#asterios: task
asterioshq · 7 months
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Nunca é tarde demais para criar novos vínculos, principalmente no Acampamento Asterios! Por isso, em uma bela noite de quinta-feira, onde a Lua se apossava do céu enquanto o Sol estava realizando o seu descanso ao anoitecer, os que viviam no acampamento decidiram se reunir na beira das chamas quentes da fogueira para se aquecerem em meio ao clima mais gelado trazido pelo breu, e mesmo que aquele grande encontro não tivesse sido propriamente planejado, era uma boa oportunidade para que todos pudessem colocar o papo em dia e quem sabe, arriscar conversas com quem nunca se falou anteriormente?
É claro, mesmo que se converse e deixe o assunto fluir, há assuntos e segredos que apenas passam pelas mentes dos que os detém, e eles não seriam revelados publicamente, apesar de que não há maneiras de mentir para si mesmo e nem para a voz que domina a sua cabeça.
— OOC:
O objetivo da tarefa é conhecer melhor o seu e aos outros personagens, no intuito de aprofundar eles de maneira dinâmica e até mesmo criar novas relações. Isso facilitará tanto as interações quanto as conexões e o planejamento de plots em conjunto entre os personagens da comunidade;
Em IC, os personagens realmente se reunirão na fogueira, porém as perguntas que listamos para serem respondidas podem ou não ser fictícias, afinal de contas, sabemos que há questionamentos que nunca seriam respondidos por alguns personagens no contexto IC e em uma conversa em uma fogueira;
Os personagens que entregarem a task receberão 10 pontos.
Pedimos encarecidamente para que enviem os links através do canal #POVS do Discord para facilitar a contagem de pontos;
As entregas deverão ser postadas no Twitter/X utilizando-se da tag #astertask;
As perguntas que devem ser respondidas na entrega dessa tarefa são as seguintes:
Hobbies relaxantes: Fora das batalhas, qual é a atividade que seu personagem usa para relaxar?
Segredos cotidianos: Existe algo na vida diária de seu personagem que ninguém mais conhece?
Quais são as responsabilidades diárias ou tarefas que seu personagem assume no acampamento?
Seu personagem tem algum hábito ou costume peculiar que outros semideuses acham estranho?
Local favorito: Existe um lugar específico onde seu semideus se sente mais conectado ao seu lado divino?
Territórios inexplorados: Há algum local misterioso ou proibido que intrigue seu semideus?
Objeto precioso: Qual é o item pessoal mais valioso para seu semideus, e qual é sua história? 
Paixões secretas: Existe algo que seu personagem ama fazer, mas ninguém mais sabe?
Existe alguma criatura mitológica ou monstro que seu personagem tem um medo particular? Por quê?
Seu personagem tem alguma aversão a habilidades específicas de semideuses ou a elementos do mundo divino? Por exemplo, poderes de manipulação de elementos ou uma aversão a determinado deus.
Qual é a maior aversão do seu personagem, e como ela afeta suas interações com os outros semideuses?
Descoberta de poderes: Como seu personagem reagiu ao descobrir seus poderes divinos pela primeira vez?
Como seu personagem se sente em relação aos seus próprios poderes divinos? Eles os aceitam totalmente ou têm reservas quanto a usá-los?
Seu personagem já teve alguma experiência negativa relacionada aos seus poderes? Como isso afetou sua visão sobre suas habilidades?
Relação com o deus progenitor: Qual é a dinâmica entre seu semideus e seu pai/mãe divino? Boa, tensa, ou distante?
Alianças e rivalidades: Como seu semideus lida com outras proles de seu deus progenitor? E como ele lida com as proles de outros deuses?
Reação à missão: Como seu personagem se sente ao ser escolhido para participar da tarefa crucial de enfrentar os titãs? 
Qual é a atitude do seu personagem em relação à profecia que os envolve na possível guerra contra os Titãs? Ele a aceita como seu destino ou tenta resistir ao papel atribuído a ele? Existe algum conflito interno que ele enfrenta ao se preparar para a batalha contra os Titãs?
Como seu personagem se prepara para enfrentar os desafios que a profecia traz? Eles buscam treinamento adicional ou orientação dos mais experientes?
O escolhido: O seu semideus acredita que o escolhido virá de um dos deuses maiores? Ele acha que pode ser o escolhido?
Dúvidas e medos: Quais são as maiores dúvidas ou medos que assombram seu personagem em relação à guerra iminente contra os titãs?
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connorthemaoist · 10 months
Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer | Communist Party Of The Philippines | November 28, 2023
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) welcomes the signing of the Oslo Joint Statement last November 23 in Oslo, Norway, by the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), and official envoys of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP). The joint statement is a declaration of intent to create conditions and set the framework for holding peace negotiations.
The Party and the New People’s Army (NPA) extend all-out support to the Negotiating Panel of the NDFP chaired by Juliet de Lima, and its esteemed members, Louie Jalandoni, Coni Ledesma and Asterio Palima, and express full confidence in their representation of the broad democratic interests of the Filipino people.
The Oslo Joint Statement is a first half-step in the long march leading to the resumption of formal peace negotiations, and in the even longer road of achieving the people’s aspiration for a just and lasting peace.
In his blood-lust, former GRP President Duterte threw ten thousand thorns and spikes at the road of peace and rendered it impassable. With the mistaken notion that the armed revolution can be crushed through sheer armed might, Duterte unleashed his war of state terrorism marked by abductions, torture, murder and massacres.
Duterte’s war was gross and bloody, but it was also an utter failure. Such failure is implicitly recognized by the fact that panels of the GRP and NDFP are now set to face each other across the table of peace negotiations.
There are peace talks because there is war. The NDFP and GRP are co-belligerents in the civil war in the Philippines. They are adversaries and represent diametrically opposed interests and objectives, but who come to the table under the declared aim of achieving a just and lasting peace.
To clear the road for peace negotiations, it is the distinct responsibility of Marcos to take the initiative to sweep away the Duterte-period thorns and spikes which litter it.
To allow the NDFP-GRP peace negotiations to move forward, Marcos must: (a) release all the NDFP peace consultants to allow them to take part in the discussions and negotiations; (b) rescind the “terrorist designation” of the NDFP, and that of Ka Luis Jalandoni, the CPP, the NPA and other personnel of the NDFP. These are critical and practical measures, without which, it is doubtful that peace negotiations can even proceed.
For the march towards peace to move forward quickly, Marcos can also withdraw the Duterte-issued Executive Order No 70 and Memorandum Order No 32, dismantle the National Task Force (NTF)-ELCAC, cause the repeal of the draconian Anti-Terror Law, order the AFP to withdraw armed soldiers conducting “localized peace negotiations” and “community support” which merely disguise the bloody suppression of peasant barangays active in defense of their land and democratic rights, and order a stop to Gaza-like aerial bombing and artillery shelling of farms and fields in the countryside.
To create conditions conducive to peace, Marcos can order the release of more than 800 political prisoners. Many of them are old and sick, and have already suffered enough undue punishment and prolonged detention as a result of multiple criminal charges in violation of the Hernandez Doctrine. A number of the political prisoners are nursing mothers who must be immediately released together with their infants.
There should be an accounting of all violations of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) in the killing and imprisonment of NDFP peace consultants.
The GRP represents the interests of the big bourgeois compradors (the so-called oligarchs and tycoons who hold vast business interests), the big landlords, the bureaucrat capitalists, who all find congruence with the economic interests and geopolitical aims of the US imperialists.
The NDFP represents the people’s democratic government and the aspirations of the oppressed and exploited classes and sectors comprising the Filipino people, including workers, peasants, fisher folk, the toiling masses, national minorities, migrant workers, youth, health workers, teachers, ordinary employees, lawyers, artists and cultural workers, women, gender minorities, and others.
It has been proven in the past that while the NDFP and the GRP represent two diametrically opposed economic interests and political aims, and continue to engage in a shooting war in the battlefield, they can forge agreements such as The Hague Declaration, the JASIG, and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).
