roadkill-creatures · 1 year
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Aspen 1!!!1!1
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nettleclanstale · 5 months
Moon 49
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Here's Mistyfleck
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the-unknown-leader · 1 year
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WindClan Height Chart
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butterflyclan · 11 months
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A ginger rosette tom with silver eyes. The son of Beamsnow and an unknown DogwoodClan she-cat, Aspenkit is quick-witted and a bit of a bully.
Aspen; Tall ; Lanky
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thunderclan — year ten — newleaf
brightstar dies. ivystar chooses whitewing as her deputy.
fernsong and sorrelstripe become warriors.
birchpaw, dapplepaw, and yellowpaw are apprenticed to ivystar, stormcloud, and mousewhisker.
squirrelflight, alderkit, and juniperkit die. (i'm doing fine about it.)
coneclaw has five kits, aspenkit (orange she-cat with a light belly and gold eyes), dewkit (black she-cat with a scar and green eyes), pinekit (red tom with orange eyes), skykit (tom with orange eyes), and tallkit (dark red she-cat with hazel eyes).
cinderheart retires.
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junipersandclovers · 2 months
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yet another apprentice!!!
so aspenpaw is a character that i never really got to develop unfortunately, but now i get to so yippee!! i always envisioned them as popular among their peers and naturally charismatic, who likes to hang out with the quieter members to bring them out of their shells. they tend to get swept up into whatever their friends are doing though, and feel responsible for them - they're the first one to take blame when someone gets in trouble. i can totally imagine them going to their parent who is like "no don't hang out with that group they're troublemakers" with them being like "nooo they're my friends i gotta look out for them"
i want to develop them further and give them some solid character traits eventually though that'll come with time <3
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dawngen · 1 year
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squirrelpaw got assigned to his big brother for his apprentice ceremony <3
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redux-iterum · 2 days
Charred Legacy: Chapter Twenty-Five
(AO3 counterpart here.)
Cloudpaw was the first awake the next evening—when Fireheart opened his eyes, his nephew was tip-tapping in place, staring into the warrior’s den. He had the good sense not to shout as Fireheart got to his feet and stretched, but he could barely keep himself contained when his uncle approached him.
“Are we seeing the territory tonight?” Cloudpaw said, catching his volume on the second word and loudly whispering the rest.
Fireheart yawned out his half-sleepiness and looked at his nephew with blurry amusement. “We are, but—” he lifted up his paw just as Cloudpaw bunched up to jump around “—we should go with your siblings, so let’s wait for them to wake up. Have you had breakfast already?”
This did not seem to have occurred to Cloudpaw. He shook his head, blinking in surprise.
“Then get yourself something.” Fireheart cocked his head towards the truthfully dismal prey-pile. “We’re going to be out all night. I don’t think you’ll eat before we get home.”
Cloudpaw looked back the way Fireheart had gestured, then nodded and bounce-trotted off. Fireheart watched him go with a purr, sitting down to the side and grooming out his messy pelt, grateful that his nephew had such puffy and long fur to keep him warm.
The rest of the Clan roused just as Cloudpaw was finishing his meal and Fireheart was picking up a mole to eat himself. Aspenpaw and Ashpaw darted out of the apprentice’s den, forgetting to shake the flakes of moss off their bodies. Soon after came their mentors, Darkstripe as sour as usual and Speckletail looking quite exhausted already. Darkstripe nudged hard past Fireheart—really a push—to pick up one of the last pieces of food without a word. Fireheart steadied his breathing and moved away to eat.
“The whole territory,” Ashpaw said, in preemptive awe. “We’ll see the whole thing.”
“Well, mostly the borders, I think,” Aspenpaw corrected, swallowing a chunk of the squirrel she was sharing with Ashpaw. “But it’ll still be nice. All the way from the Houses to Sunningrocks.”
Cloudpaw didn’t say anything. Something dimmed his face into a strange neutrality.
They barely had a chance to finish their meal before Darkstripe, still licking his chops from his bird, started to walk for the entrance and called, “Ashpaw, come on. We’re doing the tour.”
Ashpaw stood up, caught off-guard. “What about Aspenpaw and—”
“They can go their own way whenever.” Darkstripe flicked his tail in annoyance. “Now come on.”
Ashpaw frowned, glanced at his siblings, and then hurried to follow his mentor. The pair disappeared through the entrance, leaving Speckletail and Fireheart to watch them go.
