#the courtesans of braavos
selkiewife · 6 months
A long time ago I remember someone in the asoiaf fandom had wanted to start a podcast dedicated to the sex workers of asoiaf. Did that ever get going? Does anyone know?
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tonyloom · 1 year
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Arya stark x The courtesans of Braavos
The Black Pearl of Braavos
"She was so lovely that the lamps seemed to burn brighter when she passed. She had dressed in a low-cut gown of pale yellow silk, startling against the light brown of her skin. Her black hair was bound up in a net of spun gold, and a jet-and-gold necklace brushed against the top of her full breasts."
A study of François Claudius Compte-Calix 'Ladies in the Park'. France, 19th century. 
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
I want to make a longer post about this someday but: I think Arya's TWOW arc is going to include her coming to terms with her identity as a Lady. This has been an ongoing conflict with her since her first chapter and I think her flowering in winds is going to mark a turning point. The theory of her having an apprenticeship with the courtesans holds a lot of weight and the idea of Arya going through puberty among a group of unconventional women she's fostered a positive relationship with is just too perfect. It would really have an impact on Arya reconciling her personal idea of what a Lady should be. There's also a lot that she could learn from them in terms of courtesies, communication, appearances, body-language, etc. that would elevate her current skill-set and ways her relationship with them could push the plot.
Not to mention she will undoubtedly reclaim her identity as Arya Stark, and her being a Lady is inseparable from that. Arya Stark is a Lady Stark and being a Lady is a social position, not a measure of how well someone preforms feminine tasks. She shouldn't have to relinquish her position because she doesn't fit patriarchal standards. That's not to say that she's ever going to be the perfect example of a traditional Lady but what I think will happen is that she becomes capable of playing the part. She plays several identities throughout the series but she's always been Arya underneath, so I think it's appropriate that she learns to adopt a "persona" that's part of her. Her remembering Ned putting on his "Lord's face" (+ the various examples of other characters being separate from their ruling persona) makes me think that Arya will be donning her "Lady's face" when she makes a return to Westeros.
#arya stark#asoiaf#twow speculations#Arya has been through so much traumatic shit and I think her flowering is going to bring up a lot of her self-esteem issues#I just really need her surrounded by kind older women when that happens so she can have some comfort#George saying her arc in braavos could be the plot of a YA novel?? definitely makes me think she's going to grow up a lot there#she's already one of the most mature characters so I think part of it's going to be her accepting her duty as a Stark Lady#she wants to help and protect people and the best way she can do that is if she has political power#She could learn that first hand in TWOW#possibly through her finding out about her marriage??? and meeting Jeyne in Braavos??#and before someone says it courtesans are so much more then sex work so I don't want to hear it#they are such a big part of Braavosi high life...they're cultured and connected with very important people#I just have so many thoughts on the subject cause I think her apprenticeship with them will serve multiple purposes#the faceless men and their plans...the iron bank...the sealord...It's all connected and I think her apprenticeship with them will kick off#the braavos plot and could mark the beginning of the end of her time with the faceless men and in braavosi#half a boy half a wolf pup -> half a lady half a wolf#I think her current skillset fits well and it's likely she'll learn even more in TWOW#Arya defining her own role as a Lady and becoming comfortable means so much to me
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game-of-style · 1 year
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The Merling Queen, courtesan of Braavos - Elie Saab Haute Couture Spring 2023
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circuslollipop · 10 months
i just made up a whole pack of asoiaf ocs. i love them
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
Cicisbeo, male courtesans
    by Shella Longclaw
The renowned courtesans of Braavos are the beauties of ballads and stories. Men fight and die to attain their favor. They’re well known, though the cicisbeos aren’t. These handsome men are elusive and exclusive to mostly the Braavosi nobility and wealthy merchants. They have interesting tales to tell as well.
According to legend, two Braavosi women actually created the first cicisbeos. One was a widow of a keyholder, and the other woman was a wealthy merchant. It was said that they were vexed by the Braavosi men, who engaged in pitiful wooing attempts of them. When they saw the same men stumbling over each other to flirt with a courtesan, they fumed. Instead of pouting, the two women decided to get even. They found two handsome peasant men, clothed them and taught them etiquette. The men accompanied them on all their social affairs.
It ruffled the men’s pride. They probably thought it was merely a short diversion by the women. After a month, the handsome men were still by the women’s side. The Braavosi men confronted the Sealord on the matter. They feared other women might follow their example. To everyone’s utter shock, the Sealord sided with the women and allowed the cicisbeos to remain. Two attempts were made on the Sealord’s life after his decision.
