my-shields-are-down · 2 years
REMINDER: I asked for one word prompts to trigger a fan fiction one shot. This one triggered a doozy.
Seventeen year old Kai Bradford walks up to the podium and takes the microphone from his Aunt Angela and breathes deeply to calm himself. He is really nervous talking in front of all these people. But he knew this was excellent practice for his valedictorian speech in a few weeks.
He found and made eye-contact with his mom, who nodded, smiled and gave him two thumbs up and whispered - “you’ve got this.”
Tim turned to Lucy and asked, “Did you know about this? About what he’s going to say?”
Tim and Kai have not been on the best of terms lately. They seem to be having the same fight over and over about Kai’s future, his girlfriend, his clothes, the weather, you name it, they argue about it. So the fact his eldest son is now standing in front of his peers to speak is quite a bit unnerving and overwhelming for Tim.. Tim has no idea what his son will say. Lucy looks back at him and smiles. “I knew he wanted to speak - but no, honey, I don’t know what he’s going to say.” She leans into Tim and kisses him.
Tim grabs her hand and watches their son take a deep breath to calm his nerves.
Their first born - the boy who almost died when Lucy was shot.
Who spent hours on Tim’s bare chest as his lungs and heart grew strong; who listened to Tim talk about his mom and how much he loved her and needed both of them to live; Who said “dada” and walked way ahead of schedule; the kid who followed Tim everywhere and asked him a gazillion questions; the one who used to look at him with awe and wonder; the natural athlete who swims, and surfs, and catches anything thrown in his general direction, who brings his mom flowers just because they remind him of her; the one whose love of the ocean forced Tim to get over his aversion to it; the one who brought home creatures and plopped them on the dining room table with cheers of victory and squeals of “science!”; the one who is just like his mom, full of kindness, brilliance, humor and sunshine; who stands up for the little guy and treats everyone the same; the one who will wave and say hi to his mom on national tv when he catches the winning touchdown during a future bowl game despite the thousands of hours of drills run with his dad. The human he loves almost as much as Lucy. Tim loves this boy-almost-man more than life itself.
Kai turns to the audience and nods when he says, “Hi everyone. I’m Kai. Thank you for coming tonight to my parents’ 20th Anniversary Party. I’m here to speak for the kids - me, Diana and TJ. Besides being the oldest and most eloquent, everyone knows I’m the favorite - mom’s little sunshine miracle boy.”
He blushes and rolls his eyes - as the audience laughs and nods in agreement.
Because Kai was the first born, they had all seen videos and pictures and heard stories of everything he has ever done. The soccer games, the school plays, the boys playing in the dirt, the backyard camping adventures, the wonder and annoyance at his little siblings, the failed clarinet career, the gifted athlete, the wickedly smart and clever kid, etc.
Lucy has a large orange and green fire breathing dragon on her office wall - drawn by Kai in 7th grade art class. Tim had it framed for her office shortly thereafter.
Everyone at the party has watched him grow up and turn into the charming, smart and handsome young man before them.
At 17, he now is just an inch shorter than his dad, strong, athletic, with dark wavy hair, a golden honey complexion and stormy blue-gray eyes.
But there was a time when he lived in a NICU incubator for several months, weighing under 5 pounds, while his mom recovered from two bullet wounds and his dad tried not to sink into a pit of despair.
“I love my mom so much - she’s my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, my closest confidant, my favorite person.” Kai waves at Lucy who smiles and waves back.
“But my dad? My dad is my hero.”
And just like that - all noise in the ballroom stopped - you could hear a pin drop. Tim’s breath catches in his throat and a single tear falls down his face. Lucy smiles at Kai and squeezes Tim’s hand.
“What do I mean by that? Good question. Wikipedia defines a hero as a person who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage, or strength.”
That’s my dad. I know him as my stay-at-home protector, but I’ve heard stories from all of you, all of my life about the danger he faced day after day as a cop; how he came up with creative solutions to immediate problems - like the drilling of a hole in a car floorboard to spray pepper spray into a car to stop a carjacking or making a donut place the main lunch stop for cops so the gangs avoid it or digging through the dirt with his bare hands to dig up the barrel holding my mom as she died waiting for someone to find her.
