#asra almazar
exuberami · 4 years
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forgot to post my six fanarts here 😔
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pashadevorakk · 5 years
I try to be ‘discourse’ fee
But I’ve had something bugging me for a while.
How do y’all feel about the way Asra’s gender identity was handled?
I am NB (I use they/them) and when I saw I could make my character with they/them pronouns I was very excited. But I also played most of the game with no knowledge of Asra being Non Binary, all I had for representation within the characters was a Satrinava sister and the courtiers.
And I am torn, because obviously not every queer story line needs to be screamed from the rooftops, it doesn’t have to revolve around them being LGBTQ+, but like even just a confirmation within game that Asra was Non Binary? As far as I know it was all confirmed via Twitter/Tumblr.
It feels.... idk cheap to me? Like when JK Rowling told everyone via Tweet that Dumbledor was gay. Like it doesn’t count?
And all this is directed at the writers of the game, the real life people who wrote the script and made the choice to deliever vital information about a loved characters identity over a platform not everyone uses. (I will personally die for Asra and his gender identity.)
And while I’m here being bothered, we still do get Non Binary characters (and not all of them are demons) and the ability to make our own character with they/them pronouns, which again, was VERY important and exciting for me, so like maybe I shouldn’t be hung up about one characters gender identity feeling mishandled, but here I am.
Please share your thoughts, I’d love to know how y’all (especially other NB fans) feel about the whole thing!
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