So after seeing SIX, I Dont Need Your Love makes much more sense when the other queens join in. I figured it was just "yeah this is our show and we're telling our stories" but no its much more then that.
They LITERALLY don't need that shitbag's love, they don't need his validation, they don't his crown or to be his consort because they are Catarina de Alagon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna Von Kleves, Kathryn Howard and Katherine Parr and they're fucking amazing women fucking amazing queens and they're SIX.
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askthecqkids · 8 years
you guys MUST go to school not just staying at home playing you must learn
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I just saw six... IT WAS AWESOME
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askthecqkids · 8 years
Geno, don't know if this would be a touchy subject, but do you know who Papyrus is?
Here. There isn’t any plan for Papy’s at the moment, sorry. 
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I’m so sorry :( I know it won’t do anything but just wanted to let you know that I’m sending you all my best wishes and that I hope things improve soon 💜
Thank you so much for your message and for caring. I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply. Things are still a bit grim, with food and medicine back home, but we're doing our best and I'm trying to go back to writing so I don't sink in a worst mindset being stuck back at home with so much tension.
Please take care and stay safe!
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Yeehaw 🤠
answering the yeehaw of productivity for a good day! ☀️☀️
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Hey, just a heads-up: AO3 does not allow creators to ask for donations on AO3. You can read the details here: ao3org(.)tumblr(.)com/post/151184274243 Linking to your tumblr from where you link to your ko-fi is fine, but linking to ko-fi directly from AO3 might get your account suspended. I hope you don't mind me telling you this; I just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware.
Hey there!
Thank you so much for the heads-up, it completely flew over my head. I'm trying also to update some of my fanfics on my mother tongue and the website there allows this sort of donations websites to be linked, so I was copying and pasting to AO3 and forgot the rule.
Thank you so much, though, for saving my account from being suspended! It was close one! If you ever catch me doing something like this feel free to call me out, because sometimes I forget the difference between both websites.
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Jane, George and Mark are in a polyamourous relationship in which both are in love with George and George is in love with both, but Jane and Mark are not as much attracted to each other as they are partners in teasing the living shit out of George.
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part 2, because I’m worried that you might get the impression I think Henry is anything other than total garbage. Cromwell deserved slightly better, Anne deserved EVERYTHING. Anne fucking Boleyn, watching her daughter become one of the most successful and famous monarchs of all time: VINDICAAAAAATTTTIIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNN
No worries, honey. This blog has a firewall that prevent Henry stans from viewing it. We will be forever safe.
Cromwell deserved like… A grain of salt better, but not much. I’ll never forgive him for fucking up so royally my favorite siblings.
Also: Anne: [from the afterlife, to Henry as they look down at Elizabeth’s Golden Age] Is that an heir?
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📂 Henry and Elizabeth?
Henry used to never want her over after the divorce from Anne (and, let’s face it, Anne was more than glad to not let Elizabeth near him and that brainless blonde for as long as that went on), but when Jane advised him to grow closer again to his daughter, Bessy and his relationship was restored slightly through the every other weekend visits.
Kitty did wonders for that too, and, even tho looking at Elizabeth is to be reminded of an ex wife and the girl doesn’t do much to not mention her mother, he’s very glad to have her over as many times as she wants. He knows he’s an old man and more children will be very unlikely, so to relish the ones he has, specially his bright and energetic jewel, is something that warms his heart.
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Henry realised a few months into his marriage with Jane what a mistake casting Anne aside had been. Regardless, he’s too proud to try to reach out and apologize and mostly he likes to think he wasn’t wrong about her unfaithfulness (spoiler alert: he very much is), so he keeps on dating and marrying other women, seeing a bit of her in every one of them.
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you’re totally right anne, cromwell and henry is the ot3 that should have been. the subtext is the only good thing about wolf hall besides the costumes (FRENCH HOODS. RED HEAD MARY)
I mean… Yes, that OT3 would have been iconic, but Anne deserved better than them both. The possibilities, tho, all the amazing things they could have done, the epic lovestory that could have been. I’m forever sadened (the costumes were the fucking shit, girl don’t get me started- the show was shit, the clothes were hip).
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hi it’s ot3 anon, back on my bullshit. I have dropped into your ask box to say that wolf hall fucked up gloriously, Henry and Cromwell had the most chemistry of any couple in the whole show, including the married ones, henry/anne who?
The chemistry in the touching of shoulders, the looks they shared, Henry’s “I know you’ll know how to please me” like B O I
Me don’t mind no implied romantic tension but you know there’s a woman in this castle he married to that made him go agaisnt the Pope, create a new Church, turn his country upside down, divorce a Spanish Princess aunt to the fucking EMPEROR that kept him blue balled for over 6 years?! Why the fuck ain’t Henry and Anne fucking like rabbits every chance they get or at least showing some affection for each other?!