None of my siblings or I would even be here, if my dad had given up on finding her. Well that and you know, them admitting they were crazy about each other and all the sex - no no no - Aunt Angela, I cannot say that - gross”… the audience including his parents start laughing loudly.
“Where was I? Oh right… My parents could not be more different - she’s sunshine and he’s grumpy. We kids know how to be exemplary humans because they showed us how.
My dad as a man is who I hope to be when I grow up. I measure myself against who he is in the world. He’s not perfect - just ask my mom about his “sock problem” - but he is my role model for how to treat people and how to exist in the world.
When I was 6 years old and getting ready for my first day of school, he sat me down on the bench by the door and tied my shoes and said the same thing to me he says every year - his yearly “Tim Talk” as mom calls it:
“You look your classmates in the eye, Kai. You speak to them with respect and honesty and kindness. I don’t care if they did you wrong, or if you are having a bad day. You always treat everyone you come in contact with as if they are special to you, as if it’s the best part of your day. You smile at your teachers, your classmates, the janitor. You laugh at bad jokes. You congratulate people on their accomplishments. You become friends with everyone and learn about them. What makes them excited and scared? What are their favorite things? Who are their favorite people? You be the one everyone smiles about when they remember. okay?”
All three of us live and die by this advice every day. We are all well liked by our classmates, teachers, coaches, parents neighbors and friends. Our parents - mom by telling and dad by showing - gave us the foundation upon which we stand and live.
My mom taught us how to love big, my dad taught us to love small.
My mom taught us to hold tight, my dad taught us to leave space.
My mom taught us to be confident, my dad taught us to be humble.
My mom taught us to grateful, my dad taught us to be of service.
My mom taught us to be loud, my dad taught us the value of silence
My mom gave us a love of nature, my dad gave us a love of sports.
My mom believes in second chances, my dad prefers to measure twice and cut once.
My mom taught us about forgiveness, my dad taught us about loyalty.
My mom taught us to be strong, my dad showed us how to be vulnerable.
Dad sends flowers to his ex-wife on her birthday every year. He loved her a long time before mom came along and while it wasn’t always pretty, he thanks her for loving him and letting him go.
He and Kojo and then later Jack and Diane (Di’s chinchillas) never missed a tea party with Diana and her real or imaginary friends.
Dad dances with mom in the kitchen when her favorite song comes on the radio.
He came to every recital and game, chaperoned every field trip and dance.
He knows all of our secrets and gives the very best advice. We don’t always follow it, mind you, but he gives it freely whenever we ask.
Most importantly, he showed us that he loves our mom. They’ve given us three kids infinite lessons on how to love and be in a loving relationship. We are so lucky and blessed to have these amazing creatures as our parents.
So everyone, please raise your glasses, bottles, and cans and let’s celebrate our parents - Lucy & Tim Bradford.
Thank you.
While everyone is cheering and clapping, Tim stands up and walks over to his son and grabs him in a big hug and and just holds onto him tightly while smiling the biggest smile and with tears streaming down his face. “I love you too Kai, I love you too.”
——— end ———
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sefaiunbelrespiro · 8 years
fate delle domandine ad @aandrea-96 sennò piange
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andreaquitaleg · 7 years
#AskAndrea: Course, Ideal Man, Dream Job | Philippines
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Whichever helps you shoot walkers better, sooo robots.
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yesimandrea-blog · 12 years
^That's my ask.fm account. You can ask me any questions. I'm bored, so leggo play Q&A portion. Haha :)
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford + what do you mean your parents don't know about the barrel?
“Hang on, hang on…. Hold the phone… wait. What do you mean your parents don’t know about the barrel?” Tim had stopped mid-step almost tripping himself and Lucy as they were walking up the driveway to his house.
“They were at the hospital afterwards. I argued with them about your recovery - about what would be best for you. Your mom and I glared at each other for 15-20 minutes in the weirdest, adults-only staring contest I’ve ever won. How do they not know?”
Lucy sheepishly looks up at Tim, while biting her lower lip. They had just come from brunch with Aunt Amy and telling her about their engagement. Tim looks so handsome in one of his deep blue button downs, sleeves rolled up showing off his tanned forearms. She loves watching the muscles in his forearms flex - probably because she imagines them flexing his hands and fingers while he…
Tim snaps his fingers in front of her face. “Hey. Where’d you go? Come back here and talk to me.”