These agreements must be reaffirmed and serve as foundations for future agreements on socioeconomic reforms, as well as political and constitutional reforms.
The signing of the Oslo Joint Statement come at a time of intensifying economic and political crisis. Worsening conditions facing the Filipino people compel them to wage mass struggles to push forward their urgent demands for substantial wage increases, lower prices, reduction of land rent, lower costs of agricultural input, and so on.
The corruption, anti-people and anti-democratic policies and programs of the US-Marcos regime are causing widespread poverty and hunger, economic dispossession and dislocation. Marcos continues to unleash state terrorist violence to silence the people and suppress their grievances and resistance. In full subservience to his imperialist master, Marcos have paved the way for the US military to use the Philippines as forward base for encircling China, and the AFP as pawns in its aggressive military operations in the South China Sea.
The Filipino people have no other recourse but to continue intensifying their mass struggles and revolutionary armed struggle to defend their livelihood, their rights and the people’s national freedom, and isolate and fight the puppet, fascist and oppressive Marcos regime.
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cauldron-antonn · 7 months
Linha do Tempo
15/05 — Nascimento
Agosto — Adotado por Cássia
15/05 — Pov: Senhora dos caminhos, deusa da magia, guardiã da Névoa e mãe.
Julho — Começa a frequentar o Acampamento Asterios.
Setembro — Pov: Um dia foi eu e você
Novembro — Pov: Você ficou
01/03 — Pov: Poti-poti, perna de pau, olho de vidro e nariz de pica-pau
01/03 — Turno (Rowan x Antonn): Encomenda de última hora.
04/03 — Pov: Processo de Criação
07/03 — Task: Quem é Antonn na roda da fogueira?
10/03 — Drop: O sono eterno
25/03 — Missão: A Busca da Ambrosia Perdida
27/03 — Pov: Coração partido, baseado aceso, amigos próximos.
21/04 — Drop: A Troca
0 notes
grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #41: Stheno
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Welcome back to Fate and Phantasms, where we’re bringing every single servant in FGO to life in D&D 5e! Today we’re building the middlest gorgon sister, Eury- wait, no, wrong one. Today we’re building the oldest sister, Stheno! Stheno has a lot of similarities with her younger sister, but there’s still enough wiggle room to make her own build. Stheno’s a Bard/Sorcerer mix (Sord? Barcerer?) with, surprise surprise, an emphasis on charming foes.
As always, you can check out a spreadsheet for the build here, or read the level-by-level breakdown below the cut!
Race and Background
Like her sisters before her (after her? putting the eldest sister last is a weird design choice), Stheno is a Yuan-Ti Pureblood for the sake of the snake. This gives her +1 Intelligence and +2 Charisma. She also has Magic Resistance, giving her advantage on saves against magic and halving damage taken from magic, 60′ of Darkvision, Poison Immunity, and Innate Spellcasting which we’ll get to at the levels its relevant. Like Euryale, Stheno’s background is kind of a problem to make faithfully, as “Goddess” isn’t typically how adventurers get started. To fit with her personality, we’re also making Stheno a Charlatan, giving her proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand. 
Charisma is going to be your highest stat, for obvious reasons. You also can’t prey on peoples’ insecurities if you don’t know what they are, so Wisdom is next. Your schemes rely more on magical manipulation that actual planning, but your physical stats are even worse, so Intelligence is next. After that is Dexterity, you’re not really nimble, but you’re kind of small so you’re harder to hit. After that is Constitution because I’m not dumping that no matter how weak you’re supposed to be. Finally, dump Strength. It’s not you, and we don’t need it anyway.
Class Levels
1. Bard 1: You’re a pretty face that insists goofing off is somehow helping the party, and that’s a Bard to a T. First level bards get proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma Saves, as well as three skills of your choice: here, they’re Persuasion, Insight, and Performance. They also get Spellcasting based on their charisma, as well as Bardic Inspiration, d6 you can throw at people when they aren’t working hard enough for your benefit. They come  back on long rests. As a Yuan-Ti, you also learn the Poison Spray cantrip and can cast Animal Friendship at will, as long as you’re targeting snakes thanks to your innate spellcasting. These spells, and others you get from innate spellcasting, also use charisma.
For spells, grab Friends and Vicious Mockery as cantrips. Vicious Mockery is the closest thing you’ll have to an attack for a good 14 levels, so you better practice acting haughty now. For proper spells, grab Bane to make life harder for your enemies and Heroism to make life easier for your friends. Friend. Sorry. Also, pick up Unearthly Chorus and Puppet from Unearthed Arcana. The former gives you background music that gives you advantage on performance checks, and you can use your bonus action while concentrating on the spell to try and charm creatures who can hear your music. The creature makes a charisma save, and on a failure becomes friendly for up to an hour after the music stops. You can make deception and persuasion checks against creatures made friendly this way with advantage. The latter forces one humanoid to make a constitution save, and on a fail you can make the creature move up to its speed in a direction you choose. You can also make them drop whatever they’re holding. Creatures immune to being charmed are also immune to this spell.
Bards are really frontloaded for abilities, and having to explain two UA spells didn’t help. Don’t worry, the rest of the levels will be shorter.
2. Bard 2: Second level bards become a Jack of All Trades, adding half their proficiency to ability checks they aren’t proficient in. You also get a Song of Rest, adding a d6 to healing being done during short rests. Grab Cure Wounds for your spell at this level. Nobody will call your build selfish! (Mostly because you won’t let them.)
3. Bard 3: You gain Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus with them. Your Deception and Persuasion are your strongest traits, so now they’re even better. Normally this would be due to your magical interference, but expertise is a much more efficient way of showing this. You also graduate from the College of Glamour like your sister, giving you a Mantle of Inspiration. You can spend an inspiration die to give a number of creatures equal to your charisma modifier 5 temporary hitpoints, and they can react to move up to their speed without causing attacks of opportunity. The number of THP you hand out increases by 3 at level 5, 10, and 15.
You also gain an Enthralling Performance. Once per short rest, you can perform for at least 1 minute, forcing a number of creatures equal to your charisma modifier to make a wisdom save. Creatures that fail are your loving slaves for up to an hour, or until you attack it or its allies. if the creature succeeds on its save, it doesn’t realize you tried to charm it.
Your innate spellcasting gives you another spell, Suggestion, that you can cast once per long rest. For your bard spell, grab Enhance Ability to help out your other self.
4. Bard 4: Use your first ASI to improve your Charisma for stronger spells. Also, pick up the Light cantrip to get proper lighting for your stage 4 art, and the Enthrall spell: you’re already the center of your own world, might as well be the center of someone else’s too.
5. Sorcerer 1: You may be a pretty face, but your magical power comes from your Divine Soul. This means the Spells you get from being a sorcerer can come from the sorcerer or cleric spell list, and in either case they use charisma for casting. You’re also Favored by the Gods, ironically, letting you add 2d4 to failed saving throws or attacks once per short rest. Grab Message to keep in touch with your sisters, Minor Illusion to mess with Medusa, and Prestidigitation and Thaumaturgy for when you need some theatrics. For first level spells, grab Charm Person, which we shockingly hadn’t had yet, and Purify Food and Drink. Sure you can’t be poisoned anyway, but why put up with the insult?
6. Sorcerer 2: You become a Font of Magic, gaining a number of sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level. Right now they can only be used to make more spell slots, but you’ll get other uses for them in a bit. You can also now perform Ceremonies in your name, ranging from coming of age to marriage. I don’t normally tell people how to play their character, but please: don’t mix this with a charm spell, the rest of the party will think you’re creepy.
7. Sorcerer 3: You can now use those sorcery points from last level to perform Metamagic: ways to enhance your spells as you see fit. Grab Subtle Spell because taking over a person’s mind isn’t nearly as fun when they know it’s happening and Heightened Spell to eat up your DM’s legendary resistances.
