#asra is acting up again someone stop him
The main 6 as parents!
The arcana x GN!Reader (TW: Mentions of pregnancy, reader is GN but hinted at being pregnant in Asra's chapter, light cursing.)
Asra Alnazar:
Again, someone who prefers adoption. A lot like Muriel, his past trauma of being an orphan on their own in  aplace as dangerous as the Vesuvian docks made him want to be an open and safe place for children. 
If you do get pregnant though, he turns to his mother. She’s experienced it - she might know what to do to in order for him to make it easier for you. He’ll research spells to lessen pain and morning sickness, and stuff like that. 
He would love to give them a name dedicated to your love - for example, a combination of your names, or he might name them after some place special to the two of you. 
Asra is a pretty chill parent. He’s not too bothered about what they do, as long as it’s safe and makes them happy. If they do get in trouble, he’ll use non-violent and pretty lenient punishments. Ex : Taking a toy away for a few hours, making them sit in time-out, etc. 
He wants his kids to be free - spirited and do what makes them happy. Even if this makes his kids go for what might not be the safest option, he just wants them to feel empowered.
As a new parent, one can’t help but feel scrambled. Asra is no exception. Dealing with a newborn baby is not for the worried - or faint of heart. It’s especially not for those who don’t do well with little sleep. 
This is what led him to his parents. He knocked on their door, hoping they’d come quickly. He didn’t know how much longer of his son’s screaming he could take. His mother opened the door, surprised. 
“ .. who could it be at this hour.. Asra?” Aisha rubbed at her eyes, trying to rub the sleep away. “ .. what are you doing here, baby? Come in,” 
He sighed, “ Sorry to bother you, mom.” She ushered him inside, “ It’s alright, hunny.” It took her a minute to register everything, she noticed the baby only once he’d gotten inside. 
“ .. How’s ___? Are they keeping alright? How’s–” The realization hit her like a truck. “ oh my god! Did they go into– is that..?” He nods, and she bursts into tears. 
“ Oh, Asra! You’re a father, you’re.. I’M a grandma! Before he could blink, Aisha wipes her tears. “ What’s it’s name?” 
“ His name is Jordan, mom. He’s– a week old,” 
“ why didn’t you tell me sooner, Asra?” She sighed.
“ I’ve been meaning to but things had come up and – well, I need your help.” Asra scratched the back of his neck. 
“ Of course! What is it?” 
“ .. how do you make a baby stop crying? I’ve tried everything.”
She laughs. “ give him to me.” 
Asra hands her the baby, and as if it’s magic – Jordan stops crying full stop. He actually goes to sleep in Aisha’s arms. 
“ H-how’d you do that?” Asra’s face with a mix of impression and surprise. 
“ .. Grandma magic, hunny.” She winked, 
Lucio Morgasson:
He has it rooted in his mind that children have to be biological to be the perfect ‘heir’ to Vesuvia. He’d push for it to be that way – but if you really wanted to adopt, he’d be just as an enthusiastic parent no matter what. 
Lucio wants a larger family but to be honest, he wouldn’t be able to handle more than one kid. 
If you adopt, he’s fine with adopting any age. If you get pregnant, he’d only give the best for you. He always has the finest made for you, but even more so. Although he, personally, isn’t much help - the castle staff are on higher guard and listen to you much more. 
He’s totally a girl dad. His daughter wants him to wear a tutu and tiara? Goddamnit, he’s wearing one. 
He’s a fun parent but he does what he wants - and his kids follow that. He doesn’t feel the need to be patient, or act in benefit of his kids. He’s really chaotic, and doesn’t recognize that he should be nurturing his kids, not partying with them. 
“ Daddy! Daddy!” Lily shouts, grabbing his pant leg. He looks down, and smiles. “ There she is! What is it, silly-lily?” He tickles her face, and she giggles. 
“ Auntie Nadi taught me how to paint my nails!” She confidently shows off some poorly done pink nail polish. He does a mock gasp and claps, “ they look amazing! Anyways, you were saying..” 
“ Can I paint your nails, daddy? Pretty please?” She gives him those puppy dog eyes he can never say no to. He wasn’t too bothered about going to the event on Vesuvian finances, spending time with his daughter sounded a lot more fun. 
“ Sure.” 
That’s was all he needed to say. She flipped open a bag, and took several colors out. “ Which one do you want, daddy?” He surveys them, and chooses a deep blood red. 
She paints carefully.. But a 6 year old can only paint so well. It’s messy, but she tried her best. Even though it’s messy, Lucio seems pretty happy with it. Valerius passes by, and notices it. 
“ My count.. What are you doing?”
“ Getting my nails painted, obviously.”
Valerius rubbed his temples, “ My count, you cannot be serious. No one will take you seriously with that mess on your hands..” 
Lucio furrows his brow. “ How dare you suggest that this is anything other than pure artwork!? I look absolutely FABULOUS. You are just too incompetent to recognize this pure beauty!” He winks at his daughter, who’s staring at him in awe. Valerius walks off, too tired to deal with Lucio. 
Julian Devorak:
He personally would like to have biological kids. There’s really no reason for it, he just wants it and knows, being a doctor, that he can handle a pregnant partner well. He’d also want to have multiple kids, because his relationship with Portia is really good and he’d want his kids to have that experience too. 
If you prefer to adopt, he would try and convince you to have biological children, but if you really didn’t, he wouldn’t keep pushing it. 
He’d want to name one after Portia. She was what kept him alive at one point, and he knows that she’s special and deserves it - so as long as you’re fine with it, he wants that to happen. 
He would be the authority parent. Definitely the “ just wait until your father gets home,” and he’s fine with that. He’s a very tactile parent otherwise, and is very sweet with his children. 
Once they get to be older, he does try and embarrass them a bit. But it’s all in good fun and he doesn’t mean to really offend them. 
He sighs, happy the long day of work is over for him. He jingles his keys in the door and walks through the entryway of your shared home. “ I’m home!” He shouts. 
Two little kids come instantly running in from the living room. A little girl with bouncy brown curls hugs his leg, and a slightly older boy runs right up in front of him. 
“ papa! You’re back!” The girl says, the boy nods. “ You’ll never guess what we did today!” 
“ oh, really?” He says, taking his coat off. You walk through afterwards, sighing and smiling at the two of them. 
“ Pasha, Ivan! Let your father get in the door.”
“ but ___! He’s been gone for agesss…” Ivan complains, “ yeah! And we have so much to tell him!” Pasha chimes in. Julian ruffles Ivan’s hair, and then tickles Pasha’s chin. “ It’s alright, dear. I love the attention,” You roll your eyes, leaning on the doorway. He walks over and kisses you on the cheek, before his hands travel to your back and he kisses you on the lips. 
Your daughter looks away in horror, and your son boos. “ Ew, you guys! Stop, that’s nasty!” 
Julian chuckles and steps back, you put your head on his shoulder. 
“ – well, tell me about your day then, kids.” 
He ushers them both into the next room, and you can’t help but smile and get that warm and safe feeling in your heart. You love them.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who's been bottling up their affectionate tendencies
Another very late sequel, for this post:
M6 with a touch/affection-starved MC
- to set the scene -
You learned very early on to suppress your affectionate impulses. As much as you love to spoil your loved ones with hugs and cuddles and homemade food and random gifts and helping them with tasks and clearing your schedule for them and complimenting them at every turn and maybe writing them a loving note or two in their lunch - you know better. You don't care to scare off new friends with that kind of intensity, and the few you've shown that side to who said they were okay with it usually ended up using you.
Nobody you know now would call you unfriendly, but you never initiate touch or ask for too much, and you certainly don't bombard them with gifts or compliments or acts of service or undividided attention.
But now, you're in a secure relationship with someone who adores you, who put their life on the line with you, who opened up their heart to you, who wants to build a future with you. You want to smother them with affection, and for the first time, you don't have to hold back.
You are about to rock their world.
One of the most affection desperate people you'll ever know. He's plenty familiar with driving people off by being or demanding too much
You've been the first person to accept all he offers you and hold onto him in return
Sure you're a little aloof sometimes, but he's happy just to be allowed to love you without the fear of pushing you away
And then a week or so after defeating the Devil, it was like a switch in your brain flipped and you sent him straight to heaven
Having you regularly remind him to eat, with food you made with your own hands?
Hearing your little affirming compliments multiple times a day??
Waking up to freshly cleaned clothes and a soft eyepatch that doesn't hurt his scalp???
When he made it to work one day to find a little love note tucked into his medical kit he nearly swooned on the spot
He doesn't know where all this has been hiding but he's not complaining. He will accept it all with outstretched arms
They left for trips so often that you learned not to get too attached so as not to cause unnecessary pain
Here's the obvious: so did he. He traded half his heart and only left to avoid hurting you
Every new liberty you take in loving them will be their cue to stop holding back as well
It's going to be insufferably fluffy for everyone around you until you get it out of your systems and learn to act normal again
If you wake him up with breakfast he'll surprise you on your break with lunch
If you hug them just because they were standing there, they are kissing you all over
Compliment wars that only get cheesier and more suggestive until you're both flustered
Close the shop for a few days so you can travel with him and he'll be your devoted shop assistant for the next week
Bring them something you saw in the marketplace and they'll appear a few days later with a bagful of trinkets
So, so, so many "I love you"s, because now you can both finally say it
She is not used to receiving affection. At all
She always interpreted her family's gestures as insults, there was no love in her marriage, and she hasn't been with anyone since
You, though, she loves to spoil you
And now - apparently - you love to spoil her
You drive her to distraction. Tell her she's the best on her way out the door and it'll power her through a whole morning of meetings
If you have a visiting Prakran teach you how to make spiced swordfish the right way she might actually cry
You pop into a meeting to drop off a love note before you go into town and kiss her cheek on the way out? She'll smile all day
Clear your evening for her and give her your undivided attention while she tells you about her ideas and plans? She's swooning
She's never been a hoarder but for you she is. She has shelves in her tower now where she stores all of your notes and gifts
Every time you show her your affection she lights up with surprise and delight. She can do anything with your love supporting her
You have to start slowly. For his sake
He's not used to a gentle world. Or gentle people. Or affection in general
He did not know the concept of emotional safety until you held him in your arms, and it both melted and terrified him
Loves it when you bring or make him food. Growing up without it makes it infinitely precious to him, especially from you
If he comes home to a clean space (floor, dishes, laundry, etc) he'll be silent and still for the next few minutes, just taking it in
Write him a list of all the things you like about him and watch his ears burn. He will make a waterproof pouch for said list and carry it everywhere
Show interest in the things he cares about and he'll melt. Help with the chickens. Play with Inanna. He can't look away
One loving glance from you and his heart will sprout wings and fly out of his chest
Seeing the way you love so freely is reminding him how to love in return - you, the world, other people, and even himself
She loves so freely, she's a little shocked when it starts to show how much you've been holding back
Her no-holds-barred approach to affection is all you need to lose your inhibitions
She makes breakfast. You pack lunch
You kiss her on your way out. She surprise tackles you with a hug when you return
You get Mazelinka to teach you some classic Nevivon foods. She smuggles you the Palace's finest dishes
You make her a magic charm. She takes you on a wild adventure to make use of it
You write her a love letter. She sends you her favorite poetry excerpts
Clear your afternoon to spend time with her and she'll take you on a spontaneous date
She's got a strong competitive streak too, so anything you do for her will be heaped back on you tenfold. If she doesn't have the skillset required she'll stuff you with pastries
Every day she writes down all the ways you showed her love. It's her favorite book, and it keeps her going no matter the obstacles
He's had it all already. Worship, adoration, flowery praise, luxurious gifts stacked to the ceiling, the best cuisine ...