Lucy sighs and shrugs her shoulders, her long hair blowing around her face in the early afternoon breeze. “I - I - l. Well, at the time, it made the most sense because we were already estranged and they made it clear they did not approve of me being a cop. Do you really think me telling them that I was in the hospital after a serial killer I came in contact with because of my job, that YOU had met and indirectly approved of, had kidnapped, drugged and ultimately killed me was suddenly going to change that opinion? No, it was not. And neither was telling them that you, my training officer were the one who did CPR to bring me back to life. They already hated you - that wasn’t going to help. They’d harass you with questions about how you let this happen, tapping into your protectiveness, your guilt - they are experts at finding the guilt and twisting it to their advantage. I didn’t want that aggravation, that frustration, that additional pain for either of us. We both had enough to deal with, thank you very much.”
“You were and are my medical proxy, my emergency contact. You got to decide who saw me and when, you chose who took care of me. You did all that so effortlessly. I never thanked you for removing that stress from my recovery.”
“So no, I only told them I was assaulted. I briefly got their love and concern back before the lectures about my job began again, and then Jackson told them to leave - again. I probably will never tell them. I am ok with them not knowing. Are you ok with that?”
Tim looked into the wide eyes of his fiancé. This woman who healed him in so many ways, who brought him back from the pit of despair and filled his life with love and laughter, the promise of grandkids (grandkids!) and a lifetime of never ending happiness. Lucy Chen knocked his socks off with how she loved him. She never pushed or prodded, she was just there - always loving him just as he is. Returning that love back to her in the same way was the least he could do.
“Yeah Luce. Whatever you need and want. I’m happy to never mention it again. I love you so much.”
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Chenford + Tim has a secret admirer 👀
Well this one just flew right out of me in 15 minutes flat. Boom.
Angela calls Lucy the second she hears her phone alarm go off with the Empire’s Death March.
“Lucy - she’s out. Where’s Tim?”
Lucy refuses to panic, she and Tim have made plans for this. She pulls up her “find me now” app and sees that her husband of just over 3 years is at the park with the kids, 2 blocks from their home with the reinforced steel walled safety bunker.
They’d had the bunker installed after that horrible day Oscar Hutchinson had been found in their pool on Lucy’s unicorn floaty - the place she spent most afternoons giving her back a break from lugging around all the extra pregnancy weight. She couldn’t run and hide and she had no protection when the shots went off, so Tim had dived in front of her getting shot twice - effectively ending his police career and starting his stay-at-home Dad career.
“I’m on my way. Call Grey to sound the alarm and head home. I’ll meet you there. Code still the same?”
“Yes, - 0515- first kiss.”
Angela next called Tim, who answered like his wife, “Bradford.”
“Tim! She’s out! I repeat, she’s out! Get yourself and my god babies home ASAP.”
Tim was glad he had his sunglasses on- so he could scan the park looking for HER - Susan Johnson.
The last time he had seen her was at her parole hearing 2 years ago, where she had been claiming to be mentally sound enough to enter a work program - so Wesley had played his Trump card - bringing Tim to the hearing. Tim being the only one to have survived her ministrations. Susan had seen Tim and started screaming that their love was timeless, that she’d never stop working her way back to him.
He had been kidnapped and tortured much like Lucy had been- but not to kill him, not right away. But to love him. Susan Johnson, the most notorious serial killer after Rosalind Dyer, had been released from the psychiatric hospital that had recently been her home.
There was nothing remarkable about Susan. Dishwater blond hair, dull brown eyes, heavyset, average height, she blended into the background. No one ever noticed or suspected her.
Not until she set her sights on Tim, not until Lucy and Angela got involved.
Susan’s MO - which she had been following since middle school - was to send 4 unsigned cards, then reveal herself as that person’s secret admirer and kill them slowly if they didn’t reciprocate- Tim was the first and only victim ever to do so, to buy time for Lucy to find him.
Unfortunately, Susan believed him and refused to reset herself back to sanity - which she had done after her previous kills. She still thought Tim was in love with her and she was obsessed with “making him hers again.” Hence the outburst in court and her continued incarceration. Well until now anyway.
