primaveravenous · 2 years
Do you think you can do a nip slip in your next post so I can stroke and cum
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this new set is practically tearing at the seams 😳💕
(the uncensored set is free on my Fansly <3)
tip here if you’d like thx ily <3
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lhazaar · 2 years
I LOVE HER SHE'S MY EVERYTHING ;; centaurworld is so good is the thing
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askdark · 3 years
I for got what to say 😅😅😅😅
Do worry
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90jeduardo-blog · 4 years
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https://thebark.com/content/muzzle-grabbing-proper-canine-greeting Is “Muzzle Grabbing” a Proper Canine Greeting? 83 The Bark / by Karen B. London / 11 hours ago The Bark’s advice columnist answers readers’ questions about canine behavior. Got a question? Email [email protected] Dear Bark: I saw a video online recently that showed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg greeting a dog by grabbing and "shaking" the dog's open mouth. I found it completely bizarre! But some people are saying greeting a dog by shaking the muzzle is a good, natural thing, while others are responding that shaking a dog's snout is awkward and very bad practice. Those in favor refer to “muzzle-grabbing” between dogs and mouthing as examples of how this interaction between a human and a dog is normal. What do you think of the way that Michael Bloomberg greeted a dog in Vermont by shaking its muzzle? —Confused . . . . #adoptnobuy #refugioanimal #adoptar #adopta #dog #thebark #animalsanctuary #animalshelter #donate #adoption #adoptions #puppies #askbark #adoptme #animallivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MuZ6knvUM/?igshid=1ozb6aj9waf4
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leanderclifton · 4 years
Why Do Dog Whine and Cry in the Car?
Help! How to do I train my dog to not whine in the car?
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The Bark’s advice columnist Karen B. London answers readers’ questions about canine behavior. Got a question? Email [email protected]
Dear Bark: The local dog park is a short drive from my house, and I usually take my dog there before doing other errands. She sits right behind me in the the back seat, and within a few minutes of leaving the house, she starts whining and pacing in anticipation, which is not only distracting, it’s also irksome. Can a dog be trained out of these behaviors? What’s the best way to deal with back-seat dog whining on the way to the dog park?
It’s wonderful that you’re taking your dog somewhere that makes her so happy! Of course, her excitement about going has its downside, which is her behavior in the car on the drive there. But there are ways to help make the ride better.
from The Bark https://thebark.com/content/why-do-dog-whine-and-cry-car via IFTTT
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wedy · 9 years
are you a goat.
no, i am human i love credit card
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lhazaar · 3 years
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember you having a disability that required mobility aids? If so, any tips for new users of aids, specifically a cane?
i don't regularly use a cane anymore—going on hrt affected the structure of my collagen, so i can get away without it more often—but did fulltime for several years, so your memory's right! i have hypermobile-type ehlers-danlos syndrome, and i sublux or fully dislocate a lot of joints very frequently (especially knees, elbows, wrists, ankles, hips, shoulders, and the costovertebral connections between my ribs and my spine).
assuming you're using it for general stability and easing weight on sore/injured joints, like i was, a lot of getting comfortable with a cane is figuring out what physical alignment is most comfortable for you to use. cane sizing guides usually say that the handle should be about as tall as the crook of your wrist, if your arm is hanging straight down at your side. i found it helpful to go for a taller one (2-3 inches) than that, because it let my elbow stay bent when the cane hit the ground. that way the impact got absorbed by my muscles, not the joints—i have put my shoulder out with a cane before and it sucks; this makes that happen less. the adjustable/folding canes are a huge help for this. generally, i found lower handle heights to be easier to walk with, and higher ones to be more stable when i had iffy footing.
also, i've heard some people claim that you should use a cane on the same side as your "bad leg", and like... i know that works for some people, but if you're walking it's a lot more natural for your body movement to keep it in the opposite hand and let it swing forwards/hit the ground at the same time as the bad leg. it's faster and easier on your balance because you're not fighting your torso's instinct to twist side to side
it kind of hurts to use a cane over time, and there's no real way around that. you can ease it up by switching which arm you walk with the cane, assuming your circumstances allow for it. i think the height trick helps personally but ymmv. you can also try different grips—for some reason, the squishy comfy foam/gel ones make my hand super sore but hard wood is fine.
everybody asks how you ~got hurt~ also. usually it's a What Happened??? and for some reason i tend to get it the most from seniors. it's a rude question and you can be rude back, or just lie, but that's tiring, and sometimes you don't want to or can't. it helped me a lot to just have a reply rehearsed. like, one-sentence, "i have a joint disorder and my knees are super unstable, so this helps me walk longer without getting hurt". if you phrase the cause vaguely, pick a symptom, and connect it to Why you're using the cane, generally people are satisfied with that. you don't have to tell them shit. but there are a lot of battles to pick, yknow
finally: if you get the kind with a little crook near the handle you can hang it off the edges of counters way easier. and if you live somewhere where the walkways ice over, this thing saves my life every winter lmao
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lhazaar · 2 years
i GOTTA BE!!! they’ve already broken one string on that violin there’s only three left before they have to start repairing it with pieces of themself instead 💖
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lhazaar · 3 years
😊 and. fuck. I think it was 🌠 for ripley, agnes, and oli or kith!
