taigertea · 2 years
spoilers for the new additional 6 pages of Tiger and Bunny 2 (which you can access through this post (big thanks to TLF and @tnbdirectory), i wrote a less coherent rant about this on twitter but like omg
I believe now this is the 3rd (?) time Barnaby has explicitly shown/said he wants to be with Kotetsu, with it being of his own volition
(The three times I can think of 1. when Barnaby comes out of retirement with Kotetsu end of S1 2. episode 21 of S2, in cour 2 when he wants to be partners with Kotetsu for the last time 3. the new TL'd 6 pages for post S2 ending where he really makes it clear he wants to support Kotetsu by Kotetsu's side, without any snark about it, just really requests that he stay and help even when Kotetsu tells him he doesn't need to stick around)
(I don't really count the elevator scene from S2 ep 18 and the final scene from The Rising because though it's obvious to the audience what Barnaby is thinking, I don't think it's clear enough for Kotetsu to REALLY get it. Though you could debate more with the elevator scene, I'm open to conversation lol.)
But I'm just pulling my hair out at how Kotetsu still just really wants what's best for Barnaby, when he looks at Barnaby's bangle it's feels like he's just about to say something along the lines of "can you really be here?" when he could be doing something "more important" or actual hero work.
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But Barnaby doesn't even dignify Kotetsu's attempt to push him away just giving that line (that makes me insane) of how he wants to be Kotetsu's support. Also just the way Barnaby KNEW what Kotetsu was going to say.
It's so wild that it's like a mini version of their Rising situation, but this shows how far they've come. Like Barnaby does not stay silent here. I'm sure he remembers how that went down, and at least this time Kotetsu asks Barnaby instead of making the executive decision to leave him in the dust on his own. Barnaby's just so honest here? No bullshit, little snark, just here it is, all on the table. It does make me wonder if the past couple months not working with Kotetsu has made him not want to not cloak things as much and say it straight. Though this might have been something even spurred on as early as S2 ep 21 when there was real risk of their partnership being over, after his super ernest confession.
But this made me think, Barnaby's made it pretty clear to Kotetsu he wants to be partners, even in non-hero situations, but it made me realize that I don't think Kotetsu has ever reciprocated verbally? Not because Barnaby isn't important to him or that he doesn't want partners, but more because of how Kotetsu views himself as a burden/problem to Barnaby? And also because I don't think Kotetsu's love language is really through words (though I think it's important that Barnaby DOES show love through words occasionally without snark, because Kotetsu's a pretty insecure and dense guy, he needs it spelled out for him plainly).
Like Kotetsu seems more to me as an act of service love language guy, which we've seen (and @abluescarfonwaston has made a great post about here). Which makes sense how he reacts in seeing him being a potential problem for Barnaby and trying to remove himself as the problem. Which would be great... if that actually wasn't causing MORE of a problem in Barnaby's life (in that Kotetsu's not a problem at all AND PLEASE STAY FFS).
The big moments that indicate Kotetsu appreciates his partnership with Barnaby directly are basically just in ep24 of S1. Every other time he's just kinda... gone with the flow? Like it's usually Barnaby initiating or asking Kotetsu, except in the elevator scene which was a question and not really an affirmation. WE as the audience can see how clearly Kotetsu adores Barnaby, but I wonder how it comes off to Barnaby in the show when he can't see how torn up Kotetsu gets at the thought of or actually having lost Barnaby as a partner (Rising and hospitalization).
And yes, we see they can "know what each other is thinking without saying anything" but I don't think that's 24/7, as shown by a couple moments throughout S2.
Despite being the more "tsun" one, Barnaby has been more explicit and straightforward about what he wants from Kotetsu (Kotetsu in his life, whatever form it may take).
Which makes me wonder, man would Barnaby just snap, like all the safeties are off, and just kiss Kotetsu if he ever explicitly told him that he wants Barnaby in his life? The other option is acting tsun but I think the previous option would be infinitely more fun.
also bonus thing I noticed:
Barnaby says "WHY" for the word game and Kotetsu asks if he couldn't choose another word. Barnaby refuses, but the next thing Kotetsu says is "YOU" which works out in this situation lol (dunno if this is a English TL version only thing but thought it was funny how it worked out)
also wondering why Barnaby was so stuck on keeping "WHY" 😆
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hezzabeth · 9 months
Part 3
Summer 3056,
The deep rainforests of Valles Marineris: Mars
In the real world, adventures are offered, littered with thousands of dull little moments.
