#astrid banner starter;
aamaranthiine · 9 months
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( @draconxs liked for a starter~ )
Trumpets bray and drums beat, a rising exaltation through the dense woodland that startles birds and sends beasts scurrying to their dens. Banners and bells held by men astride horses, the steel-bright flash of swords catching dappling sun through the trees. Dogs scatter and add to the cacophony of noise, howls caught by the wind to fill the air with frenzied energy. The Hunt had been called for again - a fifth time now - its magnificence and flamboyance all for the glory of their prize.
Four times hence the men had been sent out into the wilds of Wano Country in search of a living fable. Only twice had they glimpsed the white flanks of their quarry yet it drove them into a fervor. The promise of fame, of power and recognition - the legends of wishes granted and lives long lived spurred them on even through the failures. (There is too, underneath, the threat of retribution for another defeat.) They gathered such splendor, as tales bespoke only the most opulent displays could lure their prey close enough to be caught.
Amalthea thought it all quite ostentatious, truthfully. Perhaps that is the appeal of it? A Hunt so grandiose and sublime that she could not resist but watch its procession wreathed in shade and elusive magic. She had dared to be spotted enough to keep them slavering for another glimpse of her. Unicorns, after all, were said to steal some part of man that had always been missing. Make that empty, hollow sliver of them ache and throb with desperate want.
She could never say if it is true or not but she does have a reason for inciting such frenzy. It was all to draw out the esteemed King of Beasts himself. The unicorn could never truly be caught by the lavish Hunt but she knew, if she evaded them long enough, her opportunity would show itself. So she watched from afar as the cavalry with their banners and instruments, and the dogs fled from the mere whisper of her presence, waiting to see if this might be the day.
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timcsinfinity · 6 years
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“ anyone who claims to be an expert in everything is just a filthy liar. “ she’d know, and is clearly frustrated because of someone who may have done just that in the recent past.
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ofpsalms · 4 years
@lgendry​ plotted starter
She had found herself tearing through the back alleys of a city she barely knew, and hastily unhitching her frightened mount in an act of retreat. The chestnut horse whinnied and tossed his head, dancing to the side as she tried to calm him. The situation here was worse than expected, for a vampire of great power had made his home here- perhaps even having minions working under him. Nico needed to leave here before her pursuers closed in upon her, rethink her approach to this hunt. In her haste. she nearly didn’t notice the other, only catching him out of the corner of her eye as she finally calmed the agitated animal down. 
Perhaps she should have expected the other hunter to find her with all the commotion she had caused. For what other young woman would have entered this fair city dressed as a soldier, astride a magnificent Arabian? Only the one bastard child that hunted under the Vatican banner.
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 She knew him and his kin well, every hunter did. She knew well of their exploits, too; the most personally significant was leaving her ancestor to bleed to death with a silver knife buried in the center of his chest. The bad blood and history of violence that existed between their two families that had resulted from that action was also quite common knowledge. 
The soft glow from the gas lamps illuminated a scowl on her features as she regarded him. Her hand gripped the reins tighter, the other lifted her revolver in warning, and cocked the hammer back into position.
❝ That’s close enough, Van Helsing. ❞ 
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rebirth-hq · 7 years
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12:00PM (Noon) - Rebirth Island
After some investigation and putting together pieces of the wreckage left behind, Rebirth security has come up with... not so much. However, with the help Cerebro, thoughts were picked up in an underground base just a hundred mile away from Ventura, California. 
The briefing was not a good one. Eden Corporation is a newly developed company with a terrifying motto: ‘Developing The Future’s Evolution’. They intend to extract the genetic code that runs through Mutant DNA making them what they are so that they can develop a serum that turns who they choose into a mutant. Their hopes with this are controlling the natural selection field and picking and choosing who gets what mutation. Thus not wasting any time on mutants not deemed ‘worthy’ of the taxpayer's money to make a new militia for Earth’s defenses. One completely ruled by Eden Corporation and without any personal ties to the outside world to affect their decision making. 
They plan on perfecting mutant kind many years before evolution does and with the help of a perfected Super Soldier Serum, lead that kind into finally ridding the world of all threats.
Rebirth’s board made the final decision early in the morning that their own will be sent in to save the children, stop all furthering of Eden’s plans and bring our children home.
Adults will be sent in groups with their task at hand. They are urged to stay focused and trust their fellow teammates. No going off their specified path.
