a-d-nox · 5 months
Hello Nox
How are you? I hope you're fine
Could you talk about Peitho 118? if you haven't made any posts related to this. I think she named after one of Aphrodite's companion Peitho? So, I'm curious about this goddess and her role in astrology too
Thank you, have a nice day 💜💜
peitho, goddess of persuasion (asteroid 118)
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The origin of Peitho is rather unclear in the classics - she doesn't originate from Homer or Ovid. Hesiod only briefly mentions her. It was Sappho who gave her a bit of definition and shape. Sappho stated that Peitho was an attendant of Aphrodite; she held the secret to divine love and thusly knew how to persuade and seduce someone. Some say that she was the one who married the tragic lovers Cadmus and Harmonia... Frequently, she is depicted in art at the weddings of significant lovers like Dionysus and Ariadne, Thetis and Peleus, Aphrodite and Adonis, etc. Infamously, Peitho was at the abduction of Helen by Paris because her divine magic was needed for Paris to convince Helen to leave with him per the promise of Aphrodite. IN MY OPINION Peitho in your chart can indicate a) where your origin is unclear, b) where you facilitate romances for others, c) where you convince couples to stay together, and/or d) your abilities to romantically persuade others and seduce them.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of peitho along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of peitho AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede peitho!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: homerus (5700), hesiodos (8550), ovidius (2800), cadmus (7092), sappho (80), aphrodite (1388), harmonia (40), ariadne (43), dionysus (3671), adonis (2101), helene (101), and paris (3317)!
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a-d-nox · 7 months
cadmus, the dragon slayer (asteroid 7092)
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Cadmus was notably the brother of Europa (one of the women with whom Zeus had an affair with). When Europa was carried off by Zeus, Cadmus was sent to search for her. Cadmus was told he could only return home if he had his sister in tow, so he was heavily motivated to do so. An oracle suggested that he follow a cow until it laid down to what would later become the city of Thebes. Soon he learned that a dragon lived by the water supply in which he sent his men but none happened to return. Cadmus faced off with the dragon and eventually landed a blow to its stomach then through its mouth. Athena appeared to him and suggested that he remove the teeth of the dragon then bury them in the ground. When Cadmus arrived at the spot the cow had laid down upon, he planted the dragon's teeth. Sparti rose out of these teeth; they meant to be his legion, but they end up fighting one another until only five remained. These five built his city of Thebes. Ares found out that Cadmus killed his dragon when he noticed that these creatures were building a citadel. This lead to Cadmus serving Ares for eight years and abandoning the quest for his sister. During his time serving Ares, he married Harmonia at Ares request. At their wedding Harmonia received the necklace from Hephaestus that brought misfortune to those that possessed it. Eventually, Cadmus found himself tired and beaten down by the gods who were punishing him for killing the dragon - he begged them to transform him into serpent to replace the one he slew. Immediately, he grew scales leaving Harmonia essentially behind, until she made a similar wish. IN MY OPINION Cadmus in your chart can represent a) how reliant your family is on you, b) where the occult guides you, c) your connection to dragons, d) loyal servants and serving loyally, and/or e) where people wear you down for your wrongdoings.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of cadmus along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of cadmus AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede cadmus!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: zeus (5731 / h42), europa (52), athene (881), pallas (2), harmonia (40), and hephaistos (2212)!
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