#ask me about sanitization and how it affects Inklings
annasofromafiles · 1 year
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So, this is Ends (full name, 'The Ends Justify the Means') an Inkling Scientist that migrated down to the Octarian Empire thirty years before the start of the first splatoon game. She managed that by pretending to be an Octoling because Inklings 'don't get the joy of mucking about with genetics and bio hazards like Octolings do'.
The whole basis for this character is partly that Inklings canonically do NOT know when they're talking to an Octoling if they're not aware this is an option (see Marina's entire backstory along with the everything with the Octolings coming to the surface for years before the expansion).
The other half is that Cuttlefish mentions going 'undercover' in the Octoling empire, indication that there is a chance Octolings might have the same blind spot if they think its impossible for an Inkling to get into the empire.
Hence Ends.
The one Inkling stupid and smart enough to get into the Deep Sea Line, and then down to the Octoling Empire, join their study programs and get a position building bio weapons to use against squids. Which she is. And who her family is, even if she doesn't talk to them much due to the whole 'living in the Octarian Empire' thing.
This turns out great for her long term and definitely doesn't lead to a far to late realisation of 'oh no, these weapons are going to be used on people even if i just built them to see if i could'. Absolutely nothing that deals with the terrible consequences of a new variant of the primordial ooze used to make Sanitized Octolings she starts work on after getting Sanitized herself and having her self-control and moral compass wrecked.
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sailorsplatoon · 5 months
so in a previous post someone mentioned fuzzy four being in heat but what if acht got preggo with fuzzy fours baby? what complications would that cause?
It could potentialy cause the baby to be born partially fuzzy, or partially sanitized, or both. Or none of those things could happen and the baby is fine.
Marina spends time running tests to see if she can figure out which will happen, but ultimately can't find anything on how this kid might turn out.
I'm going to say that the baby has a few minor physical affects of fuzziness and sanitization. For example the scelera of their eyes is black due to the sanitization, and they have very sharp claws from the fuzz (this is somthing that Four and Acht have to be very careful about, seing as their baby has the equivalent of knives taped to their fingers). They don't have any mental issues though and are totally fine in that regard.
Thank you for the ask!!! A thought that just occured to me: assuming that it is possible for an inkling and octoling to biologicaly reproduce together, what would the result be? Would it be a 50/50 chance for an inkling or octoling, or are we going to go with the idea of inktolings?
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dustyhyena · 4 years
“i love them sm and will talk about them forever if enabled” this is me enabling u to talk about your agents 👁👁
AHHHH no duuude youre gonna open pandora’s box bro!!!!!!
OK NO BUT FR... thank u for enabling me im about to infodump 
i dont know exactly what to say abt them but i will drop some random facts about them!
august (agent 3, she/they)-
- tries really hard to be the edgy loner type but is one of the biggest nerds out there. she’s still reserved but will geek out about old video games
- on top of that she’s really good at math somehow? was an honors student and juggling agent duties on top of that was nightmarish so she had to take a break. it led to some issues...
- theyre a firefly squid! the spots on their tentacles glow brighter than most inklings and also glow depending on the intensity of their mood
- they make music sometimes and has tried to keep it a secret from everyone but unfortunately for them, riptide is a nosy little shit and found out
- speaking of riptide, she and august met earlier on and riptide didnt know that august was a secret agent until after the events of kamabo!
- her default ink color used to be more of a blood-orange to fit her name
- she ventures back down to kamabo a lot to find a bunch of lost trinkets. she’s a little interested in archeology. (by archeology i mean a bunch of ancient human relics like old recovered music and technology)
- her favorite game is earthbound im not projecting im not projec
- between her and riptide she’s supposed to be the sensible one but she’s literally dumbass #2
riptide (agent 4, she/her)-
- doubles as my inksona (which im debating on changing, but i project onto her the most)! shes dumbass and im dumbass
- has a little brother named calder who she teaches how to skate. insists that he call her “cousin/instructor throckmorton” during their lessons
- she’s the kind of squid that needs people but is also afraid of people at the same time? if that makes sense.
- she’s actually pretty self concious about herself and her skills but tries not to think abt it too much
- her favorite color used to be orange! her tentacles were orange and a lot longer when she was a kid
- SHE LOVES FROGS. frogs are her favorite animal and holding one brings her instant serotonin. (when august found out about this she immedaitely showed her mother 3 and riptide lost her MIND)
- she has a pet nudibranch who she and her brother named “nacho” from a young age (i like to think in this universe, nudibranches/sea slugs function the same as dogs) and this is what nacho looks like
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jay (agent 8, she/her)
- her personality is kind of a work in progress bc theres a lot i want her to be but shes usually the soft-spoken type (unless something gets her excited)
- SHE LOVES BIRDS. birds are how she chose her name! she just enjoys all the different calls and colors they all have, and how they were able to survive the rising sea levels.
- she’s a mix between the pacific reef octopus and the mimic octopus! she uses her pacific reef abilities to sometimes camoflauge with her surroundings when she feels really threatened. she has the lines on her tentacles a mimic octopus does but its mostly just for show. the most she can do is create a faux inkling mask (like the line that inklings have on the bridge of their noses)
- and by that extension SHE LOVES ANIMALS. jay’s usually the sensible and level-headed type, but that flies out of the window whenever she sees a cute sea bunny or bird.
- if you give her some sort of task, jay’s the kind of octoling who won’t stop until she’s sure it’s completed. she’ll overwork herself if given the chance
- i love the idea of her actually getting really into warrior cats and august (who used to be really into it when they were a little kid) is trying everything in their power not to look like a nerd in front of their crush so jay’s like “hey have you heard about this book?” and august is just like “whos bramblestar haha that’s a dumb name for a leader” completely unprompted
shep (agent 8... 2! (also jokingly called agent 9), he/him)
- he’s the oldest of the agents and is somehow the most AND least responsible
- he’s a dumbo octoling! his ears are just a little floppier and are more sensitive to sound.
- i havent shown him here yet, which is a crime, but he’s the most charismatic and outgoing of all three of the agents. sort of the older brother friend-type. he’s very busy though so he’s usually around like 60% of the time. he’s on a team!
- he can be a little overbearing at times but he’ll back off when you tell him to!
- absolutely curious about EVERYTHING
- he got his left arm fucked up from a sanitization incident down in kamabo. it didn’t affect him too bad but it made it so he couldn’t participate in any of the tests since the sanitized ink would mix with his own. he had to rely on jay down there and it led to a lot of conflict.
- but the second he was able to (and when the sanitized ink was no longer in his system), he went ALL OUT on turf and ranked. he managed to save up enough money so he and jay could get their own place as sort of a way to pay her back for getting everyone out of kamabo by herself essentially
- he works part time in a music store and from that he realized my fucking god he loves music. and parties! if you ask him to throw a party, he Will.
in conclusion:
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neraawritesxx · 6 years
Written for MultiSaku Month - Day 2
pairing: sakura x ino prompt: a barista and someone who has an extremely ridiculous order genre: humor // romance word count: 2,663
summary:  “Let me see if I got this right,” Kiba started slowly, breaking their shocked silence. He snatched the piece of paper from Sakura’s limp grasp so that he could confirm its contents. “Did you just get cursed out and then asked out in the same conversation?”
a/n: I am so excited that this event is finally happening! Special shout out to @superpeachyclean for giving me the greatest one-liner for this fic. love you sunny ~
Sakura was close to losing control.
She knew it, her coworker knew it, and the rosette was pretty sure the customers in the shop knew it as well.
Sakura wasn’t sure what put her in such a foul mood this morning. Maybe it was the sudden change in the weather. Summer in Konoha was a dry, sometimes humid season that held very few cloudy days, let alone long periods of rainfall.
