blotomical · 9 months
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genloss AU yippee
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QL of All Time - Round 3 (Loser's Bracket): Lead Astray By Love (2022) vs Guardian (2018)
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douqi7s · 2 years
I translate and subtitle things from Chinese to English (mainly baihe/GL), write original fiction, and make the occasional fanvid (do people still say fanvid).
This post will be regularly updated with things I've perpetrated done.
Where Else You Can Find Me
Twitter: douqi7s
Wordpress (translations, original fiction, random bits and pieces): douqi.blog
YouTube (subtitles for webdramas, short films and audio dramas): douqi7s
Purely by Accident, a baihe novel by Leng Qian Shan (main story complete)
Couple of Mirrors, a (mostly) text translation of the manhua based on the drama of the same name (complete)
Couple of Mirrors Novel Extra, a translation of the extra written for the Couple of Mirrors novelisation (complete)
For smaller translation projects, see this page.
Subtitling Projects
Purely by Accident, a baihe audio drama based on the novel of the same name (ongoing)
Legend of Yunqian, a GL xianxia mini webdrama (complete)
Legend of Yunze (Season 1, Season 2 and Special), a GL xianxia mini webdrama (complete)
Led Astray by Love, a GL historical/transmigration mini webdrama (complete)
The Vampires, a GL vampire-themed mini webdrama (complete)
A Practical Guide to Being a Superstar's Assistant, a GL entertainment industry mini webdrama (complete)
Ye-Mu (aka Wicked Wealthy Women), a soap opera-style mini webdrama (complete)
Ye-Mu 2, a soap opera-style mini webdrama (complete)
A Flower for Three Lifetimes, a xianxia mini webdrama (complete)
Nü Er Hong, a wuxia mini webdrama (complete)
The Calabash Siblings, a mini webdrama based on the animated series of the same title (complete)
Various GL MVs
Various GL short films
Original Fiction
What If They Had a War, and Nobody Came?, a GL wuxia/historical short story
Editorial Work
I have provided or am currently providing editorial support for the following projects:
Reading the Remnants, a translation of the baihe novel Wen Guan by Qi Xiao Huang Shu (ongoing)
Exploring an Empty Tomb, a translation of the baihe novel Tan Xu Ling by Jun Sola (ongoing)
Burn, a translation of the baihe novel Shao by Chu Dao (ongoing)
Mosquito Bite, a translation of the baihe short story Wenzi Bao by Agent3144 (complete)
Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire, a translation of the danmei manhua Lie Huo Jiao Chou, based on the novel of the same title by priest (ongoing)
第九宫的吉迪恩, a translation of the science fiction novel Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (complete)
第九宫的哈罗, a translation of the science fiction novel Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (complete)
���九宫的诺娜, a translation of the science fiction novel Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (complete)
赛克斯博士的神秘研究, a translation of the science fiction short story The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex by Tamsyn Muir (complete)
尚未发送, a translation of the science fiction short story As Yet Unsent by Tamsyn Muir (complete)
Curation and Recommendations
List of recommended baihe novels
List of Chinese GL short films
last updated: 10 August 2024
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sapphonoticeme · 2 years
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penrose-quinn · 2 years
Sometimes, I'm not surprised why GL!MC turned out the way they are :c
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sassy-bi-latina · 1 month
Dream final thoughts
I'm calm now. I actually think I won't say as much as originally planned cause I am no longer in the heat of the moment. But I still want to write about this show. Mostly cause I remember I wanted to do the same with GAP and then I didn't. My thoughts will be a mess so I'm sorry beforehand. I don't know where they'll lead throughout the post. SO LET'S FIND OUT TOGETHER.
I'll start by saying, I have read 5 books of Chaoplanoy (GAP, Blank, Dream, Us and Mate). Against my better wishes. I do this because my brain gets anxious by not knowing what happens. So reading the books helps me because it gives me a better idea where it'll go. It sometimes gives more insight to the characters like in Dream or The Secret of Us (which isn't a Chaoplanoy book but serves as an example). It also helps me see the adaptation in a different way and sometimes it helps me appreciate it more, for example, in Blank, which the book felt like Nueng was a bit predatory but the adaptation imo was so good, it just felt like a love story with two people with an age gap and nothing else which the book failed to deliver.
Okay, that being said, I said against my better wishes because if you know me and you talk to me, you will know I do NOT like Chaoplanoy's writing whatsoever. At first I thought it might be issues with translations but as I read more stories, I started to perceive patterns in her writing style that I didn't like.
Onto her adaptations, IDF gave us the biggest GL in recent times, they weren't the first to propose doing one, they just were the fastest so I think they got lucky. And I won't take credit away from the actresses nor the team behind GAP, but I genuinely feel like whomever had taken the first step would have been a success. IDF just so happens to be the first.
I will say, IDF released an initial pilot trailer that looked promising and while the editing and some of the acting choices didn't convince me as much, I was very sold with the plot points. And I think some of the things that distance themselves from the original book were a bit more interesting, like the focus on Song's relationship and the focus on the second lead couple which was scratched till the point they were just crumbs what we were getting. At the end, they decided to change some things at the beginning and then on the second part decided to be more loyal to the book. Which for me didn't work as much. Don't get me wrong, I did like GAP, I just think they did a disservice trying to initially take a different route to the book just to do a U turn and go back to it, because it didn't feel consistent.
And why am I saying all this about GAP when in theory it's my thoughts about Dream?
And it's simply because while IDF "failed" in GAP by maintaining too loyal to the book they have the opposite issue with Dream, in which they lead astray so much and just didn't arrive to the heart of the people as well as it could have.
Dream, from the 5 books I've read has been the best one. Not only did I not actively dislike it, I genuinely enjoyed it and I genuinely think that had the show been more like the book more people would have.
For starters, a thing I've seen people complain about a lot is the lack of backstory of Kimwan. We're just thrust into their angst and they expect us just to feel for them without previously giving us anything to make us feel for them. That doesn't happen in the book. It starts with them as teenagers. We are told about the dreams, we are told how they met, we're actually told how they didn't get along at first. We get to see their school life. We see how they genuinely met (Mali was a loyal friend to Wan, a bit too loyal, and locked Kim in cause she didn't like how she treated Wan, which wasn't bad just Mali didn't like it). We ACTUALLY get to see Pam and how Wan and her had a rivalry going even them (just because Wan couldn't take someone being as pretty and equally admired as her).
We spend a couple of chapters just getting to know them, their bond just not between them two, but also with their friends. Did you know Kim got better at drawing because of Wan? The drawing she gave her during Valentine's? She practiced until late at night, because she has ALREADY given her a drawing that wasn't very good but she promised the next one was gonna be better, also because she knew Wan was gonna pick her next partner based on gifts.
Wan didn't end up confessing for the same reason as the show with the difference that the mothers WERE together, which was something I didn't like, and I did prefer they just kissed. But it made sense in the book that Wan never confessed, the mothers were together and she knew that would have broken Kim if she found out AFTER they got together.
Imo, in the show Wan could have confessed earlier cause they never actually got together but I guess she lost her bravery.
After we spent knowing them and loving them in highschool for a couple of chapters, which I think was at least 1/3 of the book we have a time jump where their story as adults starts.
The other thing is, we spent so much time with Marwin? Props for Heng, more work supposes that there's more pay for him but not so much for us. Marwin overstayed his welcome.
In the book, he was there but it didn't feel overwhelming. For starters, we know him at the same time Wan does. He is already established as Kim's boyfriend. Wan isn't thrilled but tries because it's Kim's choice. Kim never goes to work with him either. We also hear about the beach, but it's in passing, I think this, contrary to the highschool moments could have served better as a flashback. And tbh, in the show, contrary to the book, Kim seems more interested in Marwin, in the show he's just there. While in the book they have a genuine connection. You aren't necessarily rooting for him but it's understandable why Kim feels comfortable with him, which is exactly why Wan tries.
Another important thing that I think is lacking a bit in the show is that they kind of undersold Kim. Kim is as loyal to Wan as Wan is to Kim. I think one of the moments that reflects that best is in the scene where they're alone with Marwin's parents, in which, yeah they talked bullshit about Kim and Wan jumped them like in the show but then they started attacking Wan and that is Kim's limit. Matter of fact, Wan is surprised how Kim acts, so reassure and not taking anyone's bullshit and she says it herself, she doesn't care what anyone says about her but she will never let anyone talk shit about Wan.
Also, not only are they very loyal to one another, but they are best friends. Wan is actually with Kim when she receives the news about her mother having cancer, unlike the show, she's in late stages and I had hope they would change her dying but they didn't 😔, cause I'm the book she doesn't even receive treatment cause it felt hopeless. And I think stuff like that showcases their bond. I found it odd that you are going through that struggle and your first instinct isn't to tell your best friend even if they were fighting at the time, especially considering their bond.
Next up is the matter of the actual letter and the confessing their feelings. Yay for Samorn and her nosiness for saving her friends. But I actually did prefer how it happened in the books. Samorn, actually keeps telling Wan that she better act soon but she better not do anything on the wedding day, which is understandable. My girl is smart, she knew the consequences.
Wan doesn't throw the letter, or well, she does, on the shooting she's having that same day but our boy Pat picks it up and attempts to read it aloud and Wan is like "Hey that's mine" to which Pat responds with "Not anymore, you threw it". Wan ends up snatching it back and out of her OWN will reads it. By having Samorn taking a pic and telling Wan to read it, it feels like they took away a bit of Wan's autonomy. It just made me feel a bit weird about the whole scene.
I WILL say, the little moment between the four girls and the camping scene afterwards? Impeccable. Wouldn't touch it for nothing in the world. Marvellous. Gorgeous. Lives rent free in my mind. Thank you very much.