Grab Blindness/Deafness because instant death spells aren’t available yet, so the suite of instant “no more fighting for you” spells are the best we have.
8. Sorcerer 4: Use your ASI to maximize your Charisma and bump up your Dexterity as well. Grab Mending to fix up your dress for ascensions and Hold Person for another way to shut someone out of a fight.
9. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers get third level spells, including Bestow Curse. You’re so beautiful your foes have trouble fighting you! It’s mostly because you curse them, but you insist it’s the beauty thing.
10. Bard 5: Your inspiration dice improve to d8s, and you become a Font of Inspiration. Now you regain inspiration on short rests as well. Grab Fast Friends, because there’s no charm spell we’re not getting this time around. Like a lot of charm spells, this forces a wisdom save on one humanoid, and on a failure it will do whatever you ask of it as long as it’s in a friendly manner. Tasks that cause harm to it or goes against its nature allow the creature to make another save, and fighting the creature gives it advantage. Asking the creature t do something that will obviously kill it immediately ends the spell. Otherwise, it lasts for up to an hour with concentration, and the creature knows you charmed it afterwards.
11. Bard 6: You can now use a Countercharm to bring the rest of your party up to the level you’re on naturally as an action. You also learn to make a Mantle of Majesty from the college of glamour. You use a bonus action to transform yourself into an unearthly beauty and cast Command. For up to a minute while you’re concentrating on the mantle you can use your bonus action to cast command again, and creatures who are charmed by you have disadvantage on command saves. You can use this feature once per long rest.
For your spell, grab Enemies Abound, because frankly having only one way to cause damage to creatures is really boring. What are you, a fighter?
12. Bard 7: Seventh level bards get fourth level spells, and you get Charm Monster. Charming Asterios might seem tempting, but then Euryale will get on your case, and she has an actual weapon. Best to save it for Medusa then.
13. Bard 8: Odd numbers are terrible, and we might as well get something else for our troubles, so for this ASI take the Tasha’s feat Practiced Expert to add one to your Dexterity, gain proficiency in Animal Handling to connect with your dear sister, and gain expertise in Insight to find her insecurities even more easily.
For your spell this level, grab Confusion. Sure it’s a bit random, but you can hit a lot of creatures with it if they’re bunched together.
14. Bard 9: Your song of rest improves to a d8, and you get your first 5th level spell Dominate Person. Charming a person is nice, but sometimes you need a finer touch, you know?
15. Bard 10: At tenth level, your inspiration becomes a bunch of d10s, and you get another round of Expertise. You have three skills that haven’t been expertised yet and one of them is a joke, so enhance your Sleight of Hand and Performance skills. Finally, at this level you get Magical Secrets, two spells from any spell list. We’ve gotten a lot of charms, but not a lot of vampirism so far. Fix that with Vampiric Touch and Enervation. Also, grab Mage Hand so you don’t need Medusa to grab stuff off the top shelf. You’ll still use her to do that of course, but now you don’t need her to do it.
16. Bard 11: Grab Mass Suggestion as your first 6th level spell, because the only thing better than getting a small crowd to love you is making a large crowd love you.
17. Bard 12: For your last ASI, grab some extra Wisdom. No real reason for it, but the boost to your wisdom save is nice.
18. Bard 13: Your song of rest improves to a d10 as well. Also, grab your 7th level spell, Project Image. Why travel all the way to where you’re supposed to be charming people when you can just send an illusion instead? You can’t cast spells through it, but there’s no distance limit on your Enthralling Performance, so you’ve got a loophole.
19. Bard 14: You get another round of Magical Secrets and your final glamour bard feature Unbreakable Majesty. Once again, you can use your bonus action to transform into a more perfect version of yourself, and anything foolish enough to attack you needs to make a charisma save vs. your spell save. On a fail they can’t attack you, and must choose a new target. On a success, they can attack you this turn, but they have disadvantage on your spell saves next turn. You can use this feature once per short rest.
We’ve gotten more than enough charm spells to last a lifetime, so I think we can get a bit monstrous, as a treat. In real life mythology, Stheno was even more vicious than her sisters, so for your magical secrets grab Flesh to Stone because you’re still a gorgon after all and Tenser’s Transformation. It’s like a barbarian’s rage, but terrible because it’s attached to you. It even gives you a level of exhaustion after using it. Is this remotely canonical in FGO? Not really, but frankly she deserves to turn into a monster a little bit.
20. Bard 15: With your capstone level, your inspiration dice max out as d12s. You also get your 8th level spell Glibness, just in case you weren’t good enough at charisma rolls yet.
Pros: Metamagic and bard spells together is a very powerful combination. A lot of your charm spells effectively end a fight, and you can impose disadvantage on creatures giving you trouble more or less at will. Also, thanks to your vampirism and mantles, you’re slightly harder to kill than your 98 hp would suggest.
Cons: You have 98 HP. On top of that, most charms require concentration to function, meaning you’ll have to pick your targets carefully. Plenty of enemies also have immunity to being charmed, meaning you’ll spend most of the fight yelling at them while the rest of the party does the work. Finally, multiclassing unlocks a lot of power for you but it comes at the cost of not getting 9th level spells like Wish, and that’s always going to feel bad. 
In a worst case scenario, you and the other you can always run off with your mantles of inspiration and let your big little sister take care of things. Don’t worry, she’s used to it by now.
Next up: An assassin with a very ironic NP name, all things considered.
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shuttershocky · 5 years
Speaking of powerlevels, if it's Shiki "I can kill even god" Ryougi vs. "I nullify B-rank down attacks, gain immunity, and have 12 lives" Herakles, how would you go about making Shiki win?
Herc is probably one of the most dangerous opponents possible for Shiki. He has vastly greater fighting skill, longer reach, faster speed, and the strength to crush her like a gnat in a single hit. He wins 99.9% of possible fights between them.
Now, the big question is does Ryougi see Death Points the way Tohno does? The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception has fought a beast with multiple lives before, and it was Nrvnsqr with his 666 lives. That fight was only won though because Tohno could see Death Points in addition to Death Lines, and stabbed the point tying all 666 lines together to kill Nrvnsqr in one stab.
Ryougi is never noted to have the ability to see them. If she can, a fight vs Herc actually becomes possible: she only needs to land one attack on his core Death Point that ties the Death Lines for each of his 12 lives. Still an incredibly difficult task without sneaking up on him due to his skill, but possible.
If she can't and she has to trace every single Death Line to destroy all 12 lives, a 1v1 battle becomes impossible and she'll need allies to pin Herc down. Since Herc seems to need a couple seconds to regenerate though, she only really needs an ally who is able to land a killing blow once or with some way to restrain him before she pounces on Herc and begins tearing out his lives line by line, killing him repeatedly faster than he can regenerate.
But which ally? It should be someone that could let her get close, so she could close the gap as soon as they land the killing blow. However, servants with the ability to take on Herc in direct melee combat are rare. It would most likely be a knight class or a servant with great strength and speed to go with technical skill. Someone like Archer/ Nameless would be difficult as Archer's broken phantasms involve gigantic explosions that would vaporize ordinary people (like Shiki) waiting nearby. Arturia, along with her knights of the round table, are also a little too explosive with their swords. Lancelot would be a better fit, but both his Saber and Berserker forms run the risk of simply being crushed by Herc themselves, what with their lack of defensive abilities (I mean, Saberlot was overpowered and killed by a berserk Agravain even.)
Cu Chulainn is a servant who would make a fantastic partner if he would agree to a teamup. He definitely has the strength, skill, and, most importantly, speed to overwhelm Herc's first life quite reliably. He is however, also capable of simply saying no to a teamup, since he's one of the best candidates to take Herc head on and win by himself. Fighting Hercules in a 1v1 you see is a marathon battle. He basically forces you to fight at your 100% for 12 battles, and unless you have a connection to infinite mana like Saber Alter, you'll eventually tire and slip up against one of the greatest warriors of history. For an endurance beast like Cu who can fight for days on end without slipping up, that's totally possible and Herc isn't an enemy he needs a team up to take down. Plus, Ryougi can be a rude, spoiled girl who likes to look for fights yet doesn't revel in the thrill of battle, just the act of violence. She probably isn't someone Cu would like normally and he would only agree to a teamup if his master wants it.