It had come to a surprise to all inhabitants of the city when it rained earlier that week, and they had been shocked even further as it continued to fall for the next six days. The air was so brittle and cold it could snap, and if it didn’t, Sakura found herself thinking that she just might.
She preferred the sun and its warmth carried on a breeze over the cold, desolate rainfall. Weather like this never failed to make her particularly sour.
Or, maybe she had an attitude because Naruto kept her awake half the night.
He had called right before Sakura was about to go to bed, recounting, in a jumbled rant of excited squeals and shouts, how his first date went with his new girlfriend. Every time Sakura made an excuse to end the phone call, her childhood best friend rolled right into another aspect of his day out with Hinata, proceeding to describe the occurrence in vivid detail.
Naruto was too earnest and enthusiastic about his new relationship, and Sakura couldn’t find it in her heart to hang up on him. So, she listened, albeit somewhat listlessly, and offered her opinions here and there when prompted.
By the time the knuckleheaded blond let her off the hook, it was well past midnight, and her shift at the café was set to start in a few scant hours.  
When her alarm went off, startling her back into the world of the living, Sakura felt robbed.
There was no way, no way, that it was time to get up.
Yet, the bold, neon numbers displayed on the clock’s surface did not lie. Languidly and heavy-limbed she pulled herself out of bed, eyes at half-mast as she lifelessly went through her morning routine.
Forty-five minutes and half of a pot of coffee later, Sakura was making her way to work, praying that her shift would pass by quickly so that she could return home and catch up on some much-needed shut-eye.
It didn’t.
The early morning rush at the café had been exhausting. Sakura had the inkling that she wasn’t the only one affected by the unusual climate; patrons seemed more snappish and rushed than usual.
Uncharacteristically, Sakura found herself returning those barbed sentiments to the guests and barking at her co-worker when he got in her way while she was making an order.
The stress spread through her mind like ink on paper and Sakura was quickly caught up in the whirlwind that was the ‘rush hour’ for the eatery.
There was a tenseness in her muscles that made her movements almost robotic. Sakura walked around the coffee shop like she was a clockwork soldier, growing more and more frustrated when she completed an order incorrectly or happened to forget what she was doing mid-action. Her tired mind was unable to keep up with the chaos of it all.
When there was a lull in the number of customers, Sakura disappeared into the back room for a fifteen-minute break that was used to try and calm her erratic and irate demeanor. Though Sakura could still feel her anger simmering below the surface, churning violently in the pit of her stomach, sitting down with her eyes closed for those few stolen moments happened to be – to some extent – relaxing.
After her break had run its course, Sakura slipped back out into the front of the store.
She raised her shoulders, bouncing them with a little wiggle and lolled her head in a circle. It was a decent effort to try and help her further unwind before trying to finish off the remaining hours of her shift.
Kiba was in the middle of making a cappuccino, the man who had ordered the drink assessing the brunette’s work from his vantage point by the pick-up station at the opposite end of the counter. There was no one else waiting in the queue, and the pinkette was silently delighted by the fact that she wouldn’t have to greet a new guest so soon.
When the man left the shop, drink in hand, Sakura and Kiba shared a few idle comments, the later still a bit apprehensive about dealing with an incensed Sakura. She could see that he was walking on eggshells around her, and guilt embedded itself deep in her chest. To make it up to him, she offered to clean up around the café while he went on his break.
Needing no further enticement, Kiba dashed off to the back room while Sakura occupied herself with sanitizing one of the blenders they used for frozen drinks.
The bell above the door gave a soft chime a few seconds later, signaling someone new had walked in.
Immediately irritated that she would have to interact with someone, Sakura released in deep, ragged breath before putting the half-cleaned appliance down. She spun on her heel, approaching the cash register with a tense smile.
Clasping both of her hands together, she placed them on onto the countertop before stating her typical greeting, “Welcome to Roast Coffee House. How may I help you?”
Standing on the other side of the counter was a woman close to her age, chatting animatedly on her cell phone. The newcomer’s long, sandy blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail and Sakura was nearly struck still by the vibrancy by the girl’s crystalline, sky-blue eyes that stared at a fixed point over Sakura’s left shoulder.
Any thoughts of admiration were soon tossed out the window, however, as Sakura came to realize that blonde wasn’t ending her phone call anytime soon.
She couldn’t tell if the woman didn’t hear her greeting, or just simply chose to ignore her. Either way, the foulness that had manifested in Sakura’s manner since early that morning was coming to the surface, and she grit her teeth, trying to keep herself in check.
As Sakura opened her mouth to address the woman for the second time, but the blonde raised the hand that wasn’t holding the cellular device, lifting her pointer finger towards the ceiling in a ‘just hold on a minute’ gesture.
Sakura was vaguely aware of her eyebrows disappearing into her hairline as her mind attempted to wrap itself around processing the new customer's dismissive action.
Stuck somewhere between shock and irritation, Sakura fought down the urge to pluck the phone from the other woman’s grasp and throw it across the room. Alternatively, so that she wouldn’t have to pay for damaged property, Sakura just stared, unblinking, at the girl before her.
After another two minutes of listening to one side of the phone conversation, the new patron finally ended her call, pulling the device away from her ear and leveling her azure gaze on Sakura.
“Hi,” The girl greeted, tone significantly less cheery than it had been while on the phone. “I need a venti pumpkin spice latte with five shots of espresso, six pumps of pumpkin syrup, and two pumps of maple-pecan syrup. The name for the order is Ino.”
Instinctively, Sakura’s fingers began to type away on the computer used to create labels for the coffee orders, but about halfway through the fair-haired woman’s reiteration of what she wanted in her beverage, Sakura paused.
There was a drawn-out bout of silence where Sakura remained unmoving, looking at the other woman like she had sprouted a second head.
There was another pause before the rosette broke off their impromptu staring contest to slowly shift her gaze to the left, then to the right, looking around for something.
The woman - Ino - appeared confused as to why Sakura had barely even twitched, let alone start making her preferred drink.
“What?” Ino queried, lips thinned and brows furrowed. “Is there something wrong? What are you looking around for?”
When Sakura finally responded, it was in a curiously hesitant tone. “I’m looking around for game show host that’s going to pop out and tell me that I’m being punk’d.”
Her answer seemed to baffle Ino even further, so Sakura clarified by adding, “That order...you’re kidding...right?”
The blonde arched one expectant brow.  “Excuse you? What’s wrong with my order?”
Something snapped, and in the back of Sakura’s mind, that boorish brashness reared its ugly head again. Her anger returned, mounting at full force and this time she didn’t do anything to stop it.
Accompanied with a scowl, the next few words were out of Sakura’s mouth in a hiss.
“Do we look like a Starbucks to you? It’s the middle of the summer. We don’t carry pumpkin spice all year round. That’s something reserved specifically for the fall season. Nor do we have anything in stock called ‘maple pecan syrup.’ Never have, and hopefully, never will.”
The woman on the other side of the counter placed her hands on her hips and narrowed blue eyes pierced Sakura with a particularly dour look.
“Well, no Starbucks barista would be caught dead in that hideous blue apron, so yes, I’m well aware of what coffee shop I entered,” Ino said, brusquely. “As for my order, I am dead serious. Could you possibly also add two pumps of ‘shut the fuck up and make my coffee’ as well?”
Sakura took a tiny step back, recoiling as if she had been physically struck.
Ino smugly smirked in triumph, tossing her long ponytail over her right shoulder.
It didn’t take long for Sakura to collect her bearings, and when she did, she slammed both palms down on the countertop, leaning dangerously close to the woman on the other side.
“Now listen here you little shi-,” Her words were cut off as Kiba appeared in the doorway that leads to the back room, black eyes fluctuating between the two females.
“Uh, is everything okay out here?” He asked. “I thought I heard yelling.”
Ino didn’t acknowledge the other coffee shop employee, keeping her hardened gaze leveled at Sakura.