The stretches of time where nothing much happens. Hours of exhaustion. Weeks of frustration. Moments of failure. Thankfully, this is a story. In a story, we can skip ahead to the good parts.
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A sticky foul summer night. Heat from the equator of Mars crept upwards in damp waves. The trees, covered in dew, blocked most of the light from the two moons. Branches were weighed down heavily with strange mutant fruits and flowers. The rainforest of Valles Marineris was a deep and secret place. In the distant past, terraforming scientists from Earth had planted the trees. They were trying to tinker with the planet's atmosphere, and they were only eighty percent successful. Valles Marineris was now thirty thousand kilometers of suffocating and bewildering rainforest. Urban legends whispered it was full of mythical tigers and snakes. This was despite the fact nobody had seen any tigers or snakes in almost five hundred years. The only people who lived in the rainforest were the Jaṅgala upajāti. As far as Revati knew, they had been living in the canyon for over eight hundred years. The only people who visited the canyon were hikers and nature tourists. Even the appliances had avoided trying to invade the place. Which was why the glowing light Revati could see from above was so strange.
Time had passed. Revati was aware of this when she occasionally saw herself in the mirror. Her face was thinner now. Her once long wavy hair was now half shorn off from an accident involving a killer baby doll .Pimples had vanished from her forehead. The scar across her left cheek from when she hit her face on the concrete wall in the medieval Faire was thick and white.
"How many hair dryers can you sense?" Revati asked the woman standing next to her. Despite the oppressive humidity that was causing Revati’s hair to spring up in curls, the woman was covered in a massive cloak. It was a cloak designed to hide the fact that the woman wasn’t a woman at all.
"Three," the android replied, her voice slightly muffled from her mesh mask. During their first month traveling together, they realized that hiding the android's true nature was probably for the best. That was after Revati got stabbed in the leg by raiders, and the android almost lost one of her hands.
"Four! For an operation this big? Normally there would at least be sixty," Revati hissed back.
"I don't know what to tell you! There are only four signals coming from that base! Now hurry up before the DNA trail turns cold," hissed the Android.
The Android. It had been four years of searching, four years of near misses, and the Android still insisted on being nameless. Technically, the mind inhabiting the droid was called Princess Sakshi Menel.
Revati carefully descended further down the valley walls heading towards the light. The android was shuffling above her like an alien spider, its limbs peeking out of the cloak. Names; it had once told her were for the living.
With a small hop, Revati landed on the ground a hundred or so meters away from the light. The practical military-grade boots took most of the shock. Even Revati’s clothes had changed. Gone were the mishmash outfits made from all park costumes.
Now she wore abandoned outfits stolen from the long-ago dead. A frayed deep red kurti, with a scarf as a makeshift belt worn over baggy utility pants. The pockets were bulging with healing patches, bits of string, tape, and half-eaten food.
OKThe only jewelry Revati wore was the precious necklace and the bangle. The bangle that now read 800 credits. Strapped to Revati’s back was her weapon. The android landed with an elegant swish before standing up, the cloak settling around her shoulders.
They both nodded to each other. It was a well-known wordless nod that belonged to those who were forced to constantly work together. Revati pulled her weapon off her back. It was a long mace with a solar flare orb castled to the end. It had cost two thousand credits.
The light was coming from a brand new building. A brand glossy red building made from mowed-down native trees. If Bridgadeiro had been there, he would have burst into tears, Revati thought. Bridgadeiro was always a soft touch when it came to dead trees. The light was spilling from the front of the building. A hair dryer was standing guard, a small slim purple metallic hair dryer floating a foot and a half off the ground.
"Oh please! Can’t you just leave us alone? We let the children go! You killed my parents!" The hair dryer screamed as Revati approached, holding the weapon.
