#asking yourself like 'will the fact that I have to take so much benadryl cause me to get early onset alzheimers and rob me of my old age?'
batsinurbelfrey · 6 months
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My Brothers, Corrupted
Chapter Three : Section Three: JJ’s Secret
Chapter One l Chapter Two l Chapter Three
Unmedicated, unwell, and feeling unwanted, Dapper is beginning to lose his grip on his powers a little, lost in old memories and old desires. When Red can’t talk him down from his distress, Dapper ends up using a talent he’s kept secret even from Anti for years, and Red finds himself in a world more wonderful than he ever let himself imagine.
Trigger warnings for psychosis, panic and distress, and vomit.
Section Three of Chapter Three: JJ’s Secret
Anonymous asked: Red, who cares. This is survival, right? You wanna get back to Anti you gotta make some risky moves to keep each other safe. Be your own person, Red. I know you’ve got an identity crisis right now but you’ve got to do what you need to.
“This was about the disguises earlier, I think,” mumbles Red, trying to sort through everything. “I got distracted… you’re right, I just - I just - I feel like if I start changing big things… It’s like admitting we won’t be home soon.”
His face is heavy with the stress of it. “Right? You know? Cause if Anti comes and gets us today, tomorrow, next couple days, well, then there’s no point in me dyeing my hair or anything like that. In fact, it would be better not to, because he might be angry I changed myself and his puppy. It’s just - I’m not - I don’t think I can admit - ”
He runs his hand over his face, shaking, tears welling up once more.
“Fuck,” he says, with vehemence, with grief. “I don’t know what I’m clinging to if Anti’s not coming to get us in the next couple days. I don’t know what to do. I have no fucking idea what I’m going to do. Why won’t he come get us? Is he really… he’s really not coming soon, is he? I’m really alone. Oh, fuck.”
Anonymous asked: You really enjoy being anti's personal baby, don't you Red? Look, I can tell, you've never felt safe with him. Don't you remember what you said on the rich side of the mountain with Blue. No, not blue Marvin. Don't you remember your anger? Your pain? Being chained to the floor, shocked, and cut, and bruised? Do you really, /really/ believe that that's love? Do you believe that being forced to slap and hit your brothers is 'family'? You're deaf to these words. You're deaf to your brothers pain.
“Fuck,” whispers Red, closing his eyes. “Please, please… you think I don’t know that I’m a monster?”
He grits his teeth hard and puts his fists in his hair, trying to breathe.
“I - I - I know Anti hurts me, but it’s because I’m bad - and I know I’ve hurt the others but I have to protect them - and I know that makes me a monster but fuck, fuck! I don’t know how to live without him, just - just leave me alone!”
He’s loud enough to make the figure in the bed beside him flinch and Red whirls, startled.
“Oh, oh, Dap, you’re awake again, thank God…”
spicydanhowell asked: this might seem trivial, but please don't give dap cigarettes. it'll make him feel nice for a few minutes, and he'll probably be relieved, but smoking exacerbates psychotic symptoms. his paranoia could get worse, And people with psychotic disorders usually find smoking more pleasurable and have a lot of trouble quitting. CBD oil would be much more effective, or benadryl if you need to get him calm quickly
“Shit,” curses Red, staring. “I didn’t see this earlier, I - fuck, well… geez, Dap, you feeling okay? What the hell, man? Please don’t ever do that to me again.”
“No, wait, I - I’m not on medication,” Dapper protests, staring at the message. “Cigarettes make medication less effective, but they can decrease psychotic symptoms. They - ”
“They said it only feels like it relieves them.”
“No, but this isn’t true for my disorder, I know, I’ve read. The dopaminergic pathway - ”
“Dap, you know I can’t read when you spell that fast!”
Dapper turns his mouth sorrowfully down and lies limp against his pillows, staring at the camera. Red sighs deeply and reaches out - timid, timid - to touch the small of his back.
“They sound like they know what’s up. Are you sure about the cigarettes? One hundred percent? It’s been a really long time since you’ve self-medicated. I think.”
Dapper shakes his head slowly. “I guess not…”
“Plus we don’t want you getting addicted. You know Anti doesn’t like cigarettes.”
A nod, slow.
“So if we’re not sure, better not to risk it. Big brother will handle it. I’ll find you… something else. I don’t know. Probably I could find benadryl. How does that sound?”
Dapper doesn’t answer, staring at the wall.
“Buddy? Are you with me? Or - are you having another episode?”
“With you,” signs Dapper dully.
“Well, if you could answer me when I talked to you, that could fucking help.”
“Nobody is listening to me,” answers Dapper slowly. “Nobody is even looking at me. I don’t even think I’m saying anything. Please leave me alone.”
Red draws back, a frown on his face.
And then, a moment later, disappointment, as he realizes his first instinct had been to grab Dapper by the hair and yank him out of bed and force him to talk.
He slinks away from his brother’s bedside and sits down against the wall again, silent.
Anonymous asked: You're not the monster Red. The monster is the one who made you believe all this abuse is normal. The one who made you believe you had to hit and beat the ones you love. The 'monster' is Anti.
Red stares at the floor.
“Maybe I’m more Anti than myself by now.”
He pushes his fingers through his hair, eyes shut.
“We… neither of us can take much more of this, can we?”
He doesn’t turn to see if Dapper answers. His little brother is hiding his face in his pillow, weak from coming out of the catatonia. No, he can’t take much more of this. He doesn’t think he can take any more of this, in fact. He doesn’t know who he is or where he is or why there’s a ghost where Jackie used to be. He needs it to stop.
“We can’t take much more of this,” whispers Red, and, too busy hiding his face in his knees and trying to keep his mind away from nightmares and self-hatred, he doesn’t bother to wonder why the room has begun to smell of dust and blood and petrichor.
scunneredzombie asked: Red, can you please hear Dapper out..? Let him say what he knows, he would probably know what's best for himself. He's right you know, cigarettes reduce negative symptoms of psychosis! Such as catatonia and excess anxiety. Just because he's younger doesn't mean he doesn't know anything.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s more complex than that. I’m not… smart,” he grumbles, turning away from you, flushed pink. “I don’t think he wants to talk right now anyway, look.”
He turns to you slightly. Dapper is pressing his clock to his forehead, closing his eyes. Red figures he’s trying to fall back to sleep. He wishes he had something to cling to like that. He thinks he used to have… things? He can’t remember. Even just a clean hoodie. He would kill for a clean hoodie. But his black one smells like garbage. He rubs his hands up and down his arms instead and thinks about Blue.
His smiling face. The way he always runs around looking after everybody. The wisping light on his hands. The color of his eyes. The sound of his dumb, snorting laugh. Waking up and knowing he’s okay. Waking up to see him breathe. Waking up and he’s still beside him. Oh, too still beside him. His terrified face. His heaving chest. Pupils as dots with terror. Blood on his arm. The forest on fire. The forest being devoured.
Red? Ro? I think Anti’s going to kill me. Don’t leave me alone. Ro? Please.
“No,” groans Red, clutching at his hair. “I’m sorry…”
Dapper ignores him. He needs to focus. He’s going to make this stop. He’s a little confused, sure, but… he can still do this, right? He coughs softly. He can fix this. He wants… he wants the real Jackie… a smile blooms across his face as you watch. Red blinks as the smell gets stronger.
bupine asked: what's that smell, red? is it magic?
“I do know that smell, but it’s… bad? Where do I know it from? It means I messed up, it - ”
Red’s eyes widen.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Did Anti fond you guys?!
“No, no.” Red leaps to his feet. “No, Dapper’s trying to use magic in the middle of an episode. Dapper’s having a snap.”
Anonymous asked: There’s no way he found you, Red. He’s with Trick and Blue. For the sake of keeping up his stupid “little brother seamus” lie it’d be stupid for him to come after you two. That can’t be him...right? Red is someone there?
“I wish it was Anti,” cries Red, racing across the room. He reaches down to touch Dapper, and then -
Teeth bared, Dapper snaps at him, shaking his head violently, his eyes glowing silver. Red falls back, alarmed, remembering, all too vividly, the feeling of being trapped underneath Dapper as they fought, the feeling of Carver’s eyes boring into him and his fists coming down again and again, with the sound of Anti’s laughter laid over the top of all of it.
“Dapper,” croaks Red, hands held out. “Please don’t hurt me, it’s me. Please, I know I haven’t always been the best to you - ”
“I know what you did, Anti!” Dapper’s hands scream. The smell on the air is so strong Red feels his nose begin to bleed. “I know what you did! Give me my brothers back! You killed them! You killed J-joy! I’m going back, I want to see him again! I want to go back, I - I can’t remember where…”
“You can’t time travel when you’re this confused,” cries Red. “You could lose yourself or me in the timestream, you could make something happen - ”
Dapper buries his face in his pillows, shaking his head furiously. “You’re not J-joy! You’re a ghost! I want to go home! I don’t know what’s real! I don’t want to lose my mind!”
Anonymous asked: Jameson, I don’t think you can bring back that much of the past. It’s better to face what’s in front of you. Why don’t you try to work with him? I know it’s a little irritating but he’s really loosing himself. It might be fruitless if he continues to ignore and belittle you, but being petty about it won’t fix it either. Just try to talk to him, communicate is key after all :)
“Mean Red,” pants Dapper, forcing himself to sit up, his eyes wild. “Mean to me. Yanks me. Yells at me. Takes me back to Anti. Slaps my head. No one is listening. No one is here. No one can see me. I’m dead already, can you see my hands moving? Go back, go back, go back. I remember - bits and pieces? Bits and pieces, my hair in bits and pieces on the floor, he chops me up, snap, I am the Carver, I am not the Carver, I am a ghost too and I can’t? Don’t - don’t want to lose my mind?”
“Dapper,” pleads Red. “Dapper.”
Anonymous asked: Red, whatever you do, don't freak out. Dapper is turning back time, he's going to hurt himself. Talk to him. Don't snatch the watch away, that'll make things worse. Get him to put it away himself. Try to level with him.
“Dapper,” calls Red, trying, at your behest, to make his voice softer. “Dapper, my little brother!”
Oh, fuck, what would Blue do?
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay, sweetie, we’re going to make it all okay. Look here at brother, come on. Big brother’s going to look after you.”
“Look after me,” snarls Dapper, managing to focus on him. “You can’t even hear me. You think I don’t know you’ve been afraid of me ever since I beat the hell out of you next to that gas station?”
Red’s face flushes with heat. He hears his heart pounding in his head.
“Newsflash, puppy,” he snarls, hurt and shame and guilt making painful cocktails in his stomach. “I was afraid of you long before that. We all are! You could get any of us in trouble just by turning back time and telling Anti we fucked up! The smell of your magic is just the smell of Anti about to beat the shit out of me! You’re the one who has his ear! You act like a baby to keep yourself safe and you fuck over the rest of us every goddamn day! It’s no wonder Anti never gave you a twin! Twins have to love each other!”
Dapper screams with air alone and leaps to his feet, clutching his clock so hard the hands inside tremble. Red scrambles away, throwing himself into the corner, terrified.
“Dapper, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please, you could kill us both - ”
cest-mellow asked: dapper what are you planning, buddy?