Speckletail sighed. “Well, I should’ve expected that. Aspenpaw, we’ll be ready in a moment. I just need to order some patrols…”
“Oh, that’s okay,” Aspenpaw said, her pretty face lighting up again. “I can wait.”
“You could come with us,” Fireheart suggested. “We’re heading out now.”
Cloudpaw whipped his head around. “We are?”
Fireheart nodded.
Aspenpaw shook her head. “I’ll wait for Speckletail.”
The deputy was still tired, but she gave Aspenpaw a warm look. “Just a moment, then. Fireheart, go ahead on out.”
Fireheart dipped his head respectfully before setting off at a trot, Cloudpaw at his side in an instant.
Snowy ground welcomed them once they were outside, the night sky clear and glittering. Fireheart took a deep sniff and let out the air happily, excitement bubbling in his chest.
“You ready?” he asked Cloudpaw.
Cloudpaw, to his surprise, was a little subdued in his response. “Ready. Which way are we going?”
Fireheart thought for a moment on the best path to take. “The road first. We’ll head down past the Houses after that.”
Cloudpaw nodded silently.
The pair set off north, Fireheart trying to find a good way to ask Cloudpaw what was muting his happiness. Cloudpaw was unusually quiet, looking around at the charred trees, sometimes climbing them with his eyes.
“Here we are,” Fireheart said at last, as they stepped out of the woods and on the border of the rocky slope. He climbed up it with marginally more grace than usual, Cloudpaw struggling after him.
“This is the road,” Fireheart said with a sweeping gesture down and up the endless black path. “I know you’ve heard about Snakerocks, but I consider this the most dangerous part of the territory. You remember that car in the Barn? Well, there’s cars much bigger than that, and they move really quickly along this road. Cinderpaw broke her leg here, and other cats have been hit and killed beside.” He fixed his nephew with a serious look. “You don’t have any reason to come here, especially not alone. Remember that a car could just not see you, even in daylight, and it’ll be too late to stop when it does.”
Cloudpaw nodded again, eyes over the road. “Whose territory is that?”
“That’s ShadowClan’s.” Fireheart lightened up a little. “They’re the small cats we saw when we escaped the fire. They’re very kind and stick to their side of the road. We should, too.”
“Okay,” Cloudpaw said quietly.
Fireheart looked at him for a long moment, contemplating, then turned and led him back down the gravel. Once they were on safer ground, he turned to his nephew and said gently, “What’s bothering you, little guy?”
The response he got was instant, blurted and accompanied by wide, anxious eyes. “Are you really my uncle?”
Fireheart blinked, caught off-guard. “Of course. Why?”
“It’s just…” Cloudpaw fidgeted, took a breath and said nervously, “It’s just, you and mi weren’t family, right? And, and you don’t look anything like her anyway, and I don’t look like you– I don’t really look like Aspenpaw and Ashpaw either, but…”
Fireheart’s eyelids lowered sadly. How long has he wanted to ask about this?
“So… so are we really family?” Cloudpaw finished, head slightly lowered like he was expecting to be yelled at. “Or did you just make that up?”
She never told him where he came from, Fireheart thought. Did she want me to do it?
He carefully picked his most kind voice and spoke softly. “We were waiting to talk to you about that.”
Cloudpaw, the poor thing, looked frightened, like Fireheart was about to drop a horrible secret.
“You and I are really related,” Fireheart said. “By blood. But you’re right; Brindleface and I weren’t blood-family. You weren’t with her, either.” Fireheart took a quiet breath. “She was your mother, and she still is, but she adopted you. You and I were both born kittypets.”
Whatever Cloudpaw had been expecting, it clearly wasn’t that. His eyes bugged out.
“Your birth-mother is in the Houses,” Fireheart went on. “Her name is Rosy, and she’s my sister. She gave you to me to come live with me in ThunderClan.”
There was a long moment of silence, until Cloudpaw ended it, his voice very small. “Why did she do that? Did she not want me?”
Oh, and how Fireheart’s heart broke hearing that. “No, Cloudpaw. She wanted you. But the thing with kittypets is that they get separated from their families at a very young age. It happened to me and to her; we were lucky that we found each other again. She was afraid of losing you and all your siblings forever—” Cloudpaw stared “—yes, you have siblings in the Houses too—and so she wanted to know where you were and that you were being loved and cared for. She trusted me and the rest of ThunderClan to do that. It hurt her a lot, but she loved you too much to lose you.”
Cloudpaw said nothing to that. He gazed at the ground, mulling things over.
Fireheart gave him a moment before gently tapping him with a paw to get him to look up. “Come on, let’s keep walking. We can talk along the way.”