But he's never had it from you. And he's never received affection from someone who meant it and didn't try to hide it
You don't compose symphonies for him. But you'll sing to him if he's scared
You don't give him the finest furs and silks. But you bring him trinkets that remind you of him in the most delightfully specific ways
You're not an internationally acclaimed chef. But you cook breakfast for him when he wants to sleep in
You don't wait on him hand and foot, but you polish his sword and cuirass
You don't heap praises on him like he's a god. But you know him, you see the good in him, and when you tell him you love him, he can trust you to mean it
You don't flinch when he looks at you or reaches for you. You meet his gaze with the patience that made him a better man and hold him every night. Oh, he adores you
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Saw you did some hc’s for edging and overstimulation! If you don’t mind, could I request maybe the m6 edging/overstimulating the MC too? Ty!
Late edit: " Write as spicy as you want, and I mainly like Julian and Asra! "
Of course you can ask! So, here's something more specific about the MC being edged/overstimulated :)
Silly post decided to be published before it was ready (nope: I accidentally put it on programmed instead of drafts. I do this to be sure to never delete a request by mistake). I'm writing them right now! So sorry for the inconvenience ^^"
Overstimulation and Edging Vol.2
Tw: domination, crying, public, group
Considering how Julian is a big fan of quickies, for you being edged is a daily occurrence. He takes every occasion he can get with you, and between him being pretty quick and having so little time, you often get so close to coming without actually having an orgasm. Julian's shoulders and neck are covered in small half moons where you planted your nails into his skin out of frustration each time you felt him sliding out of you before you could have your release. You hate and love when, out in public, he kisses lightly your fingers telling you "Later, my love... later", acting as he didn't just came inside you minutes before, leaving you unsatisfied.
It's a game between you two, and he expecially loves how rough you become at night when he's had fun with you the whole day without giving you the time to come. Those nights you fall asleep on his drained and bruised chest, with him caressing your head in pure, exhausted bliss.
Asra loves to mess with you. Sometimes, when you're making love, he suddenly stops and gets up as you're about to come, and announces in that soft and kind voice of his that you don't deserve to come since you haven't been a good enough apprentice that day. The contrast between his tone and his words leaves you always speechless. But it doesn't end there: he will tease you again and again, touching and kissing you to bring you again on the verge of the orgasm, and then leaving you again. Every time you beg him to let you come, he smiles at you and brushes your hair away from your strained face. He has a box of marbles, and he moves one into his pocket each time you beg him for an orgasm.
It's often late at night when you're woken up by his light kisses on your back and neck and caresses all over your body. Without a single word he's inside you, having you moaning with pleasure, touching you until you come in an explosion of pleasure. It's only at that point that you realize he put a certain number of marbles in you hand, just as he removes one... before going back to kiss you, touch you, stretch you, ignoring your complaining of being too sensible. You begged him so many times to let you come, before... now, he'll listen to each and every pray.
Nadia loves to overstimulate you. Her lingering touch is a sweet torture on you, and so you wriggle and twist in the bed as she pacefully reads a book, with one of her steady hands firmly placed between your legs.
Edging you it's more a mental thing, though. She keeps flirting with you when you're not alone, and her hand casually ends up on your inner thight under the table. It drives you crazy and leaves you wanting for more and ready to burst.
She loves when you're in the carriage together. She jokes that it's one of the only times when she enjoys to knee in front of someone. With your clothes pulled up and her head between you legs, she gets you to almost came... casually, right before you have to get down the carriage.
Lucio loves having you begging and crying into his bed. Some days he wakes up rather demanding, and he wants to see you come again and again, as if he wants your moans to be his soundtrack for the day. He starts fucking you himself, and when he gets tired of fucking you he has someone doing it for him as he watches and listens. Sometimes he has you and your partner in the next rooms, and solves his duties as he listens at your desperate orgasms on the other side of the wall. When you meet him again at night, you're exhausted and sensible... the count thinks that is a great time to have you come again with him inside you before going to sleep.
Other days, he wants to be selfish. He fucks you as he pleases, without touching you or bothering to make you come. It's frustrating, but you love it. He literally wants you to get off the bed and on your knees, begging him for one little orgasm... he's a magnanimous lord and grants your wishes, but not before taking advantage of your such inviting position.
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garf-lover96 · 2 months
what's rowan's relationship with the m6?
Julian - he's Rowan's pretty princess, he loves taking care of him and spending time with him, he's never loved anyone as much as him before (OBLIGATORY BLUEBELL MENTION she's the og of course). he had to get used to living with someone so messy and also kinda loud.. Julian got provided with a study in the apartment but he's obligated to keep it moderately tidy, lest Rowan chase him down for it
Nadia - he was anxious as hell around her at first, he was very tense and didn't know how to talk to her. but they both got over that barrier and Nadia actually started tutoring Rowan at playing the piano!! they meet for tea often too
Asra - Rowan's infinitely grateful for them for everything they've done for him and actually felt extremely guilty for a long time after getting with Julian. they stopped talking for a longer while but reconnected somewhere along the way. they're really trying not to make it awkward and they're both working towards being good friends again
Portia - BEST FRIENDS!! they get along very well, Rowan feels like he can really be himself around her :) they visit each other almost every day. they bake together and do each other's hair often
Muriel - completely doesn't know how to talk to him.. in a setting of two introverts, Rowan tries to act like the extrovert but it just didn't work with Muriel, for some reason. Asra tried to make them get along better once and they ended up birdwatching it total silence. they enjoyed it, at least
Lucio - he canonically got exiled in Julian's upright ending but i feel like Rowan would get along with him quite nicely. he finds his extravagant taste in art and fashion charming and his dumbass energy really funny.. he's not immune to that horrible old man
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renadactyl · 8 months
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“Cages and Chains”
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𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕓𝕪 ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕪𝕝 (ℝ𝕖𝕟/𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕞) (𝕙𝕖/𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪/𝕚𝕥)
𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕝-𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔, 𝔸𝕤𝕣𝕒 𝕩 𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕝 𝕒𝕟𝕕/𝕠𝕣 𝔸𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕩 𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕝 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕟𝕥
𝕋𝕎: 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕞𝕒, 𝕕𝕖𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 (𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕝 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟)
(𝟟𝟛𝟛 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤) (𝕤𝕠 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕒 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘, 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕒 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥)
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Febuwhump Day 1: “Helpless” (the oneshot ended up being very loosely inspired off of this prompt though)
You, the apprentice, try to free Muriel from his chains… but he can’t let you because him escaping would mean that Asra’s safety would be compromised.
Not proofread!!! And I apologize if Muriel is mischaracterized, I haven’t finished playing The Arcana yet.
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The Scourge didn’t dare to raise his head as he heard the flurry of feet on the stairs, each like a stumble on his conscience. He kept his indifferent face, his hulking figure slumping over the rest of his body, the dull light barely illuminating his scarred face.
His lips were pulled tight into a solid frown, looking like a statue that couldn’t move. He looked the same as he did when he was in the pit of the Coliseum, eyes peering down on the carcass of his prey. Yet now, there was nothing dead to look down on except himself.
The Coliseum was like a jungle. There were no humans in the ring: only beasts, monsters, and prey acting on a primal instinct to survive. Naturally, those who wanted to protect those who were further down in the food chain had to rise to the top. Muriel did what he had to do, and now The Scourge was at the top, feared by the rest of the animals in the Coliseum.
He didn’t know how long he had stayed there, nor did he care. The only sunrise he needed was Asra rushing down to visit him and the only sunset he needed was the guards bringing him back his outfit for him to take the position of “The Scourge” once more. Yet this time around, he could tell that these footsteps weren’t the steps of Asra, they couldn’t be close to it.
With one half-glance, he could tell who he was talking to, who was panting for breath, holding a rusty key in their hands… you, the ever-so-insistent, desperate you.
“What are you doing back here? I thought I told you to stop visiting me,” he growled at you, closing his eyes so that he wouldn’t have to see your eyes when you begged. He had been through this before and he could no longer handle the pain of letting you down and refusing to return to being human with you.
You explained hastily, stumbling over your words, “I’m here to save you… again. I’m giving you another chance. One last chance.” Your voice broke, desperation cracking your composure as you thrust the key through the bars of the prison cell. “Muriel, please.”
The Scourge did not respond, not even wanting to open his mouth. He just wanted you to go away. He never wanted to see you again. He was hoping that you were like a breath in the cold air, fading into the wind as soon as you had made your appearance.
Unfortunately, you were persistent. Your hand shook as you tried to thrust the key in front of him again. “Muriel!” You tried to call out the name you remembered him as, not the name people whispered in fear in the plague-riddled streets.
Muriel opened his eyes, looking over at you. His dark eyes found yours and he searched you for any sign of kindness. Couldn’t you understand and be kind when someone clearly did not want help? Especially after you had confessed to loving him and he had rejected you… couldn’t you just leave him alone?
He let out a shaky sigh that sounded more like the rumbling growl of a wounded animal still fighting on for survival. “Go away. I already told you I can’t. I won’t.”
But you kept your hand outstretched, refusing to move, just as much a statue as he was. So Muriel reached out and took the key from you, his nails scraping your hand like a claw as he brought the rusty metal close to him. “Go.”
Relieved, you made a dash for it. You thought you had saved him, granted him sweet freedom. But there was no such thing for the man that had learned how to become a monster.
A head of fluffy snow white hair entered his daze, dimples holding up a sun-filled smile, violet eyes like colored stars, a whole sky devoted only to those who were lucky enough to be able to rest underneath it. Muriel couldn't begin to fathom what he wouldn’t do to protect that sky that made him feel so safe.
The Scourge threw the key between the bars and across the floor, feeling the chains on his arms weighing down his toss. And then he returned to the same position, waiting to kill again for the sake of the only one that mattered.
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marixrose · 1 year
Julian Devorak - Tolerable
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Words: 1130
Song to listen to while reading: tolerate it by Taylor Swift
I had been working as an apprentice for Julian Devorak helping him find a cure for the Red Plague. I had been working with him for about three months now, and everyday I see a change in him. 
I bring him coffee every morning because he hardly sleeps at night and he’s going to need something to keep him doing his best. At first he was grateful, always smiling when I handed him a cup. Now he just waved me off with his hand. 
I make us dinner every night because we work so late stressing over this cure. He used to be happy eating what I made, but now I watch him not take a bite and throw it all away in front of me. 
I just brushed it off saying he was just stressed. We both were. I didn’t push him away anytime he tried to do something generous for me, then again he never did anything for me. 
The more I look back on our time together the more I realize everything was one sided. It was always me giving him coffee, making dinner, cleaning up after him, making sure he rests, giving him reassuring hugs. 
It was only me putting effort to make sure he was doing alright and in the process I lost myself. I forgot to make sure I was doing alright. I wasn’t. 
I slowly began to stop doing everything that had become a regular routine for me, and started to focus on myself. One thing that made me decide to stop trying to please Julian was that I had contracted the Plague. 
I tried to tell him, “J-Julian,” I tried to say, holding back a cough. My vision was blurry, tears brimming at the edge of my eyes. 
“God Y/n do you ever just leave me alone?” He shouted not looking up from his book. 
I was taken aback by his actions, he never yelled at me before. Sure tolerating my acts of kindness is one thing but yelling at me was something else.
“Fine.” I managed to say with all the strength I could muster. 
I went to my office and locked the door. I was sick, better to die alone than get everyone else sick. 
I get to die not knowing the cure, all my efforts in vain. 
