#asra critical
woeandgrow · 3 months
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A hodgepodge page of mostly CR character studies as well as Asra and a self-portrait 💕
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kirasdun · 27 days
mollymauk tealeaf 🤝 asra the arcana
bi/pan and gendernonconforming charterers who
use primarily he/him pronouns
have a fancy multicolored coat
carry around tarot cards all the time
can do magic with blood
don't have a full soul because someone died
is best friends with a really jacked antisocial person who was previously possessed by a demon/devil and forced to kill people
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vyllain · 1 year
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here's the few people of various liking for the color wheel challenge in wip
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ambalambs · 5 months
I've been thinking about my little scion trio ocs a lot lately and thought y'know what I might as well post a little snippet of fic for them. Cuz why not and then I can say I've posted at least one snippet for all my xiv ocs (except kaien but we dont talk about that lol). I did this one while trying to get a feel for how their personalities would feel on paper and in a more mundane situation. Nothing special lol
"You're gonna love Grams. She's the best!" Saya told Dailoux as they pushed the door to the manor open.
Dailoux gave her a small, nervous nod but froze on the spot as they were immediately greeted by the strong aroma of freshly baked cookies. Saya and Fawkes didn't appear phased by such a greeting but Dailoux couldn't recall a moment where he had smelled something so sweet.
"Grams! We're back!" Saya called out as she set about placing their bags on the nearby hooks. Dailoux had to quickly step to the side to avoid Fawkes' carbuncle as it skittered past them all into the house.
"Oh! Saya darling!" the voice of a kindly elderly woman called back. "Has that boy of mine proposed to you yet?"
Immediately Saya could feel the heat rising up her face as she took a quick glance at Fawkes. He was busying himself with removing his boots and was already making his way further into the room completely dubious to his grandmother's questioning. Saya took a quick glance back at Dailoux who looked at her equal parts amused and sympathetic.
Saya quickly cleared her throat, "No, Grams. We've brought a friend." It was not uncommon for Grams to tease them but of all the times why did it have to be now in front of Dai. Saya groaned inwardly as she removed her shoes. She waited patiently a moment as Dailoux jolted at the realization of the household's no shoe etiquette and stumbled as he tried to rush to follow their example.
The moment he was free Saya grasped his wrist and began dragging him along guiding him to the kitchen. He couldn't help but take notice that Fawkes had left them behind and had snagged a handful of cookies as he hopped up to take a seat on a countertop. A cookie already stuffed in his mouth as he lazily watched the pair of them enter. Grams however shuffled over to them as she removed her oven mitts.
"Oh there she is!" Grams beamed as she leaned in to give Saya a tight hug. She was a portly woman that immediately gave off a warm and loving presence. It was such a contrasting experience from the broody and quiet grandson of hers. Dailoux couldn't help smiling softly as he stood stooped in the entryway. Grams pulled back from Saya, giving her a small pat on the cheek as the young woman grinned back. "And who might this friend be? Is this the one Fawkes mentioned in his letter?" Her gaze turned towards him and he suddenly found himself growing nervous.
"The very one," Saya grinned. She tugged Dai further into the kitchen to stand beside her. "This is Dailoux. Dai, this is Grams!"
Dailoux nervously tipped his head in a bow. What was common Sharlayan courtesy? Was he supposed to shake her hand? Bow more? He suddenly felt like he was burning up. He glanced past Grams to Fawkes on the counter across the room for guidance but he just watched him calmly as he munched on another cookie.
"Oh my well let me take a look at you," Grams carried on looking up at him with a stern look and adjusting her glasses. Dailoux froze under her scrutinizing gaze. For the first time since he had awakened and Fawkes and Saya had found him he hadn't felt so insecure about his elezen height. He was towering over this woman as she analyzed him. Was this a moment of judgement? What would happen to him if she found him unworthy company? Oh how he wished he could be as small as he felt in this moment. Maybe he'd be able to hide behind Saya if he were. Unconsciously he scooted a little behind her. Saya must've noticed because he felt her give his wrist a small squeeze.
Dai jumped as Grams suddenly leaned back and clapped a hand against the oven mitts in her grasp and smiled brightly at him. "My my this one is a keeper! Dailoux was it? Well, dear, if my boy is calling you a friend then you are more than welcome to a helping of Bellveil cookies!" She turned on her heels but Fawkes' gluttony mustve caught her eye. "Tut tut!" she snapped as she smacked his shoulder with a mitt. Fawkes shied away from her beating with a smirk and stuffed another cookie into his mouth. "The least you could do is offer your guests some first! This boy i swear."
Saya giggled as she reached over to grab one for herself. "Actually, Grams, we have a bit of a favor to ask of you. I'm sure Fawkes already explained why we have to keep Dai a bit of a secret." She paused a moment as if unsure how to approach the question. "And we can't keep depending on the generosity of the Students of Baldesion letting him stay at the annex. So could he stay here with Fawkes? Just until we sort things out, of course!"