So, you need someone capable of killing or restraining Herc once, but isn't actually able to rumble with Herc for all 12 lives and thus would also need a partner. Additionally, they need to be open to working with someone known for being a little abrasive, while not being annoying themselves (it's mlre likely for Shiki to be picky than the other way around.)
The best situation for Shiki to defeat Herc then, is if she's with Asterios. Asterios has the strength to pin Herc down and restrain him, but has nowhere near the skill or endurance to triumph over him in a fight to the death. Asterios is also very friendly and harmless, even to girls much more spoiled and rude than Ryougi *cough* Euryale *cough*, and would have no questions about working with them to beat Hercules. Plus he is very cute and fluffy, which Shiki will pretend not to care about but certainly helps his chances of making her agree to a teamup.
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queenofnohr · 4 years
Aeaean Spring Breeze - Ch. 3: The Underground Labyrinth Brings Order
Dreamwidth version here
???: Looks like they’re finally here. ???: Thank goodness. Making this Singularity was worth it, then! ???: ......Is it good? ???: Better than good— the plan is perfect. Don’t worry your little heart about it, just focus on the labyrinth. ???: That’s right, Asterios! Since I’m a witch, just leave everything up to me!
Arjuna: This is…… undoubtedly, a labyrinth…... Mash: Yes. I’ve gone over the infiltration routes several times, but it’s still a dangerous area where monsters prowl. Please proceed with caution, Master. Circe: Humans just go and make whatever they want on my island, huh! Jason: You’re talking like this totally isn’t your fault. Circe: Labyrinths are totally tasteless. I mean, who even likes making them? I create paradises, which the underworld obviously isn’t included in. That’s more up my teacher’s alley. ...…Hm? What’s with that signpost…… Arjuna: There’s something written on it. Let’s seeー “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Jason: ……Can we go back? Orion: You’re like a broken record! But I also wanna go back. George: Denied. Both: Guh. Odysseus: So it’s saying that beyond this point, we might die? How interesting. Let’s go. Circe: I’d like for you to exercise a liiiiiiiitle more caution before rushing in. Good grief…… Is this how all warriors are? Jason: Let’s goooooooo baaaaaack. Circe: Are you always this annoying!? Jason: No, only when I have a bad feeling about something. And these bad vibes are thick enough to taste. Arjuna: I see. Then, let’s head on in. George: There’s no use in arguing. Oh, and smile.
[he snaps a photo of Jason, Arjuna, and Orion]
Jason: ……Don’t just take pictures whenever you want! I end up smiling, even when I don’t want to smile! Circe: What are you doing over there you blockheads!? We’re going in!
[we go on a little]
George: Looks like…… another signpost. Arjuna: It says…… “O Flame, walk alongside me.” Circe: Hmmm.
[Fire shoots out]
Circe: Oh.
> Uwah!?
Mash: Master, are you okay? George: Don’t worry, Mash. I'm guarding them.
[Circe is standing around, on fire]
Odysseus: Circe, are you okay? Circe: Huh? Who? Me? Odysseus: ……Aren’t you covered in flames right now? Circe: Heh heh heh, I’m fine with this! After all, I’m a Great Witch! Odysseus: Just because you’re a Great Witch doesn’t mean you should be “fine” with being engulfed in flame. Circe: I’m telling you it’s fiiiiiine. These are silk garments given to me by Hecate. They won’t burn in these kinds of flames. Odysseus: Even so. Circe: Guh…… Well, I’ll just take that as you being worried about me. Orion: ……By the way, there’s a path forward up ahead. Circe: Huh? ......You’re right. Hmmm. The feeling I get is…… that path will open up if we fulfill a condition. Arjuna:  “O Flame, walk alongside me.” Hm...... Odysseus: “Walk alongside,” huh? ……Circe, come with me. Circe: Huh!? W- What do you mean “with you”!? Why me!? And why with you!? Odysseus: It’s just an idea. Walk together with flame would mean— Wouldn’t it mean to proceed while being enveloped in flame? Circe: No, no, that’s a totally unreasonable answer considering we all have to go through. Odysseus: Of course. We just need to catch the one doing the enveloping. Circe: ? ......Oh! Master, I know it’s sudden, but prepare for battle! Our enemy is the flame enveloping the room! Before it’s extinguished, we need to nab it and walk with it!
> R- Roger that!
Circe: Raise, destroy, and finally, resurrect. Unending circle of life and destruction, I bid thee to appear, O Flame!
[a monster comes out of the fire]
George: So that’s it. Did she turn the flames into an enemy? That’s what it seemed like to me. Jason: Do your best, everyone! Orion: (Of course this guy ain’t fighting) Arjuna: (I’ll just add this to the report I’m preparing for Medea......)
Circe: …...Got it. Now that we’ve caught it, let’s see if it works! Arjuna: Looks like…… The wall is opening up. It seems Odysseus’s hunch was correct. Jason: Haaaaa...... I- It’s over, huh? Orion: Yeah, and you were sooooo much help. Odysseus: Alright, we did it. Circe: Yeah!
[they high five]
Circe: ...... ...... Why do I have to high-five this guy!? Odysseus: I’m starting to understand you. You act tough when you end up going along with something. Circe: Don’t laugh at that! Anyway the path opened up. Let’s head in! Odysseus: Indeed, let’s move!
Node 2
Circe: First it’s fire and now it’s ice…… Arjuna: It doesn’t seem like there’s a signpost. Jason: Hm? I don’t see a path…… Well, it looks easy enough. It should be fine if we melt it, right? Right, Arjuna. Time to put that bow to work! Arjuna: You mean Agni Gandiva? But...... Jason: What, think you can’t do it? Arjuna: …...Don’t be ridiculous. Actually, I fear the opposite happening. That is, will a single shot from me destroy this entire labyrinth? ーThat’s my only concern. Circe: Oi, oi, won’t we end up getting buried alive if that happensー? Arjuna: Then I will be exceedingly careful in limiting myself. Having said that, I don’t think my power will be inadequate, but I will devote all my strength to this task! Orion: (I feel like this’ll end badly) Arjuna: Agni, lend me your power!! My spirit flares! Here I go! AGNI GANDIVA!! George: Oh, another photo op!
[literally everything melts in a huge flood]
Circe: Woah- woah- woah- all the ice melted at once! Wah!
> Circe!!
Circe: Oh, it’s okay, I’m fine. It’s no big deal. Jason: Good grief. The whole room is flooded— (.1 seconds) (Waitwaitwait. Circe’s clothes are white.) ( .2 seconds) (Doesn’t that mean her clothes will get see-through? Won’t she be totally immodest?) (.3 seconds) (No, that’s beside the point. The real problem is how Circe reacts.) (.4 seconds) (She’s usually okay, but she’s still a Great Witch of Greece.) (.5 seconds) (Wouldn’t she turn a human who sees her bare skin into a monster?) (.6 seconds) (So the one in most trouble is Master.) (.7 seconds) (I have no other choice. Master, I’ll buy you ice-cream later.) (.8 seconds) (Heh…… At any rate, my High-Speed Thinking is more than a match for that gloomy Caster’s High-Speed Divine Words.) Jason: Oh no, my hand slipped!!
> Eh!?
[you black out]
Circe: Ugh, are you kidding me? I’m soaked. Odysseus: Are your clothes okay? Circe: Huh, my clothes? Hahaha. Just who do you think I am? I’m Hecate’s disciple, the Great Witch Circe. Even if it was a god that allowed my clothes to get all drenched and see-through, I wouldn’t forgive them! Odysseus: I see. I certainly can’t see anything.
