lodichi · 4 months
Cinders: An Eberron Adventure - A Primer
It is the year 1024 in the world of Eberron, 20 years after the Lord of Blades was defeated by a group of adventurers called The Wayfarers. One scholar who had been traveling with the Wayfarers, a half-dragon named Xarrash, left the continent of Khorvaire to explore the continent of Xen’drik in search of information about their draconic heritage. After discovering a large, crimson arch buried in Xen'drik, Xarrash launched an expedition to discover more about this mysterious "dragon gate" in hopes of finding Argonnessen, the ancient home of the dragons, who have all but disappeared from the land. The Xen'drik expedition is well established by now, and the third wave of airships are leaving from Sharn to arrive in the Xen'drik port of Stormreach. Unfortunately, before they can arrive, the airship the Owlbear is attacked by a group of Sahuagin, as well as a massive tentacled monster, which tore the ship asunder. After frantically scrambling to the lifeboats, six adventurers were swept away by the waves, only to be thrown into the midst of an ancient Draconic Prophecy...
Party below the cut! Character art will be credited as it appears.
The Party
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art by PlagueCleric/RollforAlis
Aysel: a human storm Cleric who was, apparently, a pirate before joining the Xen'drik expedition. Upbeat and cocky on the outside, she is also a deeply spiritual person who believe her god, the Storm Lord, sent her to Xen'drik. She also has some hidden anxieties about being trapped or held back. Her Draconic Relic is a blue quarterstaff that crackles with lightning.
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Art by puggaccino on discord, with colors by Changeling-Kisser/Al
Brân: a changeling (race currently not known by the party) barblock who wears a massive cloak and large hat over a sparkly bodysuit. They always keep one eye closed, hiding a false eye. They are outwardly stoic with a quiet intensity that shines through in certain moments. Since washing up in Xen'drik, they have been followed by a strange creature in their shadow, who called itself Ffrindllen. Their Draconic Relic is a bronze, double-bladed axe.
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art by puggaccino on Discord (sorry Osc do you have more socmed)
Gawain: a goblin Artificer with a number of prosthetic limbs, which are intricately carved to resemble tattoos. She is very cryptic and hard to read, but she has a deep love of tinkering, and will express great (unexpected) enthusiasm when watching people smith or craft. Probably bit all of the party members while on the Owlbear. Her Draconic Relic is a set of solid gold earrings.
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art by PlagueCleric/RollforAlis
Haze: a Kalashtar monk from Aundair. He was part of a Kalashtar monastery that followed the Path of Light, a spiritual philosophy of the Kalashtar that promotes the destruction of il-Lashtavar, the Dreaming Dark. He also worked closely with House Jorasco, the halfling dragonmarked house of healing. He is responsible and level-headed, but easily flustered by his party's teasing. His Draconic Relic is a set of ice-laced gauntlets.
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art by PlagueCleric/RollforAlis
Harth: a half-elf forge Cleric who used to be a house agent for House Lyrandar, the dragonmarked house of shipping and transportation. She apparently suffered some kind of injury to her eye recently, which has rattled her significantly. She is somewhat shy and meek, but she can be quite forceful when backed into a corner. Her Draconic Relic is an imposing black Quarterstaff with a large red fang on it.
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art by Changeling-Kisser/Al
Ishtar: a Minotaur rogue, the daughter of two enemy warlords who fell in love. She is very well-educated and polite, with a love of strategy games like Conqueror. She joined the Xen'drik expedition because she wanted to experience the kind of adventures she read about in her favorite books, a series written by the author Django d’Tharashk, who uh. Never exaggerated anything in his entire life. Her Draconic Relic is a green-scaled lantern.
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jaesmart · 1 year
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My new D&D character now that my kalashtar wizard Lavinia has (maybe??) ascended into Dal Quor as a dream dragon! His name is Bison Wardrider, he’s a Shifter drakewarden, and he can tell this adventuring party ain’t from round these parts. He and his ornery drake companion Cowbird are local guides in Argonnessen, and they’ll gladly point the way to the nearest rogue dragon…
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reddragoncrush · 1 year
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in my heart this is how the first diplomatic relations between aerenal and argonnessen in hundreds of years went
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thuranni · 1 year
latest oc thoughts: sapphire dragon in riedra who has never been to argonnessen, member of the storm guardians who believes they’re the last True children of siberys and that argonnessen has fallen morally. obsessive compulsive disordered. truly fucking bizarre individual with offputting tastes and mannerisms. eddie burback ‘stache and a manbun. his name is merry short for miirmaugh and i love him
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shardain · 1 year
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oh shit its a drawing!!
anyways here's my forge cleric Erezin!! he is 8ft tall and has spent his whole life in Argonnessen. when the campaign starts, he's gonna be unleashed on Khorvaire!