Dailoux could feel himself beginning to grow nervous again. He new Saya and Fawkes were already risking themselves even bringing him back to Sharlayan. Fawkes had warned him to keep quiet about where they'd found him and his unusual circumstances. But how much had they told his grandmother? He was beginning to worry what their next option would be should she refuse him. Would Fawkes ignore her wishes regardless? Would he be shuffled off to take their chances at Saya's home? But what if her parents refused as well? Where was he supposed to go? He suddenly imagined them turning him back to the docks to sail him away and be left to stagger his way through this unknown land. Alone. Again alone.
His throat was beginning to dry when Grams finally spoke up tearing him from his rapid thoughts. "Of course he can, dear. It's not as if this manor is lacking space. And besides," she leaned in cupping a hand to the side of her mouth hiding it from Fawkes' view. "This house could use some more lively company than this troublesome bookworm."
Fawkes gave her an annoyed look and glanced between her and Saya as the two women shared a laugh. As an act of defiance he reached out and dropped one if his hoarded cookies to the ground where his carbuncle leapt to devour it. Grams tsked at him again and shook her head.
"Well, Dailoux, dear tell me, how do you like Sharlayan since you've arrived?" Grams suddenly asked, turning her attention to him.
Dailoux straightened up and cleared his throat. "It's-it's been...comfortable. Cold," his voice drifted a bit when he realized he didn't know what to say. He sadly didn't have any memory of another place to compare it to. "It's very nice. What I've seen of it." Which hadnt been much to tell the truth. As soon as they got off the ship they rushed him straight to the annex before anyone could ask any questions.
Grams hummed with amusement. "And you'll have to see more, no doubt. We'll have to take you to the market and find you a nice scarf tomorrow. What do you say?"
Saya perked up at that but Fawkes jumped in before she could speak. "It's too dangerous," he frowned.
"Oh hush nobody will bother asking questions if we merely take him shopping," Grams waved him off. Fawkes glared at her as he went back to munching. "Now why don't you make yourself useful and show this boy to his room." She gave him another quick smack to his shoulder causing Fawkes to roll his eyes and hop off the counter. Saya gave Dai a little nudge and he made his way to follow reluctantly behind Fawkes as he tossed one of the cookies still cupped in his hand his way. Dailoux fumbled as he caught it nearly dropping the pastry in the process.
Grams chuckled lightly as she watched the boys leave the room. She turned back to Saya and smiled softly as she watched the girl kneel down and give the carbuncle a soft scratch behind the ear. It always seemed to gravitate towards her when Fawkes was absent. But as she watched the girl her mood suddenly became grave.
"There was actually something I wanted to speak with you about, Saya." The girl looked up at Grams a bit surprised and quickly stood. She watched as Grams turned and rummaged through a drawer a moment. Once she found what she was searching for, she paused and stared at the item for a beat before collecting herself and turning back to face Saya. She then held out a sealed envelope and Saya felt herself swallow thickly. It was a simple letter addressed to Fawkes but her stomach dropped as she focused on the wax seal. The seal from the scions of the seventh dawn.
"This arrived for him not three days ago," Grams explained, her voice hushed and grave. "Now I know he's kept correspondence with them for some time but...something about this one..." Saya finally tore her gaze from the letter to meet Grams' eyes when she paused. "Something in my gut tells me this one is different. This is the one that's going to take him away."
Saya found herself swallowing again and finding it suddenly difficult. It had been some time since the scions had sent him a letter, it was true. Truth be told she new very little about what it was that group did beyond helping those in Eorzea. From time to time they'd send for aid from Fawkes for his intelligence on primals and his echo. He was a perfect source to dig into Sharlayan's library for them but she knew deep down it'd only be a matter of time before they called him to follow their crusade by their side. Out in the field.
"I've never trusted the work Louisoix's little pupils seem to dig up," Gramms continued, "and I won't have them dragging my boy off to his doom. To follow in that man's footsteps. And now this talk of cloaked shadow people." Grams huffed in frustration. "I was just hoping, whatever nonsense is in this letter, you could talk some sense into him. He always seems to listen to you."
Not about this, Saya thought to herself. She remembered him mentioning these cloaked figures to her before. Ascians he said the scions called them. When he spoke of them she remembered how his eyes lit up with intrigue. If the scions were calling upon him now to help with these villains of course he'd agree without question. If they were as bad as they say then they were a threat to not just Eorzea but everything. There was no way Saya would let him rush in to face that alone. Whatever he decided to do she'd help too. It was the right thing to do. At least she hoped it was.
Her only fear was the danger. They were no strangers to combat of course. They'd faced plenty of beasts and minor voidkin during their expeditions into some ruin or another. Not to mention the others they came across when they found Dai. The others like him but unfinished and wrong. Fawkes alone was a force to be reckoned with and Saya wasn't too bad with a spell and sword. But whatever these ascians were, they were worse. Something in her kept telling her they wouldn't stand a chance against them.
