#akari itsuki kurosaki
volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch17
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Chapter 16
"Did you just say Majestic Octopus?" asked Talon. I nodded, Leviathan tells me, "Have you lost your mind? She's the most terrifying Zanpakutō amongst us." "She doesn't sound scary to me," I told her, "I'm going to look for her blade." "Here's the thing," said Talon, "You don't find her, she finds you when you least expect it." "I just need her to put Suho in his place and maybe help him through," I said to him, "That's all I need her to do, the rest is up to her." I was like that with Shadow Phoenix, Majestic Octopus will do that because Suho needs to have that feeling of having a loving and caring mother. I went to Raven and asked, "Where can I go to Majestic Octopus favorite places to show up?" "Near water," she said, "She'll show up if you need her to do something that might be important." "Oh it is," I said, "Suho broke." That's all she needed to hear apparently, I hear her say, "Broke you say?" "Yeah, he never had parents who cared for him and his well being," I told her, "He's now a lost soul, I found out he's been spiritually trapped by them and forced to come back to life." "I see," she said, "Well, I'll be by his side no matter what he says because he better not talk back to me." "Can I?" I asked. She nodded, "You are the one who summoned me over so I have no choice but to obey your every word." "Not every word, just go easy on him," I said to him. I went back and noticed that her blade is a regular katana but with tentacle markings from the hilt. I went to Suho, he looks at me, I tell him, "This is your new Zanpakutō, Suho." He took Majestic Octopus, then I hear her say to me, "By the way, call me River, better tell him that." "This is Majestic Octopus but she prefers River," I told him, "She's going to be with you until you are sure that you want to be away from here for forever." "Actually I want to go there but also keep using her in future battles," Suho said. River tells him, "You may, but I'm only limited to what I am told to do by Akari here." "Stay with him," I said, "I mean it this time, he has no idea on how to handle things on his own." "I see," she said, "Well, you might need to get the other elemental Zanpakutō spirits from the other guys." "Elemental?" I asked. She nodded, Talon told me, "I'm an Earth Elemental, Leviathan is a Water Elemental, Raven is a Healing Elemental, Blizzard is an Ice Elemental, Grim Panther is a Dark Elemental, Masked Halo is of course a Light Elemental, Jaguar is a Balance Elemental, Serene Jewel is a Psychic Elemental, Hurricane is an Air Elemental, Curious Heart is a Storm Elemental, Winter is a Cosmic Elemental, and Tiger is a Steel Elemental." "Long story short, we are all siblings of Shadow Phoenix," said Leviathan. Shadow Phoenix nodded, I looked at River and I asked, "Do you have any relation to them?" "Oh child, you sure are curious," said River, "I have no relation to them, just a friend to them." After that, I couldn't believe on what I just heard, then Talon said, "To tell you the truth, Kyungsoo, the one who was previously my wielder, River told me that she would look over the EXO guys, apparently she was waiting for all 12 of them to be reunited by someone like you." "So, wait, are you guys saying that all of you elementals were supposed to be wielded by me?" I asked. Leviathan said, "Yes, though I'm all forward to be Natsume's Zanpakutō." "Though it wouldn't be right," said Talon, "She would be totally unbalanced." "Um I have Shadow Phoenix," I said to them. She came to us and said, "That may be true but in future battles, you might have no choice but to use not only me, but the others." "Alright, how about this, I can only fight with 3 weapons at a time," I said, "So, the others would be familiars attached one of you." "Are you choosing which 3 to chose?" asked Talon. I nodded, "Shadow Phoenix of course, Leviathan, and you Talon." "That's a great choice," said Leviathan. I know I made a very wise and great choice because I was actually seeing a happy face on mother's face, she no longer has the angry face. Good, now I can go back to doing what I was doing and that is doing my school work before I get behind on assignments. I went to Ichigo, I asked, "Did I miss anything?" "Yeah, you missed a lot which is understandable," he said. I asked, "Can I at least copy your notes?" "Sure, make sure to stop," he said. I went to work immediately, but I have a very bad feeling about something. But I shook it off like it was nothing. When I finished, I told Ichigo that I was going to take a walk, after hearing nothing from him, probably asleep I decided to go out for a walk, not knowing any danger might be lurking around the corner. Thankfully, I had Leviathan attached to me, her weapon happens to be a Trident combined with an Anchor and Battleaxe. She is very unique I'll you that, then I heard someone chuckling very manically I looked in the direction on where it is coming from. Grimmjow appeared again, I stepped back, he said, "Well, well, look who it is, the Pyro lady. I was waiting for you to show up." "What do you want from me?" I asked. He said, "I'm here to make you pay for burning me last time, prepare to be killed by me." Then I heard her say, "Quick, shout Ice Shield! Hurry!" So I did, she tells me, "Yes this is the same thing as Fire Shield, it also back fires like Fire Shield." When Grimmjow punched through the barrier, he got a bad case of freezing cold water just hit him back, while he was hissing in pain she tells me, "Hurry! Run to the nearest building you come across!" I went running the way I came so I could get Shadow Phoenix, then Leviathan said, "You can just summon her to you, just think loudly and mentally yell for her to come to your aid!" So, I did, she appeared and Fire Shield replaced Ice Shield, saying, "Nice job telling her, Levy." "I mean, it's going to become useful one of these days," said Leviathan, "By the way, yes, I do prefer Levy because I get tired after hearing Leviathan over and over again." "I get it," I said to her. It wasn't long until Grimmjow attacked me again, this time his entire arm got burned by fire, then he managed to actually take down the barrier and sent me flying, hitting a tree trunk, him saying, "You are going to pay for that! Now, you little shit, prepare to meet your maker!" Then I got up sending him flying this time using a Fire Burst, "Stay away from me, you mad man!" "Oh I'm a mad man?" I hear him faintly say. Then he raised his voice, "I'll show you on who's mad!!" All I could do right now is dodge his every move, I'm not in my Soul form, when a mysterious stone wall appeared it made my cue to go out of my Gigai body. I saw Levy take my body to somewhere that it won't get hurt or anything, the stone wall came down, now Grimmjow is seeing me in full attack mode, he said, "I forgot that you were in that body of yours, now let's fight for real!"
We begun to fight, he's a tough opponent I give him that, though I'm not giving up that easily, I managed to slice him 5 times, each slice has a burning sensation to them so that's why he yells in pain when I do that. My blade heats up when I'm close to my opponent, but what really sucked on my part when he basically tired me out to be fully out of fire powers so he could finish me off. He got me on the ground, stomach in the concrete, bleeding from my arm and face, feeling pain throughout my body, and out of power, Grimmjow smirked, "Well, looks like this little bird is out of power to finish me off. Well, time to say goodbye!" He almost finished me when he got blasted by a getsuga tensho from none other than my big brother, Ichigo Kurosaki, though all I could remember was blacking out. I opened my eyes to only find myself in a strange room, I looked around, looks like I'm back in the living room of his house. Ichigo said, "I see that you are awake finally." "I swear I didn't do it on purpose," I said, "He started it first, then if you didn't save me back there, he would've finished me off." "Yeah," he said, "Be careful next time." "He made me go out of power," I said, "Which I use to having infinite power, but now, I need to find the other weapons to have that power again, so far I only have the Scythe and Leviathan's weapon." "I see," he said, "Well, again be careful next time." I have a bad feeling that Grimmjow was meeting me for a reason and I was saved from it, I wonder what he was going to do if he didn't want to fight me. Ah, it's probably nothing. I ignored the thought and went to sleep. 5 straight minutes go by, I'm having the most difficult time falling asleep, all I could think of is being in Ichigo's presence because he makes me feel totally safe, I went to his door and having second thoughts whether or not to knock on the door, I don't want to wake him up but this is very bad on my part. Though I did it anyway, softly though, while I heard a faint noise inside I decided to sit beside the door waiting for someone to open, knowing Rukia is in his closet. As I was waiting, I heard Levy ask, "What seems to be on your mind, Akari?" "I had a very bad feeling that he was meeting me for a reason," I said, softly. She was a very good listener, she tells me, "Whatever it is, it can't be good on you because he's basically the bad guy that made you go out of only fire powers." "Wait so I could've switched elements?" I softly asked. Levy told me, "You are an Elemental wielder after all, Akari." "But here's the problem though, I only used Ice Shield because you told me to do so," I said, "I only mastered on my fire powers." "This is the beginning of training with me and Talon, we'll go easy on you," she said, I could not help but say, "You guys are something else, you are sure different from the other Zanpakutōs out there." "That's because before we actually became elemental spirits," I heard Talon say, "We were very much alive at one point." "How is that possible?" I asked, "I thought the spirit of the zanpakuto has to come from the wielder." "We are unique, Akari," said Levy, "We each favored weapons that we forged ourselves, well, minus Talon, your mother, Shadow Phoenix, made sure that her weapon is extremely unique so she went with the scythe." After my crazy talk with Levy and Talon, the door that led to the inside of Ichigo's room, he opened and he doesn't look very happy that I either woke him up or I didn't check my voice level. Though he doesn't see me, yet anyway, all I did was touch his pant leg and he instantly looked at me, still has that same scowling face, he met up to my level which by the way, that helps because I'm not that tall, I only reach up to his chest, anyways, when he knelt down to my level, I couldn't help but look away, scared that he might not want me to stay with him for the night. Then he asked, "What is it, Akari?" "Well, um, you see, I can't sleep for at least 5 minutes," I said, trying not to sound too frightened by him. Then he put his hand on my right cheek and made me look at him, then a soft smile appeared, "You could've just said so, I asked on what is it that you need because no one knocks that softly other than you, Akari." "Oh well I didn't want to disturb your rest," I said, "I would've understand that you don't want to be bothered." "Hey, c'mon now," said Ichigo, "You had a rough day and might be recovering that impact you received, don't worry you'll be fine in no time just make sure that if you need anything from anywhere or anyone, let me know and I'll make sure that you get it or make sure that you will be calm and relaxed." He's right, he did take me as his sister and he is not taking that role as an advantage, Toshiro on the other hand, Ichigo is WAY better, sorry Captain Hitsugaya. I went into his room, him following behind, saying, "By the way, Rukia is staying in the Soul Society for a while." "Oh, well, that's not what I expected," I said. He yawned, "She told me that she is helping people out on what ever is going." "How come that I wasn't informed?" I asked. I felt a mental slap from Levy, with her saying, "You are a part of his team, Akari." "Oh, well, you know, that was a very dumb question," I said, turning red in embarrassment. Ichigo was chuckling, "You are totally fine, by the way, you had your Soul Page taken away." "Oh that's right," I said, "Thank you for reminding me." With that, I hope Rukia does not mind me sleeping in her spot in the closet because I wonder what it is like in there, Ichigo notices the curious look on my face when I was looking at his closet, then he says, "Oh no, you are not going there." "Why not?" I asked. He groaned, "I don't want you in there because I know that you do not like tight spaces." Oh, shit, he's right, man, though I told him, "I want to conquer this fear because I want to become fearless one day." "Everyone has to be afraid of something, they can't be fearless all the time," said Ichigo, "Even people who are saying that they are fearless, they have one fear on their minds and that's losing every one of their dearest loved ones." "Oh, well, you see, I'm still learning," I said to him, "So, thank you for telling me this." After another 5 minutes go by, he set up a spare futon for me to sleep on, he said, "You can bunk with me until you get that feeling away from you doing on what you do best." "Yeah you have a point," I said, laying down on the futon. Ichigo warns me, "Also, please ignore this annoying plushie named Kon." "Who's Kon?" I asked, immediately regretting myself from saying that. Kon, the Lion plushie, just landed in front of me, started creeping me out by saying, "You are a gorgeous lady, let me readjust your shirt for ya!" He kept going and my rage spoke for me, I grabbed him by his squishy neck, threatened him by saying, "Stay away from me or I'll scorch you until you learned your lesson!" "Like you can cast real Fire," said Kon. I literally casted one in my hand, both Ichigo and Kon freaked out, Ichigo goes, "Are you crazy? Put that fire ball out!" "Please don't burn me, I'll be a good plushie!" Kon says, panicking. Then I threw him against the wall, putting out the flame, brung out duct tape then decided to tape Kon somewhere that I can no longer see him, so I chosen the shelf of Ichigo's computer desk, I chosen the darkest part and taped him good, also taped his mouth shut. Throughout the night, it was nice releasing that rage, I slept very good that night because morning arrived and was in a better mood this time, I got myself ready for school, I gave Ichigo some privacy so he could change as well. Once we met up with each other, Ichigo said, "Let's eat breakfast before heading out." "Yeah, um is it alright if I call Asteria over?" I asked, "She doesn't live very far." "Actually she does," said Ichigo, "She and her mother both run a fashion store and it's far from here." "I can still get her," I said, pouting. He's forgetting about my flash stepping, I gave him a look telling that, he asked, "Why are you giving me that look?" "I can flash step, you berry!" I shouted. He just looked at me, did I literally call him a berry? Well, it's only understandable that his name has 2 meanings, so I was only thinking of strawberry, oops, I instantly said, "Sorry about that." "It's alright," he said, shaking that off. I told him, "Hey, it's not my fault that your name has two meanings!" "What are you saying?" he asked. I told him, "Your whole name 'Ichigo' means strawberry as well." "Not you too," he said, groaning, "Been called strawberry multiple times by Asteria Evarose." "Well, it was her first word in the language so it's only understandable," I said to him, "But, don't worry I won't call you that, much." "I heard that!" he shouted.