And last but definitely not least, the decline of Marwin. I think they shouldn't have cramped it all in the last episode. I think they should have taken 1 episode and a half of a slow decline, cause that's what happened, at first what Marwin started doing wasn't perceived much by Wan, she thought it was weird that both the fathers decided to retire early but nothing much until she realized it was Marwin. Which, btw, another moment in which Kim's loyalty is shown, she met Marwin behind Wan's back because she couldn't take Wan hurting, cause she wasn't getting much jobs done. But Wan interfered, which shows Wan's maturity imo, since she was like "Don't do that on your own. Every hardship we talk about it and we see how we deal with it TOGETHER" which I think is very sweet. Anyway, they did attempt to apologize together like in the show, and his villain monologue also happened but in the show it fell flat. I think it was better established how he became the very thing he didn't want to be. You knew beforehand his dreams and aspirations and how what he did he did it out of love (regarding his businesses) and not money.
I WILL SAY, I don't necessarily think the show is horrible. The actresses are amazing and have great chemistry. I really liked the secondary couple, although I wish we would have seen more of them. I did like they DIDN'T make the fathers soulmates like in the book. I adore the bond between the four girls. I like the inclusion of Pam and Dokrak. I liked Pat and him being such a nice guy. I also think Jessie was a fun addition.
I ALSO think, that with some different editing, rearranging some scenes the show would have been better.
I also think IDF needs to learn that people like angst but different shows and stories require different formulas because angst for the sake of angst isn't fun.
If you're here, thank you for reading this long ass post.
As a treat, some fun facts
- If you've seen Blank, you know that one radio show Anueng likes, well, in the book of Blank, Wan actually calls the station and explains her story with Kim.
- The singer of the MV is Pleng from the Affair book, series coming out this month, on the 30th.
- The other MV actress in the book is a reporter that had a scandal, if I'm not mistaken a sex tape of her with another woman was leak. I think I read somewhere that she also has a book 🤔. But I don't recall her name.
ANYWAY, with that. I leave. I probably didn't say a lot of the stuff I initially wanted but that's mostly because I'm calm now.
One final thing, IDF you shall pay for your crimes. And please give me fluffy Faymay. I DESERVE it 🥺.
PS. I do not want to be tagged as one of those persons that is like "Oh the book is better" and sounds bitchy about literally any adaptation. Far from it. Matter of fact, ask my friends, they'll tell you how much I dislike that IDF has me defending Chaoplanoy's books 😔.
An addition that I forgot and it's very much necessary: I wish they would have, at ANY point, made Kim tell Wan that they IN FACT slept together at the beach, she just gaslighted her cause she got scared? THAT WAS NOT A GODDAMN DREAM AND THAT'S THE HILL I'LL DIE ON!!!
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ramadhanseries · 1 year
Taraweeh day 26
The 27th Juz is recited in this Tarawîh. This Juz begins with verse 31 of Sûrah Dhâriyât and includes Sûrahs Tûr, Najm, Qamar, Rahmân, Wâqi'ah and Hadîd.
The Juz opens with the incident of Hadhrat Ibrahîm Alayhis Salâm when some angels visited him in the guise of humans and informed him of the imminent birth of his son Hadhrat Is'hâq Alayhis Salâm When he asked them what their duty was, they replied that they were out to rain a shower of stones upon the nation of Hadhrat Lût Alayhis Salâm They had been sent to punish these people.
Allâh then relates the incidents of Hadhrat Mûsa the Âd, the Thamud and the nation of Hadhrat Nûh The Sûrah expounds Allâh's greatness, establishes Tauhîd and Risâlah and then describes the purpose of man's creation in the following words: "I have created man and Jinn only to worship Me" (verse 56). Allâh stresses that He sustains all and does not require sustenance from anyone.
Sûrah Tûr commences next. In this Sûrah, Allâh warns the rejecters of the Day of Qiyâmah that the day will be so severe that the heavens and the earth will tremble and mountains will fly about like cotton‑wool. The Kuffâr will be thrown into Jahannam and the punishment will be severe for those who reject the truth. It is only foolish people who will harass a Nabî who only wishes well for them. Those who reject the truth are really evil in nature. Allâh urges Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to be patient and assures him that he will certainly be assisted.
Sûrah Najm thereafter makes mention of the miraculous journey of Mi'râj. Allâh says that Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam had neither gone astray nor erred and that he drew so close to Allâh that there scarcely remained the distance between two ends of a bow between them. Allâh makes it clear that Rasulullâh's Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam eyes did not deceive him and that he saw everything clearly. Allâh then spoke certain things to Rasulullâh about which no third being has any knowledge.
Allâh tells people that that they should never doubt the words of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam especially concerning the Mi'râj because "he does not speak of his own will. Everything he says is revelation that descends on him." (verse 41)
In Sûrah Qamar thereafter, Allâh speaks about Rasulullâh's Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam miracle of splitting the moon; a miracle that foretold the eventual defeat of the Kuffâr. Allâh says that the Kuffâr are unlikely to mend their ways because they refer to the miracles of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam as magic. However, the time is near when they will hang their heads in remorse and flee from the truth.
Sûrah Rahmân follows Sûrah Qamar as the 55th Sûrah of the Qur'ân. In this Sûrah, Allâh enumerates a large number of bounties that He has bestowed on man. Throughout the Sûrah Allâh repeatedly asks, "Which bounty of your Rabb will you two (man and Jinn) deny?" Among the other bounties, Allâh speaks of man's creation, the knowledge Allâh granted man, and the creation of everything else that is of use to man. By identifying all these bounties, man is introduced to Allâh. The Sûrah also describes the Âkhirâh and highlights the fact that everything besides Allâh is perishable. Allâh asserts, "Everything on earth shall perish but the countenance of your Majestic and Benevolent Rabb shall remain." (verse 27)
Sûrah Wâqi'ah describes the advent of Qiyâmah when the records of righteous people's acts will be given in their right hands, while those of the Kuffâr and sinners will be given in their left hands from behind their backs. The Sûrah States that the diet of the people of Jahannam shall be the fruit of a poisonous tree and scalding water. Allâh ends the Sûrah by drawing man's attention to the fact that the Qur'ân is a great blessing from Allâh, which has an elevated position in the Lawhul Mahfûdh [The Protected Tablet] in the heavens.
Sûrah Hadîd follows Sûrah Wâqi'ah by stating that every creation glorifies Allâh. Allâh exhorts Muslims to spend in His way; this is regarded as a loan yielding a minimum of ten times the reward. Pious people neither become despondent when afflicted with adversities nor do they behave boastfully and arrogantly when enjoying prosperity. According to their acts, these are the ones who will attain the status of Siddîq and Shahîd. Allâh also tells the Ahlul Kitâb that Allâh bestows His grace and favour upon whomsoever He wills.
தராவீஹ் நாள் 26
இந்த தாராவியில் 27வது ஜுஸ் ஓதப்படுகிறது. இந்த ஜுஸ் ஸுராத் தாரியத்தின் 31வது வசனத்துடன் தொடங்குகிறது மற்றும் ஸுராஸ் தூர், நஜ்ம், கமர், ரஹ்மான், வாகியா மற்றும் ஹதீத் ஆகியவற்றை உள்ளடக்கியது.
ஹத்ரத் இப்ராஹிம் அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம் அவர்கள் மனித வேடத்தில் சில தேவதைகள் அவரைச் சந்தித்து, அவருடைய மகன் ஹத்ரத் இஸ்ஹாக் அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம் அவர்களின் பிறப்பைப் பற்றி அவருக்குத் தெரிவித்தபோது, ​​அவர்களின் கடமை என்ன என்று கேட்டபோது, ​​​​அவர்கள் பதிலளித்தார்கள். ஹத்ரத் லூத் அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம் அவர்கள் இந்த மக்களை தண்டிக்க அனுப்பப்பட்டவர்கள் மீது கற்கள் மழை பொழிய புறப்பட்டனர்.
ஹத்ரத் மூஸா, ஸமூத் மற்றும் ஹத்ரத் நூஹ் தேசத்தின் சம்பவங்களை அல்லாஹ் விவரிக்கிறான், ஸூரா அல்லாஹ்வின் மகத்துவத்தை விளக்குகிறது, தௌஹித் மற்றும் ரிஸாலாவை நிறுவுகிறது, பின்னர் மனிதனைப் படைத்ததன் நோக்கத்தை பின்வரும் வார்த்தைகளில் விவரிக்கிறது: "நான் மனிதனையும் ஜின்னையும் மட்டுமே படைத்தேன். என்னை வணங்குங்கள்" (வசனம் 56). அல்லாஹ் அனைத்தையும் தாங்கி நிற்கிறான் என்றும் யாரிடமிருந்தும் உணவு தேவைப்படுவதில்லை என்றும் வலியுறுத்துகிறான்.
Sûrah Tûr அடுத்து தொடங்குகிறது. இந்த ஸூராவில், கியாமா நாளை மறுப்பவர்களை அல்லாஹ் எச்சரிக்கிறான், அந்த நாள் மிகவும் கடுமையானதாக இருக்கும், வானங்களும் பூமியும் நடுங்கும் மற்றும் மலைகள் பருத்தி கம்பளி போல் பறக்கும். குஃபர்கள் ஜஹன்னத்தில் தூக்கி எறியப்படுவார்கள், சத்தியத்தை நிராகரிப்பவர்களுக்கு தண்டனை கடுமையாக இருக்கும். தமக்கு நன்மையை மட்டுமே விரும்பும் ஒரு நபியைத் துன்புறுத்துவது முட்டாள்கள் மட்டுமே. உண்மையை நிராகரிப்பவர்கள் இயல்பில் உண்மையில் தீயவர்கள். அல்லாஹ் பொறுமையாக இருக்குமாறு ரஸூலுல்லாஹ் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களை வற்புறுத்துகிறான், நிச்சயமாக அவருக்கு உதவி கிடைக்கும் என்று உறுதியளிக்கிறான்.