“Go back to my house, you remember? I do not remember, remember only pieces? Pine trees like towers, birds all singing, my room has nice soft bedsheets and nobody calls me puppy! Can we go home now? Where’s Jackie gone, home? We can go, I can see it, I am not a time traveler, I am a timestream traveler, Anti never bothers to see what his Dapper can do, do you remember - Jameson? I should like to see him again, his face in the mirror, turquoise hair, my finger bleeds.”
Anonymous asked: Jameson stop. You're just going to hurt yourself. Sometimes the damage is done and you can't take it away. Magic is not a fix-all. Jackie is still there, he's just buried under a lot of trauma, same as you. As awful as it is, you both need to adapt to each other WITH each other and push forward.
“He’s still there?” Dapper reaches out his hands, reaching for Red’s face, and Red groans and tries to stand still. “Does he see me at all?”
“I can see you, I can see you,” babbles Red, letting his little brother set his hands gently on his shoulders. Dapper’s eyes wander wildly. He is seeing far more than Red can see. “I see you, I can see what you’re signing. I’m right here, I’m right here. Everything’s cool! I can be J-joy if you want, I can, I can be a good boy, I know you’re Anti’s favorite so I can listen to you instead. Yeah?”
“Anti’s favorite?” says Dapper, his face falling. “Anti’s… why… but… no, I don’t want to be…”
cest-mellow asked: jameson are you even capable of going back so far? i’m all for screwing anti over but this could be dangerous
“No, he could hurt himself!” shouts Red. “That’s not how his power works! Dap, please, that’s never been how it works. You’ll die.”
“What would you know about it?” asks Dapper frailly, pulling his trembling hands away. “What would I know about it? I’ve forgotten so much, but he can never take all of it, he can never take all of it, not from me, Jameson is in time and time is in him so how do you strip all that away?”
Anonymous asked: Dapper? Did you do something? You can talk to us, you know that right?
“I know you’re scared but you can talk to me, you can talk to me,” pants Red, his pupils minute with stress. “You can tell me everything, I’m listening, I swear. I know you’re confused.”
“So confused,” laments Dapper, turning around and around, blinking. “So confused… you promised you’d get me my medicine…”
“I know. I know. I’m sorry.”
scunneredzombie asked: Jameson, try to think rationally for us? You know your powers don't work well when you feel confused like this. I agree with you. You are not Carver, you aren't Dapper. But Jackie is still stuck as Red. You need to help him find himself, Jameson. Don't change back time to something you can barely remember, so much could go wrong. Your brother is here. You brother is still here beside you. Help him bring Jackie back to life.
“Stuck,” whisper Dapper’s hands, reaching out for him again. “Stuck… my poor big brother. He always protected me. Who made him cruel and so sad? I will go back and change it… Jackie, don’t be afraid of me, I’m sorry if I did bad things to you…”
Anonymous asked: Red for once just drop the hierarchy and just be a brother. Just listen to each other instead of trying to figure out who follows who. It doesn’t matter anymore. You keep /each other/ safe, not just you keeping James safe.
“Okay, okay, okay,” wheezes Red, reaching out himself this time to take Dapper’s sleeves. “No hierarchy. No Anti. Just us, right? Here I am. Dapper. J - Jameson?”
Dapper’s face lights up for a moment, awe and love shining in his face.
Red… Red’s never seen that look in his eyes before. Not directed at him. Not genuine. Not unforced. For a moment it stops him short.
Or… has he seen it before? A long time ago?
“Jameson,” he repeats, very softly.
scunneredzombie asked: Red, stop. Stop talking about Anti to him. Anti doesn't matter right now. The dumb top of the pack system doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that your brother is in danger. Everything will be okay, but you have to calm down and stop spewing meaningless talk about Anti. Be his brother right now, for lord's sake. He's this upset because he thinks you're dead. He /loves/ you and he thinks J-happy is dead within you. He needs comfort, he needs his brother, not Anti.
“Were we…”
Red pauses, touching his head.
“Were we friends? I don’t… I don’t remember. I think I used to love you.”
Warm water trickles from the shining silver eyes.
“I still love you,” signs Dapper dazedly, stepping closer to Red’s chest. “I still do when I can think a little more clearly. When I can see the northern lights… look, the shine of it… do you remember?”
Does he? Does he?
Warm hands washing blood from his own. A smaller body tucked in against his chest. Sleeping against him. Tucked up together in a cold little cell. Just the two of them.
spicydanhowell asked: can you spell his name for him jamie? then he'll know what you're calling him when you say j-happy. it's really good that you're calming down okay? it's gonna be okay
Dapper is shaking very hard against his brother’s chest.
“J-A-C-K-I-E,” he signs politely, beaming with that dizzy look frozen on his face. “I don’t remember your last name…”
“No, please,” croaks Red. “I’m not that person anymore. Please, it’s secret, it belongs to Blue and Anti. You’re going to get us in trouble. Sh, Dap, sh. Come here, it’s okay.”
“You don’t love me like this,” stammer Dapper’s hands, still smiling.
“No, no, it’s not that, it’s just - ”
“You afraid of me? Afraid? Not little brother? Just pet?”
“No, we are brothers, we are.”
immabethehero asked: Jamie? It's J A C K I E B O Y M A N
Dapper laughs aloud. “Okay, there’s one option.”
Red looks terrified. “Please, Dap, don’t talk about names!”
Anonymous asked: You don’t have to be like Anti, Red. You don’t have to be like Anti. Jackie, or whatever you want to be called, it’s okay. You’ve been in an environment where everything you do, everything you say is seen as a weakness. It makes sense that you would want to act like Anti, he’s made it seem like he’s the only person who isn’t scared. That’s a lie, y’know, he terrified, all the time and for various reasons. He does it to himself because he’s afraid to admit weakness. But you do (1/?)
“I have made mistakes,” breathes Red, pulling gently on his sleeves, trying to keep him grounded. “I have, so many. And maybe I’m not the person I was, and I’ve been a jerk lately, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want - I don’t want - it doesn’t mean I don’t want to…”
He stares at Dapper. He doesn’t know what he wants. He wishes he could tell him he wants to be brothers again, but Dapper… most of the time he doesn’t even like Dapper.
Spoiled brat, whining for Anti’s attention.
Younger brother forced to act like a pet to survive.
Terrifying warrior beating Red into the ground.
Tough old ally, steady at his side.
Dangerous, ticking time bomb.
Sick friend.
“I still want to help you,” says Red. “I still want to keep you safe. I never meant to grow to hate you in the first place… it’s my fault. It was never yours. I never should have let him separate us all from each other. I never should have let him pit us against each other.”
Anonymous asked: Jameson, maybe it’d be good to have a little heart-to-heart with Jackie? Instead of getting upset immediately and blaming him for everything, why don’t you try to ask him why he acts that way? I think he’s scared the same way you are and talking about it might help both of you in the end.
“Have a hard time talking when disorganized,” says Dapper, panting to himself. “Have a hard time thinking when disorganized. Please? Please?”
bupine asked: you've never been a monster, red, jackie. you've done all you can to keep your brothers safe and fuck, you've done it well. it's incredible the amount of stuff you've sacrificed for them. it's incredible that you're still alive. we're all so so proud of you for everything you've done, man. even if you think you've fucked up now.
“No, please,��� whispers Red, pushing Dapper to sit down on the bed. “Please. I can’t be who you need me to be and I want you to stop being proud of me. Stop having expectations, stop pretending I’m… Jackie. Let’s all just accept that I’m Red, I’m Anti’s right hand, Anti’s red right hand, and that will never change.”
cest-mellow asked: jackie, anti isnt there! he doesn’t know anything about what you two are talking about, just have this moment with your brother. screw anti. it’s just you and jameson right now.
“But Anti will be here,” chokes Red. “Anti will find him and push him right back into the same headspace as before. And the more I let him wander from the person Anti wants him to be… the more I let myself wander… the harder it will be to go back to being those people. You have to be Dapper. No more talking about old names, okay?”
Dapper whimpers, closing his eyes, but when he opens them again, the glow has not gone away.
“Bud,” Red protests, exhausted. “Please, I thought you were calm.”
Dapper coughs and gives a sudden tremble, his shoulders heaving like he’ll vomit. A sudden fear flashes through his eyes.
“Dap? Send the glowing away, okay? I’m not asking. You have to stop. You’re a really powerful little guy and you could really ruin something or get hurt if you’re not careful.”
“Red?” Dapper reaches up to clutch at his shirt and he gives that little jolt again, the almost-retch. “Blood in my mouth?”
“Dap? What? You’re over-exerting! Like Blue! Make the magic stop, Dap, now!”
Dapper stares up at him, dazed, panting, eyes shining. A lone trickle of blood splits the middle of his bottom lip and he pales.
Anonymous asked: James, what do you need? We’ll do what we can to help you, Red included.
“My medicine,” cries Dapper. “Don’t want to be insane anymore.”
“You’re not insane, you’re just - fuck, fuck, please, Dap, you have to focus! What do you need, buddy, what do you need?”
“Scared,” signs Dapper, squeezing his eyes shut. “Oh, what have I done. What have I done. Anti’s going to be angry with puppy.”
“Dapper - ”
“Just hold on to me? Just hold onto him?”
Red wraps his arms tightly around him and rocks him against his chest, stroking his hair, shaking with fear. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Just calm down, just calm down.”
scunneredzombie asked: Have you ever asked yourself, /why/ it's a secret? Why can't you be Jackie, Red? What is stopping you from being the person Jameson loves?
Red chokes on a cry. “I just - I can’t! He… I don’t even remember him but I know that he was a better person than I was! I’ve done too much shit, I’ve - I’ve killed innocent people, do you know that?”
Tears begin coursing down his cheeks and he strikes the bed, hard, gritting his teeth in his mouth.
“Jackieboyman! The hero Anti is always mocking! I’m not a hero! I’m a villain - no, worse, I’m a fucking henchman, and I’ve spilled blood, I’ve killed people, I’ve beat my own brothers to shit because they wouldn’t do what I wanted them to.”
He dissolves into tears against Dapper’s back, clutching him close.
“And it doesn’t matter anymore!” he shouts, damn the motel noise policy. “I have to be Red! I have to be the one who hurts them so Anti doesn’t do it instead! I have to help them fall into line so they don’t get beat! And I have to keep you, Dapper, inside your own head, so you don’t fucking kill yourself with this power! I’m sorry for the things I’ve done but I can’t change now. Give me the clock, Dap.”
Dapper gasps and tries to draw himself away, but he is already trapped between Red’s arms, and his brother is wrestling with him over the clock in his hands.
spicydanhowell asked: red, i know you're scared, but you really do need to face this... your name is jackie, and he is jameson. i actually think... maybe you two should go to the magicians and help henrik. he's as scared as you are right now and they have food and medicine and its a safe place to stay where /anti will totally find you/. better than being on the run and filthy and sick. they could get meds for jameson plus henrik may have a parasite from the water, which means you two might as well. you should go :(
“A safe place, listen to them,” cries Red, tugging on his wrists. “Just calm down and maybe we can go to a safe place and you can have your medicine. Dapper, you have to give me the clock, you have to, you’re going to hurt yourself, you’re out of control.”
Dapper won’t remove his hands from the clock to speak. Red forces himself not to yank too hard, breathing heavy. Dapper makes a little “urk” sound and pitches forward again, and more blood splits up out of his mouth.