The conflict between the Braavosi men and women only subsided once they both found a common ground. The daughter of a prominent family had been wooed by a pirate who stole not only the daughter but half the family’s wealth. The young maiden wasn’t fair and was easily swayed by the pirate’s pretty words. This event worried the Braavosi noble class. Anyone of their poor daughters could be preyed on unless … they used a trusted handsome man to counteract it. Thus, cicisbeo was accepted into Braavosi society.
A few courtesans noticed the wealth that these two peasant men had earned. They had handsome bastard sons of their own. It must have pleased them to finally help all their children attain work. So, their sons came to work as cicibeos. Still to this day, some cicisbeos descend from courtesans, and others are trained peasants. Their colorful names correspond to the courtesans: Shadowhawk to Nightingale, Poetess to Poet, Veiled Lady to the Masked Man, Merling Queen to Triton. Only cicisbeo Jaguar seemed to not match any courtesan names. They do have young men apprentices like the courtesans do.
Despite having the same beauty and training, cicisbeos aren’t highly regarded by most of Braavos like the courtesans are. It is a pity, since this means learning more about them will be hindered. Outside of one former cicisbeo apprentice, the rest have been silent upon my inquiries. I think they are uncomfortable discussing their work. Some might do more than mere seducing. They might be spies for the Sealord. It’s even possible that some courtesans have been spies too for Sealords. It’s not known for certain if this just occurred once or has secretly been going on for years. Though the practice isn’t unheard of in Nefer, they’re rumored to have courtesan spies.
I entreated any respectable maesters to investigate this matter further. Perhaps, the cicisbeos might be more willing to divulge their secrets to a fellow man.
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argelladurrandaun · 5 months
'Arya growing up pretty' doesn't mean she is going to drastically change her appearance or face. Because arya is already pretty. She does have some similarly to the ugly duckling turned swan story. But not exactly. Because arya was never ugly. She has always been pretty. She is just not well groomed. Always covered in dirt and messy hair. But arya already looks (and acts) like lyanna. And lyanna was very beautiful. Only her bullies sansa and jeyne say that shes ugly. But they are bullies who are trying to hurt her so their opinion is not true.
Other than them everyone who meets arya - be it the people that love arya or complete strangers they always call arya pretty. We known that ned and jon has always told arya she is pretty.
"Lyanna might have carried a sword, if my lord father had allowed it. You remind me of her sometimes. You even look like her."
She had never cared if she was pretty, even when she was stupid Arya Stark. Only her father had ever called her that. Him, and Jon Snow, sometimes. Her mother used to say she could be pretty if she would just wash and brush her hair and take more care with her dress
Other than them, lady ravella Smallwood tells arya she is pretty
"I'm sorry, my lady." Arya suddenly felt bad for her, and ashamed. "I'm sorry I tore the acorn dress too. It was pretty."
"Yes, child. And so are you. Be brave."
and even in braavos the kindly man tells arya she is pretty. And pretty enough to be a 'courtesan' who are the most beautiful women in the continent.
"You believe this is the only place for you." It was as if he'd heard her thoughts. "You are wrong in that. You would find softer service in the household of some merchant. Or would you sooner be a courtesan, and have songs sung of your beauty?
Also, the kindly man remarks (who is an expert on faces) , that aryas face is a pretty one.
He cupped her chin, turned her head this way and that, nodded. "A pretty one this time, I think. As pretty as your own."
Arya also have ton of swan symbolism.
The Lady that Arya would wear dresses for and act like a Lady(because she was kind to arya) ... is Ravella from House Swann. A "Swann" tells Arya she is pretty!
Add the fact that Arya literally sees 3 swans on a lake and wishes to be a swan. George adds beautiful bird imagery to her chapters like in the Mercy chapter where he compares her legs to bird wings. Even her water dancing is inspired by ballet where Arya actually wears pointy shoes and has the duality of Swan Lake interwoven in her story.
Also the fact that she is the only dark hair/grey eyes of Ned's children (Swan). Born amoung southern looking Tully siblings (ducks). Arya is figuratively born a Swan. So thats definitely important.
The only person who doesn't think arya is pretty is arya herself. Because of all the mocking and bullying has taken a toll on arya and she has internalized it. They why arya herself doesn't think she is pretty. But onlookers has always seen her beauty and commented on that even though arya doesn't believe it. But that is going to change as arya gets older. Also her next phase of training will likely be with a courtesans so she might regain some of her self confidence.