Still silent, his nephew nodded and followed after him as they walked along the gravel. They reached the corner of the border and turned, trotting along the west edge of the forest.
Cloudpaw finally broke the quiet after a small distance. “Why didn’t anyone tell me I’m a kittypet?”
Fireheart sighed. “The Clans have some weird thing where they think kittypets are lower than them. Loners, too. I had to do a lot of work to earn their respect.” He looked back at his nephew. “You were barely a newborn when I brought you in, so they accepted you easier. But I was apprentice-aged when I joined, so some of them thought I was too used to an easy life to be a good warrior.”
“Oh,” Cloudpaw murmured. He raised his voice tentatively. “Then, then I’m not as good?”
“You are,” Fireheart said firmly. “The Clans are wrong. Every cat is as good as the next. I don’t care where they come from; there’s nothing wrong with being a kittypet, or a loner, or a warrior. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”
Cloudpaw’s expression cheered up a little, then it turned puzzled. “So why are you a Clan cat instead of a kittypet?”
“The lifestyle appealed to me. I didn’t like living as a kittypet. It was soft and easy. Maybe it’s for other cats, but I’m happy to be a warrior.”
Cloudpaw seemed content with that. Fireheart let him continue thinking, simply slowing a bit to walk alongside him and offer a friendly blink when he looked up.
The forest along the Houses’ border was still alive and thick with healthy trees. Even if there were no leaves to shield them, or ferns to push past, it still was immeasurably more comforting than going through the burned part of the woods. Fireheart could even smell the trees themselves, if he focused. He noted, to his own amusement, that the grass they were approaching on the outside was still green and clipped up a ways.
When they reached the fenceline, Fireheart stopped and pointed with his tail. “That’s my old house right there. See the fence, where it’s chipped?”
Cloudpaw squinted and leaned forward. “Uh-huh.” He looked up at his uncle. “You got to see the forest every day.”
“I got to see what I was missing out on,” Fireheart said with a small chuff. “You’ll feel it in the springtime; the forest gets so rich with so many different scents. When you first go out there, it can be overwhelming. It was spring when I walked into the forest, and, wow…” His eyes lost their focus as he recalled that night. “There wasn’t anything like it that I had ever experienced. It was incredible.”
Cloudpaw regarded him thoughtfully. His head turned to the street around the corner. “Where does Rosy live?”
“Down that road a bit.”
“Huh.” Cloudpaw hesitated. “…Can I meet her, some day?”
Fireheart purred softly to get his nephew to look at him. “You will. She’d love to see you again.”
Cloudpaw brightened. “Okay. When?”
“Well…” Fireheart tilted his head, thinking. “Let’s get you trained up a little first, so you can show off to her. How you can hunt and climb, and all that. You’d like to do that, right?”
Cloudpaw nodded. “Yeah. Okay.” His fur itself seemed to brighten up a little. “I’ll make her proud of me.”
Fireheart tapped his side with his tail. “She already is, I can promise you that. Let’s get going.”
Not without a little reluctance, and a last glance down the road, Cloudpaw trotted after his uncle. Again, quiet, until Fireheart’s old house disappeared from view.
“So who’s my father?” Cloudpaw asked.
Some deadbeat loser who doesn’t matter, came the snippy part of Fireheart’s mind. Out loud, he said, “His name is Onion. I don’t know where he is now.” He looked back. “He looked a lot like you, actually, just grey instead of ginger. Very fluffy, too.”
Cloudpaw blinked. “Well, that’s lucky. I’ve got long fur like everyone else in ThunderClan.”
“You’re a puffball, you mean,” Fireheart teased.
Cloudpaw squawked and swatted snow at his hind legs. Fireheart’s legs leaped away of their own accord, making him pick up his pace so he didn’t trip. They both trilled and Cloudpaw sped up to walk alongside him again.
“Do you go to see Rosy?” he asked.
“Sometimes, yeah,” Fireheart replied. He sighed. “I haven’t had a chance recently. There’s been a lot going on since you came to ThunderClan.”
“You mean with the fire?” Cloudpaw tilted his head.
Fireheart paused, then nodded. “Among other things, yeah. We were…” Dealing with a lot of murder and pain, losing friends and family, hiding secrets we shouldn’t be hiding. “…really busy before you first left the nursery.”
To his partial relief, partial frustration, Cloudpaw accepted that and looked forward again. “Well, I get to be a part of that now. I like that.”
“Yeah?” Fireheart tilted his head.
