a-d-nox · 2 years
moira (asteroid 638), the fates klotho (asteroid 97), lachesis (asteroid 120), and atropos (asteroid 273)
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Fate - singularly known as Moira and plurally known as Moirai - refers to any of the goddesses who play a role in the destinies of humans. These beings are thought to be the daughter of Nyx, but are sometimes depicted as the daughter of Zeus and Themis or Ananke. The Moirai were thought to control the lifespan of a person as well as how they will suffer in their lifetime. Hesiod described these fates as three old women each with their own role in a person's life: Clotho (the spinner / the present), Lachesis (the measurer / the future), and Atropos (the snipper / the past). IN MY OPINION Moira in your chart can represent a) where you are most destined/fated to do something in your life, b) something mysterious appears that seems fated, and/or c) where all periods of time (past, present, and future) play a large role in your life. Klotho in your chart can represent a) your aptitude to spin your situation, b) your perception of the world around you, and/or c) your outlook on life. Lachesis in your chart can represent a) how long your life will be, b) what you have to look forward to, c) your future, and/or d) the unknown of your situation. Atropos in your chart can represent a) what in your life gets cut short, b) your past, c) what keeps you from moving forward, and/or d) what makes you you.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of moira/klotho/lachesis/atropos along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of moira/klotho/lachesis/atropos AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede moira/klotho/lachesis/atropos!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: nyx (3908), zeus (5731 / h42), and themis (24)!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
nemesis, goddess of divine retribution (asteroid 128)
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Nemesis is thought to be the daughter of the primordial Oceanus, but Hesiod thought Nemesis was the child of Erebus and Nyx. Her most prevalent role in myth was when she cursed Narcissus. Narcissus had rejected two lovers due to arrogance and the goddess set out to humble him. In doing so, she led him to a pool of water, and instantly he fell in love with his reflection. Incapable of leaving the reflective pool, he died there. IN MY OPINION Nemesis in your chart can represent a) where you have a vengeful energy, b) where you seek balance, and/or c) where you offer both punishment and reward.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of nemesis along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of nemesis AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede nemesis!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: hesiodos (8550), nyx (3908), and narcissus (37117)!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
hypnos, god of sleep (asteroid 14827)
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Hypnos was one of the original primordials of the world, the personification of sleep, and twin of Thanatos. The two lived in the underworld cave where their mother Nyx lived - no sunlight or moonlight could reach them. Through this cave ran the river of forgetfulness, Lethe, and surrounding the entrance of the cave were poppies. Hypnos the son of Nyx, night, and Erebus, darkness, is responsible for both of the greatest deceptions of Zeus in mythology. The first time Zeus was put to sleep I have written about in Nyx's post: Hera asked Hypnos to put Zeus to sleep. When Zeus woke he hunted Hypnos down, but Hypnos was saved by Nyx's presence. The second time Hypnos put Zeus to sleep Hera had to tempt him with his would be wife, Pasithea. Hypnos had Hera swear to give him Pasithea as a wife on the river Styx, and Hera agreed. Zeus fell asleep again, this time being the most infamous as Hera tried to gain power over the heavens just before the Trojan war. IN MY OPINION Hypnos in your chart can represent a) how you sleep and the importance of sleep to you, b) where you tend to forget things, c) where darkness makes you stronger, d) where you help others to gain power, and/or e) where you may feel hesitant to try something twice.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of hypnos along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of hypnos AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede hypnos!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: nyx (3908), zeus (5731 / h42), and hera (103)!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
morpheus, god of dreams and sleep (asteroid 4197)
i feel it is time to talk about the god of dreams given that completely odd tv adaptation of him on the netflix show the sandman. morpheus is one of my deities so i feel compelled to clear some things up.
so who is morpheus?
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Morpheus is the son of Hypnos, the god of sleep, and grandchild of Nyx, the goddess of the night - sometimes Morpheus is Nyx's son asexually created. Morpheus is thought to be in control of the human-like beings in a dream. These beings are called the morphai. While the dreamscape and objects in a dream are not his at all but his brothers' - Phobetor (sometimes referred to as Icelus - the ruler of objects in a dream) and Phantasus (the ruler of the dreamscape). Morpheus did rule over his brothers, but he was not the one who decided who dreamt of what - he answered to Iris. Iris is the messenger goddess of the gods, who delivered to Morpheus what the gods wanted the humans to know or see in dreams. The first written appearance of Morpheus in mythology appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses. In Ovid's depiction, he is a sleep demon who takes on the form of the characters within your dreams. It is believed that Morpheus slept in a cave filled with poppies allowing for uninterrupted sleep - yes, the word morphine comes from this god. IN MY OPINION Morpheus in your chart represents a) where you find yourself dreaming, b) the type of dreams you tend to have, c) where you make dreams into reality, d) how active a dreamer you are, and/or e) how deep of sleeper you are/whether you sleep well or not.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of morpheus along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of morpheus AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede morpheus!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: nyx (3908), hypnos (14827), iris (7), and ovidius (2800)!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
nyx, the goddess of night (asteroid 3908)
:) it’s my twentieth post! time flies! but i thought that i should introduce myself: i’m a. d. nox and this is my asteriod alias! nox is the roman goddess of night - but the greek aspect is the only one with an asteroid :/ so i endure it lol. but “a. d. nox” has been my alias since before i wrote/finished my manuscript back in 2020 - this tag and i have a long history! i created it for my book but it has yet to be published… so there is where my username originates from, but what else? well i thought i would share 20 astrology facts about me with y’all!
