#asteria evarose
volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch12
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Chapter 11
I was finally learning Healing and Thunder spells, I'm currently reading through a book about the Thunder moves, and only a few caught my attention, I was writing each one of the moves down so I could remember the names of the attack. Renji came into my new office, that's right, I moved to Squad 6, Toshiro is not taking this well, but it was for the best. Anyways, Renji came in and sat down, asking, "Have you heard anything from Captain Hitsugaya, Akari?" "I have not talked to him ever since I've moved squads," I said, while writing a current attack move. Renji walks over, puts his hand over my book, I looked up and got a concerned look on him, he tells me, "He's not doing so great ever since you moved over here." "I was hoping he would forget that I was there," I told him, "Besides I didn't actually leave." I pulled out my still squad 10 badge, Renji said, "You are sneaky you know that." "Yeah, I had to reason the Head Captain, well, I didn't have to," I said, "Let's just say, he allowed me to keep it if I changed my mind of being here." "Just say that he treats you different," said Renji, getting tired of me saying it the other way around. I gave him a look, "You know on how I am, Renji, I work things my way which is why Captain Hitsugaya would always give me the heavy duties because I know on how to get it done when it needs to be." "Yeah, about that Captain Kuchiki is not letting you do the heavy work," said Renji, "He's letting me do all that." "Which is why I snuck 50 away from you," I said, pointing to the pile I took. He looks at the pile, then looks back at me shocked, "No wonder why I couldn't find them." "Don't worry, those 50 were already done before you even noticed that they were gone," I said. After Renji's visit, I could finally get back to what I was doing, I closed my office door, putting a sign saying 'Do Not Disturb!' so I could finally go back to reading, some peace and quiet, something that I needed for a while now. Then there was a knock at the damn door, I groaned, asked, "Who is it?" "You know on who it is," a familiar voice said. I asked, "Shuhei, what are you doing here?" "Does it sound like I'm Shuhei?" asked the familiar, "It's me, Renji." "What do you want, Renji?" I asked. Renji said, "Look, I know there is a sign but you have a guest and you already know on who is here, so I'll let him know that you are busy." I got up, ran to the door, and yelled, "Wait!!!" Then I noticed that Ichigo made a perfectly good voice impression of Renji, he smiled and said, "Well, well, so nice of you to finally come out." "Wow, you indeed did a good voice impression of Renji," I told him. Ichigo looked at me weird, then looked behind me, I looked seeing Renji standing there, Renji grinned, "Shuhei is not here, Ichigo is though." "You," I growled, "Moron!!" I went back into my office after I whacked Renji on the head and slammed my door in Ichigo's face. I can't believe Renji messed with my emotions like that, then I heard those 2 argue, I was hearing Ichigo saying, "What were you thinking Renji? It's obvious that her and Shuhei are getting serious, I can't believe you messed around with her emotions." "Look, I didn't know alright," Renji said to Ichigo, "I always thought if you were here to guide her back to the world of the living, she should've known that is was you." "What you do if Shuhei was here to see her?" Ichigo asked. Renji said, "I don't know, he never comes to me or anyone to see her, he just lets himself in her office." That's right, Shuhei always does that, oops, Ichigo said, "Well, that was when she was still in Squad 10, she moved squads remember?" "I'm wondering if she told him that she switched squads," I heard Renji say. I shouted out, "I told him before I came over here." "Oh shit, she heard us," Ichigo said, in a scared tone of voice. I said to them, "You guys are not that quiet whenever you 2 speak to each other." I opened the door, not only to see Renji and Ichigo, but Shuhei was walking down the hallway as if on cue for our break time together. Renji asked, "Are you ready to go to the world of the living?" "Already? But I just got here," I said, pouting. Ichigo said, "Renji, I only wanted to know if she's doing alright, if she doesn't want to leave yet, she doesn't have to, it's her choice." Then those 2 walked away, I met up with Shuhei finally, he said, "Hey, I thought you were leaving with Ichigo." "It's not even that time yet," I said, "Plus I guess I misunderstood Renji a moment ago." "I heard, I always knock first but before I even do that you open the door before I knock," he said. I blushed big time, I told him, "I just know that you would always show up when I met at our secret spot." He nods, "Hey, um, I just want to let you know that even though I love you with all my heart, I think we need to slow down because we skipped the friendship part." "Did we really?" I asked, "I thought that is what we were always doing." "Not on my part, you would always do friendly gestures, I do the boyfriend gestures," I heard him say. From that point, Shuhei is going to try his very best to make this friendship be like bedrock, I giggled at his silly mistakes, but at least he's trying, hey, most couple out there do things differently, after my shift in the Soul Society was done, I went back to the World of the Living, saying goodbye to Shuhei, I went to a random bedroom and slept on someone's bed. When I woke up, I looked to seeing Ichigo sleeping on the floor, oh shit, did I accidentally slept in Ichigo's room? I picked him up off of the floor and into HIS bed, then moved to the couch, blushing. It meant that I must've seen him changing, but I didn't make sudden move, I only looked through my left eye which was in between the bed and pillow. Oh my goodness, I did not know what happened, I was feeling my heart skipping beats like crazy. I hope he does not bring this up in conversation, he would make me feel so uncomfortable. Morning was here, I saw his father, Rukia, and his sisters coming down the stairs, Rukia has no idea why my face was still red. Then Ichigo came down, I looked away so he doesn't see, he sees me, "Morning Akari." "Morning, Ichigo," I said, trying not to be obvious that I'm blushing like crazy. Though I have a feeling that he knew that I was watching him, though Ichigo has a image to keep so he's not gonna do anything to ruin his image. Once my face stopped burning up with blushing, I finally looked at the Kurosaki family and Rukia, then I felt sort of happiness inside that I'm a part of this crazy family. Then Rukia sees me, notices a small smile forming on my face, she nudges Ichigo then pointed at me, which caused him to blush, oh no, he knows that I was watching. Shit. What do I do? Does he know? I hope not, I, too, have an image to keep. Oh no, here he comes, he sat down across from me, both of us are