#ask kc dbd
ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
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“I suppose I have nothing better to do while I’m hanging here.”
//Asks are Open!!
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shadowtoons · 2 years
||KC (Robo Fizz)|| The darkener's ears twitch to pick up hearing running water before getting the idea and quickly gets up on fours. Oh no someone was going to force him to take a bath; he skitters for the bed and slide under it. Aw hell no he was going to get all wet. Plus, it felt weird when his fur got wet.
Well shit, how the hell was he gonna get him in a bath?
KC thought for a moment, thinking a way how to do this without him panicking? There could be ways— unless one… One ideal he uses on himself, or anyone in ways. Had an edible brownie, this should bring the darkner out of his hiding space, mainly get him high enough to take a bath.
“Remember folks, don’t try this at home- same goes to children and animals, don’t give them none of this.” Ah yes, break the fourth wall why don’t you. Kneel down where Jevil is at. “Hey, got you a treat, bud.” As he said to the other about it. Held up the brownie in his hand. “Gotta come out to get it.” As he told, held it up waiting for him to come out to eat it out in the open.
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ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
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“It was terrifying. I’ve had my rough scrapes with killers before, but this was the first time I’d seen one do something different... I saw flashes of the worst times of my life as I experienced crippling pain... Let’s just say I do my best to avoid the so-called Doctor now...”
// @zinikmoon
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ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
Are those ears?
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These are not ears, it’s just my HAIR... *sighs* Hello, Julia.
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ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
what's your favorite mori to have done to you (or least unpleasant, maybe)
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“Why on Earth would I have a favorite? They’re all horrible and unpleasant!”
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ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
Comes up to you but every footstep sounds like someone smacking a belly* I follow now.
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ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
That bright hair is going to give away your position. How do you feel about grey beanies? (~legion-quen: survivor event)
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“I have enough problems with my hair getting caught on gens, but is it really that bright? How come Nea can be bright and get away with it?”
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ask-a-streetrat · 4 years
A figure slowly and silently made its way through the trees, eventually poking its head past one large trunk and under a low hanging branch. He eyed the survivor quietly before attempting speech. “H-hello.” He rasped. (@askthemuttdbd)
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“You don’t sound like any survivors or killers that I’ve met. My eye sight is shit, but I know how people sound.”
//I’ve neglected my blog long enough...
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