didn’t bother you, you tried to suppress those feelings because he was now with someone else but it hurt. you couldn’t lie about that.
you wanted him to say that about you, you wanted luke to tell everyone how proud he was that you were his. you just wanted him to see you.
one day, luke asked if he could hang out with you just like the old days. you said yes, of course. so, the two of you sat on the sofa for hours talking about anything and everything.
“i’m proud of you, lu” he shook his head, “you should be proud of yourself too, you help us write it” you shrugged. “just happy to be apart of something as wonderful as that” you smiled.
“you seem happy” luke nodded, “happiest i’ve ever been, y/n/n” you were happy to hear that, his happiness was everything you wanted for him. “sierra..she’s just so amazing, y’know? like i finally got it right. i’m so in love with her.”
gathering at parties was even worse, he was always holding onto her like she was his most prized possession. so, you found yourself distancing yourself from the group.
calum was the first to notice this, and it worried his heart. you were his closest friend, what was going on in your mind to cause your sudden drift?
you huffed, throwing your pencil down and stood up from your seat, and headed to the door. the constant knocking was getting on your nerves. when you opened the door you saw calum. “cal? what are you doing here?” you asked. “we need to talk”
calum sat across from you on the sofa, his heart heavy with guilt. he said, “where have you been?” you shrugged, “well, calum, i have an album i need to finish so i’m sorry if i’ve been busy trying to wri-“ he cut you off, “no, it isn’t that. because if it was, you would want our help we always wrote as a team” he knew you were lying, calum knew you too well. maybe even better than luke knew you.
you knew it wouldn’t do any good to lie to him, you hesitated, picking at your fingernails. “it’s just..” you didn’t know how to word it properly and you didn’t want to sound crazy. “i love luke..” you finally said, calum laughed “we all love luke.” “no, calum i’m in love with luke” calum froze, his eyes going wide even though he probably knew it himself. “oh..” he whispered. it was all connecting now.
“so, i’m sorry if i’m a little distant now it just really fucking hurts to see someone i love with my entire heart with someone else, and yes i know i should’ve said something. but id rather have him in my life as a friend instead of losing him and never hearing from him.” you were getting a bit emotional now, so calum came closer and hugged you. “it’s okay” he said, rubbing your back. calum wasn’t the best at comforting people but he cared about you and he had hoped it was enough.
“it’ll be okay, just don’t shut me out, okay?” he pulled away to look at you. “you’re strong and you’ll figure this out, and i’ll be by your side for all of it” you nodded, wiping your eyes. “thank you, calum.” you smiled, he nodded. “of course”
after he leaves you sat there for a while, you were left with your emotions. you weren’t sure how long you were there just staring at the wall. you decided that the only way you could deal with your feelings was to write a song to help the feelings go away.
days passed, you went back and forth removing and adding lyrics to the song and eventually took out luke’s name, and inserted a mysterious ’drew’. you kept your songwriting journal close, especially when you were around calum. no one needed to see it, it was for your eyes only. it was just for you to cope with the pain.
eventually, you had finished the song but if you were going to add it to your album, you didn’t know. maybe it’s too personal, or maybe it just wasn’t good enough to be released. it was just for you.
you sat across from calum, tapping your finger against the leather couch of the recording studio and staring down at the book in your lap. “what’s on your mind?” calum proposed, you hummed looking up at him. “i finished a song, i think i’m gonna go to that open mic night and perform it. i haven’t been on stage in a while” you suggested. calum agreed, “i think that’ll be nice. i’ll be there” he grinned, which earned a laugh from you.
you entered the building with your guitar and looked around before finally spotting calum, he grinned walking to you and wrapping his arms around you. “you look great” you chuckled, “thanks, cal. and thank you for showin up” he nodded. “anything for you, i’m excited to see you perform again. it’s been a while” you hummed, “yeah, it has” you agreed, calum patted your back. “break a leg!”
you laughed, walking past him, and headed up the few steps to the small stage, opening the case and getting your guitar out.
“hi everyone” you smiled, sitting against the stool and looking at the small crowd in front of the stage and you saw calum smiling. “so, most of you guys know me, if not i’m y/n. i’ve been writing and performing music for some time now.” you lightly strummed some cords. “some of you may know i have an album coming out soon, but tonight i thought i’d share an unreleased song that i’ve just finished.” you smiled, meeting eyes of a couple of people. “so, yeah. i hope y’all enjoy”
drew looks at me i fake a smile, so he won't see that I want and I'm needing
everything that we should be.
i'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about and she's got everything that I have to live without
drew talks to me i laugh 'cause it's just so funny that i can't even see anyone when he's with me
he says he’s so in love, he’s finally got it right
i wonder if he knows he’s all i think about at night.
you take a breath, about to enter the chorus and then you spot him entering the room, with her. luke spots you, throwing a smile your way but you looked back at calum and continued singing even though you began to get choked up.
he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
the only thing that keeps me wishin' on a wishing star
he's the song in the car i keep singing, don't know why i do.
drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
and there he goes, so perfectly
the kind of flawless I wish I could be
she'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cause
your eyes find luke in the crowd again, his arm wrapped around sierras shoulder, who, was also enjoying your performance.