"Let the children go? Wait, are you telling me this is an illegal power camp? In the jungle?" Revati hissed as she got closer to the hair dryer. Up close, it looked almost pathetic.
"It’s not like the children were real people! They’re not appliances," squeaked the hair dryer and then it made a beeping sound.
"Wait! You’re not the bringer of annihilation," the hair dryer squeaked, sounding relieved.
"The bringer of what?" Revati had to ask.
"She who stalks the currents! Who tears us apart with a mere glance!" Cried the hair dryer with a quiver.
"Oh her; no, that’s not me… that’s my sister," Revati replied before stunning the hair dryer with her weapon. The weapon squeaked and crumpled with a small sigh.
"Three more to go," the android remarked as Revati stepped over the hair dryer. Illegal power camps had become quite common all over the planet. Usually, they were set up in rural neutral areas where appliances normally didn’t have access to power. Revati found herself walking around a rather sophisticated one. Exercise bikes and walking machines had been installed next to large floating screens.
Medical equipment, including intravenous water devices, had been placed next to each of the machines. There were piles of black crystal sand lying all over the place. A little girl, no older than five or six, was sitting next to one of the piles, building a castle with it.
"Don't touch that! That sand is incredibly dangerous," Revati snapped, and the little girl burst into tears.
"Oh, don't cry; I'm not an evil monster! I'm just trying to stop you from getting your hand blown off," snapped Revati, and the little girl sniffed, wiping her tears.
"I can't understand you," the little girl said in fluent Bengali. Of course, she couldn't. The Jaṅgala upajāti only ever interacted with outsiders when tourists came to visit their one main town. Most Jaṅgala upajāti never installed universal translators, used teleporters, or communication bracelets.
"Please forgive my companion; she doesn't mean to be frightening; she's just terrible with small children," the Android said in Bengali.
"Hey... alright fine, but to be fair the only children I interacted with used to chew the walls and pee on lampposts," Revati pointed out. In fact, until Revati left Olde Landon, she assumed all small children behaved that way. She was sure it was her mother who must have taught her how to be a civilized human being.
"Are you with the glowing goddess? You look like her," The little girl asked, wiping her nose.
Glowing Goddess. Everyone who encountered Dityaa seemed incapable of describing her like a normal person.
"Did the glowing goddess help you, little one?" The android asked.
"Yes, we were all very tired... she flew in and turned all the machines into sand, then flew away," the little girl remarked. Revati's eyes trailed towards the girl's feet. They were bruised and swollen with bloody toenails.
"And what happened to everyone else?" The android asked, gesturing around the room.
"My friends ran away, my brother went to get help for my sore feet," the little girl shrugged.
Revati immediately reached into her pockets, pulling out two medibandages. "You're going to waste those on her? They were expensive," the Android remarked, now speaking Hindi.
"Her feet are messed up! For someone who's excellent at pretending to be polite, you have zero compassion," Revati pointed out as she slapped the bandages on the girl's feet.
There was a rustling sound from behind one of the larger screens. "Ēkhānē thākuna," Revati said, exhausting the little Bengali she knew. Her cerebrolingua universal translator was excellent but it technically didn’t teach her new languages. It just helped others with the installed software understand her.
Powering up her mace again, Revati slowly walked towards the screen, peering behind it. Another hair dryer was lying on the ground, hot hair billowing out of its mouth. It twitched feebly, small sparks erupting from its base.
"I suppose you're here to finish me off," growled the hair dryer, sounding like a cranky old man screaming at the clouds.
"That depends; what can you tell me about the goddess?" Revati asked, leaning down.
"The goddess? Don't you mean the Amped predator? The electric assassin?" The hair dryer asked, its voice wheezy and soft.
"Yes, her; you're dying, but if you tell me exactly what happened, I might be kind enough to switch you off and dump you near a major city's repair station," Revati lied.
"The predator did what she always does, she flew in and destroyed! She flew away, I was left to tell the story," The hair dryer said.
"How long ago?" Revati asked, and the hair dryer wheezed a gust of cold air.
"Four hours ago," he groaned, and then suddenly the electric lights in his base died.