blushing, he asked, "Why were you in my bedroom?" "I thought I was in my own room," I said, looking down while looking at him. Ichigo then notices on how fidget I'm being, then his face got even redder, then he asked, "How much did you see?" "I only took a peek," I said, in a squealed voice. He said, "Let's hope this is a one time thing." "I don't know why I chose your room, really, I don't know why," I said to him. He understands me, thank goodness, I'm guessing that I'm too comfortable with him that I decided to sleep in his room before he does, well, guess that didn't work on how I planned it. We headed towards the school, we dropped the situation that happened because it would make everything awkward for the 2 of us, I saw Uryu and Chad, I always look forward so Ichigo and Rukia also saw them and Orihime, I went to Uryu and Chad, "Hey guys." "Hey, Akari," said Uryu. Chad only said, "Hmm." "Hey Akari can I ask you something?" Uryu asked. I nodded, "Sure, what is it?" "How come that you don't have any spiritual pressure around you?" asked Uryu. I was confused, Rukia said, "Uryu is a Quincy." "Oh that makes sense," I said. Ichigo said, "I just want to say that Uryu raises a good point because Rukia and myself, we couldn't sense yours." "I wonder why," I said, "I don't even know." "Maybe it's because of that Zanpakuto, you keep carrying around you," said Ichigo, "By the way, where is Shadow Phoenix?" "See this Scythe hair pin?" I asked, pointing at the hair pin. Now they see, Orihime said, "You look so beautiful with it." "Same with your hair pins, Orihime," I said to her. We giggled at our compliments, it's weird that I feel like I belong here, but I don't belong here at all. I was walking behind everyone, I always walk slow when something is going wrong in my mind or I'm just triggered by something, this time was different so it's neither of those 2. I was thinking on how to keep Shuhei's flirting at bay, Renji showed up out of nowhere, asking, "Why are you behind everyone?" "Geez, Renji, warn me next time," I said, "I have something on my mind." "Ah, let me guess Shuhei dumped you?" asked Renji. I gave him a very unsettling look, it was his fault for messing with my feelings in the beginning, so I kicked in the area before his vital part. I met up with the others who saw that, Ichigo felt the same pain Renji was feeling, Rukia said, "Well, it is what he deserved." I nodded, not wanting to be messed with, I'm still fuming after that, Uryu did not even say anything to me. This was not Shadow Phoenix's anger, this is my anger, she was being silent throughout the day. No one bothered me for the rest of the school hours, after school, no one still bothered me, I'm still fuming. That was until Ichigo told Renji, "You should've known better than to mess with her feeling, Renji, that was very low on your part." "I know, it's just I didn't know she would take it to heart," said Renji, "I guess she is different from us." "Just apologize and maybe you can make up on what you did," said Ichigo. He is taking this role of being a brother very well, I guess so since he has 2 sisters to look after. I forgave Renji but I still gave him the silent treatment only for 5 minutes because that really hurt my heart, when it was just me and Ichigo, I was sitting on the floor then he told me, "You can sit on my bed, I don't want you to sit on the floor." "Oh no, I think I'm good on where I am," I said, thinking of that mistake happening again. He sees a hint of red blush forming, he tells me, "I'm not going to change until everyone gives me some privacy." "Right," I said, shyly. Then he allowed me to sit up there with him, he asked, "What's going on in your mind, Akari?" "Can you be more specific?" I asked. He chuckled, "What I mean is what has been bothering you lately other than Renji telling that low phrase, there is no way Shuhei and you will ever be apart." "You know about us?" I asked. He winked and said, "I'm keeping it a secret. I'm not one who blurts out everything." "Yeah," I said, softly, "Well, there is this one thing that has me worried about you." "About me?" he said, confused. I asked, "If you happened to turn into a hollow, what do you want me to do?" "That's a deep question," he said, knowing that I'm serious. I giggled nervously, "You can think about it, you don't have to tell me right away, you know what, you can just forget about that question, besides you always win no matter what." With that, I just left knowing that I just asked a majorly important question because I have a feeling that is what is going to happen either way, I mean he's getting stronger each fight he does, I wish I was that strong, I'm only strong with my Fire attacks. I took off my Scythe hair pin, pressed the button then went to a library since it's still day time, I read at least 5 books to only kill time before the lady said that they were closing now, I asked, "Is there any place for me to do some singing?" "Oh, you mean karaoke?" she asked. I nodded, then she pointed towards the place across the street, I went there, sat in a table in a very dark corner, then a couple of people were coming my way, assuming that this is their table, all I moved was a chair to be near a window. I know I shouldn't asked Ichigo that but what was I suppose to ask around that, I haven't been here long enough. I was looking at the stars when this girl asked me, "Are you alright over there?" I looked at her, then nodded, and went back to looking at the stars, she came over and told me, "You know you can join our table since you have one of the chairs." "I only grabbed this chair to only look at the stars," I said to her. She didn't push me so she went back to her table, something inside of me wasn't settling with me, maybe she meant that she doesn't want me to be alone. I motioned her over and asked, "Were you only over here because you don't want me to be alone?" "Of course," she said, "I get it, you are not from around these parts. I totally understand on where you are coming from." I guess she convinced me to be over at the table, I felt really uncomfortable because the guys were eyeing me and the other girls were giving me glares. The nice one asked, "What's your name, sweetie?" "I'm Akari Itsuki Kurosaki," I said, noticing that I had taken Ichigo's last name. It has a nice ring to it, alright? I mean I loved the name Hitsugaya but I took a liking to Kurosaki, then I told her, "Some people call me Akari." "Nice to meet you, I'm Asteria Evarose," she said, "You can just call me Asteria." "That's a beautiful name," I said to her, "Asteria means Star right?" She nodded, "I'm from Greece." "Oh~ I bet it's lovely over there," I said, with my eyes sparkling again. She sees this and notices that I have protection with me, she chuckled, "It is lovely there." "Why were you looking at my dagger?" I asked, "I never leave without any protection on me, you don't know how many dangers I have dealt with." "You are the fighting type?" she asked. I told her, "Where