“Fuck, fuck! Dapper! I - do I call an ambulance? I can’t watch him die, no, no. Please tell me you don’t have to release this. Please, please. You’re not like Blue with his energy building up in his hands. Dapper, you can’t release time magic like this.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Red, focus on taking care of yourself and Dap. Right now, it's you two against the world and you're doing so well with what ya got.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” chatters Red, tightening his grip and making Dapper wail with terror over his pretty silver clock. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to do this. I can’t love you, I’m not allowed, I have to be big brother, but soon I’m going to get you home to the others who do love you. I don’t care if you don’t like me but you have to give me this.”
He snatches the clock from Dapper’s hands.
Dapper stares at his own empty fingers, panting.
He looks up and his eyes are still silver.
“You’ve got to be fucking joking - ”
Anonymous asked: Jameson as much as we would love that to work, I don’t think it’s going to. What’s in the past is in the past, you can only build with the pieces that you have left. Yes, Jackie is still under all that trama and conditioning the same way Jameson is under all that Dapper is. But that doesn’t mean that they’ll be the same person when they resurface. Things like this changes people, you can’t expect something like that from him. It’s not fair.
Dapper is glowing like a star. It fills his whole face up.
“You’re right, I can’t expect so much from a ghost. It’s cruel of me to ask him to be the person he was so soon. Ghosts, ghosts? Do you see - the red hood, the blue mask? Want to go home, to see him? Summoned so much power, bad Dapper! Bad puppy! Too much, Jackie, help me, afraid! Do you see the red hood, the blue mask, the laughter on his face, where did it go, where did it go?”
Blue masks and red hoods. Red groans and closes his eyes against a faraway memory of himself, blue eyes beneath a blue mask. Jackieboyman!
“You’re dead,” he tells the memory. “You’re dead. I felt you die inside me.”
Anonymous asked: Don’t be scared, Red. It’s okay to remember. You’re okay and you’re doing great.
“No,” croaks Red, terrified, backing away as Dapper crumples, and the clock in his hands is suddenly burning, burning, but he will not let it go as it fills up, fills up, fills up with power. “What is happening? What the fuck is happening? Am I about to die? Dapper, please! You’re hurting yourself!”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Oh god....oh god oh god you gotta stop him, Red!
But it is too late for that now, and the power, like fire and plantlife on the top of a mountain where he once made his home, explodes.
The clock singes his hand and he screams, dropping it as a flood of silver water crashes over his head, disorienting him entirely, and he staggers about on the - this - this is not the carpeted floor of the hotel - he is torn asunder; he is torn jagged; he drowns. He’s in an ocean or a river and it’s tearing all around him and dragging him down and striking him against the rocks and it hurts and smells of blood and dust and water. Where and why and how and what, what the hell, what the fuck race through his head like dogs hunting rabbits and he can’t find the clarity to remember how to scream again; he is on his back, he is sideways, he is falling, he is on solid ground, he is on solid ground, he is -
He actually is on solid ground.
You’re lying on the earth next to him, the chain of the clock in your line of sight.
On green grass.
Warm sun. Pine trees like towers, breathing up towards the sky.
“What, what, what,” chants Red frantically, clawing at himself, thrashing his way to his knees. He is wearing sneakers and gym shorts and a clean, soft, weighted red hoodie, warm and comfy on his shoulders. His hair is brown without red. “What - Dapper! Dapper!”
He throws his head around, but Dapper is not there. Just the trees of the forest, and the fine blue sky, and there, if he turns his head -
A small, pretty house. At the door, someone is letting a fluffy white cat out.
“Jackie?” laughs Marvin, stepping down the stairs of the porch towards him. He has long hair, a strand of it braided back around his head, and his jewelry shines almost as bright as his clean, wide smile. “Why are you on the ground?”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Oh no
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” repeats Red frantically, reaching out to grab you and clutch you to his chest, panicked. He grabs the clock too and you see, as it passes, that the hands have turned from black to silver. As the first minute of the hour ticks by, that one little minute marker returns to black. “No, no, no, this isn’t happening.”
Anonymous asked: Red I’m like 99.9% sure Dapper just sent you to the past
“This is not real,” whispers Red, clutching at his hair, staring around him like he thought the sky was supposed to be pink instead of blue, and the trees were meant to be mountains. “This is not… this is not even South America, this… this…”
“Jackie?” Marvin is coming towards him now, a jog in his step displaying concern. “You okay?”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Red. Breathe. Please. This isn't good, but breathe.
“Breathe, breathe, breathe,” repeats Red unsteadily, staggering to his feet. For a second, he draws a long, calm breath.
And then he looks up and sees Marvin fully.
“Fuck,” he gasps, grabbing at his chest. “No, no, no! This isn’t right!”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Jackie?! You good?! Do NOT freak out!
“Okay, fine, okay, I’ve got to keep calm,” Red tells himself, clapping his hands together hard, once, twice, three times, good pressure. “Okay, you know what? This is fine. I can do this. It’s probably just a weird time thing and soon it will be over and this will have never happened.”
spicydanhowell asked: shh baby it's okay, you'll just be stuck here for a little bit. think of it like a dream ok? you and jamie are okay.
“Okay, it’s a dream,” chokes Red, turning away as Marvin comes up to him. “It’s a dream, it’s a dream.”
“Jackie?” murmurs Marvin, trying to put a hand on his shoulder, but Red turns and strikes it away, his pupils blown with panic. Marvin steps back, alarmed, his hands still out-stretched.
cest-mellow asked: red are you okay?? go talk to marvin and see what’s going on. do you see dapper ANYWHERE around? maybe he landed in a bush..?
“Maybe he is here somewhere,” he mumbles, darting towards the trees.
“Wha - Jackie!” Marvin hustles after him. “Stop, stop, what’s wrong?”
“Dapper!” whimpers Red, trotting into the forest and staring around him. “Dap, please, I’m sorry. Please whistle for me, can you hear me? Are you okay?”
Birds titter in the branches above his head and go flickering past him, making him startle. The trees are sighing as the wind rushes through them, shaking down green leaves and needles. A chipmunk skitters past his feet and leaps onto the roots of a tree to put its little paws in its mouth. It’s warm and the breeze is pleasant. The trees smell lovely and he can hear a river washing by.
“Jackie,” calls Marvin gently, circling around to approach him from the front this time, his hands out-stretched. Red’s breath catches in his throat, but he does not run away this time. “Jackie, I’m not going to touch you if you don’t want, but please tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to scare me.”
Anonymous asked: Jackie, it’s still Blue. It’s still Marvin. He’s your brother, you can trust him.
“Blue?” he whispers, choked. “Is it you?”
Marvin’s mouth opens and shuts, his eyebrows furrowed down.
“Um, it - it’s me, it’s Marvin. Is someone talking to you? Is - Jackie, did Anti do this?”
A rush of fear burns hot against Red’s face and he gasps, backing away. Marvin doesn’t trust Anti. Marvin doesn’t belong to Anti. Marvin can’t know about Anti, or he will try to make Red stop being with him.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” cries Marvin, alarmed by his distress. “I - we don’t have to mention him. It’s me, brother, it’s Marvin.”
For all that he does not want Anti, Red still knows him - knows his face, knows the way he steps, the way he wears his jewelry, the way he smiles and frowns, the brotherhood that exists even now between them. Blue, Blue, Blue! He’s missed him, he’s missed him, he’s so sorry for leaving him behind!
“Jackie, don’t cry,” whispers Marvin, stepping close again, resisting the urge to touch him. “Shit, bud, what happened, what is it? You can tell me anything. It’s going to be okay. I’ll make it right for you.”
No, no. He can’t tell him.
“Had - had a bad dream,” rasps Red, his hands shaking. “Just - got freaked out for a second.”
spicydanhowell asked: jackie, please just stay calm and let marvin help you all right? none of this will have consequences. you won't be here forever okay? just tell him that jamie sent you here from the future. let him help you.
None of this will have consequences, none of this will have consequences. Red bites down on his lip and keeps it as a mantra in his head. Let Marvin help you.
“Just needed to see you,” he chokes out.
“I’m here,” promises Marvin, stepping into his space. “I’m right here.”
Anonymous asked: Oh my god I’m going to cry. Red you better hug Marvin because I don’t know how long this is gonna last.
Red’s nails dig hard into the inside of his palm, and then, despite it all -
“Fuck, Marvin,” he sobs, and crumples onto his brother’s shoulder. Immediately, Marvin is hugging him, Marvin is squeezing his ribs and burying his face against Red’s hair, and it is him, it is him, for all that it is not him it’s still his Blue.
“I’m really sorry!” he cries, clutching at the soft green dress shirt he’s wearing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“Jackie, you didn’t do anything, you’re okay.”
“I left you behind! I’m sorry! You asked me to stay!”
“It was just a dream! Jackie, come on, deep breaths. It was just a dream. Right? Or is there something you need to tell me?”
Red groans and buries himself in his shoulder again.
“You need to take a breather. Lie down before the party. Come on, should we get inside?”
bupine asked: ooh, a party? party for what, i wonder?
Red glances at you, still holding you to his stomach, though Marvin is too interested in stroking his back and looking over him for strange injuries or signs of Anti to notice. “S-sorry, what party?”
“You were helping me cut strawberries just a couple hours ago. Izzy’s birthday?”
He doesn’t know who Izzy is. He swallows and tries to smile at Marvin, his mouth shaking. “Right, sorry…”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. Let’s just make sure you’re okay. Come on, we’re alright.”
He pulls Red towards the house. Red doesn’t know why the sight of it makes him afraid.
Maybe just because it’s so familiar.
He should remember it, but… he doesn’t. Someone took the memory from him. He knows. He squeezes his eyes shut.
He always knew there was a “before” and Anti had even told him he had been, at times, happy in it. Accepting that Anti did what he did for a reason - to wipe away the control of the old master, as he usually explained - Red had tried not to be bothered by it. He couldn’t remember it, anyway, so no use in dwelling. But to see it in real life?
He doesn’t think he wants it to be true. Just a dream, just a dream.
Anonymous asked: Red you really should tell Marvin what’s going on! He could help you figure everything out, maybe even find Dapper. For now anyways, you’re safe and in loving arms so don’t freak out too much okay? You’re safe.
Marvin opens the door and makes sure his shaking brother gets up the step, pulling him inside, still rubbing his shoulder. He’s more freaked out than he wants to admit. He’s been with Jackie through hard times before, but this is a new level of out-of-nowhere.
“Should I get Schneep or do you want to go to your room?”
Oh, fuck. He doesn’t know who anyone is. “I need to see - I need to see Dapper,” he says, clutching at straws. He could tell him, right?
Marvin blinks.
His hand drops away from his shoulder.
“Jackie,” he says, very carefully. “Why would you call him Dapper?”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Red, be honest with Marvin. He seems to be just as confused as you are. Tell him what's going through your head. You can trust him.
Fuck, he’s going to be sick. He’s going to be sick. He doesn’t know anything anymore. He just wants - he just wants - he just -
He falls back onto Marvin’s shoulder, a low whimper falling out of his throat.
“Need to tell you something,” he chokes, as Marvin’s arms wrap around him once again.
“Should I get the others?”
“No, no, please…”
“Come on. We’re going to your room.”
They turn down the hallway directly to their right. Red hears someone laughing in the kitchen and the thunk of ceramics being arranged for lunch. The birds are singing and the windows are all open.
Marvin leads him to the room at the front of the hall, protecting all the others, closest to the entryway. Red stops short in front of it. There are papers pinned all over the door.