Emerald eyes flicked in Kiba’s direction for no more than a second before settling back on the purple-clad blonde in front of her.
“The queen here placed a ridiculous order and expects us to bend over backward for her,” Sakura grumbled, twisting the small computer screen that was bolted onto the countertop in the brunette’s direction. “I mean, just look at it! Who needs five shots of espresso in their latte?!”
“I like to be energized for the entire day,” Ino explained with a sniff.
Sakura rolled her eyes skyward. “One, maybe two shots of espresso should be able to do that. Five is a bit excessive and is also teetering on the edge of caffeine dependency, your highness.”
Though she didn’t look in his direction, Sakura could feel when Kiba came to stand beside her, peering over her shoulder at the order on the cash register’s screen. He neither tried to intervene in the conflict nor remained at her side much longer, swiftly disappearing from of her line of sight.
Unperturbed by Kiba’s unwillingness to interfere and reluctant to lose any ground in this argument, Sakura suddenly snapped, “Speaking of incorrect seasons, who wears a crop top in the rain?”
Ino glanced down at the bold, purple half-shirt wrapped around her torso before looking up, giving Sakura a slow perusal from head to toe.
“It’s called fashion. Not that you would know anything about it.”
“It’s called being ridiculous,” Sakura snipped in response. “At least I dress appropriately for the weather.”
“Oh yeah,” Ino griped. “Appropriately enough to accentuate that large forehead of yours.”
Before Sakura could bounce back with another accurately worded verbal jab, Kiba appeared at the counter once again, holding out a sealed to-go coffee cup in Ino’s direction.
“We don’t have pumpkin spice, but I substituted it with french vanilla,” He explained calmly. “I used the same amount of espresso, but I added additional vanilla and caramel syrups to make it sweeter. I take it you add so much of that other stuff to try and drown out the bitterness of the espresso.”
Ino reluctantly reigned in her sneer, accepting the proffered caffeinated beverage with little enthusiasm.
“Thanks,” The blonde murmured, raising the drink to her lips to take a tentative sip. Seemingly satisfied with how her order turned out, Ino hummed in contentment. “It’s excellent, thank you. At least someone around here knows how to do their job.”
Kiba must have seen the murderous intent flash in Sakura’s eyes because he placed a restraining hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly. Neither employee said another word, but Sakura moved to finish ringing up Ino’s order.
The faster they got her to pay, the faster the snarky girl would leave.
Sakura, so engrossed in making sure that she charged Ino for every damn penny her absurd order was worth, didn’t try to listen in on the indistinct conversation occurring between her coworker and infuriating blonde.
She did notice, however, when Kiba handed Ino a piece of paper and a pen upon her insistent request.
“Your order total comes to six dollars and fifty-eight cents,” Sakura mumbled, flashing a baleful tight-lipped smile in the other woman’s direction.
Ino made no move to pay, free hand jotting down something quick on the loose piece of paper.
When she was finished, Ino lifted her gaze in Sakura’s direction and said, “I, for one, think your attitude sucks, and you can bet your ass that I am never going to come back to this shop on one of your shifts.”
Sakura glared, civility forgotten. She bared her teeth as her hackles rose.
Her lips twisted then parted, ready to refute the other girl’s comment with a barked jab, but the words died on her tongue as Ino slid the folded piece of scrap paper across the counter in the pinkette’s direction.
“You’re cute when you're mad,” Ino hummed offhandedly. “Your nose scrunches up, and you look like a pissed off kitten.”
Kiba snickered, trying to hide his humor behind the back of his hand and Sakura blindly reached out and smacked his bicep, refusing to take her eyes off of Ino.
The blonde continued her tirade with a conceited curl of her lips, “When you decide to dislodge that stick from your ass, give me a call.  You probably look a hell of a lot prettier when you smile, and I’d like to see it for myself.”
Without another word, Ino turned in a flurry of yellow hair and left the café, the bell signaling her departure.
Neither employee said a word, and for the second time that day, Sakura found herself completely aghast, her mind racing.
Cautiously, she reached out and swiped the piece of paper off the counter in front of her, flipping it open to view a phone number written in neat feminine handwriting.
“Let me see if I got this right,” Kiba started slowly, breaking their shocked silence. He snatched the piece of paper from Sakura’s limp grasp so that he could confirm its contents. “Did you just get cursed out and then asked out in the same conversation?”
His statement was more of a question and Sakura chose to ignore it.
“My head hurts,” Sakura whined, bringing her hands to her temples so that she could massage them with small, methodic circular strokes.
There was another bout of stillness; Sakura trying to ignore the hot flush that suddenly rose to her cheeks while Kiba grumbled under his breath about the unfairness of it all.
“Wait a minute!” Sakura suddenly exclaimed in a high-pitched tone, dropping her hands as her eyes darted to the register. “She never paid for her coffee!”
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ladyvivienneloyola · 6 years
Challenge #8
Alternately Titled: For Loyola-ty to the Heart
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a/n: hello hello hello everyone! This is it! This is BHBKSSJKSNKJNJKNSKJNSKJWNWJSDN. Okay so honestly I don’t want to cry writing this a/n cause I already cried enough writing this because of all the crazy stuff happening with me. Quick life update: I’m finally in college, just started taking classes and you know, just adjusting to dorm life. It’s been more than just a crazy few weeks for me and well, yes- enough tears have been shed. So y’all probably know that this is technically my final-final OC season and I’m so happy with what I had been able to accomplish with all my girls. It’s been a pleasure playing all three girls, each of their characters definitely being vastly different from each other and wELL, I’M JUST SENTIMENTAL because the OC had really been a huge part of my life for the past year and it’s definitely brought me a lot of highs and lows. With this being said, I’m HONORED ™ ™ ™  to have made it this far in this season with my homegirl, Vivienne and it’s been a wild ride trying to play this smol angry lifeguard/escort. Being this outspoken as a character was a lot of fun and well, I just hope you enjoyed reading her thoughts as much fun I had writing her. I’d really like to thank @benjaminschreave (BRIANNA AND ESTER) for giving us the opportunity to really develop our characters and plotlines- and being ever supportive hosts and for cranking out all of their own plotlines and ~drama~ and well ALL THOSE RPs and HONESTLY TO MY FELLOW FINALISTS AND FRIENDS @danielle-leblanc and @opheliagardinier GIRLS WE MADE IT AND AHUDHKHEJKHDSHJFHEDSHJEN AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH *SCREAMS* i JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR BEING AROUND TO LISTEN TO ME BE WEIRD AND TALK PLOTLINES AND I’M SORRY FOR ALMOST KILLING VIV’S DAD OFF. ANYWAY YES. This is the point in time where I really say good bye to all of you and the OC so yes, Thank you so much and I’ll probably be making my OC farewell/exit ™ post soon within the weekend. So this has been Anya, your resident procrastinator, here to say good bye with this last fic. I hope you all enjoy and remember that I love you all! <3
Would it be possible to watch the whole world pass by you while you stayed in one place? One singular point in the world among the millions of places in the world? If I could just stay here, and stare at these paintings, maybe somehow I’d be stuck here long enough to become an exhibit myself, probably titled “Selected Contemplating Last Date with a not-so-boyfriend Prince”. It feels like forever had gone by as I looked at the paintings, trying to find the one kernel, one inkling of an idea as to what I wanted this date to be. 
Considering everything that had happened in the past few weeks, it was a surprise to be kept around as everyone around me had been getting sent home. To even think I stood a chance after the whole escort thing had been exposed. I tried to pretend to not be as bothered by everything said on the magazines, the derogatory terms I haven’t already heard or thought of as everyone accused me of sleeping my way to stay in the competition. But it all hurt, and what hurt even more was how the whole scandal had affected Ben’s reputation too.