Tim was grateful swing time was over and that he had already placed his 2 year old twin girls (his mini Lucys) back in their stroller. Their seats faced each other so they could do their secret twin speak while eating their snacks.
While they were chatting away, Tim quickly gathered up their belongings and began to run/walk home. The extra speed made the stroller bounce more than usual, triggering peals of laughter from his girls.
He loved them so much, he memorized the sound, committing it to memory and prayed he’d live to hear it again.
As he walked up his driveway, a gray Toyota Camry pulled up to his house.
Tim ignored the car, realizing who was in it, and focused on getting his girls to the garage chute.
Their safety bunker had been custom designed by Nolan and two of Tim’s Army buddies. They basically built a bomb shelter/command center/family sized safe house in their basement with a full kitchen, a full wall of cctv, satellite phones, etc which was accessible via slides throughout the house for Lucy and the kids. Hidden behind everyday objects were slides to safety - inside the kitchen island, behind the refrigerator in the garage, the upstairs laundry chute. The back deck even slid to the side creating a space just wide enough for a full sized adult to gain entrance, but you’d have to know where to look and how to trigger its movement to get it to open.
Gigi and Mimi were only just over 2, but they knew the slides were for safety and how to call 9-1-1 once they got to their playroom and locked it down. Once in lockdown, you needed a bypass code after a scanner read your thumbprint to get in.
Tim leaned down to his girls, kissed each of them on the forehead and said it was slide time. Gigi nodded and climbed onto the slide and zipped down to the bunker. Mimi whispered, “Mama?” Tim nods and says, “or Aunt Angela.” Mimi then climbs in behind her sister, turns to look at her dad and says, “safety Dada” while touching her little palm to his cheek before sliding to safety herself. Tim shuts the panel, says a prayer of gratitude for the life he’s been lucky enough to live with Lucy and his precious girls. While he’s sad that he’ll likely miss out on prom and weddings and those grandkids Lucy promised, he wouldn’t change a second of the time he had with them. They were his happily ever after.
He stands up while grabbing the wrench they had planted in the fridge for this exact purpose. To give him a chance.
Tim turns around and sure enough, there stands Susan Johnson in his garage with a knife in her hand. He can hear the sirens in the distance getting louder and coming closer, but he doubts they will get there in time. All he can do now is do everything possible to keep his babies safe. Even if that means sacrificing himself.
“Hi” she says shyly. “Do you remember me? I’m Susan, your secret admirer.”
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford + does he make you happy?
Lucy was wishing she had applied multiple layers of antiperspirant all over her body as she began to stress sweat with anxiety nerves.
She took a few calming breaths as she looked at herself in the mirror. Hair in place - check, top button buttoned - check. Breath - ooh, cinnamon Altoid popped. Breath ok - check. Chapstick applied - check. Ok - we can’t avoid this any more. Let’s go.
Lucy left the bathroom and weaved among the tables and carts crammed together at LA’s most traditional dim sum restaurant. No Instagram foodie influencers here. No English spoken here either. Only immigrants and their relatives, families or a father and his long-time estranged daughter.
Lucy sat down next to her dad who was refreshing her tea. She thoughtfully considered him. He was the only father she’d ever known. Her Baba. She loved him fiercely and up until she had become a cop, he had felt the same about Lucy. While her mother vocally expressed her judgment and disappointment, her father just stopped showing up. He disappeared from her life. Lucy thought he was just so angry, when in truth he was so sad.
When she was in the bathroom, he had been quietly sitting, eating noodles with tears streaming down his face - he missed her so much. She was his special light that he had to share with the world. He didn’t know how to do that and not cry. Vanessa was unpleasant about emotions, so he just removed himself and cried. But that didn’t mean he didn’t care or pay attention. He had a private eye on retainer who sent him weekly updates on his most beloved daughter. He knew of her massive success as a cop, her ever growing circle of friends, her change of address, and her impending wedding. Vanessa had thrown away the invite, but he had pulled it from the trash and saved it and spent the hours he wasn’t seeing patients looking at the red paper and running his fingers across the gold embossed English and Chinese letters.
