cricketclan · 2 months
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moon 59 lets gooooo!!! fun fact i had this lined for forever now and just now finally finished it
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nectarclan · 6 months
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Moon 21: We had a special visit from an old friend, Childs ranked up and a momma had to fight for her life! Also the Truth come out about Lakefur!!! Additionally I have some NectarClan StarClan lore stuff I am thinking about, so let me know if y'all wanna hear about that <3 Hopefully gonna start coming back! Still gonna be a bit slow, Work is still kicking my ass. Additionally I will be doing the Raffle Results as soon as I can! Thank y'all for being patient with me!
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onyxclan · 8 months
moon 8
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poolleaf is nonbinary!!!!
skypaw :(((
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elementclangen · 4 days
Moon 291-Greenleaf
Skykit (3) has always been a bit jumpy, especially with her wind-blessing allowing her to jump extra high.  Now, Pebbletuft (24) has determined that it’s actually partially due to the fact that cats have been approaching her on her bad side.  She was born with one bad eye and no one picked up on it until now.  Also in the nursery, Kestrelcreek (80) is not healing from giving birth as well as Lakepelt (99) had hoped she would.  It’s a little worrying, considering that the last cat to give birth in the Clan, Whorlstem, died from it.  Kestrelcreek doesn’t want to leave her kits and mate (and Brightmouse-66).  Before she realized that she had an infected wound, Kestrelcreek was having a fun time playing with Brightmouse.  They might have to postpone that, now.  With Kestrelcreek not feeling great, Almondback (62) spends some time with the kits and tells jokes about the other Clans to Rimekit (2).  Cherviljumble (96) is impressed with how well the Ground and Sky kits are doing (that’s what I’m calling them now).  The four of them don’t have a parent in the nursery, and Petalkit (3) has been really brave about telling his siblings to give the younger kits some space.  Basalkit (3) is missing having an adult around to cuddle with.  Sweet Marmalade (76)  is just so fluffy and he just wants to cuddle.  Peatkit (3) works together with Basaltkit to sneak into the warriors den to surprise Sweet Marmalade.  With Downgaze (72) out of the healer’s den, he and Alderflight (47) are taking some time together.  They go on a ‘training’ patrol and have a great time racing each other through the woods.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle (74) and Burdockpaw (7) continue to not get along.  Dawnfreckle thinks she’s annoying and wishes that she would just do what he asks without trying to undermine him.   Copperpaw (7) feels like Hoppaw (9) has been acting stuck up and rude lately.  Just because she’s a mediator, doesn’t mean she’s better than all of them!  Echopaw (9) really likes spending time with his older sister, Hatchswipe (36).  It’s a good way to get information.  He keeps asking why.  Why do they catch prey like that?  Why are the days getting longer?  Why is there a strange cat talking to him in his dreams?  Hatchswipe doesn’t have an answer for most of them, and is a little worried about the ‘strange cat’.  Creekstar (145) has also been having strange dreams.  She’s worried that it’s Yuccawillow trying to reach her from the Dark Forest.  It’s actually Echomoor, who has decided that the time for silence about Auburnpaw’s death is over.  He hopes to be able to reach either Creekstar or Echopaw soon.  
Healer’s Den: Kestrelcreek (infection after birth), Aries (running nose), Sofanthiel (small cut), Emberpaw (small cut)
Cherviljumble now has constant joint pain, Skykit was born with one bad eye
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maplewood126 · 6 months
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Lostpelt, formally skywing, is an old and grumpy tom cat who used to have a long fluffy pelt. Under unknown circumstances, he began to loose fur. It just started to fall put the older he got. He is pretty pissed off about it because he is easily cold. Retired Mediator, Snowstripe, made him a blanket out of pelts that keeps him warm in the winter. He hates how much Shrewchatter talks and will do anything to avoid conversion.
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kitsune-kira · 2 years
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Banner for the members of Rainclan!
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butterflyclan · 11 months
Mid Winter
Hickorymarsh is practically gasping for air between coughs by the time he finally admits something's wrong.
"I couldn't be sick," He tells Pondfang glumly when, at long last, the coughing fit subsides. "The Clan needs me to be healthy. We need as many healthy warriors as possible."
Pondfang didn't deign to give that a response, instead just giving Hickorymarsh a look that made the tom fold his ears and look away guiltily.