“I mean, since I’m from the Houses,” Cloudpaw elaborated. “I wasn’t a warrior yet. Now I’m an apprentice, and I can be a real Clan cat.”
Fireheart looked at him fondly. “You’re already a real Clan cat. We’re not more or less worthy, we’re just worthy. That goes for everybody, not just us two.”
“Well, still,” Cloudpaw said. “I’d like to hunt and protect the Clan, and help around camp. That’s what a good warrior does.” He beamed up at Fireheart. “That’s what you do!”
Fireheart returned the beam, still feeling a little sheepish. “I just do what I can, same as everyone else. We do our best, and that’s good enough, whether or not it’s as much as the rest of the Clan.”
Cloudpaw had an odd look of relief, to Fireheart’s satisfaction and mild surprise. His fluffy tail lifted higher, its ginger tip curled, and he trotted with more purpose than before.
“Did I tell you I have a friend in the Houses, too?” Fireheart said after a pause. Cloudpaw looked up at him and he continued. “His name is Smudge. He was my first ever friend, before I moved to ThunderClan and met Ravenwing and Greystripe.”
Cloudpaw’s eyes widened. “Really? Is he big and fluffy too?”
“I mean, he’s wide, but he’s about my size.” Fireheart’s eyes creased as he thought about the patched tom. “And he’s quick-witted. You’d like him. Maybe we’ll get to see him someday, too.” Something occurred to him. “Just remember, we have to keep it to ourselves. ThunderClan doesn’t like us talking to kittypets, even if they are family.”
Cloudpaw’s face fell a little, but he nodded. “I can’t tell my sister and brother either?”
“Not yet,” Fireheart said kindly. “If we have to, we will. But I can already hear our Clanmates scolding me for taking you to see Rosy.” He jokingly shuddered. “Just imagine the look on Dustpelt’s face…”
Cloudpaw shuddered in turn. “Yeah, okay. We’ll keep it a secret.”
Fireheart gave him an affectionate nudge, and the pair continued on down the border’s path. They were quiet again, but this time it was a lot more comfortable.
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bitterclan · 1 year
aww popwood finally got to apprentice almondpaw! but also got to mentor springpaw...?
Yeah!!! I was about to skip that little detail but i thought it was cute he actually got to mentor her :) and he's not the only bitterclan cat to get two apprentices at once, Lacy mentored both Poppaw and Aspenpaw at the same time
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Official Designs for Dust, Swift, and Aspen!
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this is Dustpaw of WindClan
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Swiftpaw of SkyClan
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and Aspenpaw of ShadowClan!
these are the protags of On Shadow’s Edge, so expect a lot on them!
this is a picrew so it’s not perfect, but since I Can’t draw cats to save my life, this is gonna have to do!
The picrew I used is here!
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cheerclaw · 2 years
Saw you taking requests of people’s characters and OCS, and was wondering if you could take a jab at drawing my Warrior cat oc, Aspenpaw
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( I couldn’t draw him cause I suck at it and I could only make him using a creator I found )
- Chili
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im not drawing others ppl ocs, I suppose you have seen CANON cats requests, but i needed a warm up.
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lotus-clan · 1 year
LotusClan Year 27
Mistshard returned to camp with a litter of 2 kits. They’re named Skipkit (male) and Luckykit (female). Mistshard refuses to talk about where they came from.
Brookpaw, Fennelpaw, Egretpaw, and Aspenpaw reach the age of six moons and are made apprentices. They are mentored by Elmclaw, Hatchfur, Stonestar, and Frostshine respectively.
Thistlekit escaped from camp to go explore, but was found and attacked by a rogue. Ospreywing was on a walk and saw this, helping Thistlekit escape. She asks Stonestar if she could mentor Thistlekit.
Ravendapple and Cherrythorn have been resistant to retiring, however at Stonestar’s insistence, they do.
Lightpaw and Icepaw are given their warrior names of Lightleap and Iceclaw.
Creekpaw, Ashenpaw, and Coalpaw are apprenticed to Oakstripe, Windleap, and Budflower respectively.
The next moon, Turtlepaw and Troutpaw are apprenticed to Sleetstripe and Fernthistle respectively. Owlpaw has chosen to become a medicine cat apprentice, and is apprenticed to Patchbriar.
Fireclaw has received a prophecy, and she believes she is meant for something greater.
Foxpaw steps forward silently to receive her warrior name of Foxprance. Erminestripe and Apricotbloom do the same.