I came from, protection is absolute necessary." "I see," she said, "Do you mind if I take a look at it?" "I don't show to random people who I just met," I said, changing my tone of voice. I went outside for a bit, then one of guys came out 5 minutes later then decided to creep me out by flirting with me endlessly, shit, he got me cornered I can't get Shadow Phoenix out, then I heard a deep voice shouting, "Hey! Leave her alone!" The guy looked, starting shaking and went running, it was Chad who saved me, I went to him, thanked him, he nodded, looked to his right. There was Ichigo with a worried look on his face, he asked, "What were you thinking?" "You said so yourself, I'm starting to open to more people," I said. I looked to where Asteria was, she knew that the guy she was with was going to do something nasty, she basically threw him out of her table, apparently her friends didn't like her choosing me over them. She came over and said, "I'm so sorry about that, I swear I wasn't friends with them in the beginning." "You weren't?" I asked. Asteria looks at me then goes, "They said if I don't become their friends, they would've killed me and my family." "So they took you as a hostage," I said. She nodded, "And they let my family go, took me with them, this happened in Greece." "Wait, so, you are fluent in Greek?" I asked. She nodded, "I can teach you." "Please, that would make me so thrilled," I said, squealing. She giggled, "Sure, just as long as you continue to never treat me like they treated me." "Why would I do that?" I asked, "I would never besides that would mean that I successfully made my own friend." "Your own friend? What do you mean?" she asked. I told her, "I was only accepted to a group of friends that my step brother has made to get me started." "Oh I see," she said, "What's your brothers name?" "His name is Ichigo Kurosaki," I said. Ichigo was still there, Asteria looks at him, back at me, asks, "Aren't you the one that put a glass shard near the neck of my former friend, Natsume?" I blinked, twice, then nodded, Asteria told me, "Good thing you did, she was the one that was sitting in front of Uryu." "What happened to her?" I asked, "She didn't pass away after what I did, did she?" "Hm? Oh no, she needed a couple days to think of what to do," she said, "You practically saved her from her ex boyfriend who was constantly controlling her on what to do." "I did that?" I said, confused as all hell. Ichigo asked, "What happened to Natsume?" "She's currently in your hospital, Ichigo," said Asteria, "You should know, her ex tried to kill her then something stopped her." Then Chad and Ichigo looked at me, I said, "I couldn't done that." Then I pulled out my dagger, Asteria asked, "It's not a regular dagger is it?" "No it's not," I said to her. I looked at her, she seems to believe that she knows that I am not really from this world, she asked, "Where did you come from?" "Pardon?" I said, confused. She said, "I believe in many things, who saved Natsume was pure and good, was that you or someone else?" "It was someone else," I said, "This 'dagger' is not really what you think, I only made her look like this because who would wants to see a gigantic Scythe inside of any building here." "Scythe?" she said, tilting her head. I led her to a rooftop so I could show her, she sees the Scythe, I looked at the Scythe, asking, "Mother, can you show yourself to Asteria?" Shadow Phoenix showed herself to Asteria, tells her, "I was the one who saved your friend Natsume, Asteria." "Thank you, what happened to her ex?" asked Asteria. Shadow Phoenix chuckled, "Let's just he's roaming around as a spirit now." "Mother, he's gonna haunt her," I told her. She says, "Fear not, for my power shows on who they really were, he didn't mean to do all those things to her, he was controlled by his parents so he deserved the lost of the current relationship he had with Natsume." "What was his name?" I asked. Asteria answered, "Natsume never told me his name because she was frightened by him." "His name was Azuma Kimiko," said Shadow Phoenix, "Azuma means East and Kimiko means Prince." "Oh wow," said Asteria. After all that was said and done, I walked back to Ichigo's home but instead I went to check up on how Natsume was doing, Isshin led me to her room, she was awake when I walked in, she sees me, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry after what I did to you." "Relax, I just came here to check up on you," I said, "Are you doing alright after what happened?" "Yes, you were the one who gave me the strength of standing up for myself against him," she said. Then I told her on why Azuma was acting like that towards her, she notices this, then I told her, "Though he has been through rough times, I don't think he will be welcomed into the Soul Society until he can redeem himself." "Soul Society? What do you mean by that?" she asked. I told her everything on what happened, she seems to understand on what he has to do, she asked, "Can you see him? If so, where is he?" I looked around and I found him sitting in the chair in the corner of her room, I pointed to the chair, "He's over there, looking ashamed of what he has done to you."
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
Everyone’s Zanpakuto *update*
In an upcoming chapter there are very new changes to the Zanpakutō’s wielder and the Zanpakutō itself.
Majestic Octopus: Her wielder is all the EXO members, all 12 members each have a different sword design and spirit, but she is the main spirit. She calls herself River, her other sword names are Ocean, Lake, Ravine, Trench, Typhoon, Tidal Wave, Ocean Current, Pond, Stream, Wave, Aqua, and Aquarius
The Elemental Zanpakutō: These are very different from all the other spirits, these are very much alive but they are spiritually attached to what ever weapon they favor the most, like for example Shadow Phoenix favors the Scythe. The elemental spirits are going to be wielded only by Akari, their names are: Shadow Phoenix, Leviathan, Talon/Grim Earth, Little Earth/Raven, Colossal Jaguar, Hurricane, Swift Tiger, Swift Winter, Blizzard, Grim Panther, Masked Halo, Serene Jewel, and Curious Heart.
Asteria’s Zanpakutō: Asteria’s swords are linked to her Greek myths, but there are only 13 swords that she is going to be using. Majestic Eagle is Zeus, Vibrant Talon is Hera, Silver Trident is Poseidon, Bitter Cobra is Hades, Serene Unicorn is Demeter, Radiant Swan is Aphrodite, Jade Boa is Ares, Apollo is Arctic Raven, Vicious Wolf is Artemis, Brave Panda is Hermes, Bronze Bull is Dionysus, and Colossal Crescent is Persephone.
Natsume has yet to have one because she says to Akari that she can find her own, it needs to match her liking for seasons. She’s all for Winter, Spring, Fall, and Summer, Akari is always looking for weapons for her friends because she trusts them with her life. Which is why she is so unique from the other Soul Reapers. Natsume is waiting for her to return with the ones she is looking for.