> What happened?
[you open your eyes]
Jason: ……Sorry, I ended up doing something bad since as a hero my intellect is just too sharp…… Orion: What’s with that weird apology!? Arjuna: Does that count as an apology……? Circe: But back to what we were talking about earlier. What, were you interested in seeing my bare skin? Odysseus: No. I’m not, but I just thought it would be bad to make a girl feel shamed. Circe: ......Completely heartless! Like iron! A total Tin Man!
[she’s hitting him in her embarrassment]
Odysseus: ……I intended for that to be a legitimate answer. Orion: Yeah, he’s that type of person…… I’m understanding little by little. George: This is a pretty nice scene. Smile. Circe: Like I can!!
???: That was a little disappointing. ???: “Even if I saw your naked body, it isn’t a problem, since I’ll take responsibility” —is how I thought it would go. ???: That didn’t go smoothly. But, doesn’t it seem like they’re getting along? ???: Yes! It’s so wonderful. It was worth it to have you help out! ???: What should I do next? ???: Next…… Fufufu. Let’s see how they do against this.
Node 3
Circe: Oh, looks like there’s another signpost. What does it say, Arjuna? Arjuna: Let’s see...... “Destroy the paradox. That is the only way to reach the next path,” and, “You must tread forth without looking back.”
> Paradox......?
[Shakespeare, the Statue God, and Mephistopheles show up]
George: Oh no. You guys are— Mephistopheles: Please believe me. Shakespeare and the Statue God are big liars! Only my door is the real one. Shakespeare: Am I the liar? No, no, that’s impossible. Mephisto is a liar. And the Statue God is a big liar, too! Therefore, mine is the only real door. Statue God: Trust me…… Believe in God…… Both Mephisto and Shakespeare are liars…… God would never lie to you…… In other words, my door is the only real one…… Mash: Um…… What does this mean? Jason: Don’t ask me, Shielder. I don’t get it at all, but seems like one of the paths is correct, and the rest are busts. George: Three people in front of three doors. Does that mean we’re to figure out which is the correct path from these three? I think there should be a clue in their testimonies on which is the correct door, but…… Odysseus: It’s a paradox. Some are lying. Some are telling the truth. But if we don’t know how many liars and how many truth tellers there are, how do we come to a conclusion? Arjuna: I see. So, for example, say that Mephistopheles is telling the truth. That would mean that Shakespeare and the Statue God are lying. However, the Statue God says that Mephistopheles and Shakespeare are the liars. Therein lies the contradiction. If the Statue God is lying, then that means both Mephistopheles and Shakespeare are telling the truth. Odysseus: And that applies to all of them. All of them create a paradox, so there is no correct path.
> Th- This is making my head spin.
George: If someone is a liar, that also means that they are not a liar. ……It’s strange. Everyone is connected. Odysseus: Circe. Circe: Hm? Odysseus: I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Circe: Hmmm. It’s like a riddle. Odysseus: It is indeed. Circe: So, here’s what I’m thinking. Whoever made this riddle is the type of person who’s innately contrary. So I feel like using logic and reason to try and solve it would be a waste of time. Odysseus: ......What do you mean? Circe: The correct answer is— We go back the way we came. Everyone: HUH!? George: Oh, that’s a good one.
[he snaps a photo of Odysseus, Jason, Orion, and Arjuna’s stunned faces]
Orion: Wait, I think I was making a really weird face, so could you retake the photo, Teacher? George: No, a good photo op only comes once. Orion: *sniffle* Odysseus: Putting that aside— Circe, why do you think we should go back? Circe: Because! The signpost is the liar. These three are just here to liven things up. The Three: Urp. Odysseus: The signpost is the liar…… Ah, I understand now. “Destroy the paradox. That is the only way to reach the path forward,” turns into, “There is no need to destroy the paradox. The path forward is anything but,” whereas, “You must tread forth without looking back,” becomes, “You must turn around and go back the way you came.” In other words, do the opposite. I was thinking about it too logically. Circe: Was it a difficult riddle for such a straight-laced person? Odysseus: Heh…… I don’t have any comebacks when you put it that way. Well, I don’t know if I’d consider myself straight-laced, but…… Hm? Mephistopheles: We really are just here to liven things up! Shakespeare: I can’t deny that fact! But that doesn’t mean I’ll go back with the way things are now. Statue God: I…… don’t really have anything to do with this…… But being looked down on is kinda grating…… Destroy…... Circe: Ugh, what’s with you guys? You aren’t even the types to get worked up! Stone God: That was then, this is now…... Mephistopheles: Yeah, come on! Let’s duel!
Mephistopheles: Ouch, ouch, I’m done for! Emotional BGM, please start! Huh, no? That’s the way it goes I s’pose. Oh well. Shakespeare: Mm, how disappointing! If I had it my way, I’d have you all deal with various problems, big and small, and depict a big emotional moment— only to pull the rug out from under you and have you end up at a bad end! Statue God: ...... ...... I’m tired…… I’m going back to Chaldea to laze around…… Oh, that’s right…… Since you solved the riddle, I have a prize for you…….
[Odysseus receives something]
Statue God: Goooooodbyeeeeee…… Circe: ......I’m the one who’s tired here! Odysseus: Honestly. I didn’t think we’d end up having to fight Servants…… Mm? Circe: What is it? Odysseus: ………Ah, I remember. I am Odysseus. Circe: ! Your memory returned? Odysseus: Partly, yes.
> How much, exactly?
Odysseus: Let’s see. My name is Odysseus. I am a man who participated in the Trojan War, and survived it even if by the skin of my teeth. ……The story of my life. I know at least that much, and my personality has returned to me. Circe: Do you remember me? Odysseus: Hahaha. Sorry, not at all. Circe: ......Well, maybe that’s for the better. Odysseus: Really? I want to know how we knew each other in life. Circe: ...... ...... We only hurt each other. We hurt each other, mutually, and could do nothing but hurt each other. It was awful. Odysseus: ...... ......Is that true? Circe: It is. Odysseus: I see. I can’t remember, so I can’t argue. Circe: Do you think I’d allow your counterargument? Me, a Great Witch? Odysseus: I suppose. Circe: What’s with that attitude, huh? Odysseus: Don’t pay it any mind. It seems like this is just what I’m like.
> They really do seem like good friends.
Jason: They probably will be, at least until he gets his memories back. Afterward is another story.
> I wonder what Circe thinks.
Arjuna: Here’s my take. I don’t think she loves him or hates him, but…… People’s feelings are complicated.
Arjuna: However, as far as I know, Odysseus had a wife. Mash: Yes. She was a woman who continued to wait for him to come home. Jason: That’s Penelope. I hear that while waiting for Odysseus, she had a whole mess of suitors coming for her. Orion: Sounds like someone I’d like to shack up with…… George: You have no chance. Orion: Even if the chances are only 1%, I won’t give up! George: Now that’s a manly look. Say cheese.
[he snaps a photo of Orion]
George: The title for this one will be “Orion Declares His Infidelity.” Orion: H-Haaaa, is Teacher trying to get me killed? George: Hahaha. Orion: At least deny it!
Ch. 2 ← → Ch. 4
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master-apology · 5 years
I know that this is all wishful thinking, but I’d really enjoy it if the summer event for FGO this year, instead of what they’re obviously going to do, made all the new swimsuit servants guys instead of girls. Since everyone over at Delight Works is a fool and a coward, I have taken up the task of coming up with a roster of summer lads myself, analyzing the patterns from the previous events, as well as just making up a bunch of stuff myself because that’s what I would like. Read on to see my imaginary Summer Bro Squad.
1. The Welfare Servant I would choose would be Merlin (Berserker). All Summer Welfare Servants have been limited SSRs, and Zerker Merlin would be no exception. Hero Creation would include a one turn star weight boost, at the cost of only being self targeting. He’d trade out Garden of Avalon for Excalibur for his NP, which would be combined with his Dreamlike Charisma, giving a party attack buff before its use, and charging party NP as its overcharge. 