Four hours. Damn. If it had been less than an hour, they might have stood a chance at catching her.
"Well," the Android asked.
"She's long gone," Revati admitted as she carried over the dead hair dryer. Revati pulled a small screwdriver out of one of her pants pockets and opened the side panel.
"Then we will return to camp and wait for the her DNA signal again," the android said as the little girl stood up, jumping up and down.
"Really? Last time you made me wait, it took weeks! She seems fine; she's running around the planet acting like some sort of superhero," Revati pointed out.
The little girl pointed one of her healed toes and then giggling with delight ran out of the building into the jungle.
"You swore an oath," the android said, its eyes changing from green to a deep red.
"I swore I would help you find Dityaa when we thought she was kidnapped! That was three years ago," Revati snapped back as she scrabbled at the hair dryer's insides.
"Perdita has not been given her true destiny yet! She is more than a floating gun," the android pointed out as Revati successfully pulled out a small bright orange piece of plastic.
"Here, a new rust-eating cartridge! Happy Apple day," Revati said, throwing the cartridge at the android's feet.
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Now I present: some marauder & co. headcannons from my sister, who only knows about them through my ramblings
Pandora never goes anywhere without a hair clip/claw. (She has a huge collection of enchanted clips aswell like butterfly shaped clips that flap their wings and bird clips that chirp.)
Emmeline still has a rock that her crush gave her in 1st grade. (she can't even remember the name of the person who gave it to her, but she can't bring herelf to get rid of it )
Marlene eats outside whenever she can, and the others have to follow her out because they can barely convince her to come inside when it's raining or windy, so they have a snowballs chance on a nice day.
Nobody's ever seen Barty in pants. Like he only ever wears shorts. He wears dress pants for Reggie's wedding n everybody has an aneurysm.
James and Evan secretly watch cartoons together at night when neither of them can sleep. It started by coincidence, and now it's just habit. Only Lily knows because she walked on them seven episodes deep and going strong at like six in the morning on her way to get a bowl of cereal.
They all have puns that drive everyone insane. (Like Siriously, oh deer, saying ahwoo instead of ow, ect.) but Peter says for Pete's sake literally whenever he wants them to stop doing something. For his sake. He thinks he's so funny. They think its annoying, but usually it works because they have to stop what their doing to groan at him, so he's a genius, really.
Frank's pranks everybody on april 1st. He was the pranking master. [I told my sister that it's funny she says that because the marauders are known to be the pranksters and she said: "No. He's the one who taught them all their tricks. On april 1st they live in fear. Except for Dorcas who 'ain't scared of that bitch', "
[When pressed about his personality, she says that: Frank's just a goofy guy.]
[ I asked her who gets the most bitches and she responded, without a doubt: Narcissa. So...] Narcissa gets bitches confirmed.
Narcissa is silver. Her hair, her jewelry, her clothes. Narcissa just is silver.
Alice is gold. She wears an absolutely ludicrous amount of bangles and hairtyes (but can never find any when she need them), she also collects bracelets she find on the ground (like the beaded ones).
Lily's needs reading glasses she just never wears them because she can never find them. (They're an ugly tiger-print orange in a neon green case that should be pretty easy to find, but the case is always empty, and the ornage blends into the common room decor)
Sirius’s is tiny, so he needed a stool to reach the kitchen sink at the Potter's for years, and they just never bothered to get rid of it. (The first time Remus joins them at the Potter's and sees Sirius’s stool, he laughs so hard he cries, and Sirius dosen't speak to him until dinner.)
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
8 - Annam
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"La . . . la . . . la . . . You look beautiful akka. How do I look?", Nandini and Thiruveni loosely draped their new sarees over their shoulders and twirled in different directions, like dancers. Periya Piratti and Ilaya Piratti distributed some clothing to the temple priests' families as a part of offerings. "Aaha! Look at my girls", Amma exclaimed. Nandini noticed that their sarees were rather simple but her saree had golden annam patterns. What will people think if she walks around in such luxurious clothes? There must have been a mistake.