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch14
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Chapter 13
So we reached the school, I told both Rukia and Ichigo that I'll tell everything about my parents later, I went to my desk well I did Natsume a favor, I gave her old desk back by asking Uryu, "Is this desk to your left empty?" "Hmm, why do you want to move?" asked Uryu. I told him, "I want to give Natsume her desk back." "Um, alright, we can ask," said Uryu, got up to do just that. Then Ichigo's idiotic friend, Keigo, came to me and asked, "Are you taken?" "Yes, I am," I said, being very uncomfortable around this guy. This guy would not leave me alone, until I said, "If you don't get away from me, I won't hesitate to cut you in half!" He did not bother me, yes I have to go that far, even Ichigo knows that because I even looked at him, giving him an apologetic look then he gave me a thumbs up for standing up to his idiotic friend. I sat down where this desk has all of my stuff already, I looked up and Uryu said, "This desk was here because Ichigo went to a lot of trouble getting you settled here, you are lucky to be called his sister." I felt so happy when he said that, then I said, "That's great news just as long as that idiotic person stays away from me." "Oh, Keigo? Don't worry about him," said Uryu, "Just mention Ichigo and he will probably leave you alone." "I didn't think of Ichigo, I threatened to slice him half and Ichigo gave me a thumbs up," I said to Uryu. School started, the teacher sees me and asks, "Where were you yesterday?" "I had a very busy day the other day, I just slept and I didn't know that I slept for 24 hours," I said, "I'm sorry." "It must've been pressuring you to do that," she said. I told her, "You have no idea, I'm very glad to finally be back here." "I understand," she said, then returned to the lesson after our chat. I noticed that Asteria is in this class, Natsume is still in recovery after what just happened, the teacher notices Asteria being in Natsume's desk, she asked, "What happened to Natsume?" "She didn't make it," she said, very sad about saying it. I felt my heart sank hard, not only that but I can feel the tears forming, Ichigo and Rukia sees the pained look on my face, I don't think I could last this long. The teacher looks at me and asked, "Do you to be excused for the day?" "Can I please?" I asked, hoping that she is being truthful. Then she got out a slip, "Take this to the front of the office, Ichigo, since you were the one who enrolled her, you can lead her there so she can remember." "She's already gone," said Rukia. I gave the staff member the slip of being excused for the day, why is everyone having a soft spot for me and only me? I went inside of Ichigo's home because I was given a spare key then I saw Isshin Kurosaki, I asked, "What happened to Natsume?" "She didn't seem to wake up from what was going on," said Karin, one of Ichigo's sisters. Looks like this must be a job of a Soul Reaper to do, so I went to Ichigo's room, I got out of my Gigai so I could see what was wrong with Natsume. Then I found what was wrong, a Hollow pulled her out of her own body, I got out my scythe and shouted, "Hey! Let her go, you Hollow freak!" It dropped Natsume then I did the final blow by doing a Fire Burst on the Hollow and before the attack hit the Hollow I casted a Fire Shield around Natsume so it doesn't damage her. Once the Hollow was taken care of, I asked Natsume, "Are you going to be fine, Natsume?" She nodded, "Just put me back in my body, please." So I led her back to her body, she went into her body and the machine began to pick her pulse, I could feel a smile formed from Shadow Phoenix. I could tell that Natsume is not ready to go to the Soul Society, I went into my Gigai so I could see her walking again and hopefully be in class tomorrow or today because I only wanted to be excused so I could find out what happened to Natsume, so she came out of her hospital room, healthy as she can be, with the help of my Arctic Fox who can heal anybody, I led her back to school, the staff was shocked to seeing Natsume fine. I led her back into the classroom we have together, we only opened up the back door of the classroom, she came through the back door I came in the front, I whispered something in the teacher's ear and she knows, she didn't even point out that Natsume is back. I went to back to my desk after telling Asteria that she might need to take her seat in front of Ichigo, she looks at me, then feels Natsume's scent, she got up and went to her seat in front of Ichigo. I sat down in my desk finally, Rukia was told by Ichigo to let me copy his notes so I don't get left behind, I showed him that I was already caught up before I left, then I noticed we were on another set of notes, I copied them feeling so embarrassed by what I did. I gave them back to him, then continued from there, then we got our assignment for today, well I was considering it because it gives me something to keep me busy for a while. I know that I should slow down but I'm keeping myself away from the Soul Society for as long as I could, Ichigo sees me put 5 pieces of paper in my bag for later, he knows that I can do it fast but then he says, "She means do it now so you don't have to worry about it later, there's going to be a test by the end of this semester, Akari." "Oh, well then," I said, getting them out again and did the work already. Then Ichigo tells me, "Duck your head down for a little." I did that, and he threw a pebble at Keigo who was clearly checking me out from behind, I've never felt so wrong in my life before. Then I heard, "Psst, Akari, switch me to being that you could put me behind your ear." So I did, a miniature scythe was formed and I put it behind my right ear, having the sharp end pointing upwards towards the ceiling and not down near my ear, then Shadow Phoenix tells me, "Get him to try and touch the tip of the blade." "Mom!" I freaked out, in a whispered voice, "We are not harming him!" "Just so he knows that you are armed with a deadly weapon," she said, trying to convince. Then both me and Uryu told her, "We are not doing that!" "Fine, have it your way," she said. Then my curiosity got the best of me, I told myself, "Only one way to find out." During lunch break, Keigo was making his way to Ichigo until I stopped him by saying, "Hey, Keigo or what ever you are called." He came to me and asked, "What is it, beautiful lady?" As expected by Shadow Phoenix, his hand was near the blade, at this point Ichigo and the others were not watching, but Natsume and Asteria were, Shadow Phoenix told me, "Ask him to flatter you. I want to see on what he is going to do." "Could you, I don't know, flatter me like you always do to other girls?" I asked, blushing with embarrassment. Then Shadow Phoenix expected this to happen, Keigo was flattering me while stroking my hair and absentmindedly put his whole hand at the curve of the blade. I've never felt so shocked and surprised on how predictable mother was being, he indeed cut himself by not knowing that there was indeed a blade behind my ear. He yelped in pain so much, I could tell by the look on Asteria and Natsume's expression they were shaking their heads, while Ichigo does not look happy, I mentally asked mother, "Was he going to do that anyway?" "I knew if you didn't ask he was going to do it either way," she said. Ichigo yelled at, not me, Keigo, "What have I told you, Keigo, to leave my sister alone!" "You didn't tell me you were his sister," he said. I said, "You didn't let me say that, now go away