I get to die knowing that I wasn’t important to anyone and no one thought to take care of me, it was always me taking care of them.
I grab paper and a pen and begin to write a letter for Asra, my best friend. Suddenly I'm hit with a sense of sadness knowing Ill never be able to see him again.
Dear Asra,
By the time you read this letter, I will already be dead. Thank you for always being my best friend. We’ve known each other for what, 8 years? 9? Seems like just yesterday we met. 
You have given me the best life experiences, thank you for that. I’ll gladly bring those memories with me to the other side. 
I’ll miss riding the jelly fish and traveling to the other realms. I’ll miss the beautiful view from the castle's library, much better than the dungeon where they hid us. 
I wish I could have the pumpkin bread one last time. I wish I could see the shop and see how far you’ve come with it. 
 I won’t miss the smell of this place or the restless nights wondering that if you sleep you’ll miss the key to the cure. 
   Tell Faust that I love her and that I'll miss her. Same for you, my happiest memories were with you. If only we had more time together. 
    One thing I will regret most is spending most of my life trying to catch the attention of someone who never wanted it. I thought that maybe if I tried hard enough then maybe, just maybe, he would see me the same way I see him. But to him I will always be his apprentice that he can only tolerate. 
My time with Julian wasn’t all in vain however, I will miss the nights where we were both stressed but we calmed each other down by starting conversation. I will miss those nights, the only time I didn’t feel like I took up too much space or time.
Thank you Asra, for everything. 
    Don’t miss me too much, Y/n.
I fold the paper, tears threatening to fall and ruin it. I focus my magic on the letter and try to find Asra’s aura. With a swift snap my letter disappears off to find Asra wherever they may be. 
I cough violently into my hand, only to find a trail of blood after I pull back my hand. I know I don’t have much time. 
I sit at my office desk thinking of everything I’m going to miss out on now that I’m dying. I let out a sob as I curly myself up into a ball. The pain is unbearable. 
After a half hour, I stood up, almost falling over from how dizzy I was. I opened my door to find a bed to die in. 
I opened it to find Julian about to knock on my door with a concerned look on his face, which quickly changed to worry once he saw my state.
“Y-y/n you're sick, but you didn’t- when did this- I could have-” He started to panic, wide eyed. It would have been nice to see him care for me like this without me on the verge of death. I guess it's true that people only care once you're dead; or in my case about to die.
“I did. I meant I tried but you got angry and yelled at me to leave, so I did.” I say softly, not having enough energy to be angry. 
His face flashed with guilt as he began to frantically speak, “Y/n I never meant to yell, I was just-” 
“Stressed. I know. We both are, but I never yelled at you.” I cut him off, I’d be damned if I’m going to spend my last moments arguing with the man I love. Loved. 
Heartbroken over a love that never even existed. 
He looks hurt by what I said but doesn’t push it. “I’m sorry.”
“I am too.” I whisper, starting to feel the world fade away. 
I smile slightly at Julian before whispering my last words, “Thank you for tolerating me.”
-Time Skip-
“I’m sorry, Y/n, if only I was there for you like you were for me.” Julian said sadly as he watched my body get dragged into a boat to go to the Lazaret.
Words, how little they mean, when you’re a little too late. 
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dickbutt21 · 1 year
Asra and Julian headcanons (during and post plague)
During plague When they first met, it was spring and Julian had horrible allergies and sneezed when Asra walked into the library because he moved all the dust with his long-ass coat. There was an embarrassingly long trail of snot down his face he hastily wiped away as Asra looked at him over his book. They were introduced later by Nadia and it was never spoken of again. At night, when Asra's mind shifts to Julian and he can find nothing else to distract himself from his shame he wanders aimlessly around the streets or sometimes walks near the forest where Muriel lives to swim in the rivers. The sound of the water over his ears is the only thing that can stop him from thinking. Julian has always been an open book about his feelings, kissing Asra on the hand or calling them his dear in theatric conversations. Asra recognizes this and remains neutral. After all, he needs someone in his corner. Asra believes Julian's charismatic smirk and glowing chuckles are practiced, and therefore a means to try and sneak his way into Asra's life. Julian tries all his best tricks and still Asra doesn't budge an inch, so how would he feel about Julian just in of himself? During the plauge, hygiene and personal grooming was not of the greatest concern. Add in your love dying and the stress of someone new and all that brings and it's hard to get a haircut. Julian knows how to cut hair, he did it all the time growing up with a simple knife. Asra indulges himself to lean too far back into Julian as the errant tufts of hair fall to his floor. Julian's touch lingers too long on Asra's soft hair, he parts it over and over, 'just to see where it falls most naturally' Asra never thinks of going to a barber again, 'theyre too expensive' Julian mutters to himself over his papers in the library, saying this or that of medical terms and personal mantras of 'work harder' or 'focus your eyes' Asra whisks his coffee mug over, spilling only on the doctor's clothes. He appears to show up every day in the same uniform, he'd be forced to change into his underclothes and stay in his room until the uniform was clean, finally forced to catch sleep. Asra reheats Julian's coffee mug when he isn't looking. When he goes to drink what he recently knew as lukewarm coffee he'd put it down and look at Asra with a confused face and Asra would look over, feigning innocence. He has absolutely no idea what Julian is talking about, he was sitting all the way over here, and Julian's mug was all the way over there. Magic couldn't reach that far, surely. Post Plague It would take mountains mules and magic for Asra to admit he had a lot to do with the wrong of their relationship, but when he did, it was a lot easier to sleep at night, he could hold Julian in his arms. Knowing neither had to leave before the other could wake up eases him to sleep. It took Julian a while for it to settle in that he was allowed to touch Asra. The first time Asra hugged him his arms hung awkwardly between him before Asra reminded him there was nothing to be afraid of anymore. He's a big kisser, he kisses Asra anywhere and everywhere, but his favorite thing to do is cuddle up to him in the morning and plant a kiss on his cheek under his eye so he can see Asra's smile. Asra held Julian's hand in public for the first time and he started crying. Julian still cuts both of their hair, Asra has grown accustomed to how it makes him feel closer to Julian. Julian's skin smells like a dull colonge and coffee. Asra's skin smells deep and warm, singed with all of the herbs and ingredients of the shop. They spend mornings wrapped in each other, not wanting to leave the smell of the bed together. Asra's love language focuses on physical touch and acts of service. He delivers a loaf of bread to Julian's doorstep when he thinks he's had a rough day. He sows his fingers through Julian's hair in the mornings. Julian's is physical touch and words of affection. When Asra is upset he's there to whisper softly to him, massaging circles into his neck and smoothing his thumbs under Asra's eyes.
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sxftkxssxs · 2 years
MC with a lioness familiar? And the lion ages with them, so they've basically grown up together and they are telepathically linked?
why wild kitty dangerous if fluffy?? but seriously I want to pet a lion again,
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they get along very nicely
asra just thinks you both are enchanting, (especially you though)
probably has walked in on Faust and your familiar having a talk and just gets stared at until they leave
your familiar could wear faust like a necklace if she could sit still
he thinks your connection with your familiar is very interesting
doesn't like getting stuck under your familiar when she takes a nap though-
she scares him at first
after a while you'll find her stretched across his lap (he looks paler than you thought possible)
Malak and your familiar have conversations all the time
don't let your familiar be alone in a room with Malak- she might try to eat him, though sometimes it seems like it's a game between the two
He wishes that he could talk to Malak like you do your familiar
please explain to him that normal birds do not look out or guards or so help me gods
she thinks you and your familiar are absolutely majestic
she spoils your familiar <33
she probably has you and your familiar just lounge in the room when she has meetings, just for that little dramatic flare
Nadia adores how you and your familiar interact with each other.
your familiar definitely loves Nadia, and she likes to make Nadia look even more intimidating
The courtiers don't like your familiar, she can see right through them and basically tattles on them to you and Nadia
Inanna and your familiar get along so well
he doesn't appreciate the team effort to tease him though
he'll treat your familiar like he does his own, aka spoilt little gremlin
don't let him give in all the time, or you'll have to sleep on the ground every night with him
he thinks the way you and your familiar communicate is very similar to him and Inanna
your familiar thinks Muriel is a very firm pillow, and she likes to play fight with him and Inanna
if dangerous why fluffy?
she treats your familiar like a bigger Pepi
she loves to see you two interact and definitely babies your familiar
your familiar just thinks of her as someone that spoils her
your familiar loves portia don’t let this fool you
you never get a night alone in bed, pepi is somewhere near the bottom and then your familiar is right smack in the middle <33
she’s just a baby lioness cmon! you can’t kick her out !
probably thinks she’ll eat him?
they don’t get along well at first, he’s an ass and she doesn’t deal with him
eventually they’ll get along…eventually
it’s very a long process, but she helps make him get his act together very well
he’ll want to put literally everything he thinks looks good on her, please stop this man
she might bite another arm off if he tries to put anything she deems unstylish on her
tldr don’t let him put anything unstylish on her or you’ll have a boyfriend with two golden arms
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under-sedationnn · 3 years
the arcana: main six reacting to injured! reader
anonymous: Could u do m6 reacting to mc coming home injured? I want some hurt/comfort >:))
Warnings: talk of being injured, blood. if that bothers you or tiggers you in anyway, please scroll away! i want this to be a safe place, only :)
thanks for the request anon!! i hope you enjoy!! <3 requests for the kissing prompts and physical affection prompts are STILL OPEN. please send them in with the character of your choice (which could be any character from any series i write for) and i will create an imagine!! thanks and happy reading!!
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- tries his very very best to stay calm
- you can see panic bubbling under the surface
- faust is on high alert
- slithers around your shoulders and squeezes you for a hug
- "friend! hurt!"
- doesn't immediately ask what happened, just gets you to a comfortable place to be cleaned up
- then, and only then, will he brave to ask what happened to you
- or who did this to you
- wipes the blood from your skin with very gentle swipes
- winces when you wince, and apologizes profoundly
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "i fell in the market, tripped over a stone"
- "and nobody helped you?"
- in this case he's disappointed with the bystanders, but does not become angry
- in a situation where someone hurt you?
- oh god
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "yeah, well, somebody had their eye on the same apple i picked up. somehow, though, they managed to push me to the ground and steal it from my hands."
- i don't even think he would know what to say
- and asra is not really the type to march out into the streets of vesuvia and seek to challenge the one who hurt you
- but he would certainly hold a grudge against whoever it was if he did find out
- and would feel absolutely awful about letting you get hurt
- his mind would race about the possibility of losing you again
- because he simply can't handle it
- and what if that person had been particularly violent or malicious? what if you had been taken??
- you'd have to comfort the hell out of him to make sure he knows that you're okay
- "asra, hey, i'm fine! i can handle myself, you know that"
- "you're right, and i know you're right. it's just hard"
- "it's still hard for me, too. the market still makes me a little nervous and i got caught a little off guard, is all"
- that would make him feel better
- would finish patching up your wounds and would make sure to bring you to julian the next day if they were too bad for him to fix or needed stitches
- would also create a special brew to help with the pain and ease you to sleep
- "why don't i go down to the market tomorrow?"
- "why? so when you pick a fight over apples, i can pay you back for all of this high quality medical treatment?"
- "well of course, surely you didn't expect all this tender love and care to be free" *wink*
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- panicked doctor mode enabled
- immediately begins checking you over, asking questions
- something tells me it would be a head injury of some sort
- "oh darling, what happe- you're bleeding!"
- "julian, i'm okay! it's just a little scratch"
- "no no no you might need stitches, come sit down. i'll go get my kit!"