Saya reached out and took the letter from Grams and clutched it to her chest. "Don't worry I'll talk to him." She gave the older woman a reassuring smile and it seemed as if a sudden weight had lifted off the woman. Grams patted her cheek, thanking her, and turned her attention back to her baking just as the boys made their way back into the kitchen. Grams' previous grave demeanor was immediately gone and she was beckoning for Dailoux to give her a hand with the oven. The boy rushed over and Grams was going on joyously about something but Saya couldn't find it in herself to listen. Instead she stood there, letter clutched to her chest feeling like a heavy weight was suddenly crushing her lungs. She looked across the way to Fawkes who had already taken notice of her current state, concern furrowing his brow. She could feel his carbuncle bumping its head against her ankles.
"What's wrong?" Fawkes asked her, taking a step in her direction. But as she quickly shook her head with a reassuring smile his eyes fell onto the letter in her grasp. She brushed her thumb over the seal, trying in vain to cover it but it was too late. He'd seen it. His eyes suddenly lit up in the way they always did that worried her. It was that one look that she recognized. The one she learned to fear in him. That hunger. That fire. That desire for more, whatever it was she didn't know. But she did know that in that moment nothing she could say would stop him from leaving.
Quickly she signed his name. The gesture pulling his focus off the letter and back onto her. She gave him a nervous smile, searching in his eyes for that hunger again but it was gone as quickly as it had come. He smiled softly back at her. Such a rare thing, his smile. And that was all Saya needed to know that whatever happened next, whatever crazy journey they were about to be swept up in, they'd be alright. She'd hold onto that hope.
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bri-the-bi · 2 years
I replaced the need for Asra content with Sage content but now I need Sage content AND I’M NOT GETTIN SHIT
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Remember back when Twitter had the same policy as a violent, authoritarian theocratic regime?
Good times.
[ P.S. I just learned Asra Nomani runs it. ]
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thearcanagame · 2 months
what does the m6 like/dislike about their personality ?
Likes - his curiosity Dislikes - impostor syndrome, gifted kid burnout Julian Likes - resilience and people skills Dislikes - thinks his true self is too much for people to handle Lucio
Likes - everything Dislikes - nothing, mainly because he never really took the time to think about it, because he can't really take criticism Nadia
Likes - her drive Dislikes - too impatient to meet her own high standards Portia
Likes - her resourcefulness Dislikes - her inability to make feel like the main character of her own story
Likes - how much care he can put into something he feels strongly about, be it taking care of an animal or a hobby he enjoys Dislike - how naive he can be, he thinks it makes him easily manipulated
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Mini HC of M6 walking in on MC imitating them to someone.
i.e. something like how Julian and Lucio imitate eachother in the game
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How would they react? Would they find it funny or be offended and MC has to beg for forgiveness?
Idk I just thought it would be funny and can’t stop thinking about it lol
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When MC imitates M6
Julian: loves it in the moment because you notice him and will over think it all night until he asks if it bothers you in the morning
Asra: so secure in themself they think it's funnier the more accurate you are. might demonstrate his imitation of you in return
Nadia: that's a good first attempt, but she doesn't slouch like that. back straight, chin up, serve royalty and no mumbling
Muriel: doesn't mind it as long as it's not meant to be mean, but will be very self-conscious about anything you accurately portray
Portia: likes knowing that she's known but will also start reading into every tiny detail in case there's a criticism in there you've been hiding
Lucio: who wouldn't want to mimic the greatest warrior of all time? wait - no - not like that, stop it, he does not have mommy issues -
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doubledown · 1 year
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Hello ! I deadass fuckin forgot about this account and uh yeah I will try to be more active but I can't promise anything at alll
Honestly idrc its your shit you do what you want
The reader is Gender neutral for this fic but male pronouns are used
Also who should I do next? I have deadass run out of ideas for fics 😗✌️
TW: Hair pulling, Caught Masturbating, Degradation, Pleasure Crying, Light choking, Use of Master/Doll, Edging, Fingering, Pegging/Bare Back ( depends on how you wanna interpret it ), Breeding(?)
Feedback is always welcomed ! Even if it's harsh as long as it's criticism and not just rude behavior
" Fuck... " Asra moaned his cock twitching in his hand. While he knew the risk if you caught him but he was just so needy. You had been messing with him all morning without even knowing it. The way you moved and the way you tamed him...Just the thought of your hands around his neck teasing his breath made him pick up his pace. He threw his head back pants and your name mixing with his soft groans and whimpers of pleasure. He hadn't even heard the door to your place open. " Doll I'm home ! " You called closing the door.