I mean, even Anne and Cromwell share more tension than Anne and Henry, with the fucking french things and shit. Mary and Cromwell? Fucking Jane and Cromwell?! What?!I am so very pissed.And they had to go with the Jane Boleyn a traitorous hoe route too, Wolf Hall, let’s throw hands—
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I read a theory that states one of the reasons Charles didn't want Anne to be Henry's misterss at the beginning, while he encouraged him to have other mistresses is because, like many other men, he was enchanted by her himself. Thoughts?
Oh, yes, that’s quite a popular one, isn’t it? Well, ¼ of my heart is kind of enchated by the concept and the fanfics I’ve read about the pairing only streghned it.
Yet, back to the theory, I think it’s quite a probable thing to have happened! After all, Anne’s dark hooks to the soul are said to have expanded to much more than her Henrys and Wyatt, but he also knew that the Boleyn family was quite ambitious adn that might have played that role instead. It’s a mystery, but our tragic asses will go down with the romantic option lmao
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How to you feel about each of Henry's wives?
Are you ready for a huge text? Cause you getting it.I’ll be giving my thoughts in the order in which the marriages took place, but I’ll be putting their ranking in my affections by their name just in case I talk too much without saying anything.
Catherine of Motherfuckin Aragon (#2 ) → I do not have words enough to express how much I respect and admire this woman, despite how many things I disagree or am not overly fond of on her behaviour/way of thinking. And I don’t mean just being a Queen until her very last day or enduring what Henry put her through with grace and poise, I mean even before she walked out of that judgment without Henry’s permission, I mean managing to thrive despite having her father-in-law against her after the death of Arthur. This woman was the first female spanish ambassador to England. This woman, after marrying Henry, when he decided to go fight in France and left her to rule his kingdom, C R U S H E D a rebellion with the same effort someone would take to make a sandwich. AND THEN SHE SENF THE LEADER OF THE REBELLION’S BLOODY CLOAK TO HER HUBBIE IN FRANCE ALONG WITH A LOVE LETTER IN WHICH IT’S IMPLIED SHE SAID SHE WAS PREGNANT. THIS WOMAN DESERVES SO MUCH MORE PRAISE, @ EVERYONE STOP MAKING HER AN OLD WOMAN AND A PRUDE, THIS BITCH HAD CLAWS FOR AGES—
Anne Boleyn (the baddest bitch that you can’t even) ( #1 ) →Despite my passionate rant about CoA, Anne is still (how my quotes and my fic may suggest) my favourite from all of the wives and I feel terrible about her more than undeserved fate. This girl had the brains, had the looks, had the sharp tongue and had the temper that would have made her an icon of our age, had she only been born in our times. The Other Boleyn Girl and other period pieces as well as some historians tend to make her the ‘whore’ of the early triangle that was formed when Henry (the true whore) decided to get rid of Catherine in favour of his younger beloved, but she was far from it. This girl brought a nation to it’s knees, she was the alleged reason for a King to break with the church of Rome and had a full reformation on the country without opening her legs until they were married and that’s a fact. She was very kind and attentive of her friends, ladies-in-waiting and family and I think this is unfortunately lost in the Whore Narrative in favour of overexagerating the jealousness she was sure to feel in the latest years, putting her against every female character one could to have some more conflict in a book and make her more of a lustful, cruel she-devil (Yes, I see you Philippa. I see you. You too, Wolf Hall). However, I do think her role often times is exaggerated in another aspect: She was by no means the leader of the Boleyn Faction, although she had some considerable half of the decisions made to get them where they rose to, the head of the faction were Thomas and George (I can make a whole rant about how this boy doesn’t get half of the value he’s supposed to get) and she wasn’t the whole reason behind any of what Henry did either, she was used as an excuse. I think we shouldn’t either make her the epitome of a Mary Sue with underlines of a bad temper or the scheming bitch that got the crown; She was a human being, and I intend to write her that way as the chapters of The Wives’ Club progress.
Jane Seymour (#6 )  → You can imagine very well why she’s my lowest ranking wive and why I won’t have much to say about her. I deeply dislike Jane and I make no attempt on hiding it. Her reputation being almost sanctified when she had a worse behaviour than Anne during her courtship of the King is deeply infuriating, even more when I think Anne and five other innocent men had their head chopped off due to untruthful allegations only so Henry could place a crown on her head (which actually never happened, she never got a coronation. That makes me slightly happier). She did not have much attractive qualities to redeem their role on the suffering of the previous wive like others did and her decisions weren’t hers as much as they were her brothers’. I dislike her son, finding Edward the most dislikeable of Henry’s kids, her attempts of bringing Mary back into favour were okayish, she all but ignored Elizabeth’s existence and her reign was short and unremarkable. Overall, my least favourite, no doubt.