Welcome to part two of Seize The Day! However, it’s not the end of it. Seize The Day will be evolving into something else in its entirety. But, for right now, there’s other work to be focused on.
Student cells will be shared as followed with punishments:
CELL ONE: Nathaniel Stark & Astrid Thordottir & Nikolai Barton. CELL TWO: Michael Rogers-Carter & James Rogers-Carter, & Aesir Lokison. CELL THREE: May Parker & Jasmine Wilson-Summers & Emily Rogers-Barnes. CELL FOUR: Lillith Lokidottir & Ari Howlett & Jakob Lehnsherr-Xavier.
Cell one will be taken from their cells and to a laboratory on a lower level and tied to stretchers. Their blood will be tested and Eden developed serum for evolution will be administered. Upon finding out of the low dosage of SSS in two of the subject’s blood, measurements will be taken to induce mutation. They will be subjected to low levels of shock therapy that will slowly progress throughout the hours in hopes develop some adaptation ability. The goddess in their hands contains no serum or mutation of any kind and will begin testing for her ability levels. Starting with endurance. While tied to her stretcher, blows from a machine will be administered to her torso to test damage done and her healing factor. If her factor passes the physical portion, other measurements will be taken starting with knives and cuts and ending in bullets from a machine gun. 
Cell two will be taken from their cells and carried to a large training facility. Here, they will be put through survival tests. Test Mutants will be unleashed and with instructions to kill. They have little worry about the three subjects lives as two of them are only super soldiers and their powers are solely in their blood while the other is a god whom shows similar powers with another subject and is deemed dispensable. This is solely to test the prototypes of the serum they’ve developed so far. One test mutant has the ability of fire-breathing, consumption and manipulation. Another has blood manipulation. And, the final has nightmare infliction.
Cell three will be taken from their cells and to a separate part of the laboratory cell one is in. They will be strapped to the wall and each given their own treatment. The subject who shows signs of radioactive mutation will be subjected to high dosages of a radioactive substance in hopes of enhancement. This substance is known for burning the skin, causing extreme paranoia and pain, and sometimes causing seizures when dealt with too closely. The last subject has shown to be the only mutant in the group. The mutant subject will be tested in her abilities to survive in the weather types in hopes of developing resistance naturally. With the bracelet on, her manipulation is just about none over anything around her, she will be subjected to high levels of heat, low levels of cold, shock therapy, and wind blasts strong enough to take her breath away for two minutes at a time. The last subject in this group shows only signs of SSS and will be slowly drained of their blood, only taking enough for a class three hemorrhage over the course of two hours until the body succumbs to death. The subject will be weak, pale skinned, dizzy, and feeling as if they aren’t getting enough oxygen throughout the time until they stop fighting it and let go. Blood will be stored and tested to develop a stronger SSS dosage.
Cell four will be taken from their cells and taken to a dome in the facility. The first subject who shows signs of magic will be tested on her survival relying on it. The bracelet around her ankle will be tweaked and release just a low amount of magic, enough for a parlor trick or two, she will be put up against a Test Mutant, one that can manipulate the elements. His instructions are to kill her and have her teach their cameras and future generations of ‘gods’ how to channel their magic. Her vitals will be monitored throughout the testing. The second subject who shows signs of not only mutation but a serum used in the Weapon X program will be placed in a glass cage and subjected to a poisonous serum that shocks the system in hopes of unleashing some healing properties they lack. The serum causes a great amount of pain, and slowly eats away at the muscle tissue. Most subjects have made comments of feeling bugs under their skin and have gone crazy from such. The final subject who has shown signs of mutation will be put against his own mutation. Much like in the Weapon X project, he will be given high dosages of Adamantium in hopes to lace his skeleton with it and be given a modified sample after his body reacts and changes the metal to a different one entirely.
Teacher groups and tasks will be as followed:
GROUP ONE: Charles Xavier (LEADER), Peter Maximoff & Sharon Carter. GROUP TWO: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers (LEADER) & Natasha Romanoff. GROUP THREE: Bruce Banner, Tony Stark (LEADER) & Gabriel Summers. GROUP FOUR: Sigyn Odrdottir, Loki Laufeyson, & Peggy Carter. (LEADER).
Group one will be in charge of getting the other groups to and inside of the underground base. The will be in charge of travel, eliminating the outside forces, and providing a safe and clear entryway.
Group two will be team alpha. Going in before anyone else. They will take care of the second wave of soldiers or wanderers. Their objective is to not only eliminate those who need to be eliminated, but also capture the big guys: majors, colonels, head scientists, etc. They will be in charge of interrogation at a later point.