- there's really no use in arguing
- he has cold ass hands, so he tries to warm them up before he begins suturing the wound
- tries to be gentle, and his expert hands move quickly without any snagging
- "so, how did this happen?"
- his voice is literally trembling
- "well, i was in the clinic grabbing the list of ingredients we need for our next grocery trip and there was a puddle of... something on the floor. i slipped and hit my head on the corner of your desk"
- immediately thinks it's his fault
- like "oh shit i should have cleaned better that could have killed y/n and then what would i have done-"
- doesn't necessarily voice this, but you can tell by the silence that follows that he's feeling really guilty
- would kneel for you, head on your knees
- "y/n, i am so sorry"
- "juli, it's really okay, i should have watched where i was going"
- "i'll make sure to clean better from now on, okay?"
- would guard you throughout the night in case of concussion
- nurse juli <3
- but let's say someone had put their hands on you
- would patch you up the same way, and apologize profusely for not being there with you
- tuck you into bed and fetch mazelinka to keep an eye on you throughout the night incase of a concussion
- would most definitely be self destructive and seek that mf out
- maybe not successfully, but would try his hardest
- "i'll be back in the morning, get some rest"
- "I can find them myself if I want to, you know"
- embarrassed blush
- because he KNOWS you can take care of yourself
- "of course, but right now you're hurt. as your partner, i will do what must be done on your behalf darling"
- probably shows up the following morning with battle scars of his own
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- the guards found you in the garden, passed out in the maze
- blood trickled down your arm, a large gash marking your bicep
- ran you up to the palace and immediately to the medical wing
- them]n nadia gets word
- the calm, collected queen act disappears
- abandons anything she's doing, anybody she's talking to
- "we will finish this at a different time, i have more important matters to attend to"
- she is so worried and it's honestly adorable
- very much giving "where tf are they?" energy
- god i love her so much
- anyways um
- asks the nurses over and over what happened, if you're okay, etc.
- watches the physicians and nurses like a hawk as they clean the wound and suture the cut
- and they're so intimidated lmao they never come face to face with her literally ever
- brushes your hair back from your face as they do so
- holds your hands
- would demand that you be brought to her sleeping chamber
- so that's where you wake up! how cute
- she's laying beside you, her brows furrowed
- maybe even her eyes are a little hazy
- "y/n, sweetheart, do you remember what happened?"
- patiently waits for your answer, you're still a little groggy
- you were either attacked by an animal and passed out from the fright
- or you were attacked by an armed person and was knocked out
- either way, the guards are on it
- nadia isn't letting whoever or whatever did this get away without a fight
- the palace is meant to be a safe haven for you
- for the both of you
- "well, don't you worry, we'll take care of that"
- you try to sit up but she won't let you
- "oh no, you must stay down, y/n. you are possibly concussed from the fall"
- "oh okay, sorry"
- "is there anything i can get you?"
- the countess of vesuvia, serving you in your time of need
- "just some water would be nice"
- "of course, i'll have some brought up right away"
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- i literally feel like he would just start crying straight up
- cause like he has some problems anyway
- he big sad boi
- and you coming home to the hut bleeding from a gash in the arch of your foot is not helping
- picks you and carries you to the bed without a word
- just starts examining the cut
- inanna is also very concerned
- she licks the blood from the cut, she's trying to be helpful
- meanwhile muriel is stumbling around the hut looking for anything to stop the bleeding, disinfect it, bandage it, anything
- but he's not the best about keeping that stuff in stock
- keeps looking back at you with worry in his eyes
- he doesn't know what to do
- "muriel, let me see if i can contact asra. maybe he or julian can bring me a salve. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need stitches"
- low-key makes him feel worse
- cause he feels like he's unable to care for you and keep your safe
- even tho this was just an accident
- he's breathing really fast, his anxiety creeping
- agrees anyway, but goes to get them himself
- "i'll be back soon, just keep this piece of cloth pressed against it"
- cause you're bleeding like a lot
- inanna stays behind
- he returns very quickly with julian in tow, though he doesn't look happy about it
- leaves the hut without another word
- julian gets to work immediately
- "so, you cut your foot i see"
- smartass.
- "yeah, muriel always tells me to put on shoes when i walk in the woods but i love to feel the grass beneath my feet"
- julian chuckled at this
- "and i'm assuming you, what, stepped on a rock?"
- "...yeah, sliced it right open"
- after julian is done cleaning up the cut, he tells you to just stay off of it for a while and make sure it doesn't get infected
- once he's gone, muriel trudges back into the hut
- "muriel, baby, it was just a cut it's not a big deal"
- but his eyes look hurt, and you beckon him toward the bed
- "hey," your hands on his cheeks, "i'm okay, really"
- "sorry, i just got scared. blood is still a trigger for me and since you got hurt in my woods, i felt like it was my fault"
- "muriel, of course it wasn't your fault"
- he really needed a hug
- after this instance, he made sure to keep medical supplies in the hut and you promised to try and wear shoes in the woods more often than not
- "i'll try my best to be more careful. deal?"
- sweet lil smile
- "deal."
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- "oh my god, y/n, what the hell happened??"
- you were tending the garden
- without her supervision
- and the garden sheers might have sliced into the palm of your hand
- deep
- brings you over to the sink and runs water over the cut, covering it with a towel when the dripping blood had been washed away
- girl is on the move
- cause she knows what to do! love that
- low-key a main reason why julian managed to live as long as he has
- pepi is curiously perched atop one of the counters, peering down
- finds her personal first aid kit she had stashed in the bathroom
- guides you over to sit on the counter while she tries to figure out what to do
- "damn, you really cut yourself, y/n"
- "sorry! i think i just got a little carried away"
- she giggles at that, though she is still worried about the fact that it won't stop bleeding
- gently wraps the cut in gauze and adheres it together
- places a kiss to your fingertips
- "all done! no more gardening for you!"
- "hey, why not?"
- "well you don't want that cut to open back up again and again, do you?"
- "no"
- "alright then," she smiled, moving to put away the first aid kit again, "and we're going up to the palace medical wing first thing tomorrow morning to make sure it's not infected"
- eye roll
- "yes ma'am" you mocked
- even though you know it's just because she loves you
- "but since you got hurt, you want me to bake you some cookies?"
- "only if you let me eat the dough!"
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- good god do i love this man
- but he is so self-absorbed it's actually insane
- and I feel like he wouldn't even notice at first
- cause he's too focused on himself
- gazing into the mirror without a care in the world when you walked in
- "y/n, thank goodness you're home, how do you feel about these pants?"
- you just hobbled to the nearest seat, hand resting over the gash on your knee
- mercedes and melchior were lazing across a rug at the base of his mirror, their attention set on you
- "u-um, yeah, they look good"
- literally just trying not to bleed out, over here
- "good? oh really, now, y/n don't they look amazing?"
- "yes, they look ama- ow, damnit"
- then he turned around
- immediate shock and worry! oh no oh no y/n is hurt!
- mercedes and melchior walked over first, whining as they took in the cut, brushing around the edges
- lucio raced over, squatting down in front of you, and began examining the cut
- "hey, hey, what happened?"
- "i accidentally tripped on my walk in the garden and scraped my knee on the cobblestone"
- he was lightly touching around the cut, gauging how sensitive it was
- when you flinched he stopped, looking into your eyes with a soft "sorry"
- "i think i need to go to the palace infirmary"
- "oh there's no need, i can take care of you!"
- you were not convinced he could take care of you, at least not well
- "uh, lucio, are you sure?"
- he looked slightly offended, at that
- "you know, y/n, i did fight in battles at one point. i have not only tended to my own wounds, but the wounds of others, as well"
- you giggled at the thought
- "much to your protest, though, i'm sure"
- he moved to the small cabinet of medical supplies in the ensuite to your bedroom, returning to your side with it in hand
- "at points, but i don't mind helping you in the slightest"
- for all of his antics, his soft side was enough to make you fall in love all over again
- and although i know he would take care of you in literally any situation, i can't say for certainty that he would stick around and place nurse lucio for long if a person had hurt you
- attacked you
- much like nadia, the guards would be sent out without a second thought, lucio leading the pack in the search for you aggressor
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cringeanator · 3 years
The Main 6 with a shy/socially anxious MC
hi im on mobile again Lmao
Asra is already so protective over them that half the time MC doesn’t have to worry about uncomfortable interactions because he will swoop in and take care of it for them
Will let them bring Faust anywhere as an emotional support animal
Personally I feel like Asra is the safe person you can follow behind during a party and they will make sure not to lose you
In their travelings together he reminds them that all these people here will probably never see them again so there is no need to be worried
Also during their travels they will find little scarcely populated stops for the two of them to enjoy alone
At the magic shop he would supervise a lot of the interactions with the customers when they were first starting out so they know he will always be there to support them
They are extremely proud of them if they stick up for themselves or speak up when something is wrong
If they’re ever having a bad anxiety day and they just don’t have the energy for social interactions they’ll just close the store and stay in all day
When she envisioned this person who was supposed to help her regain her memories she did not expect this timid apprentice who won’t look her in the eye when they speak
She has to deal with a lot of people either being too shy to speak to her or overbearing people desperately trying to impress her
But she finds MC’s behavior kind of endearing
She also is a bit closed off but they both warm up to each other over time
They will never be forced to do public speaking or public appearances
If they are ever visibly uncomfortable in situations/conversations she’ll step in and swoop them away
Like what is the other person gonna do about it, she is the countess after all
It’s a very overwhelming event when her sisters meet them
She has to pry her sisters away from them telling them to give MC space
Early in the relationship boundaries and triggers are discussed to make life easier for both of them
When they meet he thinks they’re just nervous around him because he’s a wanted murderer
While that is part of the reason, he notices how they’re shy around everyone and then he gets really protective over them
Especially as they start to get more comfortable around him but still tense around others he acts as a human shield for them
Even though all he’s defending them from is the waiter asking for their order
In situations where he can tell that they are very uncomfortable he makes a ~diversion~
*makes the most obvious exit and trips over a bucket on the way out*
If it is really bad social anxiety, like to the point where they’re having anxiety attacks over regular interactions he gets very worried for them
Will comfort them but has a lot of serious talks about how this is a very bad problem and that they don’t need to suffer alone in this
He isn’t a psychiatrist but he helps them find a good one that will be able to help them
At first he thought that they were so quiet when they first met because they were scared of him
But when they’re both just sitting there in silence staring at the ground like … he realizes that they’re just shy too
He’s never met someone as quiet as him and he grows to appreciate the fact that they don’t try and fill awkward pauses with meaningless small talk like other people do to him
The two won’t be seen by friends for weeks at a time because they haven’t left the forest so it becomes a regular occurrence that someone is coming to make sure they’re still alive
He becomes extremely protective of them when they’re uncomfortable he’ll speak up for them
They both have to encourage each other to go out of their comfort zone like every social interaction is an accomplishment no matter how small
He always makes sure to tell them that he’s proud of themselves even though it flusters him
She finds it extremely cute that MC shys away from her when they first meet
She takes on the position of being the outspoken one in their relationship very early
“Excuse they asked for NO PICKLES”
As time goes on and they get more confident saying/doing things to her she gets very flustered
Like a shy MC giving her a rose she’s immediately blushing and at a loss for words
While meeting new people she makes sure to hold their hand the whole time and squeeze to reassure them that they’re doing well
She’s very understanding if they’re socially drained and need to be left alone for a while she’ll even get them into a quiet room and make sure they’re comfortable
At first he just doesn’t understand why they’re so quiet
He can be kinda a dick about it at first when he sees them hesitate to talk to someone new like “what are you scared of just ask”
He’ll eventually realize that they shy away from people a lot he asks them what’s wrong and they have to explain that talking to other people makes them anxious
Then he goes out of his way to speak to them like all the time
It’s a very shocking contrast between the two of them
One partner who never shuts up and one who never starts talking
If there is people in the room that are clearly making them nervous he just orders everyone to get out and he goes over to comfort them
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jazztato · 2 years
The Arcana Boyfriend Scenarios: When You Realize Your feelings For Them
I wasn't feeling all to great when I was working and I guess Asra noticed this because he told me I should head home and get some rest, I was about to protest but he seemed really worried so I didn't argue and decided to listen and head home, I was too sick to drive scared I might get into an accident so I decided to call a taxi, as I waited for the taxi I couldn't help but worry about Asra all alone in the shop.. He's still pretty new at this job, but I couldn't help but worry.. I was immediately pulled out of my thoughts when a taxi drove up to the curve, I was about to open the door myself but the taxi driver hopped out and went to open it for me, I sighed forgetting that no matter where I go or what I do everyone will act all nice just so I wouldn't tell my brother.. Even though I could care less whether their gentlemen like them or not.. I decided not to question it any longer and hopped into the taxi. As the taxi driver left the cafe I couldn't help but think about Asra.. I felt bad that I just left him there all by himself.. I looked down at my hands that were now shaking, everytime I'm around Asra my heart races, my palms get all sweaty, and I can't seem to think straight. All I could think of was him, nothing but him.. I couldn't help but blush as the thought of Asra next to me, his laugh echoes in my mind.. His smile, I could look at his smile all day if I wanted to, my face was now as red as a tomato when I arrived home. I paid the taxi driver and headed inside, but Asra was still on my mind. Luckily my brother wasn't home to notice how red I was, when I entered my room I looked into the mirror that hung on the wall, as soon as I saw how red I was I couldn't help but turn even redder, as I was thinking I then realized I don't see Asra as just a friend.. I see him as a lover, someone I wish to be with throughout the rest of my life.. But the question is.. Does he feel the same way or does he just see me as a friend.. And will my brother accept him, probably not but that won't stop me from loving Asra..