ஸுரா நஜ்ம் அதன்பின் மிஃராஜின் அற்புதப் பயணத்தைப் பற்றிக் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். ரஸூலுல்லாஹி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் வழிதவறவும் இல்லை, தவறிழைக்கவும் இல்லை என்றும், அவர் அல்லாஹ்வுக்கு மிக நெருக்கமாகிவிட்டார் என்றும், அவர்களுக்கிடையே ஒரு வில்லின் இரு முனைகளுக்கு இடையே உள்ள தூரம் அரிதாகவே இருந்தது என்றும் அல்லாஹ் கூறுகிறான். ரஸூலுல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் கண்கள் அவரை ஏமாற்றவில்லை என்றும் அவர் எல்லாவற்றையும் தெளிவாகக் கண்டார் என்றும் அல்லாஹ் தெளிவுபடுத்துகிறான். அப்போது அல்லாஹ் ரஸூலுல்லாஹ்விடம் சில விஷயங்களைப் பேசினான், அதைப் பற்றி மூன்றாவதாக எந்த ஒரு உயிரினமும் அறியவில்லை.
ரஸூலுல்லாஹி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் குறிப்பாக மிஃராஜ் பற்றிய வார்த்தைகளை ஒருபோதும் சந்தேகிக்க வேண்டாம் என்று அல்லாஹ் மக்களுக்கு கூறுகிறான், ஏனெனில் "அவர் தனது சொந்த விருப்பப்படி பேசுவதில்லை. அவர் சொல்வதெல்லாம் அவர் மீது இறங்கும் வெளிப்பாடு." (வசனம் 41)
அதன் பிறகு ஸுரா கமாரில், அல்லாஹ் ரஸூலுல்லாஹ்வின் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் சந்திரனைப் பிளக்கும் அற்புதத்தைப் பற்றிப் பேசுகிறான்; குஃப்பரின் இறுதியில் தோல்வியை முன்னறிவித்த ஒரு அதிசயம். ரஸூலுல்லாஹ் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் அற்புதங்களை அவர்கள் மந்திரம் என்று குறிப்பிடுவதால் குஃப்பார்கள் தங்கள் வழிகளை சரிசெய்ய வாய்ப்பில்லை என்று அல்லாஹ் கூறுகிறான். இருப்பினும், அவர்கள் மனம் வருந்தியபடி தலையைத் தொங்கவிட்டு உண்மையை விட்டு ஓடிப்போகும் காலம் நெருங்கிவிட்டது.
குர்ஆனின் 55 வது சூராவாக ஸுரா ரஹ்மான் ஸுரா கமாரைப் பின்பற்றுகிறார். இந்த சூராவில், அல்லாஹ் மனிதனுக்கு வழங்கிய ஏராளமான அருட்கொடைகளை பட்டியலிடுகிறான். ஸூரா முழுவதும் அல்லாஹ் திரும்பத் திரும்பக் கேட்கிறான், "உங்கள் ரப்பின் எந்த அருட்கொடையை நீங்கள் இருவரும் (மனிதனும் ஜின்னும்) மறுப்பீர்கள்?" மற்ற அருட்கொடைகளில், மனிதனின் படைப்பு, அல்லாஹ் மனிதனுக்கு வழங்கிய அறிவு மற்றும் மனிதனுக்குப் பயன்படும் மற்ற அனைத்தையும் படைத்தது பற்றி அல்லாஹ் பேசுகிறான். இந்த அருட்கொடைகள் அனைத்தையும் அடையாளம் கண்டுகொள்வதன் மூலம், மனிதன் அல்லாஹ்விடம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்படுகிறான். ஸுராவும் அகீராவை விவரிக்கிறது மற்றும் அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர அனைத்தும் அழியக்கூடியவை என்பதை எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது. "பூமியில் உள்ள அனைத்தும் அழியும் ஆனால் உன்னதமான மற்றும் அருளாளர் ரப்பின் முகம் நிலைத்திருக்கும்" என்று அல்லாஹ் உறுதியளிக்கிறான். (வசனம் 27)
நல்லவர்களின் செயல்களின் பதிவுகள் அவர்களின் வலது கைகளில் கொடுக்கப்படும் போது, ​​குஃப்பார்கள் மற்றும் பாவிகளின் பதிவுகள் அவர்களின் முதுகுக்குப் பின்னால் இருந்து அவர்களின் இடது கைகளில் கொடுக்கப்படும் போது கியாமாவின் வருகையை ஸுரா வாகியா விவரிக்கிறது. ஜஹன்னம் மக்களின் உணவு நச்சு மரத்தின் பழங்கள் மற்றும் வெந்து நீராகும் என்று சூரா கூறுகிறது. வானங்களில் உள்ள லாஹுல் மஹ்ஃபுத் [பாதுகாக்கப்பட்ட டேப்லெட்] யில் உயர்ந்த நிலையைக் கொண்ட அல்லாஹ்விடமிருந்து குர்ஆன் ஒரு பெரிய அருட்கொடை என்று மனிதனின் கவனத்தை ஈர்ப்பதன் மூலம் அல்லாஹ் சூராவை முடிக்கிறான்.
ஒவ்வொரு படைப்பும் அல்லாஹ்வை மகிமைப்படுத்துகிறது என்று சூரா ஹதீத் சூரா வாக்கியாவைப் பின்பற்றுகிறார். அல்லாஹ் தனது வழியில் செலவு செய்யும்படி முஸ்லிம்களை அறிவுறுத்துகிறான்; இது குறைந்தபட்சம் பத்து மடங்கு வெகுமதியைக் கொடுக்கும் கடனாகக் கருதப்படுகிறது. பக்திமான்கள் துன்பங்களில் துன்பப்படும்போது மனச்சோர்வடைய மாட்டார்கள் அல்லது செழிப்பை அனுபவிக்கும் போது பெருமையுடனும் ஆணவத்துடனும் நடந்து கொள்வதில்லை. இவர்களின் செயல்களின்படி இவர்கள்தான் சித்திக், ஷாஹித் என்ற அந்தஸ்தை அடைவார்கள். அல்லாஹ் தான் நாடியவர்களுக்கு அல்லாஹ் தன் அருளையும் தயவையும் வழங்குகிறான் என்று அஹ்லுல் கிதாபிடம் அல்லாஹ் கூறுகிறான்.
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kexing · 2 years
i noticed that there are a couple of gls currently airing, could you please tell me their titles and if you like any of them?
also if you have any general wlw shows please recommend!! i am in desperate need of girls falling in love
hi there! sure!
currently airing we have:
girlfriend project day 1 (2 episodes out so far and v lovely! i’m enjoying it!)
wicked wealthy women (haven’t watched this one yet but i have faith akdjakdj)
more gls that have aired recently:
sleep with me (only the first episode is available on youtube but it’s also quite a nice show!)
led astray by love
cat in the eastern palace
a practical guide to being a superstar’s assistant
the fox spirit and the little priest
fragrance of the first flower
love tech
a bit older ones:
quarantine stories 10: what happened last night?
hello? spring is coming
for more chinese gls check this page and this one
general wlw recs:
asian wlw media masterpost
mydramalist compilations
hope this helps! ❤️💙
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starrysamu · 4 years
suna rintarou x f!reader
a late night in the office makes for a great ghost story one day. 
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there’s a loud thunk! and you jolt in your seat. your heart’s racing a million miles per second - any faster, and you’ll surely have a heart attack.
you press your fingers to the bridge of your nose and heave in a breath, glancing up at the black screen. it matches the pitch darkness of the office and you catch your reflection, baby hairs astray in every direction possible. you look like boo the first time she saw sully in her room ... or maybe mike wazowski when he saw boo, if he had hair. 
you glance up at the ceiling. where the hell are the motion sensors? you look back down to the surrounding cubicles and all you can hear is a cricket in the corner - and that’s if you really keep an ear out for it. 
a sigh leaves you and you stretch your legs out, joints popping and echoing against the empty space. you hope standing up will get the lights to turn back on. when they don’t, you feel your heart drop by the second. 
are you ... locked inside? 
you look up at the ceiling again in a flurry, eyes blowing out - as if your panic is supposed to get the lights to turn on any faster. 
ah, fuck. 
fuck, fuck, fuck. 
you pace to the windows at the end of the row before swiftly walking back to your seat. stopping at your desk, you crane your neck to the ceiling for the millionth time that night, tipping back on your heels. surely ... all of the lights just went out. maybe you needed to replace the bulbs or something, right? 
you raise your arms up and start waving them around. “please, please, please,” you mumble under your breath. you start to run around in circles not long after, arms still flailing like you’re on the superman at six flags. 
“come on,” you grit out. “come on, just turn back on.” you don’t even know how much work you have left now because you decided to take a joyride with ryan gosling in your dreams. maybe it was mike wazowski, for all you remember now.  
and while you’re still trying to run every worst possible scenario in your mind like integrals from calculus II, you run headfirst into something. 
you stop in your tracks, chest heaving and eyes screwed shut. your soul is definitely about to leave your body. this is one of those ghost stories they tell at childrens’ camps over shitty wieners and itching mosquito bites. you’re about to become an urban legend in your office. they’ll find your dead body the next morning and you’ll make it on to the headlines - 
mom, dad, i love you, you mentally chant. ryan gosling, you’re my one and only. 
you clutch at your chest and press the palms of your hands together in a prayer. your forehead continues to pulse and you hear soft breathing not even a foot away from you. 
god, please help me. please spare my life. i still have things to do, places to be, people to see - 
“what’re you doing?” 
your eyes shoot open. if your soul hasn’t already ascended, you’re sure it has now. 
there’s some sort of garbled bird noise that escapes your lips as you blink. your eyes should already be adjusted to the darkness but you’re having a lot more trouble processing what’s - who’s - in front of you. 
suna presses a cold can against your forehead and you jolt in your skin. “what d’ya mean, ‘huh?’” 