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444namesplus · 9 months
a adar adderport aelyndar aerenal ahdryatmin ak an and aqat arcanix ardev ardhmen areksul argarak argonnessen argonth arolangard aruldusk arythawn ash ashtakala askelios athandra atoll atur aundair avaroth aventus b baran barra barrel barren bastion bay below bitter black blackbriar blackcaps blackwood blade blades blood bluespine bluevine boneyard borunan brek breland brey bright broken brom bull by byeshk c cairdal castle category cauldrons caves cazhaak cerulean chance chasm citadel city clanhold corvagura cove crag cragwar crescent crimson crossing crown crying cyre d dagger dannel danthaven dar darguun dark daskaran dawn dead deathsgate deep deepdark delethorn demesne demon desert desolate desolation deth dhak dhakaani dhavin dol dollen dolurrh dor dowron draaka draal dragon dragonreach dragonroost dragonwood dread dreadhold drik droaam drum durat duskwing duskwood dvaarnava e eastwood eberron eldeen empire endworld erlaskar esk eston everice eyes eyrie f face faded fairhaven fairhold fangs farlnen festering field fields fire first fist five flamekeep flint forest fort frostfell g galethspyre galifar games ganitari gap garay gate gatherhold gathering ghalt ghoza glass gloaming glowing glyphstone goradra gorge gorgonhorn gray graywall great greenheart greenland greentarn grimwall gulch gundrak h haka halkhad hall harbor harrowcrowns harrowgard harvest hatheril havrakhad haztaratain highwater hills hilt hoarfrost holds hollow holt howling hydra i ice icehorn icemaw inner ironroot irontown island isle j jarp jern jhegesh jin jungle k ka kalazart kanatash karnel karrlakton karrnath karrnwood karthoon kasshta keep keeper kenn kennrun ker kerkulin keth khashana khorvaire khyber king kingdom knowledge korranberg korrandar korth korthos korunda krag kraken krona l lair lakashtari lake lakeside lanamelk lanharath larunor last lathleer lessyk lhaz lhazaar lidless light liugwen location locations loom loran lorn lost lyrenton m making maleer malharath malshashar mar maradal marches marguul marketplace marquan marsh mel menechtarun merylsward metrol mevakri minharath mirrors mist mistmarsh monastery moonshadow moonwatch mordai morningcrest mountains mournland mror mun n nail narath natek nathyrr nations nevitash new newthrone nightbit nightwood norinath novakri nowhere o obsidian of olath on onatar orcbone orgalos orioth orthoss oskilor otharaunt overlord p pain panitari parmelk pass passage paw peak peaks peninsula pillars pit plains plateau port post pra pride principalities pylas q qalatesh qat quesk questor r rage rath ravar reaches realm red regalport region rekkenmark rellekor rest reven rhashan rhenshia rhonewatch rhukaan riedra ring ringbriar river rock rotting ruins ruukosi s sarlona saval scions sea seaside seawall senne sentinel seren seven shadow shadukar shae shalquar sharavacion shargon sharn shavalant shield shining siber siberys sigilstar silver sinara siyar skyfall smuggler sorashana sorrowdusk sorrows sound springs starilaskur starpeak sterngate stone stonespur stormhome stormhorn stormreach storms straits sun sunscale sword swoz sylbaran syrkarn t taer tal talaear talenta tamor tanar tangleroot tansend tantamar tapestry tarandro tariston tarn tashalatora tashana teeth tellyn tempest teryk thakakhad thakashtai thaliost tharkgun thatari the thinharath thousand thrane three threnal thronehold thunder thunderwall thurimbar til titan tol tooth tor torch torvhak totens tower traelyn trag traglorn trebaz trolanport tronish tundra turakbar twilight type tzanthus ul underdark v valaestas vale valenar valiant valiron valley valshar varna vast vathirond vedykar venomous verge vigilant vom vralkek vulyar vurgenslye w ward warden wastes water whisper white windshire wolf woodhelm wroat wrogar wyr wyrmwatch wyvernskull x xandrar xen xephanan xirek y yrlag z zantashk zarash zi zilargo zilspar znir zolanberg zombie
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eldritch-baby · 10 months
History of Eberron
Every child knows the story of the Progenitor Dragons: Siberys, Khyber and Eberron. In the dawn of time, these three cosmic beings created 13 planes of existence, each embodying a concept. Their final work was the Material Plane, we're all their ideas would become manifest. A realm that would know war and peace, life and death, order and chaos. But cruel Khyber sought ultimate dominion over this new reality. She struck Siberys without warning and tore him apart. Eberron wrestled with Khyber and bound the traitor in her coils but could not defeat her. So Eberron became a living prison, a world that would forever contain Khyber's evil.
