#asks are open about c!artem
artemfluid · 5 months
Okay soo...minecraft persona! I don't have like, a proper drawing of them- just a colored concept but it's literally just their design. I'm too lazy to make an actual drawing rn :p Fanart very much welcome btw!!
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Rambling about them under cut
So here's my minecraft persona, Artem.fluid (literally just my normal handle) genderfluid aroace, they/them.
They're a shapeshifter, but this is their preferred form. The purple sorta swirly thing on the left side of their body is excess magic from a past event related to the watchers.
They're extremely playful, creative, and very self depreciating!
As for hermitsona things, I made a relationship chart for all the hermits + life series members that weren't included. Will go more in detail about some relationships below!
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Starting with hermitcraft: Wels, Xisuma, Etho, Impulse, Skizz, and Tango all have a back and forth family-like relationship!
Wels, Tango & Xisuma is a father-child relationship
Impulse & Skizz are like uncles to Artem!
Etho is like a big brother.
An honorable mention for the family-like relationships is Hypno! Hypno wants to care and protect Artem like his own child, but Artem just sees him as a good friend.
All other relationships I feel are important to talk about: Beef, Cleo & Gem!
Artem sees Beef as a friend, not a best friend though. Beef is in a weird Grey area where Artem is fine to open up to him, but doesn't feel like they're best friends. Beef however, feels like they're best friends.
Cleo is slowly growing on Artem and Artem is slowly growing on Cleo. Its not a surprise if Cleo turns out like an aunt to Artem.
Gem & Etho in my headcannons are adopted siblings, so by extention this sort of makes Gem one of Artem's siblings because they see Etho like a big brother. They both agreed that they're just best friends.
Onto the 5 life series members that were left out!
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Jimmy is the only one Artem has a family like relationship with. They're like siblings in a way, but it's unclear who acts like the older sibling- it always changes.
Martyn & Artem have a strange relationship. Artem sees Martyn as a friend, but doesn't know much about him besides how he had done in the past life series. Martyn however, wants to mentor Artem like a parent. Both have had encounters with watchers and listeners, and he wants to help them with it.
Scott and Artem are the gay best friend duo that you can't stop. End of story.
Artem met Lizzie through Joel, and they both think eachother are chill.
Artem has only had super brief interactions with BigB, and is somehow super intimidated by him.
That's about it for them, idk what else I would write but feel free to ask questions about them or to them! I love making little ask series :)
Tagging @insoucianceart cuz I remember you saying something about being interested in my oc(s) :3
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Alright lets try this one last time...
Hi! @artemfluid here, and welcome to my secret account!!! This account mainly revolves around selfshipping, AKA I ship myself/an oc with a character! Before we move any further, heres some important things:
General DNI
I am okay with sharing! Other people can have the same selfship as me and that is fine! I will actually encourage people of the same selfship to interact so we can talk about the silly together!!
My ask box is ALWAYS open. Hop on in!
Now here are the characters & tags you'll be seeing the most on here:
#artem selfship
Rika (Romantic) - #bugsintheground🐛
Venture (Romantic) - #venture🪨
C!Welsknight (Hermitcraft, Romantic) - #moodring💎 & #💎knight
Helsknight (Hermitcraft, Romantic) - #🔥knight
C!Tango (Hermitcraft/Life Series, Romantic) - #❄️☄️tek
C!Tango & C!Jimmy (Hermitcraft/Life Series/Empires S2, Familial) - #gifted a wisp⚙️🐤 & #⚙️🐤ranchers
C!impulse & C!Skizz (Hermitcraft/Life Series, Familial) - #💛hiwthba💙 (home is where the homeh buddehs are)
Heres some OC's that you'll be seeing a lot of:
Thanks for hanging out and I hope you enjoy this silly little account!💜
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sereinordic · 1 year
Coffee shop
Artem Wing x fem reader • fluff
'I just fall in love with him at the very first sight..'
• 07.59 am
As the older sister of Marius Von Hagen, you're expected and imagined by many to be full of dignity, elegance, and mature woman. Well that's not false, but you also had the inner side that well cheerful side or maybe beyond that and actually love to sing with playing a guitar.
Today was none other than the usual visit to one of the Pax cafe and by visit, it's not just come and just sit after ordering something. You visit the cafe to sing a song and play guitar.
Amidst the tranquil and sweet ambience of the cafe, you tied your hair into a ponytail, straightening the white shirt and blue jeans that you wore. After some little rehearsal, you start to sing.
Sweet melodies emit from your mouth, and you see the costumers enjoy your performance as well. It makes you happy to see them so relaxed and full of smile with the happy yet soft coffee shop song you've bought.
You then close your (e/c) orbs, still singing and playing the guitar, enjoying the ambience you felt at the moment. It's just, a ringing of the bell from the coffee shop's door making you open your eyes.
And by the time you open those (e/c) ones that soon encountered by that piercing blue orbs..
A soft blush formed instantly on your cheek, your body freeze and your guts saying that.. maybe you just fall in love at the first sight with the perfectionist looking man..
• 08.37 am
And damned as it was Marius, your teaser kind of brother immediately steps towards your frozen figure and nudge your side whilst smirking in full of tease. "Oho, what is it that i see? Does my older sister finally found her crushy crushh~?"
No reaction coming from you, but the blush on your cheeks surely is deepening. Damn it.
Immediately you covered both side of your face with your hands and turn to your back.
Too embarrassed by already messed up your performance over a guy and be teased by your brother. Although the costumers do not complain not minding their business to anything about it and still continue their activities, you still felt embarrassed..
That baritone voice send shudder to your body. Although it's not your name that is spoken.. that voice truly made your body acted up.
You took a peek from your hand.
"Yo artem!" You see Marius casually talk to your crush that turn out is none other than one of his acquaintance, god.
You can't be more damned about it.
The last time you've fall in love with Marius acquaintance, Marius end up making fool out of you in front of them and you end up crying before leaving the scene.. thus the memory of your childhood.. and you don't want that to happen again. Never.
"M-marius-" So the time you felt those blue eyes of your crush set upon you, immediately you bow your head to him giving him your business card that had your photo, basic info, and personal number before dashed out of the cafe all red because of the embarrassment you felt at the moment.
"Ah too bad you make sissy run out Artem." Marius snickered sipping the frappe he ordered while watching the way Artem stare at your business card in hand all indifferent.
Artem slightly amused at your shyness but still gave him your business card, maybe the next time he went to the cafe he will gave you his business card as well. "She's your sister?" The attorney ask.
"Yep. Pretty isn't she?"
Artem think for a while, recalling your all flustered appearance again before nodding in agreement. "She is indeed."
Knowing too well that maybe Artem had the slightest interest for you, Marius get into the point of what he wants to say.
"Oh, i think i overheard rosa said that a woman named celestine says your mother want you to have a girlfriend right? Why don't you take her?? She's single and you as well! Both of you will be a perfect couple! I don't mind having you as my older brother in law~"
At Marius sentence, Artem facepalm whilst sighing. "I'm married to my job. Also i'll took my leave if you still talk about matchmaking."
"Gee. Well just put in mind, sissy is a perfect woman in my opinion. Too bad she's my sister, probably if she's not related to me i'll marry her by now." With a shrug from Marius, Artem take a look at his watch before leaving for sure.
• 09.26 am ―
Your (e/c) orbs staring at the piled documents and paperwork on your office desk. 'It wasn't as much as Marius.. still.. rip my back for sure.' You cry internally as you took a seat.
The gold frame eyeglasses makes your figure even more professional whilst working on Pax important business. Surely.. you need some big teddy bear that you can hug on at your office room.
Although you believe you had focused that much at your work.. the image of the professional guy in the cafe successfully making you distracted from work. And instead of work you start daydreaming of him.
Be ready to get scolded by your secretary 😉
Artem now back on his office. Glancing at the documents here and there, he carefully analyze the documents with his knuckle over his mouth.
The attorney grab his fountain pen before circling a words, lining a sentence, and draw some arrow sign then wrote down the important point on his notebook.
One documents are done, he then work the other.
• 12.00 pm ―
'It's lunch.' Artem thought to himself as he set the documents neatly at the side of his work desk.
His hands goes to his bag, letting out a homemade dish he made before. Pairing it with the beverage he bought from the cafe he mets that clumsy-
'Ah.' Perhaps he's suddenly bewitched or not, he rummage his pocket and take a glance at the (h/c)-ed girl business profile card out of curiosity.
With thumb brushing the profile of the cute girl that he found out name is (y/n) von hagen, unconsciously a little smile form on his lips the more he thinks about her.
'(Y/n) von hagen.' her name completely flooding his mind as he recall the very first time he saw her performance at the cafe yet that time she doesn't recognize his presence at there who's enjoying her voice with a cup of coffee and glaze doughnut.
'She's now recognized me.'
Guess who's now eating his lunch whilst thinking of someone? Yes you're right the answer is the tsundere senior attorney!
• 13.00 pm ―
...lunch even has passed and you can't be more damned by these documents that you need to sign. Moreover you already scolded by your secretary sigh.
Munching some of the red velvet homemade cookies (that is a little burnt), the sweet taste from the choco chip and vanilla hopefully made your stomach filled. And with earl grey tea, you've fully stuffed belly.
'Ah.. cookies and tea... it's worth it to skip the lunch menu. But today's lunch.. is my favorite.. /sob. Why you're so harsh to me life!!!?'
• 18.50 pm ―
You do some stretching at your back.
And guess what? Finally. The paperwork are done.
Congrats to yourself woohoo! 🎉
You happily kick your desk whilst doing some victory poses, but the pain soon come and you're now laying on the floor whilst holding your knees.
Maybe.. you now need to call Marius beside your office room to pick you up..
Artem is now back at his home. What a hectic day but it's a good things he doesn't need to spend the whole day on Themis Law since his work today wasn't that complicated.
He place his suit to the laundry basket, unclapping the golden tie clip he wear almost everyday then undone his tie to hung them onto the hanger, he unbutton the top three button on his shirt before walking to the kitchen.
Mr. wing is now ready to cook for his dinner!
• 20.30 pm ―
You were getting carried by Marius back to home and he even had the nerve to call you his only lovable big sis.. heavy oh you make sure he learn how to kneel properly later.
After took some nice bath and change into pajamas, you have a family dinner with your father and Marius. It was a joyous and happy meal because it's quite rare that the three of you were free from work- until father bought up the topic of Marius having a crush, and Marius becoming a brat he is, really doesn't accept only himself labeled as a simp by father making you who recently got a crush mentioned too.
Your father sob dramatically as he say out loud how time passed fastly, it was like yesterday Marius still crying because he peeing on his pants and you run in a circle that surrounding him because you don't want him went to work.
You and Marius just eat quietly at the mentioned embarrassed moment..
After cleaning the dishes, Artem do his own attire laundry by himself. He took some nice bath and brush his teeth while checking the time.
He then went to his bedroom, quite proud of the tidy and neat room before goes to sleep.
• 10.00 am ―
The day after Marius were bored as usual when he got stuck with the merciless paperwork that yet to be signed on, so he thought something fun that includes you in.
He knew too well his older sister probably was missing out lunch again which is her favorite because how preoccupied she is with work.
Truly a corporate slave and workaholic if he thinks about her.
Then the young master of von hagen starts to dialing a number. Upon sensing his call received he immediately get to his point.
"Come visit PAX mann. If you don't occupied- wait no. Just come here. You always occupied I wonder why those paperwork never even end."
Without even having the attempt to replying Marius careless words, Marius himself has ended the call between them.
• 11.00 am ―
Lmao Artem really arrive at Pax company making Marius dramatically held such a grand greetings, and just that Artem knew that the reason behind Marius asking for his arrival were none other than another Marius boredom kill thingy.
Marius had those crocodile fake tear making Artem more despises him.
At the same time, you who's completely occupied was surely got disturbed by the fact there were such a loud noise on the outside of your office room. Grumpily, you went to the company hall ready to giving a lecture to whoever group it was, though you never ever come up with the idea that there will be 'his' arrival on the company.
It's from the name tag pinned on his pocket chest that you can tell his name is Artem Wing.. your crush.
"Yooo jie jie come here!!"
No bish. You come here :)
"What are you doing Marius!? There's nothing to celebrate and you create nothing but loud noise that interrupt everyone work." Pissedly you rub your temple, exhaling a really deep sigh.
"Probably it's just you who got pissed. Everyone enjoy it since they can get free from the hilarious amount of work."
"Tsk. Whatever I'm going back. If you're not gonna end this celebration then lower down the voice. Got it?"
"Alright! Byee corporate slave!"
Immediately you took a leaving from the room without batting any more eyes to catch your surroundings.
It's just that, you don't notice the lingering gaze someone had for you.
• 13.00 pm ―
'how to court someone you never interact with before! even mr. Introvert approve!'
It was quite embarrassing to bought the book, though compared to reading the book in public and getting watched is far more worst..
[The first step is muster up the courage!]
Artem upon seeing the first sentence on the book, he already exhale a very long sigh.
He start to reminisce all the time he want to talk with you that only end up his voice weren't out and he blushed madly.
'Sigh.. can I really do this..?'
'do I.. even deserve her? she's out of my reach...'
'n-no. I need to do this.. I need to muster up my courage. I like her. And want to be her significant other. Let's do this..'
You were buried under the ton piles of paperworks.
You start to swim around the sea of paperwork.
'am in da wotah!'
you start to became crazy.
It's until a notification pop up in your phone.
From unknown number? Who it might be?
[vChat - xx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx]
While laying down at your work desk, you look at the massage. Examine it.
'I-it's creepy.. um. They add dot to the end of their text HSHSHHS. W-what am i supposed to do..!?'
'The message I send.. was it so awkward..?'
Artem lean on the chair, staring at the massage he had sent.
He's nervous, really.
He really doesn't know how to woo someone..
Not to mention that someone is the older sister of someone he'd known. And the someone he'd known can be annoying so much 🙏🏻
But he had made up his mind, if he's going to be with her then he will also be in a good relationship with her family even if a certain younger brother of her can be annoying..
Well with the power of love even cat poop taste like chocolate.
Back to the matter at hand, he start to regret everything because there's any reply coming from her.
it's start to be some hours now, yet there's still no reply..
he knew it, his text were so awkward..
but then a notification pop up.
[vChat - (l/n) (y/n)]
Hey there, who is this if I may know?
/Ba-thump! Ba-thump!
She finally reply!!!
But the happiness and excitement growing inside him immediately changed into a despair as he held his head frustratingly.
'how can I forget to introduce myself!?'
[vChat - xx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx]
Sorry, this is Artem Wing.
A-another dot ending the sentence..
Oh it's Artem Wing-
- Notice -
Do you wish to save this contact as,
"My crush! :3"?
[Yes] [No]
[vChat - My Crush! :3]
If you're free, after work. Do you want to have a dinner with me? It's on me.
At his office room, Artem can only flusteredly burying his face deep to his hand.
There's no turning back now..
He can only hope she will say yes..
Here goes nothing..
Yet at the moment there's a notification popping up from his phone screen, he really hope she will agree because it's been half an hour after he send the text.