“what the hell are you doing here?” 
you pound at your chest a few times, trying to catch your breath. adrenaline’s coursing through you and clutching onto this cold can of coffee isn’t helping your case one bit. 
“late night,” suna says simply, shrugging. he rubs at his chin, a sly smile toying on his lips. “you wanna tell me what you were up to?”  
against the city lights pouring in through the windows, you can see the redness bloom on his chin. you rub at your forehead slightly, before frowning. 
you couldn’t possibly tell him you woke up from the best dream of your life to complete darkness, thinking you were going to be locked in this ugly office for the rest of the night - maybe even all of eternity. 
“no,” you huff. glancing down at the can. “what’s this for?” 
“atsumu told me you were pulling a late night. thought i’d stop by and see how it’s going.” 
you blink at the can and you feel the weight of the world leave you. any second now, and your aching knees will undoubtedly give out on you. you breathe out a sigh and gnaw on your lip as you come down from your rush, all of the energy draining out of you by the second like blood from your veins. 
suna peers at you as he slips a hand in his pocket. “you fell asleep, didn’t you?” 
your eyes flit to his as you sigh out. “yeah,” you admit sheepishly. “yeah, i did.” 
he swallows down a smile. before you know it, his large hand is ruffling your hair. you swat at him, curses flying past your lips because he’s ‘gonna mess it up.’ 
when the both of you let up and he lets his hand rest on your head, he says, “you want some company?” 
you squint at him. “what do you want in return?” 
“you always want something back, you slick bastard - ”
“nothing,” he says quickly. “i promise i’ll even help you out a little.” 
you swallow hard, and now your heart’s racing for a completely different reason. you look away from him and reach for your seat, before pointing to the seat in the cubicle next to you. 
“you can sit there.” 
he hums as he sets his briefcase down next to you. when he doesn’t sit down, you look up at him. 
“i should let you know though,” he murmurs, turning his back to you and heading to the opposite end of the row, “that the motion sensors turn off after 8 pm, babe. switch’s right here.” 
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shadowphoenixrider · 4 years
(Technically a continuation of this little fic I wrote, this fic is actually a mashed together RP me and @den-of-tigers did together, featuring my OC Katla having her Grand Trial versus Den’s excellent Nanu - seriously I can’t take credit for 98% of Nanu here, it’s all her!
We merged anime and game rules together for this and did dice rolls for certain outcomes. The dice apparently had a sense of drama. Hope you enjoy!)
"Aww shit." Katla cursed. There it was, in black and white - the latest boat to Melemele Island had set sail ten minutes ago, and the next wasn't for an hour. "I knew I should have just beaned my ass down here instead of getting breakfast."
The trainer huffed softly to herself, folding her arms. She had been hoping to go and explore Poni Island for more Pokemon, but the endorsements of the three previous island’s Kahunas were needed, and Ula’Ula’s was missing. And was staying missing.
Turned out that the Kahuna had been the police officer who let her into Po Town in the first place, like she had been suspecting. If he'd not mentioned his status, Katla assumed it was for a very good reason, and she would leave him alone. That is, if she could get a boat back to Melemele...
"Well, I guess I can chill in the gardens for a while." She mused to herself. "Find a quiet spot and do some meditation. It'll pass the time, at least." She turned away from the postings and began to walk back into the city, her mind turning inward as she strode quickly through the streets.
"Hey, missy - thinking of heading back to Melemele?”
It took a minute for her to realize someone was speaking to her, and when she did, Katla froze, one foot swinging uselessly above the ground for a second. That voice!
The young woman shifted her weight, pivoting on her heel to face the police officer now formally known as Nanu, Kahuna of Ula’Ula. He seemed slightly less intimidating in the bright light of day, leaning against a malasada shop wall with one in his hand, but so did a lone Wishiwashi.
“I was,” she said evenly. “Kahuna.”
“Ah, so you caught on.” Nanu commented. “I figured you would eventually - usually Acerola pulls some stunt, hides my kendama and won’t give it back until I cave. She thinks it's just a toy... then again, she's a kid.” His crimson eyes came to rest on her, a glint within them. “You're not."
Katla wasn’t exactly sure to make of this turn of personality, but she wasn’t going to look a Mudsdale in the mouth.
“I...had an inkling, what with your Z crystal and ring and all,” she gestured. “But it was Acerola who confirmed it for me.”
“Hmm. So, we come to the million-pokédollar question, missy,” one of Nanu’s thick eyebrows arched upwards. “You think you're ready for my Grand Trial?"
Katla chewed her lip. Her gut churned warily, and it hadn’t led her astray yet. However...
“I don’t think you’d be asking me if you didn’t think I was at least passable.” She replied, choosing her words with care. “I dare say I can give it a fair shot.” It’s either that or sit in Malie’s gardens for an hour.
“You’re not wrong on either of those counts.” Nanu replied, after having taken a sizeable bite of his malasada, chewing and swallowing.
"Lots of responsibilities being Ula'ula's Kahuna and its head security officer, besides. I'm sure you can understand why I'd appreciate a nap or being left the hell alone now and then," he added. Another bite of malasada, then another, and it was gone.
"Maybe I'm a little too lazy sometimes. Depends on who you ask," Nanu chuckled, shrugging one shoulder. "Regardless, you did a damn fine job in Po Town, and those kids are thrilled to have their stolen Pokemon back.”
Katla smiled weakly, lifting a shoulder.
“Ah, heh, I’m glad. Least I could do for them.”
“In my Trial, it's one of your Pokemon against three of mine, in turn. If you're not serious about it, don't waste my time." Those dark red eyes were indeed serious, his gruff tone equally so.
The trainer’s eyebrow arched.
“That’s...different.” She commented, feeling a part of her balk at it. We're not gonna get through this are you nuts? And yet...Katla's eyes traced over the Kahuna, sizing him up. What's the worst that could happen? We lose? Big woop. At least Kukui's not gonna bother you with an excuse like that.
"I like a bit of a change," she said, a smile pulling at the corner of her lips. "I accept, on the condition I get a chance to choose my Pokemon, and we find a better place for a scrap away from an audience."
Nanu snorted, crumpling the empty bag between both hands and tossing it into a nearby trash receptacle.
"Of course you get to choose which Pokemon you use, what did you think I was gonna do?  Make you juggle the balls and use the first one dropped? Although..." He looked to be thinking that suggestion over intensely, then laughed under his breath. "As for a better place to do things, I think I know one."  A 'follow-me' gesture with one hand, and the Kahuna began to walk off, shoving both hands in his pockets.
Katla rolled her eyes, falling into step with the older man.
"Yeah, the reason I said that, Kahuna, is because I have more than six. And if you're gonna make me run a gauntlet like that, I'm damn well gonna pick my best shot," she said. "You can watch me pick 'em out if you want, but all that it will do is make me fall down in your estimations. I'm not hiding Rayquaza up my sleeve or anything." She arched her eyebrow. "Not like I was exactly prepared for you to come to me."
"I might have the knack for showing up when it's least expected." He flashed her a grin.
"Yeah, I noticed that." Katla replied dryly.
After a brief stop off at the Pokemon Centre, trainer and Kahuna reached their destination in Route 11 without much small talk. It was an area of plenty of space, hard ground and no tall grass to worry about. Nodding in satisfaction, the Kahuna reached to his back pocket and pulled out his Rotom-phone, glancing over to Katla as she strolled over to her side of the ‘arena’.
"One of your Pokemon, versus three of mine. You ready?" 
"Yup. We keep going until one of us has no usable Pokemon remaining." She lifted up the hem of her hoodie, reaching to her belt to undo the straps that attached her colourful assortment of Pokeballs to it. "And to make sure I won't even have a sliver of temptation..." She took the first Pokeball out, and walked several paces away to set the others down. She knew that they could come to her if called, but Katla didn't want them too close, just in case. Just stay in there, please. 
She returned to her original position, single ball in hand, feeling almost naked without the comforting weight of the rest of her team around her waist. She pressed the button, the Pokeball swelling to fill her hand. "Ready when you are, Kahuna." As ready as I'll ever be.
He nodded, content with her response.
"Rotom, gonna need you on live recording mode," he said, at which the phone Pokemon buzzed to life, neon-blue eyes glowing brightly.
"Affirmative, Nanu!  Switching to live recording mode... begin recording, now!" 
A quick, short clearing of his throat, and Nanu addressed the 'audience', speaking at a slightly louder volume than usual. 
"This is Officer Nanu, Kahuna of Ula'ula Island.  Today, just off of route 11 - on the outskirts of Malie City, I'll be officiating and conducting a Grand Trial. My challenger is Trainer Katla, from the Galar region." His Rotom zoomed over to the young woman.  "Say hello, Trainer Katla!"
Oh shit. Katla had reckoned that he would be recording as soon as she saw the phone appear, but this? She was as tense as a broom handle when the Rotom swept over to her, and it took every ounce of effort to try and not look like she was supremely uncomfortable.
"Hi." She managed, flatly. Suddenly she felt an overwhelming urge to go back and pick the rest of her team up again, if only so she didn't feel so terribly exposed, but managed to hold her ground.
"Best of luck to you, Katla!" the Rotom chirped in electronic positivity, before returning to its owner, the trainer almost breathed a sigh of relief. Calm down, it’s just you and him, she tried to remind herself.
"Tapu Bulu - with your approval, let this Grand Trial begin!" Nanu exclaimed, crossing both wrists overhead and looking to the sky. Seconds later, a loud, echoing gong sounded - the bronze bell of Ula'ula's deity, raising goosebumps across Katla’s skin and making the scars under her hoodie sleeves prickle slightly. Lowering his arms and fixing his gaze on her - those crimson eyes had a different shine to them now - the Kahuna reached behind with one hand, suddenly moving forward into a full-bodied throw of his first Pokeball.