" Shit. " He thought. He was so close. Fuck why did you have to come home just when he was on the edge of cumming. He half away tripped in an effort to quickly get himself together and try not to seem like he was doing something he knew he wasn't supposed to. " H-Hey love. " He said moving his hair out of his face as you walked. His cock practically throbbing to be touched. " Hey Sweetheart. Everything alright? " You asked a rather confused look on your face. Honestly he looked really sweaty and his hair was more of a mess then usual.
" Y-Yeah I'm perfectly fine hun. Just had a rather intense dream is all. " He laughed. Shit did he sound nervous? Maybe the laugh was to loud? Fuck he was just getting himself worked up more and more. " Asra. " Your tone more concerned then anything. He was so caught up in his own head he hadn't even noticed you until you were towering over him. And the moment he looked up to you his mind went blank. You had always had that type of effect on him. No matter how deep in worry he was in you always calmed his mind.
" Doll is there something you would like to confess? " Oh Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. You already knew. Wasn't that hard to see his cock hard and at attention. After all Asra wasn't small in the slightest. " Im sorry..." Was all he said in that pathetically whiny tone he always used when he knew he was in trouble. " I'm sorry Master...Ple-" He began saying before your hands found his throat. Not enough to hurt him of course but enough for him to get the hint to shut up. " Please? " You said almost laughing. " I haven't even said anything and your already proven your guilty. Seriously? Not even a reasonable excuse? " At the same time though you weren't gonna punish him half as bad as you planned to. But you weren't gonna let him know that.
He couldn't even really answer before he was flat on his elbows trying his best to stay up right with you on top of him. " You really are alittle attention whore huh? " You mockingly whispered with a smirk your lips barely grazing the other's lips as you leaned in. Your eyes meeting his only to be met back with harsh whine. " Just pathetic... " You softly laughed your hands teasing at the tip of his cock. " M...Fuck..Master pleasee..... " He begged. You hadn't even really did anything and he already was begging like a bitch in heat.
You pushed him on his stomach pinning his arms behind his back. You gently pushed your fingers in him causing him to whimper as he pushed back against them. He groaned as you gripped the back of his hair pulling it back to meet his eyes. " Quit moving. " You said simply tears already in his eyes from the ache in his cock. You let go of his hair only to put your hands on his neck pinning him against the pillow. You began pumping your fingers forcing him to cry out in relief and contentment. " Oh stop being dramatic Asra. " You laughed as you began adding another finger in. He cried out biting into the pillow his eyes already on the verge of rolling to the back of his head and his face a mess of tears.
You hadn't even stuffed him yet and he already was over here losing his mind. By the time you added a fourth he was on the verge of cumming. " o-Oh Fuck I..Im gonna cum-M! " He cried. And just when he thought he was gonna burst you stopped in mid pump. " So when excatly did I say you could cum? Hm? " You asked as you pulled his head up your knee resting on his wrist keeping him in place. He looked up at you burning need in his eyes. " Plea-ase....Maste-er pleaseee I-I've learned my lesson I won't do it again I promise. I'll be good I'l-l be so fuckin good.." He whined. " You are such a greedy little bitch. " You laughed. " But I can't just leave you here. Gotta finish what I started. " You hummed in his ear. He shivered as you pulled his hips up against you putting both of your hands over his. " Just breath sweetheart... " You said leaving small kisses on his back as you entered him. A small groan came from both of you as you bottomed out.
" Fuck Asra.. " You huffed as you moved your hips starting off nice and slow. " Y/nnnn please.. " he groaned pushing back against you. " Y/nnn " you mocked a mischievous grin on your face as you thrusted faster. " You are such a damn drama queen for some dick huh? " You said only to get a harsh moan in return. " That's it baby let it out for me. " You hummed in his ear a huff of curses comin from him as tears pooled in his eyes. " F-Fuck m-Master p-pleasee cum in me-e ple-ease pleas-se please please please ! " He cried out tears pratically pouring from his eyes. " Got damn it Asra.. " You muttered as you slipped one around his waist and one hand firmly gripping his hair thrustin in him deeply " Fuc-ckk ! M-Maste-er ! " He mewled loudly just as you finished with a loud groan slamming into one more time causing him to cry out. You breathed raggedly as you pulled out cum drippin out of him. " What do you say? " You asked breathlessly. " T-Thank you Master.. " He purred with a low eyed smile.
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
Asra: Do you take constructive criticism?
