acetracers · 10 years
(If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here)
Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag five friends and let them know you tagged them!
Type: INFP
Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables
Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Chad from Bleach
Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers
Michael Westen from Burn Notice
Chuck Bartowski from Chuck
Frances "Baby" Houseman from Dirty Dancing
The Eighth Doctor from Doctor Who
Makoto Tachibana from Free!
Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist
Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon
Violet Parr from The Incredibles
Frodo from The Lord of the Rings
Raleigh Becket from Pacific Rim
Miles "Tails" Prower and Silver the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog
Kira Nerys from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Luke Skywalker from Star Wars
tagged by buuuckyyy AND imaythrowuponya (which hey jess im going off the fact we had the same? I always forget my results) anyways, i tag: m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s bc shes off going to meet shatner and bloom. and i cant remember who else hasnt done this yet, so anyone who wants to :)
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acetracers · 11 years
11 questions- Tagged by Emily :)
Always post the rules.
Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people and link them/let them know you tagged them.
1. We all want to cosplay ohkay I’m not even pretending for you ~non-fandom~ blogs so yeah what character would you go as?? femkirk or carol. maybe lara croft? Ive been Dean a couple times before tho.  2. What is your biggest indulgence?  um. fandom maybe? i let myself enjoy what i do.  3. Do you still have a stuffed animal on your bed? i have a luigi plush. and a little captain america one. and my new valentines monkey n.n 4. Would you rather explore space or explore the sea? Space. its the going out there and the stars and all that. 5. What is a talent you wish you had? id love to be brilliant at art. or multilingual. or be able to teleport 6. Tell me your favorite thing about yourself. my hair.  7. What language do you want to learn next? Whyyyy? um, im learning japanese, but if i could skip right to being fluent that'd be great. otherwise...uh, Norwegian? Spanish? 8. Do you keep the brightness on your phone all the way up? Do you even realize how quickly that drains your battery or do you just not CARE?? hah. no. i have it bout 75% i think. but i turn it down depending on what im doing. 9. Did you ever have a teacher that changed your life (even in a small way)? there was an english teacher at high school. she was good in some not so great times. 10. What’s one habit you picked up from tumblr? maybe some of the words and phrases?   11. Have you ever told people a lie about yourself to look cool but then it got so big that everyone at school believed it so you eventually just had to go with it or look really dumb??  Um, no. never really gotten into a situation like that.
new questions:
1. Favourite time of day? 2. Are there any mannerisms/words you’ve picked up from a character or actor? 3. Three songs that always leave you in a better mood? 4. What's your ringtone? 5. Name some life-ruiners. 6. Favourite animals? 7. Do you have a favourite tag to use/see being used? 8. Last movie you saw at the cinemas? 9. Upcoming movie you're really excited to see? 10. Where abouts in the world do you want to visit? 11. Wanna build a snowman?
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acetracers · 11 years
I got tagged by the lovely welcometotheforbiddenpark ^,^
Question Game:
Rule 1: Post the Rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 People and Link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them.
1. Who is your favorite character and why?
um, damn. I love too many. i have great difficulties picking one in general. But I love them for their cause, their persistence and drive, the way they care for others around them and their humour. And probably the faces they can pull, and if theyre a little bit of dorkXD 
2. Do you have any pets?
I have my kitty cat Jynx ^^
3. What is your dream job?
4. Who do you consider your best friend?
I have a couple friends i hold quite dear, so I'll say my best friend for the longest has been Sammy. 
5. Do you think books are always better than the movie?
I'm pretty good as treating the books and the movies as separate entities and i enjoy them for what they are? 
6. What is your favorite color and why?
orange. then blue. not really sure why, but i've just always loved orange.
7. Have you joined any new fandoms recently?
ummm. Not that I'm new to it (ive known it for a couple years), but I've been posting more achievement hunter/rooster teeth stuff lately. Probably Almost Human when I get round to watching it. think that's about it.
8. If you could get a tattoo, what would it be?
hmm, i have a tattoo idea in mind for a while that's a blend of spn and trek. Probably will end up never getting one tho.
9. Favorite school subject?
In high school i liked Japanese and English. For uni, most of my courses have different interesting things, but i like the creative writing courses.
10. Celebrity crushes/ obsessions? (Yes i am stealing the question hush)
So, I love a lot of celebrities/actors and what they do but for this i'm gonna have to say Chris Pine. 
11. What would you name you children (if you want them)?
Yes I do want children. I've liked Lily and Liam for a while, and a couple family names, but I can only wait and see 
new questions!
Favourite thing to cook/bake?
Have you rediscovered any old fandoms lately?
Any upcoming movies you're looking forward to?
Favourite bit of fandom merch?
Video games! What have you played lately?
What was the last show/etc that you marathoned?
Last song you downloaded?
Christmas is coming up, what will you be doing?
Do you prefer to write or art?
Character that gives you the most feels?
And your best cure for feels?
There we go :)
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acetracers · 11 years
You there... Freeze! You're under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! :)
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acetracers · 11 years
this is a super sexual message dick in butt reach around kissy kissy suck de neck ruffle hair dick vs dick
omg, cant handle the sexy
you have slain me, sarah
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acetracers · 11 years
jensen and misha are gross
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acetracers · 11 years
11 questions
tagged by Dieterschein ^^. Here goes...