[vChat - (l/n) (y/n)]
Yes i would love to! :3
Thank you for the invitation ^^
I appreciate it so much!
Ah.. his heart beating so fast when he read those cute text..
And how butterfly dancing on his stomach..
He shyly smile at how cute she is.
Should he reply her an emoji?
[vChat - My Crush! :3]
• 19.00 pm ―
After make sure you aren't messy nor looking tired, you stood at the lobby waiting for Artem.
Usually you were now already at the car with your father and Marius, therefore your father was confused when seeing you alone and not in the car.
"Why are you here, (Y/n)?" He ask worriedly, he already look so tired from his work but his energy seems to recharge when he saw his daughter. He really love his daughter.
Right. You forgot to tell him..
"Father! Um.. I'm waiting for someone.."
Your father had this knowing look. As he coughed and look at his secretary.
Why do you sense that something will.. happen?
"I'm already so old, no? It must be great to have grandchildren." The CEO of PAX sob dramatically to a handkerchief that appear out of nowhere, the man even nailed his act by gorgeously snort.
As if not going to lose his acting skill to the CEO, the secretary also put this knowing look and nod dramatically. "You're right sir."
And finally your father gave you that smile before wave you off. "Marius also try to court a certain miss attorney, so he will not coming back with me. It seems both my child took a liking to an attorney huh?"
"This old man only want grandchildren, my child... A twin, plumpy grandchildren 😁."
You're left a blushing mess by what your father said to you. You just get to know him, do he want you and Artem to get married right now and had seggs!? H-he- really..
..had a nice idea.
"It's still too soon, father!!"
Just as your father want to tease you more, a car show up just in time. this making your father gives you another of 'that' look and smile.
Before leaving, he 'cough' as a farewell, the secretary also give you a look for farewell.
Artem whose unaware of everything since he just arrive is confused at how you're looking like a blushing mess.
He gets out of his car, and take out his coat for you to wear. He thought maybe he just thinking things and you just probably cold outside waiting for him.
He also give you his scarf to use.
After making sure that you're look like warm enough, Artem internally had this proud noises while you in the other hand blushing even more by his sweet act.
You bury your face deeper with the scarf and his coat, his scent emit from it. You smile softly.
It's.. warm and smell nice.
"Have you been waiting long..?"
With half face now covered by his coat, you're unable to look at his eyes as you became shy.
He's relieved to know that.
Artem then goes to opening the doorknob for you, all while treated gently like this making your heart beating so fast and butterflies partying in your stomach. The butterflies are feral.
Though you always get the same treatment by your assistants and people work in your house, these feeling you felt right now is totally different..
"Thank you Mr. Wing.."
• 19.37 pm ―
To broke the awkward silent (for him) he clear his throat while took a little glance at you before focusing at the road again.
"If it's fine by you, you can call me Artem."
The man really try his best to overpowering the shy and flustering mess he usually was. He was sure that this time without Celestine guidance and knowledge, he can have her love him back.. maybe.
"You can call me (y/n) then, Artem."
You give him a soft smile as you look at the city night view outside. It's so beautiful. But not as beautiful as Artem Wing, the pretty boy of prettiest boy ever.
"Alright. I'll do so.."
When seeing your bright smile, Artem cheeks reddened as he give a soft smile in return.
• 20.05 pm ―
The two of you arrived at a fancy romantic restaurants.
Artem as a gentleman he is, really try his best to make you feel special and treat you really nicely.
After ordering the food, there's this comfortable silence shared upon the both of you.
With only our eyes sharing glances, some minutes had passed and a soft laughter erupt from the both of us.
We chat about work and love life.
It seems Artem really never expect that you never dated anyone before, as well he didn't expect that someone had rejected your love confession.
You also quite shocked as to he never had dated anyone, although yes he found someone attractive and perhaps trying to court her, he really in the end still solely focused on his work. Therefore..
"R-really? I never expect you haven't dated anyone, Artem."
Said man let out a soft chuckle as he see you adoringly. "Yes. I think I might even clueless when it comes.. to relationships." He shyly scratch his nape.
You see, honestly it's rare of Artem to say his weakness or letting his unprofessional side of him out since he's always aiming for the best and cover it moreover in the front of his chosen life partner soon to be.
It was this time he trust his gut to just be himself, even letting his clumsy nature out.. he feels that the female he's infatuated with, would accept everything about him, even his flaws.
"I.. I think that.. Artem is so otherworldly amazing! Therefore um I thought you had plenty of ex.. and really experienced in relationships." Letting out a soft sheepish giggle, you then move your eyes to admiring his beauty.
His clumsiness only adding the adorable point he already exceeded, it's.. over beyond.
God. He's so perfect.
"You see? You're just so.. perfect to be true."
Artem choke on his food at the unexpected praises. He's a blushing mess now, he really thankful of the dim lighting that perhaps his blush can goes unnoticed.
He drink up a little before clear his throat, his hand over his mouth as he shyly glance at you.
You also can notice the way he fixed his tie whenever he's flustered or avoiding your gaze for a slight minute. He's so adorable.
You love him.
"(Y/n), you're as amazing as what you've took me for.."
Now it's time for you to blush.
• 20.58 pm ―
"(Y/n) my deepest apologize to take you out until this late.."
At the sudden mention of time, you finally take a glance at the forgotten hand watch that you've wear. It's so enjoyable with Artem that time become meaningless things to think about.
"Oh wow. Time passed so fast.. I don't even realize it's already so late.."
Out of sudden appear the imagery of your father, father's secretary and Marius interrogating you at home, you start to break out in cold sweat.
"Let me drive you home."
The imagery change to how your father, father's secretary and Marius, heck even the maids, butler of your house interrogating both you and Artem when you arrive at home.
Immediately you reject his offer.
"Ah no it's okay, I don't want to trouble you-"
"You're not troubling me (y/n). Please, let me drive you home.. I.. want to make sure you were safe and sound.."
But how can you reject him when he looks like such a cute puppy!?
'No, I'm just a sucker for Artem. I can't say no to him.'
"O-oh.. alright. Thank you then Artem.."
It's just the both of you were forgetting something, a notification coming from each of you.. family group.
[vChat - Papa <3 | family <3 ]
No plumpy grandchildren, no coming home :)
[vChat - adopted child | family <3 ]
No marriage, no coming home old sis :p
Oh should I call you Mrs. Wing now? :O
[vChat - Mother | Artie go married already. ]
I heard from someone, you're out there courting some girl??
Momma waiting the good news!
Finally. Give me a plumpy grandchildren!!
Don't forget to introduce her to us Artiee.
[vChat - Father | Artie go married already. ]
Stay virgin outside marriage life okay boy? @ Artem Wing
Make sure to give us plenty grandchildren ☺️ the more the merrier!!
• 21.40 pm ―
"Thank you for driving me home Artem. I really appreciate it.."
As you're ready to get off the car, he told you to stay put as he get off from the car and open the door for you.
He offer his hand out, you take his hand and get out from the car while smile sheepishly at his sweet act.
"The pleasure is all mine (Y/n).."
Holding your hand warmly, he gives you a charming smile in return.
You just can't hold it anymore as you lean closer to him and kiss him on the cheeks.
"A thank you kiss."
Artem blush heavily when he trace his cheeks that were kissed by you before goes to embrace you tightly that you return immediately.
Giggle emit from your mouth as you feel his breath fanning over your earlobe.
"..may I tell you something?"
His voice were nervous and quite shaky as his embrace get tightening even more.
"What is it, Artie?"
At the realization of you giving him cute nickname, the bravery he had mustered just a second ago breaking down instantly as he bury his face on your nape.
"..." He try to say it, but it's only emit as a humming.
"Take your time Artie.."
With a shaky breath, he break apart the embrace. His blue eyes lovingly gaze upon yours (e/c) one deeply.. as he carress your face with his right hand. His left hand's encircled your waist, holding your figure close to him.
It's such a bold action of him but he will risk it all.. he once overheard that Kiki and Rosa get really excited over the romantic scene where the male lead in drama got so bold over the female lead.. so.. perhaps you might love this too. He just need to make sure he doesn't cross the border of appropriate.
"..I love you."
"(Y/n).. do I have the chance to marry you?"
Oh. It seems the words get misplaced.. it's supposed to be 'get in a relationship with you' but somehow his mind filled with married life with her.
At the sentence Artem had uttered, both the attorney and the worker had their cheeks aflame instantly.
"I-i I mean-! (Y-y/n-"
Somehow you get the feeling that this man before you want to rephrase what he said but you don't want him to change any words he have said to you.
Therefore, pulling down his tie a little bit you goes in to kiss his lips. "Don't rephrase.. I want to marry you.. Artie."
"I love you too."
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kristiewritings · 3 years
hi, so my friend @kuraiangeliusm was apparently high and asked me for a “tot (tears of themis) men when you kiss them good morning after they had a stressful day" fic so in honor of her high-ness and artem wing here it is
◈↳ characters: luke pearce, artem wing, marius von hagen, vyn richter
◈↳ warnings: spoilers for chap 4 in marius' part.
◈↳ thoughts: i write for 2 games now lol
also no proofread i'm doing this at work :(
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➱ Luke Pearce !
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rarely ever shows that he gets stressed because he doesn't want you to worry
but he's still human, he can't hide his feelings all the time
honestly when he rants its an honor to be the one he trusts so much
so when one night he ranted to you about his day
you came up with a ✨brilliant✨ idea
you'd pepper his face with kisses for the next mornings!!
one afternoon, your precious lover had a particularly bad day. he entered the 2nd floor with a frown on his face. all he wanted to do was to lie down on the bed and never wake up again ngl same
he told you about his day, and you were happy to listen. his voice contained emotions and you knew he was really stressed. when the time to sleep came, an idea popped in your head.
the next morning, you gently unwrapped his arms from your waist and prepared breakfast for the both of you. a little while after, you came back to find him still sleeping. usually he'd be up first and he would be working already, if not sitting somewhere trying to gain some energy. he must have had such a bad day.
you neared luke's sleeping figure, and gently caressed his back. you kissed his cheek, moving to his chin then up to his forehead. not a spot was left untouched. soon, luke's coral eyes opened, and he saw you. the person he wants to see every morning, and every night.
'how could i be so blessed to have someone like them..' thoughts of appreciation and love about you flooded his mind, until he finally took hold of the back of your head. he kissed your lips with love and passion, taking note to do it again.
more utc!
➱ Artem Wing !
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listen to me he always gets flustered even from a kiss on the CHEEK
even hand holding makes him want to
🕳 🏃💨
he had no love life at all so he’s new
he's usually very composed, and he deals with his problems well
but that doesn't mean things don't get out of hand sometimes
at times when pressure really gets to him and he really can't handle it
he'll come to you for comfort and reassurance
he left early in the morning for a trial, and he came home at midnight. you noticed that this has been going on for a week now. once he came home, he rushed straight to the bed to take a rest, completely forgetting that you had prepared dinner.
as his figure passed your eye, you noticed the heavy, tired steps he took. you followed him, and found him already passed out on the mattress. he felt a weight push down the softness of the bed and he craned his neck to find your e/c eyes looking down on him.
"[name]," he whispered with a tired voice. his eyes spoke for him what he wanted. he pulled your waist to feel your body closer to his. in an instant, you felt light breaths on your neck.
the next morning, your beloved was still sleeping soundly, his one arm was still wrapped around your waist. the other was in your hair. slowly & carefully, you freed yourself from the hold of his arm.
his sleeping form stirred a little, but due to his tiredness he failed to wake. after preparing food and brewing him some coffee, you walked back to where he laid. he woke to the first kiss you placed on his face.
he smiled slowly, enjoying the feeling of your kisses. your lips grazed his own lightly, and that had something spark in him. he hesitantly but quickly placed a peck on your lips, his face turning red soon after.
➱ Marius von Hagen !
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honestly i can't see it
ok so imagine in chap 4 he failed to save the paintings..
man would probably have a bad day
when marius came home (pls do come home) the frown on his face could not be missed. as you were about to greet him, his frown turned into a smile, to avoid you worrying. but you saw right through.
"marius, what happened?" he didn't respond, instead taking your hand and dragging you to his studio. he sat you down on a soft chair, burying his face into your neck.
you two stayed there for a while, until dinnertime came. when you tried to unwrap his arms, he held you even tighter. a small time passed, he still wasn't moving. the only way to get him up in these situations was to kiss him.
your lips gently dragged over his face, placing soft little pecks on his face. you could feel the corner his lips curve upward as your mouth grazed his. he pulled you in for a kiss, leaving you as the flustered one.
➱ Vyn Ritcher !
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again i feel like he doesn't have problems i mean ?????
like his life is together he knows what he wants
but its so ooc for him to be stressed??????
going through my brain for some ideas but anyway
he's usually always calm, always the one comforting you. but that doesn't mean he doesn't need support too. thoughts flooded his mind as he walked back to his home.
when he entered, he saw his favorite person. your eyes were shining beautifully under the lights, mesmerizing him completely. he sometimes truly wondered how he managed to make you his.
his body landed on the couch, next to yours. his tired eyes clearly showing what he wanted, you hugged him tightly. his lips formed a smile as he held the small of your back, drowning himself in the feeling of you.
the night turned into day, and you found yourself on top of him, but this time in the bedroom. his messy hair made him look so beautiful in the morning.
your lips touched his face, in an attempt to wake him up. the man took notice of this quickly and opened his golden eyes. it did nothing to stop your already pounding heart. he pulled you in and kissed your lips, your plan failed successfully.
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so i really think (and know) this sucks i just need something to keep me alive rn :( work isn't really busy right now so send me some asks !
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ohthemis · 3 years
Hiyaa i really like your blog and the way you write!
May i request headcanons for how the first date with them would go? Like would they ask mc out or would she them, where would they go, all of that. Thank you.
tot boys and first dates
characters: all
a/n: sorry for the wait, just feeling particularly unmotivated these past few days :\
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he’s planned every detail of the date. and if things go wrong he has a plan b, and a plan c, and a plan d, all the way to plan z.
takes you to a local coffee shop, no doubt your first date is a work date. he orders some snacks for the both of you and you two just hang out together, talking and chatting about everything. honestly, the work is just a way for him to feel less nervous. but it’s very sweet !! he takes your hand for the entire thing, and plays with your fingers when he gets a bit too nervous
and after that, you two go to the movies and just watch together. which honestly, artem really liked. he doesn’t have to talk too much or worry about boring you. and the both of you can just enjoy each other’s presence. and then you two can talk about what you thought about the movie. just let him ease into it <3
he wants it to be special, of course, but he definitely needs to ease up to the whole dating thing. take it as a little piece of him <3 it’s simple, sweet, and very laidback. 