(pretend y/n sang the whole song lol i didn’t feel like writing it all sorry)
so, I'll drive home alone as I turn off the light
i'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight
'cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
he's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do he's the time taken up, but there's never enough
and he's all that I need to fall into
drew looks at me I fake a smile, so he won't see
everyone can tell what you’re singing about is coming from the heart and they’re giving you sympathetic looks. after you finish you quickly excuse yourself outside to take a breather “thank y’all” you smiled, standing up from the stool and leaving the stage as the crowed continued to applaud for you.
luke, for the first time in a while, notices something is wrong so he follows you out. not before cal intercepts, he could see that calum was kinda frustrated. luke asks “what’s going on? is y/n okay? she’s never done that” calum nods. luke sighed and asks “we’ll tell me! what happened?” calum says “think about the song she just sang and then ask her yourself.”
you were behind the building, pacing back and forth trying to stop the overflow of tears pouring from your eyes. “y/n?” you stopped in your tracks hearing the voice, you turned around and met with luke.
upon seeing your disheveled face, his eyes softened. luke asked, “are you alright?” you sighed, chewing on your lip. should you answer him honestly? or continue to lie, which you had gotten pretty damn good at for some time now.
“not really.” you answered. luke took a few steps closer to you and asks, “is that song about someone?” you nodded, but luke still couldn’t figure out why you never told him. he was your best friend since the two of you were just little kids. “why haven’t you told me? who is drew?”
you take a deep breath contemplating telling him, this would be the moment that changed everything. luke sees the hesitation and touches your arm “you can tell me anything you know that, y/n/n” he looks so earnest so you answer “it is about someone and i couldnt tell you because, well, it’s about you.”
luke falls silent, a wave of emotions coursing through his body. he starts to speak a couple times but stops before he can get an actual word out. “i wish you would’ve told me sooner.” luke had always been in love with you way before sierra came into the picture, maybe he just didn’t know how to show it properly. plus, he thought for sure you just saw him as a friend.
at this point, you were crying. tears falling rapidly as he was talking. he says,“do you know how many songs i’ve written about you? hell, you’ve even helped me write some of them.” he took a few steps closer towards you. do you remember when we wrote meet you there? i thought for sure you’d see right through it and know the truth. but you didn’t, and now..now i’m with sierra..” now he was beginning to tear up. “and i—i don’t know. i just wish i’d known sooner”
“luke..i..” you wiped your eyes, it was so hard for you to hear that when you had spent all your life with him only to lose him in the end. “i’m sorry.”
luke shook his head, “no, i’m sorry.”
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Ashton @ Take My Hand Dublin - 3 April 2022
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itisannak · 5 years
‘Lover is a day’ by Cuco (4/4 Preference)
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Summary: Stories with your fav based on the song 'Lover is a day' by Cuco (Requested) (Words: 2.2k)
Ashton (His POV)
“Lovely day today, perfect time to open up to you. But I know you’re having fun wouldn’t wanna mess this up for you. But I’m happy that you’re happy and at least I do that much for you. Always glad you’re with me this emotion will be gone before you know.”
“Are you ready, love?” (Y/N) asks me, placing her hand softly on my back. I feel startled, gasping under her touch, even though it could be compared to being grazed by a feather. “Did I scare you? I am so sorry, thought you heard me when I called your name.” (Y/N) apologizes, smiling at me as I turn to look at her. She stares at me softly, a smile curling her lips up, which only makes me mirror it, the contagiousness of it never fails to affect me. “I was just thinking… Don’t worry about it.” I mumble, leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead. “Thinking about what?” She asks, a playful smirk appearing on her lips. “Thinking about which road we should take to get to the beach faster…” I reply, picking up the bag with our beach stuff.