I was at home helping my brother feed his chickens since I had the day off but I still wish I could've gone to work especially since I knew Julian was going to be back at work, but my brother needed me today and I promised I'll use my day off to help him out with the chickens or with anything in general. All I could really think about was Julian.. I haven't seen him in a while and now that he's back at work I wanted nothing more then to see him again.. I sighed, staring up at the sky till I felt a couple droplets of rain hit my face, then out of nowhere it started raining cats and dogs. I groaned before I could walk inside my brother picked me up rushing inside our home. I was soon sat back down onto the floor in front of the fire place where I was now soaking wet even though I was only in the rain for a few secs, as my brother started a fire I couldn't help but think about Julian again, and again, and again.. All I could think about was him.. His mysterious demeanor.. He may not show it but I know he has a mysterious pass and that draws me in more.. I want to know more about him.. Every time I see his smile I nearly melt to the floor, when I hear his laugh my heart feels like it's going to leap out of my chest.. Everything about him just screams perfect... My face started heating up, my brother looked at me with a worried expression thinking I was sick so he wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. But the truth was I wasn't sick.. It was something else, the more I think about it, the more I realized, I see Julian as more than just a friend.. I see him as someone I want to know more, someone I want to love.. But.. The real question is, does he feel the same about me.. Or does he only see me as a friend/co-worker.. My brother might not approve of him either mainly because he doesn't like other people except for myself.. But no matter what my heart longs for the mysterious doctor.
I had just finished shopping with my brother since we were running low on food, as I left the store I was struggling to keep hold of the bags in my hands, they were about to leave my grasp till my brother Julian took a hold of them, I let out a sigh of relief following him home, we basically walked since my brother is to stubborn to learn to drive, I offered to learn but he said no need and that walking is good, I rolled my eyes at the thought of that. As I was walking I noticed a familiar blondie from the other side of the street, he hadn't noticed that I saw him yet and I'm pretty glad he didn't because my brother doesn't really like him.. I let a small smile form on my face as I thought of the day Lucio gave me a visit when I had a broken leg. It was actually kinda sweet of him.. We were still strangers and yet he made sure I was ok, he may not show it but deep down he's a sweet guy.. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of him, I tried to shake it off but no matter how much I tried, all I could think of was him, everytime I'm around him my heart would beat really fast, I don't know why.. But when I'm with him all I want is him, I want to be by his side.. I then gasped hoping my brother didn't hear which luckily he didn't, but I just realized why I'm feeling this way.. I don't just see Lucio as a customer at the restaurant or just as a friend.. I see him as someone more, someone who will protect me from jerks who want to abuse my kindness to get what they want, someone who will listen to my needs.. And someone who will never leave my side, but the question is... Does he feel the same way about me that I feel about him.. Or does he only see me as a nobody that doesn't deserve his love.. My brother definitely won't approve of him, my sister might, but my brother is a stubborn idiot.. No matter what happens, no matter if they approve or not, my heart will always long for that rich idiot.
I was at home sick with my brother Asra. We don't know how we got sick but I blame him for it, he always ends up falling asleep outside, and he never cleans up his side of the room! It's a pigsty, I'm surprised he can even find anything. I was laying on my bed as our parents made us soup, sometimes being a twin sucks.. I stared up at the ceiling of our room. I wanted Muriel to come over today but with Asra and I being sick, I didn't want him to catch it so It's best if he stayed home where it's safe.. I let out a sigh before dozing off into a peaceful slumber. As I was asleep a familiar figure appeared in my dreams, I didn't know who it was at first till they came closer, it was Muriel.. He was wearing a black tux and as for myself, I was wearing a beautiful white dress, when I got a look at the scenery that surrounded us I couldn't help but blush a bright red, the scene before us was a chapel, it had all sorts of different decorations, when I was about to speak I heard bells, then it hit me.. They were wedding bells.. I turned a brighter red before jumping awake with bright red cheeks, when I looked over at Asra he was smirking, shit.. The other thing about being twins is that we share dreams.. I grabbed a hold of a pillow that was on my bed and threw it at him causing him to laugh. I grabbed another pillow that was behind my head burying my face into it, hiding my blushing face, everytime I'm around Muriel my heart would beat so fast I swear it'll jump right out of my chest.. He's so kind, he may look mean and scary but he's really gentle, he cares about Asra and I hope he cares for me as well.. I continued to blush a bright red as I thought these things about him.. I then soon realized, I don't see him as just a friend... I see him as someone I want to be with, someone I want to watch sunsets with, someone who will be there when I'm hurt... I realized I love him, and I know for a fact that Asra will approve, his best friend and sister dating. Of course he'll approve he's been trying to find me a boyfriend since grade school. But the question that lingers in my head is, does he feel the same.. Or does he just see me as Asra's sister.. No matter if he doesn't love me or not, I'll always have these feelings for that kind and gentle man.
If you have a certain scenario you want me to do then you can also request those but these ones will take longer to do so be patient with me with the Boyfriend Scenarios.  QWQ
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Main 6 + Morga When They Walk in on MC Crying
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He would most likely freak out at first
Immediately runs to you and asks what’s wrong. If you don’t want to talk about it, he’ll just hug you and try to calm you down.
“Everything’s going to be alright, okay? I’m here. I’m not going to leave you alone.”
If you don’t want to be held, he understands and sits in front of you without leaving your side. However, if you tell him to leave, he will ask if that is what you really want. If the answer is “yes,” he’ll get up and leave, but will stay outside the door as a precaution. 
Faust will try to lighten your mood by squeezing your hand and saying some silly things.
When you’re ready to talk about what hurt you, Asra will listen carefully and try to find a solution, if there is one. If someone hurt you, that’s a different case. He would be angry. Most likely he will confront them or cast a bad luck spell on them. If it was your own mental problems, he would spend hours trying to compliment you.
He understands that sometimes it’s best to just let your emotions out, so he tells you it’s okay to cry.
However, if you were crying over something stupid, like you dropped a slice of bread, he would laugh. You scared him and he’s just happy that everything is okay. And it was funny.
Makes you some tea afterwards. Even feeds you some chocolate if you want to.
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“Darling, are you in… Oh.”
Nadia is utterly confused and surprised. That was the last thing she expected when she started looking for you. 
If you were lying on the bedroom floor crying, she’ll make you sit on the bed so you’ll be more comfortable. She doesn’t mind if you don’t want to tell her what’s wrong right away. Nadia sits down next to you and calmly waits for you to stop crying. If you want a hug, she will gladly hold your trembling form. 
She whispers sweet nothings in your ear to help you calm down. 
“It’s okay, darling. Cry it out.” 
When you’re ready to talk, she gives you her full attention. She doesn’t mind if you take big pauses between sentences. You’ve probably never seen her so focused before. If you tell her someone hurt you, she’ll ask if you want to put that person behind bars. Whatever the answer is, the person will get punishment for their actions. If it’s stress or something else, she’ll try to find a solution to your problem. 
She doesn’t mind if you want to stay in bed all day. She understands that and lets you rest. However, she tries to stay with you as long as possible. 
Get’s you anything you need. Food? New clothes? A new pet, perhaps? She’ll get you one. If it makes you happy, she’s cool with it. 
If you want to stay with her, even if she has a meeting, she’ll gladly let you come. Will tell the courtiers/royalties that you are welcome here and if they mind you, the door is over there. 
When the two of you are alone again, she will kiss you and tell you that she will do everything she can to make sure you are not sad again.
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Uh oh
His first thought is that he fucked up and now you’re crying because of him. Pushing those thoughts aside, he runs to your side and asks what’s wrong and if he caused it. 
When you don’t answer him for minutes, he gets worried, but he respects your boundaries, so he tries to hug you and let you cry on his shoulders. If you want him to leave, he leaves, but probably stops at your door. He tries to remember everything you did that day that could have made you so upset. 
Most likely, he is overthinking the whole situation. 
When you are willing to talk to him, he will sit down like a little kid and listen to you. If someone hurt you, he will ask for their name to confront the person and probably get beat up by them. If it’s something else, he’ll immediately ask if you need medical help. Even if you say no, he will remember to ask again if this happens more than once. 
If you need a hug, he will happily cuddle with you on the couch/bed. His first priority right now is the person he loves the most, which is you. That’s why he wants to stay with you all day.  
He gets you food and water and peacefully waits for you to finish your meal.
He uses his comedic acting skills to make you laugh. Julian even puts on a little show for you. He plays every single character, of course. When Julian plays a female character, he tries to make his voice a little higher and tucks his hair behind his ears. If that doesn’t make you laugh, he’s lost. 
“Do you, uh…. wanna go to Mazelinka’s house for some soup?”
Julian is genuinely trying to make you happy, even if he has to make a fool of himself. He’ll do it for you.
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“OH MY GOD! MC, what happened?! Are you okay?!”
Portia runs to you and immediately hugs you. She tries to calm you down by rubbing your back and whispering to you that everything will be okay. She lets you cry on her shoulders and waits patiently for you to open up about it. 
If you want her to leave, she looks at you with puppy eyes, but eventually gives you some time alone. 
She immediately runs to the kitchen to get you some sweets and water. Even gets some warm blankets so you can cuddle them. When Portia gets back to your room, she quietly opens the door and slides in the things she got for you. Then she immediately closes it again and waits for you outside. 
When you don’t answer for minutes, she runs to Nadia and explains the situation, asking if she could be free today to be with you. She is understanding of the situation and lets Portia be with you. Once she hears the answer, she runs back to you. 
Pepi somehow got in and rubbed her head against your leg to cheer you up. She won’t leave you alone until you stop crying. 