Group three will be team beta. They will go in only when it is completely safe for them to do so. With only one person on their team as back-up and cover-up, the two scientists/hackers will need to make it to the control center of the base. Everything needs to be shut down and vital information must be safely transferred to Rebirth before being deleting. The alpha member of this team is to assure the two can get their work done without any distractions.
Group four will be team delta. Led by one of the directors, they will go inside and burrow deep into the underground base to find and rescue the children. The two gods with her will be there for protection. CODE RED: Loki Laufeyson is a supervillain, both of the team members have orders to strike him down if he steps out of line, regardless of the mission. Utilize his abilities to navigate through the base.
Paras are encouraged, but Discord RP will be accepted. We will be making a group for each team and once the RP is done, we want you to post all replies to Tumblr under a read more with a title and our starter tag: mmplotdrop1! There will still be no interactions between parents and children, so please keep that in mind. 
If you’ve already started your rps, that’s fine, students. Just at one point, you are now allowed to bring a guard in to drag them to their ‘punishment’.
Have fun! Don’t go losing too much blood.
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thegreatbigfourmain · 7 years
Want a random starter? Send a symbol or @ to random generate one…
👑 Royalty!AU

Takes places right after the second flim and Eugene does not exisit in this universe because I love my OTP too much to have him be casted off in favor of anyone else. If that made sense lol. 
The young chief had a somber expression on his face as he readjusted the fur cloak resting upon his shoulders. Although Drago and the former Alpha retreated to the ocean, the battle had taken many casualties within the village of Berk. Both dragons and Vikings suffered in the crossfire, leaving them with half their population still standing. It left him with the drastic decision of needing a treaty with a neighboring village to keep his people and dragons armed for another attack.
However, that proved to be a problem. No one wanted to encounter what Berk did in their village. Many of his allies rejected his request no matter how much he emphasized the superb protection done by his dragons. Thankfully to the gods, one did accept. The kingdom of Corona could never turn away a desperate plea for help. And Thor Almighty he was in dire need of assistance.
The arrangement showed to be more than what the Viking bargained for.
As a way to kill two birds with one stone, the King of Corona agreed to the Viking chief’s wishes if he complies in escorting his daughter, the princess. All other suitors were sent away by her highness, though she is compelled to choose one. He tried to weave his way out of it, but the king would not budge. In his words, “It is not an arranged marriage, but rather being a potential candidate for the role.” To his displeasure, he had no choice but to accept it for the good of his people. It forced him to a very long conversation with his girlfriend, who was livid when she heard of the final decision. It was the cause for the look on his face.
Hiccup Haddock the Third put on a brave face before entering the throne room where her grace awaited for his arrival. He did notice how Corona was the complete opposite of Berk. Everything from the buildings to the atmosphere was different and foreign to him. Banners of the kingdom’s emblem hung everywhere. It seemed like these people are obsessed with the sun. He shouldn’t think much of it considering he’s just as obsessed with dragons, something Astrid also poked fun of whenever they trained. Astrid…
The brunet made his way down the aisle as he stepped on the softest lavender carpet his feet have ever felt. Then again he hasn’t much use for fancy rugs and such in his home. The closer he moved toward the royal family, the more his heart sank in his chest. A future without Astrid was unheard of, but the world without dragons was one he simply could not live without. Like the king said, it is not an arranged marriage, just a courtship. If the princess prefers not to marry him, she might be willing to tell her father to keep the treaty. It was the only shred of hope he had for his already fast developing relationship.
Finally, Hiccup stood in front of the three of them sitting in their lavish thrones. He had seen the queen and king before, but never the princess. He bowed respectfully to them before his forest green eyes couldn’t help but glance at the rumored beauty. When he did, it took every ounce of power within him not to gawk in wonder. In layman’s terms, she was gorgeous. No, that did not define the vision before him. Hiccup could not find the words to describe being in her presence. He was utterly speechless. It horrified him.
The chief knelt down before the princess in an attempt to not gaze any longer. He kept his eyes on the carpet beneath him. 
"Your highness," he said as soon as he realized no words escaped his shocked lips. 
"I am here to escort you back to my village of Berk. I hope you will enjoy it there for the time being." Hiccup said while his fingers rubbed against each other, something he does as he thought of his next sentence. If he raised his head, it would only entice more emotions and thoughts within him. 
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