“If you really think about it, this is our first road trip together… Even if it is a mini one.” (Y/N) murmurs, scrolling through her playlist as I drive us out of town. “Complaining?” I ask her, heart fluttering in my chest at the thought of disappointing her, or letting boredom penetrate into our relationship. “No, just saying…” She chirps, leaning her head against my shoulder. I take my eyes off the road for a split second, just to take a look at her; the way the sun hits her skin, the way her smile changes her face into a soft, almost childish look, the way she looks so calm, so warm…
“Let’s find a secluded place. Let it be just me and you for a moment.” I suggest, craving a moment of privacy with her, craving having the chance of having a real word with her, without fearing whether we will be seen or heard, or attract attention on us. “Sounds dreamy…” She replies, pecking on my arm softly. I set the stuff in the sand, laying the towels down and stripping out of my clothes. (Y/N) runs straight to the water, her little sundress flowing behind as she skips happily into the ocean. The fabric sticks to her skin, gluing on her body but she still lets the waves crash on her body and she still beams with happiness.
I yearned for the minute it would be me and her, and I could finally open up to her, spill the words that are eating my mind, tell her everything I have in my brain. But I would be damned if I ruined her joy but crashing her under the weight of all the thoughts in my head. So, I just keep my mouth shut, dropping my clothes in the bag and walking to her, pulling her into a hug as she giggles. “And I was just about to ask you if you’d join me…” She chuckles, grazing her fingers softly under my jaw. “I just need a moment… I just needed a moment to soak you in and all the happiness you radiate…” I murmur and she hums softly. “The happiness won’t go away, you have time to soak it in…” She replies, standing on her toes and planting a kiss on my lips. Oh, baby… Happiness is nothing but a loan.
Furthering my distance from you. Realistically, I can’t leave now. But I am okay as long as you keep me from going crazy.
My keys jingle as I try to unlock the door, making me curse myself for making a sound. It is well past 2 in the morning, she is probably fast asleep long ago; knowing her routine, she has less than 4 hours to get up and get ready for work.
I don’t know why I kept myself out of the house for so many hours. I was supposed to be back and have a date night with her at 9, give her the attention she has been asking me for so long.
I find the lights open when I enter the house, making my breath hitch to the back of my throat. I know that this is enough for us to pick up a fight; honestly, being out of reach for so many hours would be reason enough for anyone to justly pick up a fight.
I leave my keys on the little counter by the door as quietly as I can. Walking inside the living room, I feel my body giving up, suddenly becoming a bit too tired to function. She is laying on the couch, only her robe covering her body, protecting her from the breeze entering the window in this Californian night. A glass of wine is resting on the floor by her, half-empty and with her fingers touching the bubble. Her face is still covered with makeup, her dark red lipstick smudged to the side of her mouth, probably staining the sleeve of her garment as her hand is supporting her head.
I feel my shoulders dropping, the breath I was holding finally coming out of my lungs as I take the sight; there is not a single doubt that she still feels like home to me, the familiar warmth that is spreading in my guts feeling too comforting for me to quit her just yet. But the feeling of this home has been fading, little by little.
The place where it is supposed to consist of me and her, just us, suddenly feeling overcrowded.
But the familiarity of it is the last bit of sanity I have left, making me crave it like an addict.
I pick up the glass from the floor and take it to the kitchen, spilling the remains of the booze down the drain. I take a deep breath, my hand going straight to my temples and rubbing them to fight the headache that has started forming, making my head feel like it is throbbing.
I release a huff before I drag my feet to the living room, leaning down to pick her up. She deserves to sleep on a bed, she deserves to rest, she deserves everything I can offer, but there is not much I have left for her.
Time changed We’re different But my mind still says redundant things Can I not think?
Stumbling at her doorstep at midnight, all I wish for is for her to open the door. My hands are in my pockets, face flushed and a heartbeat that echos like a drum inside my chest, but my mind keeps screaming at me to get to her, see her once more. I press my finger on the doorbell, praying she will open her door; honestly, I know that if I was her, I wouldn’t want to hear another word, but I hoping that her heart is still as big as I was when we were together. The door opens hesitantly, only a small gap from the frame to the actual door letting her peek at me. “Luke?” She asks, as if she is trying to realize what is going on. “Can I come in?” I ask, twisting my fingers as I feel nervousness wash all over me. She doesn’t let a word out, only stares at me and sighs before moving away and allowing me to get in.
I look around me, her house feeling cold, just as her presence around me. “Luke, what are you doing here?” She asks, already sounding done with me. “I wanted to see you.” I turn to look at her, sniffling as she stares at me blankly. “I think you should leave, Luke. This is not good, for neither of us. And please, just… leave me alone… We broke up.” She lets out, pointing to her door. I shift my gaze between her and the exit and decide to plant my feet where I am standing and just speak out of my heart, tell her everything that dances in my mind. “I know that, I know we broke up. And I want you to know that not seeing you is not good for me, so I guess seeing you can’t be worse than that. I have been going through every moment that led to our break up, every little detail, up until the point you said those words. And honestly, I don’t know why you and I couldn’t make it past the problems… I don’t know how we came to that. It tears me apart, laying in an empty bed every night and just imagining how things could have gone a different way. It’s always been you and I, since the very beginning, and I hate that I have to be in a world where I have to leave without you. So, please, don’t tell me that seeing you is not good for me. Please, don’t ask me to leave when all I want is to stay.” I let the words out of my mouth, shaking as I try to put them in order, make a sense out of what I am trying to tell her.