cw: parent death, implied mass death
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
ripley: assigned theatre kid. ripley is incapable of not yes-anding people and gets drawn into Bits with their friends; usually they're laughing along by the end and are, if not necessarily cheered up, at least distracted. they would also say that's their goal in their performances. they may not be able to fix things for people, but they can take their minds off their burdens for a while
agnes: she would tell you it's her dad, or manté, usually :) but the truth is that there hasn't been a lot in her life in the last few years that's felt cheerful. since her mom died it's harder for her to keep up her natural optimism but god she's trying. she feels like it's how she can carry mayu with her
oli: the temptation to just go being right here lmao. oli's emotional experience is very blunted in a lot of ways and repressed in others, and he wouldn't admit to feeling anything more than a general sense of resentful dread at the state of the world
kith: her wife keeps joking that she needs to wear a bell. kith comes up behind you silently and presses her forehead between your shoulders and makes just the saddest little yowl like a cat. she's very touchy and wants to be On people when she feels bad. usually the problem is that she's sleep-deprived and she passes out on you.
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
ripley: they were friends with their cousins and other phiarlans first! the house is not necessarily insular but ripley's part of a massive extended family and was raised with a higher level of scrutiny due to ~plot reasons i can't talk about~. they wonder sometimes what happened to the people they lost contact with in the shadow schism, particularly elissar and ilixidor, but they have no real way of reaching across the gap
agnes: scott this is a MEAN question to give to her. agnes has buried every friend she knew as a child; she couldn't forget their faces if she tried. her entire social world shifted when her clan was attacked, and the friends she's made since then she's met through arturi and ryker. she misses the weathermay-foxgroves! they made her feel normal when she was Very unmoored ;-;
oli: his first friend was himself; he is the only person he can trust, and the only one who won't let him down. he's held onto that belief since he was a wyrmling and, until recently, it hasn't failed him!
kith: her first friend was oli! they grew up on opposite sides of a border river between territories and befriended each other in the rare few times kith was allowed to think she was unsupervised.
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lhazaar · 3 years
❌🍏💤🎀 for hedwig and ripley?
some of these are ominous, beloved!!
cw: homophobia, violence, gore mention
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
hedwig voted least likely pc to join a cult. she grew up in a large family with authoritarian parents, and had very rigidly enforced standards of politeness and deference that she was required to follow; anything that so much as reminds her of a demand on her behaviour now makes her disengage immediately. this isn't, like, a good thing, it's a major problem in her personal relationships because "don't ask anything of me i wasn't already willingly giving you" isn't a realistic standard, even if the fear response comes from trauma and all that jazz
ripley hangs on to relationships for a lot longer than they should, even when they're not healthy. i don't think they've ever dumped someone, only been dumped. they commit hard and once they fall for you they're Dedicated—they're willing to contravene the marked houses entirely for aurora and wouldn't consider anything else—and whether or not that's a good thing depends entirely on the person they're with
🍏 Does your OC have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? In what ways does your OC react to being triggered?