1) i’m a scorpio moon (with a capricorn degree lol - help), 2) i also have a 8h stellium (sun, moon, and mercury (retrograded ofc)), 3) my nyx asteroid sits in my 8h at 29° (i just learned that this year so it’s a bit wild that i go by nox), 4) everyone flinches to hear i have a sag venus (capricorn degree) but they double flinch when they hear it is conjunct pluto with a .58 applying orb (yes i have been in love before and no i have never physically stalked anyone lol), 5) i’m pluto dominant (13.3% per walter pullen lol), 6) my strongest aspect is my jupiter opposite pluto (64.27 power per dear old walter again), 7) i have a grand trine (mars, saturn, and neptune), 8) my favorite placement in my chart is my 7h virgo mars at 25°, 9) yes, my saturn is in retrograde and yes, i am not and have never been close with my father, 10) my pluto persona chart has a 3h and 5h stellium *clown emoji*, 11) my IC persona chart has an 11h and 7h stellium *double clown emoji*, 12) i have chiron in my 9h and i have yet to drop out of college lol - i’m going to be a senior this year, 13) my academia asteroid persona chart has the mystic rectangle shape - i have a 8h and 12h stellium which makes sense i studied forensic psychology for 3 years and last semester i decided to switch to literature (maybe 9h chiron is on to something lol), 14) chart preferences: placidus and tropical, 15) i read astrology conservatively but i’m a liberal - conservative and liberal are law terms: conservative=as it is written (if the asteroid groom is dedicated to the caltech engineer then that’s what it’s about (plus the software he developed)) and liberal=meaning to evolve as time goes on (groom is the potential husband for the liberal astrologer), 16) my favorite non-mythological asteroid is utopia (1282), 17) all my favorite people have a lot of capricorn and sagittarius placements - i tend to get along best with fire moons, 18) i’m living on a chiron square asc and a moon trine asc line and all i want is to leave but im holding on until my degree is wrapped up to leave (which is gonna happen next year, my solar return says 9h jupiter 0° in aries and a 4h stellium with sun, mercury, and venus so i’m going get out of here one way or another), 19) i have venus in my 9h ISTG i have THE WEIRDEST relationships with my profs they all love me :’) my org crime professor said see you next semester to me on the last day and i was like i don’t have you next sem and he was like oh :’( and these summer classes, i am texting with profs and casually emailing with them (the one was telling me how she was traveling to utah lmfao), 20) i have 11° in jupiter (5h) and uranus (7h) for my tumblr’s birthchart and that’s super cute BUT EVEN CUTER I HAVE A 4H STELLIUM (awww) it’s like we’re family up in here (pluto (27°), mercury (4° - awe), and saturn (17°))!
this was pretty fun to throw together - feel free to reach out to me to talk more about astrology in general or about my posts (i just beg of you to not write just “hey” or “hey, how are you?” i can’t do topical convos (8h mercury, remember? lol)).
back to the regularly scheduled program: the mythology and astrology of nyx, goddess of the night.
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Nyx is the daughter of Chaos and is considered a primordial. A primordial means that the being precedes Titans, Olympians, and mortals. She emerged from Chaos when time was created as a means to create balance in Chaos's creation. She is the maker of many things: Day, Sleep, Death, Moirai (the Fates), Aging, etc. She bore Uranus with Phanes and then Cronus with Uranus (lol don't say it, we know). She is essentially the reason the eras in myth exist - and myth exists at all. To gauge her power and intimidation level: Zeus is terrified of her. Once upon a time, Hera decided that Zeus was incapable of ruling so she called upon Sleep - Hypnos, as he is better known as - to help her with her plan. Hypnos placed Zeus in a deep sleep while Hera took over power of the gods. But Hypnos was not strong enough to keep Zeus asleep - Zeus was irate, Zeus blamed Hera but Hera convinced Zeus it was Hypnos's fault. Hypnos ran Tartarus - when they reached the darkness cavern, Nyx emerged. Nyx towered over Zeus and told him to leave and forget whatever it was Hypnos did if he knew what was best for him. Zeus immediately left. But when she is not scaring gods, she is changing day to night with her husband, Erebus. IN MY OPINION Nyx in a chart represents a) creation, b) how and where you create balance in life, c) being a mother, d) how and where you create change around you, e) where you are viewed as intimidating and/or all-knowing, and f) your relationship with the darkness.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of nyx along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of nyx AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede nyx!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: chaos (19521), zeus (5731 / h42), hera (103), kronos (h43), and hypnos (14827)!
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here’s to 30 more posts ‘til another big post!!
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