"Amma, I think this chela is for you. It has elaborate patterns"
"No, I think Ilaya Piratti herself chose this for you. Didn't she give you a big necklace last time?"
That was true. Nandini felt really embarassed that day and asked Amma to keep it for akka's marriage. Kundavai must be feeling really bad about bullying her when she first came here.
"But you wear this, Amma. Akka and I will have matching chelas then".
"Aiyyo, Ilaya Piratti will think that we are taking away the jewellery and clothes she gifted to her new best friend", Thiruveni playfully pinched her cheeks.
She wanted to excuse herself from the pooja because she didn't want to see him. But Amma and akka told her that it will look ungrateful. She didn't want to walk around wearing expensive saree and jewellery either. What is she? A king's daughter? Last time when Kundavai gave her a thin bangle, that jealous Kolika told some girls that she is practising some sooniyam.
From the royal family, only Kundavai, Arulmozhi and Karikalan participated in the pooja. Nandini tried her best not to face him.  She felt miserable because it was his face that appeared before her when she closed her eyes. She concentrated on the fresh garlands the she placed on the Krishna idol.
After giving some coins to the her father, they prepared to leave.
"Annan is complaining that akka is planning to make him a nayanar", Arulmozhi joked to the girls who have assembled to meet the young tiger and Ponniyin Selvan. Don't these girls have anything else to do? "Obviously. That's why she is dragging me from temple to temple since I returned", Karikalan protested. She noticed that his voice too has changed. Why is she bothered about such unnecessary things?
"Don't say such things", Kundavai was very serious. "Nandini akka here knows how much I prayed for your safe return. We just want to thank God, anna". Nandini wanted to say that it is true but she couldn't. She just smiled and nodded.
"Do you like the annam pattern?" Kundavai took her aside and checked if her earrings matched the border.
"Absolutely. Thank you so much".
"I was sure that it'd look beautiful on you. Paatti is preparing to welcome someone with rare manuscripts. We need to go. Adada! They come to the Krishna temple and behave like kalla kannan. Look at my shameless brothers flirting with those girls".
She didn't look.
She felt a kind of emptiness when Kundavai bid goodbye. Still she refused to meet those two eyes which were watching her intently. It doesn't matter, she consoled herself. Let them go. She only needs to close her eyes when she wants to see that face.
Annam - Swan
Sooniyam - Sorcery
Nayanar - Saivate saint
Note: For those who are wondering if Kundavai didn't hate Nandini.
After the initial jealousy, Nandini and Kundavai became friends when Aditha Karikalan was away. When he returned, he saw Nandini wearing jewellery and clothes gifted by Kundavai. Kundavai started to hate her again only when she learnt about their relationship.
From AK's pov, they looked like best friends. But such friendships aren't actually equal, are they?
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maybesartcorp · 2 years
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A4 Marshal i missed my boy!!! @ask-bangle-tiger
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severingt · 9 days
SoulPM Playlist 17 February
I was asked to fill in for 3 and a half hours as another DJ had called in sick and this is what I played.  An eclectic mix, I think you'll agree?