A newspaper clipping with a shadowy picture of a silhouette in a hood on the roof of a building. A child’s scrawled crayon picture with a little figure with black hair and a bigger figure dressed in red holding his hand. A receipt for fourteen one-pound bags of Starbursts. A picture of one of the others - or is it himself - being kissed by a huge white dog. A note that reads, “Jackie. You are very stupid. Fuck you. Take the aspirin I put on the table. I’m at work. All my fucking love, Schneep.”
Red’s mouth dries and his eyes water. Marvin puts his hand on the door, but Red reaches out to stop him.
“Wait,” he croaks. “Can we go to your room instead?”
“Don’t you want your lava lamp to watch and your heavy blanket and your cube and stuff?”
He shakes his head, backing away. He doesn’t own anything now. Marvin purses his lips, worried, and leads him one farther door down the hall, opening it up and letting Red slip inside.
Anonymous asked: Jackie is going to get way too overwhelmed. Bud, you need to communicate with Marvin. I know you’re scared but at least ask to go somewhere else that makes you a but more comfortable. And ask for Jamie, not Dap. Schneep is Dok and Chase is Trick. I believe Izzy is Chase’s daughter.
He tries to memorize all of it. The names don’t sound familiar at all to him. The only one he knew before he was separated from Anti was ‘Marvin,’ and that was a secret for him to keep.
Marvin knows Red is overwhelmed too. It’s why they spend a good five minutes just sitting together in silence next to his bed. Red closes his eyes and leans against his shoulder, running his hand over the thick grey rug on Marvin’s floor.
His room is nice and quiet and dark, and absolutely coated in plants. Vines surround the headboard of his bed and bloom up towards the ceiling, painted navy blue with stars on it. There’s a lamp shaped like a sun on his bedside table and three huge shelves full of flowers and herbs and vegetables and bonsai trees. He has a Night Vale poster and a cat bed on his windowsill. There’s a little drawer with a mirror scattered in jewelry and make-up and nail polish. He has pictures too, but instead of scrambled across his door or walls like Jackie’s, his are in small, starry picture frames arranged neatly on the far wall. It smells of lemon and smoky incense.
Red hates - more than he knows how to express, more than he knows how to put into words - just how much Blue would love to have a room like this.
He hates that.
He will never have a room like this.
And it’s Anti’s - it’s Anti’s -
“Fuck,” he whispers, hiding against Blue’s chest. “This isn’t right.”
“Tell me what’s happening,” says Blue, with urgency now. “Tell me.”
“I meant - I meant Jamie, not Dap.”
Blue breathes out a small sigh of relief.
“Okay… that’s a start. Why say Dap at all? You know he hates that. You have to be kind with him, you know small things can set him off. And he’s just starting to feel like Anti won’t catch him again.”
bupine asked: jackie, red, what time is this? what year? has dapper even been... created? if not, that could be why he's not here.
“What day is it?” croaks Red.
Marvin stares at him.
“Um. June… fourth, I think. Yeah, her birthday.”
Red rubs at his face.
“What… what year?”
Marvin breathes a low, nervous breath through his teeth. “Jackie…”
“Please, just…”
“If Anti’s in your head - ”
“Please, just tell me!”
Marvin stares at him. He doesn’t see any evil influence in him, but he doesn’t know exactly what that would look like anyway. There’s no way Anti could have come into his universe, is there?
“It’s 2018.”
cest-mellow asked: ohhh shoot dude! you gotta tell him what’s going on, let him help you out!
“I’m like five years in the past.” Red grabs his hair and tries to breathe.
“I - I think I’m going to throw up, I don’t - ”
Marvin grabs his trash bin just in time for Red to rock forward and throw up something that tastes like fruit flavoring and bile. He’s never fucking eating Starbursts again. Wait, the last thing he ate was communion bread!
“Fuck you, past Red,” he groans, spitting sick out of his mouth. “You suck, man, you’re killing me.”
Marvin gives a bewildered, trembling quiver of a laugh. “I - I gotta get Schneep! What the fuck are you talking about, I - Henrik!”
Anonymous asked: Jackie now you really have to tell Marvin what’s happened. This is before Anti came right? You’ve got to warn them, even if this is a time line in which Anti doesn’t come, but you still have to do it. You were going to say it’s all Anti’s fault right? That all this got taken away from you guys? You owe it to them to try and preserve what’s left. Dapper gave you a second chance to save everyone, you’ve got to at least try to prevent it. Please.
“The only thing I should warn them about is the fact that they’re living under the control of a fucking monster!” cries Red, heaving. “They - they should go to Anti now!”
“Holy shit,” laughs Marvin, frantically freaked-out. “You’re - he’s - maybe you’re delusional too? Should we take you to Jameson’s psychiatrist? When did this start, are you - ? Here, I’ll go get Schneep, you - ”
“No,” cries Red, grabbing his sleeve. “No, stay here, please let me explain. I don’t know if I can, but I have to try.”
spicydanhowell asked: jackie, show marvin your camera. marvin: this version of jackie you're with right now was sent back in time. he's a few years older than you are now. some crazy things are going to happen in your future, okay? so jackie is just really confused and he's lost a lot of his memories. you should get him to lie down, and talk to him calmly for a while ok? tell him about your magical activities and stuff. your friends especially, ok? i'm sorry this is so strange.
“Yeah, I - I - ”
“What the hell are you looking at that thing for, Red? Where did you get a camera?”
“Listen, look, they’re trying to tell you - ”
Red pushes the camera into his hands and Marvin takes it nervously from him, his eyes scanning over the message. His mouth goes very tight, but suddenly he’s calm. He gets to his feet and Red startles, staring up at him, his hands reaching out for the camera.
“Where are these messages coming from, Jackie?”
“They’re - they - they talk to me.”
“They talk to you? They tell you things? But you don’t know who they are? What sort of things do they tell you?”
“No, no, Blue, listen, please, they help me. They’re trying to help, they’re trying to help me look after Dapper and get back to - to…”
Red trails off, fear written over his face.
“To Anti?” croaks Marvin, backing away from him.
“No, no… you don’t understand!”
“Marv?” someone is calling from the hallway, their socked footsteps padding down the hall. “You good? I thought I heard shouting.”
“I’m getting this the fuck away from you,” gasps Marvin, holding you too tightly in his hands. “Jackie, it’s going to be okay, I’m going to fix this. Don’t listen to the messages anymore, we’re going to clear everything up.”
“Wait, no!”
Anonymous asked: You’re not a monster and if it takes us telling you that every time you make that claim then we’ll do it. You’re not Anti, you’re not a monster, you’re a human that makes mistakes and hard choices to take care of everyone else, right? Just relax.
“He’s the monster!” cries Red, leaping to his feet and making Marvin startle back. The door opens behind you and Marvin and someone gasps, alarmed. You shake in Marvin’s hands. “I wasn’t talking about myself! Maybe I wasn’t a monster back in this time, but the old master is using you and doing horrible things and making horrible things true! The old master - the creator! He’s why Dapper’s sick and Trick’s suicidal and why Anti is always lashing out at me! You are living under the control of a fucking monster!”
“Jackie?” cries a voice like Trick’s, terrified. “Marv?”
“Chase, stay back, something’s wrong. Go get your brothers!”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Jackie you should tell him everything
“I’m from the future!” he cries. “I don’t know how, Dapper did something, he was overwhelmed and I wasn’t enough to calm him down, I’m not a good brother to him! But I’m here now, right? Listen, listen, please don’t look at me like that! You don’t understand what Anti is. I know he seems scary but then he’s okay once he shows you what you’ve been missing.”
“You sound - you sound - you - you.” Chase stammers violently, tucked behind Marvin‘s back. “Sound like you’re in a fucking c-c-cult!”
“Please,” begs Red, realizing he scared them by shouting. He falls back to the floor, the same way he shows submission to Anti, and clutches his hands together on his heart. “I’m sorry, I’m scared, please don’t give me to your master.”
“No one is going to hurt you,” swears Marvin, stepping forward a little again. “No one, I promise, I promise. I won’t let anything hurt you. I’m just worried about you. You don’t sound like yourself.”
“What’s happening?” comes an urgent voice behind them, accented German.
“Jackie’s talking about Anti!”
“He was on the ground outside, freaking out, and now he says this camera is talking to him.”
“Don’t look into the lens. Jackie, come here, let good doctor have look at you.”
Henrik moves fearlessly into your line of sight and Jackie’s space, crouching down beside him and taking his head in his hands. Weepy and exhausted, Red doesn’t protest.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Marvin! Pay attention! Be on your guard!
“It can see us,” whispers Chase, holding on to Marvin’s shoulder. “Can he see us?”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: I have no idea were from the future like jackie said
“Great,” whispers Chase, staring at you. “This is wonderful, wonderful. Hey, let’s see if the kids can get here a little earlier, shall we? This all seems extremely safe.”
“Don’t look at it, amata, you could get hypnotized.”
aamayay asked: Jackie, calm down! Marvin is going to give back the camera, alright? So that the stress can be expelled and we can have a group discussion, peacefully, okay? Please, Marvin, hear him out. I know you don’t trust us and I mean you’re definitely not the first, the magicians in Peru were the same, but just give us a chance? We’re trying to help, let us prove it to you.
“No, no way,” laughs Marvin. “Fuck you, Anti.”
“Marv, we should destroy it.”
“I could melt it down right here.”
“No, please don’t!” shrieks Red, suddenly thrashing out of Henrik’s hands. “Please, no, anything but that, he’ll never find me if you do!”
“Sounds like a compelling reason to burn it to plastic.”
“Don’t do it when he’s this upset!” Henrik cuts him off. “Stop it, just listen to him! Neither of you know what it’s like to be under Anti’s control. Neither of you have the first fucking idea. Pray to God you never do.”
Marvin and Chase shut up.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: I don't think Anti can see you??? We're trying to help you all. Your future is TWISTED.
“Look, it - it doesn’t even matter what you say,” growls Marvin, closing his eyes, trying to think. “Jameson can’t throw people years back in time! He can reverse a day or two once or twice. And magic doesn’t do this, fuck knows what Jamie even is to be able to do even a little time travel.”
“Yeah, Jamie can’t just go for a walk back years and years, and he definitely can’t send someone else back,” agrees Chase. He’s the only one who ever remembers the change. You can catch him when he’s being sneaky if his eyes are silver though, ha. But he doesn’t work like what you’re saying. Right, Jaimer?”
Red freezes and opens his eyes. Everyone turns, and Marvin takes the camera with him.
A small, tidy young man with huge grey-blue eyes stares back at you from the very edge of the doorway, his eyes wide but not afraid, just a little nervous. He stands in the shadows outside the room, gripping the doorframe. He wears a soft button-up shirt and jeans, his hair combed neatly down. On one wrist, he wears a small brown watch, but on the other you can see the thick outline of heavy, lacing string-scars.
“Dapper?” whispers Red. “Please…”
Jameson flinches and backs away, pausing only a second before he turns to dart away. Marvin lets out a deep sigh.
Anonymous asked: Marvin, you really do need to trust us. We’re not on anti’s side- in fact, we’ve been actively trying to get him away from anti- but we’ve been with Jackie this whole time, through everything he’s been through. He’s extremely confused and in his future, Anti had all of you brainwashed and under his control and made you go by different names, which is why he’s so desperate to get back. He’s just confused, please don’t jump to conclusions right now -its-ethan-bro
Marvin stares at you. Chase tries to peek over at the screen but Marvin holds it away from him, his eyes filling up with an emotion you don’t recognize. Maybe fear. Maybe distrust. Maybe a lot of different things, none of them comforting.