Lucio: I only take cash or credit
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hey i noticed an anon mentioned submitting a lot of arcana characters and i wanted to pop in to say that that game is a racist, fetishizing mess. not only do they have a brown character who is kept literally in chains and is a vessel for one of the writers’ thinly veiled bucky barnes slavery kink, one of the bad endings features their fantasy-jewish-coded character turning into a literal bird, not to mention his numerous bird motifs.
between asra, nadia, and julian, asra and nadia are clearly more sexualized throughout the course of the game, even when fans have asked them to tone it down and stop fetishizing their “exotic” brown characters.
the fandom is and has been historically overwhelmingly hostile to fans/people of color who try to mention these problems. fans of color trying to dissuade people from writing nadia as a step on me dommy mommy queen have been shut down by elle trying to spin it into a “women can be dommes too!” issue, when the problem is that nobody would be treating nadia like this if she was white. asra gets his paid scenes hijacked by the white LI and then is painted as the toxic one in his and julian’s relationship (of which is only there due to elle’s mlm abuse fetishization) because god forbid their favorite white boy isn’t a perpetual victim.
outside of the game itself, dana rune has run a fanzine about an incestuous fire emblem fates ship (corrin/ryoma/xander) and further information can be found at the relations_zine handle on twitter. she may have scrubbed her name from it but it’s clearly her art style lmfao, and iirc she’s still in the followers/following list on that account. elle has a long history of fetishizing mlm abuse/slavery/“yaoi” on their tumblr that they’ve since deleted, but like. i googled “elle thalassiq fetishizing mlm” and immediately found posts with thorough screenshots so it existed lmfao. and even if it didn’t, it’s very evident with how they treat asra/julian/muriel.
this is heated and not thorough, but i’d like to end this by saying that this is coming from a former fan who eventually had to leave the game and fandom altogether because of the compounded issues that were never addressed, brushed under the rug, or actively encouraged time and time again. do not play the arcana. there are better games out there. and the last i was in it, the fandom was a toxic cesspool that would attack anyone, especially fans of color, who ever voiced a dissenting opinion about anything in the game. i hold my queer media to better standards and you should too. this game does not treat dark, heavy topics with respect, it treats them as fetish fodder.
Okay, I figured something like this would hit this blog eventually. The point of this blog is not for me take a stance and say what media is good and what media is bad. I am not brushing off your concerns - that’s a whole lot of awful information, and from me posting your ask, people can make their own choice about wether they want to engage with the game or the fandom. But I am just one person, and I don’t know anything about 90% of the media that is submitted here. If I excluded every piece of media that someone said was below a standard, I wouldn’t have any media left. This blog is simply a recognition game, I’m not trying to promote these pieces of media. I’m not saying that because they have queer characters that they’re fantastic or anything like that. I’m not taking any stance on any of it, actually.
This isn’t about the quality of a media, the quality of a fandom, or the quality of the representation that a character represents. It’s just a recognition game.
I am not going to get into any of these debates myself, since I know almost nothing about most fandoms here, but if you have serious concerns with a particular media posted here, send in an ask like this detailing the problems and I will post it, so that people looking at this blog can see valid criticisms before diving into a new piece of media.
As a further note, racist and antisemetic comments or tags on any post will be blocked on sight.
I will tag all asks like this with “media critical”.
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morrigan-sims · 6 months
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D&D OC Intro
(inspired by @goldenwaves's post!!)
[transcript under the cut]
This is FAR from everyone, but it's the characters I've played for more than a oneshot, and the ones I actually talk about. (I would have added Asra, but I didn't have a pic of her with a black background. I'll probably update this later.)
Zenara Raventhorn (aka Zen)
Tiefling Warlock (Pact of the Fiend)
The first D&D character I ever played.
Only got to play two sessions with them.
Unintentionally inspired by Critical Role Campaign 2
Backstory written between 1-3am on my phone.
Has an imp familiar who looks like a raven.
Occasionally gets possessed by their patron, and then gets given new powers as an "apology".
Fire theme.
Rook (Adrian Lockwood)
Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler)
First (and only) character to make it past 8 sessions. (So far.)
Disaster bisexual pirate boy with SO MUCH trauma.
Wields a magic rapier that was a gift from his captain + first mentor.
Enemies with a different pirate captain who wants to capture him.
Has decent charisma but relatively terrible social skills.
Bastard son of a nobleman. Has daddy issues.
Reckless and impulsive to a fault. Would die for his friends.
May or may not be cursed by a demon lord.
Asola Riava Ashmark
Aasimar Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Made it 8 sessions before we switched campaigns.
Doesn't know she's an aasimar. Her powers show up when she experiences extreme emotions and it's only ever happened twice in her life.
Got briefly possessed and then force-shut-down by a literal god.
Has a habit of picking up stray traumatized young people.
The party's moral compass. Tried to keep them somewhat in line.
Believes that laying down her life to save someone else's is worth it. Swears she doesn't have self-worth issues.
Morana Novak
Witch (Curse Patron)
Character for an eventual Pathfinder game.
Named after a Slavic goddess of death and winter.
Necromancer, got kicked out of her hometown for graverobbing and experimenting on corpses.
Her familiar is a raven named Miro, who she rescued and trained.
Autistic as hell, which will be fun for me to play.
Very creepy and unsettling person.
One of her future party members nicknamed her "Mortician".