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takes you to an amusement park <3
the amusement park he takes you to is one that he’s gone to with you when you were kids <3 starts out with simple haunted house games and small rollercoasters, and then he drags you to those really high up loop-de-loop rollercoasters. he really really wants to, but it’s up to you. but he’ll make it known just how much he wants to go on. (it really depends on whether or not you can resist his sad little pout) 
and of course, the last ride you go on is a ferris wheel. you two are exhausted and it’s night already, so it’s a nice ride to finally wrap things up :) he’ll take you hand, and at the tippy top of the ride, he gives you a kiss. after all, luke takes amusement park traditions very seriously. and then he’ll tell you he loves you one more time just before the doors open and you two finally go home <3
by the end of the day, you’ve gone on every ride!! which is kind of concerning in itself, but hey, it was a great experience :)
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takes you to work with him, in meetings n stuff too. (ur just like a lost puppy there, sitting next to him waiting for him to finish)
he didn’t want to take you to pax for your first date?? i mean who does that?? but of course it just so happens that marius is urgently needed, and like hell if he’s going to let you be alone on the day of your date. so he goes to your house, picks you up and drags you to pax with him. his secretary just goes with it because marius has been talking about your date for literally forever, and kinda feels bad for marius :(
but now the rest of the employees, chairmen, n stockholders think you’re the next lady of pax (marius’ wife/fiance) for some reason (its bc he talks abt u a lot lol) and are trying to get on your good side. so even if you try to just not attract attention, these guys will be like “mrs von hagen, what do you think” and marius would be jealous IF he wasnt swooning about the thought of marrying you
stay strong bae <3 the work life is hard
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takes you sightseeing or travelling abroad (yes, as a first date)
it’s weird to go abroad as a first date, but honestly, it just happened. the both of you had to go out of country for a case so why not just go on a date while you’re at it. honestly, works out pretty well. like, aside from the occasional interruptions when one or the both of you need to do something urgently.
malls, tourist spots, and stuff like that <3 highlight of the trip: he takes you to a mall and you spend the day just chilling with him. it’s not anything too exciting but it was nice to finally spend some quality time with him :)))
vv flashy but hey, the both of you enjoyed so why not
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artemstellation · 3 years
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✦ florilegium.
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✦ about me!
✦ leo, 07/29, 18 | parent to a cute little brat of a cat!
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artem wing...
✧ .... staying up the night with you!
✧ .... sharing a scarf with you!
✧ .... finding out that you have fangs!
✧ .... being gifted with flowers!
✧ .... being caught staring!
✧ .... cooking with you!
✧ .... as a k-drama cliché!
✧ .... as a cat!
✧ .... as things my friends have said!
✧ .... as the saga of k-memes! (again!)
(once again!) (one last time!)
✧ .... playing in the snow with you!
✧ .... napping with you!
✧ .... having his nose booped by you!
✧ .... and his favourite thing about you!
✧ .... and palm kisses from you!
✧ .... as your younger boyfriend!
✧ .... helping you with your anxiety!
(cw; mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks.)
✧ .... comforting you when you're insecure about yourself!
(cw; possible allusions to issues about body image.)
✧ .... trying to make up after teasing you a little too much!
✧ .... and playing with his hair!
✧ .... dancing with you!
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marius von hagen...
✧ .... staying up the night with you!
✧ .... sharing a scarf with you!
✧ .... finding out that you have fangs!
✧ .... being gifted with flowers!
✧ .... being caught staring!
✧ .... cooking with you!
✧ .... as a k-drama cliché!
✧ .... as a cat!
✧ .... as things my friends have said!
✧ .... as the saga of k-memes! (again!)
(once again!) (one last time!)
✧ .... playing in the snow with you!
✧ .... napping with you!
✧ .... babysitting with you!
✧ .... having his nose booped by you!
✧ .... and his favourite thing about you!
✧ .... as your tall (because you're short) boyfriend!
✧ .... and palm kisses from you!
✧ .... as your younger boyfriend!
✧ .... helping you with your anxiety!
(cw; mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks.)
✧ .... comforting you when you're insecure about yourself!
(cw; possible allusions to issues about body image.)
✧ .... trying to make up after teasing you a little too much!
✧ .... and playing with his hair!
✧ .... dancing with you!
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luke pearce...
✧ .... staying up the night with you!
✧ .... sharing a scarf with you!
✧ .... finding out that you have fangs!
✧ .... being gifted with flowers!
✧ .... being caught staring!
✧ .... cooking with you!
✧ .... as a k-drama cliché!
✧ .... as a cat!
✧ .... as things my friends have said!
✧ .... as the saga of k-memes! (again!)
(once again!) (one last time!)
✧ .... playing in the snow with you!
✧ .... napping with you!
✧ .... having his nose booped by you!
✧ .... and his favourite thing about you!
✧ .... as your tall (because you're short) boyfriend!
✧ .... and palm kisses from you!
✧ .... as your younger boyfriend!
✧ .... helping you with your anxiety!
(cw; mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks.)
✧ .... trying to make up after teasing you a little too much!
✧ .... and playing with his hair!
✧ .... dancing with you!
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vyn richter...
✧ .... staying up the night with you!
✧ .... sharing a scarf with you!
✧ .... finding out that you have fangs!
✧ .... being gifted with flowers!
✧ .... being caught staring!
✧ .... cooking with you!
✧ .... as a k-drama cliché!
✧ .... as a cat!
✧ .... as things my friends have said!
✧ .... as the saga of k-memes! (again!)
(once again!) (one last time!)
✧ .... playing in the snow with you!
✧ .... napping with you!
✧ .... having his nose booped by you!
✧ .... and his favourite thing about you!
✧ .... and palm kisses from you!
✧ .... as your younger boyfriend!
✧ .... helping you with your anxiety!
(cw; mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks.)
✧ .... trying to make up after teasing you a little too much!
✧ .... and playing with his hair!
✧ .... dancing with you!
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✦ rine's events have...
✧ .... spooktober 2021!
✧ .... au writings!
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✦ (🐅) rine's musings ― my works!
✦ (🐆) rine's random rambles ― random talks!
✦ (🐈) rine answers ― answers to asks i have!
✦ (🐇) answering; ......... ! ― named answers!
✦ (🐧) random ― random posts i reblog!
✦ (🐨) interests ! ― posts regarding my interests!
✦ (🦁) requests; open !
✦ (🐻) requests; closed !
✦ (🐁) important ! ― important stuff!
✦ (🐥) rine and besties ! ― posts with my friends!
✦ (🐬) rine's events ! ― events i hold on the blog!
✦ (🐍) s-s-s-spooktober ! ― tag for this event!
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© aug 2021, rine @artemstellation. do not plagarize or repost without due permission.
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
i saw you did an nsfw alphabet for wannabe challenge so i was wondering if you could do one for tears of themis? i'd love to see one for artem
Hell yeah, alphabets are the only nsfw stuff I'm good at writing
Artem NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
-Stills inside/beside you for a moment while you both catch your breath, then he’s combing through your hair, peppering your body with loving kisses.
-Has wet wipes/tissues to help clean you up at arm's length, so if let’s be honest, when you whine about not wanting to leave his side just yet, he can help you clean up.
-If you’re still clingy after a while, this man will carry you to the bathroom to get the rest of the way cleaned up.
-If you find yourself in a more dominant role in the bedroom sub Artem? It’s more likely than you think be prepared to pepper that man with so much love and care.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-His favorite body part of himself is his eyes. They’re a nice color, but I don’t think he thinks about his appearance too much.
-As for you, would it be cliche to say your brain?
-While your beauty was what attracted him first, your mind is what really sealed the deal.
-Your mouth is a close second, because it helps you voice your thoughts in that beautiful voice of yours and, I mean, if you wanted to give him a blow job too he wouldn’t be complaining…
-Is an ass man.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
-Is hesitant on deciding where to cum.
-He thinks cumming anywhere in/on you would not be a very pleasant experience for you.
-But in the heat of the moment, he’ll probably end up cumming inside you if he’s wearing protection, or on your thighs/ass if he’s not.
-When he cums, whether it be in you or on you, he’s grabbing you a tissue when he comes down from his high to clean you up.
-If you swallow his cum he’ll be a little disgusted, but a lot turned on.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-Has masturbated in his office after you’ve left on multiple occasions.
-Sometimes the perfume you were wearing was extra enticing, sometimes what you were wearing made you look extra hot, and sometimes your presence alone is enough to get him hot and excited.
-Is mostly ashamed about the times he did it before you two were dating because it felt like an intrusion of your privacy.
-Once Celestine came to his office right after he finished and he was so mortified that she’d somehow be able to tell that he did something. She knew something was up because of how much he was blushing, but she didn’t know what exactly
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
-Big old virgin
-I’m not even saying that to be mean plus being a virgin isn’t bad it’s just true.
-Sure, his lack of experience may be a bit of a hindrance at first, but he’s a clean slate.
-He’s not gonna be doing some weird thing with your clit because a girl he was with before liked that.
-Train him to perfectly pleasure you, and, trust me, he’s a fast learner.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
-Your first few times together he only did missionary, because, while he knew there were other options, he didn’t know how to initiate them.
-As he got more experience, however, he grew to absolutely love doggy style.
-Loves your ass, so it’s an obvious choice. Plus, if he’s extra flustered, he can easily hide it.
-Grips your ass extra hard while kissing your neck and back. If he’s feeling extra brave, expect a few whispers about how good you feel.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
-He has his goofy moments, but most of the time he’s 100% serious.
-Whether it be because he’s concentrating on learning how to pleasure you correctly, or, when he’s gained a bit of experience, just concentrating on both of your pleasure.
-I feel like as you guys get closer, however, an awkward moment may turn into a brief bout of giggles shared between the two of you before continuing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
-Shaved himself completely when you two started dating.
-Was convinced you’d be disgusted by any hair down there. My poor insecure baby
-When he gets more comfortable around you, he’ll let it grow out, but he still trims it to keep it neat.
-Carpets match the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
-Is a whore for a sexy, romantic atmosphere.
-I’m talking rose petals, candles, and a couple of glasses of non-alcoholic wine.
-Wanna have the most romantic love-making session imaginable? Set all of that up for him instead of the other way around.
-He’ll be so in love with you at that moment he’ll have no choice but to give you the best orgasms you’ve ever had.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
-Before meeting you, he jacked off maybe once or twice a week, and it was more of something he had to do than something he wanted to do.
-When he met you, he thought you were the most attractive person he’d ever seen, so his sex drive and, naturally, his masturbation sessions increased.
-Increased to every other day, maybe every day. He tried to not think of you during these times as he felt it was an invasion of privacy emphasis on tried.
-After finally getting together with you, his sessions have decreased back down to once or twice a week.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
-Likes having sex in his office, but that’s the most public space he’ll do it in.
-Also loves it when you’re slightly dominant on him.
-Doesn’t want to do any of the more kinky stuff, tying him or you, depending on his mood with a tie is about as far as he’ll go.
-But just take charge, he loves it.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
-Can’t go wrong with the good old fucking in bed. It’s easy, comfortable, and you guys can take as long as you want.
-Get him riled up at work by wearing something that beautifully shows of your ass, or make sure he knows you’re wearing that pair of panties you know he loves or, fuck it, no panties at all he’ll polietly ask you into his office so he can fuck your brains out.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
-Loves when you assert yourself, especially at work.
-Get all confident during a trial because you know you’re going to win? That’s all the motivation he needs.
-Does not help his productivity at all, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
-Expect to fuck after a trial, extra hard if you won.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-No threesomes/group sex.
-It’s not even because he’ll get jealous okay maybe a bit of that but you were his first and only. Everything he’s learned about sex has been about specifically pleasuring you, he wouldn’t know where to begin when having sex with other people.
-He’s more than content with you being his one and only.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
-Not skilled at the beginning like all things sexual, but he’s a fast learner.
-Good communication is key here, as it is in all aspects of sex with Artem. Guide him to where you want to be pleasured, praise him when you really like what he’s doing, and give him some delicious moans and he’ll be a pro at fucking you with his tounge alone in no time.
-Is too shy to ask for you to go down on him, and will insist you don’t have to when you try to initiate it.
-Ignore him and do it, the noises you draw from him are absolutely worth it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
-Starts off at a weird middle ground sort of pace, not fast and not slow.
-Is fond of slow and sensual when he grows more experienced, but will occasionally get rough with you.
-That usually happens when he gets a bit too jealous of a guy who got a bit too close to you for your liking.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
- doesn’t really have a choice in the matter at the beginning, mr. 30 seconds (sorry Artem)
-For real, he prefers longer love-making sessions, but if you’re teasing him in the office a quickie will ensue.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
-Grows more confident the more the two of you have sex.
-He does like fucking in his office, so he likes a bit of risk, but there being too many people in the office, or the chance of Celestine walking in at anytime, Artem would much rather feign working on a case and take you home.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
-At first, like most virgin boys, his stamina is basically nonexistent.
-Let him take his time, he’ll get to fucking you until the sun rises in no time at all.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
-Has never thought about getting one for himself when his hand does the job well enough.
-Is very open to using toys on you in the bedroom, especially when he’s feeling insecure about his ability to please you which happens often, scream his name and make him forget those insecurities.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-Not a teaser in the slightest.
-You want something specific in the bedroom? He’s already doing it, you barely have to ask.
-On the flip side, sort of loves it when you’re unfair to him.
-Just barely touch him and stop at the brink of his orgasm, he gets a sick sort of pleasure from that.
-It also helps him gain more control over himself in the bedroom, so it’s a win-win.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
-May try to stay quiet, after all, in all the porn he’s watched which isn’t a lot because I feel like watching it makes him feel uncomfortable the man is always basically silent.
-That does not work out for him, though. He gets so overwhelmed with pleasure that he can’t control what his vocal cords are doing.
-Gains a bit more control over it over time, but he realizes you like his moans, so he stops trying to keep them at bay.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
-Is a total switch.
-Can be pretty dominant at some times see his atmospheric card
-But I can totally see him wanting you to dom him sometimes. Loves seeing you dominate the court, if you bring that energy to bed, oh boy is he like putty in your hands.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
-He’s of average girth and slightly above average length. Has a nice, thick vein that runs the length of his penis.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
-Has a very active imagination how else would he become such a great lawyer?
-And while that helps him out in his work, anything about you can really set him off.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-Is out like a light
-Especially the first few times, his body doesn’t know what hit him.
-But even after a while, he works so hard that the moment he has the chance to fall asleep, his body is taking that chance.
-Make sures to stay up long enough to get cleaned off and help you clean yourself up.
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sg-artem · 3 years
First Valentine’s Date
This is part 1 of a 2 part series I’m doing for Valentine’s. Enjoy! ~
[Sweet Ver.]
W/C: 1.7K
Tags: Artem x F!Reader | This is just pure fluff
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It was now 1:15PM. The weather was perfect for a day outside. All the things were prepared and ready, yet…
Artem was pacing. He wasn’t usually this nervous and stressed, yet today was a special day. Today was Valentine’s Day, and he had finally asked the girl out for a first date. 
“I don’t know if I should be thankful or more nervous that she said yes.”, Artem muttered. “Deep breaths. Come on, I can do this. I’ve been waiting for a date opportunity since forever, and we’re not messing up now.”
Artem reached for his keys, all the needed materials, and his gift for the girl. Checking himself in the mirror one last time and then finally leaves his apartment to pick up his date. 
