Hold up- is that white pikmin is named after a fuckin Dark Souls Boss?!
I'm looking this up-
Malenia, Blade of Miquella bossfight, which is considered by many as one of the hardest bossfights in all of Elden Ring.
Shepherd: What's Dark Souls?
Dingo: I dunno but it sounds cool! If the name Malenia comes from there, she must be super powerful!
Russ: Blade of Miquella? That sounds interesting.
Yonny: Agreed! If she's the hardest bossfight, whatever that means, then this Pikmin must be amazing!
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russellallert · 9 years
#AskRuss - Targeting a New Market Using Facebook’s Ads Manager
Question: If I want to target an untapped audience via ads manager what would be the best way to go about that? Thanks Russell!
Answer:  Great question!
1. I would make sure this new target fits in with your overall strategy and who you want to target - stay niche unless you are scaling/expanding your business. 
In other words, don't just chase random peeps - stay focused. 2. Learn as much about this new audience as possible. Create an Ideal Customer Profile for them. 3. Once you have a good idea who they are, then look at ways you can target them in Facebook Ads Manager, and create a Saved Audience (or a few) so you can start testing ads.
Find out more about Facebook ads and growing your business on my website. 
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Let's get to Yons because I'm kinda concerned about everyone's health.
Russ: We’re heading to his room right now. It’s the farthest down the hall.
*Everyone shuffles down the hall. You pass by Collin, Shepheard, and Bernard’s room before finally reaching Yonny’s. His name plate is rusted, and is glowing slightly in the dark. Dingo knocks on the door.*
Dingo: Yonny? You up?
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[Player]: I’m fine! Just up late working on a project.
*Dingo and Russ visibly relax*
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Hi Russ how are you!
Russ: Tired... what time is it?
*He gets up, walking over to a clock hanging over the door that leads out into the ship.* Russ: Four in the morning? Geez...
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*Drops a box full of various trinkets*
Use these to experiment with the named ones!
*Yonny and Russ' eyes light up at the box.*
Maki: We found the red leafling! Do you want us to engage?
Shepherd: Well... can you tell if they have a castaway?
Dingo: It looks like it, yeah.
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yeah, left it is
*Dingo, Maki, and their army of Pikmin go left. Russ audibly sighs in relief as they do so.*
Maki: Keep an eye out for any materials laying around! We need as many as we can get our hands on!
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*Secretly gets the rewind footage ready to play the moment Dingo and Maki leave.*
Yonny: Oh, is this the footage another asker has mentioned before?
Russ: Yes! Actually we should wait until I have everything set up. askers, if you'd please go to Dingo and Maki, I'll connect you as soon as we've all watched the footage.
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Dingo, Maki, I wish you both luck on your new expedition for materials! Please stay safe and off of the Right Path! Ah, and also check your surroundings very carefully this time around! Heheh, I don't mean to still sound paranoid, but danger does lurk in the Unknown, you know?
...It's good to see [Player] finally get the rest they need, too :]
Shepherd: Yes, I agree! Russ? Go ahead and get the shared camera set up in the living room. It'll let us keep an eye on everyone, plus then everyone else can still talk to us while out with Dingo and Maki.
Russ: *salutes* Copy that!
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Uhhhhh okay. A awkward staring contest.
Russ: Meh, those two are always like this. It's quite entertaining, really!
[Player]: We have bets going on who'll go longer without admitting their feelings. It overrode the one we already had going for Dingo and Shepherd.
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*prints two pages and stays dead silent*
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*[Player] picks up the papers and glances over them.*
Collin: What do they say? [Player]: Some notes about creatures on a planet.
Collin: This one? [Player]: *hums* it seems similar to this one. The notes were even written by people named Yonny and Olimar. The notes on the leaflings might still be useful though.
Dingo: *shudders* Imagine two Yonny's in the same place-
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Heyyy, don't give us that look, [Player]!
But, really, I hope these tests are revealing only in good ways! Hopefully your blood is normal and whatever side-effects y'all have wear off soon!
To be honest, though, meddling with time would probably be something that's punished with pretty bad and semi-permanent consequences...
Russ: *Very obviously disconcerted*Well, we don't know for certain there's any atypical reasons for any of this.
[Player]: though on the topic of blood, I did eat a bit ago...
Yonny: Oh! We'll have to do that later then. Don't eat until we get to that
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Wait there was a error message when that rewind occurred- what if that hurt [Player]!?
Russ: We can go check on [Player] next.
Dingo: Can I come? Just in case.
*Russ nods, and the three of you head back out into the hall where the bunks are.*
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That's not a glitch... you don't have ai video tech developed and that stuff will never glitch... and this is a literal thing that happen- Dingo was rubbing the exact spot that bulborb bit him on.
*Dingo rolls his shoulders back, smiling tiredly* Dingo: Like I said, its fine now though! Whatever happened, happened! Water under the bridge and all that, right?
*Russ doesn't reply. He seems deeply disturbed.*
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And they are traumatized... great.
Russ: It didn't happen though, so its fine. Clearly, Dingo is here. [Player] is, too! Maki is out safe in her camp spot. If they weren't I... WE would have known and done something.
*Dingo places a hand atop Russ' and gives it a gentle squeeze* Dingo: Exactly. Hypothetically, even if I died, I'm not dead anymore, right? So everything is fine!
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*I'm just waiting to see their reaction*
*Russ and Dingo watch the latest log. It's glitchy and hard to make out, but your still able to get the gist of it. When the view switches back on, Russ' eyes are wide in shock and Dingo's own expression is blank, his eyes completely glazed over.*
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