Are Friends Electric – Tubeway Army
007 (Shanty Town) – Desmond Dekker
Alright – Supergrass
All the Way from Memphis – Mott the Hoople
Backfield in Motion – Mel and Tim
Dangling On a String – Chairman of the Board
Valerie – Stevie Winwood
My Brave Face – Paul McCartney
Photograph – Ringo Starr
Whatever Gets You thru the Night – John Lennon and Elton John
Pride – U2
Virginia Plain – Roxy Music
Stand – REM
Spirit in the Sky – Norman Greenbaum
Walking On Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
Pressure Drop – Toots and the Maytals
Manic Monday – The Bangles
Purple Rain – Prince and the Revolution
Friday I’m in Love - The Cure
Bring on the Empty Horses (long version) – Echo and the Bunnymen
Good Old Rock’n’Roll (medley) – Dave Clark 5
Brown Eyed Handsome Man – Buddy Holly
I Fought the Law – Bobby Fuller 4
I Knew the Bride – Dave Edmunds
Tiger Feet – Mud
Move on Up (album version) – Curtis Mayfield
You Can Get It If You Really Want – Jimmy Cliff
Wonderful Life – Black
The Year of the Cat – Al Stewart
Who’ll Stop the Rain? – Creedence Clearwater Revival
Tore Down a La Rimbaud – Van Morrison
When You Rock’n’Roll With Me – David Bowie
Let’s Stay Together – Al Green
You Can’t always Get What You Want (album version) – The Rolling Stones
Hallelujah – John Cale
The Warm Sweet Breath of Love – Horslips
The Boys Are Back In Town – Thin Lizzy
Baba O’Reilly – The Who (for Marco)
School’s Out – Alice Cooper
Love Train (extended) – The O’Jays
Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) – Frank Wilson
I’ll Take You There – The Staple Singers
Ain’t Gonna Bump No More (with no big fat woman) – Joe Tex
It’s Raining Men – The Weather Girls
The Rivers of Babylon – The Melodians
Our Lips Are Sealed – Funboy Three
Get It On (bang a gong) – T.Rex
99 Luftballoon – Nena 
Itchycoo Park – The Small Faces
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krookidcookies · 17 days
On the Subject of Fashion.
When young girls imagine a weapon, they often think of the sleek shine of a sword or the glimmering sparkle of a perfectly polished hand gun. But let's be honest: nothing slices through the daily trouble of doubt and self-hatred quite like a brand new pair of Gucci Mules. Fashion, my dear reader, is not just a statement about showing one's inner feelings; it's a powerful, transformative force of nature, which can be welded with unparalleled finesse - I mean come on, all you have to do is ask the women of the Upper Paleolithic Period!.
“Does this Mammoth fur match my eyes?”
“Hmm, not sure? Maybe try the saber tooth tiger print instead?”
In a constantly rotating world that often reduces women to mere accessories, fashion is an escape route for girls all around the world and is an ultra chic way of flipping the script. “You think I'm nothing but an accessory? Well, suck my Jimmy Choo bangle you dirty bastard!” One should consider fashion a shield against the mundane routine of everyday life and a sword in the battle against blurring self-expression.
The right outfit doesn't just turn heads - it snaps necks, and commands respect wherever the wearer chooses. Think about it; there's something almost revolutionary and reminiscent of the renaissance that comes from wearing your favorite mini dress; the one that feels like it was made just for you and makes you feel like a million bucks. A tweed jacket is more than just a mere fashion accessory - it's a declaration of who you are, and even when you're too nervous to talk, the jacket does it for you…
“You can't compete, and it would be futile to even try!”
Whilst on the subject of fashion, I try to write to a mainly middle aged audience, but let's be honest, they aren't the ones in desperate need of a major movie makeover - think Fern to Vylette or Kady to plastic. As a man it can come across as anti-feminist of me to write about the way I believe women should present themselves, so my opinion stays humble. The runway can present a fabulous velocity of ideas for a young girl to choose from, but the runway isn't cheap, and even normal clothes are getting higher in price than Kate Moss in the early 90s - kate mess, more like fashion mess. It's either shitty t-shirts or fugly sandals for you Mary.
It wasn't too long ago that fashion was set to the most popular trends of the decade, the trends of this decade include: a slight combination of any decade, any era and any style, which can make it hard to identify where to shop for your certain style. The disco loving girls might choose Rabanne for their signature clothing store, the same way the scene-queens might choose Hot-Topic. Much to the chagrin of anyone with a sense of style, Sophie Ellis Bextor wasn't lying when she said it was Murder on the dancefloor - it's a tough game of cat and mouse when it comes to choosing the right outfit for a night out, especially if you're looking to trip the light fantastic! Herve Leger and Versace Jeans Couture present wonderful ensembles for a night out on the town, but they don't come cheap, ranging anywhere from $350 - $8600, so you ask, how can I find a solution to this infection of overpriced designer clothing? Two words my dear reader… Thrift Boutique! Now, a thrift boutique is NOT the same as a thrift store, in the thrift store you can spend hours sorting through people's clothes only to come out with a scratchy sweater - circa the first world war. But in a thrift boutique, someone has already gone through and organized the clothes by designer and size!, but it's also important to remember to not spend all of your time and money in the boutiques (even if it might be easier) ,because the salvation army isn't called the salvation army because they steal from the poor, and op shops/thrift stores are a great way of collecting fabulous clothes, while still doing something good and giving back to your local community.