He had just finished pouring her tea when she sat back down, nervous about their conversation. She had never been nervous with him, not like this. Patrick reached out and put his hand on hers to calm her. Then he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the invitation and placed it between them. Lucy gasped and said, “Baba…”. He patted her hands and said, “Does he make you happy?” Lucy looked at her father and beamed. Love for Tim shining out of her eyes, her smile and her heart. She couldn’t contain her love for him if she tried. She nodded and said, “Yes, Baba, very happy.” Patrick nodded and tapped the invite, “You will wear red?” Lucy nodded, “with a dragon up the side and a band of peonies/cherry blossoms in my hair. Like the pictures you used to show me of my aunties’ weddings.”
Lucy took one last deep breath and asked the question that had been burning a hole in her gut since Tim had proposed, “Baba - will you walk me down the aisle and give me away with a blessing?” Patrick paused for a moment for dramatic effect and then beamed sunshine and love back to his little girl - for he was the one who taught her to love fully and freely, to be vulnerable and empathetic, to shower the people you love with love. He did it quietly while Lucy shouted from the rooftops. “Of course sweetheart. Because he makes you happy.”
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford ❤️ + Please don't be embarrassed
“Embarrassed? Tim, why would I be embarrassed? Wait, do you think I regret this? That I regret us? Sure, the past several weeks have been challenging being apart from you with you in your new job and not seeing you as often as I want and our mandatory “you WILL be on a break” break, but embarrassed to be with you? God no. I’m not embarrassed. Quite the opposite actually…. Being loved by you and being IN love with you are the very best things that have ever happened to me.. I’ve waited my whole life for a love like ours.”
Lucy pauses as she hears Tim’s quick and raspy intake of breath on the phone.
“Say that again.” Tim whispers while his emotions are on the verge of rendering him speechless.
Lucy smiles and drops her voice into her more intimate “Tim tone” and says, “Being loved by you is the very best thing that has ever happened to me.”
Tim is fighting back tears as he whispers back, “You stole my line. I’ve waited a lifetime to be loved by you, like this. I love you Lucy.”
“I love you more Tim.”
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Thoughts on 5.10 and Chenford moving forward?
Anon Y Mous is in the house! Party People! Whoop whoop!
I’ve been listening to my 1980s and 1990s mix tapes all day today - because 10 has put me in the best mood and I can’t stop smiling and being emotional. So I listen to the music that makes me feel that way and remember the summer I dated my best friend.
He’s now married with two kids - and that summer, my last summer in DC was magical- in large part because of him, and us. I am so grateful that I had that experience, that we got to have our own bubble. 5x10 brought back my memories of that summer and brought me a lot of joy.
I really loved this episode. Was it perfect? No, but I’ll address this in a minute.
First, I was really surprised that they were getting together so soon in the season, I honestly didn’t expect that to happen until the end of the season. So I was giddy like stupid, can’t think straight, over excited like I was going on my first date. I was blushing in anticipation. I had bad-Tim Bradford brain - I couldn’t do math or tell time. But I loved that too, feeling that way again, for me anyway, was such a gift and a reminder that love is always possible and everything will work out like it’s supposed to. A perfect way to start a new year!
The montage of them getting dressed was fantastic and perfect. Tim with all his button downs of various colors still on the store hangers looking great in all of the dark colors (wear the navy!) and Lucy with all of her dresses. So many dresses. And then Tim calling Lucy to find out what she was going to wear, Because she calms him down and she teases him? I love that flirty banter.
And then not 5 minutes later, in completely new outfits in a gorgeous restaurant (I think it’s in Silver Lake), they have nothing to say to each other. They are gorgeous and awkward and nerves are flying every which way. I was happy to hear Tim is eating bread again.
Watching Tim is my favorite thing, he’s this tall, attractive man, who exudes confidence as a cop- like he’s a force, he has presence, but sitting there next to Lucy in this moment that he has wanted for so long, and his shoulders are pulled in, he can’t look at her other than those sideways glances checking her out…and you know in his mind he’s berating himself for blowing it for not talking about anything and the woman he cannot stop thinking about is right there…. So he makes himself smaller next to her.. I think he still doubts that she’s as into this as he is. He’s afraid she’s going to change her mind and leave like every other woman (minus Angela) has done.