Anne of Cleves (#3 ) → BABY GIRL. BABY. ICONIC. BEAUTIFUL. ASTOUNDING. SHOW STOPPING. WHAT ELSE CAN I SING OF PRAISE, IDK. ANNE VON KLEVES IS THE WOMAN YOU SHALL RESPECT OR YOU SHALL RESPECT, THERE’S NO OTHER WAY. Let’s start setting one thing straight, this woman was b e a u t i f u l. An absolute snacc. Henry can go fuck right off. You made two of your wives whores, another a sinner and a liar and now you make this one the ugly one? Why don’t you marry a sex doll then, you piece of shit? “The king was so stout that such a man has never been seen,” reported a visitor to court. “Three of the biggest men that could be found could get inside his doublet.” She had waaay more reason to complain than you! He claimed she was not a virgin, yet she asked if he kissing her good night and good morning in her chambers was not enough to be considered consumation of the wedding! At least she didn’t ever need to be under that giant glob you called belly! Okay, I’m going to chill. Anne was undoubtedly the most successful of Henry’s wives, yes, even more than Parr. She was not well versed in singing, dancing or music, due to her education in the Cleves fashion, not in the English, being a pragmatic woman versated in needlework and house management. When the short time of their marriage came to an end and they were declared not truthfully married, she wrote a letter of compliance to the King, knowing full well she was being cast out because Henry lusted her lady-in-waiting, Katherine Howard, and, differently of CoA, setting herself as a faithful servant of Henry’s will. What did that mean? It meant that Henry had finally stepped out of a marriage without a fuss to it and he was more than thankful. She got money to spare, all of her jewels, inumetous mannord and castles and an income that could make us cry over our petty salaries, she was held up as his sister, having only he, himself and his children take precedence to her and she had the most amicable of relationships with him and KH after the whole thing. They visited her and she visited them, all was well. She ended outliving Henry, Katherine Howard, Catherine Parr and Edward Tudor, having died a calm death in one of her castle’s after living a Queen’s life without having to be married to no King at fucking all! Even Mary, that opposed her Protestant views held her in such high regard she gave the woman a royal funeral. This bitch had held a mini-court in all of her residences and she honestly had the best live of all of the wives. I can only congratulate her. Anne of Cleves was the most successful wive, fight me.
Katherine Howard ( #5 ) → Oh, this poor baby. Poor, poor baby. I would rank her higher in the list if I could solely because of how people view her to this day. She was but a teenager that got executed by a love affair that I’m not even sure if really took place because,,,, everyone knows Anne’s story by then??? It’s recent history???? It’s known???? Why would you do this????? But there is so much proof??? Kitty baby, why???? and is called an empty-headed fool by many, and I mean MANY, people in the most unfair of ways. She wasn’t a remarkable queen either in the matters of her reign, but she was kind and gentle and an absolute joy for what’s written in the records of our history. She and Mary did not go along so well (probably because Mary was probably having Anne flashbacks), but Elizabeth and Edward did quite enjoy her as a stepmother. I don’t forget either how she and Anne of Cleves remained friendly after the divorce, having danced all through the night of the day it was made official as Henry retreated to his chambers to sleep, writing each other letters, visiting and lunching with each other. The dignity with which she faced her death is also uncanny, leading me to believe bravery and unfair fates are both traces of the Howard blood she and Anne shared. I wished she could have had a happier life and is not a random choice have her be the center of the TWC’s plot.
Catherine Parr (#4 ) → I confess I did not read or had as much interest on her as the others, although I have read more of her than I read of Jane. She was a smart woman and, although she married the Seymour Fuckboy and people single her out as the Nurse of Old Henry ™, she was one of the best Consorts an english king could have had, no doubt. She managed to strike a good relationship with all the three kids, she was fair and justice-driven, Elizabeth’s life was brightest with her and I can only say that she is the one to be called saint if she put up with Henry Tudor as an old overweight man nearing death and with paranoias swirling around his head like fishes in an aquarium. I will read more about her to have a better portrayal to the fic, but she’s still earned my respect and admiration.
Well… I warned it would be long hahahaha!I hope it was somewhat revealing to you and that I didn’t got you bored in the meantime.Any other questions you may have, feel free to ask them!
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Never stop historical meme-ing.
I shall not, my dear anon. Meme-ing is what I do best!
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