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rubyrain23 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Collectors Jars & Glasses 8 piece LOT.
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areyouafraid · 5 months
someone asked for my favorite villager of each species... well here you go
ALLIGATOR: literally dont think ive ever had an alligator but based off concept alone roswell. drago is cool too but everyone likes drago so it doesnt really count
ANTEATER: olaf or zoe
BEAR: klaus, chow and curt are close seconds
BEAR CUB: i have to shoutout tammy bc shes been a recurring character in my NL and NH towns. i like murphy's design too
BIRD: hard to say. i guess jay or twiggy because those are the ones ive had. and admiral because he reminds me of general skarr which is amusing to me.
BULL: IDK rodeo i guess
CAT: there are more cats than any other species so this is hard... i have past villager bias for bob, kabuki, katt, and monique. also really enjoy ankha, merry, raymond, stinky (strafes out of trajectory of tossed brick) and tabby (dodges other brick). also really miss pierre bring back pierre PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PL
CHICKEN: i had becky in one of my ACNL towns, i have goose in my NH town, and i had either ava or betty in my gcn town. not particularly partial to any of the other ones
COW: technically theyre considered a separate species OK the game says. i think i had patty in my gcn town i dont really care about any of the other ones sorry
DEER: past villager bias for erik. shino is cool
DOG: past villager bias for goldie & shep. hard tie between goldie & shep i love them both. also really like lucky
DUCK: freckles, also had pate once or twice
EAGLE: sterling was in my city folk town. i guess sterling? avery and buzz have really good designs IDK im not particularly attached to any of them
FROG: croque no contest. i had prince and ribbot at some point and i think gigi and raddle have cool concepts
GOAT: chevre was in my gcn town and ill die fighting by her. also velma is cool
GORILLA: boone was in one of my NL towns but IDRC sorry. i guess hans or peewee
HAMSTER: i had flurry in one of my NL towns and graham is cool but honestly its very solidly marlo
HIPPO: past villager bias for biff and... i might have had rocco? IDK my favorite is probably biff though
HORSE: had buck, elmer, julian, and victoria previously but to be so honest i think the best one is colton in terms of like theme and design
KANGAROO: mathilda was in my gcn town. ill never forget her. she was rude as hell
KOALA: eugene no contest. had canberra and melba previously also
LION: i had elvis in a wild world save and lionel is in my NH town but TBH i think my favorite is bud Sorry
MONKEY: never had a monkey but i think tiansheng
MOUSE: past villager bias for samson. i also had moose previously but i dont value him. i think bella or petri are my favorites; greta has a cool design too
OCTOPUS: marina's in my NH town rn and i like her so she wins. octavian is cool and zucker is the most edible looking one. and cephalobot is cool too theyre all pretty good
OSTRICH: bias for phoebe. blanche, cranston and phil have really good designs. sprocket is cool but i wish his plating was like a slightly different color its too loud
PENGUIN: not super attached to any of the penguins sorry. i had hopper in either GCN or city folk and sprinkle is in my NH town
PIG: i had gala in my new leaf town but shes honestly probably not my favorite (im so sorry). i really like cobb's concept and design. i also have a bias for boris bc he was in my brothers' gcn town lol. rasher has one of the best executed designs of all the pigs IMO and dear god i miss sue e so bad COME BACK
RABBIT: idk. i think pippy was in my gcn town shes cute
RHINOCEROS: not particularly attached to any of them. i had tank. merengue is cute and i kinda like spike's design i guess
SHEEP: this one is hard. bias for curlos and muffy. i really like pietro's design and i want gen and woolio back So bad.