before that gets any worse." He very well did not come near me at all, even after I switched the mini Scythe back to being a hairpin, thankfully no one noticed but Natsume and Asteria. Well, that's what I kept thinking that it was only those 2 when Ichigo asked, "What were you thinking, Akari?" "I was told by Shadow Phoenix," I said, "I couldn't believe that if I keep telling him to go away he will not leave me alone so I did what Shadow Phoenix was going to have me do, then my curiosity got the best of me and let her tell me what to do." "She was protecting Akari, Ichigo," said Rukia, "What else would she do?" "Right, Shadow Phoenix is your mother right now," said Ichigo. I nodded, "I only did so she can let him know that I can do damage to him even without the deadliest weapon." "Yeah, I remember that you really had me in pain for days," said Renji, who showed up out of nowhere. I looked at Renji, then told him, "You shouldn't called me that in the beginning." "What did Renji call you?" asked Ichigo. Renji tells him, "I called her something that I might get hit either way." After school, Natsume and Asteria were now my own 2 friends, they are really unique in their own ways, Ichigo seems to like the sudden change, Asteria asked me, "Akari, do you want to play a game with me and Natsume?" "Sure, what kind of game is it?" I asked back. Natsume said, "It's called Dungeons and Dragons, it's an Role-Playing Game." "All you need to know is that the Dungeon Master, aka the DM, tells you on what you see inside your mind," said Asteria, "You can be any race and class." "That sounds like so much fun," I said, "I can't wait to play with you girls." "If there is any one you think of that might be interested in playing the game let us know," said Natsume. Then I told them, "Well, I'm not so sure if my love interest would like to play or not." "You have someone in your life to love?" asked Asteria, "Oh, sweet, Aphrodite, you are a lucky girl to have a lucky guy." "Who is it?" asked Natsume. I shyly said, "His name is Shuhei Hisagi." "Oh my goodness, you have to bring him next time," said Asteria. I giggled, feeling like I trust them to keep my private life a secret, I looked over at where Ichigo and the others were, they were looking at the 3 of us like hawks, then I got out my Soul Page and decided to call Shuhei over because I want to continue being his girlfriend who always be friendly towards her guy. Then Shuhei, in his Gigai, came in, I see him, "Shuhei, over here!" The girls sees him and feel like they were slightly jealous that I got a hunk like Shuhei to be in my life, Asteria said, "Sweet Aphrodite, you got together with a hunk like him!" "You are so lucky," said Natsume. I asked Asteria, "Who is this Aphrodite?" "Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty," said Asteria, "Remember that I'm from Greece so it's natural for me to believe in the Greek Myths." "Oh, that makes sense," I said. Shuhei walked over and asked, "So what is it, Akari?" "I was wondering if you are interested into a game called Dungeons and Dragons," I said to him, "I totally understand that if you were not interested." "Actually that does sound fun," said Shuhei. I was excited that he is going to play DnD with us girls, Asteria got out a folder and gave us 2 stack of papers, stapled, then said, "Here is everything you need to know about on how the game works. There are books out in the world for this game and I can find 2 sets of the same books but would have your names on them." "Thanks, though that might be too much for us," said Shuhei. I told her, "Give me the books, I love to know what it is about." "Great, and maybe you can get your brother and his friends to play," said Asteria. I told her, "I was hoping for it to be just us." "Oh, alright then," said Asteria. When we said our goodbyes to Asteria and Natsume, we said goodbye to each other, I met up with Ichigo and the others, Ichigo asked, "What was that all about?" "I just wanted Shuhei to be included in something that I am going to be enjoy doing," I said to him, "Besides, I want to know what it feels like to be around people that I made friends with by myself without any guidance." "So far, you are doing a great job," said Ichigo, "But we over heard you saying that you are the girlfriend of Shuhei Hisagi." "Yeah, we decided to let this relationship go on how we were doing," I said to him, "I mean, I'm not dumping him any time soon, he's perfect for me." "Yeah, though you might have to fight for him because we saw a hint of jealousy in Asteria and Natsume," said Rukia. I told her, "They told me that he wasn't their type of guy anyway so they were alright that I found someone that loves me for being true to myself." "Anyways," said Ichigo, "Can you tell us about where are your parents?" "They are the fox familiars Shuhei got me for my birthday," I said to them.
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch17
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Chapter 16
"Did you just say Majestic Octopus?" asked Talon. I nodded, Leviathan tells me, "Have you lost your mind? She's the most terrifying Zanpakutō amongst us." "She doesn't sound scary to me," I told her, "I'm going to look for her blade." "Here's the thing," said Talon, "You don't find her, she finds you when you least expect it." "I just need her to put Suho in his place and maybe help him through," I said to him, "That's all I need her to do, the rest is up to her." I was like that with Shadow Phoenix, Majestic Octopus will do that because Suho needs to have that feeling of having a loving and caring mother. I went to Raven and asked, "Where can I go to Majestic Octopus favorite places to show up?" "Near water," she said, "She'll show up if you need her to do something that might be important." "Oh it is," I said, "Suho broke." That's all she needed to hear apparently, I hear her say, "Broke you say?" "Yeah, he never had parents who cared for him and his well being," I told her, "He's now a lost soul, I found out he's been spiritually trapped by them and forced to come back to life." "I see," she said, "Well, I'll be by his side no matter what he says because he better not talk back to me." "Can I?" I asked. She nodded, "You are the one who summoned me over so I have no choice but to obey your every word." "Not every word, just go easy on him," I said to him. I went back and noticed that her blade is a regular katana but with tentacle markings from the hilt. I went to Suho, he looks at me, I tell him, "This is your new Zanpakutō, Suho." He took Majestic Octopus, then I hear her say to me, "By the way, call me River, better tell him that." "This is Majestic Octopus but she prefers River," I told him, "She's going to be with you until you are sure that you want to be away from here for forever." "Actually I want to go there but also keep using her in future battles," Suho said. River tells him, "You may, but I'm only limited to what I am told to do by Akari here." "Stay with him," I said, "I mean it this time, he has no idea on how to handle things on his own." "I see," she said, "Well, you might need to get the other elemental Zanpakutō spirits from the other guys." "Elemental?" I asked. She nodded, Talon told me, "I'm an Earth Elemental, Leviathan is a Water Elemental, Raven is a Healing Elemental, Blizzard is an Ice Elemental, Grim Panther is a Dark Elemental, Masked Halo is of course a Light Elemental, Jaguar is a Balance Elemental, Serene Jewel is a Psychic Elemental, Hurricane is an Air Elemental, Curious Heart is a Storm Elemental, Winter is a Cosmic Elemental, and Tiger