Almost every culture in the world shares this story as a myth that explains the world. Shattered Siberys became the ing of golden dragonshards wrapped around the planet, said to be the source of magic. Eberron is the world, the source of all natural life. And Khyber is the Underdark and the source of aberrations and fiends, forever struggling against her bonds and yearning to destroy the world above.
Another tale shared across cultures describes one more conflict that occurred in the first age of the world. Long ago, powerful archfiends known as the Overlords and their armies of rakshasa and lesser fiends dominated Eberron. Forces of light--some versions of the story say the nine gods of the Sovereign Host, others say an alliance of dragons and celestials--eventually defeated the Overlords. But these fiends couldn't be destroyed; instead their immortal essences were bound to Khyber. Should they ever break free of their bonds, the results would be catastrophic.
Over the course of the millennia, numerous civilizations rose only to fall. Giants built mighty kingdoms on the continent Xen'drik that were devastated by a war with the dragons of Argonnessen. The goblin empire of Dhakaan ruled Khorvaire until its reign was shattered by an invading army of mind flayers, beholders, and the foul creatures that crated them. Today these civilizations are known only through the remnants left behind.
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havingfurrythots · 1 year
Playing Dungeons and Dragons Online and recruiting to Argonnessens premier queer guild, Live @
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lhazaar · 3 years
❌🍏💤🎀 for hedwig and ripley?
some of these are ominous, beloved!!
cw: homophobia, violence, gore mention
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
hedwig voted least likely pc to join a cult. she grew up in a large family with authoritarian parents, and had very rigidly enforced standards of politeness and deference that she was required to follow; anything that so much as reminds her of a demand on her behaviour now makes her disengage immediately. this isn't, like, a good thing, it's a major problem in her personal relationships because "don't ask anything of me i wasn't already willingly giving you" isn't a realistic standard, even if the fear response comes from trauma and all that jazz
ripley hangs on to relationships for a lot longer than they should, even when they're not healthy. i don't think they've ever dumped someone, only been dumped. they commit hard and once they fall for you they're Dedicated—they're willing to contravene the marked houses entirely for aurora and wouldn't consider anything else—and whether or not that's a good thing depends entirely on the person they're with
🍏 Does your OC have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? In what ways does your OC react to being triggered?