And then Lucy in that dress - looking like a dream - she is gorgeous, stunning, super sexy in that dress sitting there desperately trying to break the ice starts shimmying her shoulders back and forth which makes the necklace in her cleavage sparkle? I was so excited to see bold, confident and very sexy Lucy on that date. Like we’ve seen her desperate for praise because she never got any from her parents. That version of Lucy was not on this date. This confident Lucy took charge of the situation, put Tim at ease by teasing him, then spoke up for herself and clearly stated how she wanted this to go - slowly which is not the version of Lucy we saw in 5x1 or really any time previously.
I was really struck by the dichotomy of Lucy wearing this seriously sexy, come fuck me dress while telling Tim that she wanted to go slow, to build their relationship up and savor these moments of creating intimacy, and falling in love, and romancing each other, respecting the friendship foundation and savoring all of these last “first” moments with him. She doesn’t want to miss a moment of this new chapter with him. Doesn’t want to skip a step, wants to do all of that with Tim. I loved seeing Tim, at first worried then melting into this moment she’s creating, this vision she has of their future … this isn’t a one and done date. She’s got the future in her mind, more dates, more time with him, more intimacy and yes more naked time.
I think for Lucy, being loved by Tim will fill in and fix all those foundational cracks created by her parents. I am so excited for Lucy to be confident in herself.
She’s already thriving in her work. Let’s just take a moment to realize how big of a deal it is that the Patrol Watch Commander trusted a P2 officer to hold down the fort over all of the higher raking officers on his team. He chose LUCY to reign in Smitty, ha! Nolan, Jan and all those background cops are likely higher ranks than her. And they all fell in line under HER command. Amazing. She did it beautifully, sure it stressed her out, but she impressed everyone.
I think for Tim, being loved and cared for by Lucy will bring him confidence and a sense of calm that he hasn’t had since before the Army. That he’s not just defined by work, that there are things that are more important. And that he deserves them for just being him, flaws and all.
I loved that Lucy was laughing when the cops showed up at the restaurant
I thought the whole Aaron and Celina thing was hilarious- especially the conversations with Nolan who was a total hypocrite lecturing Celina about romance during her training period. I really loved how the show had all the other characters bring up and talk about consent, and power dynamics, and privacy, and perception.
I was really impressed by all the subtle almost subconscious messages coming through that scene with Nolan, Celina and Aaron. One one hand, you’ve got old school vs new school. Nolan personifies old school cops - older, white, male, kinda clueless on some cultural shifts, while Aaron + Celina represent new school cops- younger, people of color, both of whom have been affected by violence and in a way betrayed by the system that was supposed to protect them . Aaron and Celina respectfully but stridently tell Nolan to get with the times because a) they don’t look like him; b) the world they grew up in is vastly different; c) both of them were victims of horrific violence, etc so the rules created to manage and govern Nolan don’t necessarily work in governing and managing them. So thank you for the condescending advice old man, but based on what we know we will choose who we date without any input or interference from you. Just brilliant! My inner sociologist loved that whole scene.
I really hope they bring back Percy - we are long overdue for a Jackson memory moment that Lucy and Percy could share.
I was let down by the car dangling over the edge of the parking garage. I was yelling “don’t go in there! Turn around!” at my tv. Lots of potential for Lucy/Tim don’t die on me moments - but the episode was so full of other stuff I can see why nothing else happened.
We must do everything in our power to save and protect Aaron. I love that he’s become the comic foil for Tim. I love their relationship. The writers are having so much fun with his comments - speaking for the audience. And Tru’s delivery is spot on.
Lucy and Tim in the principals office. LOL
And finally the date redo. I loved that it was more casual dining by a group of food trucks - away from the station. I loved that they were interrupted by crime again - like dude! Really? I especially loved that after all the failed date and color commentary by everyone that Tim chose NOT to intervene, to show Lucy that yes, the job is important, but so are you. And every chance where I can choose you, I am going to. And Lucy for her part, was so into Tim she didn’t even notice the car guy until Tim said something. So she was telling Tim, you have my attention and focus. You are still my most important relationship. Her grandkids comment - teasing, yet sent major signals to Tim that she’s in this for the long haul. He’s not alone in considering forever for them. Can you imagine Rachel or Voldie saying something like that to him? No. Their relationships weren’t like that. But Lucy knows he’s heartbroken that he doesn’t yet have his own family and he’s worth the effort to her, so she’ll help him get that.