Guilt is possibly the worst feeling in the world, thinking about how your actions affect other people- which is why I try to limit it by trying to not really care about people- but this was a whole other level of guilt when everything was made so public. And somehow, guilt made me want to make this last date even more special than ever. Somehow to prove my worth that Ben’s decision to keep me was worth the hellfire he went through with… for me.
This is why I’ve been trying to think of something worth it all, and maybe the paintings that Ben loved so much could give me a hint as to what would be the perfect thing to do. It felt too long ago, getting guided along this art gallery and toured personally by a prince. My first genuine memories that wasn’t ridden with the fear of wanting to impress him because I wanted him to like him. The first time he really was Ben to me, Ben with the thick glasses and the knowledge of all the paintings in this gallery. Ben who first introduced me to a painting of bananas before he showed me a portrait of a wave, and the Ben I discussed coffee and sunrises with on the balcony nearby- and then and there, as I wrap my hands around myself I realized. I realized my best memories with him and thought of the one thing I wanted to experience with him for the last time.
I send him a note right away.
First of all, why must you put this much pressure on us? Seriously. Second of all, I'd like to formally invite you to a date tonight no later than 7:49 PM. SHARP. But don't look too sharp. Be comfortable. You're in for a long night. I'll see you in front of Room 42 on the second floor.  Alright, later stud.  -Viv
I was a little jealous of the girls who got bedrooms that faced the ocean part of the palace, and Room 42 was my favorite view, the room never haven been occupied and was left as this empty but well-kept guest room that was still bigger than my apartment back in Bonita. I grew worried though as the minute got closer and closer to 7:49, fearing the inevitable arrival of my guest to the area I had set up on the room’s balcony. I check my watch.
7:45, it’s still too early for him to come around.
7:46, don’t get too desperate. He’ll be here.
7:47, is the food still hot in their happy meal boxes?
7:48, should I have worn something prettier? Were the shorts too short? Maybe I should have left the crocs in my room.
7:49, he should be here. The sun’s starting to set. Oh no, he isn’t here. Maybe he already made his decision and asked Fee or Danielle to…
There’s a knock coming from the door at exactly 7:50 and I don’t waste a second to rush and open it to see Ben do everything I had asked him to except come here on time.
“You’re late.” I point out after giving him a once over. He was in a shirt and a pair of jeans, a sight for sore eyes, something new against the monkey suits I’ve seen him in for the past few months.
“By a minute. I thought I'd be funny but from the look on your face I don't think I am.” He raises a brow, attempting a small smile.
My tone immediately goes dry, “Ha ha, I'm laughing so hard right now.” I roll my eyes at his intentional lateness, huffing a breath out as I grab his hand and lead him through the room, the door shutting from behind us. He follows me through and I look over my shoulder to give him my own smirk- making sure he knew that I wasn’t mad. “At least you weren’t any more late. I was starting to worry that we’d miss it.”
His head tilts, “Miss what?”
“Miss the season premiere of Riverdale.” I joke before turning forward, tugging him towards the doors of the room’s balcony.
“You know there’s a guy who looks like Wyatt on there.” Ben mentions, making me tilt my head at the lack of resemblance with any of the actors on the show but I don’t dwell on making any further comparisons as we soon reach the doors and I open the balcony doors to show him what I had been planning been preparing for the past hour or two.
There was a reason I had asked Ben to meet me at an exact point in time, at this exact location.
It was the sunset, because nothing said stupid romantic moment than watching the sunset along with a blanket and a pile of junk food in the middle of the blanket, and a box of still hot happy meal orders I had picked up earlier. A picnic. 
The sun was dipping back into the horizon of the ocean, the big ball of light, starting to disappear into glinting waters and turning the sky into a burst of blues and oranges. It was beautiful, but I turn my eyes to Ben’s direction to gauge his reaction. Was it too plain?
The small smile on his face contradicted that though, his eyes looking around the balcony before they meet mine. “You’ve certainly outdone yourself.”
“Considering that it took me forever to think about this… thank you.” I manage out a small smile, putting my other hand on his arm, hopeful that this was good enough.
I feel the arm between us, wrap around my waist, the feeling making my stomach do a flip. Why did it do that? He’s done that a dozen times before. My stomach does another flip when I feel him kiss the top of my head, a chuckle escaping me.
“Thank you, small fry. Speaking of which, I think they’re calling my name.” Ben remark before heading over to the direction of one of the happy meals, dropping down to sit on the blanket I set down.
Small fry. I was not that small. I move over to sit across him on the blanket and give him the box I ordered for him, the order already memorized by heart. “I’m pretty sure that you know what’s in this already.”
“I’d be offended if it wasn’t what I thought.” Ben replies as he takes a fry out, throwing one at me before he starts stuffing his face with the rest.
I dodge the dry, grabbing my own fry to toss it at him with a smirk.
“Did you even wash your hands?” I ask as I start eating.
“I don’t see you washing your hands now do I?” his eyes narrow.
That’s where he was wrong. I reach over to the side of the pile and pick up a small bottle of hand sanitizer and wave it in the air, smirking. “I used this a while ago, you heathen.”
“Heathen,” he scoffs. “Alright then, toss it over you clean freak.”
I throw it over to his lap, talking around my mouth. “I’m not a clean freak. I just find the idea of eating with dirty hands unappealing.” I stick my tongue out at him.
“Unappealing.” he snickers.
“Yes, unappealing” I echo back, shaking my head before reaching for one of the sodas and turning my head a little to watch the sun going down. I don’t think I could be as cheesy as wanting to do this with him, or with anyone for that matter. There’s a certain silence between us, focusing on the food for a while before Ben pipes up with a question.
“So. Angeles or Bonita sunsets?”
He asked a question like that, and no matter what I do I feel the memory coming back to me. Coffees and balcony included. And do our sunrises live up to Bonitas? The entire conversation over the different sunsets between the two places makes me feel slightly homesick.
“No place can ever quite compare to your home province.” I reply to a comment made by Ben about him picking the sunset in Angeles.
“Bonita's are beautiful, of course. But their lifeguards are my favorite.” I see him grin from the corner of my eye, and I try not shrug at him.   
“Smooth move, stud.” I chuckle at the comment, shifting slightly to face his direction. “Do you think that line’s really gonna work?”
“I'm extremely confident seeing as we made it this far.” his grin turns slightly more crooked and I try not to smile too much.
I wrinkle my nose in response, still trying to suppress the smile tugging on the corners of my lips at the knowledge that we really did make it far. “And considering where this all started, if I might add.” I finally let go and let myself grin back, and I sigh. “The good old days.”
“Right well these are the better days, Miss Loyola.”
“That’s Lady Loyola, Prince Schreave.” I tilt my head as I eat a fry pointedly.
He quirks his brow up, “I thought that name was off limits.”
“I’m referring to the title, not the name, stud. While I’m here, I’m a Lady.” I snort, “And you're right. That name is still off limits.”
“Even for me?” he bats his eyes at me.
I purse my lips to the side. “Do you honestly want to be dating someone with the name ‘Lady’?”
“I, personally, don’t mind that your name is Lady. I think of you as Viv anyway.”
“Aweeee,” I tilt my head sweetly before dryly saying, “well you don't mind it because you're not the one who has to avoid getting called ‘Lady Lady’.” 
A short laugh escapes Ben. “That’s fair. Forget I mentioned it, dearest small fry.”
I swipe the back of my hand over my forehead, “Consider it forgotten.” I blink blearily for extra effect, looking around disorientedly. “What were we talking about again?”
“Such a comedian,” he laughs again, this time flicking at my hair.
“Comedienne.” I correct before shoving a fry in my mouth. “It’s with an ‘ienne’ like the last letters of my name.”
Ben snorts, throwing a fry at me. “You’re ridiculousienne.”
I try to snort back before feeling the fry hit me in the face and making me chuckle slightly. “Try saying ridiculousienne 10 times. Sounds like a great tongue twister.” 