When you are ready to talk about what happened, Portia will sit down on the bed with you. She is very worried, but tries to smile for you. If you tell her that someone hurt you, she is ready to slam that person to the floor. Portia really wants to do something, but if she can’t confront said person, she will try to talk to Nadia about it. If it’s something else, she’ll try to get whatever you need right now. 
She may even take you to the kitchen to bake something with her. She tries to make it fun by throwing a little flour at you. 
Helps you brush your hair (if you have any) and compliments you on how nice it is. 
Prepares a bath for you and if you want her to join in, she’ll gladly do it.
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This man deadass froze at the sight of your tears. 
He was so surprised that he forgot he had just walked in on you.
Slowly he approaches you and tries to hug you very gently. Muriel doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you, especially when you’re crying. He quietly asks you what’s wrong and tries to rub your back to reassure you. 
If you want him to leave, he’s a little taken aback, but nods and walks out to give you some space. While you’re in there, he picks you some flowers. He only picks the prettiest ones because he thinks they’re the only ones that fit you. 
When he comes back and sees Inanna whimpering at the door, he gives her the flowers and lets her in. She walks right up to you and drops the flowers in your lap. She then puts her head in your hand and lets out a small whimper. 
As soon as you are ready to talk about it, Inanna runs to the door and scracthes it, signaling to Muriel to enter. He slowly sits down next to you, takes your hands in his, and asks what happened. If it turns out that someone hurt you, he’s really angry and promises that he won’t leave you alone from now on. May or may not ask Asra to curse the person. If it’s something else, he feels really bad and tries to help you get through it. 
When you’ve completely calmed down, he takes you to his favorite place in the forest. He shows you all the plants and animals that live there and tries to explain why they are important. 
If you want to watch the sunset, he takes you to the best spot he knows. Sits you down and waits for the sun to set. You may look at the sun, but he will look at you and tell you that you are beautiful while he blushes. 
When you are both done, he grabs your hand and walks back to his hut. 
He will cuddle with you once you are in the hut.
(Something that probably happened and made you cry: “Muriel… I accidentally stepped on Inanna’s tail and now she doesn’t want to come near me…”)
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Worried face™
“Why are you crying? What happened?!”
Lucio is so damn scared. 
At first he doesn’t quite know what to do, but when he finally realizes he should reassure you, he walks up to you and hugs you. Lucio places gentle kisses on every inch of your skin or where you allow him to. He uses his baby voice (the one everyone uses on animals and babies) and tries to tell you that everything is okay. 
If you want him to leave, he huffs a little but walks out of the room. Once he’s out, he immediately runs to find Mercedes and Melchior so they can be with you if he can’t.
The servants only see a panicked Lucio running towards the garden and then back to your room with two dogs following him.
He lets the dogs in, hoping they can calm you down a bit. When he’s alone again, Lucio goes all over the palace ordering each servant to get you your favorite foods, sweets, drinks, clothes, anything he can think of at the moment. 
Lucio comes back to your room and waits rather impatiently for you to open the door. He doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but he’s just anxious. 
When you are ready to let him in, he literally bursts in and runs to you. He sits down in front of you with wide eyes and gives you his full attention. If you tell him that someone dared to hurt you, he already runs to them with his sword drawn out. It takes a while to explain to him that he can’t do that. He’ll still throw them in the dungeon and you can’t stop him. If the reason you cried is something else, he’ll let you rant about it and make little notes in his head to make your life easier. 
Takes you to the garden when you finally calm down. Goes to a tree and tries to fight it for you. Just so you can laugh, he loses to it and dramatically falls to the ground screaming that it hurts so much and he dies. 
After you smile, he sits down next to you and tells you his wonderful stories while cuddling with the dogs.
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She just stands there looking down at you for a minute. You probably didn’t hear her come in.
At first Morga doesn’t know what to do, because all she had to deal with was a couple of people crying, which probably wasn’t her husband. Morga sighs softly and kneels down to you. 
mother senses intensifies 
She tries to say something, but decides it’s better if she doesn’t. She places a hand on your shoulder and begins to rub it. As you snuggle closer to her, she puts the spear away and hugs you. She won’t say anything until you are ready to talk. If you ask her to leave, she nods, gets up, and goes hunting. 
Morga may not show it, but she is genuinely concerned for you. You’re living with her in the middle of the snowy forest, so you have to be physically and mentally strong.  
“Probably something really bad happened and that’s why they’re crying.” she mutters. 
She couldn’t bear to look at her son while he was crying, so it was hard for her to act tough while you weren’t doing well.
In the end, she thinks about everything that could have happened and tries to find a solution before you’ve told her anything.
Jaeger waits for you on a tree next to your door so he can tell Morga if you’re ready to talk.
When Jaeger signals her, Morga comes right back and goes inside. She kneels down, looks deep into your eyes, and asks what’s wrong. She can see that something really hurt you, so she sits down, takes off her cape and puts it around you.
If you tell her someone hurt you (even though you thought the two of you lived here alone), Morga clenches her jaw. The look in her eyes tells everything. She doesn’t run off like Lucio, but she’s definitely going to try and hunt the person down. If you’re struggling with something else, she nods acknowledgingly and tries to find a solution for you.
You can relax for the rest of the day, though she’ll probably want to get her chores done. If you really want her to stay with you, she’ll eventually give in and take you to your bed to lay down with you.
Achievement Unlocked: Soft Morga
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The Arcana HCs: How the M6 lose their temper
There's a reason the developers said his cardinal sin would be wrath
The only kind of thing that would make him lose his handle on his anger like that would be someone who doesn't value human life
He's not the most physically strong dude, but he didn't survive pirate ships on sheer luck
He's using every weapon at his disposal and that's not limited to whatever swords, scalpels, or leeches he has on hand
Nobody knows how to sway a crowd to his side like he does and he will use that
He'll be bellowing at the top of his lungs, listing every infuriating thing there is to know about this person and exactly what consequences he thinks they should suffer
And because he's good at getting people to listen to him, you can bet he'll drum up a mob of rioters in no time
People aren't afraid of what Julian personally will do to them if he's properly angry, they're afraid of what he'll unleash in the form of every person in earshot
Assuming you spend the rest of your life with him, you'll only see this happen a few times, and each time is easily justifiable
He is one of the most forgiving people by nature. Once justice is done, he'll be right back to his usual self like nothing happened
It's no secret that they can hold a grudge
He's not the type to harbor ill intent either, malice isn't really his thing, he's got other stuff to focus on
What sets them off is when someone acts selfishly, casting disproportionate harm on other people either for one's own gain or to escape earned consequences
You won't know the moment his temper snaps by his actions, you'll know it by his face
They will be completely closed off. Their only interest will be doing right by the people who were harmed, and making sure the person harming them is incapable of continuing that behavior
He will pursue that end by the most efficient means. If that involves great harm to the person who has angered him, he'll do it. If it involves no harm to the person who has angered him, he'll do it
They lose their temper when they lose any care for the person who crossed their line
This kind of reaction takes a long time to build and a long time to resolve
If you see it coming, you can ask him to talk about it and express his frustration, which will make it easier for him to forgive the wrongdoer if a good opportunity arises
If not, they will never view that person as a worthy human being again
She is the definition of feminine rage, you do not want to make her angry
Thankfully, that is a very difficult thing to do
She is one of the most open minded people you'll ever speak to, if there is a set of actions or beliefs that she doesn't vibe with, she'll still seek out the reasoning behind them before she passes judgment
She loses her temper when she sees someone target another person for purely petty and malicious reasons
Someone at the palace kept making vicious remarks about her loved ones because they felt insecure around them? It's over
You could try to insult her ego by calling her petty, but it goes far beyond that if she's truly angry
Every ounce of intellect, drive, and influence she has will be painstakingly strategized into the most effective way to tear someone apart piece by tiny piece
First it's the rumor she influenced Portia to plant. Then it's a missed pay raise. Then it's an increase in rent. It's a never ending stream of situations in which the quality that person was insecure about is on full display. None of it can be traced back to her but she's the only one you know capable of it
She will stop when she either sees her target truly remorseful for their sins, or recognizes the viciousness of her own actions
It is highly unlikely that you'll ever see his anger become so dominating that he succumbs to it
He is much more complex and introspective guy than a lot of people give him credit for. His anger is always tied to something more intricate
He's angry about his time in the Coliseum, but he's also betrayed and deeply ashamed and regretful. He's angry about the fate of his parents, but he's also grieving bittersweetly for a community and an identity he thought he'd never have
As a result, you're more likely to see him focusing on the nuance and complexity of the situation and reacting to that instead
It's easiest to tell when he's angry at someone because it's one of the only times he won't try to avoid somebody for a reason that's not positive
If he's hurt or frustrated by someone, he'll avoid them because that's how most people tended to make him feel anyway (before half the city designated him their hero)
But if he's truly, deeply infuriated, he'll come out of whatever space he likes to keep to to ensure that the wrongdoer faces justice
Which requires a wrongdoer causing injustice to more people than just himself
You rarely see him act in anger but it's justifiable each time
He doesn't like confrontation at all, as soon as he is capable of focusing on a different emotional element he's doing that
She's less of a schemer and more of a "talk with your fists" type of woman
She probably has the healthiest relationship with her own anger of anyone you know, mainly because she doesn't hide or avoid or bottle it up
Her brother crossed a line? Punch to the gut. Someone kept snarking at work when there wasn't time for that? Whack upside the head. A creep was rude or intrusive? Slap across the face
One of the wonderful things about being with her is that you'll never be in the dark about how she feels
Because she's so in tune with expressing her own rage, it's extremely uncommon for it to get the best of her to the point that she's actually lost her temper
That would only happen if the thing that made her so angry was also something she had no solution for and was at the mercy of
Then her response isn't about expressing an emotion, it's a fury-driven obsession with proving that thing wrong or taking back control from it, and everything she is and has will be poured into it nonstop with ferocious intensity
And she won't stop until she's either achieved that goal or until you or someone else has shown her why the initial challenge was baseless
She'll be tired afterwards, but she'll also be herself again and that's what really matters
Tantrums. It's canon.
He had tantrums over the things that upset him so often that Vesuvians were putting on plays about it years after his death
Walking through his past with him resolved a lot of that behavior because it became clear that most of his anger was a defensive response to overwhelming fear
Now most of the time he feels one brewing, he knows to talk about it with you or someone he trusts so the fear that causes it can be dealt with
He still indulges every now and then if it's trivial, you know well enough not to be bothered and it's cathartic to let it all out
You'll know he's really, truly angry when he goes silent
This is only likely to happen when someone infringes on something he values very deeply
This is the Lucio that took a fiendish delight in the most violent parts of battle, who abused emotional connections to see more blood in the sand, whose best form of thanks was lifelong imprisonment and isolation, who didn't think twice before sacrificing countless lives for his own gain, who made deals with the Devil
You're the only one who can snap him out of it
He will feel bitter remorse for his reaction, and will take appropriate steps to forgive and to ask for forgiveness
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empressapprentice · 3 years
Arcana Headcanons: Infidelity + M6
I’m back with more headcanons, and will be sharing even more soon as I have more free time! My last batch was super sweet and fluffy, these are decidedly not. I’m doing these headcanons as character study exercises, and since the LIs are so devoted to you in-game, I wanted to think about what could possibly motivate them to cheat. Not all of these involve sex because I thought that certain characters would consider emotional interactions cheating on their partner. But warning for non-explicit sexual content for several of the M6--I’d say this is PG-13. These are kind of long, but I felt I needed some good exposition to set things up. I hate how much I enjoy angst :( Feedback and requests are always welcomed: if you hate it or love it, let me know why so I can improve! Plus, check out my Ao3 here, where I’ll be posting these as well.