is a Steel Elemental." "Long story short, we are all siblings of Shadow Phoenix," said Leviathan. Shadow Phoenix nodded, I looked at River and I asked, "Do you have any relation to them?" "Oh child, you sure are curious," said River, "I have no relation to them, just a friend to them." After that, I couldn't believe on what I just heard, then Talon said, "To tell you the truth, Kyungsoo, the one who was previously my wielder, River told me that she would look over the EXO guys, apparently she was waiting for all 12 of them to be reunited by someone like you." "So, wait, are you guys saying that all of you elementals were supposed to be wielded by me?" I asked. Leviathan said, "Yes, though I'm all forward to be Natsume's Zanpakutō." "Though it wouldn't be right," said Talon, "She would be totally unbalanced." "Um I have Shadow Phoenix," I said to them. She came to us and said, "That may be true but in future battles, you might have no choice but to use not only me, but the others." "Alright, how about this, I can only fight with 3 weapons at a time," I said, "So, the others would be familiars attached one of you." "Are you choosing which 3 to chose?" asked Talon. I nodded, "Shadow Phoenix of course, Leviathan, and you Talon." "That's a great choice," said Leviathan. I know I made a very wise and great choice because I was actually seeing a happy face on mother's face, she no longer has the angry face. Good, now I can go back to doing what I was doing and that is doing my school work before I get behind on assignments. I went to Ichigo, I asked, "Did I miss anything?" "Yeah, you missed a lot which is understandable," he said. I asked, "Can I at least copy your notes?" "Sure, make sure to stop," he said. I went to work immediately, but I have a very bad feeling about something. But I shook it off like it was nothing. When I finished, I told Ichigo that I was going to take a walk, after hearing nothing from him, probably asleep I decided to go out for a walk, not knowing any danger might be lurking around the corner. Thankfully, I had Leviathan attached to me, her weapon happens to be a Trident combined with an Anchor and Battleaxe. She is very unique I'll you that, then I heard someone chuckling very manically I looked in the direction on where it is coming from. Grimmjow appeared again, I stepped back, he said, "Well, well, look who it is, the Pyro lady. I was waiting for you to show up." "What do you want from me?" I asked. He said, "I'm here to make you pay for burning me last time, prepare to be killed by me." Then I heard her say, "Quick, shout Ice Shield! Hurry!" So I did, she tells me, "Yes this is the same thing as Fire Shield, it also back fires like Fire Shield." When Grimmjow punched through the barrier, he got a bad case of freezing cold water just hit him back, while he was hissing in pain she tells me, "Hurry! Run to the nearest building you come across!" I went running the way I came so I could get Shadow Phoenix, then Leviathan said, "You can just summon her to you, just think loudly and mentally yell for her to come to your aid!" So, I did, she appeared and Fire Shield replaced Ice Shield, saying, "Nice job telling her, Levy." "I mean, it's going to become useful one of these days," said Leviathan, "By the way, yes, I do prefer Levy because I get tired after hearing Leviathan over and over again." "I get it," I said to her. It wasn't long until Grimmjow attacked me again, this time his entire arm got burned by fire, then he managed to actually take down the barrier and sent me flying, hitting a tree trunk, him saying, "You are going to pay for that! Now, you little shit, prepare to meet your maker!" Then I got up sending him flying this time using a Fire Burst, "Stay away from me, you mad man!" "Oh I'm a mad man?" I hear him faintly say. Then he raised his voice, "I'll show you on who's mad!!" All I could do right now is dodge his every move, I'm not in my Soul form, when a mysterious stone wall appeared it made my cue to go out of my Gigai body. I saw Levy take my body to somewhere that it won't get hurt or anything, the stone wall came down, now Grimmjow is seeing me in full attack mode, he said, "I forgot that you were in that body of yours, now let's fight for real!"
We begun to fight, he's a tough opponent I give him that, though I'm not giving up that easily, I managed to slice him 5 times, each slice has a burning sensation to them so that's why he yells in pain when I do that. My blade heats up when I'm close to my opponent, but what really sucked on my part when he basically tired me out to be fully out of fire powers so he could finish me off. He got me on the ground, stomach in the concrete, bleeding from my arm and face, feeling pain throughout my body, and out of power, Grimmjow smirked, "Well, looks like this little bird is out of power to finish me off. Well, time to say goodbye!" He almost finished me when he got blasted by a getsuga tensho from none other than my big brother, Ichigo Kurosaki, though all I could remember was blacking out. I opened my eyes to only find myself in a strange room, I looked around, looks like I'm back in the living room of his house. Ichigo said, "I see that you are awake finally." "I swear I didn't do it on purpose," I said, "He started it first, then if you didn't save me back there, he would've finished me off." "Yeah," he said, "Be careful next time." "He made me go out of power," I said, "Which I use to having infinite power, but now, I need to find the other weapons to have that power again, so far I only have the Scythe and Leviathan's weapon." "I see," he said, "Well, again be careful next time." I have a bad feeling that Grimmjow was meeting me for a reason and I was saved from it, I wonder what he was going to do if he didn't want to fight me. Ah, it's probably nothing. I ignored the thought and went to sleep. 5 straight minutes go by, I'm having the most difficult time falling asleep, all I could think of is being in Ichigo's presence because he makes me feel totally safe, I went to his door and having second thoughts whether or not to knock on the door, I don't want to wake him up but this is very bad on my part. Though I did it anyway, softly though, while I heard a faint noise inside I decided to sit beside the door waiting for someone to open, knowing Rukia is in his closet. As I was waiting, I heard Levy ask, "What seems to be on your mind, Akari?" "I had a very bad feeling that he was meeting me for a reason," I said, softly. She was a very good listener, she tells me, "Whatever it is, it can't be good on you because he's basically the bad guy that made you go out of only fire powers." "Wait so I could've switched elements?" I softly asked. Levy told me, "You are an Elemental wielder after all, Akari." "But here's the problem though, I only used Ice Shield because you told me to do so," I said, "I only mastered on my fire powers." "This is the beginning of training with me and Talon, we'll go easy on you," she said, I could not help but say, "You guys are something else, you are sure different from the other Zanpakutōs out there." "That's because before we actually became elemental spirits," I heard Talon say, "We were very much alive at one point." "How is that possible?" I asked, "I thought the spirit of the zanpakuto has to come from the wielder." "We are unique, Akari," said Levy, "We each favored weapons that we forged ourselves, well, minus Talon, your mother, Shadow Phoenix, made sure that her weapon is extremely unique so she went with the scythe." After my crazy talk with Levy and Talon, the door that led to