#assadora of ibben
coldraindropsss · 3 months
The Happy Port is a brothel near Ragman’s Harbor in Braavos. Meralyn is the proprietor along with her girls.
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Assadora of Ibben, Blushing Bethany, Canker Jeyne, Meralyn, The Drunken Daughter, Lanna, Sailor’s Wife, S'vrone, Yna One-Eye
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pixiecactus · 5 months
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cat of the canals - bellegere otherys - meralyn - blushing bethany - assadora of ibben - lanna - the sailor's wife - yna
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selkiewife · 3 months
A long time ago I remember someone in the asoiaf fandom had wanted to start a podcast dedicated to the sex workers of asoiaf. Did that ever get going? Does anyone know?
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Asha Greyjoy (b. 276 AC): Daughter of Lord Balon Greyjoy and his oldest surviving child. Despite the fact that his legal heir, his son Theon, still lives, Balon considers Asha his chosen heir. She captains her own ship, commands men in battle, and has had many lovers. Currently she is a captive of Stannis Baratheon whilst he marches on Winterfell to oust Ramsay Snow. Fancast: Lily Allen.
Ashara Dayne (c. 263-283 AC): Beautiful lady of House Dayne and lady-in-waiting to Princess Elia Martell, wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. She was the sister of Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. She committed suicide after the end of Robert's Rebellion, although it is not known why. Rumour has it that she may have been Eddard Stark's lover and even the mother of his bastard son, Jon Snow. Fancast: Saadet Aksoy.
Assadora of Ibben (main series era): An Ibbenese prostitute at the Happy Port in Braavos. Fancast: Margaret-Mary Hollins.
Baela Targaryen (b. 116 AC): Daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and his second wife, Lady Laena Velaryon. She had a twin sister, Rhaena, and was the older half-sister of Aegon III and Viserys II. She rode the dragon Moondancer. When Aegon II took Dragonstone during the Dance of the Dragons, Baela attacked him with her smaller, younger dragon. Although Moondancer died and she was gravely injured, Baela not only survived but also inflicted a deadly wound upon Sunfyre, Aegon's dragon, as well as serious burn wounds and broken bones upon Aegon himself. After the Dance, she defied the will of Aegon III's regents by marrying her cousin, Lord Alyn Velaryon, who had become Lord of the Tides and Head of House Velaryon. She had at least one child, Laena, with him. Fancast: Gaia Weiss.
Barba Bolton (b. approx. 117 AC): A northern maid who attended the Maiden's Day Ball in King's Landing. This ball was held to make Aegon III choose a new wife. She told the king to send her home with food, for it was a hard winter and people were starving in the North. Fancast: Lucy Griffiths.
Barba Bracken (b. 155 AC): Mistress of King Aegon the Unworthy and mother of his bastard son Aegor Rivers. She had been a lady companion to King Baelor the Blessed's sisters whilst they were imprisoned in the Maidenvault. Once Aegon became king, he made Barba's father his Hand and took Barba openly as his mistress. However, Aegon's son Daeron and brother Aemon managed to get Barba sent back to Stone Hedge after her father spoke openly of having her married to the king. Fancast: Marta Gastini.
Barbara Bracken (main series era): Eldest daughter of Lord Jonos Bracken of Stone Hedge. Fancast: Jenna Coleman.
Barbrey Ryswell (b. approx. 262 AC): The younger daughter of Lord Rodrik Ryswell of the Rills, and the widow of Lord Willam Dustin of Barrowton. Barbrey was in love with Brandon Stark, the eldest son of Lord Rickard Stark, and hoped to marry him, but he was betrothed to Catelyn Tully instead. Lord Willam rode to war with Eddard Stark during Robert's Rebellion, against Barbrey's wishes, and was killed at the Tower of Joy. Barbrey loathes the Starks (because she could never be one of them) and supports House Bolton as the new Wardens of the North after the fall of the Starks. Fancast: Frances O'Connor.
Barsena Blackhair (d. 300 AC): A female pit fighter in Meereen. When the fighting pits of Meereen are reopened to celebrate Queen Daenerys's marriage to Hizdahr zo Loraq, Barsena is killed by a boar during combat. Fancast: Cynthia Addai-Robinson.
Bathi Ma Lo (Scarlet Empire of Yi Ti, after the Long Night): The wife of God-Emperor Lo Doq. She may have been the true power behind the throne during his long and wise reign of thirty years, since he was known to be physically disabled, and may have been mentally disabled as well. Fancast: Jacqueline Kim.
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laurellerual · 2 years
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Cat at the Happy Port
with The Sailor's Wife, Lanna, Blushing Bethany, Assadora of Ibben, Yna One-Eye and Merry
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rafsamarante-blog · 7 years
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Assadora de Ibben.
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nanshe-of-nina · 7 years
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whores and prostitutes of westeros and essos alayaya The girl met him at the foot of the stairs. Taller than Shae, though not so tall as her mother, she had to kneel before Tyrion could kiss her. “My name is Alayaya,” she said, with only the slightest hint of her mother’s accent. “Come, my lord.”
assadora of ibben … even Assadora, the Ibbenese woman with the mustache.
dancy “Next time, perhaps.” Tyrion had no doubt that Dancy would be a lively handful. She was pug-nosed and bouncy, with freckles and a mane of thick red hair that tumbled down past her waist. But he had Shae waiting for him at the manse.
lanna When Cat slipped inside the brothel, though, she found Merry sitting in the common room with her eyes shut, listening to Dareon play his woodharp. Yna was there too, braiding Lanna’s fine long golden hair. Another stupid love song. Lanna was always begging the singer to play her stupid love songs. She was the youngest of the whores, only ten-and-four. Merry asked three times as much for her as for any of the other girls, Cat knew.
marei Marei was a cool, pale, delicate girl Tyrion had noticed once or twice. Green eyes and porcelain skin, long straight silvery hair, very lovely, but too solemn by half.
meralyn “Ask for Merry. Meralyn is her true name, but everyone calls her Merry, and she is.” Merry bought a dozen oysters every time Cat came by the brothel and shared them with her girls. She had a good heart, everyone agreed. “That, and the biggest pair of teats in all of Braavos,” Merry herself was fond of boasting.
mysaria It was in the brothels of the city that he found a favorite, a paramour— a very pale Lysene dancer named Mysaria, whose looks and reputation led the prostitutes who knew her to call her Misery, the White Worm. Later, she became Daemon’s mistress of whisperers.
the sailor’s wife “At the Happy Port. He’s going to wed the Sailor’s Wife.” “Wed?” “She only beds the ones who marry her.”
s’vrone S’vrone was the worst. Everyone said she had robbed and killed a dozen men, rolling the bodies into the canals to feed the eels.
yna one-eye .. one-eyed Yna who could tell your fortune from a drop of blood.
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coldraindropsss · 11 months
The Happy Port is a brothel near Ragman's Harbor in Braavos. Meralyn is the proprietor along with her girls.
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Assadora of Ibben, Blushing Bethany, Canker Jeyne, Meralyn, The Drunken Daughter, Lanna, Sailor's Wife, S'vrone, Yna One-Eye
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