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 5
I did everything I could to keep Onyx because Ichigo has never been this demanding before, has he really forgotten that he is now my cousin? So when night arrived, I could not get to sleep because of how he was acting towards me, Alex, Onyx, Mugetsu, Esperanza, and Shiro, when it comes to Orihime, his son, Rukia, and Renji he acts like nothing is wrong. I wonder it has to do with the fact that HIS memories are obscured now, if that's the case, I need to do something about this, I softly called out, "Hey Onyx." "Couldn't sleep?" he asked. I sighed meaning that there was something on my mind, Onyx opened up the closet door like Rukia used to do, "What's on your mind?" "Ichigo has been acting very weird," I said, "Are his memories obscured this time?" "I wish I knew but we need to get everyone back before things get worse," said Onyx, "Thankfully I know on how to get them back. Let's sneak out and find a Karaoke place so we can loose the tension." That is what we exactly did, Onyx was always the one to keep his guard up even when Ichigo was being protective, doesn't matter, Onyx is my brother and guardian. We walked into a place that has a stage but no one was singing, Onyx asked the manager of the place, "Can we take the stage for tonight?" She was the sweetest lady, told us, "Of course you can, darlings." We walked up the stage and we saw Alex again, this time he was with Volaris, he knew exactly on what to play when he saw us, Ignite played first to warm us up, we got no one's attention for some time, which means we got to up our game. The lady who let us was watching us, she was loving us and how in sync we were being, she asked us, "Are you two a couple?" "No, we are brother and sister," said Onyx, "Don't ask, just accept it." She nods, I think she knows on what we are because Carry On from Avenged Sevenfold started to play, got Levy back, because there was someone with a cup of water who watched their drink vanish to thin air, then we heard, "Hey guys!" Onyx shouted, "Aunt Levy!" She waved where the lady was, then Centuries played then started to get some attention with Must Be Nice from Nickelback it was only Onyx this time. Then I noticed that did not got their attention, I felt someone behind me, I turned, Jagaur's back, he was head bobbing to the Nickelback song, "Hey, Jagaur." He looks at me finally, then smiles, "I'm waiting for a hug." I hugged him same with Levy, then I did Immortals from Fall Out Boy, and In The Air Tonight from Phil Collins, I guess that there was a colonel who was supposed at his base because we heard someone who never raised his voice and that colonel was close to harming the lady that let us on stage, then we saw a fist and a few teeth falling into view. Hurricane is back, never lost his chivalry, then we heard him say, "Get out of here, scumbag." The guy ran out, I waved, "Hi, Hurricane!" "Hey, Lady Akari," he said, immediate change of attitude, "Don't mind me I'm just doing my thing." "As we can see, by the way, nice to have you back," said Onyx, "Next song." Not Gonna Die, Out of Hell, and Rise from Skillet played then A Light That Never Comes from Linkin Park played, got Raven and Layla back. Then Thunder played, I felt a shocking feeling and out came Evangeline beginning to dance with her partner Hurricane. A lot of songs later, I got most of them back, my sassiness came back because Jagaur was the source of it all. I was back in bed same with Onyx, everyone else hoped onto Hurricane's back and went straight to the cottage to power up the portal so that the others would come out. I can not wait to see mom and dad after so long of being away from them, morning rises and it was time to handle Hollows, I was energized again, I am now use to my falchion because I did a couple Heart blasts to a few, Ichigo caught up to me, Onyx, and Mugetsu, tells only me, "Let Kazui have his first kill." I rolled my eyes, "He's not old enough, Ichigo Kurosaki." Then I casted a Shadow Ball, threw it at a Hollow who was going after his son, "He has yet to know on what to do." "I'm sorry, what is going on," he asked, "First thing you were scared to even fight with your falchion and now you are using it with no problem, what happened to you?" "Wouldn't you like to know," I sassed, "I'm not telling. Let's go Mugetsu and Onyx." "No, you are not going anywhere until you tell me on what is going on with you," said Ichigo. Then the thought of hate surge through my body and mind, it was unbearable this time, Mugetsu could see this, tapped on the side of my temple, it calmed the being inside, saying, "Keep calm until we get into the cottage." I nodded to what he said, Mugetsu said to Ichigo, "Dude, you are effecting her every action to do anything. She is battling something greater than her and it might kill her." Raven showed up and casted a mental lock key, unlocked his memories again, Ichigo ended up saying, "I didn't know that what I was doing was causing her to be like this." "It's alright you didn't know, Ichigo," said Onyx, "Now, you remember on who she is and her power?" "Yeah," he said, "She's Akari Itsuki, who I took under my care without knowing that she already has a brother but I know that she knows I was trying to prepare her for a world that does not care about her feelings." "Which it won't matter because her inner being won't let anyone say anything evil towards her," said Mugetsu, "Let's just say that you will lose her again and she will never come back from what she was battling." After we separated from Ichigo, I went to Shinji for help, I called, "Hello? Anybody here?" "Ah, Miss Itsuki," said Shinji, "Been a while." "I need your help please," I cried. Hiyori, who didn't like me in the beginning but she still did, walks up into view, asked, "What is it that you need from us?" "I'm battling something and I don't know on what to do," I said, "I came here so I can learn what it is and how to deal with it the best I can." "Well then you came to the right place," said Shinji, "Let's what is within you shall we?" "Go easy on me please," I said. Then everyone heard, including me, "I know on who it is." We looked at who it was, I called out, "Mugetsu, what are you doing here?" "To tell you on what is going on within you," said Mugetsu, "You might've thought that the Elemental Realm was your inner mind, but it is not because I went through it, Akari, something is preventing you to go into your mind." "How do I get there?" I asked.
Mugetsu's POV: I told her that I was going to see on what I will by going into her mind, I went in to her mind, the view before me was unbelievable, there were evil thoughts flowing through harming Nikushimi's power level and hurting her physically, I got to work on destroying each and every one of those evil, mean, and nasty thoughts. I used all my power skills to get the ones that were in my reach, I called out, "Nikushimi! I'm going to come back with back up because this is unacceptable for something like this to happen." "Please, help me, Mugetsu," she said, weakly. Esperanza and Onyx may be the guardians of Akari alone, but I protect Nikushimi, it was my sworn duty to protect that fragile thing until she has her power and strength back. Time to get Denver and Dakota, well it's going to be real easy for me to find Denver because he remembers on who he was, Dakota has no idea on who he is, so I decided to go to the market because that is where they working at, both of them are working at the market, one was a cashier and the other was stocking the shelves. I went to Dakota, who was stocking the shelves, "Hey, I need your help." "Can it wait, Mugetsu?" he asked, "Unless it's very important." "It's Akari," I said. That got his attention, "One moment please, could you finish for me?" "Sure," I said, starting finishing on what he was stocking. Yes I work here too, I'm just the Co-manager of the place, I was told that I didn't have to be here unless it was an emergency, I went to Denver and told him what is happening with Lady Akari. I got the 2, no one said anything back to what I was doing because I like things my way, then Dakota had the nerve to ask, "Is your hair that long yet?" "Shut up, Dakota," I said, "I have yet to say that I have hair extensions." "There is a thing called shampoo," said Denver. I just looked at the 2, I can not believe these 2 are actually seeing through this long ass hair, am I really that easy to get caught? I asked, "Can you act like it's this natural? I don't want to be made fun of as I already am by a Black Panther." "Fine, whatever floats your boat, milady," Dakota joked. I shouted, "Do I really look like a woman?" "No you don't," said a lady behind us. We looked, it was a girl with lavender hair that was wearing an indigo and golden yellow dress, she was also wearing a necklace that has a clock, I asked, "How's it going, Usami?" "Where you are going with these 2?" she asked, "Bring them back because I might need you all to be here since this place is going to be busy in a few hours." "Usami, this is more important," I said to her, "I'll be right back with them, but for right now, they are on their breaks." She nods knowing that I am stubborn, man, I got it from my host, Ichigo Kurosaki, damn you, strawberry, shrug it off, then we see him, Dakota groaned, "Great, here comes the grouch of all grouches." "What happened while he was there?" I asked. Dakota answered, "I kept seeing him saying to Akari to watch on what she eats even though she tells me and Denver that she is naturally that thin, not to mention she has extreme high metabolism." "She does fight a lot and it burns a lot of calories," I said. We went back to where Akari was, I led the 2 into her mind, I asked, "Do you guys know on what power you guys have?" "I have Energy," said Denver. Dakota tells me that he has Void, "Alright guys, see those thoughts, destroy them because they are causing damage to that little fragile girl over there," I said pointing at Nikushimi. They got the memo, Denver looks like Ukitake right? Here is what Dakota looks like, he's the Dangai version, his attire is exactly what you think it is, the right sleeve is always torn and he has to have something wrapped around his entire arm and his hand would always be covered with a black glove with a very long black thick string that he always does to his own clothing. Let's just say that is his Soul form, we are currently breaking his habit within his body because that has got to stop, he almost lost his job to what he almost did to his uniform, I did come up with a compromise that he can wear the black glove with no string attached to it, he's slowly getting there. We got the thought taken care of and we exited the mind of hers, Dakota goes, "Well, that was nerve wrecking, those thoughts were not what I had in mind." "Maybe we need to set her an application to the market so the 3 of us and hopefully Usami can keep an eye out for her," I said to them, "I know for a fact that it's not going to stop until we find out on who is the source of all this nonsense."
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul *An EXO and Bleach mash up story*
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I was in the middle of brainstorming of a story that no one has EVER done, thankfully one day, I stumbled back into the world of this anime show called Bleach, now for those who don’t know Bleach, you might be confused on what is going to happen in this story of mine. I went straight to brainstorming when I was watching a few episodes of Bleach and I searched up if there were anything Soul Reaper AU of EXO, turns out that there is none, so I’m going to be the first one to do this. So if Bleach fans out there sees an error in the chapters, don’t judge me I only know on what’s going on and my brain just does the creative on what happened so don’t do that. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the show and I’m so glad to finally show people on how creative I can be.