"Sableye! Let's go!"
Katla took a steeling breath, trying to pull herself back into her previous mindset when the Kahuna's first Pokemon came tumbling out. Her eyebrow arched at the sight of the Darkness Pokemon. Ohh, you sneaky bastard. Force trainers to run a gauntlet, then trip them up at the starting line with a Pokemon with only one weakness. Clever. Looks like I got lucky with my choice.
She raised her own Pokeball up to her forehead, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, they were brighter.
"Alright, little one, let's go! Rimbombee, I choose you!" She slung the ball down, and it bounced open to release the diminutive Bee Fly Pokemon.
Nanu raised his own eyebrow, then shook his head and chuckled.
"A Ribombee? Really? What a shame, figured you might have something a little more... tomboyish up the sleeves of that hoodie," he called out, motioning to Sableye. As if the Darkness Pokemon had eyes in the back of its head, it spread clawed fingers and hissed in obvious agreement with the Kahuna.
Katla shrugged, nonplussed. Trying to get under my skin, are you? Alright.
"My apologies, Kahuna, but I have it on good authority that I have far too many Gyarados for my own good.” She replied. “That and the rest of my more 'tomboyish' Pokemon are in another PokeCentre."
The older man was equally as unbothered that his barb had glanced off.
"Hmm. Doesn't matter though. Can't sting like a bee if you're swatted like a fly - Sableye! Shadow Sneak!"
Sableye hissed again, a streak of darkness extending from its feet all the way to where Ribombee hovered. The Bee Fly’s placid smile turned into a determined frown, but despite the little bug’s attempts to get away from it, an amorphous shape materialized from behind her, the Darkness Pokemon suddenly re-taking its physical form and slashing with wicked, shadowy claws. Katla winced at the blow, recovering quickly.
"Hmph. Gotta admit, slightly disappointed in you, Kahuna.” She commented. “Surely you of all people know not to judge by appearances alone." Especially against a Pokemon your type is doubly weak to. She blinked, suddenly all business. "Rimbombee, Dazzling Gleam!"
The Bee Fly thrilled loudly, the scales of its wings glowing brighter, and brighter, and then brighter still, Sableye snarling loudly and both Kahuna and trainer having to avert their gaze. Nanu’s Rotom moved quickly to capture all the action, providing commentary in lieu of a referee.
"Ribombee's Dazzling Gleam is super effective - Sableye takes some serious damage!" the Plasma Pokemon exclaimed excitedly, and a determined half-grin grew across Katla’s lips. Alright, now we’re talking.
The Kahuna shoved both hands into his pockets.
"Shake it off, Sableye - you're not down for the count yet. Give that bug a Shadow Claw!"
Katla’s grin vanished, discarding the expression with ease.
“Ri! Get out of there and banish this darkness with another Dazzling Gleam!”
The Darkness Pokemon let go a high-pitched shriek and lunged for Ribombee again, and whilst the little bug was fast, she wasn’t fast enough, the ghostly claws connecting with her slim legs as she tried to dance out of the way. Katla grimaced in solidarity, hoping that it was quick enough to escape the Kahuna’s notice.
Facing down the Sableye, Ribombee repeated the same trick again, the brightness coming faster and perhaps more intensely, if you could stand to look at it in the first place.
"Another Dazzling Gleam! It's super effective!” Rotom announced as Sableye hissed loudly, before slowly crumpling to the ground, the light in its jewel eyes dimming. “Sableye has fainted and can no longer battle! That's one victory, two to go!"
The trainer allowed the grin to move over her lips for a moment as Ribombee fluttered back to her. Good start.
Nanu frowned, recalling the Darkness Pokemon with a surge of red energy.
"Turning into a one-trick Mudbray, are we? Let's keep things interesting at the very least," he sighed.
“Depends what your next Pokemon is, Kahuna.” Katla replied, shoving her hands in her hoodie pockets.
If her snark was rankling him, the Kahuna wasn’t showing it, and reached back to pull a fresh ball from his belt, tossing and catching it a few times in his hand.
"All right, Krookodile... you're up!"
As soon as the Intimidation Pokemon emerged, the massive red-and-black bipedal reptilian raised both clawed hands, then tossed its head back with a threatening roar, its innate ability quickly becoming apparent.
The Galar woman’s eyes widened, a genuine smile moving across her face.
"Oh yeah, now we're talking!" She bounced on her heels, thinking fondly of her previous Krookodile partner. He'd taken her far, almost to the very top- She shook her head quickly. Stop that! Focus.
Ribombee fluttered back nervously, unable to resist the other Pokemon's ability. Katla, on the other hand, was not fazed. Nice ability. Shame that it's utterly wasted, she noted, trying not to smirk. "Alright Ribombee, let's bore the Kahuna with something else - use Pollen Puff!"
The Bee Fly shook her head, much the same way her trainer had, and then the rest of its body. Yellow flakes of pollen poured off its wings and body, the Pokemon collecting it all up into a neat little package in its tiny hands. It looked at Krookodile with its normal cute little smile...and then threw the pollen as hard as it could.
Krookodile snapped and snarled in aggravation at the yellow cloud, whipping its head back and forth, both arms flailing as Rotom noted the super effective attack. Nanu waved away the pollen that had headed his way, his expression either grimly determined or rather annoyed.
“Hmph. That little bug of yours can't take much more, I'll bet...” A sudden malevolent smile. “Krookodile! It's Crunch time!" the Kahuna shouted, and the Intimidation Pokemon suddenly surged forward with a speed and agility that was surprising for such a large reptile.
"Ri!" Katla cried out, unable to help herself.
The Ribombee did its valiant best, but already battered by Sableye, it wasn't quick enough to avoid the powerful jaws clamping down around its abdomen with a terrifying sound, the Bug Pokemon crying out in pain.
Kat clenched her fists and teeth together, a snarl curling her lips that she couldn’t suppress.
"Ri!” She yelled. “Another Pollen Puff! Go straight for the eyes!"
The little bee squirmed its way free onto Krookodile's nose, gathering up another collection of pollen from its body, all nicety gone from its face. The bug suddenly hurled itself straight at the Intimidation Pokemon's eyes, only to arc away at the last second, dumping its collection there instead, Krookodile hissing loudly. Ribombee flew back to her trainer, much less gracefully than when they’d begun the bout.
Nanu's crimson eyes flashed, his teeth bared in a grin.
"What's the matter, missy? Can't stand to see your Pokemon take a hit?” He taunted. “You’re too soft - you’ll never complete the Island Challenge if you don’t toughen up!”
Katla knew he was barbing her on purpose, but this one managed to strike home, her nostrils flaring and eyes flashing with pure fury. How the fuck did you think I made it this far, then?! She snarled internally, his nails starting to dig into the palms of her hands.
The older man balled one hand into a fist, extending the other sharply towards the Pokemon.
"Krookodile, there's blood in the water... go for the kill with another--" 
The sudden reverberation of a sonorous bronze bell interrupted the Kahuna, and startled Katla out of her red haze, both of them looking up.
Ula’ula’s deity loomed about fifty feet overhead, the unmistakable smell of loamy earth and undergrowth filling the air, sobering the Galar trainer in seconds. She’d heard of the Tapu (how could she have not), but to see one in the flesh was deeply humbling, all her anger and rage draining out of her in a rush. Dimly, she could hear her other Pokeballs rustle behind her, as if they sensed what was taking place.
“--eh?  Tapu Bulu? What're you...?” Nanu asked, the confusion in his voice as clear as what Katla felt.
The Guardian deity shifted, fixing its stare on the young woman, making the twisted skin on her arms crawl uncomfortably before it dropped something. Krookodile, having been ready for his owner's next command, took several steps back as something small and yellow fell to the ground near Ribombee. She fluttered back for a second, before she recognised the Sitrus berry that had settled beside her - not waiting for a command from anyone, not even her trainer, she quickly landed next to it, greedily devouring it.
It only took a couple of seconds first for the berry to disappear into the diminutive bug’s mouth and then to take effect, but the Bee Fly's colour seemed to brighten, becoming more vibrant and her 'fur' fluffing back up. When she took off once more, her wing-beats were strong and fast, and she gave an excited cry - she was ready for more.
Katla’s heart soared to see her companion rejuvenated, and she looked back up at Tapu Bulu hovering above them, still watching her. She thumped her chest with her fist, bowing her head.
"Thank you, Tapu," she said reverently. "I am honoured by your kindness."
"Buuuuuluu!" the Guardian deity responded, sounding another ring of its bell before taking its leave. 
"What a rare and amazing interruption by the deity of Ula'ula Island itself! The Tapu's favour has been shown, what will happen now?" Rotom inquired, and for a brief moment Nanu shot the Plasma Pokemon a withering glare.
The Tapu's favour? Katla thought, her eyebrow arching slightly. Surely not. Island Trials are performances to please the guardians - I guess I'm just putting up a good enough fight that it wants to see me go a little further. She was under no illusions as to what would be next after Krookodile - every Kahuna had followed the same pattern, even if Nanu had thrown her a curve ball with his.
"Ri?" The bug Pokemon chirped, reminding her trainer that she was waiting for instruction. Katla shook her head quickly.
"Oh. Well, uh, lemme think - Pollen Puff!"
Where exactly Ribombee was getting its pollen now was anyone's guess, but it still managed to gather up enough into its hands for a payload. This time the Bee Fly hesitated, flitting to and fro before lobbing the projectile into Krookodile's side without warning.
Nanu smirked, putting both hands on his hips.
"As a Kahuna I'll be the last one to question a Tapu's decision,” he said, as the red-and-black Intimidation Pokemon cleared the pollen off itself. “As for this keep-away tactic you're utilizing... two can play at that game, and some of us play dirty. Krookodile! Mud Slap!"
