#ask leith
sole-keiji · 10 months
Happy bday:)
Thank you so much 💞💗
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Sorry I just answered because with great difficulty I was able to get into my blog on Tumblr
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ask-playtimeco · 4 months
To Elliot Ludwig,
Is there any LGBTQ+ employees in Playtime Co? Like any gays, lesbians, transgenders or asexuals?
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louroth · 1 year
also i cant wait for monster leith to see their ring on mc and just be like “mine mine MINE”. want this giant monster to scoop me up and take me to their lair. thank you for your time.
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For a bonding activity all the toys plus Angel and Prototype should track down Leith Pierre and beat the shit out of him (or if he's already kicked the bucket, desecrate his grave) because the bastard deserves it let's be real here.
Stop spoiling future Poppy Worldwide events!!!!!! /lh /j
(But yes, the whole fam will have an important talk to both Leith Pietre and Dr. Sawyer. This is the talk:
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They all deserve some murder. As a treat)
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defiledtomb · 1 year
Sanpha, watch over us (An Ida x F!Leith short)
this was written as a challenge, under an hour.
Their paths had crossed again on a day when the sun dipped below the horizon, and the moon reigned over the sky, casting its pale glow on the world below; on the world that Ida had come to know to mean more than rocks and trees, now including the slope of a nose and the curve of a hip. Lady Leith, lost in her thoughts, found herself seeking refuge beneath an ancient willow, a sacred space where the presence of love was ever palpable for the inhabitants of Riven, who sought such things in the face of everything horrid. Summer was fading now, the chill of the breeze enveloping the hesitance that lived within them both. Here, Ida watched as Leith ran fingers over her lips, contemplating. It had been only a month since they parted on that mission, where everything went wrong and blood had colored their clothes with rust and stain, and yet the kiss they had shared in the face of death had washed it all away.
Would she remember? Was it nothing to her?
Would nothing change?
It was there, beneath the weighing branches, that Leith's eyes met Ida’s again, and it was as if time stood still, and the universe conspired to bring their hearts together, yanking, violently, refusing to settle for a hazed dream behind closed eyes.
In that moment, the weight of their yearning pressed against their chests, like the longing for a season that had yet to arrive.
"Your cherry blossom lips, dewed with the honey I fed to you beneath the tombs of Oakweth,” Ida let her voice float on a cold wind, tender and tentative, “away from the pressures of what yesterday had wrought. How I miss the taste of them." Ida smiled as she approached, hiding her trembling hands with a voice as delicate as the branches that she pushed aside to venture closer.
Leith laughed, her heart caught in her chest. “Your poems had a way of making me… survive.”
“So I hoped. I couldn’t imagine a world-”
“We lived.”
“We did.” And as Ida stepped closer, her hand reaching out to gently touch Leith’s cheek, a surge of energy coursed through their veins, igniting a flame that could not be extinguished.
"Lady Leith, my persimmon. I yearn for autumn in your arms," Ida confessed, half poem, whole truth, her voice trembling with raw desire. “Have me to hold, as I will with you. For whatever time we have, for forever; for now."
In that moment, beneath the sacred tree, their lips met once more, sealing their vows in a violent kiss that trancendended any spoken or written word. Their love, forged in the crucible of yearning, would endure, unyielding and steadfast, like the ancient goddess of union who presided over their love.
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eyra · 22 hours
will you ever write the 3rd part to statten park/sunshine on leith? pleeeease I don't mean to nag at you but please I would love it so much!
look I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I will do freedom & whisky 3 when Nicolas Cage does national treasure 3.
the ball’s in his court. x
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remingtonshrine · 10 months
Hi i know you post alot of remington photo, i was wondering if u could give me any photos that show his tattoos bc im doing a remington cosplay but google and insta r making it hard to find clear photos of his tattoos
Hiii okay so i'm going to try my best on this it may be very sloppy and quick, mans got a lot of tattoos, and yes its hard to find clear specific images of them. I felt like i've seen a masterpost before going thru all his tattoos but it would have been out of date anyway. But starting from the top (literally):
he has this neck tattoo:
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behind his neck, a Nirvana tattoo:
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here's a good pic of all his tattoos on his torso (as of recently i think, minus neck tattoo):
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on the right side of his chest it says "revolution" the other quote his torso I couldn't find much info about.