2. Our five star Takeuchi servant this time around would be Gilgamesh (Lancer). AUO Castoff would make its return from Extra CCC as an AOE NP, retaining Enuma Elish’s overcharge effect of dealing extra damage to most Servants, but swapping its NP damage boost for a high chance of stunning. Why is he a Lancer, you ask? Because of the dick. The lance is his penis.
3. Just as we’ve always had a SSR Takeuchi Servant in one of the event gachas, we’ve always had a SSR Wadarco Servant in the other. This time, it’ll be Hans Christian Anderson (Alter Ego). As an Alter Ego, we’ll finally be hearing Koyasu’s delicious voice coming from the handsome, glasses wearing, adult man that we all know Hans deserves to be. Kiara will of course deny being flustered by her former Servant now being a heartthrob. While Caster Hans is a strong support unit, his Alter Ego form will be far more selfish. With a high hit count on his single target arts NP, a high NP charge rate, gaining an even stronger version of High-Speed Incantation, and more focus on his creation and usage of critical stars, Hans will be all about spamming his NP over and over and over again.
I haven’t put in as much thought for the rest of the roster, this just seemed like fun to me. 
4. Qin Shi Huang Di (Rider). I know our glorious overlord is too powerful to be contained by the gender binary, but I really want swimsuit moth. Fate/Strange Fake established they could be a Rider, so their skills would probably be more about party-wide buffs than AOE debuffs and self buffs
5. Cu Chulainn (Archer). Everyone’s favorite doggo finally gets to break out his hawaiian shirt and fishing rod. While retaining Divine Protection from Arrows, Summer Cu’s kit would be less about survival, and more about critical star generation and usage.
6. Vlad III (Assassin). Vlad’s change from Berserk to Assassin comes from a need to stay out of the sun. He’ll insist that this isn’t because he’s a vampire, but instead it’s because he doesn’t want to get a sunburn. With a higher NP gain and Kazikli Bey becoming an AOE Quick NP, Vlad will be well suited to both using his NP multiple times and generating large amounts of stars for the party.
7. Georgios (Saber). Georgios will finally show off the true power of Ascalon as a powerful ST Buster NP, while still retaining his overall tankiness. However, we all know his main selling point will be those beautiful locks of his. Fuck, I wish I had hair as nice as his.
8. Asterios (Caster). We round out our roster of summer lads with this lovable bull boy. Eschewing direct attacks, Caster Asterios, or Casterios, will lean in on his Noble Phantasm’s debuff theme, with similar skills, making sure to debilitate his foes so thoroughly that they’ll never be able to hurt his friends.
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cariosum · 6 years
@hushdaylight // continued
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“It’s fine.” He’d already said that it was hardly anything of a task to attend to, and Archer would much rather patch up Asterios than have to trail after him with a mop. “You should keep up with taking care of it, or else it will keep re-opening. There’s no reason to stay in disrepair.” He’s chiding but it’s light in his tone, he doesn’t mean to be actively disciplinary. Still, it would be better for Asterios and probably everyone else if he kept himself from spontaneously bleeding.
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spookclimber · 6 years
alright heres a handfulof fate ones that quite possibly could be contradicted or supported by something i havent read/played, but i dont care
-kojiro is 100% a speedrunner/competitive gamer.  he really enjoys the “training” and practice that goes into speedrunning, and spending hours a day on the same little task is nothing new to him.  and the competitive gamer is because either he found some obscure game that resonated with him, or instead he just mastered a really obscure strategy and everyone up against him rages for him cheesing or something like that
-gilkidu is obv canon and true but enkidu also hits it off and becomes very close with some people such as merlin(tends to play practical jokes with them on others), ozy(enough similarities to gil that a lasting friendship is formed), and cu(mainly because enkidu is so impressed someone besides them fought gil as long as cu did)(this is not a complete list)
-kintoki fuckin _loves_ asterios and asterios loves kintoki back as they both have very similar personalities deep down.  kintoki one day manages to convince asterios to armwrestle him and is surprisingly obliterated. after this they are even closer and better friends
-cascu regularly tries to steal lancer cu’s lance to regain it.  lancer cu likes to dress up as cascu whenever there is anything roughly resembling a competition among the casters/mages then breaks out his spear to dominate if his runes dont win.  to this day hes only had to do that twice.  
-dantes does act like the darkness and edgy and badass a lot, but about an equal amount of time he is the epitome of an angry, hungover, tired college student who had to get up too early in the morning for a class
-upon hearing there was an avenger class, arjuna immediately gravitated to them and tried to learn about them to see if they were like him.  upon finding out what they actually were tho, arjuna became disillusioned, but still enjoys hanging out with them(particularly dantes)
aight i have a bunch more but im tired and its late so im going to bed
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chaldeagates · 6 years
Do you have anything for asterios ?? I don't know what to ask for I just want to read something of him ;-; please and thank you
Since I’ve been thinking about Moofer a lot I’m gonna do hcs of what he’s like adjusting to being in Chaldea! 
Despite your best efforts, when you first summon Asterios, he keeps to himself, and it’s pretty easy to since he’s got that bull mask on. If that doesn’t deter any over-friendly servants, growling or screaming at them usually does the trick.
He likes to raid the kitchen for anything sugary late at night. Mash catches him one time and he nearly jumped out of his skin. She told you about it, and you, accompanied by Euryale and Nursery Rhyme, made it your appointed task to get him to come out of his shell.
Bristles whenever you try to get close to him, even after you’ve ascended him and you’re able to look him in the eyes. So you place some candies down on the floor as a show of goodwill and wait. They’re usually gone by the time you come back from doing your business.
Euryale often comes to visit, lounging near Asterios and talking to him about this or that, trying to get him to relax. It’s strange being in a new place full of servants, and she’s the best way to get him to calm down.
He’ll start leaving candies out for you, too. You’ll flop down in bed and hear a crinkling sound. Lift your pillow to find a small pile of assorted candies, gathered from Romani’s personal stash. 
Eventually, he starts quietly replying to your questions and even asking his own, wondering how your day was and if you wanted to see the small garden Euryale told him about hidden away in Chaldea.
The day where he fully trusts you is still far away, of course. But with each day and each Singularity, the two of you grow closer. A Berserker he may be, but his heart is made of gold.
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ningyotsu · 6 years
❝         Tou...      ko...         ❞         Her   name   is   croaked   out   as   he   pads   after   her,      his   solid   steps   thumping   against   the   floor   as   he   follows   behind.         They   likely   made   quite   the   sight,      should   an   outsider   ever   see   them,      what   with   his   overwhelming   height   and   vast   mass   compared   to   her   significantly   smaller   and   shorter   self.         Usually   he’d   have   referred   to   her   simply   as   ‘Master’   and   nothing   else,      but   he   finds   himself   unusually   attached   to   the   sound   of   her   name   with   how   she’d   introduced   herself   when   they   first   met   and   he   was   first   summoned.
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❝         Touko...      To...      uko...      I   help...      too...         ❞         He   grunts,      reaching   out   to   gently   grasp   at   her   hand   with   one   hand   whilst   his   other   reaches   out   to   carefully   tug   at   her   shirt.
@ningyotsu | CLOSED STARTER.
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     “HUH? OH, ALRIGHT then,” she smiles. The non-existent struggles of work became HERCULEAN tasks for her in the span of a given period of time  ― had she overestimated her capabilities? ( Surely not. ) She finds herself lapsing into old mannerisms and abides to past opinions  ― Servants are NOT tools, but veritable legends, thus the numerous Greek phrasebooks on her desk were a first start to getting to know her Servant better.
     Can you help me with those boxes over there, Asterios? was the question, but the linguistics were in Asterios’s mother tongue. The foreign language was easy on her tongue, and the thought of using it more often came EASILY to mind. 
