doortotomorrow · 12 years
You know what I miss? The askthe9thdoctor blog. I wonder how my Doctor is doing?
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
This is tumblr programme one.
Now listen; this is important.
If this message is activated, it means I’m gone. Long gone. This is programme I’ve left this site. Maybe not completely, or for god, but I am dropping it. It’s tedious to do this an’ try to save the worlds that need defendin'. Earth especially. An' I bet you're fussin' and moanin' now - typical! But hold on and just listen a bit more. Maybe in a few years, I'll pick it back up again, but if this programme is bein' implemented then I guess it only means one thing. I can never return to this site. tumblr programme one means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on me or this machine. Now maybe I've jus' gone off for a bit, but I doubt it. This is it.
So this is what you should do: let this blog die. Just let this old blog gather dust. No one will open it, no one will even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on your list of follows. And over the years, you will move on, and this blog will be buried. And if you wanna remember me, then you can do one thing. That’s all, one thing. Have a good life. Have a fantastic life. If I've ever taught you anythin', do that. An' thank you. Jus'...thank you, from the bottom of my hearts.
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oimatchstickman · 12 years
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the10thdoctor · 12 years
Doctor! I would like to give you this gift. It's a llama!! She'll be your new companion! Feed her! And pick up a cool name! ~ *gives the Doctor a llama*
Oh! Blimey! Right then...
You know in my last regeneration Jack found an alpaca- Florence was her name.
So... Name ideas then anyone?
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doortotomorrow · 12 years
The askthe9thdoctor's blog touches all of my feels!!
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victorfries-blog · 12 years
Ok. I won't tell you what to do, Dani. I'm only suggesting things.
I mean, there's no way I'll move past this. That's why the response is so harsh to you, sorry. But this blog was a huge part of my life, and will always be, due to the things I've done, but more importantly, due to the people I've met because of it.
askthe9thdoctor was more than just a blog. It began as a way to spread and get more people to appreciate and love Nine, and a way for me to show just how much I loved him. I mean, imitation is the highest form of flattery and all that.
It then became a way to rally people who loved him together. And from it, I've apparently inspired two people to start their own rp blogs.
After it got 648 people who loved and appreciated Nine and Christopher Eccleston, it became a place where I met some of the greatest people I have EVER met.
I met Alex and Irish and Elizabeth and Camille and Meghan from that blog. Those are people I will NEVER forget. Mainly because I pretty much talk to them every day now, but if it hadn't been for that blog I would never have met them, most likely.
But yeah, that's why I gave such a harsh response to you. Well, not so much harsh as succinct which can be harsh in its own right, so for that I apologize. But I definitely won't forgot what the blog, and subsequently - and fully, rather - the Ninth Doctor, has done for me.
He's my favorite and the blog was a huge deal to me. I just...don't have it in me to run it anymore. I wish I did! I wish so badly that I did, but I don't anymore. So yeah.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
Blimey, my head...
Wh-wha'? Where am I?
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Wha's...the Game Station?
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
I never really trusted the food on this planet,
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always bringin' you the wrong order, trust me, Rose, you'd learn not to trust it either. Don't believe me? Jus' wait till they mix your Scradonay with the house salad, then see. Not much of a house salad when the food floats towards the outside dinin' area.
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"Doctor, it's fine. This is a lovely place, don't spoil it."
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Spoil it - I'm not spoilin' anything.
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"Yeah, but only 'cause we won't let ya, Doc."
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"So why'd you bring us here, Doctor?"
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Wha', can't treat you lot out for a nice night without bein' questioned?
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"No really, Doctor, what's on the menu - and I don't mean for this place."
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...alright, I jus' felt like goin' out this time, somewhere nice. Tha's all.
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"Aww, our Doc's gettin' sweet on us, Rose."
Yeah an' don't go expectin' much more of that from 'ere on out.
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"Well...I'm sor' of glad you did this, Doctor. I've 'ad weird feelings for ahwile, so, guess I just needed this."
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"Oh look, guys, foods here! Well as they said on the peninsula, bottoms up! And they even brought the Doctor some beer, how thoughtful."
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Yeah, yeah, Jack.
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"Doctor, you lied, this lookssoooogood!"
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I'm glad you think so, Rose.
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I'm glad you think so.
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victorfries-blog · 12 years
The main thing I will remeber about your ask blog is that it is how I met you and what an amazing friendship it created. But it was fantastic and you are fantastic and if you need to shut it down or don't feel inspired by it anymore or anything like that then do it.
I teared up reading this. Really, I did. Cookies, this hit me right in the heart where I needed it most, thank you. I love you and everyone I met on the RP. Alex, Elizabeth, Meghan, Prinnie, Silvain. All of you, you guys are some of the greatest things that happened to me and it's all thanks to the RP.
I'm so glad I know all of you - even the ones I didn't list from the rp. Thank you for letting me have such a wonderful time in a bleak moment of mine. Thank you for everything.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
Have you ever been to Canada? It's a wonderful place, though not much seems to happen around here. I guess there might be something interesting- abnormal outer-spacey type of interesting- that could happen once in a while, though the only news I hear of these things happening is from the US and Europe...
Addressed this twice over, an' yes, of course I've been to Canada.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
Sorry for being so confusing!
Not like I'm not used to it.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
There's an actor who looks a lot like you (Christopher Eccleston). Did you know that? My last name is in the name of his high school. Just saying.
I love the bloke! Think 'e's fantastic, me!
Talk about 'im all the time. 'andsome man.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
((Conversing with so many Doctors is confusing!)) Um... I'm now with the clone 10th Doctor, so I guess it has been a while? IDK... haha
Oh. 'im, is it.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
I've quite an interest in Celtic history, particularly that of the Irish. Tell me, Doctor, have the Irish or Celts had any impact on the universe?
Rough riders into the universe, them.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
Did you know there is a type of rose called The Doctor?
Now that I didn't know.
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askthe9thdoctor-blog · 12 years
Rose can't stay alive forever, Doctor. She'll get old. You don't want to watch her die. Not to mention she can't regenerate like you can. Anything could happen and I imagine traveling in the TARDIS isn't the safest life.
Why would you bring up the obvious, then, mm?
You think I don't know? Think I don't know how tiny 'er life is compared to mine? Think tha' I've jus' forgotten it all, because I haven't. I don't an' I never do. I never will. She'll wither, she'll grow old - we all do, even if I won't look it. I'm old. I'm so old an' you know what? Maybe it wouldn't be just 'er life that ends when it does.
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