Cedarpaw and Thistlepaw are apprenticed to Spicewhisker and Ospreywing respectively.
Birchtail and Larchwing receive their warrior names.
Windleap has announced that she is expecting kits.
Sleetstripe admits he has feelings for Featherfade. However, Featherfade doesn’t feel the same way.
A rogue asks to join the Clan. She changed her name to Cloudshine to better fit in.
Pinepeak has decided to come out of retirement and use her skills as a mediator.
Jayshade has been looking forward to moons of rest as an elder, and retires peacefully.
Patchbriar watches as her kits receive their warrior names. They are named Brookrun, Fennelfluff,  Egretleap, and Aspensprout respectively.
Skippaw and Luckypaw are apprenticed to Nettleclaw and Foxprance respectively.
Windleap and Addersight welcome a litter of three kits. They name them Ivykit (female), Mousekit (female), and Iciclekit (male).
Rookwing and Robinchaser decide to retire to the elders’ den. They’ve had a good life of serving the Clan, and now it’s time for them to rest.
The Clan cheers for their three new warriors: Creekrush, Ashenpelt, and Coalfur.
Newly named medicine cat Owlheart still feels like there’s much to learn, but is reassured by Patchbriar.
Turtletail and Troutclaw receive their warrior names.
A rogue brings their kit Torn to the Clan, stating he can no longer care for her. Addersight and Windleap take her in.
Salmontail wishes to join the elders.
Stonestar names Cedarpaw and Thistlepaw warriors. They are given the names Cedarstripe and Thistlepelt.
Bumblebuzz and Robinchaser discovered a single kit. They decide to adopt him. They name him Talonkit.
Iceclaw announces she is expecting kits.
Patchbriar and Oakstripe have become mates.
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the-unknown-leader · 1 year
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After the death of WindClan’s leader, a rather young candidate for the position shows up.
Consider looking at the Content Warnings first to see if this story is for you!
Check out some lore!
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Art © Phirlsich Warrior cats © Erin Hunter
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butterflyclan · 11 months
Mid Winter
Algaesky curled around Burdockheart, watching her friend's breathing as she slept. The she-cat's leg had gotten infected, and Algaesky could only hope that they didn't end up in the same boat, or worse, that Burdockheart's leg would have to be amputated. Whenever Burdockheart was awake, her eyes would be clouded with fever, and she would call out for her mother and father. It made Algaesky's heart ache with pain and understanding. She rested her head on top of Burdockheart's, whispering assurances that she knew she wouldn't hear.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"Congratulations!" Mintswirl told Whiskershade. "You're pregnant!" She gaped at them, her eyes wide.
"No, no, I- What? But I can't be!"
Mintswirl shrugged, turning their back and sorting through their collection of herbs. "But you are. You might want to let the sire know so the two of you can start thinking of names. If you want him to know, of course."
Whiskershade sat there, stunned, her mouth working to say something. "Do you know how many?" She asked at last.
"Not at this stage. You'll have to wait a moon before I can make a guess at that." Whiskershade nodded faintly.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
"It's a cold, I'll be fine," Shadowbloom waved Mintswirl off.
"It's whitecough," they correct, "if you keep working like this you won't be fine at all." She scoffed at them and they bristled. "Shadowbloom you need to rest. Whitecough can be deadly, and it will kill you if you don't let me take care of you."
Shadowbloom stopped at that, staring at Mintswirl. "But... it's just a cough." They shook their head. She stared at them a little longer before nodding jerkily.
"Okay. I'll... I'll go lay down, then. Thanks, Mintswirl."
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Beamsnow froze, his body trembling as he stared at the body in the clearing. He stepped forward, moving faster and faster, then crumpled over Aspenpaw.
"I'm so sorry," Sakari choked out. "There was a coyote, and he didn't listen to me when I yelled for him to stop, and I really tried-"
"It's okay," Beamsnow rasped, staring at his son's corpse. "It's okay. You did your best." Sakari let out a gasping sob, hunching in on herself. She stared at Aspenpaw, her eyes wide and haunted, his image joining in her head with that of Cloud.
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thunderclan — year ten — leafbare
mousewhisker and molewhisker die.
junipershine and sparkpelt become warriors.
aspenpaw and skypaw die.
larkpaw and leafpaw are apprenticed to snowbush, who was mistakenly recorded as dead, and ivystar.
poppyfrost has three kittens, birchkit (tabby tom with orange eyes), oakkit (mottled brown calico she-cat with amber eyes), and vanillakit (black tom).
oakkit dies shortly after being born.
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