Main Bleach Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, Shuhei Hisagi, Akari Itsuki Hitsugaya/Kurosaki, Uryu Ishida, Orihime Inoue, and Chad Sado
Minor Bleach Characters: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto, Mayuri, Byakuya Kuchiki, Soi Fon, Yoruichi, Kisuke Urahara, Ganju Shiba, Kukaku Shiba, Isshin Kurosaki, Ikkaku Madarame, Yumichika Ayasegawa
EXO members: Kim Minseok, Luhan, Kris Wu Yifan, Kim Junmyeon, Yixing Zhang, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Huang Zitao, Kim Jongin, and Oh Sehun
Akari’s Zanpakuto and the EXO members Zanpakuto’s: This one right here
Genres: Humor, Fluff, Action, Adventure, Kpop, Anime, Mature, Violence
Any AUs: Soul Reaper AU and EXO Mafia AU (because why not?)
Warnings: Strong Language, mention of blood, killing, and gore, also and possible mature scenes
Itsuki is always wanted to live in the world of the living but she ends up in a situation that she's not a familiar with at all, though she is smart enough to bring a phone with her so she can keep in touch with the Soul Society whenever she wants. She always like getting in situations that are tough but easy for her to get through it without a problem, she's been known to never give up on any challenge. Her Captain used to be Kenpachi Zaraki, then she was switched to different captains, now she is content with her new captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya. She ends up in a situation that is tougher than she thought it was going to be, she finds herself asking for advice from Renji, Rangiku, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Rukia, Toshiro, Kukaku, Ichigo, possibly Uryu, Rukia, and Yoruichi, basically she calls anyone that she has on that phone. But she soon finds out that she can no longer escape from whoever she's running away from, though she kept promising herself that she would never tell anyone in the world of the living that she is a Soul Reaper and she came from the Soul Society. Toshiro, she sees him as a brother to her, and Toshiro always seems to like her looking him up as a brother. Itsuki has never met her parents, so basically she was left all alone, Toshiro was actually given her the permission to go into the world of the living. Kenpachi terrified her, Kyoraku weirded her out, Byakuya was never an option for her, Sui-Feng was too pushy, so she took her chances with Toshiro, she fit in his squad because she wanted to switch to another captain then Toshiro gave her a chance that she is trying to fit in a squad that she considers a family. So basically, her full name is now Itsuki Akari Hitsugaya, she looks up to Rangiku as a mother because Toshiro wanted Itsuki to feel wanted and accepted. Her Zanpakuto is called Shadow Phoenix, the first stage which is Shikai is Burst Shadow Phoenix and the second stage which is Bankai is Faint Flame Beast Attack Shadow Phoenix. Her Zanpakuto is a Scythe, she always fights with the scythe, Shadow Phoenix would always let her fight with the Scythe. But anywho that's her life in the Soul Society whenever night falls in the world of the living, every time when night falls that's her cue to get some work done in the Soul Society. Toshiro would always let her come back whenever she wants because she was born in the Soul Society. She lands in a garden filled with flowers that were so beautiful that she was actually invading someone's territory, so she was knocked out before she sensed someone. Watch and find out on what happens next.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch13
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Chapter 12
After the interaction between the 3 of us, Natsume, myself, and Azuma, I believe that he's ready to go to the Soul Society, so I gave him the pass of going to the Soul Society. After all that, I went to the actual house, seeing Ichigo was waiting for me, he looked at me and asked, "So, how did it go?" "Azuma redeemed himself and I sent him to the Soul Society," I said to him, "Well, I had Renji do it since my Scythe can't do that unfortunately." "It can, it's only the end of the staff or the tip of the blade," said Shadow Phoenix, "I'm only hoping for it not to be the tip of the blade." "Yeah, I'm going with the staff as well," I said to her. Ichigo showed me to a room that I would be staying then I noticed that the EXO guys existed, I told Ichigo, "I forgot about the EXO guys." "Oh shoot, so did I," said Ichigo. So I went to the headquarters of EXO, they were waiting for me to show up, which is questionable, I asked, "What do you guys want from me now?" "We need you to help us on a mission," said Suho, "But we can start it tomorrow." "Thank you, I've done a lot of shit recently," I said, then went to my bed. I was feeling a little anxious about what I asked Ichigo, what was I thinking asking him a question like that, I couldn't sleep so I went to the dining room to just sit there thinking on what I should do to avoid a question like that again, then Xiumin comes in and asks, "What are you doing up?" "Couldn't sleep, I asked something that I totally regret asking," I said to him, "Maybe you can help me out." "Sure," he said. Xiumin sits across from me, same with Sehun who was currently with him. Sehun asked, "What was it that made you regret so deeply?" I didn't like the way he was saying that as if I was playing around, I said to them, "I asked a friend of mine, if it was to happen, 'If you turned into a hollow, which will probably happen, what would you want me to do?' when I asked that I instantly regretted that because my friend was very silent." They looked at each other, that's right, they've never seen a Hollow, well, Xiumin had but he had that memory wiped out from that night event. I asked them, "Do you want to know what a Hollow looks like?" "Do we have to?" they asked. I told them, "It's very vital to know on what are Hollows to us, Soul Reapers, that counts as you guys as well." "I see," said Sehun. I told them to wake everyone up since I've been taking notes on how to be a teacher and I found my voice of teaching a class which they were startled by, I rolled out a white board, Renji came over and asked, "What are you doing, Akari?" I just ignored him, then I saw the 9 guys coming through, Sehun and Xiumin walked faster than the rest were, I shouted, "Come on, move faster, you are gonna have your first lesson as a Soul Reaper you guys." They moved slightly fast, Xiumin and Sehun sat down quick because they saw my true angered face, I looked at Renji, "You are going to help me, whether you want to or not." "Alright, just as long as this topic is not boring," said Renji. I looked at the 9 guys, "Hmm, not all of you are here, let's fix that shall we? Come on out here you 3." Out came Kris, Luhan, and Tao, I asked them all, "Have you guys brought your Zanpakutos with you?" It was silent, then I shouted in anger, "THEN GO GET THEM. YOU IDIOTS!!!" They did exactly that, especially Renji, he knows that he pissed of the wrong woman, once they came back, I pointed out 12 notebooks, told them, "Each one of you get a notebook so you can write these down, if it's not the color you want then deal with it, you do not want to face me in battle." I heard 13 gulps, then the 12 guys got one notebook, did not say a thing, and sat back down, I cleared my throat, "Today's topic is learning the different types of Hollows." "Hallows?" I heard Baekhyun, "What is a Hallow?" I threw a pebble at him, "Get it right, it's Hollow with 2 o's, no a's, you moron." Suho said, scared, "Forgive him, please continue." "Thank you," I said, "Hollows are a race of creatures which are born from human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to the Soul Society after their death and stay in the Human World for too long." "Human world as in the World of the Living," says Renji, "Basically the Soul Society is like Heaven." "Oh I see," said Suho, "So wait, how do human souls turn into Hollows?" "I was getting to that," I said, "Hollows are corrupt with supernatural powers which devour the souls of both the living and deceased humans." "Thankfully that has never happened to you guys," said Renji, "You guys remain positive no matter what but if one of you were to turn into a Hollow, there is no choice that the rest of you would have to kill him, there's no way out." I nodded, which I hope that doesn't happen with Ichigo if he does turn into one, though I might have no choice. That is what is fueling this hidden rage I have, I'm really regretting on what I asked Ichigo, Renji looks at me then looks at the EXO guys, "You guys will have to have your first fight with a Hollow, minus Kris, Luhan and Tao since they had their fun with Hollows." "How was it?" Kai asked Luhan. Luhan said, "Very strange at first but it's an amazing feel once you get use to it." Kris and Tao nodded in agreement, Renji looks at me, "Look, I know you are still fuming of what I said earlier on today, but what you asked Ichigo was necessary, he has an answer for you already." I went to Ichigo, I asked, "Did you thought of an answer?" "Yes, Akari," he said, in a calm voice, "If that ever happens, don't hesitate to kill me or try to call me to control the Hollow." I just stood there, I would definitely go for the second option, I told him, "I'll try to do the second option because I never had killed a loved one before." "You always think outside of the box, that's what so different about you," said Ichigo, "You always see a hint of redemption in some things." "It's just in my nature, I can't help it," I told him, "I tried my best to do what I must do if that doesn't work on a Hollow once, I tried to see past through to get in touch on what it was before. Do you remember what happened because I blacked out?" "Yeah, you couldn't control your other abilities so the Hollow smacked you down so hard that you were there, blacked out, and that got me over the top angry," said Ichigo, "That's what made me go to Toshiro and try to convince him to act more like a brother than a captain, I told him what happened, he was acting like a brother only before you woke up. That's when I made my final choice for the sake of you on being your brother from now on." "Did you say this out loud towards Toshiro?" I asked. He nodded, "I had to because that wasn't right on his part, not only that but I have a feeling that Byakuya is going to be like Toshiro, only getting you to only be a Pyromancer, nothing more." He was right, I went to the Soul Society so I could do some more reading on more Thunder and Healing spells, I was looking for my books when Renji came in and tells me, "Captain Kuchiki took those 2 books from here, thankfully, I snuck them before he even noticed." He kindly returned the books to me, he asked, "Are you sure that you want to continue being in the 13 squads?" "I'm on the verge of retiring if this continues," I said, being very tired of getting the feeling that I'm being caged in this place. 3 hours go by, I made my final choice, I packed up everything, including the 2 books, then went to the Head Captain's office, he was occupied by someone else, I silently waited because I know my place of not being rude. After 5 minutes go by, Yamamoto asked me, "Ah, what can I do for you, Akari?" "I'm here to ask for a retirement," I said, "I'm so sorry, sir, it's just, I am trying to learn spells that are not Fire spells." "I see where you are coming from," he said, "Plus, I knew this was coming eventually." "You were expecting me to ask for this?" I asked. He nodded, chuckling, "But, I have something else in mind because I know that you are waiting for a huge break from here, am I right?" "Yes, sir," I said to him, "I want to keep spending my time in the World of the Living, it feels like I was meant to live there and not here." "That may be true, but it is not however," he said. There was a moment of silence because I was not understanding on what he was saying at all, so I asked, "What do you mean?" "Have a seat, Akari Itsuki Kurosaki," said Yamamoto, "That is what you have chosen to be your last name instead of Hitsugaya." "Yes, sir, I have," I said to him, grabbing a chair nearby. Then he said out loud, "You can show yourself to me, Shadow Phoenix, Urahara is not here." She showed herself, saying, "I was getting myself ready, you know on how I get when I don't look proper." "That is a lie and you know it mother," I said to her. She kept silent knowing that it is true, Yamamoto cleared his throat, "Well, you know those 2 fox familiars that are still with you." "I have forgotten all about them," I said. Shadow Phoenix cleared her throat, I looked and the 2 foxes are in a form of a necklace, she summoned them out, they were sitting perfectly. Yamamoto continued, "Akari, this is about your parents, and this is very important to you." "Alright," I said, sounding very scared on how this conversation will turn out. Then he said, "Those 2 foxes that Shuhei gave you for your birthday, he doesn't know that something about these 2 that you have a certain feeling towards the both of them." "Are you-" I cut off Shadow Phoenix by asking, "Are they who I think they are?" "If you are thinking that they are the souls of your actual parents, maybe, but as pets, no," said Yamamoto, "Only one way to find out." This is so much to take in, the Arctic Fox came to me and instantly calmed my nerves down, like Shadow Phoenix would always do, wait, the Arctic Fox has the soul of my actual mother, so that means my father is the Red Fox, Shadow Phoenix sees this realization, she asked, "Do you want me to keep being as your mother?" "Well, since her actual mother is a phoenix," says Yamamoto, "And Shadow Phoenix, you should know her actual mother." "Do I need to?" she asked. He asked back, "Didn't you once say that you had a daughter named Akira?" "Yeah," said Shadow Phoenix. Yamamoto asked again, "Didn't she say that she had met a guy named Riku Itsuki?" She nodded, I put the pieces together, my name Akari, I asked, "Am I her granddaughter?" The Arctic Fox and the Red Fox both nodded, Shadow Phoenix and myself were shocked, she was more shocked and disappointed in herself than I am. This is huge news for myself, so I am actually a Phoenix! My phoenix powers blocks every other power that I have, that includes my Soul Reaper powers. It all makes sense now! After that was said and done, Yamamoto said, "Now, there is something I'm going to do for your sake, Akari." "What is it, sir?" I asked. Yamamoto told me, "I hereby you, Akari Itsuki Kurosaki, I'm here to say that you will be remained in squad 10 but you are now in the team of Ichigo Kurosaki's team from here on out." I was so happy when he said that, he also wrote it down on 3 pieces of paper of what he just said to me, gives them to me, tells me, "Before you go back into the World of the Living, I need you to give these 3 to Captains Kuchiki and Hitsugaya, and Lt. Matsumoto of what I just said to you." I took the 3 papers, I'm assuming the one for Toshiro is similar but a little different, I went to Renji and asked him, "Can you give this to Captain Kuchiki?" "Sure, no problem," he said, taking it to Byakuya. Then I made my way towards Squad 10 barracks, Rangiku sees me and the 2 pieces of paper from the Head Captain of the 13 squads of the Soul Society, I gave her the paper that had her name on it and I left Toshiro's on his desk, then I went to the gate going back into the World of the Living finally so I could be by Ichigo's side at all times, he makes me feel safer than before. I made sure that my scythe, Shadow Phoenix, and the 2 fox familiars were with me, I was back into the world of the living, I made sure that I was not in Ichigo's room, I'm never making that mistake ever again. That's my step brother, well I can't just call him my real brother because we don't have the same blood line, but he's working his way up in there. I sighed heavily, then I