“I’m not even going to attempt that. Ever.” Ben says as he reaches over for his mcflurry.
“You made the word up,” I say as I continue to go through the remainder of my happy meal, nuggets and all. “I dare you to do it.”
He sighs talking around a bite of his mcflurry, “Fine, but I’m only setting myself up for failure.” Ben swallows before he starts to recite. “Ridiculousienne ridiculousienne ridiculousienne ridiculousienne ridiculousienne ridiclousnkasokdnd.” his words start to jumble up, ending with him making a face and instantly making me start laughing uncontrollably, some of the food I was chewing making me choke slightly.
“Oh my God,” I try to manage out between coughs and wheezes. It wasn’t supposed to be that funny, oh god, it wasn’t supposed to be this funny. “ridiculousienne.” I suddenly fall to my side as I try to contain my laughter.
I can hear Ben’s laughter mixing my own a little before suddenly feeling him poke me. “Stop it, I told you it would be bad.”
I scrunch my face up while laughing- taking a moment for me to sober myself before sitting up again.
“Okay okay okay…” I blink, curling my lips in to avoid laughing. “It wasn’t that bad. It was just… ridiculousienne.” The word was just weirdly funny, so funny that it made me suddenly start laughing again.
“Vivienne.” a small laugh comes from him, making me look up to see his face flush slightly before he suddenly flops back onto a nearby pillow. I move over to hover over him a little, sitting closer to him- still trying to contain myself.
For a moment, he just stares up at me and I’m taken by surprise when I feel his hand reach up to squish my face between his thumb and index finger. “Your cheeks are perfect for this.”
“My cheeks? Really Ben?” I lift a brow up, “Well we can’t all have great bone structure like you.”
“Yes, it is especially fine, isn’t it?” he smirks, feeling the pressure on my cheeks grow a little more before I lose that contact from him, a small travesty.
I reach over to pinch his cheeks in retaliation, smirking down on him. “Actually the whole package is especially fine.”
Ben’s eyes narrow, his face suddenly going red again. “How do you always manage to catch me off guard with your flirting?”
“I’ll let you in on a secret.” I lean down, making sure to close the space between us. Flirting with Ben was always hilarious, and his reaction to my lips hovering over his was priceless, the sudden bobbing up and down of throat, the look in his eyes. “I just need the right inspiration.” Of course teasing was just part of all of this and I shift slightly so I can place a kiss his cheek.
Nothing was ever as good as the real thing though. I feel him put his hand behind my neck, bringing me and pulling me in for a real kiss, only kissing him back and leaning down even more to cup the sides of his face and I could feel the two of us smile against the kiss before Ben pulls away.
“I’d say you’re also a pretty good motivator.”
I smile down at him as I lean back, “I suppose the combination of insults and compliments might bring out some pretty good results.” I toss a part of my hair back out of habit.
“Ah, the hair toss. What a trademark.”
“As iconic as your smile.” I reply before he reaches out to me and wrap his arms around me and pulling me down to him, making me squeal a little, looking up at him with a laugh. “The one time that I didn’t have to tilt my head up to look at you… ending so quickly.”  
He laughs a bit, “Yes, this giant was eager to feel even more like a giant today.”
A groan escapes me at his smugness, but I can’t help but tuck myself closer to him. “Today of all days!” I jokingly lament. “How selfish of you.”
“I know, I’m absolutely terrible.”
I reach an arm over to hug him a little, my arm barely managing to wrap around his torso. “Terrible, awful, dreadful, atrocious, ghastly,” I look up to him. “Should I continue?”
“By all means. Since I have a walking thesaurus now I should put it to use.” He smirks.
“I consider this a challenge.” I chuckle before racking my brain up for even more synonyms. “Appalling, abhorent, sickening, unpleasant.” Of course I meant none of that, but an idea crosses my mind as I continue to list things down. “Heinously... handsome, agonizingly... sincere, abominably kind, grievously benevolent…”
“Oh my God,” he puts his hand on his face. “Is it your mission in life to make me the most embarrassed person ever?”
“Why would you be embarrassed?” I watch his reaction. “I mean every word of it.”
He glances over to me, pausing for a moment before speaking up with a hint of curiosity. “The good parts right?” he lets out a short chuckle.
“Yes, only the good parts.” I laugh, keeping my arm around him. “All those good parts are synonymous to Ben Schreave.”
I feel him reach up to hold one of my hands, a small smile on his face. “To think I could only get a compliment out of you every week, if that.”
That was true, my compliments were very rare at the beginning of this but somehow, they started to flow more naturally now.
“Oh don't worry, the important thing is that I'm thinking about it when I'm not saying it.” I smile, squeezing his hand. “I just have that prickly reputation to protect.”
Ben shifts, rolling onto his stomach, propping himself on his forearms. “Hmm, so I get thought about often then?”
What? No… “Um…” suddenly the breeze from the ocean could do nothing to save the odd feeling of the heat rushing to my cheeks. I try to reach up to cover my face and formulate an answer. I couldn’t deny it, that’s for sure. I couldn’t because if I did it would seem like I didn’t care.“Not exactly often. Perhaps... moderately?” Nope, that didn’t help me at all.
Ben moves again, taking my hand away from my face, a crooked smile on his face. “You can tell me if it’s more than moderately.”
I huff out a breath. “Okay, maybe it’s more than moderately…” I feel myself flush even more, feeling awkward with admitting that I do, making me try to look away and prop myself up on my elbows.
His hand gently turns my face to face him, gently holding me. “I know you, well we, both have trouble talking about our feelings, but… well if we could keep up the honesty talk I’d appreciate it.” he smiles genuinely but I feel a sudden pang in my stomach. I try to let his words sink in, holding his gaze for a while before sitting up and try to put my feelings into words.
“Then I need you to be honest with me too.” I furrow my brows, “ I don't want anything to be unsaid right now, hard as talking about things could be.”
Like it or not, this could really be my last date with Ben. This could be it, the end and I suddenly flashback to one particular conversation I had shared with my dad on better days between us.  The story of my mom leaving him, a delicate conversation between a 15 year old and her dad.
Ben immediately sits up and nods once, “Okay. Full honesty.”
“Where do we begin?” I cross my legs and tuck them underneath each other, not breaking eye contact with him, huffing another breath out as I run a hand through my hair. “Do you wanna ask each other questions?”
“I think I'd like to know what you ask first before I do. I'm not even sure what I want to say.” the corners of his mouth lift up slightly, as if it was a small reassurance that this conversation was going to end up being good.
“Fine, Lady first.” I slump my shoulders down, not bothering to practice perfect posture right now, not with my mind is so burdened with all these questions in my head, making me look around before settling on a question. “Why did you keep me around even after the whole scandal incident? Even after everyone judged you for keeping me?” 
It hurt me to see people try to hurt Ben because of something I did.The one thing I’ve always tried to be is genuine with him, no matter how unpleasant I really could be. My hands fidget as I listen to him, try to see things through his point of view because a part of me needed to know why, if I really was worth all the trouble to him.
“Because I know you. I like to think I do, at least. Your values have always been with loyalty to others and to who you are. What I've gotten to know is worthy of my trust in you and your character, no matter a less than ideal job. You deserve the benefit of the doubt.”
Everything he says makes me glance down, leaving me touched because I had gained his trust.“I hated that job with the passion of a thousand suns.” I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to avoid any unnecessary flashbacks. “I always had to pretend to like people.” I shake it off, opening my eyes once again and looking up at him. “But trust me when I say that there was no pretending with you.” My lips curl in, “Thank you for believing in me that way.”
“I care about you, Vivienne. I couldn’t do anything else but believe in you.” He says, drawing up his knees to his chest- leaning forward to rest his arms on them. Well, make yourself comfortable because obviously both of you are trying to have a heart to heart.