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tenthmuseondine · 5 months
The Back Pearl of Braavos and 16th century Venetian Fashion:
There is a common consensus among fans that Braavos - a city sited on a group of small islands that are linked by bridges and walkways, divided by canals, channels and waterways of varying size - is heavily inspired by Italian mercantile/maritime republics, of which Venice is the most famous.
Furthermore, the canal-based, inter-connecting island architecture is not the only similarity between Braavos and Venice; both cities are famed for their courtesans.
Indeed in 16th century, Venice was famed for its many elaborately dressed and coiffed courtesans; Veronica Franco (1546–1591) is a famous example! She developed her position in Renaissance Venetian society as a cortigiana onesta (Honest Courtesan), known for her notable clientele, feminist advocacy, literary contributions, and philanthropy.
Her fictional parallel in ASOIAF could be Bellegere Otherys II - one of the famed courtesans in Braavos (the other being Daughter of the Dusk). We know Bellegere comes from a family of courtesans, bearing the title of Black Pearl of Braavos - a moniker borne by a descendant of Bellegere Otherys I, the first Black Pearl, a pirate queen who became a mistress of Aegon IV Targaryen.
The eldest bastard daughter of King Aegon IV and Bellegere, Bellenora Otherys, became a courtesan under the same name. Bellenora's descendants became courtesans as well, each eventually bearing the name "Black Pearl".
We can also assume that Bellegere is rather wealthy, owning her own barge and servants to pole her to trysts and when purchasing three cockles from Arya, who is disguised as Cat of the Canals, paying ten times what the cockles are worth. This wealth is directly reflected in her clothing!
"She was so lovely that the lamps seemed to burn brighter when she passed. She had dressed in a low-cut gown of pale yellow silk, startling against the light brown of her skin. Her black hair was bound up in a net of spun gold, and a jet-and-gold necklace brushed against the top of her full breasts." (TWOW, Mercy)
The aforementioned "low-cut gown" immediately brings to mind the 16th century gowns worn by Venetian courtesans!
Look at this art print of a Venetian Courtesan (Cortigiana Veneta) published by Pietro Bertelli in 1591.
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Notice the incredibly low and exposed neckline of the gown!
It is important to mention, however, that not only courtesans dressed this way. Venetian noblewomen of the 16th century also bared their breasts in keeping with the fashion of the day.
For example, look at this art print of a Venetian Bride (Sposa Veneta), also by Pietro Bertelli. There is virtually no difference; perhaps that is why the civic authorities decried the courtesans' deliberately misleading resemblance to 'honest women.'
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In some portrayals, the Venetian woman's neckline opens almost immediately below the breast!
In Dress of Venetian Women (Habiti delle Donne Venetiane) ca. 1591–1610, the engravings done by Giacomo Franco show ornately dressed courtesans and respectable women, all of whom sport very low cut bodices.
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In the second plate we see a depiction of parentado, or the ritual presentation of a bride to her relations. Here, a bride in a richly embroidered dress wearing pearls and a bejeweled crown is presented by her ballerino, a dance instructor who prevented the woman from toppling over in her chopines, or platform shoes.
In conclusion, in depicting Bellegere Otherys - the Black Pearl of Braavos - I would most definitely illustrate her wearing a gown inspired by 16th century Venetian dress (worn by both courtesans and noblewomen). She'd look rather striking I think.
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greenbloods · 11 months
If the world was just we would get theatrical productions that focus specifically on. like. spin-offs of the main story. three act self-contained gothic morality play about petyr and sansa in the eyrie. picaresque buddy-cop dramedy of brienne and podrick in the riverlands battling monsters and befriending outlaws. absurdist rosencrantz-and-guildenstern-are-dead-esque story about what grenn and pyp were doing while jon was lord commander. a five act breakdown of whatever melisandre and selyse and stannis and davos have going on between them pre-ACOCK. winterfell snowed-in murder mystery!!!
musical burlesque comedy of arya in braavos (the urchin of venice) as she befriends thieves and dockside courtesans and swordfighting bravos. faceless man comedic subplot as they hatch their latest plan to assassinate the sealord's useless failson because someone paid the faceless men their entire bloodline as coin for the bargain but everytime they try to kill the failson they slips up and he keeps getting away somehow. and there's a play-within-a-play as a scene takes place in phario forel's theater.
of course we'll always have ao3 but i want it to exist in the real physical world
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alienoryva · 8 months
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Bellegere Otherys
("black pearl of braavos & Brown pearl")
Bellegere Otherys is the courtesan in Braavos called the Black Pearl. She is descended from the first Black Pearl of Braavos, also named Bellegere Otherys, and Aegon IV Targaryen(Rhaenyra and daemon grandson). Her mother, Bellonara Otherys, was the previous Black Pearl before her.