noticed it was incredibly dark and quiet, I like quiet but this is scary quiet, I looked behind me there were at least 3 guns pointing at me, I blinked 3 times, my vision was coming clear, I was seeing Blizzard, Jaguar, and Majestic Leviathan floating above their wielders. "They are thinking that you might've been a Hollow, Akari," said Blizzard. I mysteriously angered and threw a Fire Burst move at Xiumin, he squeaked and thankfully dodged it, Xiumin, Kai, and Chanyeol were seeing me with my arms crossed but I had a Fire Ball at the ready, I asked, "Do I really need you guys to be in submission?" "No ma'am," said Kai, realizes that they have pissed off the wrong woman. I put away the Fire Ball then went into my room so I could finally sleep without constantly going to the Soul Society, I really do enjoy my rest, I even told that to Head Captain Yamamoto, apparently I took a full days rest, basically I was asleep for 24 hours, that's how much stress I was put under thanks to Toshiro and Captain Kuchiki. No one attempted to wake me up from my slumber, not even Shadow Phoenix or my Fox familiars, they just left me alone to sleep because I really needed a full rest so I could focus on future fights a head. When I finally woke up, I felt so much better I sat up looking around in my room, then I flash stepped to where Ichigo's house was located, I went inside and Ichigo sees me, asks, "Where were you yesterday?" "I took a long waited rest," I said, "Ichigo, I'm a part of your team now." "That's great to hear," said Rukia, "I was hoping for you to change positions." "However, I'm remaining in Squad 10 but I will not be receiving anymore duties that Toshiro would offer me," I said, "I'm a part of this team and he can't do anything against the Head Captain." "The Head Captain has always been soft on you," said Rukia, "Then again he did take you in when you were 3 months old so it's understandable." I'll tell them about the truth of where my parents are, since my goal has met its end, what should I do now? Ichigo looks at me while we were on our way to the school, he asks, "What's going on in your mind, Akari?" "It's about my parents," I said, "I know where they are." "Do you?" asked Rukia. I nodded, "Remember those 2 fox familiars, well, the Arctic Fox is my actual mother and the Red Fox is my actual father." "So, with your goal coming to an end," said Rukia, "What are you going to do now?" "Well, since you were sent to my group which means you have a different goal," said Ichigo, "Keep on fighting until the end." I nodded, smiling, "That's why he sent to this group because I can now focus on what I love doing and not only that but finally have a sibling bond with you, Ichigo." "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," said Ichigo.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch5
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Chapter 4
After our training session, the 9 guys came down to meet us thankfully we had time to go into our Gigai bodies, Shadow Phoenix put down the barrier, Suho asked, "So, who won the fight?" "Fight? We only trained," said Renji, "I am never fighting her ever again." "Why? Too chicken!" I teased. Renji groaned and shouted, "Yeah, right, like hell I am!! I'm just not risking to lose again 51 times, I'm sticking my loses being 50." "So, you think I'm strong enough to beat both Ichigo and Kenpachi?" I asked, being serious. He looked at me then said, "I think you are ready to test your strength against Ichigo, but Kenpachi? I don't know, though Ichigo might tell you if you beat him enough times." "Well, I've defeated him 5 times, he's probably still up for another round," I said, "Every time I want to fight you is because I want to test my strength, I mean, I need to know if I am as strong as Ichigo." "I mean you manage to beat your own adopted brother 50 times already," said Renji, "I mean, if you can beat Toshiro Hitsugaya enough times, you are probably surpassing of being strong like Ichigo, I think you are on your own level because you have the most deadliest weapon of all weapon history, not to mention you are a pyromancer." "Oh, right," I said, "Well, I like Fire alright, not to mention I wanted to be different from you guys, so I went with the Scythe as my weapon of choice." We were having this conversation while the 9 guys are busy with their own conversation, Renji said, "Not to mention, Zabimaru, my Zanpakuto, he's praising you that you are going to do great if you wish to fight and defeat Captain Kenpachi." "Before I can even do that, I need Ichigo to fight me 45 times in order for me to defeat Zaraki, just so I know that I'm not doing any cheap shots with my attacks," I said, "So, I'm going to ask for you to supervise the fights." "I think I might Captain Kuchiki's permission though," said Renji. I scoffed, "He might let you even though he and I make a great fighting team, remember?" "Oh yeah, you are always with him no matter what," he said, "I mean it's not like a time where he rudely said no." "Nah, he's too sweet and gentle after all, he was the one who led me into liking red roses," I said, "I mean, that explains on why Shuhei always sends me countless roses, making Byakuya jealous, he tries to deny but Shadow Phoenix always tells him to not lie." We were having breakfast and Xiumin handed me a cup of a weird liquid that I'm not familiar with, this was when Renji left, I just kept looking at it, Xiumin asked, "Why are you looking at it like you've never seen it before?" "What is this some kind of poison?" I asked, sounding scared. All of them looked at me like I had lost my head, Xiumin said, "No, it's coffee, try to taste it." "Sorry, I'm going to pass this over to you, where I am from I only heard of water and tea," I said, "You see, I have to go to a special merchant for my tea herbs." "I see," said Suho, "You have to forgive him, he's not familiar with someone who has never heard or seen coffee before." Renji came back and said to me, "There are 5 boxes waiting for you, Akari." "Oh, he actually found this place," I said. Renji looked at the 9 guys who were looking at me with surprised faces mixed with angry faces, I said, "Like I said, he is a special merchant, he mysteriously finds places that only he knows on not telling on where I am." As soon as I said that, they relaxed, Renji said, "Besides this merchant is very familiar on what she always gets when she's starting to get comfortable on where she is." "Yep," I said, "Because I'm getting the feeling that you are starting to welcome me and my friends with open arms." "Just as long as they keep this a secret," said Suho. Renji said, "I haven't told a soul about this place." I can see the guilt and fear all over Renji's face, he told Urahara on where this place is located, Renji notices me and blurts out, "Okay fine, I'm not much of a good lair, you see, we trust this merchant with our lives, basically the merchant found a way to get the location of this place out of me." "Yeah, he's an expert at that," I said, "But knowing him, he's also an expert at keeping a secret so there's nothing to worry about. After all, I only go to him to get stuff from his shop." "How do you get the money?" asked Suho. Renji said, "Remember that we have our own jobs." I nodded, "Which I can only say if I can trust you guys enough." "Even then, she'll tell you guys when she's ready," said Renji. I got done eating breakfast then decided to bring in the 5 boxes of Urahara's shop so brought them all in and decided to leave them in my room for the time being because I do not want my stuff combined with their stuff. Suho saw this and said, "You are always welcome to use our kitchen whenever you want, we will not touch your tea." "Thank you," I said, "But I'm fine bringing the boxes into my room." So I decided to call Ichigo over when I made my way to the training room that looks like a big colosseum for basically anything that's where Renji and myself were at. Renji led Ichigo to the exact room that I am in, Renji said, "The 9 guys are gone somewhere so we can go for how many rounds you want to do." "Great, I was hoping that would be the case," I said, "I'm surprised that they didn't ask for us." "Nah, like I said, I talk some sense into Suho, I'm guessing he is trying to be a gentleman like all of us, minus Kenpachi," said Renji. Ichigo got impatient like he always does, then said, "Enough talk, let's get started." "Ichigo," I whined, "I told you to wait for my signal!" "I'm sorry, when someone wants to fight me I tend to get impatient," he said. I sassed, "As if!! You always tend to goof around when you get ready to fight or about to attack so don't try me, Kurosaki!" Renji burst out laughing then I called him out, "You are no any different from him!" "Don't compare us!!" they shouted at the same time. We got ready to fight, Ichigo says, "Just so you know that I am not going easy on you once we start." "I just want to fight to kill time," I said, "It gets boring after a while with nothing to do." "Yeah, no Hollow activity, I guess it can get boring after a while but you'll get use to it," said Ichigo, "Trust me." "Alright here goes nothing," I said, bringing out Shadow Phoenix. Renji said, "I'm going to watch the fight so I can pinpoint on what you are doing wrong Akari, since there needs to be someone else to supervise the fight." "Can you correct my fighting stances, Ichigo?" I asked him. He nodded, "Of course since you are gonna be apart of this crew." I smiled, then went serious, "Alright let's do this!" "Right!" shouted Ichigo, "BAN!! KAI!! Zangetsu!" "Bankai! Shadow Phoenix!" I shouted. Renji butted in, "Now, is that her actual name or did she not tell you her full name?" "She prefers Shadow Phoenix, she loathes her true name," I said, "I respect her decision on being called Shadow Phoenix." "Ah, I see," Renji said, "Well, I'm not going to say it because she might unintentionally throw a fire ball at me." "Smart choice," we hear her say. I giggled at her response, Ichigo came close to me and asked, "Is she too heavy?" "Nah, she's very like any sword even though she is a Scythe," I said, "But I'm holding on to her with no issue at all." "Strange because she made me struggle," said Renji. Shadow Phoenix yelled at him, "That was because you compared me to Yumichika!" "I said I was sorry! I didn't mean you I meant Rangiku," said Renji. We went back to fighting, apparently there was nothing wrong with what I am doing with my attack moves, but Renji and Ichigo were helping me with my fighting stance, then again I did those mistakes on purpose, like this, I purposely misplaced where my footing needed to be, Ichigo sighed then said, "You have your foot in the wrong place." He was in the middle of demonstrating when I casted a Fire Burst at him, to my surprise, he dodged it, Renji shouted, "Cheap shot!" "No it wasn't!" I shouted, that was my first time witnessing a cheap shot. Ichigo said, "It was a cheap shot, I mean I did it to you, Renji. Nice job of faking me out so there is nothing wrong with your attacks moves and there is certainly nothing wrong with your fighting stances. I mean, c'mon, you are literally carrying a heavy Scythe, you should be carrying it like that!" Then I noticed that there was the invisible barrier, I looked over to Renji then looked up there were the 9 guys again, Renji noticed as well, "Well, shit, they got done fast. How long were we going?" "At least 3 hours," I said, "But that was just practice, I was just getting warmed up!" "Same here, I wanna see those fire attacks of yours," said Ichigo, "Right now it's Akari Itsuki Hitsugaya vs Ichigo Kurosaki!" "Heh, bring it," I said, went back to my fighting stance. 5 hours go by, I managed to beat Ichigo at least 8 times now, he was beaten up but thankfully I only used my fire moves I couldn't damage his gorgeous skin, then Ichigo says, "You know you could always slice me any time you want to make close contact." "Yeah but I don't want to damage your handsomely gorgeous skin," I said. Renji snapped, "Hey wait a moment here, you always damage me!!" "That's because you can never keep that mouth of yours shut!" I shouted at him. We were in our Gigai bodies when this was going on, Ichigo says, "You know you are becoming more stronger than I thought you were going to be keep it and you'll do great." "Thanks, I was testing my strength so I can finally defeat Kenpachi into submission," I said. Ichigo told me, "You don't need to worry about him, let's just say I took care of him for you." "Huh?" I said, in total confusion. Renji said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that Captain Zaraki says that he's sorry that he frightens you, apparently he was trying to get out of your shell because how can you fight when you are shy in battle but apparently you automatically switch from shy to aggressive real quick." We were in the dining room having our conversation when the 9 guys came in and heard when Renji said that I switch from being shy to total aggression in battle, Suho walked up and asked, "Is this true about her?" "Her being aggressive in battle, hell yes, you should totally see her fight some the enemies that we always face on a daily basis," said Ichigo. I gave him a side glance, he looked at me and goes, "On second though I'll wait until her signal." "Yeah don't forget Ichigo this is her journey not yours," said Renji, "And besides you are only here to visit." "Not to mention I think I did defeat Captain Kenpachi that one time, and that's how I manage to get Shadow Phoenix," I said, "I almost killed him but then you came and pulled me away you 2 because I was out of control." "Yeah, you were fighting for your freedom," said Ichigo, "Now you don't have to worry about fighting him, since I'm guessing I'm your last test of testing out your strength." I nodded, "I need to be ready for any fight that comes my way." "Not to mention, you want to impress your crush Shuhei," Renji teased. I threw a cup at him, then said, "Shut up, you dumbass!" Then Ichigo knelt down and asked, "When do you think you can take down a rival?" "I'm not gonna go that far," I said, "I just want to be part of your crew Ichigo. You said so yourself I need to defeat you at least 50 times in order to get in." "DID YOU SERIOUSLY SAY THAT TO HER, YOU NIMROD?!" Renji yelled. Ichigo said, "That was a LONG time ago, but if you want to keep on doing these fights then fine by me, I want to see on what you have up your sleeves." "Ha, I don't have anything to show you," I said, "That's basically all of my moves." "You haven't released that one attack though," said Renji, "You haven't used it on me." "That's because Shadow Phoenix told me to only use it when it's the final choice I need to make and save everyone when we are in serious danger," I said. Renji asked, "What was the attack called you never told me?" "Phoenix Rage, Phoenix Wrath, and the true final one is Super Nova," I said. Ichigo said, "Yeah, never mind about those attacks, I do not want to die." "Not unless you wear fire protection armor," said Renji. I warned him, "It will kill him no matter what he wears." "Oh shit, never mind then," said Renji, "No more fighting rounds then." "I never said that, I want to continue fighting until I'm in the crew," I said, while looking at Ichigo. Ichigo said, "I'm not going to talk you out of it so I guess that I'll wait until then." "Yep, but no matter what Ichigo," I said. He asked, "What is it?" "You will always be my guardian," I said. Renji said, "Awww that's so sweet, but hey what about me?" "You are also my guardian," I said, "But Ichigo acts more of a sword and you, Renji, you always protect me like a shield." "Ah, that's right," said Renji, "But of course we always switch those roles." "Which by the way Renji, you are terrible at playing as the sword," I said, "Ichigo is more of a sword than you." "Hey at least I tried!" he shouted.