With a snarling growl, Krookodile lashed its thick tail in an overhead arc, sending a large, wet ball of mud in Ribombee's direction.
"Ri, get out of there!"
Too late, as the clump of mud struck the bug Pokemon square on, sending her reeling and obscuring her vision.
"Son of a-!" Katla bit out reflexively, just managing to stop the curse from fully passing her lips - no no no we can't lose accuracy, not now! "Come on, Ri, shake it off!"
The Bee Fly scrubbed at its face and body as her trainer fought for a solution. Shit, he's matted down her Pollen and dampened her Gleam. Her brows furrowed. But she still has one other move.
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't have a back-up plan!” She yelled. “Ribombee, use Absorb!"
The bug Pokemon shook off the last of the mud, before making an almost malevolent humming sound, raising its hands. Two red beams shot from it, connecting with Krookodile, sapping its energy, the Intimidation Pokemon weakening as Ribombee strengthened, almost rendering the prior attack null and void.
"Ribombee's Absorb is super effective!” Rotom announced loudly as Krookodile slumped to the ground. “ Krookodile has fainted, and can no longer battle!  Another victory for Trainer Katla, one more to go!" It almost caused some feedback with its excitement.
The young Galar woman lifted her chin defiantly, eyes flashing like flames were igniting within them.
"You want to dance, Kahuna?” She asked. “Then let's dance."
Nanu let go a dramatic sigh as he reclaimed the fainted red reptile.
"Sorry, I can't dance - two left feet," he retorted, lowering his head for a moment and pulling the final ball from his belt. Katla’s confident demeanour cooled then. Alright, here come the big guns. She took a steeling breath, trying to calm herself down to think a bit more clearly. Damn this guy, he's getting to me like no-one’s business!
"I'm getting tired... time to put this Trial to bed. Persian! Let's go!"
Nanu’s Persian was much larger than the trainer had anticipated, almost on a par with the Totem Pokemon she’d faced. The huge Classy Cat Pokemon swished her tail slowly back and forth, fixing a narrowed gaze onto Katla and Ribombee.
The trainer uttered a low, appreciative whistle.
"Big, beautiful and deadly." She commented, her eyes taking in the feline admiringly, until her eyes reached the teal coloured stone in the Persian's forehead. The same type as in her own, much smaller Alolan Persian. The Alolan Persian who knew- Katla's eyes widened, unable to hide the sudden dawning realization that spread across her face. Oh no. Oh, NO!
It was a similar realization that the Ula’Ula Kahuna had already made, and he and his Persian had taken a similar stance - predatory, hungry for the winning blow. A curious sort of density had grown in the air, ominous and crushing, and both Katla and Ribombee sensed it, the trainer’s cockiness all but fleeing and her heart beginning a quick rhythm in her chest.
The feeling was sickeningly familiar, and she reached down self-consciously to touch her Pokemon for comfort. Her heart leapt into her throat when she was reminded that they were lying a foot away from her, inaccessible, and she had to swallow down the sudden rising panic. It's okay, we're on Alola. Solid earth. Bright sky. No sea. Breathe. Breathe. The Bee Fly glanced back at her trainer briefly, looking worried for her.
"The kid gloves are coming off... we're going straight for the throat," Nanu said, staring Katla down from across the 'battlefield', a bone-chilling edge creeping into that rough voice - if he noticed her internal conflict, there was no evidence of it. "Your passion is admirable, although you have no sense of respect for your elders... you're burning the candle at both ends, and I'm going to snuff it."
Nanu raised a hand. "Persian... POWER GEM!"
Persian let go a high-pitched cry, raising her head as the gem flashed warningly, releasing a sizeable blue bolt of energy in Ribombee's direction.
"Ri! Get out of there, now!" Katla yelled.
She tried, bless the little bug's wings, but a hit was a hit, and it was a super effective one, Ribombee wailing loudly. The trainer cringed as if she'd been dealt the blow instead, teeth clenched tight together. The Bee Fly was still upright, but for how long? Katla decided to risk it, digging into her pocket.
"Ri! Catch!" She tossed a Sitrus berry out to her Pokemon, who gladly devoured it, regaining some energy. Katla chewed her lip, feeling her Z ring weigh heavy on her arm. If he hits her like that twice more, she's a goner. Her brows furrowed. But I do still have one card up my sleeve, if luck actually smiles upon me this time...
"Trying to buy yourself some time?  I'll allow it," Nanu remarked, that predatory gleam still in his crimson eyes. Both hands on his hips, he looked to his Persian.  "Some trainers and Pokemon would sacrifice themselves for the other.  Admirable as that is... it's useless.  Letting emotions control your actions on the battlefield?  Ridiculous!" He added, shrugging one shoulder.  "You take chances, regardless of the outcome, and you play the cards you're dealt - even if that means losing, and starting all over again."
His comments flared Katla’s rage again, despite it all, her jaws clicking from the force behind her clenched teeth. How dare you! You have no idea what I’ve been through! If it wasn’t for my Pokemon, my bones would be scattered across the ocean floor!
She pulled a breath in, closing her eyes and forcing her fists to uncurl - she was both annoyed and ashamed that he was exploiting her weaknesses with such contemptible ease. Katla should have just accepted that she was staring down the barrel of defeat - she’d been out-manoeuvred and out-played, and she should just go through the motions, let the Kahuna have his victory.
And yet...a part of her didn’t want to give the smug bastard the satisfaction. If he wanted his victory, he was going to have to beat it out them.
Persian didn't move a muscle, waiting for her next command from the Kahuna.  Her whiskers twitched eagerly, forehead gem shining in the afternoon sunlight. 
"Persian - another Power Gem!" 
Another raspy cry, another blue bolt of energy streaking across the distance, this one striking considerably harder. Katla didn't cry out for her Pokemon that time, not that Ribombee really needed a reminder to dodge the bolt of awful heading her way. And she looked like she was going to do it, until the Persian turned to track the Bee Fly's movements, blasting the Pokemon onto the ground. Katla's foot jerked as she restrained the urge to run to her friend's aid.
"No! Ri!" She cried, fighting back the sudden burning in her eyes. No no no not now, not now!
"Ri...bombee." The little bug was as stubborn as its owner, pushing itself up and taking flight again, but looking very worse for wear, barely able to hover steadily.
"Alright 'Bee!" Katla smiled weakly, taking a breath and swallowing back the tightness that had started to form in her throat. "Guess I am gonna be taking a chance then. Ribombee! Stun Spore!"
Ribombee's wings whirred, kicking up a cloud of orange spores around them, before with one large wing-beat, she blew them over to the Persian, who hissed as they were blown about her, her tail lashing angrily.
A hit, yes! Katla's lips twitched into a grin as she saw the spores hit home, just about managing to stop herself from fist-pumping. Of course, now they've got to work.
Nanu's sharp black eyebrows furrowed, but if he was concerned, his poker face didn't slip one iota.
"I was almost hoping I wouldn't have to use this," he says, one hand reaching up to grab hold of the Darkinium-Z crystal around his neck. “But you have been quite the nuisance.” A sharp tug, and the leather thong snapped easily, slipping to the ground. That sensation of dread doubled in its intensity, the young trainer’s stomach plummeting into the bottom of her feet. "I didn't get where I am by not taking chances..." Nanu added, snapping the stone into the slot of his Z-ring.
Katla swallowed hard. Oh, fuck.
Ula'ula's Kahuna did a short series of arm movements, before leaning forward at the hips... pausing for a moment, then straightening up and raising both arms in a fearful display, the activated Z-Ring shining brilliantly.
"Now... allow yourself to be enveloped by the Darkness... haaaaaaaah!” Nanu hissed, a swell of purplish energy arcing from his form to Persian's. The feline Pokemon echoed that hiss from her trainer, infused with energy. Katla's hair stood on end, scars itching up her arms, her heart beating so hard she was afraid Nanu could hear it.
"Use... Black Hole Eclipse!" Nanu commanded, before turning his back to Katla and her Ribombee. Persian raised her head, the purple energy flaring brightly around her that seemed to suck the light from around them, plunging them from afternoon to almost night.
"Arceus, Ri, please hold on." Katla spoke, the little bug shrinking back, sharing her trainer's fear. The trainer braced herself, closing her eyes and hoping at least whatever happened was brutally quick.
Suddenly, a strangled yowl of surprise split the air, startling everyone and making Katla’s eyes pop back open.
Persian was still in the position she’d assumed earlier, head and tail high, her body twitched and spasming as she tried to move, the tell-tale yellow flickers flashing over her. She uttered another, almost piteous yowl as she tried to struggle through her condition, but her attempts were futile. She was paralyzed.
As quickly as the shadows drew in, they drew away again, the surroundings brightening up and the dark energy extinguishing like a candle in the breeze.
Nanu was silent, his jaw and fists clenched in utter disbelief. Katla was equally dumbfounded.
"That...That worked?" She breathed. "That worked! Holy shit! Holy-"
She didn't know what suddenly seized her - adrenaline, a bout of madness, maybe something else, but the Galar trainer burst out laughing. Enough that she bent double, hands on her knees, thick curly hair obscuring her face as she tried to get a hold of herself. Even Ribombee turned to look at her, and would have raised an eyebrow had she possessed one.
But she did manage to reign herself back in, laughter fading. Then slowly she rose back up to standing, lifting her head to meet the Kahuna’s gaze. Only this time, she was the one wearing the dark, feral grin.
“My turn.”
She slipped her hand into her pocket, pulling out a Z crystal of her own - light-ish green, almost khaki in colour, the symbol of a beetle visible within.
"How fortuitous of you to sow the seeds of your own downfall, Kahuna.” Katla spoke, turning the crystal over in her fingers. “Guzma might like to hoard his Z crystals away from use, but unfortunately for you, I'm not Guzma." She placed it into her Z ring, goosebumps erupting up her body as it activated. "I'm far worse!"