He shakes his head very slightly. The breath seems to slide out of him.
Anonymous asked: Thank GOD for Henrik. Marvin can you do some type of spell to hide the signal from the camera? The magicians did that for Dok’s camera, maybe you can do it for his? Then Anti won’t be able to find you guys.
“That - that sounds like really complicated magic. This place, though - it was supposed to be safe from Anti. I’ve put up every ward in the book, I hid it under every disguise I could find, in fact it’s not even - ”
Marvin remembers who could be listening to him and abruptly cuts himself off.
“Might have been a seizure,” murmurs Henrik, running his hands across Red’s head. “Or a concussion. But the things he’s saying… he was fine yesterday, I thought?”
“He was, he was. I would have noticed if he had been like this.”
bupine asked: marvin, chase, henrik. in the future, anti kidnaps each of you and fucks with your minds. he renames you, takes your memories and conditions you to be his. he renames marvin "blue," henrik "dok," chase "trickshot," jameson "dapper," and jackie "red." this version of jackie is from five years in the future. now, this is important. where is jameson? do you know? we need to know he's ok, he wasn't coping well when he sent himself and jackie to the future.
Marvin’s air is gone. He’s ushered Chase to sit down with Henrik and Red so he can watch over all three of them at a time, and none of them have to see this.
Because it can’t be true. It can’t be. And if it is… they shouldn’t be the ones burdened to know about it.
“You’re all liars,” he whispers, covering his mouth, and then his eyes, and then his heart. But still he answers: “Jameson is here with us and you will never get your hands on him again. He’s fine, he’s doing better… much better these days. He told me he’s going to learn to be happy and independent just to fucking spite you. He’s tough, tough as nails. You’re not going to take him from me again. I can hide them. I have to hide all of them…”
florenceisfalling asked: marvin, you don't have much time with him, i don't think. please just try to show him that its okay here, that no one's hurt and everyone is happy. please. he needs to remember that.
Marvin closes his eyes. Breathes in, breathes out. He doesn’t know what’s happening, but he has more important things to worry about. And you’re right, he knows - his big brother - his friend - he doesn’t feel safe. Maybe he hasn’t felt safe for a long time, and Marv just didn’t notice. Or maybe it’s true. And this - this moment in time - is his only chance to give him a little comfort in the middle of his hell. What he wouldn’t give to have an hour to go back to Jameson and hold him while he was a puppet, tell him he would be free someday and that people would love him and he wouldn’t have to act like a pet. Or to curl up around Henrik’s freezing body as Anti beat him, and protect him from just one blow.
He gets to his knees and puts his hand on Red’s knees, drumming a soothing rhythm against his thigh.
“Okay,” he whispers, as Henrik’s gloved, soothing hands begin to calm Red down. “We’re okay. We’re okay. Nobody’s getting hurt, everybody’s good. You’re okay. I love you, Jackie.”
Red seems to bow over himself. Chase scoots close too and wraps his arms around him and squeezes, warm and steady.
“Everything is okay,” says Chase.
“Yeah,” murmurs Marvin. “In fact - well, it’s better than okay. Chase gets Izzy for her birthday today.”
Chase’s mouth blooms with a smile and he snuggles against Red’s shoulder, humming.
“And Jameson stopped hallucinating last week and he says the paranoia’s manageable. He’s talking about getting a job.”
“He’s gained his weight back,” adds Henrik.
“And Henrik, too,” grins Marvin, making his brother blush. “Henrik is seeing his therapist… and a new girl.”
Henrik reddens even worse, grumbling beneath his breath.
Red hides his eyes from them. If they can’t see him, he can pretend he’s not listening. He can pretend he’s not wishing for a life like this.
Anonymous asked: Y’know, that’s completely fair. But Anti is far worse then a cult and the stuff that’s happened is not great at all, trust us. I mean you see it right? You see Jackie? He doesn’t seem in the best shape now does he? You wanna figure out what happened? You’re going to have to listen to us to figure it out or give the camera back to Jackie. I know this is scary...but you have to trust us. That’s how we helped you in the past...or well the future.
“Please, please.” Red squeezes his eyes shut and reaches blindly for the camera, for Marvin, clutching at his sleeves. “Please, give it back to me, they’re my… they help me, I need them. They’re… they’re nice to me. They even kind of like me, even though, I’m… me. I can’t lose that…”
“Shit, fuck,” whispers Marvin, staring between the camera and Red.
“I can see it from here,” murmurs Henrik. “If something starts happening I’ll take it again.”
Marvin presses the camera into Red’s hands again. He relaxes with a groan, curling slightly in on himself.
“Hey, this does look like Jamie’s watch!” Chase picks up the little circle of silver beside him, blinking. “It’s like, a quarter silver. That’s cool, is it a timer?”
Anonymous asked: Easy, Red. It’s okay. Just deep breaths and start from the beginning. Whatever you can remember. It’s okay.
“I don’t remember anything,” whispers Red. “Until a few months ago. I woke up and you were beside me, Marvin. And that was all that I knew…”
Marvin presses down on his knee. Lets up. Presses down. Lets up. Presses down.
“I’m… I dream, sometimes, about leaving him, but that just makes it harder to wake up and realize I never can…”
Henrik gives a sudden shiver, drawing slightly back from him. Chase reaches out to touch his hand.
Anonymous asked: Take a good look at your brothers, Red. Look at how bright their eyes are, how clean they are, how healthy they look. See how there's no blood on them, no wounds, how their clothes are well-fitting and clean. Look around at the house they're in, how it's bright and lovingly decorated. Look at how they care about each other (and you!) and listen to each other. This is what Anti took from you. This is what Anti destroyed. Are you sure you want him back?
Henrik runs the latex of his gloves across Red’s chest, looking for abnormalities, and Red has a vague memory of holding still and snapping the latex gloves playfully while Henrik examined him. It is too calm a memory to have come from the last few months, he knows. Henrik looks well, a nice color to his usually morbidly pale cheeks, and he’s even strong, Red thinks, running his eyes over his body. Like he’s been allowed to run, to work out. Dok wouldn’t do that, would he? He’s something of a genius, sure, and he’s a good healer, but Red can’t imagine him doing anything else, being anyone other than Doktor. Going for runs? Helping make the cake for his niece’s birthday party? Pushing past Marvin and examining Red so calmly, with his own authority, his own confidence? Where’s the tremble in his wrists gone? Where are the dead-eyed breakdowns where he’s so numb Trick has to feed him?
He really lived like this, once? They all did? Marvin with his long, neat hair, jewelry he picked out for himself, a room full of plants? He doesn’t have to hide his magic or sneak around to make sure everyone gets fed. He doesn’t have to wait for a safe time to visit and hug his brothers. No one locks him in this room at night. He has cats. Red thought Blue hated cats. And Trick - he can’t remember the last time Trick hugged him. Maybe… maybe never, in his memory. Why would he? He’s the bottom of the pack and Red is at the top. All they do is avoid each other, or sometimes Red slaps him. But this Chase is curled up beside him, warm and unafraid, holding his shoulders. They think he’s hypnotized and they still trust him not to hurt them.
They were wrong about that, he supposes. Maybe they didn’t really know who he was. Maybe Jackie himself didn’t know who he was. Or maybe he wasn’t that person back then, but he is now, and looks down at Chase’s downy head on his shoulder, and knows that he will hit this person, and call him stupid, and useless, and a waste of space, and that Chase will run scampering when he hears his footsteps.
The thought of it was already horrible when he was living in a broken-down medical building and knew that Trickshot was going to be miserable one way or another, but to know that he could be safe and happy - to know that they could all be safe and happy and trust each other -
His brain is shorting out on him. He goes dead quiet, slumping against the bed, unable to talk anymore.
bupine asked: red, look around. you're happy in this timeline, happier than you were with anti. happy and warm and free. this is what you need. anti isn't. you have to face facts, jackie.
He just wishes Anti would be a part of this with him. He isn’t ready to let him go. But he wants this and he always has. He just buried the secret down deep, deep inside him. Strange… he doesn’t know when wanting to be happy became his darkest secret.
“More of the clock is changing,” says Chase. Marvin leans over to take it from him, frowning quizzically.
“Some water?” offers Henrik gently, pre-occupied with his patient. Red nods slowly, sniffling. He wants to be hugged and looked after and taken care of. He wants to be the little brother too sometimes.
nikkilbook asked: When the fire started on the river, Red and Dap almost didn’t make it. We we finally able to convince Red to head for the water, but then the current carried them away from you. I think Red thinks you are angry with him. Honestly, I think he thinks EVERYONE is angry with him. He misses you, but I’m not sure he feels like he’s allowed to.
Red has a glass of water and a little turkey sandwich that Chase makes him. He knows his stomach will change if he time-travels again, but he can’t help it. His brain is starving to eat even if Jackie’s body was full. He sits and lets big hot tears come rolling down his cheeks, and Henrik and Chase retreat to give him some space and murmur in the hall, and Marvin lies down beside him just like Blue would.
“Can I ask you something?” whispers Red, when he has a little calm back.
The silver on the clock is getting very thin.
“Anything,” whispers Marvin, who loves him even if he doesn’t understand.
“Was I really a hero?”
“Yes.” He strokes his hand across his big brother’s shoulder, squeezing tight, tight. “You are. You save lives. You stand up for people. Fight for what’s right. You’re a good hero. A good brother. A good man.”
Red stares at him like he’s starving for something more than turkey and lettuce and whole grain wheat.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” whispers Marvin. “But whatever happens? Whatever is coming? Jackie, we will get through it together. Okay?”
He wants it to be true. He wants it, suddenly, to not be a dream. He wants to stay with Marvin and he wants to fight for this life while it still exists, before everything changes.
“Okay,” he whispers, as the last dregs of Jameson’s power slip out of the watch.
“Promise me,” says Marvin, says Blue, says his brother, says his twin. “Whatever happens, you’re not leaving me behind. You’re going to stay with me. You’re not going to try to fight it alone. You don’t get to leave me behind. I know you. If you find a way to stop this - if you find a fight to fight - if you get a chance to save someone - you don’t get to do it alone. Do you understand? You and me, Jackie. You and me. Promise me. We can keep each other safe if we’re together. Promise.”
Something small and taut and cold hurts its way down Jackie’s chest.
And then he is gone.
The silver river comes back -
And he cries out again, thrashing -
And then he is on the filthy floor of a cheap motel, shaking like he’s been shot, and Dapper is unconscious against the wall beside him, blood dripping from his nose.
“Maybe I am angry with him,” says Blue, very softly, in a hospital on the other side of the world, stroking Trick’s hair as he sleeps across his legs. “Maybe he should feel bad. I asked him to stay. I needed him to stay. He left me behind again.”
End Section Three of Chapter Three: JJ’s Secret
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fanfic-scribbles · 7 years
Cat’s Cradle
A/N: Apparently I have a thing for cheering up sad angels. Cas, Cat, and fluff. This miiiiiight have a part two (very, very big ‘maybe’) but ultimately stands alone.
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: A Cas fluff drabble about stopping to smell the roses. Or stopping to pet a cat. And no, that’s not a euphemism.