“I can do this. I love her… I just need to work hard to get her to love me back.” Artem said to himself one last before arriving at the girl’s apartment building.
She was pacing. She knows that nervous habits are a thing, but her mind’s going 30km/h right now. Artem asked her out on a date on Valentine’s Day.
“It is a date, right? Like, I’m not overthinking this. Gosh, what if this is just a work meeting, and I’m totally blowing it out of proportion.” She nervously mutters from the dining room.
Biting her fingernails was already one of her nervous ticks and today especially was no exception from the habit.
“I’m not overthinking this. What else is a woman supposed to think when you’re asked to go out on Valentine’s Day. I’m suing Artem if this isn’t a date.”
Not only did she think that it would be highly embarrassing. If she was wrong, her heart would break into two if she was the only one looking forward to tonight.
She always liked Artem, but she didn’t have the confidence to say it aloud. Artem was sweet, hardworking, handsome, and a damn good lawyer. He could have anyone he ever wanted, so why would he like me?
She slapped herself on the cheeks with both hands. “Stop it. No more pity parties. We’re beautiful, smart, and also a good catch. I don’t need this negativity right now. If it isn’t a date, we stay chill and don’t panic. If it’s a date, slight malfunctions may occur, but I know that I’ll have the best time of my life.”
*bzzz bzzz*
She immediately turned her head towards the door at the sound of the doorbell. Her panic was slowly resurfacing.
She looked at the clock, 1:30PM, precisely on time as usual. A gentle smile was brought to her face once she thought about all of Artem’s little habits.
*knock knock* 
“Hey, this is Artem. I don’t know if you can hear this, but I’m for our…. date.”
She exhaled a sigh of relief and then walked towards the door. Her nerves were slightly better since she had confirmed that today is a date and not for work.
Opening the door, she was greeted with Artem’s beautiful blue eyes and a surprising outfit from Mr. Wing. She hasn’t seen him much in casual clothing, but seeing him now makes her want to make excuses to see Artem on the weekends.
He is wearing a slightly loose-fitting dark blue polo with three buttons unbuttoned for the right amount of muscle and a casual look. Also, styling it with a pair of khaki slacks and white trainer shoes.
She knows it’s terrible to stare, but Artem looks so handsome in this set of clothes. She hopes she can get a picture of him later to save onto her phone.
She squeaked a slight sound from surprise. “Sorry, Artem. Hi, it’s nice to see you outside of work. Let me just put on a pair of shoes, and we can leave. She smiled at him and turned around to put on her shoes. Mentally facepalming herself over how she just talked to him.
Artem was speechless. She looked beautiful. The dress she wore looked absolutely breathtaking on her. He was over the moon right now with joy because she seemed to like what he wore as well. The slight shock on her face when she saw him alarmed him, but after a few seconds, he realized that she was just a little surprised to see him out of his work clothes. A sudden voice snapped him out of his inner monologue.
“I’m ready to go now.”, she suddenly said to him.
Artem looked at her with a gentle and soft smile on his face and replied, “Let’s go. I hope you’re prepared for a great day ahead of us.”Artem reached out for her hand and waited for the girl to place her own. Then, he entwined both hands together. 
Walking to his car while holding her hand. Artem suddenly thought that he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with just moments like these.
Opening the car door for her and securing her seatbelt for her. Artem looked at her at eye level and suddenly said, “Thanks for saying yes.”
He could feel the tips of his ears turning red, so he closed the door and made his way towards the driver’s seat.
Once Artem was ready to drive out of the parking lot. With a slightly red face, the girl said, “I’m happy that you asked as well.”
Both of them left the parking lot with blushing faces but small dopey smiles on their faces.
~The drive to the destination was surprisingly filled with laughter and banter. The pair was surprised to find out that they had a lot of things in common, from their movie choices to some of their hobbies.
The girl was surprised at how easy it was to talk with Artem. However, she remembered that they’d been partners for so long that the only difference this time was that she was really on a romantic date with him.
“Hey, we’ve arrived,” Artem said
The girl didn’t even notice that the car had already been parked. Looking at her surroundings, she was shocked to see that they were at the park. Random ideas floated around her mind about what they could be doing today.
The opening of her car door snapped her out of her train of thoughts. Artem opened her door for her and then proceeded to open the car’s trunk. Surprising her once again by taking out a picnic basket.
“We’re going on a picnic?” she asked.
“Yeah, I have a really nice hangout spot at this park, but if you want to do something else, then...” Artem replied.
“No, no-no. I was just taken aback to be here at the park, and then you bring out a picnic basket. I think it will be quite nice to relax here.” 
Arriving at Artem’s spot, she immediately knew why he loved staying here. The overall vibe of the place was relaxing. The gigantic tree behind them covered up any harsh sunlight. A gentle breeze flowed through the air, just enough to make the temperature a little cooler. Also, they are just far enough to not hear any sounds from the city but still have a great view of the city skyline.
“Artem, it’s beautiful here!” The girl said in exclamation. “I can stay here for weeks without getting tired of this view.”
“I knew you would like it. Let’s sit here. I also prepared some snacks in case we were feeling a little hungry.” Artem replied.
“Yes! I get to try another amazing dish from Chef Wing. I’m so excited for this.”
Artem blushed from the compliment. They quickly prepared the blanket to sit on and the food to eat. They found a comfortable spot near the tree so that they could lean their heads against it.
Time just seemed to flow by when both of them were together. They just talked and sometimes sat in silence. Both of them had an enjoyable time in each other’s presence that they didn’t seem to notice that it was getting late.
The girl was happy. She was enjoying herself more than she could ever imagine. He was kind, caring, and an overall lovely person to be around. She was comfortable around him. He made her feel things that she thought she would never be able to experience in her life. He gave her butterflies every time he smiled at her and would laugh at her silly jokes. He makes me feel special…
The girl looked at Artem. He was currently looking at the city skyline. The lights were starting to turn on, giving the city an afterglow silhouette. He had an unmistakable smile on his face, and his blue eyes were sparkling from the reflection of the city lights.
She mustered up all the courage in her body and kissed his cheek.
Artem froze and reached up to touch his cheek, where she kissed her. He turned his head to look at her with slight curiosity and surprise in his eyes.
With a blushing face, the girl started to talk. “Thank you so much for today, Artem. I had so much fun, and I hope you did as well. I would really want to do this again. B-but i-if you don’t want to, that’s totally okay as well. I’ll respect an-.”
The girl was suddenly interrupted by a short kiss to the mouth. 
Artem smiled softly and cupped the girl’s face in both of his hands. “I had fun too. You don’t need to worry about anything. I asked you out on the date, and I’m not flaking out on you now.”
Both of them looked into each other’s eyes. They slowly leaned towards each other to share another kiss underneath the starry night.
Resting their foreheads against each other after the kiss. Artem suddenly took something out from his back.
“I made these homemade chocolates at home for you. I really really like you, so I hope all these dates will turn into something more in the future. Rituals can give special meaning to an important day, and I hope someday I can also bring you a similar feeling.” 
Artem cupped her face once again and gave gentle kisses around her face.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love.”
Here is Part 2 of this series.
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my-soul-sings · 2 years
My end of the deal!
The amusement park was lively as ever. Artem had taken her hand and led her to a secluded area. Her eyes sparkled like the sun, as the column of water shot out from the ground. It coated the area around them with a gentle mist. Within the mist, Artem smiled as they talked.
When the columns of water fell, the atmosphere around them was electric. With that said, he made his move. He confessed. But in the middle of his confession, he stopped. Why? He saw her fear. She was tense. Her eyes were glassy, on the verge of tears.
Artem did the only thing that he could. He looked her over and asked, “Are you alright?”
She moved backwards, away from him. She couldn’t look him in the eye. She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. At least, not immediately.
She shook her head. Underneath the sun, he could see the tears falling onto her blouse. “No, Artem. I… I can’t…”
Artem’s face fell. He reached out to her. “Sorry. I didn’t-”
She turned around, her back faced him. As she talked, her voice shook. Her voice was thin, soft, and fragile. “Artem. Just stop.”
Her commands caused his hand to freeze in mid-air. His heart felt like it slammed into the ground beneath his feet. He didn’t know how he was still standing. He retreated and lowered his hand back down to his side. Her words were clear: she didn’t want him to go any further.
He stepped away from her. Their happiness from moments ago seemed like a dream. Their smiles and laughter were lost to time. He thought everything was going well between them. The closeness they shared as partners, the intimacy that they had when they watched movies together, and the moments that they had together that made his heart race - it was clear now that she did not feel the same way he did. How could he have read the situation so wrong?
Underneath the shining sun, he watched as she tightly grabbed onto her bag, and dashed away from him. Her silhouette got smaller until it disappeared into the distance. Shocked and heartbroken, he stood there silently. He wanted nothing more than to call out to her, to be with her, to wipe the tears off of her face, but he stopped himself. Knowing that his confession caused her tears, he didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already did.
A plume of water erupted inches from where he stood. Drenched by water, he made his way out of the area to a drier area. For a moment, he wondered if this was his punishment for making her cry. The tears that she tried to hold back. How many of her tears now were his fault? He didn’t know. But more than anyone, he knew that if you loved someone, you never wanted to see them in pain. Despite the stabbing pain in his heart, he wanted her to be happy. Even if it wasn’t with him.
He fished his phone out of his pocket. Luckily, it didn’t get wet. He looked at it and hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should go through with the idea. With a deep breath, he sent her a message, letting her know that he was willing to take her home. He had brought her to the amusement park after all, it was only right for him to take her back.
She replied back: ok.
About half an hour later, they met at his car. The ride back home was quiet and awkward. The earth-shattering event that was Artem’s confession, left both of them in an weird position. Neither of them felt like talking. What else could he say to her? In the end, he said nothing at all. Their goodbyes were quick and polite. She thanked him for the ride, and then left. Artem lingered for a moment to make sure that she had gotten into her apartment alright then promptly left.
On the drive back to his apartment, Artem’s car was silent. But his mind was not. As he drove, he pictured her in his mind’s eye. Her eyes were puffy and red, parts of her blouse were darkened with tears, and her nose was also red. It was clear to him that she had cried, and she had cried a lot. His mind replayed the situation at the amusement park again - the way she turned away from him when he tried to confess, tried to stifle her cries, the way she told him to stop, and the way she ran off.
Artem bit his lip. He felt tears starting to gather at the corner of his eye. At a stoplight, he used his hand to wipe away the tears and refocus on the road. In his mind, he couldn’t help the guilt that started to seep into his heart. In his mind, an image of her crying face flashed through his mind. His fingers tightened on the steering wheel.
Artem remembered the day when he met her. When she first came to Themis, she was nervous. But over time, she grew. She honed her skills as a lawyer and eventually, he had asked her to be his partner. She agreed. Case after case came pouring in, and they worked on them together. They complimented each other: Artem’s logical rationality and her empathetic perceptiveness.
They were great partners.
He thought they were both on the same page. He thought she liked him as much as he liked her. He wanted to take his chance, to try and turn their partnership into something more. But, it didn’t go to plan. Instead of being closer, it felt like they were miles apart. He felt it when he drove her home. An invisible chasm that grew by the minute, and both of them were on opposite ends.
But what really got to him, more than anything else: it was his fault.
He had put himself out there for her, and it hurt her.
Artem pulled into his building’s parking lot. He loosened his tie, and placed his arms on top of the steering wheel. He leaned his head forward, closed his eyes, and let the tears finally fall.
Two days after Artem’s confession, it was the beginning of yet another work day.
As usual, Artem arrived to the office early, made a cup of coffee, and started work. He spent most of the day reading over case files and preparing the documents he needed before he had to travel in a few days. Before he knew it, the sun had disappeared and the stars blanketed the sky.
After he read through another file, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment. Then, he felt his phone vibrate. He took out the phone and checked the caller ID. It was her. She was calling him. He pressed the button to answer the call.
“How are you feeling?” he asked. “I know you told Celestine you were sick, and needed some time off.”
“Yeah,” came her tired voice, “I think I ended up with food poisoning from last night.”
“I see. If you don’t feel better, you don’t have to come in tomorrow. I’ll submit the paperwork to extend your leave.”
“Thanks, Artem.” There was a pause on the other end of the line. “And, I’m sorry about what happened this past weekend. I can pay you back for the amusement park tickets.”
Artem shook his head. “No, it was my fault. I had the wrong impression. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. You don’t need to pay me back.”
“Oh.” came the voice from the other line.
Artem’s phone beeped. He pulled his ear away from the phone to look at the number. “Sorry. I have to take this. If you want, we can talk after I take this.”
“No, no need. I just wanted to see if you were okay.”
“I’m fine.”
“Okay. Good night, Artem.”
“Good night.”
In the split second before she hung up, he was tempted to ask her about that weekend and why she cried and ran when he confessed. But he stamped out that impulse pretty quickly. He knew, if he asked her about that moment, there is a chance that she wouldn’t tell him why. Not only that, but for him, the bigger issue was that he didn’t want to make her to cry again.
Artem sighed. He answered his client’s call, and listened to his client vent about all of the relationship issues going on in his family. An hour and a half later, his client finally hung up. He breathed out a sigh of relief. He started to pack up his items from the office and headed home.
Perhaps for now, they both needed some time to figure stuff out.
A/N: I promised you that I would write a fic, and write it, I did! I wanted to fulfill my part of the deal and write this before I got busy. I hope you like it!
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laceyeb · 3 years
Because I’m determined to be excited about this season of DWTS (and I genuinely am!), I’m going to try to post much more about this season than I did last season and start sharing my opinions now! Starting with the cast thus far of course, with my excitement ranking out of 10 because I do what I want.
Jojo Siwa and Jenna - 1000/10
As soon as I heard about Jojo being with a female pro, I started manifesting Jenna with all my heart and I am sooooo excited!!!! I’m not saying that ANY female pro on this show is even remotely homophobic in any way shape or form because I do NOT believe any of them are. HOWEVER... If I had to pick one female pro who I feel like would be most “onboard,” it would be Jenna. (Or Sharna, but I’d prefer Jojo with Jenna just because Jenna is younger.) If this sentiment/how I expressed it comes off problematic, please let me know because that is absolutely not what I intended and I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. Anyways... I don’t know if I’m anxious, excited, terrified, curious, overjoyed, etc. etc. etc. Perhaps all at once. I can’t wait to see how this goes and how it is received. I’ve already had a small rant about the target demographic of this show, but I’m choosing to be optimistic. I would definitely prefer that they don’t spend the ENTIRE season talking about the ground-breakingness. First episode, yes. Very important, very groundbreaking, etc. Then I’d like this to just be normalized. I don’t want them to be treated any different than any other couple. I just want them to be like everyone else. I don’t expect them to change the entire world, but this is still very very important and I am very very excited. And anxious. (Also not my anxiety acting up when I sent my mom the rumored list so far and her response was “I’m disgusted.” She’s apparently “disgusted” by the fact that there are people on the cast she’s never heard of. As if we haven’t been doing this for 30 seasons now.)