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uurameshii-a · 7 years
[ @asterioes ]
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A twisted grin tugged at the Mazoku's lips as he sat atop a nearby building.  He watched flames lick at destroyed cars and blow out shop windows, and while the destruction hadn’t been caused by him, he was thriving on the madness... the chaos. "Looks like a hell of a party... Figures I wasn't invited." He muttered, watching an unfamiliar creature run about, wreaking havoc in a once peaceful city. 
His irritation began to build as his eyes followed the creature. How could such an unworthy opponent cause so much trouble? If this lowly creature was going to send the city to hell, it could've at least approached the task with a bit more enthusiasm. Set this city aflame... Destroy everything. Rip them all apart... Make them fucking suffer.
This enemy spoke a big game, but their energy was weak in comparison to his own. Cracking his knuckles, a wicked chuckle escaped his lips. He was more than willing to spice up this little doomsday game, but he'd do it alone. This so called threat wasn't worthy of his time, let alone the effort to form an alliance.
No. He'd do away with it quickly and take over where the weakling started. He'd show the city no mercy.
His darkened hues lit up, picking up on the sound of a familiar voice... It wasn't long until he spotted the pretty soldier down below, bravely stepping forward to stop her enemy. Perhaps this would be more interesting than he thought... He was just moments from destroying the threat himself, but he was certain his reasons for doing so were far different from the bright eyed girl’s.
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"Tch-- It's about time something interesting happened." He shrugged, quietly watching the two battle one another, though it seemed this pathetic creature seemed to have the upper hand. How sad... All this time he believed the pretty soldier Sailor Moon would be much stronger than this, but now... Frankly, he was disappointed and disgusted.
A lowly creature like this was proving to be too much of a challenge? What a fucking joke.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Sherlock Holmes Tries To Solve The Case Of "Fate/Grand Order" Gacha In Latest Event Summoning
In Japan, the Fate/Grand Order smartphone RPG is in Epic of Remnant, a 1.5 bridge to part two of its story, which started in February Sub-Singularity I: Isolated Lair of Evil - Shinjuku Paranormal Incident. That introduced Professor Moriarty as the Archer of Shinjuku. Now, it's Sherlock Holmes' turn to join the Grail battle. He's arriving as a 5★ Ruler with the Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~ event.
    Yamanaka Kotetsu (aka Cotetsu - previously the illustrator of Goetia and Tiamat) designs the character, who is voiced by Mizushima Takahiro (already the voice of Gawain).
      Also for the event...
    Craft Essances
Chaldea Anniversary - illustrated by Takenashi Eri with Leonardo Da Vinci, Mashu Kyrielight, and Romani Archaman
  Afternoon Party - illustrated by Kamiya Miwo with Olgamally Animusphere.
  Starlight Fest - illustrated by Task Ohna
  Heroic Spirit Formal Dress Craft Essences
  Mash Kyrielight
Artoria Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
Nero Claudius
Le Chevalier d'Eon
Lancelot (Saber)
Gaius Julius Caesar
EMIYA (Alter)
Artoria Pendragon (Lancer)
Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)
Medusa (Lancer)
Jaguar Man
Marie Antoinette
Edward Teach
Leonardo Da Vinci
Gilgamesh (Caster)
Cu Chulainn (Caster)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wu Zetian
Cursed Arm Hassan
Vlad III
Sakata Kintoki
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Jeanne d'Arc
Sherlock Holmes
  via Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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queenofnohr · 4 years
Aeaean Spring Breeze - Ch. 4: Like Iron, Like Steel
Dreamwidth version here
[we begin with a storybook segment]
Once upon a time......
—There was a man who was like iron. He had a strong will and a tenacious spirit. A hero who loved the gods, and was beloved by the gods. A warrior who departed for home after a long, long war.
......He was tired. Tired of war, tired of thinking. Tired of killing. And it was the same for his men. Fighting so much for so long had worn away at their very souls.
Witch: Then it would be better if you became beasts.
……And perhaps it was. Being able to simply live without thinking. It must be very fun to be a beast.
It was only a single man. One man who stubbornly refused such a fate.
Man: —I must return home.
Not, “I want to return home.”  “I must return home.” The witch refutes the man’s words.
Witch: Why do you need to return? Everything you want is right here.
Man: It’s not. Penelope isn’t here.
The witch is at a loss for words. Out of everything in this whole wide world. It was for the sake of a single woman. He would risk his life to go home for one single woman.
Witch: —I can’t. I won’t let you go, how could I let you go?
Perhaps it was because he was the first thing she’d ever felt an attachment toward. She wanted this man, wanted to show the world she had him. In some respects, it was the mismatched desire to own him. In that way, the witch was still a witch. ……If she could just be with him. If that wish was granted, she would be okay.
[end storybook segment]
Mash: I’m not picking up on…… anything, in this room. Arjuna: So it seems. No signs, no fire, no ice. Orion: Then should we go ahead? Circe: Hm...... Odysseus, try tossing that stone. Odysseus: Like this?
[he throws it]
Arjuna: …...I’ll amend my previous statement. There isn’t any fire or ice, but there does seem to be invisible beams set up. Odysseus: ......You’re sharp. Circe: The eyes of a Great Witch can’t be fooled. Arjuna: So…… What should we do? Should we go back down the previous path and try to see if there’s another route? Odysseus: That would probably be a futile effort. If we take into account the layout of this labyrinth, even if we follow other branching paths, they’ll likely just lead us back here. Jason: ……Huh, looks like there’s a button on the other side of the room. It’s like it’s screaming “Please push me!” Arjuna: Then, shall I try shooting it? Jason: Wait—
[Arjuna shoots it]
Arjuna: ……There’s something repelling my arrows…... Jason: Can you warn us before doing something like that!? What if it exploded!? Orion: Ya’know, I’ve been thinking this for a while but…… Arjuna kinda acts like an accelerator rather than a brake…… Like, instead of stopping us from acting rashly, he tends to take the lead when it comes to rushing in…… Arjuna: Preposterous. I’m the picture of serenity. In fact, it’s my role to keep the rest of you calm. Orion: It’s pretty scary to have a catalyst with no self-awareness…… Circe: Hm, hmmmmm, how about this……?
[lasers appear after Circe uses her magic]
Circe: Alrighty, now we can see them clearly. Jason: Okay, we can see the laser trap. Then all we have to do is run and press the button, right? If we do that, then we should be able to clear the room. Circe: *sigh* Looks like it can’t be helped. ......’Kay, then you guys wait here a sec. Odysseus: Are you going to be okay? Circe: Huh? What’s with that look? Are you gonna say you’re worried? Odysseus: A little. Considering the traps so far, I doubt the solution would be so simple. Circe: ……Yeah, I think so too. But for now I’ll put up a defensive barrier and give it a go. Now then, let’s go, Master!
> Take ca—
Circe: Huh?
[Circe explodes]
Circe: Gyah!!? Ouch ouch ouch ouch! What the hell was that!? Orion: The second Circe entered the room, it’s like all the lasers entered attack mode and homed in on her…… Circe: Th- This sucks! It broke through my boosted defenses like they were nothing! Even some of my clothes and hair got singed! Odysseus: ......Are you okay? Circe: I’m fine! But what are we supposed to do? We’re not gonna be able to get through like this! ???: Oh my, not with that attitude you won’t.
> That lovely voice…...!
Euryale: Hello, everyone. It is the goddess who both walks with and is clad in with loveliness, poise, and purity— That’s right, it is I, Euryale. Now then, what are your complaints? Odysseus: I have no complaints, but I do have questions. Euryale: Oh, you’re scary. Like a hunter shooting prey. So this is what it means to be a warrior who puts intellect before heroism. And it is because of this that you are a hero of humanity. I wonder how you’re different from savage warriors.
> Why are you doing this?