the inside of Ichigo's room, he opened and he doesn't look very happy that I either woke him up or I didn't check my voice level. Though he doesn't see me, yet anyway, all I did was touch his pant leg and he instantly looked at me, still has that same scowling face, he met up to my level which by the way, that helps because I'm not that tall, I only reach up to his chest, anyways, when he knelt down to my level, I couldn't help but look away, scared that he might not want me to stay with him for the night. Then he asked, "What is it, Akari?" "Well, um, you see, I can't sleep for at least 5 minutes," I said, trying not to sound too frightened by him. Then he put his hand on my right cheek and made me look at him, then a soft smile appeared, "You could've just said so, I asked on what is it that you need because no one knocks that softly other than you, Akari." "Oh well I didn't want to disturb your rest," I said, "I would've understand that you don't want to be bothered." "Hey, c'mon now," said Ichigo, "You had a rough day and might be recovering that impact you received, don't worry you'll be fine in no time just make sure that if you need anything from anywhere or anyone, let me know and I'll make sure that you get it or make sure that you will be calm and relaxed." He's right, he did take me as his sister and he is not taking that role as an advantage, Toshiro on the other hand, Ichigo is WAY better, sorry Captain Hitsugaya. I went into his room, him following behind, saying, "By the way, Rukia is staying in the Soul Society for a while." "Oh, well, that's not what I expected," I said. He yawned, "She told me that she is helping people out on what ever is going." "How come that I wasn't informed?" I asked. I felt a mental slap from Levy, with her saying, "You are a part of his team, Akari." "Oh, well, you know, that was a very dumb question," I said, turning red in embarrassment. Ichigo was chuckling, "You are totally fine, by the way, you had your Soul Page taken away." "Oh that's right," I said, "Thank you for reminding me." With that, I hope Rukia does not mind me sleeping in her spot in the closet because I wonder what it is like in there, Ichigo notices the curious look on my face when I was looking at his closet, then he says, "Oh no, you are not going there." "Why not?" I asked. He groaned, "I don't want you in there because I know that you do not like tight spaces." Oh, shit, he's right, man, though I told him, "I want to conquer this fear because I want to become fearless one day." "Everyone has to be afraid of something, they can't be fearless all the time," said Ichigo, "Even people who are saying that they are fearless, they have one fear on their minds and that's losing every one of their dearest loved ones." "Oh, well, you see, I'm still learning," I said to him, "So, thank you for telling me this." After another 5 minutes go by, he set up a spare futon for me to sleep on, he said, "You can bunk with me until you get that feeling away from you doing on what you do best." "Yeah you have a point," I said, laying down on the futon. Ichigo warns me, "Also, please ignore this annoying plushie named Kon." "Who's Kon?" I asked, immediately regretting myself from saying that. Kon, the Lion plushie, just landed in front of me, started creeping me out by saying, "You are a gorgeous lady, let me readjust your shirt for ya!" He kept going and my rage spoke for me, I grabbed him by his squishy neck, threatened him by saying, "Stay away from me or I'll scorch you until you learned your lesson!" "Like you can cast real Fire," said Kon. I literally casted one in my hand, both Ichigo and Kon freaked out, Ichigo goes, "Are you crazy? Put that fire ball out!" "Please don't burn me, I'll be a good plushie!" Kon says, panicking. Then I threw him against the wall, putting out the flame, brung out duct tape then decided to tape Kon somewhere that I can no longer see him, so I chosen the shelf of Ichigo's computer desk, I chosen the darkest part and taped him good, also taped his mouth shut. Throughout the night, it was nice releasing that rage, I slept very good that night because morning arrived and was in a better mood this time, I got myself ready for school, I gave Ichigo some privacy so he could change as well. Once we met up with each other, Ichigo said, "Let's eat breakfast before heading out." "Yeah, um is it alright if I call Asteria over?" I asked, "She doesn't live very far." "Actually she does," said Ichigo, "She and her mother both run a fashion store and it's far from here." "I can still get her," I said, pouting. He's forgetting about my flash stepping, I gave him a look telling that, he asked, "Why are you giving me that look?" "I can flash step, you berry!" I shouted. He just looked at me, did I literally call him a berry? Well, it's only understandable that his name has 2 meanings, so I was only thinking of strawberry, oops, I instantly said, "Sorry about that." "It's alright," he said, shaking that off. I told him, "Hey, it's not my fault that your name has two meanings!" "What are you saying?" he asked. I told him, "Your whole name 'Ichigo' means strawberry as well." "Not you too," he said, groaning, "Been called strawberry multiple times by Asteria Evarose." "Well, it was her first word in the language so it's only understandable," I said to him, "But, don't worry I won't call you that, much." "I heard that!" he shouted.
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
Everyone’s Zanpakutos, Shikai, Bankai, and Attack Moves
To the people who are not familiar with the anime series called Bleach, each Soul Reaper has a Zanpakuto, the Zanpakuto that they wield,  they are part of their owner's soul, a Zanpakutō cannot be replaced, though it will slowly regenerate if it is broken. The size of the Zanpakutō reflects the amount of the swordsman's spiritual power. Now Shikai and Bankai,  Shikai is the second (or first upgraded) form available to a Zanpakutō. To activate it, the Soul Reaper needs to learn the name of their Zanpakutō. This is not as easy as simply picking a name, for the living spirit of the Zanpakutō already has its own name. The Soul Reaper must be able to communicate and harmonize with their Zanpakutō effectively, which requires being able to speak to the spirit within its world gaining access to one's Shikai and releasing it for the first time is known as Manifestation. Now Bankai is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakutō  when a Shinigami achieved it, they would possess an "Evolved Zanpakutō" (進化した斬魄刀, Shinkashita Zanpakutō). To achieve Bankai, one must be able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakutō spirit. Materialization means the opposite of getting dragged into the Zanpakutō's inner world: the wielder needs to summon the Zanpakutō's spirit into the physical world. It usually takes 10 years or more to achieve, plus the experience needed to master it. Now the attack moves are something I have added because 2 moves isn’t enough for me so I went in deeper into the world of my creative brain, the attack moves are basically like Pokemon moves, but instead of 4 I’ve written a lot of moves for Akari. But most of the information I took is from the Bleach Wiki, credit goes to the owner, I just can’t make up my words to save my life when it comes to the things I like. But without any further ado, let me show you on what each EXO member has, also I’m going to put Akari in here:
Akari Itsuki: Shadow Phoenix, Burst, Faint Flame Beast Attack, Fire Burst, Solar Flare, Super Nova/Fire Shield, Phoenix Rage, Phoenix Wrath, and much more.