Quick facts: Romance (pre-relationship) – Castiel/Reader – Nondescript Reader
Warnings: Fluff, cute cat, possible overuse of super unoriginal cat name
Words: 1252
    The wind is blowing cool, not cold, and the music is actually at a tolerable level today. You’re sharing the backseat of the Impala but even with that, and Sam and Dean bickering off and on, there isn’t anything that can bring you down. Cas is on the other side of the car seemingly lost in thought and you don’t mind the chance to spend time with him, even if it’s not especially productive.
You like Cas– more than you want to admit, actually. He’s a little cool and closed off but he always takes the time to greet you, even if he just pops in for a second, and whenever Dean asks him to have your back on a hunt Cas does it without complaint, or even the eye roll that he does almost every single time he talks to Dean. You smile at the thought. You almost feel bad for Cas having to waste his time on things so small, but for you there’s nothing like having angelic righteousness in your back pocket when things get hairy.
“You two alive back there?” Dean calls and turns his head to look at you. He winks and you laugh.
“Eyes on the road, Casanova,” you say and shift. Dean’s pulling into a gas station and you groan in relief. Finally; a chance to stretch your legs.
“Agreed,” Sam huffs as he exits the car.
You start to follow when you notice Cas squinting in confusion. “You need to get out and walk around, Cas? Dean always takes a while to fill up this gas hog.”
“Hey! Don’t you talk shit about my baby,” Dean grumbles as he starts the pump.
“No, I will be fine,” Cas says. You shrug and head around the back to go to the bathroom.
When you’re coming out after finishing your business, there’s some movement within a nearby pile of crates. Instinct has you put your hand to your weapon tucked in your waistband, but as soon as you see a furry black and white face you let your arm fall to your side.
“Oh, hey there cutie,” you say. The cat meows and slides out of its hovel, immediately rubbing against your legs. You chuckle and get down, balancing on the balls of your feet so the stray can sniff your foodless fingers. Unbothered by your lack of offering, he immediately starts petting himself on your curled knuckles. “Friendly little baby. I bet you get all kinds of treats.”
You stay for a little bit, petting the animal you have creatively named ‘Mister Cat,’ even when footsteps come up behind you. “(y/n), what are you– oh.”
You look back at him and your new furry friend goes to give Cas a cursory sniff before rubbing all over his legs as well. Fair weather, indeed, but it’s almost worth it just for Cas’s utter bafflement and Mister Cat’s continued, increasingly insistent, demand for his love. The cat goes to sit right in front of Cas, tail swishing madly in frustration. “Mow!”
Cas looks at you helplessly. “What do I…?”
You laugh and walk over to the crates, shaking out your legs on the way. You hold your hand above a crate at waist level. “Kitty!” You click your tongue and, when you have Mister Cat’s attention, you snap your fingers over the box. Mister Cat comes immediately and hops up to get pet.
“Come here, Cas,” you say before the angel can sneak off. Cas approaches slowly, watching the cat curiously. You stifle a laugh. “You see how I’m petting him?” Cas nods so you take your hand away. Mister Cat is not pleased and meows again. “You try.”
Cas reaches but, for whatever reason, hesitates. “Here,” you say and take his hand, guiding it over. Cas is still frozen but Mister Cat takes it from there, purring and petting himself on fingertips and knuckles and even the base of Cas’s palm where it meets his wrist– basically, any part of Cas he can reach. Cas gets into it and starts to move his hand, scratching between Mister Cat’s ears, much to the audible pleasure of your feline friend.
Cas smiles, but even more than that, Cas relaxes. You watch him as stress begins to unravel from his entire being. It’s amazing– yes, Cas is stiff and formal and sometimes a little uncomfortable, but you had never realized just how much of the world he seemed to carry on his back. Right now, he looks as pure and calm as you’ve ever seen him.
“I…think I see why humans value animal companionship so much,” Cas says. “This is very enjoyable.”
“Yeah.” You check your watch. “Too bad we can’t take him with us.”
“Why can’t we?” Cas asks.
“Dean’s allergic.”
“Ah,” Cas says and sighs. He leans down to look Mister Cat right in the eyes. “I am sorry, Cat, but it appears we cannot be friends.”
Mister Cat sits and meows.
“I know. I, too, find it regrettable,” Cas says, sounding genuinely sorry. “However I will cherish our meeting nonetheless.”
You cover your smile with one hand and swallow your laughter, but it feels like your heart just grew three sizes, especially when Mister Cat pushes his face against Cas’s chin and Cas has a face like he’s not sure what’s happening. Luckily, Sam doesn’t turn the corner until after their, um, conversation. “Oh, geeze. This is what you’ve been doing? (y/n), you know how Dean is about cats.”
“Yeah, sorry; couldn’t help myself.” You manage to tear your eyes away to give Sam an apologetic smile and you start digging in your pocket. “Here,” you say, shoving a twenty and a few extra bills into his hands. “Buy some Benadryl and a lint roller. Make Dean take the medicine and give us a few minutes with the roller; I’ll make sure we’re cat hair free before we get back in the car.”
“Can I keep the change for having to deal with Dean bitching about you two stopping to pet a cat?” Sam says, but his smile at Cas betrays him. You wonder if he knows what’s getting Cas so down and make a mental note to ask later.
“Knock yourself out; get an Abba-Zaba or something else fun,” you say and start scratching just above Mister Cat’s tail.
“Oh, he likes that,” Cas says in wonder as Mister Cat arches his butt all the way up.
“Gently scratch behind his ears,” you say. Cas does and Mister Cat turns into a Goddamn motor. “Aw yeah; kitty heaven.”
Cas snorts but some heaviness returns to his eyes. “If only he knew,” the angel murmurs. You wince and decide to keep your mouth shut. Soon Sam comes back with the lint roller and, after Cas sneakily summons a few chicken treats, Mister Cat saunters back into his hidey hole, sated. Keeping your word, you meticulously make sure you and Cas are clear of all hair before you both scrub down like surgeons and go back to the car.
Dean bitches but doesn’t even sneeze, and Cas seems a lot more content to watch the road pass by as he leans back in his seat. You smile and give yourself a small pat on the back, before you allow yourself to do that same.
And if an hour or so into your drive a bump in the road causes Cas’s hand to accidentally land on yours and he doesn’t take it back, you’re not going to complain.
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andythomas684-blog · 5 years
List of blunders for hikers
Careless hikers are more likely to tumble off a cliff, poke a diamondback rattler, and otherwise get themselves in trouble’s way. And frankly, our nation needs more outdoorsy people, not less.
So Backpacker asked me, the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Backpacking and Hiking, to answer all of your camping, hiking, cooking, training, you-name-it questions. I’m no gonzo, Everest-scaling, bear-wrestling hardman, but I’ve hiked enough miles to recognize which mistakes first-timers tend to make. Let's count 'em off:
1. Wearing denim like Johnny Depp on 21 Jump Street
News flash: Denim is cotton, so wearing jeans (and jean jackets for that matter, Mr. Depp) is a poor choice for any hike, especially in rainy or cold weather. That’s because cotton retains moisture instead of wicking it away like wool and polyester fabrics. Once cotton gets wet, it takes a long time to dry out; that moisture on your skin siphons away body heat through convection, leaving you shivering in your boots, and more susceptible to hypothermia (hence the aphorism “cotton kills”). Jeans are the worst of all cottons because they can ice up in below-freezing weather. I learned this lesson on my first hike with the Appalachian Mountain Club in New Hampshire, and I’ve remained cotton-free ever since, except on short summer hikes where getting chilled isn’t a danger. So the next time you see hikers wearing blue jeans, remind them that the 1980s are over and that Johnny Depp now prefers tri-corner hats and eye-liner. Related Articles : https://www.hikingbay.com
2. Buying your tent or sleeping bag at Wal-Mart
Sam Walton was an Eagle Scout, but he didn’t become America’s richest man selling top-quality camping and hiking gear at discount prices. Yes, Wal-Mart does sell an Ozark Trails sleeping bag for $10, but I wouldn’t use it on a real Ozark Trail. It's fine to buy your beef jerky, trail mix ingredients, and propane canisters at big-box retail stores, but trust specialty outdoor stores and reliable brands for the gear that matters most, like footwear, raingear, sleeping bags, and tents.
3. Hiking a trail with a road map
Not all dotted lines are made equal. Thus, the map that helps you find the trailhead parking lot won’t help you navigate a trail. Hyper-detailed USGS topographical maps (called “quads”) are the gold standard for backcountry navigation, but they are often overkill for popular and well-marked trails. Much easier to acquire and use are designated trail maps that include topographical features like rivers, ridges, and peaks, as well as key info like hiking mileage and trailheads. Book stores and visitor centers often stock maps and guidebooks for local trails, while National Geographic’s Trails Illustrated series is great for U.S. recreation hot spots from Acadia to Zion. And don’t forget Backpacker.com’s new Print & Go weekend planners, which include gear checklists, driving directions, and waypoints for dozens of popular hike what to wear on a hike and still look cute https://www.hikingbay.com/what-to-wear-on-a-hike-and-still-look-cute
4. Packing a first aid kit as if you’re landing on Omaha Beach
Morphine? Check. Gauze bandages? Check. M1 rifle? What? Most novice hikers either forget to bring a first-aid kit, or pack an entire pharmacy. Neither represents the right approach. You should bring a first-aid kit appropriate for the length of your trip, the size of your group (along with any individual medical needs), and your medical knowledge. The last one is important: If you don’t know how to use a first-aid item—like a suture kit—you probably shouldn’t be carrying it. Packing obscure supplies you’ll probably never use in place of additional bandages and painkillers doesn’t make sense. Basic first-aid essentials for most outings should be: adhesive bandages (various sizes), medical or duct tape, moleskin, sterile gauze, ibuprofen, Benadryl, antibiotic ointment, and alcohol wipes.
5. Being overhead saying, “Lightning can’t strike me—I’m not carrying anything metallic.”
If you think lightning only strikes metal objects, ruminate on this ancient Chinese proverb: “The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe.” Then substitute “knuckleheaded hiker” for the tall grass and “zapped by 100 million volts of electric juice” for the scythe, and you’ve got Professor Hike’s updated proverb on why you absolutely need to descend from exposed peaks and ridgelines when an afternoon thunderstorm is brewing. Lightning is attracted to tall, isolated objects, which could be anything from a clueless hiker standing on a summit to a lone tree. And even if you're not touching that lone tree, the lightning might strike the ground right next to it, or the ground current may surge up you. Secondary strikes can be just as deadly. What's more, lightning can strike targets up to 10 miles from the center of a storm. Trust me on that; I’ve got a few hair-raising tales from New Mexico to prove it. Instead, get into a forest or the low point of rolling hills, a ravine, or a gully. lattcure outfitters sleeping bag https://www.hikingbay.com/finding-the-best-lightweight-sleeping-bag-for-hiking
6. Going ultra-light without ultra-experience
A regular backpacker going ultra-light is like a vegetarian becoming a vegan—it takes time to dial down a new, safe system. Definitions vary, but ultra-light hiking generally means having a base pack weight (your gear minus food and water) of 10 to 12 pounds. The advantage, of course, is that you have less weight to schlep, but your safety net also shrinks: You have fewer backup provisions (food, fuel, warm clothes) if things go wrong, like you fall in a river or rodents steal your food. The more backcountry experience you have, the more safely you can go ultra-light simply because you’re better equipped with skills to, one, avoid such mishaps and, two, improvise if they do occur. However, even expert mountaineers can pay the ultralight price. Think of Joe Simpson of Touching the Void fame: During his and his partner’s ascent of Siula Grande in the Andes, bad weather prolonged their climb, causing them to run out of fuel for melting snow for water—something that later would contribute to Simpson’s fall into a crevasse. That’s why ultra-light hiking should be a gradual goal and not a first-time objective. Reducing pack weight is a skill you hone after much experimentation. So how much weight should you carry on a typical day-hike? Is it 10, 15, or 20 pounds? It all depends on the circumstances. If you’re hiking a dozen miles alone on a mellow trail, you can carry a sub-10 pound load of water, snacks, rain gear, headlamp, and the always essential map, compass or GPS. But if the trail is unfamiliar, tricky, or remote, and you’re hiking in a larger group, you might want to add a small first-aid kit, warm clothing, and extra water and food that pushes your weight north of 15 pounds. That’s because carrying more gear—along with the skills to use it—is your best strategy to reduce risk.