Yes the seating for the kiss was awkward and yes, the lighting was behind Tim’s head so Lucy was in shadows, but frankly so what? THEY KISSED. Tim initiated the kiss. Slow and sweet and that second one was deeper and held promise. I loved that the shot ended with them lingering in the moment with their foreheads touching- which, in case you didn’t know (I looked it up) - is an ancient greeting that honors the heart and soul of another human being. I mean, how perfect is that?!
Two thumbs up! I enjoyed it.
Moving forward. Here are my thoughts- do with them what you will.
I believe they will be found out before they go to Grey. It’ll be messy and angsty. Percy will come back because Grey asks him to handle it.
Tim will leave patrol and step out of Lucy’s chain of command. He may or may not keep the coming promotion to Sergeant2. - ✅
Lucy at some point might pull a Chandler and freak out about how serious her relationship is with Tim and go to Nolan 🤮 for guidance.
Chris comes back for something unrelated and sees Tim and Lucy kissing and wreaks an episode or two of havoc- angsty because Lucy feels guilty about the break up.
Rosalind or an acolyte comes circling back. She was too big of a part of the first episode for her story to be done. Now whether they come after Nolan/Bailey or Tim/Lucy or both couples? Too soon to tell.
The dangling shop was foreshadowing Aaron and Tim being in graver danger- but instead of Aaron getting out first, he doesn’t (or can’t)- potential cliff hanger for season finale (pun intended)
Lucy will be offered a dangerous but short UC op that goes awry putting her in mortal danger.
She will also by end of season be given two possible career options - I think either detective/UC or sergeant. I hope she goes the Sergeant route. She already knows all the study material. Tapped to take both tests and gets her results early in season 6 which is all but guaranteed at this point I think - angsty for both. Tim will want to protect her and she’ll feel pressure to choose because of him vs what she really wants. Hopefully by then, we have some insight into what that is. (Previous bullet definitely would play into decision)
There will be naked time, and I love yous and depending on the wackadoodle Rookie timeline a Valentine’s Day romance focused episode for our major characters and a possible proposal at the end of the season. With an answer to be given at the start of the next season.
Angela teases Tim mercilessly about Lucy
Bailey bails on Nolan, who starts dating Genny- much to Tim’s dismay (this is how/when Tim finds out about Lucy + Nolan) and a love triangle ensues.
No pregnancy scares, no Ashley or Isobel returning. We have enough angst devices to last well beyond the next 10-12 episodes that we don’t need to bring them back.
I really want a new character cop to be introduced who is Rosalind’s acolyte or partner who has a seasonal arc like Armstrong, looks good but is secretly evil.
I am sitting on cloud 9 listening to my mixed tapes celebrating all the joy and happiness we’ve got going on right now.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford + are you jealous
Tim might grumble about it but he loves spending time with his nephews during the holidays.
It’s the closest he’s ever come to being an actual dad. Having these two whip-smart, funny, loving boys look up to him, climb on him, tell him their stories, asking him to kiss their boo-boos, listen to him read or tell bedtime stories, cutting up their food, all of it fills his heart up to the point of breaking. Tim is so proud of them and is beyond grateful that Genny trusts him with them. Tim loves them so much he can’t see straight.
He and Genny rented a cabin up by Big Bear this year to help the boys transition from their snow-filled past holidays to their future sun-soaked ones in Los Angeles. Lucy came along because they had just moved in together and he was planning to propose. They’d long ago talked to Grey, HR and IA about their relationship and he had transferred into Special Operations with a promotion, but the bulk of the precinct still had no idea they were together romantically. Their closest friends knew - and Genny of course. However, this was the first “family” vacation she will have been on without their friends around as buffers. Surrounded by Bradfords. He loved her so much and he loved Genny and her boys so much he had been so excited to be in the middle of so much love.
However, as he sits at the dining room table, reviewing the events of the day, he realizes that’s not what happened.
He got up early to shovel the driveway and sidewalks as it had snowed several inches overnight and he came in expecting to be handed cocoa by Genny, receive kisses from Lucy and be bum-rushed by the boys as they dragged him into the house for some great adventure. Instead, when he entered the cabin all was quiet. He could hear laughter coming from deep inside the building as he knocked the snow off himself, hung up his jacket, and kicked off his boots.
