#astelle and magluck specifically
loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hiya Erika 😁!! Ooo for the character ask game may I ask for 1, 6, 13, and 17 for…Yami and Finral please 🥰! (I hope it’s okay asking for two 🙈!)
It's very okay asking for two characters, Lyra! It just means that I'm gonna take a little more time to answer. Hope you don't mind that.
Yami Sukehiro
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
This is going to sound weird but I like Yami because he's like an older cousin who is told to take charge and watch over the others but 9/10 times he does his own shit since the younger kids can manage just fine and the last 1/10 times is when shit get real like a robber breaking in.
He's an older role model to his squad. But he doesn't act like an authority figure to them. He doesn't force them to follow any rules and lets them take care of themselves to become who they can/want to be. Yami's character is able to balance responsibility and freedom to the benefit of the other characters around him.
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
Is it a cop out if I say me being part Japanese is a commonality between me and Yami (since Hino is the Japan of BC)? Because I can't really think of anything else that he and I share.
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💀 Skull. No, I don’t think Yami is going to die (if it was about a character dying or being dead Morgen would have this emoji/j). And while I don’t think Yami would be a big emoji user, I get a kick out of imagining Yami typing “your days are numbered 💀” when someone pisses him off through text.
17) What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Yami x Nacht. I've joked that they have the energy of ex-lovers and there is potential in that kind of dynamic. Seeing romantic potential in a platonic dynamic is nothing new and that’s something in Yami x Nacht which I can’t find fault with. It’s fine. People make good art for the ship. But I don’t seek out content for the ship (I see it on my dash because of who I follow and because of the fandom tag). And I don’t feel strongly enough about it to make content for it either.
Finral Roulacase
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
-I like that he's a coward without being an ass about it. If he was some kind of selfish coward that ran at the expense of others, I wouldn't like him nearly as much. -He is loving and forgiving towards Langris, someone who really needs it. I will never not like characters who forgive without hesitation. That stuff is my jam. -Awesome magic. Teleportation is always going to be cool. -He really is a pacifist through and through. His magic can't attack because he's just that kind to his core. -His pacifism doesn't equate to uselessness. He will still do what he can to support those around him who can fight because that's what needs to be done more often than not. -Literally just a cute guy. Looks and personality wise. I want to protect Finral. -In a real life situation, I would want to date someone like Finral. He's fun-loving but also realistic. He's giving but still fights for what he wants (at least post character development). Finral is troubled but not jaded.
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
I too would be chill with my siblings if they almost caused my death. I love my family very much (mostly because they’re genuinely nice people) and I don’t think I’d ever have the heart to hate them regardless of how they hurt me.
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💖 The sparkling heart emoji. Finral’s got a big heart and I giggle at the thought of shoujo romance sparkles around Finral when he tries to flirt (even when he fails). He’s just got a sparkly personality.
17) What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Finral x Vanessa. It’s another case of romantic potential within a platonic relationship. And given how their stories parallel in some ways (both not displaying abilities that their abusive parents desire and running away from home), I understand why people would want to ship them together, for that paralleled lovers dynamic. I get it but I'm not too into it. I've stumbled upon content for it and some friends ship it but I'm not someone who would seek it out or create for it.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 3 months
I really love your Black Clover Ships fanart series and that it includes classics like Astelle, Greyche and Yamichar as well as cool crack ships like Nozel x Vanessa and Zora x Nebra (what are their shipnames 😭). Do you have other ship planned? Thank you for doing this 🥰
Thank you so much! This means a lot to me. 🥹
The ship names are Zobra and Nozessa, or at least that's how I call them.
Yes I do have some arts planned. I admit that I'm quite focused on other projects such as illustrations for my fic and few different ones. However I want to post Rillmy soon and I'll definitely do at some point Mars x Fana and Gaja x Lolopechka. I also want to do MagLuck, but I haven't found a fitting reference pose for them yet. 😢
And I think this would be it for this specific art series. 💕
But I will probably be drawing some of these ships as some independent arts.
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