The kindly man offers Arya Stark the opportunity to become a courtesan. If she wishes, the Faceless Men will send her to the Black Pearl or the Daughter of the Dusk.
"She's descended from the dragons, that one" —Merry, to Cat (Arya Stark)
(cr art) : Rae Laverge
(cr source) : asoiaf web
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tonyloom · 1 year
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Arya stark x The courtesans of Braavos
The Merling Queen
The beautiful Merling Queen is never seen without her Mermaids, young maidens in the blush of their first flowering, to hold her hair and veil.
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fromtheseventhhell · 5 months
Arya when she flowers in her second twow chapter, two seconds after she lied about being a maiden
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game-of-style · 2 years
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The Merling Queen, courtesan of Braavos - Fendi Haute Couture Spring 2023
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@daenystheedreamer replied to the post “allyriadayne: will someone explain to me what the deal is with asoiaf lore?”:
#ok the bellegere thing has got to be grrm being horny right. he wants a princess from the summer islands right.
​(This is in regards to how TWOIAF in 2014 stated that Bellegere Otherys (Aegon IV's mistress) was the child of a Braavosi merchant's daughter and a male envoy from the Summer Isles, which was based on GRRM's notes that he'd given to E&L, but that same year when GRRM released Arya's "Mercy" TWOW preview chapter, he'd changed his mind and Bellegere was now the daughter of a Sealord's son and a Summer Isles princess; and because the books are "more canon" than TWOIAF, later editions were changed to fit:)
Anyway, I'm not sure it's just GRRM being horny that's the reason lol. There's probably a few reasons:
Bellegere has a Braavosi surname rather than a Summer Isles one, and Braavos isn't so feminist-forward that a child would have the mother's surname; and having her father's name further implies that Bellegere was not a bastard herself
There's certain racist connotations re a black man seducing an innocent backwater girl, even if he is a diplomat (or especially if?), which GRRM probably had second thoughts about
If Bellegere's Summer Islander parent educated her in the ways of their sexually free culture and religion, again the connotations are much more creepy if it's her father doing so rather than her mother (see also how the Black Pearl courtesan lineage is passed from mother to daughter)
So yeah, it's a bit hinky, but it's avoiding far greater hinkiness. When it's GRRM trying to balance problematic material (see also him thinking he should've made the Targaryens black and then going: "wait, black invading conquerers who do incest and have a streak of madness is also maybe not so good"), we've got to give him a little bit of credit, at least.
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15-lizards · 1 year
Hi!! First i one to say that i absolutely adore your HC's for westeros and essos fashion. They are incredibly spot on *Chef's kiss*. I was wondering if you had any ideas for the free cities like Pentos, Braavos, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, etc. Certainly i am more interested in Braavos and its courtesans, since in the book is implied that the nobles use more dark colors and the commoners more colorful clothes (unlike westeros, that is the contrary).
Let’s go 🫡🫡 (I think I’ll focus on Braavos here but if you want more of the others just let me know!)
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I think besides the classic dark dyes of Braavos, another tell on whether a person is Braavosi is the amount of detailing on their clothing. Ruffles, gilding, lace, patterns etc on a persons clothing are all a staple of a fashionable Braavosi who can afford to buy things from foreign ships at the ports. The shape of the clothing itself can be described as flowing and practical. Skirts usually stop at the ankle due to the water, and can be layered during the cold months. Jackets have detachable sleeves for optimal water dancing movement. Loose veils are worn to either keep out sun or a winter chills.
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The rich obviously have more embellished, expensive clothing, but also have noticeably longer clothing. Your skirt can’t trail in the canals and your veil can’t get caught on something in the market if you’re riding through the streets on a covered palanquin. They have the luxury of clothing that is harder to move in, because they don’t really need to move around much. Also they may buy bright foreign dyes as a status symbol, but there’s some controversy over whether or not it makes a Braavosi noblewoman look like a whore
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As for the courtesans themselves, they can usually be spotted by wearing bright foreign dyes as an attempt to be eye catching or “exotic” or by wearing the classic dark Braavosi colors in an effort to seem more upper class. However, courtesans can almost always be spotted due to the tighter silhouette they prefer to wear over the flat, rather shapeless lines of the upper classes. They tightly belt their waists and wear slashed sleeves and skirts to give the illusion of a longer, more willowy figure
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The bravos and swords of the city definitely dress…eccentrically. High leather boots, puffed pants that stop at the knee, loose shirts and jackets that are easy to move in and can be thrown off at a moments notice. All perfect for an impromptu sword fight on the narrow streets and long canals. Men’s clothing is just as elaborately decorated, if not sometimes more so, than the women’s. For anyone living in the wealthiest of the free cities, status symbols are as important to them as breathing
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
So the problem with Viserys kicking the bucket when he did was the balance of power swung in favor of the Greens. More adult dragon riders, more adult dragons, and Otto back in power. What do you think happens if he dies when Luke is born? Leaving Alicent with three small children and one dragon and Lyonel Strong as Hand? I can see Cole trying to pull a Jon Connington and get her and the kids away but what if he only gets Aegon? It would be delightful and deliciously awful to see Alicent as a highborn hostage but Rhaenyra and Laenor don't actually do anything to her or the kids- it is just an even decade before Aegon tries to come back?