hedwig's main response is flight. she's the one sitting with her back to the corner so she can see the entire room and know where the exits are. her anxiety gets worse when she's alone; around the pack, she attaches to ingrid, cunning, or eli because they make her feel safe ;-;
ripley's main responses are freeze and fawn. they would have an incredibly long list of things they want you to tag on their /about and like, i've been there, but hoo buddy. they have some specific nausea and panic reactions to gore, especially internal organs; a lot of their other triggers are hard to pin down because they're all subtle little tics of body language or speech that tip them off to the allegiance of whoever they're talking to. ripley is very aware that a lot of people want them dead, and they figure that their best chance of survival is to hold still and not make problems for anyone :)
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
hedwig was a middle child of, like, eight or nine—skinny, wild-haired, usually in hand-me-downs. she was one of those kids who Stares At You, but she was usually spacing out or running compulsions in her head to suppress unwanted thoughts. she grew into an anxious and fairly subdued teenager. there was a lot of responsibility placed on her as her older sisters grew up and married out of the family—she got saddled with childcare and household management, and her younger siblings went to her for comfort instead of their mother. the werewolf bit her at sixteen, and it ruined her family's image of her. she went from model obedient daughter to something angry and slavering and full of teeth, and this coincided with them finding out she was into women and kicking her out. by the time she hit adulthood she had undomesticated herself hunting the wolf who bit her <3
ripley was also anxious but for different reasons. they were a prodigy and started their bard training very young; they were composing on their own long before any formal training, and it made them both incredibly self-absorbed and incredibly anxious about it. ripley knows that they're good at what they do. everyone's always told them that. they had natural, inborn ability—and they manifested their mark VERY young! so that was even more evidence that they would be great :) but then nobody gives them actual feedback they can use :) so they're flying blind :) what if they fail :))
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
hedwig wears the pelt of the werewolf who bit and cursed her c: it's usually on her back or around her shoulders like a cloak and is a bitch to keep clean. the rest of her fashion sense is very practical; she wears neutrals and dark-but-not-black to help her fade into the background. most of what she came into barovia with she stole along the way, since she was kicked out with essentially nothing
ripley has MASKS. they don't feel like they have a real face of their own and their face is covered At All Times around other people, except for aurora. they work these into their stage personas—lots of insect, bird, plant motifs, lots of glitter and shine and shiftweave. they probably have a plague doctor mask somewhere but it's fully bedazzled and covered in feathers. their makeup compliments their masks—it doesn't have to be a full-face mask, but at minimum it has to go around both eyes and cover their mark
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cepheidelta · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #10 - Seren, Argonnessen
Argonnessen is that big part of Eberron’s world map that just says “here be dragons”. On the northwest coast is an island chain called Seren, home to humanoids who are tasked with protecting the mainline from intruders. One of their holiest sites is Totem Beach, on Argonnessen proper. There, giant stone dragon heads serve as a warning to anyone that would try and go deeper into the continent. 
So….rock/dragon statue head, and diglett’s older, scarier cousin. Imagine 10 different colour variations to represent each of the major chromatic and metallic dragon kinds!
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oh-atlas · 3 years
@argonnessen its uno reverse time </3 road trip through the dread domains DOES kill me and they are very good and i hope i captured aurora's voice well enough. enjoy, they make me crazy
Entry I.
I met someone else in the mists today. She told me her name was Ophelia Tenebrae and it seems like we have a common goal. She's lost someone too. I don't know much about her yet; I'd like to, but nonetheless, this is what I've observed:
She has light grey hair, brown (almost red) eyes, and wears a white mask covering the lower half of her face. She's taller than me and has a strong physique.
Apparently, she was a woodcutter.
She's quiet. I'm not sure if she likes jokes. Or me for that matter, but she agreed to come with me. She seems more familiar with the mists or at least the outdoors than I am.
She called me Luce (?) when she saw me from behind. I think she was troubled that I was not who she was looking for. She looked sad, there might have been tears in her eyes.
Entry II.
Ophelia does not like to talk about herself. She dodges most questions and manages to redirect the conversation back to me until I'm at least fifteen minutes into an explanation about how wheel chains connect and intersect before I realize what she's done. She claims she doesn't have a sense of humor but I am certain she feels at least slightly smug when she knows she's tricked me.
She takes off her mask to sleep and when she drinks from her flask. (On that note; I don't think I've seen her eat.) Her face is softer than I expected. I don't know why she wears the mask. She's striking without it.
Entry III.
She saved my life today. We were walking along the edge of a steep ravine. The path was narrow and broke under my foot. I was going to fall, and if that didn't kill me, I certainly would've been picked off by something in the woods.
Ophelia grabbed my arm, laid hers across it, and pulled me back into her. She's strong, I mean, I knew that already, but I could feel her hand and chest shaking.
I'm not sure that touch is something she's accustomed to.
Entry IV.
It's been two and a half weeks and I am now wholly convinced that Ophelia does not eat. Or if she does, I don't know what and when. I asked her what was in her flasks and she told me "Bug Juice". I am 34% sure she's lying, 33% sure it might be a protein shake, and 33% sure she could be an alcoholic.
Entry V.