Sunisa Lee and Sasha - 8/10
I did not pay any attention to gymnastics during the Olympics (aside from the general news I stumbled upon on the internets) because all my waking hours were focused on soccer, but she’ll obviously be great. I would not say that Sasha is my favorite pro, but they’ll likely be a great match. I need to find some interviews of her or something to get a sense of her personality. I’m excited though because I’m sure they’ll be fun to watch.
Kenya Moore and Brandon - 2.5/10
I’ve never heard of her, so I have no opinion. I do have a soft spot for Brandon though. Is she like well known? Popular? Likable? Dancingly inclined?
Amanda Kloots and Alan - 6.5/10
You know I love Alan with my whole heart, so that automatically gives them some points. I recognize her name and that’s about all I’ve got for her. In the little bit I see (I’m just using the Kristyn Burtt article for this), she seems very excited to be there. Dream come true and all that. I will always give anyone a chance if they come in with such a good attitude.
Olivia Jade and Val - 5/10
Right in the middle 5/10 for this because I just don’t know what to expect. Like are they going to edit her packages sympathetically or actually sympathetic AND convincing? Do I feel any excitement for her to be in the spotlight like this? Not really. But she might surprise me. Val can really do no wrong, though, at the risk of starting an uprising, I’ve kinda lost interest in him as a pro as of late. No real reason. Just feel like there’s other pros I care more about/am more invested in.
Matt James and Lindsay - 5.5/10
I’m very excited to have Lindsay back, so let’s start there! It feels like it’s been about 27 years since we’ve seen her, despite the fact that she posts about 4 hours of IG stories a day and I happily watch every second. I don’t know a whole lot about Matt aside from the fact that he’s a Bachelor guy. I don’t think I’m exactly thrilled about what little I’ve seen and I don’t know what he’s like personality-wise. But at least Lindsay is back and seems happy so far.
Iman Shumpert and Daniella - 2/10
I’ve never heard of this guy and could not care less about basketball, so I don’t even have a reason to get excited. I’ve got nothing against Daniella at all, we just don’t know her that well yet. Is he well-known/likable/have a likelihood of dancing skills?
Jimmie Allen and Emma - 9/10
I don’t know a great deal about him personality-wise either, but I’m already excited! I love Emma, I love a country singer on DWTS, I love getting to see someone on the show who I already know. Very excited all around! Can he dance? Who knows! But I look forward to finding out! He’s got a few great songs that I absolutely adore and I need to make a playlist! I think they are going to make a good pair and I’m glad he’s with a pro I really like (aka not Cheryl I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️).
Brian and Sharna - 11/10
Sharna. Sharna’s man. Sharna in love. Sharna happy. What else could I possibly ask for?! I wondered if they would partner them together or not. In a non-pandemic world, maybe not. What with married pros living apart from each other for the season, they would have to too if they weren’t partnered together. Not that they deserve any special treatment. But if they don’t HAVE to be apart, why have them be apart you know? It’s going to be really entertaining to watch Sharna post about her “partner” for the next two weeks when we all know it’s him. Believe it or not, I have not followed their relationship really super close and they also don’t post an excessive amount together (which I have no problem with because people are entitled to their privacy and what not), so I’m excited to get to see so much more of them together! If Sharna’s happy, I’m happy. Can he dance do we think?!
Christine Chiu and Pasha - 1/10
Uninterested. No idea who she is and like with Daniella, I just don’t know Pasha enough to get that excited. Again: Is she likable/popular/dance-inclined? Beats me. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Mel C. And Gleb - 4/10
I like Gleb more than most do, but I’m not obsessed by any means. (I mean, he’s not Sharna.) Nothing against any Spice Girls, but I’m fairly neutral on the whole. She will likely be pretty good and probably fairly popular. I look forward to seeing how she does, but I’m pretty much take it or leave it with them. It’s entirely possible she could be the dark horse I fall in love with by like week 3 and then decide she’s my favorite of the season.
Melora Hardin and Artem - 10/10
I’m VERY excited. I’ve already posted about her a bit, but oh boy I’m excited! I’ve seen exactly ZERO episodes of The Office, but I know her and LOVE her from The Bold Type aka one of my most important Gay Awakenings™️. (There were several...) I love me some Artem and he will be a great match with her as well. She’s definitely going to be one of the older pros this season (though I think she’s in her 50s which is decidedly not OLD old), but I know she has Broadway experience. I would love a week 1 foxtrot to put her solidly in a 3 way tie for third place with 4 7s and then coming in week 2 with like a samba that she absolutely nails (8,7,7,8) to prove she really can do it all. (It’s possible I’ve been watching this show for too damn long.)
Mike Mizanin - 1.5/10
I will not call him “The Miz.” I do not know this man and I do not care. Put him with Cheryl and send them home week 1. Ok wait. I’ll be nice. I definitely know NOTHING about him, but maybe he’s a fun and pleasant person. We’ll see. And if he is, I might entertain the possibility of calling him “The Miz.” (Whenever they have anyone from like WWE, UFC, boxing, or anything like that, I just do not care because I don’t know anything about them. But Paige VanZant was my actual Gay Awakening™️, so I try to keep an open mind.)
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hedwigstalons · 5 years
The Tracy Prize - part 16
Or possibly more part 15b.  Thank you @willow-salix for the ideas.
Here are the earlier parts for those that want to go back to the beginning: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15
For Claire and Brains the day had started early.
 Several weeks earlier Brains had gone to Scott, waving the details of the prestigious science and engineering symposium.  He had made the case that some of the technologies being presented could prove useful to International Rescue and asked if he could attend. Scott had readily agreed and once Claire had joined the team the Commander had sourced a second ticket.
Now they were in Tracy Two excitedly circling seminars in the programme while Virgil flew them to the venue.  They tried to include the normally cheerful engineer in their chatter but for once Virgil didn’t seem inclined to talk.  He dropped them off with a few curt instructions about the arrangements for picking them up and returned to the cockpit.  
 If Claire and Brains had picked up on the strained atmosphere they were too wrapped up in the exhibition to pass comment.  If they had turned around they might have noticed their pilot lingering a little longer than necessary to watch them depart.
 Inside the conference centre the pair started wandering around the main exhibition space, waiting for the doors to the auditorium to open.  The event proper was to be opened with a keynote speech given by an eminent researcher into fluid dynamics and they were keen to get good seats.
 Once the doors to the auditorium had been opened the delegates filed in and the exhibition space emptied.  Claire and Brains made their way down the steps flanking the tiered seating right to the bottom and claimed a pair of seats front and centre.
 The lights dimmed and the lectern on the dais was picked out in the bright stage lighting.  
 The keynote speaker took to the stage.  Claire and Brains drank in every word.
 The speech was rudely interrupted as the auditorium doors burst open.  The assembled delegates turned in their seats to see what was the matter.  
 A motley collection of men bearing assault rifles stood in the twin double doorways, their weapons trained on the crowd.  Some were dressed in the uniform of the venue stewards, others in unmarked combat fatigues.  The hushed silence of the delegates held for a moment until somebody screamed, then panic and hysteria set in.
 “Silence!” one of their captors roared.  There was a staccato burst of gunfire as a stream of bullets was aimed towards the ceiling.
 “Do as you are told and you will not be harmed.  On your feet.  Move!”
 The delegates started leaving their seats and making their way up to the main auditorium exits and their captors.
 Claire nudged Brains who seemed frozen in shock.  He tried to stand but before he had got halfway up Claire was pulling him down to the floor so they were shielded from sight by the seats.  She hoped that the dim lighting and the moving crowd had hidden their action.  She put her finger to her lips then pointed under the seats.  Brains correctly interpreted her instruction and the pair shuffled through the small gaps between the seat legs.  
 They found themselves in a dark, hollow space under the seating.  The underside of the rising tiers was boxed in above them. The sound of innumerable footsteps as the other delegates climbed the stairs and exited the auditorium reverberated around them.
 They waited in silence until the last footsteps had died away and they could no longer hear the shouts of the captors directing everyone else to some unknown destination.  They waited several more minutes until they felt safe from the risk of discovery.
 Claire tapped her comms and tried to open a link with Tracy Island.  
 Brains tried his comms.
 The pair looked at each other.  They were trapped in a building with armed men and no way of summoning help.  They were on their own.
 A feeling of dread, mixed with an intense desire to get out, settled over them.
 Crawling out of the dusty space underneath the seating Claire peeked up towards the doorways.  The lecture hall was deserted.  She beckoned Brains out of their hiding place and the two of them dashed across the dais towards an illuminated fire exit sign in the back corner.  The followed the green arrows along a service corridor. Unfortunately, instead of leading to a simple push-bar door the exit barring their way had a more complex locking arrangement.  It was securely sealed.
 “Well we won’t be getting out this way” Claire groaned as she kicked ineffectually at the door.
 “N-n-now what?”
 “We try something different.  Come on.”
 She led the way back towards the auditorium and up towards the exits their fellow conference-goes had been herded out of.  A quick check assured her that the exhibition hall was also deserted.
 Claire and Brains made their way around the perimeter of the room.  At each exit to the outside world they tried the doors but all were sealed shut, evidently locked via some central control.  At each corridor opening they paused and listened, trying to judge where the armed men had gone.
 At the second corridor they struck gold.  Voices drifted out of the corridor, spilling from a room about half way along. Fear of discovery urged them to move on but they forced themselves to pause.  To listen.  It seemed that the terrorists were arguing.  
 It’s bigger than I thought it would be
It’s not my fault it won’t fit.  
We’ll just have to make transport part of our demands
 Evidently theft of some new invention had been their plan.  They were about continue their search for an escape route when the voices started up again.
 Where are the hostages?
Got them locked up in D wing.
Any trouble?
That lot? No way.  I left Mike and Artem on guard but there is no way they are getting out.
Come on, we need to measure this thing.  
 An idea struck Claire.  To Brains’ dismay she slipped in to the corridor towards the voices.  Not wanting to be left on his own he reluctantly followed her.  As they reached the open doorway she gestured for Brains to stay back against the wall. Checking that the terrorists were all absorbed with the item on display in the room she dashed unseen across the open doorway.
 The double doors to the room opened outwards into the corridor.  She took hold of the door on her side while Brains, having realised her intention, took hold of the other.  
 On a silent count of three they slammed the doors shut.  Brains hit the lock symbol of the nearby keypad.  The terrorists were now trapped.
 They paused for a moment as they leaned against the wall.  Their heavy breathing having more to do with the rising adrenalin levels than the brief moment of exertion.
 Thankfully the jailhouse vibe of the building was more than just aesthetic. An angry banging sounded as the terrorists attempted to break down the door but the locks and reinforced steel held firm.
 “We still c-c-can’t get out through.  And there are at least t-t-two others s-s-somewhere.”
 That was a definite problem.
 “If only w-w-we had our equipment.  W-w-we could s-s-soon break out of here.”  Brains sounded deflated after their moment of triumph.
 As if a lightbulb had been switched on Claire realised that was the answer. Breaking out.  She grabbed Brains by the hand and dragged him back toward the exhibition space.
 “So what if we don’t have access to International Rescue kit.  Look around.  We are at one of the leading science exhibitions in the world.  There has got to be something here we can use.”
 She grabbed one of the large scale floor plans off a display board settled them down in a secluded corner, well hidden from D corridor where at least two more of the terrorist group were based.  
 D corridor itself was dominated by a large seminar room.  The conference organisers had kept the room free as a refreshments area with space for the delegates to network.  She surmised that this room had now been commandeered as a temporary prison.
 She and Brains reviewed the floor plan, marking off stands and exhibition rooms they wanted to pilfer for supplies.
 The first step was to be able to defend themselves and neutralise the remaining terrorists.  
 A trip to the medical sciences zone furnished them with some anaesthetic and hypodermic needles.  With a bit of improvisation Brains managed to construct some viable tranquilizer guns. They wouldn’t be particularly accurate but Brains and Claire knew they would have the element of surprise on their side.  As long as they could shoot from close range the darts should find their mark.
 They crept between the display stands, keeping low as they headed to where the other delegates were being held.  
 Claire and Brains moved as silently as they could.  The hearts pounded in anticipation.
 D corridor was an L-shaped affair with the doors to the seminar room out of sight around the corner.  Voices drifted towards them.  It sounded like just two men and they were evidently bored.  They moaned to each other about being left on guard duty.  A task they clearly felt was pointless with everyone securely locked up.
 They didn’t realise their lives were about to get a lot more interesting.
 Brains, who at least had some training on a more traditional tranquilizer gun, stepped around the corner and fired his makeshift invention twice in quick succession. The surprised expressions on the guards’ faces went slack as the anaesthetic entered their bloodstream. Their weapons, which they hadn’t even had time to raise, fell to the floor with a clatter.  Two unconscious bodies quickly followed.
 Claire and Brains ran forwards and bound the men securely.  The men were now dead weights.  The scientists were glad the floor was so highly polished as the dragged them out of the way and dumped them in a side room.  
 Brains stood sentry at the corridor corner while Claire ran back to the now unguarded doorway.  She punched at the key pad but the doors remained stubbornly locked.  Scared voices called out from inside but she was unable to free the prisoners.  The thick doors muffled their words but she could tell something was wrong
 She called for calm and asked for a single spokesperson to give an update on their condition. Evidently one of the delegates had attempted to tackle their captors on the way in and had received a blow to the head with a rifle butt. The wound was still bleeding and the man clearly needed medical attention sooner rather than later.
 Hurrying back to Brains she relayed the situation.  As a doctor his main concern was now for the man on the other side of the door.  Priorities had changed.  Freeing the hostages became more important than overall escape.
 “C-c-can you open the d-d-door?”
 “No. Electronics aren’t really my thing. You try.”
 They swapped over and for the first time in her life Claire found herself holding what could loosely be termed as a weapon.  She knew the tranquilizer gun wasn’t designed to kill.  That was probably just as well.  Her initial fear had turned to anger towards those that had engineered this situation.  Theft of intellectual property and inventions was a topic that riled her like no other. The tranquilizer gun was held firm and steady in her hand as she pointed it down the corridor.
 Brains was soon back with her.  The disappointment of failure clearly etched on his face.
 “I-I-I can’t override the system.  I n-n-need to get in there though.  I’m s-s-seriously worried about the injured m-m-man.”
 “Then we just need a Plan B”
 Claire led the way back into the exhibition space.  
 “Can you rig some sort of fuse?” she asked as she gathered up various materials.
 “Of c-c-course.  Physical or electronic?”
 “Physical.  If radio signals are down we don’t know how a remote detonator will perform.”
 “Hang on.  D-d-detonator?  What exactly are you p-p-planning.”
 Claire waved a block of putty at him.  The grin on her face was quite intimidating.
 “I’ve found me some plastic explosives.  This should get us through the door.”
 Brains stepped quickly backwards.  “Is that w-w-wise?”  The putty was making him highly nervous.
 “Look, I trusted you not to kill anyone with the anaesthetic doses.  I need you to trust me on this.  I spent ages playing with variants of this stuff as an undergrad.”