Hmmm okay so the thing is in canon, Rhaenyra very much takes her cues from Corlys and i do think Laena is the reason for that. Corlys initially cautions Rhaenyra at the outbreak of the war to offer peace terms and without the Driftmark Brawl to set things on fire, I think Rahenyra is more likely to be relatively amenable to at least publicly being nice to her siblings. Not only this but Rhaenyra is actually in the capital at this point in time so it's very likely that she is able to take the Targtowers in hand and crown herself. The moment Alicent knows Viserys is dead, I do think it's likely she tries to smuggle at least Aegon out of the capital, yes.
HOWEVER. See what I go back and forth on is how Rhaenyra handles her siblings. Corlys, in my opinion, would prefer a kinder approach, and to just keep them as highborn hostages, likely pressing the boys into the Faith or the Maesters so they can't have any children of their own. If Rhaenyra hasn't announced a betrothal between her boys and the Twins, it's possible they talk her into betrothing Helaena to Jacaerys.
But Rhaenyra has other advisors. Daemon for his part is likely to have a voice as the husband of Rhaenyra's dearest friend. So would the Mootons, staunch defenders of Rhaenyra's claim. In fact...
The mission to Braavos proved eventful in other ways as well. Lord Follard became enamored of a Braavosi courtesan and elected to remain close to her rather than return to Westeros, Ser Herman Rollingford was killed in a duel by a bravo who took offense at the color of his doublet, and Ser Denys Harte supposedly engaged the services of the mysterious Faceless Men to kill a rival back in King’s Landing, Mushroom asserts.  ...On the twenty-second day of the ninth moon of 133 AC, Jaehaera of House Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and the last surviving child of King Aegon II, perished at the age of ten. The little queen died just as her mother, Queen Helaena, had, throwing herself from a window in Maegor’s Holdfast onto the iron spikes that lined the dry moat below.
I'm not saying I don't think Unwin Peake is capable of murdering Jaehaera. But I am saying I think after Unwin Peake unilaterly declares himself Hand of the King without any say so fromt he council of regents (remember at this point Corlys has died and there's not really a Black faction on the council anymore), what's left of the Black faction hire one of the Faceless Men to off the little Green Queen and stage a minor coup. It's possible Unwin is aware of this plot - he is the one who sent the group to Braavos. But remember, Daenaera Velaryon's mother is Hazel Harte, and Daenaera is currently in the care of Rhaena and Baela as their ward, and Mooton is the one who is in charge of the mission to Braavos. Shortly after returning and hiring one of the Faceless Men, Jaehaera dies. It's possible both Unwin and the Mootons/Hartes/perhaps even the Dragon Twins all wanted Jaehaera dead so they could push their own Queen claimant, it's possible it was just one faction doing this. But it feels clear to me that the Mootons and Hartes are In On The Plot. And if someone suggests to Rhaenyra that it would be easier to secure her claim by just offing her siblings? Especially if Alicent continues to make comments about Rhaenyra's children being bastards? I do think she would go behind Corlys' back to do this under a certain set of circumstances. Especially if Alicent smuggles Aegon out of the capital, I think that would set Rhaenyra's paranoia problems off.
With that said, I think Corlys is not about to let this opportunity to pass him the hell by and he's going to do everything in his power to keep Rhaenyra firm in hand. No way in hell does Corlys not hunt down Aegon if he's left with Sunfyre to raise some sort of sellsword army, especially a Corlys who is still young. So yeah, while I think Alicent would attempt to smuggle Aegon out, I think Corlys is tracking that kid the fuck down, I think Rhaenyra's councils are pushing for her to push Aemond and Daeron into the Faith/the Maesters or even something shadier that isn't easily traced back to her. If Alicent is smart, she won't antagonize Rhaenyra by talking too much shit about the boys but....Alicent is not good at not talking shit.
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