Fire Genasi Barbarian (Path of the Storm Herald)
Newest character on this powerpoint.
Fights with a magical flaming quarterstaff that she can summon from inside herself.
Has a stolen, magically powered vehicle.
Formerly part of a cult. Only stayed around for their toxic then-girlfriend.
Somehow basically the least traumatized member of the party. That was NOT the plan.
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Characters included in the showdown
If any of these characters are repeated or under 18 please let me know asap so I can switch them out
Remus Sanders from Sanders Sides (17)
Janus Sanders from Sanders Sides (14)
Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides (13)
Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House (13)
Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides (11)
Virgil Sanders from Sanders Sides (10)
Din Djarin/Mandalorian from The Mandalorian (10)
Remy Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (10)
Patton Sanders from Sanders Sides (9)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (8)
The Once-ler from the Lorax (7)
Sans from Undertale (6)
Angel from Hell’s Belles (5)
Julian Devorak from The Arcana (5)
William Afton from fnaf (4)
Ingo from Pokémon (4)
Leon S Kennedy from Resident Evil (4)
Anxiety Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (4)
Clay Puppington from Moral Orel (4)
Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman (4)
Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (3)
Shane from The L Word (3)
Jameson Jackson from Jacksepticeye (3)
The Other Side of the Pillow from Thomas Sanders Shorts (3)
Virgil the Rat from Ride the Cyclone (3)
Kylo Ren from Star Wars (3)
Megamind from Megamind (3)
Bucky Barnes from MCU (3)
Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) from No Way Home (3)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Ryker from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Roman from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Raine Whispers from The Owl House (3)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Nicholas D Wolfwood from Trigun (3)
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale (2)
Sage Lesath from Last Legacy (2)
L Lawliet from Death Note (2)
Crowley from Good Omens (2)
Dr. Bright from SCP Foundation (2)
Shrek from Shrek (2)
Peter Cola from CNP (2)
Peppino from Pizza Tower (2)
Tangerine from Bullet Train (2)
Luis Sera from Resident Evil 4 (2)
Darius from The Owl House (2)
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal (2)
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Enjorlas from Les Miserables (2)
Jessie from Pokémon (2)
James from Pokémon (2)
Mettaton EX from Undertale (2)
Sampo Koshi from Honkai Star Rail (2)
Wilford Warfstache from Markiplier (2)
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable (2)
Shego from Kim Possible (2)
Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil (2)
Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death (2)
Orange Side from Sanders Sides (2)
Lucio from The Arcana (2)
Burgundy Red from Roleslaying with Roman (2)
Puff Puff Humbert from Your Favorite Martin (2)
Viktor Humphries from Slime Rancher (2)
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Miss Secondopinionson from Moral Orel (2)
Eggman from Sonic (2)
Spamton from Deltarune (1)
The Corinthian from The Sandman (1)
Asra Alnazar from The Arcana (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Edwin from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Hatori from Fruits Basket (1)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Mean Death (1)
Undyne from Undertale (1)
Glamrock Freddy from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gummy from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Nadia Satrinava from The Arcana (1)
Scorpia from She Ra (1)
Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth (1)
Vaporeon from Pokémon (1)
Rouge the Bat from Sonic (1)
Aaravos from The Dragon Prince (1)
Millions Knives from Trigun Stampede (1)
Spock from Star Trek (1)
Toriel from Undertale (1)
Bowser from Super Mario (1)
Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia (1)
Tom Nook from Animal Crossing (1)
Critic Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (1)
Skeletor from Masters of the Universe (1)
Elias Bouchard from The Magnus Archives (1)
Asmodeus from Obey Me (1)
Guillermo from What We do in the Shadows (1)
Asgore Dreemurr from Deltarune (1)
Dio Brando from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (1)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (1)
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (1)
Red Guy from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (1)
Padme from Star Wars (1)
Archibald Asparagus from Veggie Tales (1)
Shen Jiu from The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (1)
Roxanne Wolf from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family (1)
Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty (1)
Fiona from Shrek (1)
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (1)
Emile from Cartoon Therapy (1)
Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom (1)
Eyeless Jack from Creepypasta (1)
Merlin from Fate/Grand Order (1)
Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss (1)
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda (1)
Michael Afton from fnaf (1)
Marvus Xoloto from Hiveswap (1)
Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium (1)
Jang Jaeyoung from Semantic Error (1)
The Bog King from Strange Magic (1)
Batman from Batman (1)
Randy Jade from Dialtown (1)
Yor Forger from Spy x Family (1)
Mark Winters/Wavelength from Just Role With It (1)
Dr. Alto Clef from SCP Foundation (1)
Striker from Helluva Boss (1)
Stoic the Vast from How to Train your Dragon (1)
Bandit from Bluey (1)
Spain from Hetalia (1)
Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
Muriel from The Arcana (1)
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may-be-rae · 1 year
Hello Miss Butterfly-Bean :3 could you do M6 with an MC whose parents disapprove of them?