 1) Favourite time of the day and why
Night? Because then I'm home, and can just relax, and chat on tumblr, put something on tv, etc
 2) Favourite animal
Cat, or Echidna/Hedgehog. 
 3) Your happiest childhood memory?
er, uh, moments with Mum, probably. Playing with friends and my brother. Whenever I've felt loved, I suppose.
 4) Did you at any point belong to any of the cliques (goths, punks, etc.)?
No. like, never. I've always been just my own little thing^^
 5) What do you think of the world we live in?
um, I think the world is a beautiful place with some not so great things going on. I'm not to good at putting it into words...
 6) Do you play any MMORPGs, which ones?
No. Like, 99% of my gaming is all on my consoles, mostly the xbox 360 lately. And none of them are connected to the internet. 
 7) You have to move to a new country ASAP, like, in 30 minutes, forever. What are the 5 things you’re taking with you?
Laptop, Luigi plush, ipod, my dvds, family things.
 8) Two songs: your favourite, and the one that annoys the crap out of you
I don't have favourites because I just listen to and love so much. Ugh, last played songs, though, include the Red Dwarf theme, One way or another (the 1D cover. Don't judge me, that version just makes me happy rn.) Ho Hey, and Let's Do it.  There's of course stuff i don't like but I can't think of any that really annoys me? 
 9) If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?
A cat. A well loved cat has such a great life, methinks.
 10) Favourite swimming place? (Pool, sea, lake, river, dam)
I prefer a pool. I go to the beach very rarely.
 11) Who do you look up to and why?
Mum, for hundreds of reasons. I love an appreciate a lot of people, such as Misha Collins.
New Questions! 
1) What pets do you have, and what kind of 'dream' pet would you like? 
2) Do you have any 'secondary' fandoms? Ones you know about, but don't really watch yourself.
3) Favourite way to wear or cut/style your hair?
4) Got a favourite blanket or pillow or comfy thing?
5) Favourite game when you were a kid?
6) Favourite piece of clothing or jewellery?
7) Favourite sweet snack vs savoury snacks.
8) Are there any mannerisms, or sayings etc that you've picked up from tv and movie characters?
9) Prefer to write or art (by hand or digital), and what kind of 'subject'?
10) When watching your shows/movies, what kind of things do you always have close? (laptop, snacks, etc)
11) A show line or moment that has made you outright squeal, spaz or cry?
okay, done. Now your turn (but only if you want to) :)
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acetracers · 12 years
Castiel is walking beside Dean, mindful to keep up while he observes the world and people they pass, when he feels something brush against his hand. It’s unexpected, so he jerks his arm away in surprise until he realises it had been Dean reaching for him. Oh. Cas wants to reach out and grab Dean’s hand, wants to ask if this was what he was doing, but the hunter has both hands shoved into his pockets. Cas watches him as he stalks off, shoulders tense. Perhaps this isn’t the time to insinuate himself into Dean’s space.
“You coming or what, Cas?”
  Shotgun is the most preferable place to sit, Castiel decides as Dean drives. They’re scouting the area for signs, omens, and any sort of frequency the angel can pick up, Cas acting as navigator with map and notes spread out in his lap. He’s been marking of each street and landmark as they pass it, left hand resting beside him on the seat. As he crosses off the last block, he notices a pattern starting to fit in with the places that Sam had marked out and starts to draw an Enochian symbol to connect them. However, it’s more intricate than a simple cross, and the paper slides with the pen, so he needs his left hand to steady it. As he lifts his hand it meets Dean’s that had been descending to hold his. Cas freezes, intending to leave the symbol to allow the contact, but Dean has already retreated, pointedly looking out his window with both hands on the wheel. Cas feels exasperation at the situation, repeated from the previous day, and is about to claim Dean’s hand (or rest his hand on Dean’s thigh, would that be too forward?) when there’s a ping within his grace.
“Right. Dean, turn right.”
  They’re watching tv when Cas decides it’s his turn to ‘make the first move.’ Dean is sipping from his beer, focused on the screen with one hand resting between them, so Cas reaches out. Just as Dean stands up. Their hands touch, and Dean looks startled for a second before tilting his head towards the bathroom. “Just a moment, I’m busting,” he mumbles as he walks away. He returns to his spot and slowly reaches out for Cas’ hand. However, Cas retracts it and folds both hands in his lap, staring at the wall as if he finds it fascinating. Dean thinks he probably does. “What are you doing? Are you sulking?”
“Apparently that it is the appropriate response when an attempt to hold someone’s hand is unsuccessful.”
“Dude, I had to pee.”
“Regardless of unforeseeable events.”
“This is about those other times, right?”
“Yes.” Cas hasn’t looked at him once, but he’s smiling as he wordlessly offers his hand.
  The next time they’re out walking, when Cas’ hand brushes against his own, Dean makes a show of adjusting his collar and brushing nonexistent fluff off his jacket before giving the angel wink and threading their fingers together. 
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