"It's yellowcough, I think," Pondfang said at last. "I can't be sure, of course, but that's what it looks like to me. You've got some yellow gunk coming out of your nose."
"Yellowcough isn't so bad, right?" Hickorymarsh asked hopefully. Pondfang snorted at him, and he looked cowed.
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Pondfang sighed in relief. The swelling in Stormclaw's leg had gone down, and the skin wasn't hot anymore. The tom was sleeping peacefully for once. This was good. This was great, actually. Pondfang had declared Shadowbloom free of whitecough earlier that day. Everything was going wonderfully for now. He could only hope it would stay that way for a while.
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"Algae, if you'd step forward please."
Algae blinked in surprise, and the Clan murmured. They'd expected that Sky would be apprenticed now that he was six moons, but instead Algae was being called up. The black she-cat stepped forward cautiously, meeting Parsleystar's eyes.
"This she-cat has proven that she belongs among us. Should she accept, we will welcome her into our fold. Algae?" Algae's heart quivered. She'd found a home here, where she'd least expected it. She'd learned the ways of Clan life from Lynxfur and Burdockheart, and watched Hickorypaw become Hickorymarsh. She wanted... she wanted to stay here.
"I do," Algae called. Parsleystar's eyes crinkled with joy.
"Then I, Parsleystar, leader of ButterflyClan, the Colony of Survivors, bestow upon you a warrior name. From here on forth, you shall be known as Algaesky."
A purr caught in Algaesky's throat as the cats around her roared her new name.
"Skypaw is now six moons old, and ready to be trained," Parsleystar continued after the Clan had calmed down. "Algaesky, I'm entrusting him to you. I know you will train him well."
A lump formed in Algaesky's throat as she touched noses with an eager Skypaw. To be given a new name, a community, and an apprentice, all within a few minutes... it was almost overwhelming.
"Lastly, Sakari has asked to stay with us. She has requested to keep her name, and I have considered this request carefully and decided to accept it. Sakari, from now on you are a full warrior of ButterflyClan. We welcome you warmly into our fold."
Skypaw scrambled away from Algaesky to chatter excitedly at his mother, and she watched her apprentice go, swelling with pride. Today had been a very, very good day.
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"Hey, Algaesky!" Skypaw called. "There's an old tom over here saying that he's looking for ButterflyClan!"
Algaesky bustled over, concern alight in her eyes. The tom looked quite nervous at the sight of her, but nodded to confirm Skypaw's declaration.
"I'm Minty," he introduced himself. "I have some healing skills, and-"
"Healing skills?" Algaesky interrupted. She turned the concept over in her mind. Pondfang would love to be a warrior again, she knew. And it would mean great things for the Clan to have a medic who- well, who knew how to be a medic.
"I'm pretty sure we have a position for you."
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"I'll be returning to warrior duties now," Pondfang announced immediately upon meeting Minty. "Good luck."
"At least stick around long enough to teach him the job," Parsleystar told him. "Not the medical job, of course. But the job of caring for Clanmates."
"Look at him," Pondfang scoffed. "He's practically trembling. He doesn't need to learn how to care for anyone. He'll have to learn to boss them around!"
"And you're very good at that, Pondfang. Very bossy. I'm sure you'll be a great mentor." Pondfang didn't seem like he knew whether this was a compliment or not. It could have been both. Parsleystar seemed like the kind of cat to compliment and insult you at the same time.
"I'm going back to being a warrior," Pondfang decided, squinting at her.
"Okay," Parsleystar shrugged.
"...I am."
"I didn't say you weren't."
"Fine! I'll teach him how to be bossy! But I'll be doing my warrior duties, not medic ones." Pondfang grumbled to himself as he rustled away. Parsleystar watched him go with a smug air about her before turning her attention to Minty.
"What do you think about the name Mintswirl, dear?"
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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thunderclan — year ten — leafbare
mousewhisker and molewhisker die.
junipershine and sparkpelt become warriors.
aspenpaw and skypaw die.
larkpaw and leafpaw are apprenticed to snowbush, who was mistakenly recorded as dead, and ivystar.
poppyfrost has three kittens, birchkit (tabby tom with orange eyes), oakkit (mottled brown calico she-cat with amber eyes), and vanillakit (black tom).
oakkit dies shortly after being born.