I nod my head once, tilting my head a little to try and get over the growing lump in my throat, trying to do what he asked and try to express myself. “I care about you a lot. At times, I get scared because I feel like I'm drowning with how much I do.”
There, I dare not break eye contact with him for a few seconds before he glances a way and picks up a happy meal toy and starts fiddling with it. “Drowning, huh?” His words come out in a mutter, as if he was talking to himself.    
“Head reeling, shortness of breath, this feeling of being overwhelmed... feels a lot like drowning.” All of those, I’ve felt whenever I was with him, or even thought of him at times. I blink when I see him look away, and I fear that he may think of this as a bad thing for me. “I've never really felt this way about someone before.”
This is that feeling only matched when I think and try to care for my dad, but vastly different too. It was in a different way, the kind that I just wanted to try and avoid- but now, here: there was no avoiding all of this.
Ben finally turns back to me, “ Ever.” he echoes, as if in question.
I shake my head, my chest feeling like it’s starting to cave in on itself with exposing myself like this. “Never to this extent.” Never with someone I think I could be in love with, and think that it could end up destroying me.
“Which extent?” he quietly asks. That is an excellent question.
“To the extent that I know that if this doesn't end up working out, it's going hurt.” I run my hand through my hair, continuing as I glance down and try to explain things. “And I've seen how bad relationships ending could be, my dad's the perfect example. The first heart attack he had? It was right after my mom left him. The doctors called it stress induced cardiomyopathy. Most know it as broken heart syndrome.” I finally look back up at him. “Seeing that happen to him... it made me want to avoid every situation that could leave me like that.” 
It’s never easy, the thought of having to say good bye to someone you have a relationship with- or if I relented a little, I’d say romantically involved with in good consideration that you’d want to see a future with them. Nobody ever gets their chance to say good bye to their love. Neither my dad. The day my mom had left him, he’d lament to me how all he wanted to say was that he loved her. He still loved my mother to this day, even after she fell out of love with him and left him for someone else. Even when he had his accident, all he could ask me to do while I watched over him was to call mom and tell her that he did.
Would you honestly believe that? The last words he’d ever want to say to my mother, and it was that he loved her.
It makes me wonder, could you still really be in love with the person who hurt you the most? Or is it because you love them the most, that they’re damage on you is the greatest? I believed it was the latter but I hoped to never put myself in the position to get hurt.
But here I was, waiting for an answer and trying to grasp at everything he says for a clue as to what the future ahead.
And it scared me, it scared me too much because I was considering giving up what I dreamed of because there was everything good, everything I couldn’t imagine wanting right in front of me encapsulated into soft brown eyes and an unrelenting smile. And I fall, I fell, and I grew into the lovesick person I didn’t want to be in fear of becoming as weak as my father.
Ben’s quiet for a moment, holding my gaze. “I’d never want to do anything to hurt you like that, Viv.”
I shift a little from where I’m sitting, wrapping my arms around myself and taking a moment to try and believe that, as if Ben’s final decision wouldn’t hurt me, I understood that it would- but I still nod my head. “I know you don't. But we've got to be honest and acknowledge that even the best intentions can leave damage.” I shake my head this time, noticing the sad look on his face.
“The worst part is that I still want to take this risk.” I meet Ben’s eyes, “Or maybe it's the best part.”
It could be the best part, wanting to take this risk. To even think of all of this as a means to an end. I could see it, and what hurts is the possibility of it all not happening.
“I’ve always known you to be a risk taker.” the smallest of smiles hints at his lips, a small bit of humor to relax our minds from how tense this topic could be and for a moment the joke does make me want to smile, but I curl my lips in.
“When it comes to the people I care about the most, I'd take risks for them any day.”
“And I’m part of the most category?” his expression changes again, turning more serious and I sober my own too.
“There's no denying that you are, Ben. Somehow in the time we've spent together, you've somehow managed to find a spot there.”
“You’re incredibly important to me too, you know. Don’t doubt that.”
“I would have never guessed.” I hang my head for a moment, looking at my own fidgeting hands with a hint of a smile.
From the corners of my eyes, I can see Ben smile just a little. “Good.” he says before pausing. “So is this… well I don’t know what this is.” he seems to admit, probably referring to this whole conversation.
“I'm pretty sure you gave it the name ‘honest talk’ earlier.” I reply as a matter of factly before I try to get back to business with him. “Do you have any questions to add to this? This could be your last chance to ask it, stud.”
“I don’t think so. Waiting for what feels like something big.” he says, running a hand through his hair and looking at me.
“Alright,” I breathe out before deciding to flop back onto the blanket and close my eyes, somehow exhausted from all that talking about feelings. “You've got the whole night, stud. That's a lot of time to think.” 
“Um.” Ben stares at me for a while. “I guess the only one on I can come up with is whether or not this reveal is good or bad.”
I turn my head to his direction, tilting my head as I ask, “What reveal?” Reveal that I like him? That wasn’t obvious enough??
“I don’t... I don’t know. I mean, we’ve established we’re important to each other, that we mean something. I can’t think of anything else to say other than- well, I don’t know who I’m picking yet. It’s all complicated.” he sighs, glancing away for a moment.
My brows furrow at the uncertainty he’s showing me, and I suppose this is his way of being honest too. I sit back up again to reach over and place my hand on his arm. “I don't think complicated can really sum up what's going on right now. Everything right now... it feels like we're walking around eggshells. You're afraid. So am I.” I sigh.
“I don’t think I’m afraid actually. More anxious really.” Oh.
“Who wouldn't be? Most 21 year olds don't have this kind of decision to make. So you're anxious and I'm scared. Great combination, if I do say so myself.” 
He chuckles at the joke, “I’m sorry I don’t have more questions. I genuinely don’t know what else to ask.”
“It's alright.” I click my tongue before reaching out for my sundae, a little disappointed that it had already melted but nonetheless opening it to mix the melted soft serve and hot fudge and creating a make-shift milkshake and taking an experimental sip. Surprisingly good. “I think I have a couple of more questions to ask you.”
“I’m ready.” he gives me a crooked smile as he starts cleaning up around him.  
“Do you know what you're looking for at the end of all of this?” I raise a brow up, wondering what his idea of this ending would result to.
“Lots of things. Someone I love deeply and who hopefully feels the same way. Who can also be a great queen for my people because- well it’s not as simple as love.” he makes a face. “Even love isn’t that simple.”
It never was. I nod my head in agreement, another question coming into mind. “Do you think you're already in love with someone here?” 
He immediately pauses, his lips curling in as he turns his focus away, speaking up with an “ I think so. My only dilemma is who.”
“And these last dates are here to help you figure that out?”
“Mostly. And to... give everyone some closure in a way. Or at least try to.”
Closure, what a blessing.
“Yeah, it would have sucked if I didn't get to have a conversation like this with you.” I admit, glancing down for a moment. “Not a lot of people get to have this kind of talk…” They just pack their bags and leave a note on the fridge.
“No, they don't.” Ben says before I feel a hand over mine, tilting his head. “Are those all your questions?”
“For now, yes.” I look up and take his hand in mine. “Thank you for answering them.” I brush my thumb over the back of his hand, managing out a small smile.
“To quote myself and with a signature smile.” He grins. “'happy to do it.'”
I let go of his hand, my face going flat. “Oh my god, you sound like a broken record with that.”
“That was the point.” he smirks and I snort, reaching over to my happy meal to throw a fry at him and his stupid smirk, but find the box empry-deciding to just grab a wrapper and turn it into a little ball before throwing it at him.
He immediately blinks when it hits him in the face. “That's what I get for being so compliant? Rude.”
“You catch onto things very slowly, Ben.” He smirks, “You should have noticed my rudeness a long long time ago.”