“You and I, Luke… We are not the same anymore. We are not who we were when we got together. I looked at you and all I saw was a stranger. I tried to blame it on the years that went by, on the fame that has been a part of you all of a sudden and how it changed you… But it was more than that. Luke, I am different too. I am not the same person as I was in the beginning, I barely recognize myself. And the person I have become really can’t be with the person you have turned into. So just, just go. The more you think about me, the more you see me, the harder it gets. Please, go, move on. You have a great life, great friends, a great career. Soon you will have a great special someone, who is going to take away the memory of me and you. Please, Luke. Don’t go through the trauma of that night all over again.” She states, moving to the door and opening it for me. For a moment, I beg myself to stay there, remain motionless. But seeing her look at me, pleading me to leave her house, makes me drag my feet across the floor toward the door.
I lean down pressing a kiss on her forehead. “Take care.” I whisper before walking through the door. “You too.” She replies, seconds before she shuts the door.
Cause you immediate presence lifts me straight away from hell Me & Mr. Heart, we say the cutest things about you How you seem unreal and we’d probably die so quick without you Suffocated from the radiated air around us.
Holy fuck, look at her… She is the most gorgeous being in the whole entire world. Nothing else has any meaning right now, but her. She glows, radiating enough light to power the whole room. And the way her dress flows behind her, the way her hair would make any angel jealous. Fuck, I can’t wait for her to be mine, to hold and love for the rest of my life. She finally reaches the end of the aisle, stopping for a moment and smiling at me. I am too scared to move, the fear of this being just a dream that I will wake up from if I move too suddenly turning me into a stone.
She walks up the few steps that lead to me, and I swear to God, I’ve never felt the urge to kiss her this badly ever before. “You look… Freaking breathtaking…” I gasp, taking her hands in mine. “You don’t look that bad yourself as well.” She giggles, biting her bottom lip. “Are you ready?” The ordain asks us, making both of us nod in unison, my heart beating excitedly for what is about to happen.
“Friends, family, loved ones. We gathered here today to celebrate the love of two young people. Seeing them together, experiencing their true, unique love, brings me a loss of words. So, I was more than relieved when they asked me to let them do all the talking, speak from their hearts. It is my pleasure and privilege to let this amazing couple take the spotlight.” The ordain smiles at us, gesturing for me to speak up.
"My love... I have been waiting for this day since the day I met you. The first time I saw you, my heart fluttered, I felt warm and fuzzy, I felt like I was in a trance. I have been craving you ever since, I think my life has gotten more complete since you have gotten into it. You have this magical power, this magic force that dwells within you that no matter what I am going through, no matter how bad things are, you lift me up, you make me feel a hundred times better. God, I don't know how you can be so positive, so loving, so amazing... I love you with every fiber of my being, and I vow to keep on loving you, keep on being your number 1 fan until the end of time. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my angel." I finish off, bringing her hand to my lips, smiling at her as she seems a little too emotional, almost about to cry.
My Masterlist
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lostinreality014 · 7 years
#ThinkPositive2018: Feb 22
Slept until my alarm went off
Made breakfast and lunch at work
Five Guys burgers for dinner because I can
Got a lot accomplished at work today even though it felt like I didn’t because I was in and out of meetings all day
Chocolate chip cookies
I didn’t drown on my drive home from work because Mother Nature decided to be nice and give us a break on the rain
More pics of Niall at the BRIT Awards afterparty
Niall’s tweets and insta posts
Liam’s tweets and insta posts
Want You Back is a fucking jam
The bass line is bad ass
Luke’s falsetto is unREAL
The drums make me feel things
And the 80s funk guitar sounds also make me feel things
5SOS announced a promo tour and they’ll BE IN DALLAS ON APRIL 19 AND I’M SCREAMING I’M SO EXCITED
Luke’s tweets and insta posts
Michael’s tweets and insta posts
Ashton’s tweets and insta posts
Calum’s tweets and insta posts
All the new 5sos content we’re getting. Fuck I’ve missed them
Ed’s insta posts
Saw the video of Ed performing Supermarket Flowers at the BRITs and I am in so much pain
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kindahoping4forever · 5 years
WWJ Los Angeles: IWCT outro
(This video belongs to me, please do not repost!)
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