Well hello there friend!
I did not forget about you, and I do realize that I have been extremely MIA. 🥲 My job is a nightmare, y’all.
I apologize but I’m back! And I’m more than happy and appreciative to see your request! Thank you!
So, after reading it, I saw that it could be read a couple ways. The way I answered is from the perspective of how M6 would react to MC’s parents disapproving of MC.
Hope I got that right… but if not let me know and I’ll happily do another! And this time it won’t take me like 10 years to finish, I promise 🫠✌️🦋
The Arcana Headcanons : M6 with MC whose parents disapprove of them.
Asra understands that he’s not typical himself. He’s different and stands out, but also stands by that and is unwilling to change. They’ve dealt with disapproval for most of their life and has learned the best ways to overcome the challenge.
However, Asra feels for you. Just because he’s figured it out doesn’t mean you have. A stranger’s criticism is one thing, but criticism from people you love hurts. Even if you say it doesn’t bother you, they hate seeing you stuck in this situation.
Honestly, he feels rather useless at times. He curses that this isn’t something that can be fixed with magic. But his love and support for you is eternal. Even though he knows he can’t replace your parents’ love, he swears he can love you double to make up for it.
He’ll support you in whatever it is you are doing, as long as it isn’t harmful or unwise. He’ll take time to compliment and encourage you and offer advice to support your endeavors.
If a fight ever breaks out between you and your parents, he’ll tread carefully. He doesn’t want to press into other’s business. But he will be there to catch you in the aftermath. Kisses, cuddles, you name it. He’ll give you anything and everything to remind you that you are absolutely loved and appreciated in his world.
Nadia didn’t realize how loving and supportive her family is until she encountered your situation. If there is no apparent reason for your parents’ disapproval, then she is assuredly appalled by their behavior.
Nadia is protective over you and will not be shy at voicing her own disproval about them. If your parents ever make a harsh comment publicly, our Countess has the sharp tongue and quick wit to clean up that situation swiftly and tastefully.
Of course, it will only be a matter of time before Nadia’s family catches wind of this. And once they learn of your situation, you are now officially adopted into the family. No questions, no arguing.
The Satrinava family is so diverse and talented, and they all appreciate learning about the differences that make creation unique. They’ll be very eager to learn more about you, and they’ll also be game to be involved in your interests as well.
If anything, at the end of the day, this situation will strengthen Nadia’s bond with her own family and foster a desire in her to create her own. One day, she’ll take you aside and ask to discuss more seriously about creating a family with you that is just as meaningful, beautiful, and wonderful as you are.
Julian sticks out like a sore thumb - the getup, the hair, the HEIGHT. While he’s grown comfortable with himself and wouldn’t change, insecurities still affect him. He is very much aware when someone judges who he is and it doesn’t feel good.
He is deeply hurt for you in this situation. Many of the people who disapprove of him are not people he’s particularly close to. His family loves him, and his family means everything to him. He can’t imagine the pain you must feel to have your own flesh and blood disapprove of you.
However, Julian also realizes that family isn’t always flesh and blood. And there are plenty of people who love you like their own. He’ll encourage you to surround yourself with those people, people who build you up.
He himself will also take time to remind you of your positive traits and beauties. He’s a genuine soul, so he’ll try to not just throw compliments at you for show. The compliments will come at random whenever something about you strikes him, which is often, hah.
If your family were to ever say something about you that crosses a line in his mind, he will definitely stand up for you. Depending on the conversation, he could get rather hot headed about the topic. He’ll apologize for interfering afterwards, but he refuses to let you hurt any longer, even if that means he has to be the bad guy.
Portia has to admit…. She’s never been in a situation like yours. Her parents passed when she was young, and she was raised by people outside blood relations (besides Ilya). She doesn’t understand the pain behind people who’ve helped create you, the people who brought you into this world, suddenly seem to stop loving you.
She tries to assure you that they do in fact love you. She tried to explain that your parents are simply misplacing their concern…. But when she sees firsthand the struggle you go through, she finds herself at a loss for words. She just wants to hug you and help take away the hurt.
Portia will defend you. If you get emotional, her emotions will also rise. She knows she’s hot-headed and ready to pick a fight. She’ll do her best to control her temper, but it’s hard.
At home, she’ll try to remind you of all the good things she sees in you. Small comments littered throughout the day to make you smile. You know when she’s feeling particularly at a loss for how to help you because she’ll simply just bake. She knows she cooks well, and she knows you like her cooking. She defaults and will greet you to a sight of pastries spilling onto the chairs and bookshelves. If anything, at least you both can have a laugh.
Muriel is used to disapproval and the isolation because of it. He feels for you deeply. He worries about the loneliness and sadness that you burden because of it. It is not a light load to carry.