7. Wearing boots fresh from the box
I’m not a fan of hiking proverbs, but there’s one that I consider gospel: “If your feet are happy, the rest of you is happy.” I wised up to that fact on a 95-mile trek (Scotland’s bonny West Highland Way) that I began with stiff leather boots I hadn’t worn in eons. Those boots shredded my feet on the first day out, and I spent the next week limping up and down Scotland’s green hills. Trust me, neither you nor your feet will by happy if you begin a big trip with untested shoes or boots. Starting weeks ahead of time, you need to break them in while mowing the lawn, walking the dog, or running errands around town. Trail shoes, which perform more like athletic footwear, conform quickly to your feet, while taller, rigid boots require more break-in time. Wear recently purchased shoes indoors at first, since most outdoor stores have return policies that exclude those worn outside. If your feet hurt or develop hotspots or blisters, apply bandages, experiment with different socks, and keep at it. Remember also that most people’s feet swell a half size or more by the afternoon.
8. Starting too late in the day
Showing up an hour late for a 7 p.m. dinner reservation is bad manners. But starting at 2 p.m. a hike that you intended to begin at 10 a.m. is bad news. Unless you want your 15 minutes of fame on the CNN ticker (“Clueless Hikers Survive Freezing Nights in Wilderness”), it’s best to start on time, or shorten your route. I learned this lesson the hard way on a 10-mile hike in New Hampshire that began four hours late, included a few frustrating wrong turns, and ended at the trailhead parking lot just before midnight.
Besides an early start, how fast you move matters, too. An athletic adult hikes at 3 mph, but that rate drops to 2 or even 1 mph when you factor in rough terrain, elevation changes, and rest breaks. Groups always move slower than individuals, and a snail on crutches will beat families with toddlers. If you find yourself starting later than anticipated, check your map for shorter routes or a cut-off trail to reach your destination before sunset. If you find yourself falling behind, avoid the lure of cross-country shortcuts, and instead keep moving, watch the time, and be prepared to finish using headlamps, which you packed for just such an occasion.
9. Ignoring the weather forecast
A little rain isn’t a reason to cancel a hike. That’s why we have Gore-Tex boots and waterproof jackets, right? But even the best equipment can’t provide 100 percent protection from the soggy remnants of a hurricane or an Arctic-born blizzard. So before every trip, I review the website www.noaa.gov, which uses a Google Maps interface to generate five-day forecasts for precisely where I’ll be hiking. These results are far more accurate than the traditional forecasts for the nearest town, which could be miles away and thousands of feet lower than a trail. Plus, you can read the “Forecast Discussion,” which is like eavesdropping on local meteorologists during their coffee breaks. Thanks to a NOAA forecast, I knew ahead of time that a powerful thunderstorm would crash a recent backpacking trip in the middle of the night. So I minimized the danger by picking a sheltered campsite, pitching my tent away from lone trees and dangling branches, and tightening the guy-lines for my rain-fly. Sure enough, I awoke at 1 a.m. to witness a ferocious—but mostly harmless—atmospheric cannonade of light and sound. And by morning, as the forecast predicted, the skies were blasted clear. best winter hikes in washington https://www.hikingbay.com/10-best-winter-hikes-in-washington
10. Skimping on Leave No Trace
Litterbug? Not you. I bet you’re a committed recycler. Maybe you even wash and re-use zipper-lock bags. But on a camping trip, where do you dump the soapy water after washing dishes? Do you really strain out the food bits and scatter the “gray” water at least 200 feet from any lake, stream, or campsite? And do you use biodegradable soap? That’s what Leave No Trace (LNT) (www.lnt.org)—seven principles promoting ethical, low-impact outdoor recreation—advises you to do. It’s easy to practice LNT’s major rules: Carry out trash, keep away from wildlife, and minimize the impact of campfires. The finer points, however—like packing out toilet paper and building small fires—are harder to follow. But since Bambi doesn’t crap up your bedroom, you should extend the same courtesy. So here are Prof. Hike’s six tips to make the tough tenets of LNT more achievable:
• 200 feet equals 40 adult strides. • Use the rubber tip of a spatula to scrap leftover food from plates and bowls into your mouth. • Reduce odors by placing silica gel desiccates (those moisture-absorbing packets found in shoe boxes and other packages) into your trash bag, then double-bagging it. • Use dryer lint as natural fire tinder. • Carry versatile sanitary wipes instead of flimsy toilet paper. • Stop washing dishes, as veteran hiker Johnny Molloy advocates in this June 2007 Backpacker article.
OK, there you have it: my top 10 list of n00b blunders. Let us know what you would add to the list!
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kacydeneen · 6 years
Human Meds Could Cause Your Pet to Overdose
It was love at first sight when David Delpino rescued his cat Leia during NBC’s ‘Clear the Shelters’ event in 2015.
“I absolutely love this cat,” David said.
But one day in October 2017, Leia’s curiosity got her into some trouble.
“Unknowingly, I left my bag and I had a Ziploc bag of ibuprofen and she got into the ibuprofen from there,” recalled David.
He knew something was wrong as Leia was losing her balance. Then, she collapsed right in his lap.
“I was freaking out but I used to work in emergency medicine, so I was like initially I have to go to the hospital quick,” said David.
Leia was in the hospital for several days, needing two blood transfusions. The 2-year-old cat was bleeding internally.
Dr. Ian Kupkee says it was the ibuprofen that caused all the problems.
“Human pain relieving agents are designed to work with human chemistry, human bio chemistry,” the doctor explained.
Dr. Kupkee is a veterinarian at Sabal Chase Animal Clinic in East Kendall.
The vet said he’s seen cases like Leia’s before where pets find their way into human pills.
But, Dr. Kupkee said he’s also seen cases in which owners give their pets human medication without consulting a vet first. He warns that doing this could cause irreversible problems.
“Dangerous and frankly a lot more expensive than seeing the vet for the complaint that inspired you to look at Tylenol in the first place,” explained Dr. Kupkee.
Pet Poison Helpline reports nearly 50% of all pet poisoning cases they’ve received involved human drugs. Dr. Kupkee says there are some human medications safe for pets like Benadryl, but not Benadryl-D with decongestant.
“There are very few and the doses are vastly different. I was horrified to learn a long time ago that aspirin was so much less safe in pets. It better to not even bother. Just don’t try it,” Dr. Kupkee advised.
For David, it was a $5,000 lesson learned to not leave his medication lying around the house.
“Thankfully, to this day she is doing well. However we have to check up every year to make sure her kidneys were not affected.”
Here are some of the most common culprits of medication toxicity in pets.
The “pain reliever hospitals trust most” is ironically one of the more common reason pets are rushed to the emergency clinic. The active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen, has been linked to liver failure in both dogs and cats. Cats are especially susceptible to acetaminophen poisoning as even a single, child-sized dose can be fatal. Many people assume that if it is safe for babies, it is safe for pets. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Ibuprofen and Naproxen
These common over-the-counter pain medicines can cause bleeding ulcers and irreversible kidney damage. If you suspect your pet is in pain, call your veterinarian for a veterinary approved alternative.
Back in the old days, veterinarians would prescribe baby aspirin or buffered aspirin for pets. We now know this seemingly benign drug can cause ulcers, internal bleeding, liver damage, and kidney damage.
Commonly used to treat ADHD in children, Adderall contains stimulants that cause hyperactivity, high fevers, elevated heart rates, tremors and seizures in our pets. It also contains a binder that many users report as having a sweet, citrus-like taste. It is entirely possible that this is why pets find it irresistible. Make sure children who are taking these medications understand that they can never be given to pets.
Sleep Aids
Medications such as Ambien and Clonazapam can lead to extreme agitation and elevated heart rates in pets. Because these pills are often kept on bedside tables, they are easy for pets to find and ingest.
Anti-Depressants and Anti-Anxiety Medications
While certain medications can be used for pets in very small doses, most drugs of this type can cause anxiety, tremors, excessive vocalization and seizures. Do not ask “Dr. Google” for advice on dosing your pets, and do not attempt to medicate them for anxiety without a veterinarian’s supervision.
Decongestants - The Devil in the “D”-tails
Certain antihistamines, such as Benadryl and Claritin are perfectly safe for pets. However, certain varieties of these drugs contain decongestants such as pseudoephedrine, that can lead to dangerous heart palpitations. Be sure to check with your veterinarian regarding antihistamine doses and never, ever use a product containing decongestants. Helpful hint: an antihistamine that ends with “-D” probably contains a decongestant. A good rule of thumb when shopping for these drugs is “D stands for Don’t”. Never give Psuedophed intentionally, and keep those pretty red tablets out of Fluffy’s reach.
Cough and Cold Medicines
There are times when it is appropriate to treat a coughing pet with over-the-counter cough medicine intended for children. That being said, most of these drugs contain acetaminophen and/or pseudoephedrine. If your veterinarian recommends one of these products, have him/her write down exactly what you should purchase, including which active ingredients should be included. If you must ask the pharmacist to get it for you, chances are you are getting the wrong product, as defined by one containing pseudoephedrine. Stop, call your vet, and get clarification before buying anything. Remember, pharmacists are not trained in veterinary medicine, and it is not their job to be familiar with off-label, veterinary uses of human products. If you find yourself getting conflicting opinions, go with your vet’s. Your pets are our patients and our responsibility.
While medicinal uses are being studied by veterinary researchers, marijuana remains one of the leading causes of drug-related toxicity, according to Pet Poison Helpline. Pets that ingest marijuana usually do so in large doses, causing lethargy, respiratory depression, dangerously low heart rates, low blood pressure, coma, and seizures. They are often guilty of raiding the “edibles”, and tend to suffer from the toxic effects of chocolate as well.
If you think your pet has ingested marijuana, the most important thing you can do is to be honest with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian is not there to judge you. Their job is to help your pet, and they cannot do that without knowing the facts. Be honest, and don’t attempt to self-diagnose your pet.
Human Meds Could Cause Your Pet to Overdose published first on Miami News
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thegoodwiller · 7 years
My skin viral Infection HAHA moment!
2 Mondays ago, I was home and noticed a small little bump on my skin. I thought it was a pimple and scratched it a bit.The next day, I saw a cluster of small rashes. I sent it to my friends, one a PA and the other a nurse, both said don’t touch it, and to take Benadryl in case it was an allergic reaction.