Few months go by, the guys are now being more friendly and welcoming every time I'm around, Renji is still around because I always need a guide back to the Soul Society, I totally forgot that I was suppose to tell them on who I am and what we do. I got the attention of Sehun and he asked, "Alright what's on your mind, Akari?" "I just remember something," I said, "I was suppose to tell you guys on who I am and what I do." "You are Akari Itsuki, part of this mafia now, right?" asked Baekhyun. My heart wrenched, I looked at Renji, he looks at me and he notices that I have evolved into the world of the living, he began to walk away when I finally said, "No, I'm not apart of this gang of yours, I'm a part of something else. I'm not from this world, I'm not even born in the same plain as you guys and Ichigo." "What are you trying to say?" asked Suho. I finally told them all, "I, Itsuki Akari Hitsugaya." As soon as I said that, I got Renji's attention back on me when I finally said, "I am here to tell you that I came from a dimension called the Soul Society, I was born there not here, and my life job is being a Soul Reaper!" It got quiet so fast, Suho laughed like a mad man, "You want us to believe that?" "I know what happened to the 3 that used to be a part of this gang," I said. They are now looking at me with angry looks, this was when Kai and myself were starting to get a little serious, Kai asked, "What do you know about them?" Renji walked up and said, "Itsuki, here, was cursed with the lips of death." "I didn't mean for them to lose their lives, I couldn't control the curse, after a while Renji and the others managed to lift the curse and few days go by I was gifted with something else," I explained. It got super quiet, and we were having a nice pleasant meal together, I just had to bring the hammer down on them harshly, I softly said, "I think it's best to give you guys some space from me, don't worry I'll be somewhere else." So I left with Renji to be with Ichigo for the time being, I mean I did the right thing, there was no Hollow activity where I was, all the activity were always with Ichigo or invading the Soul Society, which by the way I hope that will never happen. So I was following Renji to where Ichigo was at, we were in front of a house, Ichigo answered, "What is it?" "Hey," said Renji, in a very soft tone, "May we come in, Ichigo?" "Uh yeah sure," he said, then stepped aside concerned of what is going on with me.
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 3
Ichigo ended up telling me that I have to wait until the morning because it was getting late, man, I've been sleeping for so long, I don't think of going to sleep because I'm afraid of not waking up. That's when that terrible feeling came back only for a bit because a tiny black cat with violets eyes came to my side and I slept throughout the night, it was the nicest thing that I could have. Morning came, I got ready to go see on where the location of the cottage, I looked around to only see no one, I wonder if I made a bad plan of going to where the cottage was, ah the hell with it, so I went to it anyways. I got up super early because it was REALLY that far away and it takes a lot of hours to get there, I reached the top of the mountain where it all happened. I went close to where I had the barrier then I saw someone tending the flowers, it was someone with long, wavy jet black hair, I called out, "Excuse me, ma'am?" "Hm," a husky voice came from the person. Alright, my bad, I forgot that some guys have long hair but not this long, he turned around to seeing me first but not fully to where I could see his face but I could see his nose and some bits of his mouth, then he saw Orihime, Ichigo and Kazui following behind. Ichigo sees the figure, "What the, who are you?" "Funny you should ask," said the guy. I was seeing Ichigo being protective again, stepped in front of me, "Don't try to be creepy with us, tell us on who you are." "Ichigo Kurosaki, son of Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki, wielder of Zangetsu, husband of Orihime Inoue, father of Kazui Kurosaki, brother of Karin and Yuzu, cousin of Akari Itsuki," the figure said. We both looked at each other, then he continued, "Akari Itsuki, daughter of Serene Jewel and Talon GrimEarth Itsuki, niece of Solar Ember, Raven, Levy, Jasper Kuchiki and Isshin Shiba, sister of Onyx GrimPanther, cousin of Ichigo Kurosaki and Byakuya Kuchiki, Elemental Wielder, and the Love Elemental." "Wait how do you know all of this?" asked Ichigo, "This is all too much information that you are giving away." Then that exact pain and feeling came back, it was stronger than before, the figure senses this because I felt a soothing vibration coming from the ground humming. I asked, "May we see the front of you, sir?" "Gladly," he said calmly. He turned, it was the Final Getsuga Tensho form, Mugetsu, it didn't look like he was wearing a flowing dress anymore no, he was wearing clothes that matches his chosen color scheme, that was black, dark grey, red, and dark blue. I happen to ask, "Do you still have those markings?" "I always will have them," he said, showing the marks, "It's a part of me so of course I'm going to have these underneath my armor." "Armor, you mean clothes," said Ichigo. Mugetsu sighed, "No, my armor." Then he touched his shirt, "Well I'll be damn, it's something I need to get use to because I remember having armor and-," I cut him off by saying, "you were wearing a skirt and that made me think that you were a woman." I got the look of offended off of Mugetsu, I never felt this relief in my life, he ends up saying, "It's not a skirt, it was a kilt, Sicko!" I burst out laughing because he walked away like the Grinch, I was having fun with him, with Ichigo, not so much, he was trying to process on how did Mugetsu get his own body same with the other Shiro. I shouted, "Oh hey, I was sent here by Esperanza Zauberin." "Come on in then," he shouted back. We went inside, it was exactly what I thought it would look like after so long, Mugetsu said, "Yeah, I moved in here shortly after Aizen was captured and I got my own body." "Are you going to tell us how you got your own body?" asked Orihime. He chuckled, "Gladly, Akari, that hairclip you broke, not only did it make the Elemental Realm slash plane, it also was chosen for a few people or forms that you wished were having their own body, it could resurrect or give life." "Oh," I said, "So, you and Shiro were 2 of the forms Ichigo took to have a life of your own." "Well, I'm not the only one, same with Shiro," said Mugetsu, "There's the Dangai form, but you'll meet him soon enough." "Are there any forms that I took have come to life?" asked Ichigo, "How is this possible?" "Do you want your Old Man Zangetsu to be given a life?" asked Mugetsu. Ichigo immediately said, "No, I do not want him to make any crazy choices." "Good because odds are that is what he'll end up doing," said Orihime. As we were about to leave, Mugetsu had a hold of my wrist, I looked at him, he knows on what was within me, "We'll help you find peace, Nikushimi." After that, he tapped my forehead and I fainted, he caught me thankfully, I shortly woke up seeing that I was back inside, "What did you do to me?" "I tapped your forehead to let that little problem yours at bay," said Mugetsu, "Here is my number if it becomes unbearable for you to continue doing on what you want to do." "True or I want to go away from a situation that is too much for me," I said. Mugetsu says, "You can do that without telling me because I know that you are willing to get them back, trust me, you want them back and so do I." "Yeah, I do," I said, "I miss them so much." "Well, Onyx wanted you to have this," he said, showing me Onyx's greatsword. I took the sword, I could feel the power flowing through the weapon, I then noticed that Mugetsu has two Orcish daggers and two black gaunlets, "Are you a fighter?" "Hm, oh yeah, well, I haven't tested them out yet, I was hoping to join on the Hollow hunt soon," said Mugetsu. I asked, "Why not now?" "Are you going to handle some Hollows?" he asked back. I tell him, "It's my life job in the Soul Society." "Alright then, let's go," he said, went into his soul form. Guys, he looked exactly the same when I saw Ichigo turn into him, only thing that was missing was his face mask, he looked down, "Ah, great, this again, well, never gonna change on what I have in the beginning." "Let's go kill some Hollows," I said. We went together to find Hollows, and Mugetsu spotted some and dealt with them by his daggers. I noticed a shadowy aura going around him, "What power do you have?" "I am the Shadow Elemental," he said, "My power comes from Dark, Ice, Fire, and Wind. That's it." "So what power did you link your daggers?" "Dark and Wind," he said, "The gauntlets have the other 2 elements, want to see them in action?" "Sure, I would love to," I said. I stood on the sidelines so I could see this man punch a hollow with elemental gauntlets, I started to see Fire blast and Ice Blast going left to right, this is amazing, I ditched my falchion because I was more familiar with the greatsword, so I casted Shadow Blast, a big aura of darkness went towards the Hollow and killed it. I think I'm going to hold on to the greatsword until I get use to holding my falchion or I find a way to get them back, mainly Onyx, Mugetsu could see this from afar on where he was, he came to me and goes, "Look, I know that you want him back just get a little adjusted to finally be awake after so long." "You have a point, Mugetsu," I said, "I almost called you something but I don't want you to feel offended." "What were you going to call me?" he asked. I replied, "Muggy or Blackberry." He just looked at me with a straight, yet funny face, "Call me neither of those." "Both? Alright, Muggy," I said, smiling, I need someone to give me a good laugh other than calling Ichigo 'Strawberry' because I have a feeling he's not going to react the way I wanted him to. We went back to the cottage after hunting Hollows for the day, I noticed that he was going to the direction where the portal was. That's right, there is a portal linked to that realm, I followed behind, Mugetsu says this, "There was a legend that there were 13 main elements within this realm, this realm and those elements were guarded by defenders who have elements of their own. I have the Shadow Elemental, you have the Love Elemental, Esperanza has the Magic Elemental, and Shiro has the Beast elemental, each individual has a unique ability that the others do not have. Akari, who else did you meet before you did that sacrifice?" "I met Volaris, Velvet, Sana, and Momoko," I said, "when I woke up, I met some others, Janela Ackles and Alex Cifer." He pointed to the symbols on the ground, a music note, a shamrock, a sun, moon, crystal, and a chaos symbol were glowing when I said those names. "So they are elementals as well? How come that they did not tell me?" I asked. Mugetsu explained, "We are linked to you because not only are you a defender but you are the 14th main elemental, that has yet to be discovered." "So, I have to say their names in order for their powers to wake up? Makes sense in a way," I said, "So who's going to be Energy and Void?" "You have to find out yourself because even I don't know," he said, "I came alive because Ichigo touched you while he was in this form same goes for the Vasto Lorde form and the Dangai form." "Let's just say that I have a blind spot and it's the back of me," I said, "It's been always like that, especially when I'm panicked to the point I was this close of letting Aizen getting near this cottage." "Yeah we need to fix that," said Mugetsu.