his left arm, from the top he has a girl in a headdress, a ship, an anchor tattoo (you can see better in the image above), "Crybaby", and a Death Eater mark (from Harry Potter):
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another image showing his Medusa tat and another one underneath that one (I can't remember what it says) also showing his X on the hand which he has matching ones with his brother's and other band members:
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on that same hand he has this heart tattoo, along with another wrist tattoo:
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on his left arm, a skeleton tattoo. bow and arrows, some crosses, a bird, another quote, a key, a little star, a huge compass, peter pan silhouette, skull tattoo on his hand: (old image to somewhat recent image)
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under neath Peter Pan it says "sorry mom":
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he has "Leith" tattooed on the wrist next to peter pan. and on the inside of his left arm he has an Edward scissor hands tattoo, a sword, a moon, little Palaye symbol, and what looks like might be another word:
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featuring the free mason tattoo on his waist.
on his hands he has this "Mischief" tattoo (very old image):
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and lastly, his leg tattoos, here is the most unclear, unflattering photo of Remington i could find that featured his leg tattoos:
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on his right leg, a Vitruvian man tattoo:
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on his left, virgin mary (???) or simply a girl with a veil idk:
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then on his left ankle he has this joker tattoo:
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there's also probably another tattoo below that, but it was hard enough finding an image showing his left leg tattoo:
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and there is my very quick and vague tour of his tattoos that i know of, August 2023. he has a lot of tattoos so i don't doubt that i may have missed a few. Hope this helps you somewhat :))
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sonicasura · 3 months
For the Poppy Playtime and Transformers crossover idea I had, I once had the thought of Playtime trying to recapture some of the Toys but their Autobot Guardians interrupt the process and let's just say there's a reason it took Decepticons eons to fully conquer Cybertron
You have no idea how protective the Autobots are when they heard the tragic story. To some, it reminded them of the gruesome experiments done by Shockwave. Others being reminders to how Cybertron once been before the war. A hell where you either served the role thrust upon you or face a horrific punishment.
Considering Project Playtime, there is a possibility that Leith Pierre survived as someone had to be sending survivors to die to the starving toys. The sudden emptiness of the factory would be enough have his men investigate. Optimus isn't the type to hurt humans but he absolutely isn't going to hand over the toys either.
Thus he has tasks split amongst his fellow Autobots. Destroy every physical and data copy of Playtime Co's research. Gather any evidence that goes against the law such as murder, child abuse, human experimentation, etc. Locate the surviving employees so the guilty can be jailed while the innocent avoid Playtime Co's trap.
Optimus wants to make sure every end is covered so this nightmare won't happen again. The toys didn't deserve what was done to them and he refuses to have anymore victims. Everyone, from toy to innocent worker, are under the Autobot's protection now.
Hope Leith Pierre enjoys the massive Fuck You in the form of local authorities.
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arcxnumvitae · 5 months
#Eilidh's probably going to try to round up folks for ice skating
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"Eilidh, love, dear, sweetheart, while I appreciate the enthusiasm." Ruaidhri glanced out at the expanse of water before them. 'Water' being the key word. "But in order to ice skate, you first need ice. A frozen lake. This lake is not frozen."
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"We could go swimming if you all do not mind the cold!" Beside him, Leithe (who was not invited but tagged along with her fiancé) grimaced at the suggestion.
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"Icicles may actually form on us if we were to try that, dear."
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"Nonbelievers, the lot of you. Look, here approaches our solution right now!"
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"Eilidh, you called for me? What..." He stopped upon noting the small gathered crowd. "Um, what is this about?"