Now about Phoenix Rage and Phoenix Wrath, I know that they are in the same category but not in this case, Phoenix Rage is Flamethrower and Phoenix Wrath is Heat Wave. I thought this through when I was coming up with Akari and her Zanpakuto. Burst is Shikai and Faint Flame Beast Attack is Bankai
Kim Minseok: Blizzard, Berserk Ice, Take Aim, Diminish, Freeze, Winding Blizzard Barrage, and Blizzard Technique
Blizzard is Xiumin’s Zanpakuto, his Shikai is Freeze, and his Bankai is Winding Blizzard Barrage
Luhan: Serene Jewel, Dissolve, Shatter Chakra, Radiate, Drain, Ravage, Blind, Change, and Summon
Luhan’s Zanpakuto is Serene Jewel, his Shikai is Radiate, and his Bankai is Summon.
Kris Wu Yifan: Swift Tiger, Spark, Feral Tiger Stab, Shred to Pieces, Burst with Anger, and Relish in Pain
Kris’ Zanpakuto is Swift Tiger, Shikai is Shred to Pieces, and Bankai is Feral Tiger Stab.
Kim Junmyeon: (previously) Swift Winter, Massacre, Screech, Scattering Rain Fall, Singing Jolt of Gravity Mind, and Wicked Beast Push
Now: Majestic Octopus, Whip, Seed Chaos, Ambush, Choke, Feast, Pound, Massacre (Octopus style), Knock, Disrupt Gravity, Hurl, Bash, Rip to Shreds, and Frightening Kiss of the Majestic Giant Octopus
Suho’s Zanpakuto is Majestic Octopus, he originally had Swift Winter then I changed it later on in the story, his Shikai now is Rip to Shreds, and Bankai is now Frightening Kiss of the Giant Majestic Octopus
Yixing Zhang: Little Earth, Heal, Shield, Protect those in need, Rise, Fan Away, Shining Light,Starlight Heal, Bird Spear, and Light Supreme Raze
I decided to make Lay the healer in this because of his caring nature, and his power is to heal others, anyways, his Zanpakuto is Little Earth though he calls her Raven, Shikai is Shield, and Bankai is Protect those in need
Byun Baekhyun: Masked Halo, Divergent Light, Harmonize, Forsake, Biting Force of Solar Root, White Starfall Spell, and Starlight Blow
Baekhyun’s Zanpakuto is Masked Halo, Shikai is Divergent Light, and Bankai is Biting Force of Solar Root.
Kim Jongdae: Curious Heart, Reign from Above, Envelop, Spring Method, Serene Storm Bolt, Storm Blast, Thunder Claw, and Storm Bash
Chen’s Zanpakuto is Curious Heart, Shikai is Storm Blast, and Bankai is Reign from Above
Park Chanyeol: Colossal Jaguar, Beast Attack, Prey upon the Weak, Terrorize, Rip, Scratching Stab of the Autumn Jaguar, and Dying Panther Slash
Chanyeol’s Zanpakuto is Colossal Jaguar, I picked the Colossal one because of how tall Chanyeol is, Shikai is Prey upon the Weak, and Bankai is Scratching Stab of the Autumn Jaguar (which is one heck of a mouth full)
Do Kyungsoo: Grim Earth, Rave, Mark with Fire, Vanish, Impending Electric Shock, Stone Slash, Talon Coil, and Canine Blast
Kyungsoo’s Zanpakuto is Grim Earth, Shikai is Canine Blast, and Bankai is Mark with Fire
Huang Zitao: Grim Panther, Descend, Quick Charge, Soul Spear, Tornado Whip, Feral Fist Claw, and Torture Souls
Tao’s Zanpakuto is Grim Panther, Shikai is Descend, and Bankai is Feral Fist Claw
Kim Jongin: (previously) Majestic Leviathan, Reckless Rose, Bleed, Frying Stomp of Spiteful Blossom, and Stunning Bee Kick
Now: Swift Winter, Massacre, Screech, Scattering Rain Fall, Singing Jolt of Gravity Mind, and Wicked Beast Push
Kai’s Zanpakuto is now Swift Winter, used to be Majestic Leviathan, Shikai is now Screech, and Scattering Rain Fall
Oh Sehun: Enraged Hurricane, Scream, Start Chaos, Meteor Surge, Fire Raze, Vortex Punch, Simple Meteor Slam, Bear Wave, and Tornado Clap
Sehun’s Zanpakuto is Enraged Hurricane, Shikai is Scream, and Bankai is Start Chaos
Natsume Shimo: Majestic Leviathan, Levitate, Reckless Leviathan Majestic Rose, Spread Fear, Relish in Anger, and Risk All
Natsume is the new wielder of Majestic Leviathan, Shikai is Levitate, and Bankai is Reckless Leviathan Majestic Rose.
Asteria Evarose: Majestic Eagle, Forsake Freedom, Overpower, Blind, Echoing Scream, Butcher, Puncture, Shred to Pieces (Eagle style), Flowing Eagle Chain, and Majestic Day Eagle Hit
Asteria is the wielder of Majestic Eagle, Shikai is Echoing Scream, and Bankai is Flowing Eagle Chain. Asteria is one of my many characters that is from Greece so I had to choose something that’s related to the Greek Myths so I went with an Eagle. I thought about her having Majestic Leviathan but I decided Majestic Eagle would work out in her favor later on.
That was a long list but I have to say I put a lot of thought into this because I love both EXO and Bleach, plus no one has ever done an EXO Soul Reaper Au so I’m going to be the first one to do it. Also, I just feel creative you know. But yeah, if you are not familiar with Bleach, I highly recommend on doing your research or find the show somewhere. Plus most of the members have the power concept in each Zanpakuto, minus Chanyeol, the reason why I didn’t make Chanyeol a Pyromancer is because Akari is a Pyromancer so I basically gave him a Balance elemental. Here is the updated version of this: Update
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