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 2
I got out 10 of those and immediately joined Ichigo, Orihime and Kazui because they were going shopping and I want to get my own stuff because there are going to be times when I want to be alone. So I played my music with my earbuds in my ears, the first song that played was by Godsmack, the song was called When Legends Rise, this song speaks me of what I had done. Then faintly I heard a voice singing along with me, when I stopped the voice stopped as well, I shook it off knowing that it's my own thought process messing with me. We went to a mall, I noticed that it was close to being Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, wow I missed a lot of holidays, Orihime asked me, "What are you going to be doing?" "Going to see what catches my attention," I said, "Plus I need a bag of my own." "I see, well, if you see anything you like, well, wait what am I saying, don't ask us anything because you got yourself covered," Orihime said. Ichigo tells me, "We'll meet you at the food court." "Sounds good," I said, going our different ways. I went inside of a makeup store to pick out what would look good on me because I love to look alternative, so I got a bunch blacks, whites, purples, the lady at the counter could see me thinking this all out. She asked, "Are we doing alright?" I looked, "Yeah, I'm just picking out the ones that make me look different." "Well, could've asked me because I was going to give you this card right here," she said, giving me a free discount. I told her, "I was going to pay for this fully." "You need it, trust me, with that pale face that you have right now, you might need it more than anything," she said, showing me a mirror so I could see on what she was talking about.
Oh my goodness, I look like a walking ghost, I asked, "Could you do a makeover for my sake?" "Sure," she said, "By the way, may I know your name?" "My name is Akari Itsuki Kurosaki," I said. She greeted herself, "You can call me Janela, so you don't have to come up with names that I never heard of." "Alright," I said, sitting down in a chair. Few minutes go by, I looked like myself before I broke the hairclip, I paid for the products I gotten and I went into Hot Topic to get a bag that screams me, I found one it was black and purple, I pointed to it and the worker got it for me. I noticed on who he was, "Volaris?" "Hm, uh, you woke up! I am so happy to see you alive and well," he said. I giggled, "I met this girl named Janela?" "Janela Ackles, ah, such a beauty of a girl," sighed Volaris, "Oh, before you make your purchase I have saved something for you." "Really, what is it?" I asked. He pulled out the cobweb and holly flower, "I was waiting for you to wake up, since you are here, you can have it back." He placed it where I always had it, I got a couple things like there was this red fox plush that had a hook and an eyepatch and a purple bunny. I removed everything that was inside of the bag I gotten and put my money inside of the bag, I went to the food court to wait for those 3 before I go to the gaming store that they have here.
I was holding something at bay hoping no one would see that there is something going wrong with me, I do not know what it is yet but I hope it's nothing that causes negativity towards anyone I hold dear. It went away when I heard Ichigo saying, "I hope that she gets to realize that she can't get everything that she wants." "Let her live her own life after all she just woke up," I heard Orihime say. Kazui sees me looking at the 2, "Mama, papa, she's looking this way." "Aw man," winced Ichigo. Kazui was the only one who was seeing the different eye color, he ran to me, making me snap out of it when he hugged me, now I know on why I don't get hated on, it makes me too powerful for my own sake. I thanked him for doing so, he asked, "What's going on within you?" "I have no idea, I have yet to get an idea as to why it's happening," I tell him the best way I could, "It goes to show that I can't be alone for very long otherwise I have to deal with this." "I hope you can find a solution," said Kazui. I agreed, "I hope so too." Then the 2 caught up to their son when they heard me say, "I'm going to see if there is music that should be playing." So I got up to go to the center of the court, of course there was a stage, I was seeing no one but I was hearing music that I listen to daily, I shouted, "Hello! Is anybody up there?" Nothing, I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, I walked up on that stage and sang the next one that played next. It was playing I'm Alive from Shinedown.
I kept singing a setlist of songs until I saw a guy who looked WAY TOO familiar, I mean he screams Ulquiorra, he has the same eye color, the same hair, everything, but the hole in his chest, skintone, and emotions. I spoke out, "Hi, um, I could've swore that there was nobody here." "Oh, nah, I was making sure that the sound levels were working," he said. I offered, "I know a friend that is an expert in that department." "I don't want to do that to you," he said, "Oh, you said friend as in someone else, I'm dumb." "No, you just didn't hear me correctly," I said. I saw that I had Volaris' number, I messaged him to come over to the center of the food court, so he did, "So, what do you need?" "He needs help working on the sound levels," I said. He sighed, "I keep telling him that I can help him but he refuses to." "I'm sorry alright," said the guy. I asked, "By the way, may I know your name? I would love to keep seeing you." "Of course, so do I, my name is Alex Cifer," he said, "I would also love to keep seeing you because I have this strange feeling that I've known you from somewhere I just can't put my finger on it."
As I made my way back to Ichigo, Orihime, and Kazui, I immediately got a text saying, "Alex here, I was given this by Volaris." I saved his number to my contacts and I went about my day like it was nothing, meeting him was like talkng to Onyx, he made me feel that way. As we went home, Orihime asked, "So who did you meet?" "Well, it's a little much for me to remember," I said, "All you need to know is that I think I have found my prince charming." "That quick? Looks like you 2 met a few years back," said Ichigo, "I hope we meet this guy." "He was at the center of the court, I saw him when he found me singing a setlist of songs and it made me feel so much better," I said, "We are hoping to continue on seeing each other and we felt like we've met before." "Oh? what's his name?" asked Kazui. I answered, "Alex Cifer." "Oooo, I hope he's good looking," said Orihime. I giggled, "Remember that you are married, Orihime." "Oh hush," she said, blushing, "It's as if I would ever do that." "Would you?" I asked. They both responded with the same thing, "NO, WE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!" "Alright, geez," I said, "I wonder on what Esperanza is doing ever since I woke up." "She said that she has been dealing with a creature that keeps saying that he is Zangetsu," said Ichigo, "Even though, Zangetsu has been with me throughout." "Or, it's that form you've taken when you got blasted in the chest," I said to him, "I'll see what I can do to help her." "Be careful going there," said Orihime.
So that is what I ended up doing, I went to Hueco Mundo to see if I could help Esperanza with her situation, wouldn't you know it, I'm stranded and far away from Las Noches. I groaned, "I don't want to deal with walking that much." So I sat down waiting for someone to know that I was hear, I almost got attacked by a hollow when something killed it. I looked, there was the creature who Esperanza was handling with, it looked at me, "Be careful next time." I looked away silently giving him a look of annoyance, then I heard, "Wait!" "Ah, crap!" said the creature. It took off with me along with it, apparently I was giving myself the worst way to go, then he sat me down when the coast was clear, it was VERY gentle for a hollow, I asked, "May I know on who you are?" "I keep saying, I am Zangetsu," said the creature. I stood up, "Liar! Zangetsu is with Ichigo." "I'm not talking about the Old Man Zangetsu, his Quincy powers," said the hollow. Then it clicked, "Shiro?" "What? Aw, damn it," he said, in a very defeated voice, "Can you help me lift this mask off of me?" I nodded, I took it off him, it truly was Ichigo's Hollow, "How did you get out?" "I got separated from the other inner Hollow," he said, "This is my own body, I was woken by a very curvy lass that I tried to fight myself from doing it with her." "You know you have to clarify to her on who you are," I said, "Are you really that scared of her?" "Only scared of the fact that I get dominated by her," he said.
I put the mask back on him and dragged him by one of the horns, he was not rejecting because my grip was that strong for some strange reasons. Once we reached her, I yanked him forward and pushed him forward, walking beside him, making sure he doesn't go anywhere, I tell her, "I know on who it is." "Who is it?" she asked. I started to pull the mask off but Shiro held onto the mask for dear life, she casted Bond hands, he was bounded, I successfully lifted the mask up. She was surprised to see on who it was, she yanked him up and unexpectedly made the first move on his ass. Well, not what we had in mind at all, after that happened, Shiro looks at me, "You may want to find out on who this Alex Cifer is. He sounds interesting." "Yeah, if he is who you think it is, then there goes your worries of seeing him again," said Esperanza, "Because I was told something that you need to hear for yourself." I nodded, I left the place, Ichigo asked, "So, who was it?" "Apparently your hollow split into 2 separate beings," I said to him, "This one took the form of when you got blasted in the chest in Hueco Mundo." "I see, well, let's hope that it is all because I do not want to know or see if the forms that I took have their own lives," said Ichigo. I added, "Another thing, Esperanza tells me something that I think it's important for me and the rest of us to hear. Apparently that cottage where you and I fought Aizen, it's still there but the barrier was destroyed after I did that."