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scotianostra · 11 months
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The Dog House, Leith Walk.
Nae Bams.
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sole-keiji · 1 year
O Balla ~ , hace mucho que no miraba su blog, reciente mente dí nuevo con usted por recomendación de Tumblr, me sorprende que ha mejorado, me alegro mucho
Ahys no sé qué decirte anónimo, solo me da gusto que pasen por mi blog y gracias por esas bellas palabras, se aprecian 💕💕💗💗
Te mando un gif de Law con cariño 💖🍙🐯
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ask-playtimeco · 2 years
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Hello! Welcome to our blog! Me and the other heads have collectively decided to open an ask blog for you, the people, to ask us questions! We understand you people surely have burning questions for our lovely staff (and the toys).
I’ll introduce myself, Hello! I’m Stella Greyber. I’m the head of play testing in the playcare as well as the game station.
Next to me is Leith Pierre, head of innovation and all design in the factory!
Behind us is Elliot Ludwig, the founder and owner of playtime company.
In the back is Jamie B. Honey, our head of production!
And lastly but certainly not least is Eddie M.N. Ritterman, our head of research.
With the introductions out of the way we’d love to see what you people desire to know about our company and the success behind our best selling toys. But before we can get to all of that we do have some ground rules on what we’d like you to do and not do, Leith so kindly designed some posters for us to use for better understanding!
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Ignore the last rule, Leith thinks he’s funny for adding that in.
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louroth · 11 months
wait what did that anon mean with monster leith?? is L like... generally okay? 😭
Is L like...generally okay?
They (I can't emphasize that word enough) are absolutely not okay! :) But I think you need to have faith that the future will be at least a little bit sexy. And it will have claws. BUT THATS IT. I'm not saying anymore about it.
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Some human character suggestions for the PPT character peeves: Player, Leith, Rich, Stella, and Elliot?
I don't like it when people make the Player be like, 20 years old or something. They used to WORK at PlayCo! Let them be at least 30! Also hate how they have no character at all until some hints in chapter 3
Leith Pierre's function/actual job at PlayCo. as head of innovation seems to give him a bit too much freedom sometimes but I guess it makes sense story-wise. I however dislike how comically evil some of his voicelines are. I hate him as well, he's a villain, but also sometimes it's just cartoony.
If Rich turns out to be Player I'll riot, why take away his voice like that. Also wish he had more screentime.
Stella is not a saint, stop making her out to be one!!!!
Why do we see so little of Elliot during the game. Like, we don't know anything about him at all, and by chapter 3 this just got a bit annoying. This pet peeve may change if chapter 4 does something cool with him tho, because then I'll understand it was just pacing.
Bonus for Elliot but if the game makes him out to be a huge ass who actually experimented on kids or didn't actually care for them at all I'll riot. It would feel so predictable and stupid.
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defiledtomb · 1 year
if its not too spoilery…is pastlover!L jealous/hurt if MC is romantically interested in someone else? Does he understand?…feeling like doing it just for the angst-factor
It is not too spoilery, I think! Mainly because, well, those scenes aren't entirely written yet and comprise only of the notes in my outline 🧍
And the notes say...(I'm shaking them like an eight-ball) "Clenching teeth."
🌿I am answering some old asks, but if you have any new ones, please visit louroth instead, and send them through the inbox there! 🌿
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eyra · 5 months
listen about Sunshine on Leith I knowwwww it’s literally your fic and your feelings are valid and I feel like a fuck boy goin a ha ha don’t hate it ur so sexy 😤 but that’s one of my staple bedtime story fics if it’s any consolation
this proper made me laugh, thank you.
I don’t mind the premise of that story it’s just garbage writing 🫣 although, it is pretty cool to look back and compare it to what I’m writing now and realise how much I’ve improved in the last few years. and I like the idea that in a few more years I might look at things I’m writing at the moment and be like wow I’m sooo much better now.
but if you like sunshine on leith then I support you and I love you. x
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