Euryale: ...... ...... Rather than answering that, I’ll tell you how to get through this room. Jason: (She dodged the question!) Euryale: The trick to this trial is to synchronize your breathing with another. Two of you must step in time and synchronize your breaths as if dancing to avoid the lasers. I wrote down detailed rules. Here, read and memorize them. Circe: Th- This is really complicated. Euryale: It’s complicated, but not impossible. Just believe in your goddess. Orion: ……That’s the least trustworthy phrase in the entire world…... Euryale: What did you just say? Orion: *silence* Odysseus: …...Goddess Euryale. I have a question. Euryale: What is it? Odysseus: Until now, if there was a trick to solving a room, there was also a hint to help solve it…… Why wasn’t there a hint this time? Euryale: No reason in particular. Don’t get carried away, human. Those hints are both the kindness of a goddess and her fickleness. Whether or not I give you a hint is all on a whim. Asterios: Euryale, I found the lost sign! Look, look! Euryale: Ah, wait. I’m broadcasting right now, so don’t come over! ......Anyway. That’s why! Jason: In other words, it’s just a run-of-the-mill mistake on your end. Arjuna: ......Hmmm. In that case, the problem is who Circe will sync her breathing up with. Master is out of the question. We cannot put them in harm’s way. Then, out of those remaining…... Jason: Syncing my breathing with Circe? The Great Witch? With me? ......That’s impossible...... Orion: I’m with Jason. Georgios: Arjuna and I have different places of origin and are from different eras. ……Isn’t Odysseus the best choice for this task? Circe: ......Absolutely not. Georgios: Why? Circe: I don’t really have a reason, but I still don’t wanna. Teaming up with Odysseus for this is totally unreasonable. It’s like the gods are toying with me! Orion: Well, that goes without saying. She admitted herself she does whatever she wants…… Circe: Totally! Jason: Oh my god. Master, say something.
> Circe, even if you don’t want to, it can’t be helped
Jason: Right!? Circe: Ugh...... W-When you put it like that...... It’s not like I’m trying to be unreasonable, damn it.
> Is there anyone besides Odysseus?
Circe: Hmmmm…… First of all, Jason and Orion? Hard pass. Totally out of the question. Jason: What was that!? I didn’t wanna team up with you anyway, but “totally out of the question”!? Orion: Yeah, that’s super whack! Circe: Medea. Jason: Urp. Circe: Artemis. Orion: Oof. Circe: Arjuna and Gerogios…… Hmm, it feels like I’m already out of sync with the two of you…… Georgios: How harsh. But I do agree with you.
Circe: So that leaves…… Hmmm…… Just like before...... It comes down to…… You, I guess…… Odysseus: Seems like it. There’s no need to feel embarrassed, though. We’re dead, after all. Circe: I mean, you’re right, but…… It’s totally more complicated than that! Odysseus: It’s for the sake of getting through the labyrinth. ……You probably have a good reason to hate me. But I’m asking you to please bear with it for just a little bit. Circe: ......That, right there! That’s the exact sort of thing I hate! Do you get it!? Odysseus: It seems like you hate my existence. Circe: ......Ugh. I’m SO glad I put that limiter on my emotions. If I hadn’t, we’d probably have killed each other by now. It feels like this is going nowhere, but whatever. Let’s get this over with, Odysseus. Just follow my lead. Odysseus: Very well. Circe: ……Keep close to me. Odysseus: Like this? Circe: That’s too close, idiot. Move away a bit. ‘Kay, let’s go. Let’s see…… Step here first. Odysseus: .....We were able to avoid it, however narrowly. It’s just as the goddess said. Circe: We’re still going. Left! Right! Center! Crouch! Jump! Stay close and turn! Jason: So breathing in sync was the correct answer after all. Circe: Quiet, peanut gallery! 1, 2, 3...... Turn here! Mash: It’s like a ballroom dance. Circe: This is pretty frantic for a dance! Odysseus: Naturally. If a goddess has something to do with all this nonsense, then of course this laser trap is serious business. Circe: Crouch! Odysseus: Rahhhh! Jason: Ha, ha, ha, seeing Odysseus so frantic is pretty unexpected— ……Oi. Some of my beautiful golden locks burnt off. Wait, this trap is seriously lethal!? Circe: Why else would we be jumping around like our lives depended on it!? Georgios: Be that as it may, it really does look like you’re dancing. Smile, you two. Odysseus: In this situation......!? Circe: As if we can smile like it’s nothing! Crouch now!
[They do smile for Georgios]
Circe: We made it! Switch off! Arjuna: The lasers disappeared. Let’s move.
[something rumbles]
Arjuna: Hm?
[an alarm sounds]
Circe: All of that and we still have to fight!? Odysseus: It’s simply the whims of the goddess. Our move will be to counter-attack.
[battle, and after Odysseus gets some of his memories]
Odysseus: Mm. This is...... Circe: More of your memories? Odysseus: Correct. I’ve regained another portion of my memory. But the question of why I was summoned here still remains. Putting that aside— ......Circe. You’re Circe. Circe: So you’ve finally remembered? That’s right. I’m Circe, the Great Witch of Aeaea Island. Odysseus: Those words are finally sinking in. ......It’s been a while. Circe: Your memory came back, and while it’s an unfortunate feeling, I’m not really shaken up. Fufu. Odysseus: ......Did you use magic again? Circe: Again? Odysseus: You did it a couple times while I was on Aeaea Island. Circe: Huh, really? What did I use it for? Odysseus: ......You don’t remember? Circe: Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. I don’t remember at all. Odysseus: ......To be frank, it might be too much coming from me. Circe: Just tell me! Odysseus: Hahahaha. Forgive me. I was joking. Circe: ...... ......? Odysseus, now that you’re here again, what do you think of me? Odysseus: Let’s see. You’re a proud Great Witch who has acquired all manner of knowledge. ……I’d like for you to break your bad habit of turning people into beasts. Circe: Hmph. I always choose who I turn carefully.
> You do!?
Circe: Gah, Master! Arjuna: If I may speak frankly. ......Circe would change anyone into a pig, regardless of who they were. Georgios: Yes, I think so as well. Do you have any standards? Circe: I do! I have standards. But, I won’t tell you what they are. Odysseus: ……Yeah, I’m aware. I know what your standards are. Circe: !? ......I’ve never told you, though. Odysseus: Indeed, you haven’t. I might also be wrong. Nonetheless, I don’t want to say it, so I’ll keep it a secret. Circe: ......Hmph.
> (Those two have a secret……!)
Mash: (It makes your heart race just a bit, doesn’t it senpai?)
> I don’t want you to turn anyone into a pig……
Circe: ......Oh no, Piglet, it’s my— Policy, I guess? Just a kind of feeling. Jason: You just do it to whoever annoys you enough!
Georgios: Hmm……
[Georgios snaps a photo of Odysseus]
Odysseus: Another photo I presume, Georgios? Georgios: You had a nice expression on. Odysseus: I’ll take that as a compliment. Now then. Let’s go confront the goddess who stole my memories and made this Singularity. Then it’ll be case closed. Hopefully. Circe: ……That’s right. Let’s go! Odysseus: ......Though, I’m hungry. It seems like a stray Servant’s fate is a lack of mana.
> What should we do?
Odysseus: Forming a contract would be the quickest way, but...... Arjuna: I would advise against that.
> Should we form a contract?
Odysseus: ……No, let’s stop that train of thought there.
Odysseus: Although this is a Micro-Singularity, a goddess is involved. You shouldn’t form a contract thoughtlessly with a strange Servant. Arjuna: You think yourself unworthy of our trust? Odysseus: Indeed. Circe: Then, do you want to supply your mana with food? And by that I mean……! Everyone: Kykeon. Circe: That’s right! Jason: Kykeon, huh……? Circe: What’s with that look of disgust? Odysseus: I don’t hate it. On the contrary, it’s quite nostalgic. Circe: Really? If that’s the case, I always have ingredients to make kykeon on me! Jason: What in the world would possess you to do that…… Arjuna: Then let’s take a small break while Circe treats us to kykeon.
Ch. 3 ← → Ch. 5
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