A Study of Ophelia's Eyebrows. Since she wears that mask (I still don't get it, she's very pretty, she does not need to hide her face underneath a mask but I digress), the way I have come to understand her moods is by looking at her eyebrows.
I've discovered 5 (?) moods.
Annoyed - Slight Furrow
Angry - Major Furrow
Confused - Quirked
Sad - Upturned and/or Furrowed
Pleasant (?) - could be anything, or maybe this is just neutral.
In any case, anything and everything will cross over. If I've made her happy or amused, she reacts with confusion first because she has problems.
Entry VI.
I've known for a couple of weeks now that Ophelia sometimes leaves camp at night. She's usually quiet, but I've noticed. She does come back. I was worried the first time she was leaving for good. I know better than to ask her about it. I think she would tell me if she thought it was important to our travels. I don't want to scare her off, not when it feels like we've made progress in understanding and trusting each other. I don't want to travel alo
She's not as closed off as she was. She does have a sense of humor, it's dry, but it's there. I think she's growing to like my company. I like hers.
Entry VII.
She plays the cello.
I told her about Ripley.
Entry VIII.
It's been a long day. I don't know how to explain it but I feel like I need to write something just so I'm not up all night. We were ambushed by some sort of undead, a vampire spawn (? is there a difference?) and it seemed fixated on attacking Ophelia. I couldn't line up a clean shot without hitting her until it was on top of her and she was bleeding out. I hate how it felt, I hate how scared I was.
I killed it, but there was so much blood. Ophelia's glowing white blood. I don't know why it's like that. I thought it was some sort of magic but she wasn't holding her weapon. She wasn't fighting. She was barely conscious bleeding out, bleeding light.
I healed her, somewhat; I used my magic to stabilize her. She flinched and I heard her say, pained, the name Luce again. I don't think she was fully herself.
I don't know why I said it or did it, I am finding that I care a lot for her. I told her that I wasn't Luce, but that I was here. She let me hug her for a moment. She was trembling again.
She's resting now. We haven't really spoken since.
Entry IX.
It's been a day since my last entry. I didn't have a chance to write last night or during the day, we've been talking about what happened. It- A lot more about Ophelia Tenebrae makes sense to me now. I don't know why I didn't put the pieces together sooner.
She tried to sneak away last night. But she was so wounded and I didn't want her to go out and hurt herself so I got up and asked her to stay. If I could help.
Her head snapped to look at me. She didn't have her mask, there was something different about her eyes. They were brighter, redder, hungrier. When she opened her mouth to speak, it was half a snarl, I could see her fangs. She sounded terrified and begged me to stay back, stay where I was, and just let her go.
I did. But I wanted to help. I don't know how to help. She's obviously suffering. It's now easy for me to see how difficult it is for her, why she feels so closed off, why she's scared. I don't know if I can imagine what it would feel like.
I want to tell her that it doesn't matter to me. That she is wonderful regardless. I don't know if she would believe me.
Entry X.
Ophelia told me about Luce.
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quaxorascal · 3 years
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with
got tagged for this by @grapecaseschoices @wywrds and @narrativefoiltrope !! thanks y’all u3u
favorite color: green! i am slowly turning my whole wardrobe green lmao
last song: all this and heaven too by florence + the machine
currently reading: stormsong by cl polk! i have said this before on this blog but i cannot recommend this novel enough, the political intrigue and attention to detail in this particular novel is fantastic and i really adore how polk writes the characters in this world. grace is a joy to read, both when she is in her element and when she is fumbling
last movie: i love you phillip morris (2009), thank you to my beloved friend alice for finding movies like this for us to watch together
savory, sweet, or spicy: i’m always up for sweet as a general rule! savoury is also nice sometimes, but between the three, def sweet
currently working on: an oc playlist (hence the aforementioned song), a batch of split pea soup, and my geography homework lmao
tagging: @samusthedude @sic-semper-hominibus @actionsurges @aliensmoocher @merry-harlowe @patchodraws @argonnessen @alounuitte ​@sleepysak (no pressure for any of you though!)
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childofeberron · 2 years
1, 19, 25 for ario and morgane!
