#astarion ancunin is an extremely pretty name...
...why do I feel somehow emotional learning Astarion's surname??? Like, in a good way though.
Maybe it's hitting me that, at long last, the game is out and I can really learn the full story and all its secrets... like, I feel like I've known this man for three years or so and now I finally know him, you know?
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
relationship hcs ; astarion
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; baldur’s gate 3
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; astarion ancunin
outline ; “dating headcanons for astarion”
note ; i have never played this game and am going completely off of the clips and guide videos i’ve been watching pretty much nonstop for the past week so apologies if my characterisation is at all shaky in this piece
warning(s) ; brief references to canon torture, self worth struggles, and other related angst — but otherwise mostly fluff!
when it comes to being in a relationship with you — a real relationship, that is, and not the act he was putting on to try and manipulate you at the start of your journey as a group — astarion is, for lack of a better analogy, very much so a fish out of water
and, thankfully, that’s not something he’s ashamed or scared to admit to you, so the early days of your relationship are filled with a lot of trial and error as you navigate your new dynamic and he adjusts to being permitted to make his own decisions and set his own boundaries
some things definitely come easier than others for him — namely verbal shows of affection like using pet names for you or being playful or flirty whenever you’re together; things that are more instinct than anything else, but no less genuine in their use
as one might expect, astarion does also use quite the variety of pet names for you — to the extent that your friends have a running joke about him not actually knowing what your real name is (which he always refutes with about as much sass as one might expect) — with his main terms of endearment being ones that he settled into using early on like ‘darling’, ‘beautiful’ (or ‘handsome’ if that is your preferred term), ‘my dear’, and, when he’s being a bit of a tease, ‘my little treat’
actual physical intimacy, however, is a much different story given his rather unfortunate history with his body and how he was forced to use it by his tormentor
of course he knows that you’re different, that you’re not like cazador or his ilk, but that doesn’t make those old habits any easier to break, nor two hundred years of trauma easier to shake from his mind — love and patience can only go so far, after all, and those memories and their effects on him won’t just vanish overnight
so, naturally, that means that adjusting to physical touch unrelated to sex is a very slow process for him — though he’s thankful to have you there with him throughout
there are a few things that he learns he really quite enjoys and makes that abundantly clear to you when you’re together: kisses, gentle touches to the hand, and hugs, mainly
oh and his kisses are truly marvellous once you help him accept intimacy unconnected to sex — they’re soft and sweet but no less passionate for it, starting off with a brief peck before he turns his head and gently (oh so gently) grasps your chin or cheek or neck and pulls you closer to him, almost as if you’re melting into each other as the kiss either deepens or makes way for a string of chaste pecks before you eventually pull apart for whatever reason
he also always makes sure to sooth any places he’s bitten with some apologetic kisses once he’s had his fill (as well as plenty of compliments on your person and about your blood)
his other favourite places to kiss you are either on your hands or wrists (the gentleman that he is): the insides of your wrists, the tips of your fingers, each of your knuckles in sequence, the backs of your hands, your palms when you cup his face in your hands — truly the list is endless and he delights in finding new ways to fluster you and make you smile
shit talking and gossipping amongst yourselves is extremely common and astarion has mastered the art of saying just the right thing about someone he doesn’t like just loud enough for you to hear at the perfect time to make you laugh (or try your best to cover said laugh if you’re currently talking to the subject of said shit talking)
when it comes to sleeping arrangements, astarion just loves being held (but not too tightly so he still has the freedom to get up and walk away for whatever reason if he needs to), but the specifics of the position don’t really matter to him — he’s just as happy to have you laying on his chest, or him on yours if you’re larger than him, as he is to cuddle you on his side (though he does secretly prefer to either be the little spoon or to have his face level with your chest when you’re both on your sides as it makes him feel safer, though it will take him a long time to ever even consider admitting to that)
he is naturally very protective of you and has been known to pull a dagger on anyone he deems as a threat to you — which is very beneficial in combat scenarios or situations where you are actually at risk, but a bit inconvenient when you’re trying not to draw any attention to yourselves and the issue is just some drunk that can’t keep quiet (still not good and something that should be called out, but perhaps not worth having to leave the town you just got to early as to avoid getting charged with yet another crime)
he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself whenever you’re unwell for whatever reason (especially if it’s something a healer can’t contend with) because it’s been centuries since he’s experienced any sort of illness so he can’t even really empathise with you about your situation — he tries his best, of course, but it’s easy to tell that he’s really out of his depth
no matter how long the two of you have been together, astarion still melts whenever you ask his permission to do the smallest of things (like asking if you can kiss him or hold his hand, for example) — but he melts even more when you accept when he declines for whatever reason becaus the novelty of being respected and loved without expectation or conditions never really wears off for him and he appreciates it all just as much as he did the first time
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dxnse-macabre · 4 months
🥀 romance headcanons
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tagged: @stilettobite (I CRAVE HEADCANONS ALL THE TIME. THANK YOU SO MUCH) tagging: @crimesought @wildskissed @shdwtouch + anyone else that chooses to do this!!
name: astarion ancunin nickname: none really. "star" would be pushing it. gender: male romantic orientation: pansexual preferred pet names: my love, my beloved, my heart (anything that really signifies that he is everything to his partner) relationship status: verse reliant
opinion on true love: it exists. or at least, he wants it to exist. he grew up loving those novels where the prince swoops the princess by her feet; he wants that kind of feeling. he wants pure love, not fueled by lust or infatuation, but that's all he's seen in his life. he wishes and hopes it exists. it has to... right?