 With all the materials gathered together they made their way back to D corridor. Working quickly and quietly Claire carefully pressed the putty into strategic points around the door frame and lock.  Wires were then inserted into the putty blocks.  It took several minutes before she was happy with the configuration and amounts of explosives.
 Claire instructed everyone inside the room to move to the far end and shield themselves with upturned tables.  She and Brains then retreated around the corner of the corridor.  With the fuse primed and ready to go she tripped the ignition switch.
 The sound of the explosion reverberated down the corridor and smoke billowed towards them.
 As soon as the smoke cleared slightly Brains took off towards the seminar room and the man he now viewed as his patient.  
 Claire realised that it wasn’t just the sound of Brains running that she could hear. More footsteps headed her way.  
 She raised the tranquilizer gun in anticipation.
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Tortured Souls. (13)
With: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Note: Conclusively some action, uh? I’m so glad it finally happened, I don’t like long fics and I know it took like 12.
(Gifs go to their rightful owners.)
Warnings: Pain, injuries, agnst, sadness. 
Word Count: 5,197
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You felt a headache and opened your eyes adjusting to the bright place, after Artem’s men dragged you inside the ‘panic room’ you heard some explosion and then a hit in the back of your head making you faint.
You adjusted your eyes and you were sat on an iron chair with your wrists and ankles tied to it, you tried to move but it was really tight.
You thought about the knife in your boot but you couldn’t reach it. 
The door opened and you saw ‘you’ entering the room, you looked at the person open and down and you felt rage crippling over your body. “Do you want an invitation to show who you really are?” You shouted and she smiled. She held the y/h/c wig and throw it over the floor, she took the nylon wig cap and her blond hair fall over her shoulder.
She touched her ear and pushed the small transparent pellicle and you widened your eyes at the absurdity.
She smiled and nodded her head, she took the coat she was wearing and throw on the floor as well, you saw two guns on her belt, your gun. “Wow! I wasn’t expecting that.”
“I know what you were expecting.” She said and you saw how proud she was of the situation. “Besides I know you too well.” 
“You don’t know me.” You said annoyed.
“Oh, I do! Y/N Y/L/N.” You widened your eyes at her at the mention, no one knew that awful name, Stark has been your last one since 2008 and to all the aspects it was the only one. “Daughter of two drugheads. Daddy sold you and got a really low money. You were trafficked by Ramon Jones an American human trafficker that surprisedly died a few years ago. You were raped by the famous Raza the biggest terrorist in Afghanistan. Am I missing something?” She said with a smile on her face.
“What is this all about Sharon? Is this about Steve? About money?” She smiled dragging a chair and sitting on it in front of you.
“I do like him, who wouldn’t he is the best man. But every time I try something he is busy with his dearest friend Y/N.” You scoffed. “But no, isn’t just about Steve. Have you any idea how it’s being related to a most famous women in history? How it’s to accomplish big things but always being told your auntie made better?” She said and you rolled your eyes, definitely the worst dramatic movie ever.
You let an exaggerated sigh. “You know who is my father right?”
She laughed in ridicule. “Tony is smart I can give you that but he isn’t a hero.” You scoffed, what a bitch.
“I will ignore your ignorance towards Tony and I will ask: Are you working with the most stupid organization because you suffer from some diva moment that wants attention?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Have you any idea how powerful Hydra is? How much money they have. I worked for SHIELD for years and for CIA too, but Hydra has always been there. The Avengers work to get them and what? They still there, we will always be there.” 
You laughed at the mention of we.
“Wow, this is the worst episode of a soap opera! Look, Sharon, you don’t have to do this. You’re smart and pretty, you can find someone and you can work on the good side of the coin.”
“Fury didn’t even appreciate my worth, he threw me in Berlin to work with Everett and what? Am I not good enough to be his right arm on operations?“ Maria, which made sense since she tried to incriminate her.
Rolling your eyes you scoffed. “Stop with the drama, you diva. Your job in Berlin is great and people would kill to have the same position.” Being basically the supervisor of CIA was truly a high collocation.
“Yeah, what about the Avengers? Natasha joined, why can’t I? Besides you is only there because of the last name Tony gave you.” You smirked at her audacity.
“Listen, if you did all of this to become an Avenger you could make an application, I’m sure you’re capable of a chance.”
“Yes I am!” She shouted and pointed her finger at her chest. “I did all of this, me!” She threw her arms mentioning the place/situation.
“Yeah, congratulations. This isn’t an overact case at all.” She punched your face and you felt your face aching.
“I don’t think you are in the position to make jokes.”
“Do me a favor, when all of this ends, because it will end.” You spat the blood on the floor. “Remeber me to kill you myself.”
She gave you a sullen glare. “I know you and Steve don’t have anything, I mean he isn’t the super soldier you are dealing with. Matter fact he is here isn’t he?” You looked at her doubtfully, how did she know about you and Bucky? She doesn’t, she can’t. “Sergeant Barnes, the famous Winter Soldier. I actually helped Steve and Sam to save him years back in Berlin. But what that gave me? A lame kiss with Steve and just that, not even a call afterward.” You rolled your eyes. “Is hard, isn’t it? Your loved one had been tortured by an organization who wants to torture you too.”
You would reply but the metal door opened with Bucky and a man on his side holding a gun to his head. Bucky had some cuts on his face, his clothing was a bit burned, some grey hue on his skin like ashes had fallen on his skin and his knuckles were red. You were terrified for his life, but the same time you felt relieved to see him.
The man on his side wasn’t taking the normal wariness mode, Bucky surely handed himself over to that man. The moment Bucky saw you he punched the man head in the door and walked to grab Sharon, she cocked a gun and directed it at your head, the cold barrel touching your forehead.
“We were just talking about you.” She smiled and moved the gun so it was pointed to him, Bucky raised his hands and walked closer to her, he caught the gun in a quick movement making it shoot but he quickly turned the barrel to the ceiling, he threw the gun away and punched her, he raised his other hand to do the same when someone beat a big weapon on his head.
Sharon laughed and rubbed her red skin. You looked at Bucky in the floor, unconsciously. “Would he die for you? Or be killed for you? I wonder about that, he is pretty good looking I give you that, how is the sex? Is he too old-fashioned and just like one position? Is his vibranium metal arm a kink?” She said and you wanted to slap her face, your intimate life didn’t matter to her, besides how the hell she knows about your relationship? “Do you think he could have a relationship with another woman? I mean with the triggers and all…”
“Enough, Sharon.” The man said and you looked at him closely, Artem. “Go outside, I want to talk with her alone.”
“What? Will you free her because she is pretty?“ She said mad.
“I said get out!“ Artem yelled and she obeyed.
“What are you gonna do? Kill me?” You suggested.
“I wanted to, but Hydra has a future for you. I mean if being a normal human you managed to kill almost forty people without anyone knowing you could become a great Hydra’s spy. Your friend Doctor Banner had tried, right? Tried the serum that made your buddy Steve Rogers and that one here who they are today.” He pointed to Bucky. “The Winter Soldier had just basic knowledge of fight when we got him, you? You are already skilled, with the serum you would become even better for us.”
You rolled your eyes. “The serum doesn’t exist anymore! And you said yourself Banner tried to recreate it… what happened? It turned out wrong!” Banner did try to recreate the serum, ended up becoming the Hulk.
“But he didn’t try to take the plasma out of the blood they had right?”
You got shocked, you had thought about it one day or two, that maybe with Steve’s and Bucky’s blood people would be able to somehow drain a bit of the serum. “So you think I’ll work for Hydra? Seriously? You actually believe I would accept that?”
“Isn’t about free will Y/N, do you think your big friend here had any? I will place you in cryo, put you in electrical shock therapy, one day you will become one of us.” He circled your chair and you felt uneasy. “I saw a video of you two training together, you two could be the better couple ever on our hands. Can you see that? Would even be poetic.”
“You’re a sociopath! So what do you want? Revenge for taking your cousin’s job?” You yelled, angry about not holding the control of the situation.
“Pavlo? Pftt, you see… I became part of something bigger. Hydra will never die, it doesn’t matter how much your loved Captain America or even you work to destroy us, it won’t stop. You cut the head of the snake and two reborn in the place. And we want a thing with you.” He grabbed a knife and touched your face. “People weren’t lying, you are really pretty.” He cut a small spot making you wince. “Who trained you?”
You made your best attempt at a scared face. “Obi-Wan.” You said in a serious voice and grinned.
He shook his head and slapped your face. Apparently making Star Wars references wasn’t a smart idea.
He let a sigh, things would be really less messy if you just cooperated.
He leaned closer and kissed your lips, you winced in disgust and surprise. He got a needle out of his pocket with a thick liquid inside. “This is triazolopyridine mixed with carbidopa, garamycin. These medications are from Parkinson diseases, you’re a smart person so you know it acts in the brain, of course, we mixed a bit of Temozolomide that its used to brain cancer. Some oxide and dioxides here and there and we managed to get in a substance that would reactivate the ‘triggers words. ”’ You looked at him in disbelief, it wouldn’t work, mix some medicines wouldn't suddenly re-do all the process Hydra had made years ago.
“T'challa made sure that everything got washed, mixing some remedies won’t change the work they did there.”
“Let’s see.” He laughed and inserted the needle on Bucky vein, you tried to get off of the chair but it was no use if it was a wood one you could try to throw your body at the floor and break it, but it was a really heavy metal.
Bucky’s eyes widened and started to get red. You shook your head and prayed for it doesn’t hurt him. Artem took a piece of paper out of his pocket and started with the words, he said all of them. ‘Zhelaniye, Rzhaviy, Semndstat’ all at the end. Bucky stood at his feet and you hoped he was just acting.
“Soldat?” Artem said with a smile on his face.
“Ya gotov otvechat.” He answered you shook your head in blame. How they managed to bring it back?
And it was all your mistake.
“Beat her. Don’t kill her, just beat her enough to get really bloody. We can’t kill her, not yet.” He told to the Winter Soldier and you started to feel anxiety in your veins. “Y/N was really nice seeing you." Artem said and walked out of the place locking the metal door.
Bucky’s face stood blank watching you, your wrist sore from the tightness of the rope. But would be worth it break free and fight with the Winter Soldier? Surely you two had trained together hundreds of time, but somehow he always held back… now he wouldn’t.
Bucky walked to your reach, his eyes cold and his face hollow. “James listen, listen you don’t have to. We can fight this and-” Before you could finish you felt a terrible pain in your cheek. 
He punched you.
You looked at him in complete horror. He did again with the other side and pulled the chair you were sat on the floor and throw punch after punch.
You tried to get out of the chair but the ropes were too tight. “Bucky.” You choked on your blood and he turned your face to the side so you could spit it, you couldn’t die anyway.
You looked at him and his metal hand slapped your face.
You kicked and moved your hands trying to break free, after some trials you did so and got up but he just threw you on the floor again and sat above you caging your legs.
You had trained with him, but never trained with the machine before. Your vision wasn’t the best and the left eye was a starting to get swollen after his punches.
You kicked his back and used your hand to punch his ribs, he groaned, you thought about grabbing you knife but you couldn’t stab him. 
He threw another punch before beating your head on the floor repeatedly until you stopped to move, your breath weak.
He placed one of his hands around your neck and the other held your wrist up. His blank face and metal hand was the last thing you saw until you passed out.
You heard some explosion sound really far and tried to open your eyes, your ribcage was hurting and you couldn’t breathe well.
Your distorted vision spotted two men entering the place. You heard something far away maybe it was your name?
One of the men touched you and you whimpered. “It’s okay, it’s me! It’s Steve.” The man said and you calmed down a little.
Your right eye vision became clear but your audition wasn’t the best. You looked around and didn’t see Bucky, it was Steve carrying you out of there and Peter. 
Wait what Peter is doing? Does Tony know he in the middle of it?
You whimpered and Steve apologized, he tried to move more carefully. The place was a mess, people on the floor and a fire burning some computers. You tried to breathe but it hurt too much.
“Is she okay?” A female voice said, Natasha.
Steve shook his head pessimistic. “No, but at least we took her out of there. Let’s go.” He announced. 
The whole area was burning, papers and computers becoming ashes. You saw dozens of men on the floor and something shining gaining your attention.
You looked over Steve’s shoulder trying to use all of your force to realize what was it, it was someone passed out on the floor with blood on their forehead, Bucky.
“Mr. Stark.” The doctor announced and said Tony could finally enter the room.
Inside the room, he saw you on the bed sleeping. When he heard the trackers his life stopped for a moment, he knew you were alive and grabbed one of the new Macks and called Steve.
Gladly he managed to locate the “secret place” and with a team of agents more his co-workers of the super-secret boy band, they found you and Bucky.
The doctor cleared his throat. “We gave her some anesthesia and she will have to do a few surgeries, we made a few exams and apparently her ribcage had been fractured and we need to open to see if any bone or cartilage has the risk to enter on her lungs. Her neck and facial bones are sore and I would recommend a cast but she wouldn’t able to move much since her injuries. Whatever she had been through, she needs to stay unmoveable to heal, her body won’t heal alone without the help of machines.” He said and Tony nodded silently still looking at you.
Tony was happy to know you hadn’t died, he didn’t know what he would do when he thought he lost you. But now he had the chance to do differently, to save you. “But she will heal, right?”
“Yes, I recommend to do an induced coma, that way her body will only focus on the healing process, the method would surely be faster and less painful for your daughter.” Tony shook his head understanding what the doctor said but he didn’t know what to do right away, he didn’t know what to answer. The doc knew it was too much information. “I will leave you alone to think about it, when you make your choice click on that button and I’ll come to talk with you about what will happen in case of your decision.” The doctor said and walked out of the room.
Tony looked at your injured body.
It was like a truck has hit on you, your face held four different colors and was sore.
Your neck purple, your knuckles red, and your arms had marks all over the skin.
He raised a part of the hospital garments and saw how your abdomen and ribs were purple because of so many punches. His eyes filled with tears, you didn’t suppose to go through this, he always tried to prevent such horrendous things to happen to you.
He pulled a chair close to your bed and sat there staring at you.
“What do I do, Y/N?” The only sound was the A/C on and your heartbeat in the machine. “How that happened? How-” He lowered his head. “How I let you out of my sight and that happened?”
You were still motionless in deep rest, Tony was alone with his thoughts and decisions. “Induced coma… I don’t know if you would like that, and wearing that tube would certainly make your throat hurt when you wake up. What do you want me to do? I don’t think you would like to be in a coma, but how could you know right?” He chuckled and placed his hand on his face rubbing it in pure exhaustion, he tried to found a way out, he just wanted a miracle.
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I just wanted to you to heal and go back home with him.
“I wish you would tell me what to do.” He glanced around and saw a painting on the wall, it was a lady and an angel above her. He wasn’t much religious but he knew that someone up there had to like the two of you since, after everything you both got through, you remained alive.
He grabbed your hand and held on his. “I think I rather see you sleeping and healing than awake and suffering.” He decided with tears in his eyes and kissed the top of your hand.
He retired and took a deep breath, grabbing the small remote beside the bed he clicked the button the doctor had told him to, kissed your hairline and waited for the doctor.