Katla closed her eyes for a moment, basking for a moment in the power that poured into her body - she'd felt power similar to this before, and she welcomed it like a friend. The energy swirled around Ribombee as well, and even as battered she was, she seemed to get a new lease of life. Katla began her moves, at first mimicking Nanu's, before she dragged her arms up and around like she was a zombie, followed through with a wave motion with her right hand, like a Sharpedo breaching the water's surface.
When Katla spoke again, her voice thrummed like the roar of a swarm’s thousands of wings. "Ribombee, let's rock the Kahuna's world! Savage Spin-Out!"
Surging with power, Ribombee released thick threads of silk from her hands, attaching to Persian and quickly encasing the cat Pokemon entirely within a fibrous cocoon in quick, deft motions. Taking hold of the sole trailing strand, the Bug Pokemon shot up into the air, carrying the cocoon with it, before she began to swing it around its entire body. Once, twice...
On the third swing, Ribombee uttered a loud cry and hurled the cocoon down as hard as possible. In a burst of Z Power induced speed, the Bee Fly shot down after its payload, striking the cocoon just as it impacted the ground, shattering the earth underneath with a load roar.
As the dust cleared, Katla surveyed the damage, her bravado fading as she saw Ribombee fluttering away from the limp cocoon she’d left lying in a shallow crater. That...might have been a bit excessive, she thought to herself, her gazing lifting up to her opponent.
"Katla and Ribombee's Savage Spin-Out has secured a victory!  Trainer Katla has won the Grand Trial!" Rotom called out, only to be shut down mid-hover by Nanu's sharp command, dropping to the ground as a regular phone. The Kahuna watched Persian's unmoving form for a few moments, his expression soon shifting from patient to concerned.
“Persian! Get yourself free, now!” He called, dread starting to sink into the bottom of Katla’s stomach as the seconds ticked by. No movement. “Persian!”
The Kahuna moved faster than the Galar trainer had thought him capable of, and immediately her first thought was to aid him, hand dropping to her belt to remind her that she’d discarded her other Pokemon. She looked back.
“Incine-” She began to call, the name halting in her chest as Katla glanced back to see Nanu had freed his Persian, and was cradling her close, head bowed over her. Guilt - thick, cloying and cold - poured over her shoulders, and it brought shame in its wake. It had all been an act, words specifically to get under her skin, and she’d not only brought them all hook, line and sinker, she’d let her anger get the better of her.
Ribombee fluttered close, looking up at her with concern. She glanced away from the scene, rubbing her hand over the Bee Fly’s head.
“Thank you, Ri.” She whispered. “You did so well, I’m so proud of you. Time to rest now.” She pressed a kiss to the top of her Pokemon’s head, before she returned the bug to her Pokeball. Katla kept her gaze averted, going instead to pick up her remaining Pokemon from where she left him, ignoring the few that quivered at her touch.
“Well congratulations, Katla.” Nanu’s voice sounded out behind her. “You passed my Grand Trial. You’re clear to go to Poni Island.” When she didn’t reply or turn around, he made a short chuffing sound that could have been a laugh. “Hey, it’s fine,” he said, his voice gentler than she’d ever heard it before. “Persian will be fine. She’s gone through Z moves like that before.”
The young woman looked over her shoulder to see him approaching, and despite his usual apathetic expression, he seemed sincere.
“You’re sure? It...seemed a little excessive.” Katla sighed, unable to hold his gaze. “I’m sorry, Kahuna. My temper got the better of me.”
“Certainly did.” And in a second, the gentle veneer was gone. “Excessive is all what Z moves are, I’m sure you’ve noticed by now. You were very lucky - Black Hole Eclipse is as frightening as it sounds. Speaking of which,” Nanu took the Z crystal from his Z ring, holding it out to her. “A Darkinium Z, for your victory.”
Katla blinked.
“Oh, thank you!” She turned it over in her fingers, glimpsing the strange symbol deep inside its dark confines, like the outstretched cloak of, well, darkness. “Considering I was shitting myself at the mere thought of it, I’m gonna take your word on it.”
“That’d be a first.” Nanu commented wryly. “Now pay attention, I’m only going to do this once.”
The movements of the Dark Z move were a lot less scary when done in the light of day, and especially with the Kahuna’s deadpan face, even as he loomed over her in the final pose. “Got it?”
Katla didn’t reply, deciding instead to mimic him. She hunched over, swinging her hands down to the ground with her fingers curled into claws, before she straightened up again, throwing her hands forward and arching her body up as best as she could for a diminutive woman.
“That about right?” She asked. Nanu’s red eyes looked over her, one of his thick eyebrows arching up slightly.
“Not bad for a first go,” he said, pausing for a second. It was difficult to see what he was thinking, but he was certainly mulling something over. “You’re not in any hurry to go back to Melemele, are you?”
“Well, I was only heading back there because I thought I couldn’t get further in the Trials, so I guess not.” Katla said, tilting her head. “Why?”
“Meet me at High Roller Sushi tonight, just after sundown.” Nanu replied, stepping away from her. “My treat.”
Katla just blinked at him, his words taking a moment to parse in her head.
“Oh, okay, yeah!” Heat rose into her face in embarrassment. “Yeah, sure, I’ll be there.”
“Good. Don’t keep me waiting.” Were his last parting words to her, the Kahuna raising a hand before he trudged away, leaving the trainer alone with her thoughts and many more questions.
Katla ran a hand through her thick curly hair, uttering a long sigh through her nose.
Well, alright then.
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blotomical · 11 months
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more stuff from Astray chapter 2 :) you should read it. btw
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QL of All Time - Round 1: Love for Love's Sake (2024) vs Lead Astray by Love (2022)
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 April Sunday 13th (part three)
[in margin ‘announcement to Mariana respecting Miss Walker’]
I am going to York Tuesday - at any rate , we shall be at ho[me] on the latt[e]r day to a late din[ner] - my father, and a[un]t, and sist[e]r, are so well satisf[ie]d, that all Shibd[e]n’s disagreeables are smooth[e]d away as m[u]ch as poss[ible] – Mar[ia]n h[a]s really tak[e]n me by surprise - I h[a]d cert[ainl]y no right to calc[ula]te up[on] her being half so kind[l]y accommodat[in]g - my father's life seems mo[re] and mo[re] uncert[ai]n and my a[un]t’s state of extreme suffer[in]g can[no]t be support[e]d for ev[e]r – b[u]t she rallies extraord[inaril]y ev[er]y now and then-
I supp[ose] y[ou]r fr[ie]nds are n[o]t yet on the oth[e]r side of the wat[e]r – heav[e]n prosp[e]r all your schemes of heart and happ[ine]ss and ment[a]l improvement! I am gl[a]d Miss Cholm[le]y is in your neighb[ourhoo]d - it w[a]s a ver[y] good of h[e]r to beg to be rememb[ere]d to me - do pray gi[ve] my rememb[ran]ce in ret[ur]n - I saw h[e]r to gr[ea]t advant[age] last sum[me]r, and th[ou]ght of h[e]r mo[re] than once aft[er]w[ar]ds - her being an old fr[ien]d of yours w[a]s noth[in]g ag[ain]st h[e]r - I oft[e]n th[ou]ght I sh[oul]d like to see Emma Strickl[in]g ag[ai]n - I d[i]d n[o]t see m[u]ch of Mrs. Milne in York, b[u]t th[ou]ght h[e]r look[in]g thin and anx[iou]s - I suppo[se] Hamlyn w[a]s off on Mon[day], and that Mrs Milne w[oul]d ret[ur]n w[i]th Charl[o]tte to Langt[o]n – b[u]t no mo[re] - my own mind is n[o]t perh[aps] less than theirs astray fr[om] chit chat -
God bless you, my dearest Mary! You will f[i]nd my reg[ar]d affectionate and steady, and will still, I trust, live to acknowl[edge] that b[o]th for your hap[pine]ss and my own, I ha[ve] done right – Ev[e]r very respect[full]y yours AL’ -
To Miss W [Walker] s[ai]d griev[e]d ov[e]r hav[in]g put off go[in]g till Tues[day] - my 1st impulse w[a]s to go tomor[row] or to do qui[te] as I lik[e]d this m[orning], b[u]t aft[er] think[in]g ab[ou]t all the aftern[oo]n , saw it w[oul]d be bet[ter] to keep to Tues[day] now it h[a]s been fix[e]d - she w[oul]d underst[a]nd all this on com[in]g here or on see[in]g me – ‘But this acc[oun]t of yours[elf] puzzles me – Howev[e]r not a word mo[re] just now’ -will see Dr Belc[ombe] - he to be at Hewarth Grange at one, or 12.30 - do n[o]t see wh[a]t can prev[en]t her ret[urnin]g w[i]th me ‘but we will be guid[e]d by Dr Belc[ombe] - I can be pat[ien]t, or wait, or do an[y] th[in]g for your health’… ‘I cann[o]t tell wh[a]t to think’… ‘I shall not wr[ite] m[u]ch mo[re] - I am too impat[ien]t etc etc etc. I do n[o]t pretend to care noth[in]g at all ab[ou]t you - I sh[oul]d be off this even[in]g if I d[i]d as I lik[e]d - Dont go bey[on]d the gard[e]n on Tues[day] morn[in]g - ever my d[ea]r[e]st f[ai]th[ful]y and aff[ectionate]ly yours AL’- din[ner] at 6 and coff[ee] in an h[ou]r hav[in]g Mar[ia]n w[i]th me all the while - Fr[om] 7.05 to 7.45 wr[ote] all but the first 4 lines of this p[age] and s[e]nt off by Th[oma]s my let[ter] to ‘Miss W[Walker] Hewarth Grange York’ and my letter to ‘Mrs Lawton Claremont House, Leamington, Warwickshire’ mus[in]g ov[e]r my let[ter] till 8.45 - then w[i]th my a[un]t till 10 o’clock - then the papers – ver[y] fine day - F 55° at 12.15 tonight -
I suspect much of her musing was over her letter to Mariana. It’s interesting to not how much was told to her by omisson. She only implies MW is to move into Shibden by mentioning her family’s pleasure at the news and expects Mariana to infer the rest. With MW herself she feigns ignorance of the STD and deflects but significantly her loyalty has shifted being now “faithfully” hers and no more of that is left for Mariana. It is done.