Asra will never, ever regret giving up half his heart for you. But one night, he can’t sleep, feeling regret for the friendships and relationships he missed out on because it’s so difficult to form connections with others. He wishes that while he waited for you to recover from the resurrection, he’d been able to let others into his life.
He’s slept with people other than you (Julian, for one), but not since you woke up after the ritual. He realizes that he can’t remember any of his previous encounters. He completely forgot what anyone other than you feels like to hold and to touch.
The next day, he tells you that he wants to take a quick overnight trip to Nopal. With such late notice, you can’t tag along. He just wants to spend some time alone and actually get to know the villagers for once, intending to practice his social skills and break the cycle of isolation he unintentionally maintained with the people there.
When he sits around the fire, eating and sharing stories with the villagers, a handsome young man approaches him. He says that he’s always had a crush on the mysterious magician, but could tell that Asra was never open to getting to know anyone. Asra, remembering that he doesn’t know what it’s like to be close to someone else, starts flirting back. Before he knows it, his lips are brushing against the stranger’s.
The moment their lips meet, Asra pulls back sharply, overcome with guilt for betraying your trust. He shakily apologizes to the young man, saying he didn’t know what came over him. He runs back to his hut, gets on the Beast and travels back to Vesuvia as fast as possible. Faust comforts him as he sobs silently, thinking about never wanting to leave your arms again.
Nadia is visiting a neighboring territory and sitting through a very, very boring dinner with dignitaries. She’s been away from Vesuvia for a week and anticipates having to stay for at least one more as negotiations drag on. She’s loath to admit it, but she’s lonely. The letters you’ve exchanged via Chandra only make the separation more painful.
So when a diplomat approaches her with questions about Vesuvia, she’s happy to have some company. She clearly admires Nadia quite a bit and compliments the work she’s done to turn Vesuvia around.
While basking in her companion’s kind words, she unconsciously moves closer to the other woman. It doesn’t take long for the conversation to become personal, moving away from professional networking. And even more quickly, the conversation becomes flirty. When Nadia moves her hand to touch the other woman, her intentions are clear. The diplomat is flattered, but hesitant, asking, “Aren’t you married?”
Nadia is momentarily stunned by the question, but refuses to lose her composure. The lie comes easily, from years of schmoozing fellow politicians. She replies that her marriage is open. The diplomat smiles, unaware of the shame pooling in Nadia’s core. She sheepishly invites the Countess back to her room.
Though the dinner is long over and the party moved into the sitting room for a digestif, many having already left, Nadia finds herself worried how it would look for the two of them to leave together. She hates herself for worrying more about appearances than you, but she’s been particularly hungry for the feel of a body next to her in bed and she’s frustrated at not being able to get what she wants for once. So, she agrees.
She excuses herself, saying that she must retire for the night, and waits a few moments for the diplomat to leave as well.
Nadia excuses herself after the shameful act, saying she must be in her own bed when servants come to wake her in the morning. She spends the rest of the night staring at her ceiling, vowing to never tell you about her indiscretion. You find out, of course, knowing your wife too well for her to hide that something’s wrong.
One night, he goes to the Rowdy Raven and is mid-tankard of Salty Bitters while animatedly telling the story of how he helped defeat the Devil. When he finishes weaving the tale, he heads back to the bar to another drink. Before he can get his coin purse to pay, an extremely attractive stranger tells Barth to put it on their tab--payment for the entertaining story.
Julian gratefully accepts, sliding into a seat to chat with the stranger. Whether consciously or unconsciously, Julian turns his charm up even more, wanting to make sure he keeps them entertained. They swap introductions, Julian’s natural tendency to call people affectionate names and his rakish attitude being interpreted as flirtation.
As the stranger returns the affection, Julian realizes what’s happening but doesn’t want to stop it. He’s practically glowing from the kind words flowing from the mouth of his new friend and is addicted to the feeling. A nagging voice tells him he should get back home to you, but it is quieted when the stranger moves closer to him, running a finger over his chest.
The stranger downs their drink and gets up abruptly. They tell Julian to finish his drink and meet them in the alley outside, with a cheeky comment about seeing what else his mouth could do thrown over their shoulder as they walk out the back of the tavern.
Julian’s breath catches at the thought of a clandestine alleyway quickie, and he can’t deny how appealing the idea seems to him. He stares at the drink remaining in his glass, fighting a mental war over whether to finish it quickly and run to the alley.
Barth approaches Julian, noticing he was about to finish his latest drink and anticipating a request for a refill. While waiting for Julian to finish, he makes light conversation with him. When he asks how you are doing, Julian bolts upright. His face reddens at the mention of your name, knowing he made a grave mistake even considering the stranger’s offer.
Julian leaves the rest of his drink untouched. He awkwardly gets up, says goodnight to Barth and hopes that he won’t run into the stranger when he exits the Raven out the front door. Mercifully, he doesn’t, but he might not have even noticed, he was so focused on getting back to you.
When he reaches the front door of the place you share, he’s sobbing. Even though it’s late, you are waiting up for him, knowing that he often needs you to offer him water and get him to eat some food after a night out. He falls on his knees before you, utterly broken by the kindness of you waiting to take care of him, and begs you to listen to him one last time. He tells you, again, that he is no good for you and it is inevitable he will break your heart. He confesses everything that happened at the bar, his voice breaking when he says how close he was to cheating on you. He admits in a small voice that he will never be worthy of you--despite all he’s changed, he’s always one step away from hurting you.
Lucio is dressed in a new outfit, finely made and very flattering. He is about to attend a party at his estate in honor of the summer solstice. The last step in his pre-party ritual before joining you and making a grand entrance fashionably late is to admire himself in the mirror. He poses and struts in front of it, hyping himself up for the night, but stopping short as he notices a grey hair in his meticulously coiffed style.
Moving closer to the mirror, he is horrified that several other grey hairs have popped out since the last time he dyed his hair, not long ago. Stepping back, he frantically tries to change the style to hide them, shrieking as he realizes the wrinkles on his forehead are deeper than he remembers. The time-honored ritual, which has never failed to put him in the right mindset for a night of socialization, has only made him more self-conscious about his age than ever.
He starts pacing around his room, heels clicking and mind racing. He feels a strange sense of longing for his old life, when he had no responsibilities and never worried about the consequences of his actions. He’s old now, and he wishes for the freedom and stupidity of youth.
When he makes the grand entrance with you at the party, his heart isn’t really in it. He immediately heads for a servant, demanding a glass of hard liquor instead of his usual sparkling wine. One glass turns into several, and it’s not long before he’s very intoxicated. You see Lucio drinking more than usual, but you keep getting distracted by guests and can’t figure out what’s going on with him.
Once he’s drunk enough to not care about anything--just as he intended--he makes eye contact with an attractive woman in a slinky gown and winks. His rough flirting works, as the woman comes up to him. He feels a mixture of pride and shame that he’s still attractive and powerful enough to draw someone in with nothing more than a wink.
They chat briefly, but they both know Lucio desires more than conversation and the guest is more than willing to oblige. He takes the woman’s hand, leading her to an alcove far away from the party and they begin to make out. Soon his pants are at his ankles and they’re doing far more than kissing. It’s rough, messy and fast, exactly the thing he would have done in his life before he got the plague and before you.
The woman leaves him panting when they’ve both finished. His stomach drops as he realizes that this cheap attempt at feeling young again only made him feel worse. He realizes with a start that he jeopardized the thing that actually fulfills him and makes him truly happy.
Muriel dislikes social interactions with pretty much everyone, especially strangers. How could he possibly cheat on you when he can hardly stand to spend time around his friends?
But as he becomes more comfortable with being around people, he starts spending time around the Palace. Usually, he’s waiting for you to finish your duties with Nadia so he can walk you home or go back to the shop for dinner, but sometimes he comes early so he can spend a quiet moment in the gardens.
The more time he spends at the Palace, befriending some of Lucio’s poorly-behaved albino animals and trying to train them, the more time he spends with a certain servant determined to befriend him.
At first, they don’t even catch his attention, he’s so used to tuning other people out. But this servant notices his gentle nature and sometimes brings him some water or tea and a pastry while he’s sitting by the fountain. They claim that they’ve been trained to always serve the needs of their guests, but they’re mostly interested in getting Muriel to open up.
After several weeks of Muriel becoming used to the servant and accepting that they can be trusted, he begins exchanging a few words with them beyond a grunted thanks for the refreshments. The way the servant approaches him reminds him of you and he finds he doesn’t mind light conversation to entertain him and distract him from Lucio’s pets.
One day, he realizes with a start that he not only trusts the servant and enjoys their company, but that he finds them attractive. He panics, not knowing how to tell you. He feels so ashamed of himself for letting someone new in and he’s never felt attracted to someone like this before, other than with you. He’s confused on how to handle his feelings and how he should tell you, if at all.
He confesses the situation to Asra before going to you. Asra is very kind and supportive, saying that it is natural to find other people attractive and that it’s a good sign that he is willing to let a stranger befriend him. But Muriel can’t shake the idea that he’s done wrong by you and refuses to come back to the gardens.
Given how much Portia likes secrets and romance stories, I think a part of her would love the idea of a sneaky romance. Portia is a deeply practical person, but there are times where she can get carried away with romanticism. The thrill of getting away with it and using her knowledge of the secret passages in the Palace, etc. to hide a tryst holds some appeal to her, but she’d feel ashamed of even fantasizing about it.
She has to work on the first night of the Masquerade after the events of the game due to her new responsibilities at the Palace. Out of solidarity, you work too, creating real-time magical spectacles to surprise guests. To keep up the aesthetic, you’re both still wearing costumes and masks.
While Portia is in the ballroom, she’s fretting over the floral displays and a heavily intoxicated person knocks into her, sending the vase flying. Before Portia can even react, she falls into strong arms, rescuing her from the splashing water and strewn flowers. She turns to thank the stranger, and they say she can express her gratitude by granting them a dance. In the spirit of the Masquerade, she accepts.
She and the stranger twirl around the dance floor to a fast-paced song. The stranger is a fantastic dancer and leads Portia through the steps flawlessly. They end the song by dipping her low. The music switches to a slow ballad while the lights dim. Still breathless, the stranger pulls Portia close, and she loses herself in the moment. The ambiance is incredible, and kissing a gorgeous masked stranger at a ball could not be more storybook-perfect. Their lips touch, until a swirl of magical energy brushes her and she remembers you. She steps back from the stranger and runs off, forgetting about her duties, the flowers on the ground and the rest of the Masquerade. She feels horrible about kissing someone other than you but can’t shake the smug pleasure deep inside her that loves her fairytale romance coming to life.
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by-alnazar · 3 years
So, uh. Hi! I love your headcanons, like, I just read them all hahaha.
Can I request some headcanons were the main 6 are drunk around MC? Or just Muriel if the main 6 are a lot to ask 👉👈, I wonder how Muriel would act like (I think it would be a one time thing to see Muriel drunk but still)
Love your writing so much, again (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
thank you so much i loved thiiiis!!!