1. Who are they closest to? How did they meet and what do they like to do together?
morgane is closest to one of her adoptive fathers, eirvalos (@argonnessen 's red dragon!). while morgane loves her other 2 parents to death eirvalos is the one she bonded to the most. their favourite things to do with him are talking at him in their workshop and going sailing together.
close second to eirvalos is morgane's wife, imolen, who he met at an apprenticeship, brought her back to mintarn, and now he spends 75% of his day acting as imolen's code rubber duck, lounging in her workshop with hearts in his eyes
ario before metrol was closest to their 2 childhood friends, wonder and annaliese. they met wonder in the woods as a kid, and they annaliese when she started working at their parents' farm estate. wonder and ario would wander around the woods or mossmantle and talk a lot. ario and annaliese liked to hide out in the barn and vibe until they got caught.
now, in metrol, they're closest to aurora d'cannith who they met when she came through a WALL. so far they've bonded over having shitty older brothers and doing really cool murder
19. What do they wish they knew more about?
morgane wishes he knew more his family history- both adoptive and bio. he also wishes he knew more about permanent polymorphing bc he wants to conduct experiments on himself
ario wishes they knew more about the blood of vol considering their moms have been doing RITUALS on them since CHILDHOOD and they didnt KNOW
25. What events changed them as a child?
well morgane was chucked into the ocean as a baby as a sacrifice and rescued & raised by a pirate king and two dragons so i feel like that blows all of the other events out of the water
ario was bullied a lot by their older brothers and that gave them issues; the biggest things that changed them from that are when their moms finally kicked the two older boys out, and when they failed their test of siberys. both of these things landed a huge blow on their confidence but also gave them this sense of freedom
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chronalshifts · 2 years
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@windupemet-selch @argonnessen @bulletvibe thank you!! 🥺💕
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thuranni · 2 years
14, 19, and 24 for Connor, and also if she has a favourite number pick that one too! 💕
Choose an AU you think would be interesting for them to be a part of. Who would they be?
i think connor could slot very well into a dragon age au and have the arc cullen's writers Wanted him to have of "the templars are a corrupt order that leashes their charges while also using them to exert power" simply by virtue of not being a huge creep or a homicidal jackass. ex-templar connor assisting the mage rebellion is all.
What do they wish they knew more about?
draconic custom- argonnessen is tied up in it and since her patron is also the chamber's patron, she NEEDS to know the steps and affectations and silverware nonsense to survive. she's picking basics up and just went in a verbal toe to toe with a deity of vengeful justice and WON, so we'll see.
Where did their name come from? Does it have meaning?
funnnnn story: the very first song i ever picked for her was furr by blitzen trapper, and from it extended a metaphor wherein connor feels like a wolf among sheep when among strangers because of her past in assassination. connor means wolf; delacey has MANY meanings but the one that made me pick it was just. her name is a reminder to not forget the mistakes she made but to act in grace and justice regardless of it.
What was their first kiss like?
fucking exhilarating, and breathtaking, and also one of the scariest things she's ever done. sometimes you kiss the man you've been in love with for like 5 years in a dream because you don't know if you're going to live through the night because your body is being held hostage by house thuranni, and to your shock and amazement he kisses you back before you wake up.
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nastypass · 3 years
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with: tagged by @argonnessen! these are always a treat c:
favorite color: give me the porble i need it. also cyans.
last song: Used Cars by Hail Mary Mallon, because a friend of mine tagged a post with some really sick lyrics from it:
Stakes through the heart of the teens and campers/ Who came for the trees and the cheesy banter/ And they pray to the cross in between your antlers
currently reading: I WAS listening to The Haunting of Hill House on audiobook, but I'm putting that on pause because The Thousand Eyes just came out. My orc lesbians have to come first Shirley Jackson, I'm sorry. I'm also in the middle of You Feel It Just Below the Ribs, which I'll probably get back to after I finish Hill House, if another book I have preordered doesn't come out first.
last movie: Girl (2020) - my friend finally discovered this now that their iPhone will let them look at girls again. A pretty good thriller!
savory, sweet, or spicy: yes please
currently working on: adapting a Monster of the Week mystery about a certain phenomenon with the initials M.F.P. and having a great time teasing the group with my co-GM, who knows what that stands for.
gonna tag @duskbluedragons @octartin @spookysunfish @compactdisk @sweetbot and @agentshilonglang if any of yall feel like it, it's been a while! also anyone who sees this and feels the mood strike them!
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