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sparrowclangen · 8 months
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In a quiet garden bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, two young cats named Crestpaw and Riverpaw found themselves grappling with the weight of a shared sorrow. The air was filled with a sense of melancholy as they sat beside a small memorial they had created for their departed comrades. The memory of their fallen friends lingered in the air, casting a shadow over their once playful spirits.
Seeking solace, Crestpaw and Riverpaw noticed a moss ball nestled in the corner of the garden. An idea sparked between them, a silent agreement to engage in a simple yet profound act to divert their minds from the pain of loss. With a shared glance, they approached the moss ball and began to bat it back and forth with gentle swats of their paws.
As the moss ball rolled between them, a subtle dance unfolded. Crestpaw and Riverpaw, once burdened by grief, found a fleeting escape in the rhythmic exchange. Each playful tap seemed to carry away a fragment of the sorrow that weighed on their hearts. The garden echoed with the soft rustle of leaves and the occasional purrs of the two feline friends.
In the simplicity of the moss ball game, the memories of their fallen comrades slowly began to fade. The act of playful distraction became a shared catharsis, a balm for their wounded spirits. The garden, though still touched by the solemnity of loss, now resonated with the echoes of resilience and companionship.
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nectarclan · 7 months
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Moon 19: We have got crimes, Injuries and illness...and the loss of a loved one! As a heads up, next update might be a bit slow, I'm currently pretty sick! So my activity is slow! NEXT PREVIOUS START
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onyxclan · 8 months
moon 6
oops posted a moon early
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alpinepaw becomes alpinefreckle despite not having any freckles and is immediately named deputy
yuccapaw finds a cat with a broken bone by the thunderpath and takes them back to camp. beloved skypaw!!! (8 moons, nonbinary, ambitious) alpinefreckle becomes their mentor.
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elementclangen · 1 hour
Moon 295-Leaf-fall
The Clan had a bit of a scare this moon when Creekstar (149) was struck by lightning and lost a life.  It’s a reminder to them all that she’s getting old.  None of them have ever been in a Clan without her as leader.  Creekstar hopes that Dawnfreckle (79) is ready to step up into leadership, because she feels that she’ll be gone within the next twelve moons.  In better news, Kestrelcreek (84) and Almondback’s (66) kits have been made apprentices!  Rimepaw (6) is apprenticed to Cavecatcher (53), just as he had hoped.  Crouchpaw (6) is apprenticed to Alderflight (51) to help her gain some confidence.  Troutpaw (6) is apprenticed to Bluestripe (70), as she did well with her previous apprentice.  Now that Cavecatcher is more mature, Brightmouse (70) has noticed how kind he is.  She corrects his hunting stance and brushes up against him, purring.  Dawnfreckle, as a new deputy, makes sure to spend time with the younger cats in the Clan.  During a break from training, he and Troutpaw play mossball with each other, using his wind powers to play it with a flying mossball.  He also makes some time to share tongues with Hopcurl (13).    The Ground and Sky kits are still feeling a little left out.  Basaltpaw (7) doesn’t get the joke Burdockpaw (11) was telling Boulderpaw (11).  She said it was something only star-blessed cats could understand.  Skypaw (7) was also rude to Alderflight.  Petalpaw (7) and Peatpaw (7) seem to be getting along with the other cats better, though.  Peatpaw and Cavecatcher have become friends and enjoy spending time with each other.  Petalpaw also covers for Rimepaw when she wants a break from training.  Even though  Kestrelcreek isn’t the most senior warrior, she has been in the Clan the longest.  She gathers up the apprentices and tells them about what times were like when she was an apprentice, and all the cats she used to know.  Alderflight and Downgaze (76) are still close friends and are getting closer.  Alderflight thinks it’s amusing how grumpy Downgaze manages to look all the time and teases him about it.
Healer’s den: Greenrapid (grief stricken), Dawnfreckle (running nose), Pebbletuft (small cut), Sofanthiel (running nose), Tanglechirp (fleas), Hatchswipe (sore), Alderflight (stomach ache), Embershell (running nose), Copperpaw (running nose), Rimepaw (scrapes, running nose)
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 78
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fernclans · 1 year
When talking about his identity, Cliffstripe mentioned siblings. Do you mind sharing a bit about them?
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Cliffstripe: "Skypaw and I didn't get along very well a lot of the time, but I miss them both greatly. I can't help but wonder what their warrior names would've been, or what they would be like as adults."
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