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imagine-darksiders · 6 years
How do you think Azrael would react if his human friend gave him a homemade friendship bracelet? :O Also, GL with writing chapter 7 of CHWH!
The archangel’s wide, porcelain-white wings give an involuntary flutter in time with several, rapid blinks. “You made this?” He stares at the bracelet as you place it carefully in his cupped palm, his pale, slender fingers closing over it gently. “And it’s mine?” 
Stepping back, you smile at him and start to reply, but his expression gives you pause. He still hasn’t taken his eyes off the small, blue and gold braided ring of thread. In fact, he seems utterly flustered by it even being there in his hand. 
All of a sudden, you begin to feel a little self conscious. 
As you well know, Azrael is an angel who wants for nothing. His status ensures that he’s always had access to Heaven’s finery; premium robes, tailor fitted and enchanted by the most talented angelic seamsters. Quills, parchment and writing ink is always, always of the highest quality. Even his quarters - apparently quite modest by angel standards - are the most lavish you’ve ever seen. White marble floors, bedsheets that look to be made of a similar fabric to Egyptian cotton with a sateen finish….
Gentle and unpretentious as he is, Azrael is used to high living. 
For you to hand him a simple, trite little knickknack made from everyday cotton yarn is not only insulting, but probably humiliating for the archangel. 
An urge overtakes you, to snatch it out of his hands and pretend you’d never even given it to him in the first place. Sheepish, you scratch a nonexistent itch at the back of your neck, glance down to your feet and shrug a shoulder. “Yeah, it’s just something I made and I thought….cause it’s a friendship bracelet, I’d give it to a friend and - and it’s blue because I thought, ‘Hey, Azrael likes blue.’ But if you don’t want to wear it, I’ll just -” 
You reach out take it back from him but stop when he promptly snatches his hand away, lifting the bracelet out of your reach. “What are you doing?” he exclaims, cupping the little gift protectively against his chest. 
“Um…Taking it…back?” you reply, uncertain. 
The angel’s forehead puckers gently. “Whatever for? You said you made this for me?” 
“Well, yes. But it’s just….” Biting your lip, you trail off.
Azrael dips his head and prompts you to continue. “Just?…” 
Wringing your hands and letting out a dithering sigh, you exclaim, “Well, it just seems a bit silly now that I’ve given it to you.. I mean, it’s not exactly in keeping with-” You throw a vague gesture up and down his body. “- the rest of you.” 
“The rest of me?” he echoes, a teasing smile twisting the corner of his lips, “You assume I’m too highbrow to accept a gift from one of my dearest friends?” 
“No, I just -” You pause, pressing your lips into a tight line before throwing out an exasperated sigh. “-It probably won’t even fit-” 
He cuts you off. “Oh nonsense, I imagine it’ll fit perfectly.” Then, before you can protest, he rolls up the sleeve of his right hand and slips the bracelet on, fastening it so that it hangs elegantly over the wrist joint. Azrael quirks a brow and shoots you a smug grin. “Well, would you look at that? Almost as if it were made for me.” 
Still, the doubt sticks in your mind like an adhesive and you begin to point out a flaw he might not have noticed. “It isn’t special or anything, like Death’s talismans. I made it with love, not enchantments or magic.” 
The angel blinks down at you before his face brightens around an amused chuckle. “Let me tell you something Y/n. I am a scholar,” he rumbles, “and as a scholar, it would behoove me to lead you astray when I tell you that love is a more potent source of magic than you might realise.” Holding out his wrist, he gazes down at the bracelet fondly. “This could be black, red and brown and falling apart at the seams and I would still cherish it. Because it was made by your hand.” 
You stare at the ground while he bends down and places the tips of his fingers beneath your chin, tilting it gently until you’re forced to meet his warm gaze. “Do not doubt yourself, my friend. Of all my possessions, I can firmly assure you that this-” The feathers on his wing-bone rouse and fluff, giving away the angel’s swelling pride. “-This is by far the most precious to me.” 
It soon becomes clear that he means it too. 
Azrael wears the bracelet everywhere. To his study, to the Argent Spire, social functions and official meetings. He even has his traditional robes tailored to hang a little higher up his arm so that he can show the bracelet off.
It serves as a constant reminder that in spite of the terrible act of barbarity he committed against the human race, there is still at least one among the little species who forgave him. 
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ziyoouvachi-eng · 6 years
Ziyoou-vachi - FLAT [English translation]
If it weren’t for the swellings I would’ve worn T-shirts with nothing underneath The second maturation, a horrible tragedy; thank you for listening A joke I can’t laugh off If only they didn’t grow
If only I could get sympathy by showing my true self Day after day, dancing Ni-no-Mai* All this farce is making me bored! Really
“It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this” “I didn’t need this” Well, what did I really want? All the options link like ladder lottery “It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this” “I didn’t need this” Well, what for did you want this back then?
The list of answers is mostly blank
I want to be flat No matter what, I won’t lose my heart I want to quit this vicious circle Of envy and comparing myself to others I want to be flat No matter what, my heart won’t go astray And I’ll make them believe me It’s an even battlefield
For the longest time, “I couldn’t go anywhere” “I couldn’t tell anyone” BL, GL, NL; nothing but selfish CM on the constantly flowing TL** In art house movies about gender Will the protagonist fall ill? or die? or will their love be unrequited? I don’t really understand
I just don’t understand!
There’s a thing called individuality What’s inside people’s pants isn’t the only thing that matters This is not complicated nor special It’s better to just be honest with each other***
I want to be flat No matter what, I won’t lose my heart I want to quit this vicious circle Of envy and comparing myself to others I want to be flat No matter what, my heart won’t go astray And I’ll make them believe me Therefore I will become flat No matter what, I won’t lose my heart If I start moving, I’ll never stop! To a place where no such standards exist I will become flat My heart won’t waver again I’ll make them believe me
It’s an even battlefield
--- * Ni-no-Mai: "to make the same mistakes". This expression is taken from "an ancient dance in which the first movement, "Ama", is followed by a second movement, "Ni-no-Mai". In this second dance the movements of the first dancer are repeated in a ludicrous manner. Hence, if a person makes the same mistakes of another, they are described as "performing the second dance". They are doing a repetition". Decided to leave this part as a reference to the dance, especially since it has "dancing" before it. ** Boys Love, Girls Love, Normal Love; Commercial Message (an ad), Timeline *** Could also mean something like "people should be straight with their desires/requests" Also big thanks to a friend of mine who helped with translation and proofreading! Posted on LyricsTranslate.
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toysforfun · 3 years
Astray Turn Red
The Astray Turn Red is.....a mobile suit I didn’t even know existed, I just got the MG version since well, the box art caught my eye and well.....it’s an Astray with giant swords, how could anyone just go through pass that? So I got it, and this was my first experience building a MG Astray.
The MBF-02VV Gundam Astray Turn Red is apparently a mobile suit that came out of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray R photonovel, look I’m a Gundam fan, but even I barely read the novel/mangas. Anyways,  The Gundam Astray Turn Red is a mobile suit created by Valerio Valeri for his own use. However, since the suit is fully controlled by the combat AI called "80", he does not need to do any actual piloting, although he still sits in the cockpit. The suit has a custom head unit and backpack. Its main body is constructed using MBF-P0X Gundam Astray Noir's spare parts and its body color is basically a reverse of MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame's (hence the suit's name).
The Turn Red is usually armed with a pair of head-mounted CIWS and a pair of Tactical Arms on its back, but it can also be equipped with the same type of beam rifle, beam sabers and shield as the Red Frame. It also carries additional power packs for the Tactical Arms like MBF-P03secondL Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second L. The mobile suit is supposed to be used alongside CAT1-VGR Hyperion GR and CAT1-VGL Hyperion GL, both are commandeered by the Turn Red itself and serve as its protectors during battle. The Turn Red is installed with the Trio System to improve its cooperation with the other two AI-controlled suits.
Now back to the actual model kit, it comes in quite a giant box. Also one interesting thing about thus thing, it’s P-Bandai on countries outside of Asia, which is something I find quite confusing. 
The kit itself is awesome, well then again, the MG Astray has always been awesome. It’s divided to mainly 4 colours, white for most of the inner frame, red for the outer armour, light grey for the lower body, grey for the riffle and some parts of mobile suit. Although I find the build of the Astray being a but hard, I don’t exactly have the biggest workplace for Gunpla building, and the Astray does alot of runner jumping during it’s build since the body of the kit is quite literally just red and white, so parts moulding during the manufacturing is kinda cramped. 
Inn terms of build quality, it’s nice, it is just the standard MG Astray that we had for several years and this kits stood hard through the test of time, runner jumping is very noticeable because of the very simple colours of the mobile suit. The articulation is nice, just like the every other Astray, just be careful with the head since the V fin is prone to pooping off if you don’t glue it. 
The accessories are fine, the kit comes with a beam riffle, shield, beam sabers(without giving me beams effects in box, WTF Bandai?!?), daggers, and 2 big tactical arms, which is basically 2 giant convertible swords, can be used as a greatsword and a gatling gun. This kit comes with waterslide decals, which is always a plus, didn’t bother attaching it since I like the Astray with no decals.
Overall, great kit, I can recommend for anyone, beginners or veterans. I really don’t like the nature of runner jumping of Astrays, and also take it into consideration that this kit is apparently P-Bandari on some/most regions.  
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