He signed a few papers and asked if it had the possibility to move you from the hospital to somewhere more reserved, the doctor said it was possible but it was necessary for you to spend at least the first five days over there, then Tony could hire a few nurses and place you in a jet to take anywhere he wanted.
And he did so, he hired the best types of equipment money could buy, and placed all the machines inside one of his jets.
The media wouldn’t let him or any of the Avengers alone and he didn’t want to stress himself more than the routine already did.
He bought a house in another country, one that no one knew of, and took you there with him, the master room became yours and the equipment stood there 24/7 working to make you better. Three nurses were hired to make sure you would have everything you might need.
Bucky was hidden in his old apartment, the one he bought in Brooklyn close to Steve’s one.
The place was still his but he sneaked there planning the country he would run to, it was such an obvious hidden place that he concluded no one could locate him there, but Clint did.
The man entered the place rather quietly, but Bucky’s heightened senses sensed the man and knew who it was by the sound of the steps. “Where is she?” Bucky asked looked at him while placed fake passports, credit cards inside the bag.
Clint looked at him up and down seeing how hurt he was. “In Italia, Tony thought it was better to be away from all the media running after information, she is really bad.” Bucky felt a punch in his heart, you were hurt because of him. “Steve said she is in coma, induced apparently, I don’t know when it will pass.”
Bucky’s eyes filled with tears, he knew he would hurt you sooner or later, he was just too selfish to go away, but he wouldn’t commit the same error twice. “I hurt her Clint. I- And just the thought of it it’s killing me.”
Clint knew Bucky was destroyed, of course, your situation was worse since you were not only physically hurt but also emotionally.
But Clint knew how bad it was being controlled by someone else, not only when he worked for some bad guys in the past but also when Loki had used him as a puppet controlling his mind and ordering him to hurt his friends.
Bucky was regretting his whole existence.
“Man, look I don’t know what to say and I can’t speak for her, but Y/N loves you and you love her. I don’t know if you two will overcome this but you two can work things out, somehow.”
Bucky just shook his head, he looked at the place and it was like he had just left Hydra for the first time, the feeling of being lost and pain he was holding.
“This isn’t a love story Clint, I thought… I thought I had the chance to move on you know, after Wakanda and years of stabilization… and then this happens? I can’t risk that.”
“I won’t stop you. I came as a friend and whatever you may need in the future you can ask me, we are friends after all.” Clint said truthfully and raised his hand to Bucky shake.
Bucky felt a small joy knowing Clint didn’t hate him, but he couldn’t rely on him.
He needed to leave.
Especially you and Steve.
Bucky rented a car and drove to New Jersey renting another one to Indiana and kept doing so, being out of the system since he paid everything with money and he knew how to be ’invisible’.
Bucky checked in on a small motel, he just needed to sleep and leave, he wasn’t carrying much, only his bag and some guns knives over his tall form.
He laid on the floor of the rented room and tried to sleep knowing it would be a waste of time.
He would be bothered about the dirty floor, about the people that probably had been there before doing anything, but since the serum didn’t allow any diseases he relaxed.
He woke up and felt inconsistent. He saw his metal arm and it was heavier, could it be a remembrance? He looked at it and saw the metal and the flesh hand on his body, he saw some doctors around the white room. 
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But then the place became darker. 
He sat on the bed and saw you close to him, he looked around and suddenly the place wasn’t the bed he was before.
He was sat in a chair but he couldn’t stand up and walk to your reach, his metal arm was heaving him down and it was completely irrelevant trying to move.
Someone opened the door of the dark room, the place was a mixture of black and dark blue. You were peacefully sleeping, your hair perfectly on your back and your face looking angelical as always.
The person walked closer to you, it was a faceless man, a tall man with a black mask, he wore a coat and touched your face with leather gloves that adorned his hands.
The man caressed your cheek and chuckled. Bucky saw the unidentified man propping on his knees and caressing your hair, you opened your eyes and smiled sleepily like you knew the man.
Bucky didn’t know what was happening, he didn’t understand why had a covered man touching you and why were you smiling at him, the man took the mask off and he saw the man had blue eyes.
You touched the man shoulder and pulled him closer to your body, he hovered over you and caressed your naked breasts, you moaned and giggled. “Buck, stop playing.” Your sweet voice sounded and Bucky widened his eyes.
He felt his chair being pulled and he was on the side of your bed close to the scene.
The man that was up you took off the mask and his brown dark locks dropped perfectly against his face, you smiled and looked at him with pure love and Bucky didn’t know what to feel, he was trapped in a chair while he was touching you?
You started to kiss the man and you opened your eyes moving your head to look directly at the side of the bed seeing Bucky there.
The man above you stopped kissing and his face became blank.
He took off his shirt.
The scars on his body were more brutal than Bucky recognized they were on his form, Bucky hated those and he always avoided mirrors, especially when he was shirtless. Somehow the man above you had black scars rather than the red and white ones. His metal hand caressed your face and you kissed his palm making the man smile and opened his zip pulling his length out and entering on you, you moaned and the man just stood there watching your reaction while he thrust in and out of your body.
Bucky began to move the chair trying to take the man out of you, the man that was him.
You smiled in pure bliss and the man above you grabbed your neck on his metal hand making you gag unable to breathe, Bucky yelled ‘stop’ but the man just smiled seeing you struggling under his touch. “Stop, stop!” Bucky shouted and the man just grinned. His blue eyes entranced by your tears.
You attacked and kicked the man’s back, just like you had done when Bucky hurt you under Artem’s orders.
You stopped breathing and your eyes closed, the man placed his mouth on your ear. “Hail Hydra.”
Bucky woke up sweating and stood up quickly looking at the dirt floor as it was some sort of the evidence he had just dreamed off.
“No no.” He sobbed and cried remembering how bad he hurt you when Artem triggered the words, he remembered your scared eyes.
He felt terrible, he loved you so so much, and he couldn’t see you ever again. He couldn’t ruin your life one more time.
20 Days Later.
Your eyes opened and you were in a white room, you could hear some waves outside.
The room was too big to be in a hospital. “Hey.” You heard someone and saw Tony with tears in his eyes.
You tried to say something but your throat felt terribly dry.
Tony grabbed a cup of water and gave it to you. The pain in your ribcage wasn’t strong as before and you felt sort of relaxed.
“What happened?” You asked in a small voice.
“That fucker!” He shouted and took a deep breath, it wouldn’t be the best to scream at someone that just got out of a coma. “Artem got you and cowardly enough had beaten you.”
Artem? It wasn’t him it was the Winter Soldier… you couldn’t misremember that. The situation was fixed in your mind.
You were happy that Tony didn’t know it was Bucky. Gladly he thought it was Artem, which were but Tony wouldn’t ignore Bucky’s actions, he would surely blame both. So if he said it was fully Artem, then Steve must have told him. “Do you guys caught him?”
“No.” He said pissed. “He disappeared.”
The memories came back and you jolted on the bed. “Sharon! Tony is Sharon that was using my face, she was using that nano chip thing Natasha used once with Alexander Pierce. It’s her, Tony, she is the villain.” You told him rapidly and he grabbed your forearms trying to calm you down.
“We got her Y/N, she tried to escape but Natasha got her.” He said and you felt more relaxed.
You two spoke a few more and he said Steve was there too, he called your friend and you felt relieved seeing your savior.
Steve came to see you and you smirked after seeing your beautiful friend. “I was worried, Y/N." He sat by your side.
Tony excused himself and you knew he was tired, he let you alone with Steve.
You smiled when he kissed your hand but you couldn’t forget your worry. “Where is he?”
Steve let a sigh and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.” He looked around to make sure Tony wasn’t near to hear anything. “When we got out of there we hit him the head for him to pass out, like before when just doing that he would wake up being him. And when he woke up he just started to have an anxiety attack, I helped him out and he asked for a glass of water… I did so and when I got back he wasn’t there.” He explained softly.
“That was in the Compound?”
“No at my apartment. Tony took you to the hospital so I and Sam got back there to grab Bucky. We knew it wasn’t good to take him to the Compound so we took him to my apartment instead.”
“Do you think he will come back soon?”
“He had been gone for twenty days.”
“Twenty? Wait, what day is it?”
He said and couldn’t believe. “Your injuries were very deep. Broken ribs, fractures in the bones of your face and in your neck. The doctor said that you would suffer if you were awake so Tony decided to leave you in an induced coma so your body could heal properly.” Steve said sadly, knowing who managed to hurt you so terribly. “He was the one that hurt you right?”
You nodded.
It was hard.
You wanted to say that it wasn’t his fault because it truly wasn’t. But also you couldn’t shake the image of him hurting you so deeply.
His blue eyes, his face, but not him. “Where am I?” You changed the subject.
Steve looked around. “Tony brought that house, it’s in Italia. He didn’t want you in a hospital especially because the media couldn't stop questioning us.”
Italia? Why Tony bought another house? But most important why Captain America was there with you and not fighting the bad guys. “What are you doing at Italia, Steve?”
“Come on, you’re my best friend what kinda of the friend should I be if I didn’t stand here.” He said with a smile on his face, surely happy you were better.
Bags under his eyes and you touched it softly. Steve was always trying to make the right thing.
You closed your eyes but just saw Bucky’s hands hitting you. “How bad is my face?” You asked fully aware that would have tons of colors on it. “Is my nose displaced?” You smirked.
Steve laughed and smiled at you. “No, it’s perfect as always. And about your face I’ll be honest, you had worse.” He promised and you two giggled. 
Things would get more complicated but you needed to focus on your healing, however, you just wondered where Bucky was. 
How he was.
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The difference between “front end” and “back end” web development. Why Google is a developer’s best friend, even though it seems so simple. The best place to find programming answers from the top developers How to talk directly to the developers who invented the open source libraries you’re using, live in real time How communication is critical in day-to-day operations and growing quickly as a developer How social media is a powerful tool in getting information, connecting with the industry and staying on the cutting edge of your field How to use annotated screenshots to eliminate misunderstanding and make your point visually What javascript frameworks you must know and some that just make things simpler, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day Discover a handful of chrome tools that make you more productive and less frustrated Find out how Twitter’s bootstrap framework can make your own prototypes and projects look great with no design experience The best way to get free sharp icons that load fast to use in any new or existing web project. They scale well too, even on mobile devices What tools to use to optimize and monitor servers and applications from Yahoo and others. How to test Internet Explorer natively (even old ones) with free tools from Microsoft Productivity hacks and personal shortcuts I currently use as a professional developer
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More than 4 hours of video on leveling up your skills as a programmer, you’ll have access to the course discussions, where other students ask questions and instructors answer, usually in a matter of hours to help you with anything that doesn’t make sense or to provide more information on anything related to the cour
“Useful tools!” (Artem Bykov)
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“” ()
  About Instructor:
Ryan Carter
I’ve been playing with technology since I was a kid. At 13 I was building websites by hand in HTML and Frontpage 98 (which is how I learned what not to do). Since then I’ve been a computer addict and web programmer. I was programming Alpha3 databases on an old green monochrome IBM years before, but at the time I didn’t know THAT was programming. I’ve always been an avid reader and insatiable learner, I started rearranging bits and bytes to make the computer behave the way I wanted as a kid and have always had a knack for explaining complex things in simple language. I like to help anyone I can in my area of expertise. I’ve been developing for the web professionally for 20+ years and I am currently a Sr. Software Engineer for a major telecom company. I specialize in front end web development with a current focus on Angular, Node, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, SASS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, WordPress, Drupal. I have experience in the LAMP stack, Node stack, Ruby on Rails stack, C# ASP DOTNET and many others. If you ever need help, I personally answer all discussions as soon as possible and all comments on my YouTube channel as well. I am here to help with your technology learning so anytime I can assist you, please contact me. Thanks!
Instructor Other Courses:
Never Lose Photos Again: Cloud Sync w/ Dropbox & OneDrive Ryan Carter, Sr. Software Engineer, YouTuber, Nerdlinger, Father of 5 (7) $10 $20 Minecraft 101: Learn to Play, Craft, Build, & Save the Day Save on a Computer: Run Windows, Mac, & Linux w/ VirtualBox …………………………………………………………… Ryan Carter coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Web Development course coupon Udemy Web Development course coupon Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks course coupon Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks coupon coupons
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Tortured Souls. (12)
With: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
(Gifs go to their rightful owners.)
Warnings: Violence, death.
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The morning came in and you woke up on Bucky’s bed with soft kisses being placed all over your face. You opened your eyes and hugged him close letting his warmth engulf you.
You treasured those moments, the quietness and serene atmosphere. “Is today, right?” You murmured, your voice deep with sleep.
He passed his arm around your waist and turned his body making you straddle him. “Yeah.”
“Tony will come to discuss strategies soon enough.” You stated and turned your head to see the clock on his nightstand.
“We will go together.” Bucky whispered and kissed your cheek making a trail down your neck.
Following his lead, you located your hand on his hair and pulled it a little earning a soft moan. “That is true, but let’s-”
“Let’s not touch each other and not let him know.” You nodded and said a small sorry, he bowed his head and kissed your forehead getting up. “I have to spare with Steve and then we meet when the strategies start?”
You hummed and turned your body grabbing the pillow hugging it close to your body inhaling his scent. You closed your eyes and felt the slumber reaching you again, but something pulled the pillow out of your hands. “Buckyyyy.”
He threw the pillow at the end of the bed close to your feet and had a smirk on his gorgeous face. “You need to get up.”
“No, I don’t.” You turned to the other side making him face your bareback.
“You do and you will.” He took the duvet and pulled out of your body.
You groaned and looked at him wondering if he wanted to die. “Isn’t my fault you wore me out last night.”
He chuckled. “You wore me out too.”
You blushed to remember the last events. “Well, I don’t have super serum running in my veins.” You retorted with a valid point, his face of pure shyness was priceless. “But you’re right, I need to get ready for the day, it will be long.”
Everyone was ready on the planned hour and in the hangar. Tony didn’t enter the quinjet since he preferred to go flying, and you knew it was to avoid any possible interaction with Bucky.
Before leaving Tony had a talk with you and was really touchy, you thought it weird but you assumed it was just concern, but Tony after the last events considered about Everett’s words and made a tracker in case anything goes wrong in the mission and placed it on your jumpsuit while he hugged you without you realizing.
The fly was okay and you were holding the piece of paper you asked to F.R.I.D.A.Y. print with all the areas around the old factory. Fury was standing by and said that the man you had taken to him hadn’t said a word, unfortunately.
Clint was the one handling the quinjet and turned the invisible mode just in case, he landed it a few meters ahead of the old factory to suppress any possible chance of being discovered.
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The ear-pieces was in everyone’s ears, except Tony's since his suit was able to do so and infiltrate in the coms.
Sam was wearing his red glasses which managed to make him able to see any heat signature as Tony. Steve was in position waiting for Tony to land.
Clint asked Sam for a lift which he did so and placed Clint on the rooftop of the old Stark factory. 
You and Bucky grabbed the guns and walked out of the place behind to talk about some strategies and just enjoy each other’s company.