opinion on love at first sight: doesn't believe in it. he believes in infatuation and lust at first sight, but never love at first sight. love is too pure, it is slow, and it is not as quick to ignite (or as easily to ignite) as lust and infatuation. astarion has way too much experience in causing others to "fall" for him but he knows that he's just a pretty face that said sweet nothings; all of those lines were rehearsed. so if they were rehearsed, they were in love with the idea of him, as opposed to the real him.
how ‘romantic’ are they?: when he's able to be himself, he's honestly not that romantic. he's more of a drama queen himself and wants to be coddled because of the mask he had to put for others, he feels like he kind of deserves it by now. he won't go out of his way to be romantic, because he'll find the line between being genuine out of his own volition and putting on a mask to make the other person happy pretty obscured. if it comes out, it'll be in small doses before he can casually be soft and romantic.
ideal physical traits: good over-all hygiene (getting bloody and sweaty after a fight isn't the part that disgusts him. it's if that person chooses to not shower for... you know... weeks. he has bad memories) but otherwise he has no preference.
ideal personality traits: enabler (but only during unimportant moments like an occasional party or goblin killing spree. if it's like, you know, a big life-changing decision, he WANTS you to go against him and pull him out of those temptations) someone who loves unconditionally and trusts easily, someone who is protective
unattractive physical traits: extremely high sex drive (i can get into a whole ass conversation about this, but this is basically a turn-off for him. quite unfortunate)
unattractive personality traits: manipulative, self-centeredness, overly seductive
ideal date: something laid back would be very much to his taste. attend a wine tasting event, perhaps even do a little bit of shopping... but what he looks forward to the most would be the beginning and ends of the day. why? he enjoys the most wholesome moments to have with a partner: waking up beside them, and falling asleep with them in his arms.
do they have a type?: big, strong, silent protector with the heart of gold. that is his ideal type
average relationship length: don't ask him this, it's a touchy subject (newsflash: he has never had a proper relationship.)
preferred non-sexual intimacy: cute teeth-rotting public displays of affection such as hugging while walking
opinion of public affection: he doesn't give a shit. if he loves the person, he's all for it. why hold back?
past relationships?: once again, don't ask him this. he doesn't have any.
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thecampjuicebox · 9 months
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Pre-game Elbereth story while I plan her fic (hopefully starting it this week) + a bonus photo of her half brother at the end
 Born into nobility, Elbereth was raised amongst riches. Her father married her mother as part of a bargain between the two families, promising lasting wealth and high social standing. The Dusath family owned a string of mines, and the Ravenshade family were dealers in precious gems and fine jewelry. Elbereth was the first (and only) child of her two parents, but her mother, Cellica Ravenshade, passed away in childbirth. Elbereth has never known a true mother. Only the various ladies her father, Nieven Dusath, had courted over the years. Nieven and his first relationship after Cellica passed, a woman named Chamylla of the Silvershield family, bore a son by the name of Elrohir. Elbereth and Elrohir were very close, only differing in age by 5 years. Chamylla fled their home shortly after the birth of Elrohir and disappeared without a trace. 
Often called the “Raven Haired Princess”, Elbereth captivated many men in the city with her charm, beauty, and intelligence, one being the well known Cazador Szarr of the wealthy merchant Szarr family. The last “living” member of his kin. Cazador was extremely close to the Ravenshade-Dusath family, who knew he was a vampire, and would often visit Elbereth, bringing her gifts of jewels and books and expensive wines. His love for the elf grew strong during their time together and he even asked her father for permission to marry her, Nieven hesitating because of his knowledge of Cazador’s affliction. 
Elbereth almost succumbed to a deadly illness that swept through Bauldur’s Gate just after her half brother contracted the same illness and died just days later. In a hasty decision, her father asked Cazador to turn her so that she could live forever, as he didn't want to watch his daughter die. Cazador happily agreed, turning Elbereth while she lay dying in her bed. Nieven agreed to allow Cazador to take Elbereth back to Szarr’s palace where she would live out her days as the vampire’s partner. Unfortunately, Nieven fell ill as well while Elbereth was in Cazador's care. Cazador was fully aware of this, and never told her because the agreement he had with her father was that if she got to stay alive, she was never to see her father again. She was favored by Cazador amongst the other spawn, and was treated as if she were his wife. She’d sleep in his bedchamber with him, and the rest of the spawn would refer to her as “Lady Szarr”, even though the two were not married yet. 
A decade after her turning, Cazador introduced a new spawn to the family. A pale, white haired elf. Astarion Ancunin. He was beautiful, and seemingly around the same age as Elbereth before she was turned. His looks and charm made him the perfect lure for Cazador’s meals, as the vampire was entirely too swept up in other matters to hunt for his own food. He’d often sup of Elbereth’s blood when the desire arised, but otherwise he’d rely on his other spawn to fetch their meals.  However, Elbereth fell in love with Astarion during their time together in the palace. He cared deeply for her, and she for him. She was the only one who treated him as something more than a pretty thing to look at. Cazador became so enraged by this that he began his horrendous torture toward Astarion, and doubled down on Elbereth belonging to him and only him. He would keep her locked away in his boudoir while he went about his days. 
Once Astarion devised the plan to escape Cazador, he asked Elbereth to come with him. They slipped into the night together, hand in hand, with nothing but a dagger at their hip. They were both scooped up by the nautiloid soon after, and thus began the in-game events. The insertion of the tadpole destroyed their memories of each other, so the entire time they’re traveling to find a cure, they’re falling in love all over again. Little bits and pieces of their memories flit back every now and then.
Elbereth's dream guardian shows himself to her in the image of her half brother.
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