hedwig's main response is flight. she's the one sitting with her back to the corner so she can see the entire room and know where the exits are. her anxiety gets worse when she's alone; around the pack, she attaches to ingrid, cunning, or eli because they make her feel safe ;-;
ripley's main responses are freeze and fawn. they would have an incredibly long list of things they want you to tag on their /about and like, i've been there, but hoo buddy. they have some specific nausea and panic reactions to gore, especially internal organs; a lot of their other triggers are hard to pin down because they're all subtle little tics of body language or speech that tip them off to the allegiance of whoever they're talking to. ripley is very aware that a lot of people want them dead, and they figure that their best chance of survival is to hold still and not make problems for anyone :)
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
hedwig was a middle child of, like, eight or nine—skinny, wild-haired, usually in hand-me-downs. she was one of those kids who Stares At You, but she was usually spacing out or running compulsions in her head to suppress unwanted thoughts. she grew into an anxious and fairly subdued teenager. there was a lot of responsibility placed on her as her older sisters grew up and married out of the family—she got saddled with childcare and household management, and her younger siblings went to her for comfort instead of their mother. the werewolf bit her at sixteen, and it ruined her family's image of her. she went from model obedient daughter to something angry and slavering and full of teeth, and this coincided with them finding out she was into women and kicking her out. by the time she hit adulthood she had undomesticated herself hunting the wolf who bit her <3
ripley was also anxious but for different reasons. they were a prodigy and started their bard training very young; they were composing on their own long before any formal training, and it made them both incredibly self-absorbed and incredibly anxious about it. ripley knows that they're good at what they do. everyone's always told them that. they had natural, inborn ability—and they manifested their mark VERY young! so that was even more evidence that they would be great :) but then nobody gives them actual feedback they can use :) so they're flying blind :) what if they fail :))
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
hedwig wears the pelt of the werewolf who bit and cursed her c: it's usually on her back or around her shoulders like a cloak and is a bitch to keep clean. the rest of her fashion sense is very practical; she wears neutrals and dark-but-not-black to help her fade into the background. most of what she came into barovia with she stole along the way, since she was kicked out with essentially nothing
ripley has MASKS. they don't feel like they have a real face of their own and their face is covered At All Times around other people, except for aurora. they work these into their stage personas—lots of insect, bird, plant motifs, lots of glitter and shine and shiftweave. they probably have a plague doctor mask somewhere but it's fully bedazzled and covered in feathers. their makeup compliments their masks—it doesn't have to be a full-face mask, but at minimum it has to go around both eyes and cover their mark
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lhazaar · 3 years
society may be the test chamber but..... no juice reward 😔
juice can be found in many places in society! crack open your local sewer grate, compost bin, or traffic cop; you may be rewarded with a juicebox and a power-up
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lhazaar · 3 years
hewwo just liked your content free reblog like 5 times. Did checking it crash your tumblr?? Research purposes :)
it did not! o: i don’t think i’ve ever had something crash tumblr for me tbh but i also only really view my activity from desktop with a shitton of xkit extensions haha
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lhazaar · 4 years
Pls expand on the inconvenience store
i used to live close to a convenience store that was just kinda. never open? like i know it was real and PROBABLY not a front because i would buy pop from there sometimes, and the owners were this super nice older couple who would for some reason never charge me sales tax, but it was only open for like three hours in the middle of the day and sometimes would just randomly close for no apparent reason. and it ALWAYS seemed to be closed whenever i was craving an oh henry so bad i could have killed god. so my brother and i started calling it the inconvenience store, since it had CONVENIENCE written on the front glass
then it went on sale, stood empty for several months, and was taken over by the anarchist bookstore, which then added IN before the aforementioned glass writing. and the prophecy was fulfilled
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lhazaar · 4 years
That research project sounds interesting,,
it was! it’s since been put on hold since the author took a leave of absence and i’m a bit jumpy about sharing the details out of respect for his work but: it was essentially looking at feature film depictions of artificial intelligences and how they’re portrayed when they narratively exist to be in relationships with humans, versus when they’re created to destroy shit or take over the world. think her versus age of ultron, for example. i can’t say anything conclusive because the author was midway through data analysis when he went on leave, but every single AI that i personally saw created to be a love interest was heavily feminized in terms of body shape/voice patterns and paired with a male protagonist, often with an accompanying age or power gap
on the bright side: i saw a lot more non-romantic relationships between AI and humans in the movies i coded than i did romantic ones. unfortunately, those AI tended to be either masculine or degendered (it/its pronouns, outright dehumanized, shaped like non-humanoids, one was just a robot dog). the only movie i remember off the top of my head where there was a male protagonist and a feminized AI that wasn’t a love interest instead had a father-daughter relationship going on (also it was really cute)
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lhazaar · 5 years
some words for you!!! lost, before, move
A man selling hand-carved wood signs butts up against a stall of bootleg phone cases, vacuum-packed in crinkling plastic; across the aisle, someone with a half-shaved head and a scalp tattoo hawks artisanal salsa. Music pipes over the crowd, but the lyrics, tune, even genre are lost in the multi-tonal roar of conversation. It might be Christmas music. God only fucking knows.
“But you threw it away.”“No I didn’t—”“Yes, you did,” the sphinx growls. "You saw everything in front of you and you went, not for me, thanks, just going to waste all the money and time that my family put into me even going to school, just going to scupper myself before I ever set sail. I’m not going to go around in circles with you over whether or not you did it, I want to know the why.”“I don’t fucking know!” Lucy hates how she sounds when she yells.
Everything in Lucy’s blood screams at her to run, and she tries to take a step back, but the order dies between her brain and her feet. Each heartbeat stretches out the silence between its successor, slow-motion, footage of a rubber band about to snap around a watermelon. The thing in the pond does not move, does not make any aggressive overtures at all, but Lucy wants to thrash and scream and swear and leap for its eyes. She shakes with the want of it. There is no sound; her brain fills the silence with a high, lonely whine, like tinnitus in reverse.
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lhazaar · 5 years
she finds out that a celebrity she likes is problematic and it destroys her life
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