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You two took the fire stairs to the rooftop in the abandoned building beside the old factory, the one was where trucks were placed for export the newly manufactured weapons and gladly made a perfect viewing area.
Sam, Bucky and you waited outside for Steve’s orders and also to watch the place.
The ear-pieces was surely one of the best inventions for any agent. Tony and Steve entered at first to get rid of them, in case Steve’s idea was to get quietly inside, but Tony flew into the place using his repulsor so everything went to shit, Sam, you and Bucky stood outside taking care of the ones that were escaping.
Sam pointed his finger at the old place and you knew it was the signal when he saw some heat signatures. “Steve, I can see three body heat signature moving to the opposite side.” You said.
“Can’t you fix this?” Tony’s voice chimed over the coms.
“Sure.” You responded and got up starting to walk but something grabbed you back, it was Bucky’s hand grabbing your wrist.
“Be careful.” You nodded and ran to the opposite side.
Bucky saw you running so he cocked and pointed his gun at your surrounds to make sure to kill anyone that would dare to hurt you. “Awn.” He heard Sam but kept his guard up seeing you entering the place. “You two are so cute together, I wanna puke.”
Bucky chuckled and lowered his gun when you closed the door getting fully inside and out of his sight, he looked over Sam and his smug smile and Bucky got his gun pointed at the principal door. “Keep getting distracted like that and you will puke your organs if someone hit us.”
Sam giggled and shook his head getting ready for anything the mission would possibly bring.
Steve and Tony cleaned all the area and Clint walked further cleaning inside.
Steve was clearly pissed with Tony but for the sake of the mission, he tried to not think about it.
The place was like a huge labyrinth with hundreds of doors and long corridors. You and Clint ignored the protocol and split the team.
The old offices were filled with computers and papers, inside one of them you saw a file about the next CIA base they would attack to take more ammo.
Four agents entered the room and you managed to dodge your body under the table, you grabbed one small ring you made to electrocute and throw two at the men’s feet, when two fell you grabbed your gun and stood up shotting them. You knew it was a bad move because of the noise, but screw it. “Four down.” You said.
“Where are you?” Clint asked and you tried to explain the area, when you did he said he would head there.
“No no, Y/N stays with Bucky and you with Sam.” Steve’s voice chimed in, no one was following the plan apparently.
Clint shot at least three arrows to be able to pass the place you had snicked to reach your destination, he kept walking prepared. “So is better to let her alone until Barnes manages to enter the place?” Clint had a logical point.
Steve’s face was red under the Captain’s mask, he loved all of you, but surely it was harsh to be peaceful when no one followed the protocol. “Sam, is someone approaching?”
Steve looked at his surrounds trying to find a good -new- plan. “You keep there just in case and Bucky I need you to enter the place, I and Tony handled the situation but we need eyes on Y/N, Artem wants her and if he put his hands on her everything will be worsted.”
Bucky stood up and nodded his head to Sam, he ran into the place aiming his gun and broke into the front door making Steve almost throw his shield at him and Tony preparing his repulsor. Bucky lowered his weapon when he saw it wasn’t a threat.
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Tony turned his body and flew to higher floors. “Stark, we have a plan is better to follow it.” Steve said pissed.
Tony was on the third floor and cleaned the area in seconds. “I not really good at following, Cap.” He answered but shook his head finding weird that place didn’t hold many computers as he expected, all the Hydra bases did.
Steve looked at Bucky and both walked above the floors to reach everyone. “If anything changes you tell me.” Steve said towards Sam.
“Copy.” Sam answered and was prepared if any surprise would occur.
“Copy.” Steve said and you smirked while beating the fourth guy, you kicked his stomach making him bent his body and pain and punched his face making him fall.
You touched the ear-pice. “Heard that Barton?” Clint laughed.
“Y/N this isn’t the best moment to joke with my commands.“ Steve said with the Cap’s voice.
“Roger that Captain.“ You joked with a deep voice.
Sam chuckled. “Come on Y/N, attention where you are and what you are doing.“ Clint found you and you two walked further the place.
“I’m a woman Wilson, I can do two things at the same time.“ He snorted over the coms and you heard his wings taking off.
Steve and Bucky walked prepared and analyzed the empty place finding it all weird. Sam was flying outside making sure no one was near so he warned Steve he would enter the place too, with all of you inside it would be easier to finish the mission sooner. 
Tony had entered one of the offices with four men down, he smiled knowing it was your do and told FRIDAY to hack the whole computer and send the information for him, Tony placed his index finger, where the armor had some sort of pendrive, and all the information passed to the FRIDAY system.
Steve and Bucky found ten agents and fought with them winning the place, one of the men ran with some files, but both were too busy to grab him. “Stark, you got my back here? A man running with files through the west side.”
“You got it.”
Sam was disarming the men and women at the floor, knowing Steve hadn’t killed them so it was better to be cautious than suddenly be hit by a bullet, when he did so in the first floor he opened his wings to fly to the upper floor but something got his attention, he clicked on a zoom button on the side of his red glasses and saw some weird heat signature. “Wait have a big heat signature, something small… isn’t a person.” Sam said.
“What is that?” Steve asked throwing his shield at the locked door over and over trying to open it. The door where would lead to the exact way you and Clint were.
Sam took a deep breath and it was able to pass through the coms making everyone know it was something important. “A bomb.”
“A BOMB? WHERE?“ Tony shouted, he should have seen it. “Sam where is it?“ If Tony found it he would be able to undo the wires somehow.
“On the first floor, in the door with 3-C written on it.“
“I’m going there.“
A crossfire started and you and Clint sneak your bodies and prepared to shoot back, you grabbed your gun and shot emptying the cartridge with accurate shots and Clint did as well with his gun letting the bow in the side, when the number of projectiles ceased he grabbed his bow and finished the job. 
A door locked and you heard a beep sound, it was an electrical one with coded passwords.“ Tony, can you hack the door me and Clint are on the third platform?”
Tony and Sam were handling the explosive trying to undo, but Tony wasn’t succeeding and it made him really frustrated. “I’m sort of busy.”
Steve and Bucky managed their situation and stood to take a breath, he heard your voice and knew something was off. “What happened?” He asked´over the ear-piece.
“Clint and I took a few men down but then the door closed and it’s electrical I can’t open it with the passwords.” You said and grunted after you tried to open it shooting the knob to no avail.
“Here too.“ Bucky said and Steve started to hit the door with his shield to open it. After a few times Steve accomplished to open it, somehow the vibranium of his shield against the poor iron door didn’t hold back like Hydra’s people were expecting.
Clint and you were prepared if anything appears, it has three doors on the place so your back was on his making it able to shoot anyone that would attack, and you two almost fired Steve and Bucky when appeared. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked looking you and down, he saw your bleeding knuckles but you nodded your head making him understand you were fine.
A few codes appeared in the bomb Sam and Tony were trying to disarm but FRIDAY couldn’t undo then, Tony felt his suit growing heavier and slower he tried to figure it out what was happening when he identified the codes he had hacked in the computer, Hydra probably had made some vírus and the communicability had spread through his suit damaging it. 
The codes were in Russian so he needed someone, you knew the language but Tony acknowledged it would be too risky to have you running alone, he also knew Bucky understood but he remembered the other person that did too. “Barton I need you down here.”
Clint ran out and Steve started to hit his shield on the door again to open it. You looked at Bucky up and down and a lazy smile made its place on your lips, stupid feelings.
Clint read the codes and translated it to Tony and Sam, but neither of them managed to undo.
Opening the door Steve got surprised when someone threw a grenade inside, out of a reflex Bucky grabbed your body and held you against his form pressing you firmly making his full shape protect you, Steve throw his shield above it making the grenade went off but gladly the substance of his shield achieved to protect all of you. Steve walked out of the place and started to fight. “More agents up here.” You said over the coms.
“I’m going there.” Sam answered and flew to your reach.
Bucky was making his annoying protective actions taking all your adversaries down. “Bucky!” You shouted and he ignored keeping fighting all of the people leaving you useless. You heard Steve grunting so you ran to his reach.
A woman was fighting with him using a long stick with an electrical point on it hitting Steve over and over. “Hey!” You yelled and she retrieved and walked to your reach.
You ducked your body and kicked her knee making she moan in pain, you grabbed your knife in the waistband of your jumpsuit and gave her forearm a cut making the stick fell, you grabbed the weird material and beat her with it. When she passed out you broke the stick in the half and threw it to the other side. “That is what I call karma.” You said and walked to Steve who was sat on the floor obviously in pain. “Steve.”
“I’m okay, I just need a minute.” He said and you wondered how some wrecks managed to put a supersoldier down. You heard some shot in the rooms ahead and you wondered what was it since your team workers were in different areas. “Y/N.” Steve said in a low voice, you knew he had super-hearing so you asked if he heard anything, he said he heard a man speaking in Ukrainian and a female voice.
You walked through it ignoring Steve’s orders to wait for him.
Steve retrieved his strength and ran to it, but when he was reaching the door closed locking you inside.
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Bucky saw a man and woman trying to escape by the old fire doors escape and he grabbed both of them disarming. They asked for mercy saying they didn’t want to die in a fire, Bucky got confused asking what they meant but they bit something in their mouth and fall at the floor gushing splutter out of their mouths, another fanatical dying for Hydra.
“Steve we better go I can’t disarm that stupid thing.” Tony’s voice chimed on the coms and Bucky knew he meant the bomb.
No no no.
Bucky ran to you and Steve to call you two out of there but he found his friend weakly hitting his shield on the door again. “Where is she?”
“Inside,” Steve said. “An agent hit me with shocks and I’m weaker I can’t-” He hit the shield again. “Open it.” He grunted and took a deep breath.
Inside the dark room, you grabbed your gun pointed in front of you and you walked following the light rays it has coming from the other side, step by step you got closer and the voices became more clear.
Looking over the small slash over the corner you saw Artem and ’you’, all the anticipation that led that moment hadn’t even fifty percent of all the rage and confusion you were holding. You saw both talking with at least fifty agents on their sides, cowards. You replaced your knife in your boot in case they grab you, so a surprise element would help. 
Pointing your gun right at Artem’s head you ignored the words your friends were speaking through the coms, it was like everything else had blurred over your vision, you could only see him. You were prepared to shoot and deal with the consequences later when someone spoke in the coms repeatedly gaining your attention. “Y/N, all clear?” Sam asked.
You blinked your eyes trying to stabilize your feelings, if you killed the man his men would surely start a fire and has a high possibility of you or your beloved friends not pull through. You lowered your aimed hand and placed your free hand in the ear-piece. “No.” You said quietly trying to not make any sort of sound.
“Alright, I’m gonna break the wall.” Bucky drilled the metal fist right next to the lock of the steel door being useless so he started to punch the wall over and over until he made a big hole where he could be able to walk in. You heard the sound and looked over the path you walked to reach your whereabouts, it was Bucky trying to break in. Looking back at the people a man came to grab out of a surprise. You managed to punch him and kick the other who tried to intrude but two pointed guns at your head so you stopped your movements.
Artem titled his head to his men and they grabbed your arms throwing your guns and knives on the floor. They held your arms on your back, you could find a way out but with four guns aimed at your head, things got complicated. “Hel-” Artem opened his mouth but got interrupted by a loud metal thud on the floor.
Bucky entered the place and saw you being held and the woman passing as you besides Artem. Artem recognized Bucky since he was the best asset and everyone spoke about the notorious Winter Soldier in Hydra, Artem whistled and his agents started to fight with Bucky while Artem walked ahead and you walked behind being dragged wherever he wanted to take you.
“Barnes?” Tony shouted.
Bucky fought with the men but a few more appeared when another door opened, he saw you being dragged away and he tried his best to kill all of them and save you. “They- took her-r.” He said and Steve looked at Tony and both ran to the place. “Artem is here and took her.”
“Barnes. Where is Y/N?” Tony yelled.
Artem walked ahead and opened another door with some a long stairs leading to the subsolo, but it was all clean and filled with technology, it was like a panic room.
“Take the com out of her ear.” Artem said you stared at him and if glares could kill he would surely be dead by now.
A few bullets entered in Bucky’s skin but he didn’t stop fighting. Steve entered to help but he was weak, Sam helped and Steve called Clint over the coms. Tony knew the bomb would explode so he flew to the place to call all of you out.
Tony’s suit wasn’t working properly and he needed to repair it. Steve heard a clicking and told with an ache in his voice that it was the bomb ticking. Tony got perplexed and took the mask off and started to punch the lock entry trying to find you and kill Artem once for all. 
The click became quicker and they ran out of there, out of an impulse of survival, Steve, Tony, and Bucky couldn’t believe in the circumstances. Sam had to drag Steve out of there and Clint slapped Tony’s face to make him down on earth. Bucky remained inside trying to reach you over and over. All of them got out but Bucky was the one who stood during to save you even knowing the bomb was going off and he was going to die.
When they made outside Sam flew to the quinjet since Clint asked to grab something inside it, Clint thought that if he finds the grenades it would break the walls and with all of them fighting together they could save you.
Everything blew up before they managed to, burning everything inside and making the large windows break sending tons of glass above them. 
Everything started to turn into ashes, including you and Bucky. 
Your friends widened their eyes and out of a survival instinct ran out of the smoke to be able to breathe. Tony was paralyzed with widened eyes and collapsed on the floor on his knees. “No no no.”
Steve felt his heart aching knowing he lost not only you but his best friend as well. Sam and Clint were deadened and Tony was blaming his suit for not operating properly.
Everything was on fire with a black smoke coming out if it, it has no coming back. Tony widened his eyes thinking that he just lost the only person he truly loved, you.
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Clint threw his bow and arrows at the floor and sat on it crying, all of them were in pain.
The fire kept after several minutes and the firefighters started to reach the place, Fury got there and said it was better to all of them go back to the Compound to avoid the media and importunate questions. Tony couldn’t move but Clint helped him, Fury shook his head with pain in his heart.
The fireman placed the pike poles and started to search behind the falling walls, ceilings and ventilated the structures by breaking the remaining windows. Fury felt tears in his eyes but shook his head knowing he had no time to feel pain, his team was waiting to search the material or any human rest inspection.
The flyback was silent, all of the men sad with pain in their bodies and souls. Tony cursed his suit for becoming damaged, Steve cursed the pain the shocks made him feel because maybe if he had been more active he would have saved his friends. Sam was pissed because he hadn’t flown fast enough to the quinjet to grab the grenades as Clint instructed.
When they landed all of them went in separate ways to grieve by themselves, Tony took one of the cars placing the suit inside it and drove to the Stark’s tower to fix it on his labs, he didn’t want anyone near him while he cried.
Inside his lab, he launched almost everything on the floor and screamed feeling terrible for losing you. He told FRIDAY. to clean the virus and open all the files because he was about to fuck all the Hydra organization for all. 
What Tony didn’t hear was your tracker beeping on his device, the tracker which fire wouldn’t be able to burn especially a long-scale one, which meant you hadn’t died. That somehow you had survived the massive explosion.
(Dramatical voice) Tan Tan Tan Taaannn!
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