“Hey” he throws the paper ball back at me. “I chose to be decent and not point it out until now. I am not slow.”
 ”You're decently slow for someone who loves fast food so much.” I tease before the ball hits me on my shoulder and I pretend to feel the pain of the impact, clutching my shoulder and falling to my side. “Oh! The agony! I've been hit! Go on without me.” 
He snorts before poking my shoulder, “I think I will. And take the oreos with me.”
“I knew it. You were in love with the oreos all along! *points an accusatory finger at him* This is how you leave me for another, injured, broken hearted... Oh the humanity!
I hear the crinkling sound, watching him immediately grab a pack of oreos from the pile of junk and clutching them to his chest. “I won't apologize for having my priorities in order.”
“Oreo sure about your decision?” I look up at him, still on the ground but trying to maintain a challenging expression of my face and try not to laugh at my own joke.
Ben rolls his eyes, “Now I'm 110% sure of my decision. There's really no coming back from that.”
“Thank you.” I joke. “I knew that my humor was really going to win you over.”I tilt my head with a smirk.
“Right right, the puns. That's what it is.” He chuckles.
I point my thumb to the room. “Should I go and start planning everything then?”
“Plan what? More oreo binge eating?” He laughs,
Ben snorts. “Yeah, and I was soooo going to raid the pantry's entire oreo stash.” 
“Not before I get to it. I know all the secret nooks and crannies.”
“Really now?” I hold his gaze for a while, lifting my brow up. “That sounds like a challenge.”
“No challenge.” He narrows his eyes, “My secrets are going to stay my secrets.”
“The ever so honest Ben, keeping secrets?” I gasp as I cover my mouth with my hand in mock shock. “This is a completely new side of you I've yet to see. ”
He smugly replies. “A wonderful, exciting side.”
I tilt my head. “Exciting? Really? Does this side of you come with sarcasm?”
“Every part of me comes with sarcasm.” he gestures to his body before he takes an oreo out of the pack in his hands.
“I still find that hard to believe.” I say as I reach over to pick out the oreo from his hand and pop it into my mouth, smirking at him.
Ben’s jaw suddenly drops before he grabs a blanket and putting it over his head. “No more theft!”
If you listened in well enough, you’d probably hear the distinct sounds of him eating underneath.
“Oh my god, the prince has disappeared! Oh whatever would I do without him now?” I try not to smile at how ridiculous he’s being, but play along anyway.
“You sound like you're talking to a five year old.” he pauses, “And please don't say I'm the five year old or a child of any age.” I hear him eat again.
“Fine,” I snort as I reach over to lift the blanket up to see how he was doing. “You act like a baby, all swaddled up in your blankey.”
He pouts before bringing the blanket over his head. “Let me eat in peace.”
I chuckle, an idea coming into mind as I quietly stand and tiptoe off the balcony and into the empty room, choosing to press my back against the wall by the door- waiting to see how long it would take him to realize I was gone.
After a while and a few more eating sounds, I hear him call out, “I hope you know, wherever you are, that I'm not moving from my oreo safe haven. I'm very comfortable.”
I try to stay quiet, not quite wanting to give away my hiding spot and suppressing a groan with him not playing along.
“I'll wait.” he calls out again after a quiet moment. Well, I guess I’d have to lure him here.
“I'll just be waiting here too.” I slump down, moving to sit on the ground and staying hidden. “I think I'm liking my view better here. Enjoy your special time with your oreos.”
 ”I bet you're staring at your couch or something.” he snickers.
A snort escapes me, “No I’m not,” I pause before adding, looking forward. “I’m staring at the door.”
“Because that's such a great improvement.” Oooo, I can just smell the sarcasm from here.
“It's a-door-able, unlike you.” I prod back at him, bringing my legs to my chest, laughing at the joke and sure that could lure him in.
I hear a scoff and the sound of some rustling a distinct sound of someone starting to walk to the door and my direction. “Alright now we need to share some words.” I can hear him approaching. Bingo. “on how you're absolutely, terribly, completely wro--”
“BOO!” I yell as I stand up and surprise him.
“AH!” He takes a step away from me, putting a hand over his chest with a glare. “You’re mean too.”
I cackle, seeing the look on his face making me laugh hard enough to hold my sides and lean against the wall. “I'm sorry! Oh god, sorry!” I laugh again, “Please continue describing me. Go on. I'm absolutely, terribly, completely…”
“I was going to say wrong but horrid might be another one.” He gives me a flat look.
“Come on.” I laugh, unbothered by the look on his face. “You know you love me.” I snicker. “You just can’t admit it.” I joke, the words leaving too quickly that I don’t realize in time what I had just said.
Ben suddenly blinks at the statement, his face going red before laughing nervously. “Well um, I don’t know about that.”
I look at him, his reaction and well… “Oh.. OH, sorry. I didn't mean it like /that/... or anything. I was kidding.” I try to laugh, coming out more nervous as I feel my own face flush- eye contact wasn’t exactly an option right now, looking down and mutter. “You know you love me... pshhh. I sound stupid.”
He just told you that he didn’t know. Don’t push it, don’t seem desperate.
“No, not so stupid.” Ben mumbles before gulping, a quick silence between us. “I have a question for you.”
I lift my brow up at the nervous expression on his face, nodding my head. “Fire away.”
Please don’t be what I think it could be.
“Do you love me?”
There comes a point in your life when you try to get a grip on yourself when just a couple of words could leave you shaken to the core. My eyes widen at first, the entire world slowing down as I feel my heart start to race. “The one question you ask, and it’s that one.”
I look down. I try to get a grip on myself, I try to- because I couldn’t lie to Ben, even if it means forgetting to protect myself. How do you even answer that question without getting hurt? I don’t want to say it out loud, saying out loud could make everything worse, but Ben… nothing left unsaid. This was it.  
“I've always known that there was a danger to falling in love with someone. Most of the time, I always had a tight grip on that reality…” I try to take a breath, trying to keep myself calm but feeling the nerves catch up to me and my throat. “but I can't let go of everything that's in front of me right now because no matter how many times we joke about ending this, I can't because…” Time to take a page out of dad’s book. I meet his eyes, trying my best to keep every emotion imaginable at bay.
“I do.”
As always, I knew what I wanted. I wanted Ben. I loved him. I wanted all those sunrises, and sunsets, and breakfasts and lunches and dinners with him and this all felt even more stupid the more I think about wanting it and the possibility of that and so much more was actually appealing to someone like me. I wanted to be loved by him too, was that so bad? Was that honestly such a bad thing to want? To be loved in return?
Everything seems to go at slow motion as he blinks a few times, sucking in a breath before he reached for my hand. “I... don’t know what to say other than like earlier, it’s all so complicated. But you feeling that way, it makes me happy alright? Really happy.” He manages out a small crooked smile, his smile doing what little effect it could to soothe the feeling that I had opened a new wound on myself and everything just start spilling one after another.
I squeeze his hand hand once, taking a step towards him. “I know, it's all so complicated. It's complicated for me too.” I furrow my brows as I shake my head- another reality coming into my mind, something tucked away to avoid even more complications. “I know that being with you means going down a certain path. and after considering it for a while, I realized that going down road means giving up the one dream I had been holding on to for the longest time.” 
Ben’s brows knit, “And are... you willing to give up that dream? If it came to that? Even though I’d hate asking you to sacrifice something you love, it’s an unfortunate part of the job.”
“You can't ask me to give it up, I know. In the long run, it really goes through two separate choices.” I feel the pit in my stomach grow as I think about it. Giving up wanting to be a doctor? “Right now, I'm going through two ifs. What if I choose you and you choose me in the end? I let go of being a doctor, I'd always end up feeling the regret of not pursuing it, probably hating myself to a certain degree. If I chose it over you, I'd end up always asking and hating myself what if I stayed with you?”