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch19
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Chapter 18
Renji's POV: We left Akari and Ichigo alone so they could sort this out, it bothers me that she was saying that last part towards Ichigo and no one else. Something tells me that she did not sleep well last night, then Shuhei asked, "What's going on between the 2?" "She didn't tell you," I told him, "Ichigo is now her new big brother." "Oh, that makes sense now," said Shuhei, "No wonder why she calls herself Akari Itsuki Kurosaki." "Hey, at least, she is no longer part of Squad 10 or any of the squads," said Rukia, "Because the captains will only tell her to only master Fire powers but she's becoming something else that no one will hold her back." "No one, but Ichigo might," said Uryu, "Akari will listen to him if she sees that there is no choice but to listen to him." I pointed at Uryu, saying, "He's got a point because remember that one Hollow that was so close of killing Akari and Rukia, you tried to tell her to run and let us handle it but she told you no, when Ichigo told her that she needs to heal up and wait for the right time, she listened to him and went to safety." "That's right," said Rukia, "He's always telling her things that she'll listen to him but no one else other than him." "Not entirely true," we heard Ichigo say, "It's just at the time she was struggling with Toshiro Hitsugaya, so I had to do something." "That's right," I said, "So, how is she?" "She told me that she recently had a nightmare where I turned against her," said Ichigo, "That's all she said, it got me to notice on how fidget she was being." "So, what did you say to her?" asked Shuhei. Ichigo said, "I told her that before that happens I am going to spend my free time spending time with her so if that does come true, she'll know what to do." "Sweet thinking," said Shuhei, "I'll wait until then so we can keep seeing each other." "Speaking of your relationship, Shuhei," said Ichigo. Uh oh, I sense the protective brother showing up when Shuhei asked, "What is it?" "How many times did she call you over to meet her somewhere?" asked Ichigo. Silence, shit, Ichigo is defending Akari this is a big step for her right now but this is for the best, Shuhei checked his Soul Page, I looked and looked the other noticing on the countless times she has called him. Ichigo said to him, "Thanks to you on not knowing when to pick up, her Soul Page got taken away from her in class last week." Yeah, guess how many missed calls Shuhei received? Almost 100, so Ichigo has the right mind to be like this right now, and no one is stepping in to say or do anything to stop him from scolding Shuhei. Then Ichigo let him off with a warning, "Look, I know that you were probably busy doing some duties but once in a while if she calls, pick up, she is your girlfriend after all!" Shuhei never looked so upset before, I guess he didn't realize that if Akari doesn't know on what's going with one of her closest loved ones, she automatically thinks of the worse and gets a nightmare right after I guess that is what happened with her. Then Ichigo finished off on what he was going to say, "Ignore her again, and I'll make sure that she doesn't have to deal with this ever again, you are a great guy but she is my little sister now and I'm doing everything I can to make her happy for as long as I can so upset her or make her go through that again and I will come for you, ya hear?" "Yes, Ichigo," said Shuhei. Ichigo then said, "Now, go to her and apologize, but better make it a good one because she's not like any one else in the Soul Society, I've come to realize that she's more human than someone who was born in the Soul Society." That got my attention, I asked, "Are you saying that she was born here after all?" "That's what I'm thinking," said Ichigo, "I can't be for sure, she's much more powerful than I am, I can't believe that I'm saying that." "Well, she's powerful in an elemental way," said Shuhei, "Didn't she say that she was chosen to be an Elemental wielder?" "That's right, she did say that," said Rukia, "Meanwhile the EXO guys have Majestic Octopus." "By the way, how are they doing?" asked Ichigo. Rukia said, "They are still in the Academy, same with the 3 guys." Shuhei went to Akari, I hope she's going to be alright, then I told Ichigo, "Also I couldn't believe what I heard from Shadow Phoenix." "What did you hear?" he asked. I told him, "She had a crush on Old man Zangetsu." He spat out his drink, coughing, then said, "She must be insane, falling for him!" "Be thankful that it's not your Hollow self," said Rukia. Ichigo said, "Don't speak too soon, Rukia, love is still love even in spirit form." I had to ask, "Has Levy fallen for someone?" "Of course I did," she said, scaring us all. Uryu said, "Geez! Don't do that!" "Don't tell me what to do," she said, giving him sass. Damn, he's being told by a Water Elemental, I asked, "Who was it?" "Oh, it never went away," she said, "He's with Captain Hitsugaya." "Oh wow," said Ichigo, "I wonder who has a crush on Shuhei's." "Funny that you should say that," said Levy, "because you just said her name." "Shadow Phoenix? Then who is in love with Old Man Zangetsu?" asked Ichigo. Levy said, "Believe it or not, Blizzard is in love with him, and speaking of your Hollow side." "Uh no, don't tell me," said Ichigo, "Serene Jewel." "Uh, Ichigo, you might want to not mention that name because Talon is right behind you," I said, sounding scared knowing Talon is the husband of Serene Jewel. He sees him, instantly backs off on what he said, "I didn't know I swear!" "The one who is in love with your Hollow side happens to be the Cosmic Elemental, Cosmos," said Levy. Ichigo asked, "Of all the other spirits, why him?" "Why not him?" asked Levy. Ichigo said, "Because that's saying that she's in love with me, since we are the same person!" "Oh, your right," said Levy, "Well, it was a long time ago before you knew us and Akari." "Apparently," said Ichigo, "Anyway, who's her crush now?" Levy shrugged, "Haven't seen her in a while since we are separated because we can't be too far from our physical weapons." I'm completely lost on what she just said, Rukia explained it to me, "She means if they go too far they'll eventually first lose all of their elemental powers and left alone without their powers then they actually die." "Oh, damn, that's a harsh way to go," I said.
Akari's POV: When that was all going on, Shuhei came in while I was reading the book that Talon gave me to get a better understanding on different rock formations, I asked, "What brings you in here?" "I came here to say that I'm sorry for not picking up the phone when you were calling me," said Shuhei. I looked at him, asked, "Did Ichigo tell you on what happened 2 weeks ago?" "Yeah, wait, 2 weeks ago," said Shuhei, "What do you mean by that?" "I forgave you the last time we spent time with each other," I told him, "This situation has got nothing to do with that." "Then what is it?" asked Shuhei. I told him, "I met this guy named Grimmjow, we met at least 3 times this month, I wanted to burn him but something held me back like wanted me to let him live." "Did you?" he asked. I nodded, "Something tells me that he was meeting me for a reason and I can't shake that feeling off." "Maybe this time try to greet in a more friendly approach," said Shuhei, "That may change things." "But here's the thing, Shuhei, he has a Hollow hole where his stomach should be," I said to him. That got his attention, I met someone who is very bad, though might not be it's just I need to avoid conflict at all times because I do not want to risk Ichigo fighting my battles. Shuhei sees the gears turning then said, "Just tell Ichigo to back off on the battles you are involved in." "That's exactly what I am going to do," I said, getting up from his bed and went to him. Once I reached downstairs, I heard this from Renji, "Also, Ichigo, when are you going to let Akari fight her own battles?" "I just don't want to take the risk of losing her and her other friends," I heard Ichigo say, "I mean I want her to fight for her own battles but that guy seems too powerful for her to handle." That's right, Grimmjow did drain my fire powers, Rukia sees me, looks at them, "Guys, she's up." "Finally Shuhei apologized," said Ichigo. Shuhei came down, "That happened 2 weeks ago, she forgave me the last time we hung out. But this is what she wanted to talk to you about fighting her own battles." "That's right," I said, "Look I should've known that you were going to take the fight into your own hands but for once in a while let me fight alongside you, I don't want to feel like I'm worthless in battle." "You want to fight alongside me?" he asked, "But why?" "I want to remain at my brothers side for as long as I could," I said, "I can shield us up with multiple elements!" "Well, that took a turn on what we had in mind," said Renji, "We thought you would want to fight battles on your own." "Then how would I help my big brother?" I asked. It's official, I'm a part of the Kurosaki family, I spoke out, "I, Akari Itsuki, am proud to be calling myself Akari Itsuki Kurosaki, Ichigo, thank you for being my light!" Apparently that's all it took for me to obtain Layla's Light Scepter, Levy clapped her hands, "Great job getting Layla's scepter." "I thought it was a long sword with a cross shaped hilt," I said, in confusion. Levy said, "Keyword WAS, it still is though, but she never lets her wielder use that, so you can do blindness to your foes in battle." "How by saying Blinding Light?" I asked. I didn't know it would actually do that, thankfully we all had our eyes closed, after a while, Ichigo told me, "Never do that again, please." "Sorry I didn't know it would do that," I said, "Hey this would be a great light source when the lights go out or a blackout." Then I noticed the feeling went away, Renji asked, "Are you alright, Akari?" "I don't have that feeling anymore," I said, "Apparently that's all I needed to say." "Wow, so, you were feeling sick all day because of that," said Ichigo, "Why didn't you say that before school started?" "It formed when class started," I said to him.
When night appeared I was waking outside of Ichigo's room so he can have his privacy then he said, "You can come in now, Akari." I went in, saying, "Once again, thank you for letting me stay in the same room as you." "Anything for my new sister," said Ichigo, "Just make sure that you need to get something off your chest so you don't run into that problem ever again." "Sounds like a good idea, Ichigo," I said, "So, what should we talk about now?" "What do you want to do for your future?" he asked. I thought about this, "Maybe make a career of playing video games like I have seen people do online nowadays." "Anything else but that?" he asked. I thought about it for a while, then I pulled out all the books I was received, noticing the hard work Levy and Talon were in the making of their own books. Then I said, "Maybe become a writer one day." "Alright, that's 2," said Ichigo, "What's your 3rd?" "Singer or an artist," I said, "Like all of my fox drawings are really good." "Yeah and they might make you popular," said Ichigo, "Do you really want to become a online gamer?" "I don't seem why not, you can get paid for doing stuff like that," I told him, "I even looked it up." "You are one curious girl," Ichigo said, "But thankfully I can watch on all the stuff before you released into the public eye." "Yep, I mean, I got to do something other than Hollow duties," I said, "Plus, I am officially no longer part of the 13 squads because I realized how much you mean to me, Ichigo. You are a better brother than Toshiro Hitsugaya." "Then who's the better father?" asked Ichigo, "It better not be my father." "Well, I did say that I'm your new sister," I said, "So, that's counting him." Ichigo understood on where I am coming from, though then again, Isshin is always trying to charge at Ichigo and never at me, though I guess it's only his and Ichigo's thing. Then Ichigo asked, "When are you planning on staying here in the world of the living?" "It sounds like you don't want me for too long," I said, sounded hurt by that. He sat up quick, "No I didn't mean like that! I meant like aren't you worried that they might pull you away from here." I shook my head, "After all, I'm going to convince Shuhei to live here because I'm not moving anywhere." "Shuhei seems to understand you a lot better than anyone else can," said Ichigo, "Then again, you can tell me almost everything." "Even the graphic details?" I asked. He blushed then said, "I said almost everything I didn't mean that stuff." "Oh, I get it now," I said, giggling at his shy state. When I went to sleep, my dream started all sweet, then a certain darkness formed, I looked to what it was, I saw the figure saying, "We are going to have fun with you!" Then I heard a familiar voice saying, "Stay away from her, you assholes!" I saw that Ichigo's Hollow self was here in this dream? Wait this is not a dream, I asked Hichigo, "What are you doing here?" "I'm not letting the king lose his new sister to insanity," he said, "By the way, don't ask on why I call him that, I just do." "I wasn't going to but thank you for helping me," I said. Then as soon it got silent, everything became bright again, Hichigo said, "Please no hugs." I did anyways, I like giving hugs, don't judge me, I can hear him groan in disgust, I asked, "What, don't like affection?" "I just..don't get the point of showing affection to anyone who I don't know," said Hichigo. After that, I opened my eyes, looking to over where Ichigo is just laying there sleeping, then I hear Rukia's slight snoring, then I got out my smart phone that Asteria gave me, then started to watch Markiplier playing Prop Hunt, I couldn't help but laugh at the stupid and funny things that Mark and his friends were doing. I reached out to Mark saying 'Hey Mark, I came across your channel in hopes of finding a way to make me forget all the problems that I am currently dealing with, I just want to say that I hope I can become friends and met you someday' I posted the comment and never did I feel this joy in like forever. I finally fell back asleep, I had a really good dream for the rest of the night, when I woke up, Ichigo was already dressed for school, he said, "Come on hurry up, I don't want to be late." "I'll meet up with you," I said, "Give me some privacy." He did that, I changed to the uniform, then I noticed a red and green flower on the top of my head, Ichigo then came in, "What's taking you so- huh? Where did that come from?" I took it off, read a note saying 'Thank you for showing me what a hug is. signed Hollow side of your brother' I smiled, I'm glad that I can somewhat change someone. Ichigo comes over, takes the flower out of my hand, sets me down and started to think on what my hair should be like. I noticed he got out, a hair brush, spray bottle, and hair pins and ponytail holders. After a while, he put the flower in the masterpiece he created, I looked in the mirror, at least he tried his best to make it the same hairstyle that I had it in. I took off and made sure it was perfect on how he imagined on what it looked like, then put the flower back in where he had it. I looked at him, "Just perfecting it the way you were imaging, Ichigo, now let's go." "Don't you want breakfast?" asked Ichigo, "I mean you can still flash step there." "Oh yeah, well, I can eat toast while I'm on my way there," I said, "Besides I want to know on what it feels like without doing that. I only use that if that I need to go somewhere far away or emergencies only." "I see," said Ichigo, "Well, meet you at the school then."