SQUIRREL: probably poppy. i had blaire and nibbles previously also so they get honorable mentions. and i really like hazel
TIGER: bangle, bianca, and rolf
WOLF: honestly i like all of the wolves. bias for wolfgang. i like dobie, freya, and kyle and i want tarou back
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cinemapremi · 11 months
Katrina Kaif in Yellow Saree: Bollywood's Glamorous Diva Mesmerizes Fans
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Katrina Kaif, one of Bollywood's most stunning actresses, never ceases to amaze her fans, not only with her performances on the silver screen but also through her captivating presence on social media. Recently, she shared a series of photos in a yellow saree, and her beauty left everyone in awe.
Katrina Kaif's Saree Elegance
In the photos, Katrina Kaif is seen donning a vibrant yellow saree, which complements her flawless beauty. She strikes a poised and elegant pose, seated in a chair, with her open hair, heavy jhumkas adorning her ears, and stone-studded bangles on her wrists. What truly stands out is the red bindi on her forehead, adding an exquisite touch to her look. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy-Yzbktqox/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
The Desi Avatar
This is not the first time Katrina has flaunted her desi avatar. Earlier, she graced the audience with her charm in a striking red saree. Her Instagram feed is a testament to her versatile fashion sense and her ability to look equally stunning in traditional and contemporary attire.
A Dazzling Instagram Display
Katrina Kaif's Instagram has become a source of fashion inspiration for her fans. These saree-clad snapshots have left her admirers spellbound, and it's no wonder that her followers can't seem to take their eyes off her. https://www.instagram.com/p/CypqKnxteXe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Katrina Kaif's Upcoming Films
On the professional front, Katrina Kaif has some exciting projects lined up. She will soon be seen in Salman Khan's film, "Tiger 3," which is set to release around Diwali. Additionally, she will grace the screen in the movie "Merry Christmas," where she will share the frame with South star Vijay Sethupathi. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy3MD-MtJaT/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Katrina Kaif's enchanting appearance in the yellow saree has once again highlighted her timeless beauty and fashion sense. She continues to be a style icon for her fans, showcasing her versatility and grace in different looks.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the significance of Katrina Kaif's yellow saree photos? Katrina Kaif's photos in the yellow saree showcase her stunning beauty and fashion sense, leaving her fans mesmerized. 2. How does Katrina Kaif's Instagram influence her fans? Katrina Kaif's Instagram serves as a source of fashion inspiration for her admirers, where she showcases her versatile style. 3. What upcoming projects is Katrina Kaif working on? Katrina Kaif is set to appear in Salman Khan's "Tiger 3" and the movie "Merry Christmas" alongside Vijay Sethupathi. 4. What's special about Katrina Kaif's red bindi in her traditional look? The red bindi adds an exquisite touch to Katrina Kaif's traditional look, enhancing her beauty and charm. 5. When is "Tiger 3" expected to be released? "Tiger 3" is anticipated to be released around Diwali, promising an exciting cinematic experience for fans. Also checkout: Read the full article
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ask-bucko · 3 years
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tail tips with filbert! but it seems he forgot Beat was doing some construction that day @ask-bangle-tiger
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ask-bangle-tiger · 3 years
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[[It's very hard to believe it's been apparently 6 years since I started this blog! It seriously doesn't feel like that. I know I don't post nearly as often as I used too, and that the focus had been very off for a long time, but I just want to thank everyone that's been around looking at this blog and the friends I have made and still have to this very day. You are all the absolute best and I don't know where I would even be if I still didn't have you all. You all know who you are, and you're amazing. Thank you for being an incredible shining light in my life. 💙]]
[[oh and it’s bangle’s birthday as well yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy]]
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[[Buncha recent quackidees, featuring @acnl-hamphrey, @askmarshalsquirrel, and @ask-bangle-tiger's mayors as cute little mollys lol]]
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*happens to get off at the train station* I wonder who happens to live in this town, growf?
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Mayor: “God, how can someone be this tall!!!!!!”
((also I take every chance to make fun of the mayor so here’s this too))
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is nuke tall or is the mayor short or both 🤔🤔
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maybesartcorp · 5 years
C3 with Bangle and Static! :>
Smooches from the tol and the smol lol :3
@ask-bangle-tiger @thestaticstalker
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ask-apple · 6 years
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Happy (very belated) Birthday, Apple!! 
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