In the end, I’d be hating myself either way. I end up shaking my head again as I hold his gaze- one sure thought coming into mind. “Just because I have those thoughts /doesn't/ mean you're not worth the sacrifice because,” I huff a breath out. “you are.... but I've already given up so much for other people, Ben.”
There’s a sad look on his face. “I know you have. That's why I'd never want you to do something that felt wrong in your heart, regardless of what I feel. I want you to have the freedom of your own choices.”
I held onto that dream for so long, I’m not quite sure I’d ever let it go. It got me through the worst, knowing that I’d get a better life for me and my dad while doing what I’d want to do- but a possible life with Ben? That’s a chance of living life with the reassurance of having someone there, someone who’d choose to love you. (Hypothetically speaking of course).
“Thank you.” I take a look at him, closing the distance between us and running my hand through my hair. “Everything's been pretty complicated these past few days because of that.” I shake my head once. “ I just needed you to know that... and that other very important thing…” I reach a hand up to run a hand through his dark hair, starting to come to terms with all of this. “if this really is the end.”
He looks to me, staying quiet for a moment. “Are you willing to stay then? For me to decide? Or…” he trails off, not needing to continue the thought since we both had it on our minds.
“I've waited this long Ben. I think you and I have been through a lot.” I move my hand slightly to rest on the nape of his neck, trying to comfort whatever distress was on his mind with a small smile. “I'm staying, and I'll wait to find out what you decide. I think I can trust the feelings that lead you to keep me here.”
I’ll stay for as long as he wants me to be here. If time was going to run out, then so be it. At least I could say I tried.
Ben seems to let go of a breath he was holding, a tired smile on his face. “Okay, that's... good to hear. Thank you, Viv. For everything really.”
“Thank you, too.” I reply, slowly closing the gap between us and giving him a soft kiss. “You don't know how great these past few months have been for me. This was the life I finally got to experience everything I never got to do back home.”
I feel him lean in and kiss my forehead, “That's all I could ever want for you. A life that you wanted and needed.”
I move to lean my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around him. “And I just want you to be happy… as cliche as that really sounds.”
That’s the least we really want for the people we love, happiness, contentment- things that sound easy at first but more difficult than assumed.
“Cliche but always true. Feeling is mutual.” I catch a smile tugging on his lips.
“This is actually the part where I'd usually say, ‘oh god, we're not going to hug now are we?’ but seeing that we already are.”
“Well you are. We'll see if I return the hug.” he smirks down.
“Fine, don't hug me then.” I reply, only squeezing him tighter.
“Losing... oxygen…” he says out in a strangled way, obviously pretending.
“Shhhh, just let a girl hug you a little longer.” I laugh, loosening my hold on him.
He laughs along, finally returning the hug. “That can be arranged.”
“Finally.” I smile smugly, leaning more into him and trying to remember things. There were a lot of little things I’d miss about him, this small little piece of happiness for the past few months. The kisses on the top of my head, like the one he gives me now. Ben’s hair, sometimes softer than it looks, the way he always managed to smell fresh but also as rich as brewed coffee, kisses with the boy who smiled despite everything around him. I both hated and loved how much I grew to care for him this way, because one day I could be forced to stop.
I guess you could really say that I am my father’s daughter. We just loved getting our hearts broken. I could only hope that this story had a happier ending.
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octorepair-archived · 6 years
STUDY    :    ASHTON QARNIT .    ( tagged by: stole it from @burstbombbitch​ :3 )
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—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? Average I believe?? He’s 5′6″, which is my height, and while in this area that’s a pretty short full height, most of the people in my school / community are really tall by default, so I’m going to say somewhere between short and average.
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? Sure thing. He doesn’t really have an opinion on his height, but he doesn’t want to change it either. He’s fine with it where it is.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? Styled in the Standardized Octoling Boy Hairstyle. It’s really curly, compared to other octolings’ tentas. He’s a coconut octopus, so imagine em like this?? He can straighten them out if he uses the cephalopod equivalent of hair straightener, but they’re pretty long when they’re not coiled up so he usually leaves them like that. They’re nice n soft on the bottom, but the colored top part of his tentas is coarser so just don’t touch them they feel like soft sandpaper and it’s Odd™. Also, instead of a soft gradient and spots on his tentas, it’s like. a gradient composed of harsh colors, like this but just in two colors.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? Uhh not really?? Like stated previously, he doesn’t like to straighten his hair, and it’s not super difficult to maintain with a little fixing once he wakes up. So maybe a max of five minutes a day, with exceptions.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? He didn’t used to!! But once he moved to the surface, he started getting a lot more conscious about himself, both because of his time in the Metro and because he’s surrounded by a different culture and different species and different norms and he doesn’t quite know how to fit in. He tends to apologize for rambling more often, and ask permission to do things that he doesn’t know the norm for, which can write him as weird, which he doesn’t want to be. A nerd?? Sure. A weirdo?? No thanks.
As a kid though?? He didn’t care quite as much. He spoke out a lot and got into arguments and was a little snarky with people he shouldn’t have been snarky to.
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?    indoors. ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?      sunshine. ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?      beach. ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?      precious metals. ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?     flowers. ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?      personality. ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?    being alone. ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?      both. ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?    painful truths. ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?      both, science-leaning. ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?      peace. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?      night. ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ?      dusk. ▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?      warmth. ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?      few close friends. ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?      playing a game.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? Well. He has. A lot of habits, but not all of them are bad per se. He’s got mixed ADHD, so he can get restless easily, whether from nerves, boredom, excitement or anything else. He rubs his hands together, or rubs them on his shirt for the texture factor, or just... generally enjoys running his hands repeatedly over things that are around him. He’s not a huge fan of the leg bounce, but his hands love to move and if he’s sitting still he’ll often be rubbing his fingers or palms over some surface for something to occupy his hands.
He also has a bad habit of not making eye contact with people, just due to anxiety and a lack of understanding of social expectations, and a one-track mind.
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? Hmm... he’s never lost a person, so I’ll answer this hypothetically. If someone close to Ace were to either die or leave him behind, he’d probably be really, really sad — not devestated, but close to it. Focus more on his work than usual, stop texting people for a few days, overthink just about everything that runs through his head, but it wouldn’t last more than a week. He knows that spending too much time in his own mind isn’t healthy so he’ll force himself to get back into the groove after several days. 
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? Going to Octo Valley and doing projects there. The residential domes often had outdated or hand-me-down technology, and Ace’s class unit did a lot of work improving on and replacing the tech. It was really fun. Also graduating, because that’s a pretty important event for most Octolings.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? This one’s technically two answers. If he’s actively confronting someone? It’s really difficult. Even in the Deepsea Metro, when he was literally fighting for his life, and he didn’t know much about the sanitized, he had a hard time defeating them.
If he’s just aiding in the killing from the sidelines though, he’s fine with it. In the verse where he stays with the Octarian Army, he gets put into developing octoweapons, which are literally made almost entirely with the purpose of killing inklings and beings that aren’t octarians. So yeah, no problems there, just when he’s facing the thing he’s killing. 
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? You’d never see it, unless there was no way for him to be alone. If he evers wants to break down during the day, he’ll force himself to wait until he gets home, and if he’s in a place where he can’t be totally private, he’ll get as close as he can. 
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? Probably!!! Even if you were his best friend or he was in love with you, there’s no guarantee, but if he saw that person as a strong, capable person it’s a possibility.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? A complete dork, so not much difference. Be prepared to have him suddenly start working on new projects that vaguely have to do with you and things you’ve suggested, receive random gifts and pick-me-ups from him when he doesn’t see you for a while, and have him talk to you a looooot.
When he loves someone he’s really bad at keeping it to himself — not in the sense of hiding his affections, because those are always slightly obvious, but even if you’re an oblivious type it won’t take long for you to figure it out because he’ll confess within a few months if he thinks it’s really love.
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