Walking into the open kitchen/living room he had seen Genny in the kitchen making breakfast - and she did hand him coffee when he got there - but on the floor, he saw the boys playing “hulk” with Lucy. (“Hulk” being the game he made up when they were small, where they’d climb on him and he’d stand up with them dangling off of him because he was strong like the Hulk). Lucy doesn’t have his height or strength, but she’s creative and full of laughter. So she rolls to one side and then the other from the floor and once they are in her grip, she rolls on top of them, trapping them as she kisses and tickles them - because “she-hulk” is a lover not a fighter. And the boys LOVE it, because they love her.
Then later after lunch, Tim and Lucy were napping, but the boys came in and wake up Lucy to build a snow fort with them outside, leaving Tim conked out and snoring in bed alone. He wakes up with a start when he hears Lucy shout, “I’m going to shoot you!” Tim comes running into the living room only to be pummeled from all sides by Nerf bullets, becoming the first casualty of the Great Holiday War, sitting with Kojo in the medic bay for the rest of the game.
Lastly, after building a fire, and eating dinner, he had gone to shower and came back to everyone in matching footie pajamas covered in Kojo photos. Each boy in a woman’s lap as they tag team read stories to the boys. He was not part of any of the day’s bonding moments, and while he was so grateful that his nephews love Lucy, he felt a weird pang in his chest from being left out.
Tim feels a small hand tapping on his shoulder, pulling him out of his wistful reverie and sees Lucy asking him to shift so she can crawl into his lap. Tim holds her close and kisses her neck while quietly whispering to her, “ I missed the boys today, but I am so glad they are loving on you.” Lucy turns to Tim with a twinkle in her eye and asks, “ahhh, are you jealous? That I’m getting all the attention instead of you?”
Tim sighed and said, “a little.” Lucy discreetly unzips her pjs and grabs his hand and places it inside her jammies, so he feels lots of her warm, soft skin. “I’m tired, but I’d love for you to explore my undiscovered country tonight.” She laughs as he blushes and they say their good nights before heading to bed.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
What's your favorite chenford moment and why?
1x06 -The Hawke. When Lucy steals Tim’s money clip and tells him about it at the end of the episode.
“NEVER tell a criminal where you hide your money. 💰💲💰💲💰”
That’s when for me anyway, i saw the massive chemistry between Tim & Lucy. I love the sass.
She was playful with this guy who was dealing with massive heartbreak. I just thought that was hilarious, and sweet, and we see Tim genuinely smile because of her. The hard shell around his heart starts cracking and we get a glimpse at the candy-coated marshmallow inside.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
when do you think well get the first ilys??? cause methinks their first really emotional conversation as a couple is gonna happen tuesday
I hope it happens before they talk to Grey. I want their relationship to be rock solid when that conversation (plus the one with IA/HR) happens.
I do think Tim will say it first - probably by accident either in a lively conversation or during an argument- he’ll be caught up in the moment and without really thinking about it he will say it. Lovely parallel back to him blurting out “naked time.”
Lucy won’t say it until she hears and believes Tim when he says it.
Maybe it’ll be this week, maybe not. I hope it’ll be before Chris circles back around.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Now that Tim is single do you think we might see jealous or pining Tim?
We are already seeing pining Tim - do you not remember this look?
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford predictions for tonight's ep? (5.13)
I think this episode will start to turn from Tim & Lucy back onto other couples
Lucy will conspire with everyone else (including Smitty) to get Tim a new job - likely in Metro.
Smitty is gonna hold onto that favor from Chen and spring it on us at some later date - something funny and uncomfortable
We might get a morning after moment, or not
Tim finds out about open position in Metro by the end of the episode - and maybe figures out this was Lucy’s doing (duh). Proving to Tim that Lucy believes HE IS worth the effort.
Someone new will find out about T+L’s relationship- likely Nyla - if not everyone .
I’m excited for the “gang’s all here” murder boarding to find Tim a new job. We don’t get many episodes with everybody involved in a single effort very often .
I also hope we get some Angela teasing of Tim because he cannot stop smiling and/or she sees them holding hands in the parking lot.
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