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
Itsuki Akari’s Background
Itsuki was only a baby when the Head Captain Yamamoto found her, she was crying for hours when the place she was abandoned was completely surrounded by Hollows. Some of the Hollows were very close of killing the infant that was Itsuki when Yamamoto came in and killed them all before they even got to her or given the chance to do so. He then looked in the cradle, he saw her in there, picked her up, calmed her down, then the Head Captain of the 13 squads, Yamamoto, decided to take her in to his care. He gave her all the things she needed to grow up, he took care of her when she turned 3 years old.
At the age of 3, Yamamoto stopped taking care of her when bad things were happening in the Soul Society and all the captains were needing his help, Itsuki was trying to find him but then she stumbled upon a beautiful meadow with a gigantic Scythe right in the center of the meadow. As she was staring at the Scythe, the spirit of the Scythe sees her and motions her to come over by sending off a warm welcome sensation. Akari started to crawl over to the Scythe, by this point, Yamamoto was going into the room she was in and he notices that she's not in there and he asked Kisuke Urahara, who by this point was in the Soul Society, to find her as soon as possible. Urahara did so but he couldn't find Akari, while that was happening, Itsuki was making her way towards the beautiful spirit and the dangerous Scythe, the spirit was named is unknown but she calls herself Shadow Phoenix because she's a majestic Phoenix and her original name does not match on her whatsoever, so she never told anyone who wields her on her original name nor does she want to.
But anyway, Itsuki finally made her way to the Scythe, which was the blade was in the ground exposing the sharp end, and she almost touched the sharp end when she was stopped by something invisible touching her from almost cutting herself by the sharpest blade of all blades in the Soul Society. Then Shadow Phoenix made herself visible to Itsuki, the first word that came out of Akari's mouth was, "M-m-ma-mama?" That broke Shadow Phoenix's heart because she discovered that Itsuki is an orphan so she took over the parent position part over Yamamoto, and decided to raise Itsuki as her own, she made herself visible to all people in the Soul Society and went to a house that was made by her then started taking care of Akari. Shadow Phoenix was born with motherly instinct because it is natural for female Phoenixes to have a knowledge on what to do when it comes to a child in need, for example Akari, from that point on Shadow Phoenix has been calling her Akari instead of Itsuki because at that point Akari didn't know on how to talk and is too young to write or to do anything. So, when Urahara did not find Itsuki he then noticed that the Scythe, that used to be in the middle of the beautiful meadow, was gone and left a mark on the ground. He didn't know that Shadow Phoenix existed but he knows that something big and powerful was lurking around the meadow keeping the meadow from losing its beautiful texture, but now since Shadow Phoenix was encountered by Akari, the meadow was starting to lose it's beautiful texture. Urahara reported this news to Yamamoto, the Head Captain sighed thinking that Akari must've woken her up but Shadow Phoenix came in and told them what happened. Since Urahara now has an idea on who Shadow Phoenix is and how powerfully aggressive she can be when angered, he did not try to flirt or question her, he basically did the smart thing and kept his mouth shut. Same with Kyoraku, he kept his mouth shut because he accidentally said her true name and she threw a Fire Ball at him and thankfully she missed because he dodged it quick. Then she said if he said her true name again and she'll cast a super nova spell on him. Then she looked down because someone was tugging her dress, she looked at who it was with an angry look then notices Akari was remained with her. Shadow Phoenix cooled down because she didn't want to frighten Akari so she did her best to keep calm when Akari is around. Then came around when Akari was 5 years of age, she asked Shadow Phoenix if she was her true mother, Shadow Phoenix knew this day would come, but she had no choice but to tell Akari the whole truth about what happened. 5 days go by, Akari spent her time away from Shadow Phoenix in order to take in on what she was told by Shadow Phoenix. On the day after the 5th day, she approached Shadow Phoenix and the Scythe, she got a hold of the Scythe and said, "I don't care if I'm not your real daughter but it doesn't matter, what does matter was that you or the old man, Yamamoto, didn't leave me alone to starve to death or worse gotten killed by those Hollows. So, I thank you for taking me into your care when the old man was no longer taking care of me." Shadow Phoenix never felt so happy, then she notices within those 5 days, Akari was accepted to be a Soul Reaper. After all those times, Akari was managing things by herself because every where she went, she always brings the Scythe almost everywhere with her because she knows the Shadow Phoenix would protect her forever, that was when she got into a heated fight with Kenpachi Zaraki at the age of 8 because he kept pummeling her down hard on the ground and that's when her inner Phoenix snapped and turned the tables and started to attack Zaraki with what he was doing to her. All she was seeing was pure red and anger, that's when her first encounter with Renji Abarai and Ichigo Kurosaki, they managed to pull her off without burning themselves, Renji told Zaraki to scram which thankfully Zaraki did, Ichigo had her held back then Renji snapped his fingers in front of her, she snapped out of it, she thanked them for stopping her, she didn't know what she was doing through all that. Her first meeting with Shuhei was an accident, she was making her way to the barracks of Captain Kenpachi's squad but she mistakenly stumbled upon Shuhei's squad, he was the only one there and spotted her, he asked her, "What brought you here?" Then she shyly said in a very quiet voice when Ikkaku rudely shooed her away, she knew she was different from the other Soul Reapers, she was known to show emotion than the other Soul Reapers, that's was her first encounter with Ikkaku and Shuhei, but she was really trying to get around because she is very nervous around other people because she's been alone her entire life, then she approached Byakuya Kuchiki in a rose garden he asked, "Why are you just standing there?" She was still scared of approaching him, he looks at her, walks up to her, and in his hand, he is carrying a rose then he placed it in her hair. As soon as he placed the rose in her hair, he was seeing her eyes glow up, he slightly smiled and asked, "Would you like to see the roses?" She nodded, that's what started her loving roses, she smiled big time then hugged him thanking him, then Renji came by seeing this he gently smiled because Akari was really having a rough time fitting into the 13 squads of the Soul Society. The second encounter with Shuhei, was when her birthday was around the corner, she said out loud that her birthday was coming, then Shuhei asked her on what would she like, she told him that she would like roses because that's the only thing she likes. Then the following day and the days before her birthday, he kept sending her roses to her barracks of her squad, before she switched over to Captain Hitsugaya's Squad, and Captain Kenpachi kept telling her that her emotions are starting to show her weakness and he told her that he might as well kill her if this keep going. That's when she decided to run away from him because he was really terrifying her, Renji walked up to her seeing her crying because she beautiful roses were destroyed by Captain Kenpachi. Then he decided that enough was enough for Kenpachi trying to frighten her to no end, then he went to the Head Captain Yamamoto to have her switch to a captain of her choosing. She chosen Toshiro, both Renji and Rangiku sighed in relief when she had chosen Captain Hitsugaya. When she went to the new barracks of her new squad, Shuhei sees her and she tells him that Captain Kenpachi destroyed the roses he kept sending her, Shuhei told her to not worry about it, he actually complimented on how beautiful she is, she blushed, and told him on how handsome he is, Shuhei also blushes, then she turns around telling him that it should end like this hoping no one sees them flirting with each other. Shuhei agree because it was love at first sight for them, they just began the friendship and they started flirting with each other. Each time when there is no one around, they always meet in secret while she looks at the sky while he looks at the beautiful colors in her eyes. Her eyes are a mixture of orange and yellow, she's loves watching the sun rise and sun set, Shuhei would always take her to a high place of the barracks so she would be able to see both sun rise and sun set. They always find each other in secret during their breaks because Akari trusts him more than anyone, she was originally asked by Rangiku if she wanted to shop with her, then Akari said no, and snuck past her while Toshiro had his back towards Rangiku and her. Shuhei would always meet her the same rose garden that Byakuya met her in, she went there and he made sure that she was comfortable at where she is at. Shuhei and Akari made sure that their actual relationship status does not explode because she is barely making the rank of being the 3rd Seed Seat of the 10th Squad. Though both Renji and Rangiku have been putting the pieces together, both Akari and Shuhei would end up missing during break time, Rangiku asked Renji, "What if they are actually dating?" "Nah, I don't think Itsuki believes in love," Renji would say. Then when Akari came back to Squad 10 barracks, she sees Renji smiling at her telling her that he knows about her and Shuhei, she gets super angry then mysteriously casted a Fireball, then asked, "Do you really want to start with me, Renji?" After that Renji knew the truth on why she never gets angry, her anger is her strength in battle because she's a Pyromancer, and she uses her anger for her fire attacks. Not to mention, she carries the most deadliest weapon of all: the Scythe, according to Renji and Ichigo. But her real first encounter with Ichigo, she didn't really count when both Renji and Ichigo had to pull her away from Captain Kenpachi, but her first encounter with him was unexpected, she was going to meet up with Shuhei but instead she met Ichigo. Ichigo had told her that he was going to fill for Shuhei since Shuhei is busy doing his duties something about some of his comrades have a sneaky suspiscion that Shuhei had fallen in love with a novice Soul Reaper, this realy angered Akari, she asked him on where Shuhei's barracks are, and he quickly answered by saying that he's only filling in for him because Shuhei is trying his best to make time for someone he cares about. This relaxed Akari because she had forgotten that Ichigo has no idea on why she was waiting for Shuhei and Ichigo had a feeling about those 2 secretly dating already but he told her that he tells any secret. Akari then looked at him and smiled for not telling anyone else, somehow she felt safer around Ichigo than she did with Toshiro. Every time her break time comes around, she always finishes up on what she's doing so she doesn't miss Shuhei, she tells Toshiro that she's taking her break then his brotherly instinct comes in to play he's trying to figure out on why she always rushes. Then he sees Shuhei meeting her out the door of the Squad 10 barracks, he didn't think anything of it, he only thought that Shuhei was only meeting her and head back to his barracks, then he noticed both were gone for a while. Toshiro was walking around trying to find the 2, Shuhei was the only one letting her feel wanted and welcomed, Akari had her head laying on Shuhei's chest while he rest as well, Toshiro sees this and got back to the barracks without saying anything knowing that Akari only feel safe with Shuhei, when she got back she noticed that her desk was missing, Rangiku told her that Captain Hitsugaya had moved her into a office, Akari looked into the room seeing Toshiro, Renji, Ikkaku, and Yumichika in that room. Toshiro sees her and tells her that this is where she will be for the time being. She nodded, though she felt relieved that she can keep seeing Shuhei in secret, though Shadow Phoenix has a bad feeling that the only reason why Toshiro was doing this was so he can keep Akari from Shuhei. Shadow Phoenix tells Akari this and Akari has a plan if it turns out to be true, she took 5 of her paychecks, assuming that Soul Reapers get paid for doing their jobs, then she transferred the paychecks into the currency that the Soul Society has, then she went into the market place to get a couple groceries, and she got seeds to plant her own food. Shuhei spots her wearing a beautiful Red, orange, and yellow dress that she had found, she sees him, waves at him, then he began to ignore her for how beautiful she was in that dress. She wonders why he ignored her, then he told her on what he was thinking. After hearing his compliment, she told him that she likes being different, she wore the dress because it was the only one that could make her eyes sparkle like Fire, he sees her eyes clearly now, he tells her that she has Amber eyes, and then tells her that she is even more gorgeous than ever. When literally everyone knows that those 2 would always end up missing and secretly meeting each other, they have a thought as to what is happening, Yumichika got jealous that he is more handsome than Shuhei, then Ikkaku said that Shuhei only wants her for other reasons, then Renji had enough saying that they getting serious day after day and he also says that he is happy that Akari has someone that cares about her more than anyone, minus him and Ichigo. When the news of Shuhei and Akari got to the Head Captain, Yamamoto told everyone to leave them alone in peace, if they are secretly dating then they should be left alone. Yamamoto could see those 2 clearly because his office is right outside, so the old man knows about the 2 because he never tells anyone about what's going on.
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