I started replaying my recent activities, I went to the beach, didn’t eat or drink anything unusual. Also, I had not changed my body care products so that couldn’t be it. Over the next days what started as a small rash had quickly covered almost every acre of skin on my arms, back, and stomach. I started panicking as each search result from Dr. Google yielded in self-induced panic attacks.
one week after I noticed the bump, I tried to make appointment with a dermatologist but none had immediate openings in fact the earliest they could see me was 2nd week in September, I thought to myself surely this thing would be gone by then, so I called my primary care physician, and they were able to squeeze me in midweek.
After making my Dr’s appointment, I called another nurse friend, she sent me a link to a medical site and asked if the subject applied to me. I read all the symptoms, and I said yup, even the pictures were a perfect match. she said I think it’s ‘Pityriasis Rosea’ I was like Pity what?
Pityriasis Rosea is a viral skin infection that causes you to break out in rashes and flesh tone bumps on your body (arms, back, stomach, trunks, thighs, neck, and in rare cases faces) It is not transferable and doesn’t itch for the most part. It doesn’t have a known cause, it is self-limiting (meaning it goes away on its own) and can last anywhere from 6-8 weeks. It doesn’t really have a cure or treatment. Doctors recommend rest, oatmeal baths, and antihistamine, etc. It Is known as the Christmas tree infection since it starts out very small with a mother patch but then explodes rapidly.
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Come appointment day, it had already reached my face, the moment the Dr saw my body, back and stomach she said this looks like Pityriasis Rosea, I was like damn Doc! She also told me she had it before. She gave me a note to stay home or work from home and get plenty of rest and she warned me not to stress. I was like you got it Doc. I picked up Benadryl, Calamine Lotion, Tea Tree body wash and would bath multiple times a day and cover my body in calamine lotion, the struggle was real.
So, what I have learned… I can be stress-less. If you know me, you know I would have been depressed, wallowing in self-pity. This time, I just accepted and kept it moving. I was telling my friend Yeti about it and she was like you are not freaking out so it must not be that bad and then I facetimed her to show her, and she was like what! Wow, how are you staying calm?  And I told her there was nothing I could do so it was pointless freaking out.
Beauty really is skin deep, nothing like breaking out in bumps all over to remind you that everything is vanity, and how you feel inside of you is the real beauty…so you know I was still out here Queening!
I’d been talking to someone for a couple of months and was scheduled to go visit. Out of curiosity, I asked if they would help with applying the calamine lotion to my body and I was shocked with a “No. I don’t want what you have.” I responded by telling them it wasn’t contagious and they still maintained their position of Nope. I asked multiple times to emphasize I was serious and pretty much their response was you’ve been doing it yourself so why do you need help?
After that convo I KNEW it was over before it began and chucked up my deuces. Someone who would not jump a puddle for me certainly cannot be trusted to jump an ocean for me. My friend thought I was over reacting, but I don’t think so. If safety was a concern they could have said, maybe I can wear gloves, or you know what, I don’t feel comfortable…instead of a condescending “I don’t want what you have.”
Ok, disclaimer that I am a very sensitive person and really pay attention to the little things people do or don’t do. What I value in relationships and in a suitor, can be completely irrelevant to other people and that’s fine. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
As I enter week 2 of Pityriasis Rosea, some of the breakouts are drying while some are making their debut, either way I am going to remain unbothered. In fact, I attended a friend’s wedding, although I thought I wouldn’t since I was initially self-conscious
So all in all, I am very thankful for Pityriasis Rosea, it has saved me time, energy and emotions.
PS: Pityriasis’ has a funny name because when people see you they pity you...
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alexatwood86 · 7 years
Rehab for amphetamines
Got a problem with an Amphetamine?
If you find yourself asking:
Why can’t I stop taking speed over and over again?
Why do I need more to get the same effect?
How can I get out of this horrible cycle of using drugs to feel OK?
Do not despair.  You are not alone!
We’re here to help.
If you can’t quit using on your own, it might be time to ask for help. And we are coming to understand that a drug problem is a medical condition. In fact, amphetamines can “hijack” the brain, changing the way that it functions. When you understand addiction as a medical condition that responds to medical treatment, you can take hope. And we’re here to tell you:
Treatment works!
In this article, we’ll introduce you how drug rehabs can address the issue of chemical drug dependency.  We’ll also briefly explain the amphetamine treatment protocols to prepare you what to expect. Finally, we gladly welcome your question(s) in the comment section at the end. Or, feel free to share your personal experiences with us.
Your recovery matters.
Treatment can help you find new meaning in life. Regain your freedom. Call 1-877-217-8574 TODAY.
Why do people use amphetamines?
1. As medical treatment. 2. To get high.
Amphetamines – also known colloquially as “uppers” – are a class of drugs known as stimulants, which decrease feelings of fatigue while they increase energy and wakefulness. Some individuals take amphetamines prescribed by their doctors for legitimate reasons such as ADHD or narcolepsy. However, these types of drugs may also be taken illegally for recreational reasons.
Chronic use or abuse of amphetamines will often lead to physical dependency and addiction. This is because stimulants make us feel extremely good. As we repeat drug use, the brain becomes “wired” for this cycle of pleasure. Over time, our decision making centers at the front of the brain weaken, and our personalities change.
Use drugs.
Feel good.
Signs of a drug problem
So how can you know if you or a loved one is using amphetamines in a dangerous way? Signs of drug misuse can include:
Taking other people’s prescription.
Using amphetamines in a way other than prescribed.
Using an amphetamine prescription to get high.
Mixing amphetamine with alcohol and/or other drugs.
People who are addicted to amphetamines will usually find that they are unable to function without their drug of choice. They will also usually experience a number of uncomfortable (and possibly dangerous) withdrawal symptoms when they do not take the drug for an extended period of time. Of special concern include withdrawal symptoms that can provoke suicidal ideation, such as:
dysphoria (deep disatisfaction)
extreme fatigue
Readiness for rehab
Rehab for amphetamine addiction is often an effective way to break the cycle of addiction. However, it can be hard to determine if you need rehab or if you’re even ready take the first steps toward recovery. So, who can benefit most from amphetamine rehab and treatment?
You might be ready for rehab if:
You’ve tried quitting on your own, but can’t.
You can benefit from a daily routine.
You are no longer in denial of a drug problem.
Leaving your home environment will help reduce stress.
Why Waste Another Second in Pain? We Can Help You Get Back on Your Feet. Call Us at 1-877-217-8574. Recovery Starts Now.
Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
Q: What does rehab for amphetamine addiction look like? What can you expect?
A: Generally, there are two types of rehab for amphetamine addiction: inpatient or outpatient treatment.
Inpatient programs, also known as residential treatment, require you to live into a controlled environment where you’ll undergo a structured program. Meals are planned. So is regular sleep. These daily routines help re-set your biological, chemical system. Inpatient amphetamine rehabs also provide 24-hour medical and emotional support during detox and treatment. Residential treatment programs allow you to decide between programs with different lengths. You can either choose to undergo a 30-60-90 or longer treatment program.
Outpatient programs are usually part-time programs that operate in the AM or PM. They allow you to keep going to work or school during the day, while visiting recovery lessons at night. These treatment programs are flexible and recommended for those who cannot leave home or work to seek treatment.Most programs last for 10-16 weeks, although some people benefit from attending treatment for a year or longer. While outpatient programs are less expensive, they do require high levels of commitment. In fact, experts recommend that those who’ve tried quitting on their own (but have failed) consider an inpatient facility first.
Amphetamines will drain your life of meaning. Call 1-877-217-8574 and start recovering TODAY. Live the life that you dream of!
Customized rehab
Addiction is best treated from person-to-person. In other words, a treatment plan is a very individualized process. Not all treatment methods will work the same way for everyone. In fact, reputable rehab plans are generally created based on a case by case basis. Some or all of the following elements may be used during a stay in an amphetamine rehab.
1. Assessment
Initial medical assessment includes a physical exam, standard interview questions, a medical history, and drug testing. Doctors and addiction specialists use assessment and screening tools to determine the extent of a person’s addiction as well as identify any other mental health issues that may be contributing to the addiction. Co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, or trauma issues can also be treated during amphetamine rehab. Once the initial assessment is complete, a rehabilitation plan can be created. Oftentimes, periodic assessments are also used to determine how effective a rehabilitation program is and if changes need to be made.
2. Medical detoxification from amphetamines
Occasionally, an individual addicted to amphetamines may need to undergo a supervised medical detox from the drug. While this isn’t always necessary, a medical detox has a number of benefits over detoxing from the drug alone. First of all, detoxing from amphetamines can result in numerous side effects, including strong cravings for the drug, tremors, dehydration, extreme fatigue, and possibly even heart problems or seizures. During medical detox, doctors and nurses can monitor a patient and possibly ease some of these symptoms. Additionally, the likelihood that an addicted person will relapse in medical detox is much lower than if he or she tries to detox alone.
3. Psychological treatments
Mental health treatment is often at the core of all reputable programs. Individuals struggling from addiction typically participate in individual and group therapy sessions, which can help them better understand addiction and how to overcome it. Many amphetamine addicts will also be treated for underlying mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, which can either contribute to or be caused by their addictions. Addressing these issues is crucial to maintaining long term abstinence from amphetamines. Family counseling can also be helpful for some amphetamine addicts and their loved ones.
4. Addiction education sessions
During the course of amphetamine addiction rehabilitation, individuals typically attend numerous addiction education sessions. These sessions help addicts better understand that, while environmental factors do contribute to substance abuse, addictions are also influenced by biological and genetic factors. This gives many people the hope, determination, and skills needed to beat an addiction.
5. Support and social services
Since it’s nearly impossible to beat an amphetamine addiction without help, a strong network of support is imperative during rehab for amphetamine addiction. This can include social support, such as group therapy sessions, as well as typical social worker case management in areas of financial, medical, and vocational support. Addicts may qualify for financial support to help cover the cost of their treatment. Some rehabilitation programs may even offer education and vocational programs on site to help recovering addicts become self-supportive once they finish their treatment.
Medication During Amphetamine Treatment
Q: Can medications be used during amphetamine addiction treatment? A: There are no officially approved medications used to treat amphetamine addictions.
However, over-the-counter or prescription medications may sometimes be used to ease some of the amphetamine withdrawal symptoms that many people experience. Furthermore, when you undergo a medically supervised detox, doctors may administer the following meds to ease the intensity of your withdrawal symptoms:
Analgesics, for the relief of headaches and other minor pains.
Antidepressants for significant clinical depression.
Benadryl is prescribed to help you with agitation during detox.
Trazodone is sometimes prescribed as a sleep aid. This medication can help with cases of severe insomnia.
Decide NOT to stay where you are. Reach out for help for your addiction. We can help you reach sobriety. Call 1-877-217-8574.
Rehab for amphetamine Questions
As you can see, rehab for amphetamine addiction consists of a wide range of services and treatment options that can be tailored to your individual needs. What’s next?
Take a step towards recovery and reach out for help.
If you or a loved one is suffering from an amphetamine addiction, there’s no time like the present to seek help. If you have any additional questions about amphetamine rehab or would just like to share your experience, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. We love to hear from our readers, and we look forward to helping you move forward.
Reference Sources: DEA: Drug Fact Sheets
NIDA: Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)
NIDA: DrugFacts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction
NIDA: Prescription Stimulant Medications
State of New Jersey: Division of Addiction Services
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