Main 6 when they are drunk around Mc 🍹
he's so clumsy when he's drunk
tries the weirdest cocktail in the place
if he's not touching you for two seconds he will explode. Litterally.
he loves to dance when he's sober but if he just stands up being drunk he will crash his face against the floor so, keep an eye on him
captain of oversharing and regreting next morning
(let's ignore the fact that he's an alcoholic... canonnically)
rum boi
dancing on tables!
he is either horny or crying (well, just like when he's sober) (if he ever is)
won't shut up unless
she rarely drinks alcohol, but a day is a day
champagne, of course
can't stop giggling at every little thing you say
won't lose her manners, though
would want to go somewhere you can hide and make out before returning to the party and pretend nothing happened
when he's finally comfortable around people, he's okay with going to parties as long as you're going, too
i think he would be up to try anything, but coke and whiskey is fine for him
he does not let himself drink too much, he stops when he starts feeling the effect
F L I R T Y (just with you obviously) won't stop teasing you with whatever, maybe has hidden your keys inside his pocket and wants you to find them
will pick you up in his arms when you're going back home together
most likely to get naked in the middle of a party let's be honest
"beer, yes! wait did somebody say vodka?"
L o u D
will tell you a thousand times how much she loves you
probably dancing with Julian on the table
if he's already caothic... Just imagine
champagne and red wine are definetly his favorites
will definetly fight someone if he's very drunk (and this is canon)
invites everyone just to boast about how much money he has and of course what a nice guy he is
no doubt he would propose to you
Thank you for the request! Gracias por la petición, me ha encantado hacerla!! :)
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arcanalust · 2 years
Painted Daisies
I promised the pairing no one asked for, you got the pairing no one asked for. Yes, ladies, theydies, laddies and other pals, it's 2000 words of Asra/Saguaro at the Painted Daisy festival!
 Asra hadn't been back to Nopal since the last Masquerade. He didn't want to go far; Thomas wasn't strong enough to be without him for very long. 
But he had to get away before he did something foolish. Something that, as far as he was concerned, was evil. Whatever he and Thomas had before the plague was gone. Thomas wasn't the same person he was before his death. He was too reliant on Asra now. Asra still loved him, still wanted him- Oh Arcana, he loved and wanted him, and that was a tremendous problem. Because acting on any of those feelings would be taking horrific advantage of Thomas, something that Asra never, ever wanted to do. 
And so Asra hid their supply of starthistle in his bag, told Thomas they had sold the last of it the previous night, and he needed to go on a trip to get more. 
Anxiety had immediately overcome Thomas. "You're going away?" he said in a shaking voice. "What- what will I do if there's a customer I can't handle?" 
"You can handle any customer who walks through that door. Most of them are regulars you know, Tommy. And if someone gives you a hard time, kick them out. At worst, call for the town guard. They're always around."
"What if I get a migraine?"
Asra was used to Thomas's neediness by now, and responded with patience. He loved him, and he was acutely aware of how terrifying this kind of anxiety this was. "You know how to calm yourself. I've taught you the meditations you need, and they work."
"What if they don't?" 
"Close the shop, lay down, and keep trying."
Whimpering, Thomas whispered, "What if I need you?"
Asra's heart shattered at that. He almost called off the trip. Instead, he said, "I will be gone two nights at the most, Tommy. You're strong now. You're stronger than I am, I think. You'll be alright, I promise. And I'll bring you back a souvenir when I return. What do you want?"
"Where- where are you going?"
Asra suppressed a sigh of relief. "To Nopal. They're close, just beyond the desert. I have a way of getting there quickly. They specialize in painted clay figurines. I'll get you one I think you'll like, okay?"
Thomas nodded, and Asra finally relaxed and suggested they go out for dinner, as a special treat until the two of them saw each other again. 
And now Asra was back at his home in Nopal. The thought to stay flashed through his mind. Thomas was stronger than he thought; he didn't need Asra. Not really. He'd learn to live without him. And it was Asra's fault Thomas was like this. Bringing him back was pure selfishness on his part, and he saw that now. He couldn't see how he could've done anything differently, and he didn't regret it. Not in the slightest. But Asra didn't deserve Thomas in his life, and he didn't think he could bear to keep watching him struggle.
Selfish. You are so, so selfish. Stop running away.
Asra sighed, letting his bag fall to the floor as he settled on the bed and toed off his boots. He was tired. He'd feel better about all of this once he'd had a nap. 
With that, he closed his eyes and laid there. And laid there. And laid there. With a groan, he rolled over onto his stomach and pulled the pillow over his head. It didn't help. Finally, he got up, realizing sleep was futile, and pulled his boots on again. Grabbing his bag and coat, he headed out of the little house and down the path to the town. 
He quickly realized this wasn't an ordinary day. Flowers of all colors decorated every awning and window sill, every space that flowers could decorate. He noted in a small amount of dismay that the spring in the center of the village seemed to be running dry, but no one else seemed to care. Children ran to and fro, decked out in summer finery, flower crowns in their hair, faces painted all colors of the rainbow. Music floated to him from the village square. Intrigued, he wandered in that direction, the joy of the place infectious and chasing away his exhaustion and sadness.
A laughing man ran up to him, a garland of flowers in his hands. "Welcome, stranger!" he greeted, holding out the flower garland. "You look lost. Can I help you?"
"I- well, I'm not quite a stranger to Nopal," Asra replied hesitantly, looking everywhere but the man. He was gorgeous and Asra didn't want to admit that he could be attracted to anyone but Thomas at this point in his life. There had been Julian, yes, and a couple youths in his circle growing up, but Thomas was it. Wasn't he? "I stayed in the hut up on the hill on the outskirts of town a few years ago and decided to come visit. What's going on?"
"This," the man answered, "is the Painted Daisy Festival! And I thought that little hut has always been abandoned."
Asra shook his head. "No, not quite. A lovely woman used to live there. I cared for her until her death while I lived here during the Red Plague in Vesuvia, and she left it to me. Something called me back to Vesuvia shortly after, but-"
"You're Vesuvian? Ah, yes. I hear the accent now."
Asra laughed, looking at him again for the first time since the man had run up to him. "I don't have an accent."
"You do, my friend. It's slight, but it's there. You spend a lot of time traveling, don't you?"
"I... used to. A... a friend fell ill with the Red Plague... right at the end of it." He winced internally at the lie, but plowed on. "He survived, somehow, but it left him helpless. I've spent the last year caring for him."
"Ah." Sympathy crossed the man's features. "At least you have experience caring for sick people, then."
"At least there's that, yes." Asra hesitated a moment longer, then extended a hand to the man. "I'm Asra. And you-" 
His words cut off in a surprised laugh as the man thrust the flower garland into his outstretched hand. "Ha!" he laughed. "I knew I'd get you to take it eventually. I'm Saguaro." He smiled brilliantly. Asra melted, holding the flower garland, and Saguaro snickered. "You're meant to wear it, friend."
"Oh!" Asra slipped the garland over his head, settling it around his neck, smiling back at Saguaro. "Thank you."
"You're quite welcome, Asra. As you were here at the height of the Red Plague, you wouldn't have seen the festival. May I show you around?" Saguaro held out his hand, and Asra smiled, taking it.
Asra had the time of his life. He ate delicious food, danced merrily with Saguaro, and picked souvenirs out for Thomas. 
And when the night was over, he, inebriated, accepted Saguaro's invitation to spend the night with him.
Asra responded to the invitation with a kiss whose passion startled him. "I'd love that," he said in a low, husky voice, "but I have to warn you, I have to leave in the morning, and I might not come back for a very long time- years, possibly."
"This needn't be anything you don't want it to be," Saguaro responded in an equally fervid voice. "We don't need to overthink it." Asra nodded, and they headed off to a house on the outskirts of the town square. Saguaro unlocked the door, locked it behind him, and then Asra was on him, kissing him, trailing from his lips to his jaw to his neck. Saguaro gasped softly, pushing him backwards to the bed in the corner of the little house, and Asra went willingly, going down on it as the backs of his knees hit the mattress. Kisses grew more and more heated as they disrobed each other; Asra arched his back as Saguaro mouthed his chest, trailing lower until he was between his legs. Asra cried out and tangled his hands in Saguaro's hair as he moved on him.
It didn't take long to bring Asra to his peak. "S-Saguaro, stop, I'm gonna-"
He pulled off of him, said smugly, "That's what I want you to do," and was back on him, stroking his base as his tongue swirled around his shaft. 
Asra came with a cry, fingers tightening in his hair, pulling slightly. Saguaro moaned around him, swallowing every drop until Asra was spent, lying on the bed like a ragdoll. Saguaro gave him one last lick that elicited a satisfying shiver from him, and then moved up to lie next to him. "Been a while, huh?"
"A long while," he panted. "Sorry about that."
"Don't be sorry." Saguaro grinned, pleased with himself. "Do you... think you're up for round two?" 
Asra grinned at him, still breathing heavily. "Of course I'm up for round two. What do you want?" he purred.
Saguaro's grin turned devilish. "On your hands and knees, if you don't mind."
Asra was quick to obey, watching over his shoulder as Saguaro reached into his nightstand for a bottle of oil, slicking his erection. Then Asra felt a finger probe him, then a second, and a third. He exhaled and relaxed, the sensations threatening to overwhelm him, his cock twitching between his thighs. Saguaro thrust his fingers in and out a few times before withdrawing them, and then something much bigger than his fingers pressed into him. Asra groaned low as Saguaro pushed in to the hilt, stroking his back as Asra adjusted to his girth. "You okay?" Saguaro asked. Asra nodded breathlessly, and Saguaro began to move.
Asra gasped as Saguaro's thrusts hit just the right spot, and keened in pleasure, pushing back against him. Saguaro's fingers dug into Asra's hips as he groaned, panting, picking up his pace and reaching between Asra's legs to stroke his semi-hard erection to full hardness once more. Asra cried out at the unexpected contact, a cry that melted into a moan, whispered encouragement for Saguaro to keep it up. 
All the while, in his mind, it was Thomas that was stroking his length, Thomas who was fucking him, Thomas who was whispering to him how good he felt...
All at once, Asra came again with a guttural moan, bowing his head and shuddering as he ejaculated on Saguaro's hand. Saguaro laughed in quiet satisfaction and wiped his hand on the sheets, and quickened his pace, groaning. "I'm gonna come," he gasped. "Can I come in you? Please- please-"
"Come in me," Asra gasped. Although he'd already climaxed, Saguaro's thrusts felt so good, he couldn't hold back another cry of ecstasy as Saguaro thrust into him hard and fast, crying out and then collapsing onto Asra's back, kissing his spine as Asra went down on his elbows, panting. 
They stayed like that for several moments, until Saguaro rolled off of him. "Let me get you a towel," he said softly, his tone off. 
Asra rolled over onto his side, watching quizzically as Saguaro went to the bathing area of the house and got two towels, dampened them, and came back with them, wiping himself off with one while handing the other to Asra. Asra thanked him, and quietly wiped himself down, wondering what brought on this change of tone. 
Saguaro answered that question for him. "It wasn't me, was it?"
"... No."
Saguaro sighed, rubbed Asra's back. "Do you want to talk about him?"
Asra winced. "It's... my friend who survived the plague. We were lovers before, and he's... not the same person anymore. He lost his memory after the coma. I don't know if I'll ever get him back."
"That's rough, buddy. I'm sorry."
"No, I am."
"Whatever for?"
"Don't you feel used?"
Saguaro laughed. "Did you accept my invitation expecting to fantasize about him the whole time?"
Asra shrugged. "No, not really. It hurts to think about."
"That's what I thought. You've got nothing to apologize for." Saguaro leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Are you tired?" 
With a sheepish shake of his head, Asra said, "No, not really. Do you want to go stargazing?"
"Sure. I'm not tired, either."
They got dressed and walked, hand in hand, back out to the town square, finding a soft patch of flowers to lay in and watch the stars above. As Asra pointed out the constellations, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, of remorse. He should be with Thomas right now.
He couldn't wait to get back.
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