He tries to be supportive in his own way. He doesn’t often offer many compliments or physical affirmations of his love. But his support comes in the way of simply allowing you to do as you please.
He doesn’t bother you in any way. He never questions the unique things about you (unless he feels the trait is unhealthy or harmful to you). He simply lets you be. If you do something he finds remotely curious, he may scrunch his brow a bit though. Otherwise, Muriel will always welcome you into his heart and home, whatever that definition of “you” may be.
However, one thing is, Muriel will never argue with your parents. He feels uncomfortable stepping over that boundary. If a situation escalates between you two, his focus will be to remove you from the situation. While he doesn’t agree with your parents, he feels it’s wrong to fuel with fire with any more negativity.
Lucio doesn’t understand why your parents disapprove, and he’ll confront their illogic to them directly. We all know he’s not gifted with words. Surely after this conversation, your parents’ concern will shift from you to him.
Lucio treats the situation seemingly cold. He’ll question why you’re so emotional over something so silly. In his mind, why burden yourself with useless information? Who cares what they think when they’re obviously wrong? He thinks nothing about you is less than charming. And in fact, any person who could find the patience and endurance to love him is damn admirable in his mind.
But one day, it will hit him. When he thinks about it, his mother’s disappointment truly did a number on him. After Lucio realizes this struggle, he’s much more empathetic. He’ll shower you with compliments, kisses, money, time - whatever it takes to help you be the most authentic version of yourself. He loves you. Deeply. And to think that you must endure the same emotions he had as a child is simply heartbreaking.
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moon-upright · 17 days
esme infodump !!
okayyy apprentice posting because i need to. i can't take it any longer soo here's some concept art (kinda)
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i dont know if her outfit will always be like this. it's not especially vesuvia-y but i also dont know if i care. she has the fashion sense of a dapper, emo weasel with a penchant for slightly revealing clothing and it's growing on me.
her patron arcana is The Moon, and her suite is Swords
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and some random facts because infodump vvv
loves writing to the point that she will eventually become a published author post-route
loves egg dishes, except she HATES deviled eggs and eggnog more than she hates being alive. loves custard cream buns more than she loves being alive.
shes certainly no narcissist but she is averse to criticism, rejection, and failure. abandonment is her biggest fear
craves closeness and intimacy. doesn't always know how to ask to cuddle, but she pretty much always wants to do so with her friends, and of course with julian
will one day get three tattoos, each representing her 3 favorite people (julian, asra, and sunny [oc])
"Esmeray" means "dark moon" which wasn't intentional on my part, but her patron IS the moon and her name used to be Artemis (before i started feeling weird sharing a name with a character who was becoming less and less like me, so i changed it)
her middle name, "Ahadi" means "promising"
sleeps better when someone else is there to hold or be held by. she sleeps with a stuffed animal or extra pillow for this purpose
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arcanavoid · 11 months
About Dorian
I've been seeing a lot of people talking about Dorian recently, from drama to just being disappointed in them, so I wanted to give my two cents on them
But I also don't want to be a ranty blog so I'm gonna keep this below a cut. I'm also tired and about to go to bed so probably shouldn't be making this lol.
Dorian is Wonderful, its a great concept but sadly not too well executed.
The last I checked (since I had to delete Dorian for space) they haven't made new content for the Arcana, the most they did were side stories that were poorly received but then they started uploading the routes kind of directly from the Arcana app.
A lot of criticism I've seen and also a lot of Arcana content coming from Dorian I've seen has all been about stories made by the fans and not the actual Dorian team. So a lot of what people are saying about the characters being off is true just not what they're saying about the Dorian team themselves.
Yes, surprisingly, fans constantly misrepresent characters. I was just talking about this with my friend but people always seem to dumb Julian down to a "horny hack doctor who doesn't know what a medical school is" and Asra always seems to be reduced to a "lazy calm guy bro dude" or "horny enby who cant show a spec of gender" whereas other characters are also miss-characterized Asra and Julian being the most popular means its more noticeable with them.
I haven't consumed any Dorian fan stories but I have consumed content in other ways and this is my general consensus of the Arcana fandom.
So seeing people harshly criticizing Dorian and people making fan content on the app for being out of character seems very hypocritical.
I'm not saying don't point it out and be like “Man! That seems a bit out of character maybe try this response instead!”. I am saying not to harass people over a mistake that accidentally slipped through a totally fanmade project.
When in doubt just... Click off the story, maybe send a quick dm being like "Yo! Fyi I think there's a mistake here!" but just stop hating on Dorian and the fans making stories for what I assume is free. Treat this like ao3
Now if it does come out that the Dorian team is making more stories off-character or they are blatantly erasing character aspects then yeah we have reason to complain. But for now, they're a relatively new app and are simply trying to get their bearings, the Arcana App didn't use to be as pretty and polished as it is now so we just need to give the team time.
It does suck that they are shoving Dorian down the Arcana Apps throat...
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