#ask kyuu
arkaniist · 1 year
Hi! Reminder that I love you a whole damn lot! You're adorable, dear
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killjo-q · 8 months
hi there :) i just discovered your art and i adore your oc from bloodborne. just wondering what brushes you used to get that really nice painted effect. thank youuu
hello! i use the ahmed aldoori brush pack a lot for painting things https://medders.gumroad.com/l/YUDSX The ones I use are from the NEW pack in this hehe Mainly these 3
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ask-orchidthemew · 7 months
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ASK: Pffftt- wow! Good job leaving the only people who wanted to help you, Orchid! Good luck getting your memories back now!
ORCHID: Oh boo-fucking-hoo, I seriously doubt that smooth-brain and his band of shut-ins were gonna be oh so instrumental in helping me get back my memories. Didn't need him to find that scroll either, did I? Where the hell is it?
PALI: I knew it.
AQUA: Oh, that didn't take long!
ORCHID: The scroll. Where is it?
PALI: Yeah yeah, here. You left it back at the temple. You're lucky some other mon didn't make off w--
ORCHID: Save it. Who the hell said you could take it at all?
PALI: I could ask the same thing of you.
ORCHID: Whatever. Fuck you and all that.
PALI: Hey, wait! I'm not done with you! Why did you need a scroll about some empress from the old empire!? Did you know her? Did you know her children? They all died and mew society went to hell around the time I was born. Did you have something to do with that? For Palkia's sake, Orchid, ANSWER ME!! Give me something! You owe me that! I deserve about my past, about my father, where I came from, just as much as you!
ORCHID: I don't owe you SHIT. You want answers? You want "closure"? Figure it out on your own. Don't whine to me about it.
PALI: Orchid! ORCHID!! Why that insufferable-- Don't think you're getting away from me that easily, you arsehole. I've hunted you down before, I can do it all over again.
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 9 months
Your art is amazing and I hope to one day post a lot of art of super sentai like you do
(I'm new to the super sentai fandom lol)
Gira and Lucky are my favs and I headcanon them being brothers because of whacky time and different universe shit
Aahaaawww! Thank you kindly, stranger, thats incredibly nice of you to say! And I always love to see people’s art out there in the wilds of the internet! You should go for it, its a lot of fun! (This is me banging my fists on the table and chanting my encouragement hahaha!)
I am also relatively new to sentai (i hopped on with lupat and kingoh in february) but the series is very my style with the themes and hyper colored heroes and big action and robots, so i settled in quick lol!
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Kyuranger was the second series i watched (and completed) so i’ve got a massive soft spot for them, they’re all so cute! Here’s a collection of doodles i made of Lucky a long time ago and never posted for whatever reason just because.
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kyxuu · 4 months
what/who is the bat meant to represent in this art you did a while ago? /genq
its meant to represent mumbo !!! ^_^ often he's portrayed as a sort of vampire in fan designs and i wanted to add him in (mostly just cause i love him so much) but also to match jimmy's canary at the top, and lizzie's butterfly wings on either side :3
those were the first three deaths in secret life and i just think they were all so cool :-) shoutout to @/cactuupng for the genius idea of adding those in
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ooogai · 4 months
yknow what???
*pushing things off his desk like a cat, carefully avoiding any plants*
i have too much free time so you’re going to suffer !!
chuuya-kun please retrieve Kyuu-kun..
they’re attempting to be a cat.. and destroy my office.. due to boredom..
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iqmmir · 5 months
(I made ur pink and blue versions :3c)
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Thats so cute whatt!!!; Thats what i look like in your head?? :’3
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16star · 10 months
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director-cyrano · 2 months
Mister Director, Sir!
Uh, my name's Arthur, and I'm a student in Galar who's training to be a battle instructor. I was hoping to ask if I would be permitted to attend your academy as an (Volunteer!) assistant instructor, both for my own experience and for the education of your students? I've sent an email alongside this message containing my credentials and past experiences. This is in accordance with my university's policy on studying abroad, so I was simply asking for your permission for this to go ahead.
Kind regards!
[//Hi this is @bright-knight-star-light and @bee-bee-kyuu's mod, I've talked a little about this on the discord, just wanting to receive ic permission also :)) Thank you, and apologies for the ask!]
Oh, hello there!
Yes yes, I’ve read your email and you sound lovely! I think it would be a great experience for the students and for yourself to join our wonderful academy to gain experience. Just tell me when you’re due to arrive and we’ll sort things… right out… if I remember… heh…
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niigo-miku-official · 6 months
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anarchafemme · 21 days
i cant believe you knew not only the franchises but the exact games on that retro game guess post. holy shit.
Sometimes a girl just has to flex her chronic unemployment skills
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br3adtoasty · 1 year
Kyuu beams at your response.
"Wonderful! And of course, I'm trustworthy! :3c I only want to help others too, y'know?"
"Tell me, what would you wish for? I'd love to know why as well! You can definitely trust me with this <3"
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“Hm… What I would wish for?”
“I wish for peace! And that no one in the world would feel sad or distressed ever again!”
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neodoodles24 · 4 months
happy valentines you cool ass rock can i bury you in chocolate.
no? well too bad
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ask-orchidthemew · 1 year
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[ORCHID used Fire Punch, Superpower, Thunder Fang, Psycho Cut, Hammer Arm, Will-o-Wisp, and Charge Beam. It’s all super effective!]
[PALISANDER used telekinesis. PALISANDER’s Vorpal Claws cast a protective shield]
[AQUAMARINE casted Phase Body. AQUAMARINE cast a Spell of Tectonic Uproar.]
CYTO: Uh, the aurora veil went away. What should I--
[ORCHID used Psycho Cut]
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musedriven · 2 months
@dnangelic said // ' wiz, can you eat chocolate... ? 'after all this time, he's still really never put any thought into what really wiz was... or what the rabbit-like creature could properly eat beyond fruits and vegetables, anyhow. the enormous, boy-sized mountain pile of chocolates he's stolen (stolen? could it even be said that?) from school, intended for dark over the course of valentines and white day, was outright impossible for just one person to eat. ' i'm starting to regret taking everything, but... augh, no, forget it! it's not good to be having second thoughts over something like this! maybe towa-chan and argentine can help me ... ! ' hopefully they wouldn't have any issues digesting chocolate, too!
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a tiny pink nose twitched as it sniffed the treats. the familiar was used to sampling different foods over the years but nothing was as delicious as a fresh fruit or vegetable in his mind. it's also why he chose to remain mostly settled in the form of a rabbit though he could easily become anything he felt like being.
still, the bunny did find it silly that his master would have guilt over taking things that technically belonged to him in the first place. it didn't seem like that much chocolate to the little familiar. although; if he really wanted, Daisuke could always share with the Harada girls. specifically Riku.
Risa was nice, but always tried holding him. he didn't like how grabby she was. in order to express this thought he picked up one of the still wrapped bags that was about the size of him and dragging it up to the phone. ears flicking slightly as the rabbit thumped his foot down a few times before jumping back down to the pile of treats to grab a few cherry filled ones for himself.
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crowtobio · 1 year
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hypothetically if i did this would anyone have any suggestions
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